Sunday, January 07, 2007


Sunday thread.


Anonymous said...

Hi and thank you Steven!

Anonymous said...

Good Sunday Morning! Hope everyone is feeling a tad better today!

Thanks for the new Thread, Steve

Anonymous said...

Eagle at BW Osprey nest

Anonymous said...

He looks wet!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Anonymous said...

Morning, Sharon and Vicky

Anonymous said...

Morning Paula and Sharon!

Anonymous said...

Hi Vicky, Paula and SHARON good morning to each and those lurking and coming in.

I do feel somewhat better. Did go out yesterday to do what I prayed I good do. Got to see Mom and exchange present. Took Mom to eat. Was tired then that finished me off for rest of day and night.

Went in this am to read last nights comments.

Did see eagles in Kent this am (smiles)
Eagles and fishcrows in BW
Nothing yet in our nest but seen where they were spotted earlier today on other thread.
Checking Florida out now and again.

Anonymous said...

Getting daylight at Kent a little more time yet barely see nest doesn't look like anyone in there yet.

Anonymous said...

Eweeekk vulture BW Osprey

Anonymous said...

Only another Ewwiieeee could love it on the BW Osprey cam...

Anonymous said...

eagle in BW eagle nest

Anonymous said...

Eagle at BW eagle nest

Anonymous said...

Ewwiieee gone

Anonymous said...

both in bw eagles nest

Anonymous said...

I think that is the female in the BW eagle nest now other flew up in tree or left

Anonymous said...

Good late morning to all
All this eagle sighting I am missing because of my sleep habits! Things can change you know. Special hello to Sharon,Vicky,Glo,Paula, Dana & Iris and anyone else I may have missed.

belle_wv said...

Good mornning everyone!

Anonymous said...

Iris I got a "Delayed message notification" from my hotmail. You know whose message was delayed - right? I forwarded it to you with the date and time typed in - Let's see how this one does. lol

Anonymous said...

Well the visitors at the DC zoo really want Tai to just "TURN AROUND & LOOK AT ME" I learned last evening by phone that my great granddaughter went down & saw Tai Saturday with her great aunt. Alexis is the one who would sit at my computer and watch Buta Buta and could say 'Panda' even though she isn't yet 2.

Anonymous said...

MOrning, latecomers Jo, Iris and Belle :)

belle_wv said...

Mema Jo - how precious is that - Lady Alexis has had a special treat for certain!

Anonymous said...

Hi Belle - I enlarged your pic & see now that it says "Lots of Hugs".
I wish I had known they were going - they drive the whole way down into the zoo - no metro or any switches or walking. One of these days!

belle_wv said...

Just read yesterday's update on Mei Lan - she's learned to crawl over the cinderblock 'threshold' between the dens! WOW - she was having trouble getting over the 2X4 last I was able to watch her! Now Mom can't escape! Amazing feat for Buta!! Whooo hoooo

belle_wv said...

Jo - give your grand-daughter the guilt trip - 'Oh I am so happy you got to see them - I've been wanting to go in person myself, but the metro and walk from the station was more than I could manage... I wish I could've seen Alexis' smiles when she saw Tai... y'know - give her the royal guilt trip for not inviting you to go along!

Anonymous said...

It's really Aunt Susan that I should lay the guilt trip on!

Anonymous said...

Last night I saw the family of 3 giraffes on Wavelit. They were eating leaves from the tip top of the trees.
Well, not the baby.

belle_wv said...

What a great sight that must've been!

Anonymous said...

I was over checking out the cams.
On my number one wish list is for us to have a gallery of pictures like BW does. Our Yahoo photo albums are getting full.

Anonymous said...

I need to get a few things done this afternoon...
Hope we hear from Nilla & Mits soon.

belle_wv said...

well time for me to try to get a few things of note accomplished around here... I'll check in later - have a great day all!

Anonymous said...

Just peeking in....Iris - I got your email & can't believe you didn't get mine yet. Look for 2 to come in. I best check out my hotmail.


Anonymous said...

I eagle in our nest - 1:20pm

Anonymous said...

Good afternoon all!! Happy Spring! Oops, I mean happy January. Eagle in NCTC nest 1:22 pm

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Paula. Hopefully waiting on the mate.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Liberty to me...looking out over the noon position

Anonymous said...

I would say Liberty, too.

Anonymous said...

Oh, the dial up girl is never first! LOL.. Anyway, about 11 am this morning, we saw a bald eagle about 2 miles away, looked like it was between the nest and the bridge into Shepherdstown. We have determined from looking at the google maps that Paula provided links to, once we located our house, is that we look out our back window straight towards the direction of the nest. This eagle was catching thermals above the river we guess, could pick out the white tail even without binoculars. Gotta give credit to hubby, he saw it first, all I saw was the 2 TVs flying above it. Watched it for about 7 minutes til it was too far away to see. Quite sure it was Liberty or Belle, only saw one, it was definitely in their hunting territory.

Anonymous said...

Glad I am not viewing this alone! Happened to take a break for a few minutes and checked out the cams.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Floral, that is so cool! What direction are you looking to view the nest?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Looking West, Paula. My kitchen is upstairs so we have a good view. It was a couple of miles away, but there was no mistaking the white head and tail. Thanks for sharing those maps, we clicked on them and checked them out for about an hour the other nite. Trying to see where we were in relation to the nest, and where would be a good place to walk on the river to maybe catch a glimpse of them hunting for fish.

Anonymous said...

OOps, I meant along the river, not on it... enjoy watching her, looks like some nest repair going on. Gotta go back outside ,left hubby in the garden I was just supposed to be using the loo, if I don't get back out there, he may become concerned. BBL

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He'll think you fell in!

Anonymous said...

Wow Foralgirl you have a "front seat to our eagles flying"...( : ty for sharing. Tell husband ty ty for his sighting. Great for Paula's maps to help out....

Anonymous said...

Well I'm late lol you all already know.
I was moving something light in bedroom got out of breath and sweating so layed on bed. Just got up and whippeee eagle our nest. lol

Anonymous said...

Eagle still in the nest...looking left

Anonymous said...

Don't forget 8pmEST tonight Animal Planet Tai is on

Anonymous said...

Back and lay down you all have our nest covered for pics.

belle_wv said...

beautifull eagle - and sunshine in Shepherdstown - very cloudy here...

Anonymous said...

This has been a long visit.

belle_wv said...

Dana - you're going back to the Dr's tomorrow, right???!!!
I love the google earth map paula labeled for us - just such a great way to get the right perspective. Floral, glad you can watch out your window for them... when watching them leave the nest, you could probably run to your window and look for them and see them heading your way sometimes!

Anonymous said...

Eagle also in MAINE nest

belle_wv said...

maybe they're getting ready to hunker down for the rains... should grab a nice fat fish each and snuggle up in the nest to keep a spot dry so they can snack and bond and whisper sweet eaglet dreams to each other

Anonymous said...

Both eagles are there but I cannot get the 2 min video up - so I am still watching Liberty

Anonymous said...

Hi Norma

belle_wv said...

Which cam is the maine one - I have several links, but can't remember which is which...

belle_wv said...

oh I found it finally - two eagles in there - gorgeous looks like they're having the warm spring weather we had yesterday

Anonymous said...

Norma, I just watched the video Delphia sent with the pandas. Loved it.

Anonymous said...

How do you all get the Eagle cam (not the live feed) back up in Maine when it goes all white. Bring the whole site up new?

belle_wv said...

Jo not sure on the 'white' screen I guess if refreshing isn't working or an option then closing it and reopening should work.

Are you talking about the 'panda-monium' video with the pandas on the slide? That was adorable

Anonymous said...

Yes, Belle. I really liked the little one on the bench!

Anonymous said...

Eagle still in the nest....

Anonymous said...

Paula It's Sun - are you able to relax a little today? What time do you bowl?

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It has the wrong date! :)

Anonymous said...

Norma I just got my emails down from 3 pages to 1.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hee hee that's our "eagle eyed Sharon" lol

Liberty (I guess) sure is staying in nest a long time. Too bad we can't see if he/she is fixing the nest. Tuesdays they say snow here but they can change that like usual. Unless our eagles know something we don't and we are going to get bad weather, and that is why the long time in nest.

Anonymous said...

I just had to call Sharon after she jumped right in here with my answer about the thread. When I refreshed and saw her comment - well I just had to call her. Told her she best be keeping tabs on me! loLOVE

Anonymous said...

Oh boy both eagles are in Maine. I turn it on alot even when they aren't in nest just to hear them calling.

Anonymous said...

If it is going to snow Tues, don't you think it a good idea for Ed to drive you to the DR for a recheck on Monday????? ok???????

Anonymous said...

Just able to fix something to eat never guess what it is Paula.

Yep chicken soup......I'm going to be walking like a chicken, squawking like one, and pecking the ground like one soon lol

Anonymous said...

Norma - I have always enjoyed the shows on Animal Planet. They always show you the most interesting situations. Especially don't want to miss it tonight at 8:00

Anonymous said...

They had that show on New Yeaqrs Eve...was pretty good.

I had that last night for dinner.
I don't think Liberty is doing anything but enjoying the view!

Where is Mits? Need someone to smack this blog silly!

Anonymous said...

Norma sweet dear Norma...I think I have this right if not please someone correct me. Norma just so you know I was told that Buta Buta and Tai are not related. I think the gal Tai is related to that he can't mate with because of being related is at the San Diego Zoo. Help me anyone if I need corrected that Tai and Buta Buta are not cousins nor related. ty

Anonymous said...

The 500 engingeer has been lurking today....

Anonymous said...

Liberty has been in the nest for at least 1 hr 40 min

Anonymous said...

Just got call from Nilla she said tell you all she will be on later. Said Dawn has alittle color in her face. Nilla was pasting my exit on 81 she is going to pick up her Granddaughter.

Anonymous said...

That was an unusually long time for Liberty to stay. The two were still up in Maine nest about 1 min ago. Has anyone else lost the ME cam like me?

Dana & Norma I think that Tai and Su Lin out in SanDiego are cousins. I think that MeiLan & Tai could become a couple except Tai will probably be sent home by then.
I emailed Mits to see if she was ok - she would know for sure about the cousins.......

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update from NILLA, Dana. Just sent her an email too - I was guessing she would have been at hospital with Dawn.

Anonymous said...

I got Maine on I have it in windows media player keep it small and when it stops hit the play button and it starts again.

belle_wv said...

Thanks for the update on Nilla and Dawn, Dana! I have been worried about them and yes Dana - I agree that tomorrow is the day you go to the Dr.... appointment or no - get in there and have a pulse ox done... check for me your cap. refill please - no polish on index finger nail and squeeze it gently for a second and see how quickly it turns pink again from being white underneath...

belle_wv said...

my mom had pneumonia this spring - not anything to mess with

Anonymous said...

dr. Belle I did and turns pink fast back...
I love your penguins

Oh Oh Alert nest

Anonymous said...

I'll try again - it wouldn't put my media player up earlier.

belle_wv said...

Yepper Dana and Jo on the cousins Su and Tai... I am hoping they keep Tai since we have such a good potential mate for him in Atlanta... they have their hands full with cubs there... but I know - they probably want to get them 'out into the wild'... just they better keep close tabs and send us regular reports if they do release him

Anonymous said...

Check out Panda Cam 2 with Mei & Tai

belle_wv said...

Which nest? Glad the nail turns pink fast, but do go to Dr tomorrow you should be much better by now

belle_wv said...

looks like the cloud cover has reached Shepherdstown - it is very overcast here and that damp humid chilly that says rain anytime now...

belle_wv said...

they are so adorable.. oh no - my computer is turning into a snail........ must reboot...

belle_wv said...

they are so adorable.. oh no - my computer is turning into a snail........ must reboot...

Anonymous said...

That looks like Belle in the nest..maybe she was sitting high up in tree while Liberty was in the nest.

Oh my she is really fixing the nest up.

I really do feel as soon as I heck cough. Husband says take cough med. I told him I can only take it so often. I'd been needing a gallon lol

Anonymous said...

I thought there was going to be some more 'stick' moving in our nest. Sure do wish we had the live feed up!

Anonymous said...

Norma maybe like you say the nest is deep because of the angle of the cam. But Florida looks deeper sure it isn't. Mother goose and the shoe. lol

Anonymous said...

You know how I hate these guessing games BUT I also think this is Belle.

I hope this year we get colored those headbands for our babies.

Anonymous said...

Glad eagles have talcons at Maine it sometimes turns green (night vision lol) and the nest and eagles are upside down. Hold on ealges in Maine. Looks funny lol

Anonymous said...

Mema Jo you have my vote for it is Belle.

Anonymous said...

Jo when they aren't close up I try to spot the tail feathers. Belle's is different than Libertys.

Gal in Maine is a busy worker. He just sits in tree. lol

I'm sure if our live feed was up we would be seeing them working some. Not just sitting there. Boy that better get that live feed fixed!!!

Anonymous said...

hee hee hee hee Mema Jo is already going to be prepared to climb the tree to our eagles nest. To put the headbands on the eaglets....I second her motion for her to do it. lmbo

Anonymous said...

I'm behind you all the way Jo.....waiting on the ground behind you. lol

Anonymous said...

Oh no Mei ate hers and is trying to take poor Tai's

Anonymous said...

Greeny Meeny in Maine

Anonymous said...

Son just arrived to visit.
Eagle still in the nest.


Anonymous said...

Boy Belle is staying around in our nest.
One is staying around in the Maine nest along time too.

belle_wv said...

Maybe she's trying to get used to the idea of having to be there 24/7 for several weeks!

Anonymous said...

2 Eagle Alert BW Osprey nest

Anonymous said...

eagle at osprey BW

our nest MT

Mei sleeping Tai eating bamboo

Eagle in Fl turning eggs

4:47pm EST

Anonymous said...

Wow Animal planet now is showing tigers, young 7 month old black leoapard that is playing with a kite. hee hee they have taken him to a hardware store where they know the people. To help him get people friendly. Wow he is really affectionate to the people. Loving. It is some kind of sanuatuary (spelling) where wild animals have been hurt by people or abandoned. Oh he is going to be introduced to his new room mates two spotted leopards. hummmmmm commerical hope they get along.

Anonymous said...

Eagle at Fl is up off of egg or eggs. She/he looking to the sky. I think turning eggs now. Ok maybe she/he was looking for some releive but has settled back down onto the egg/eggs.

Anonymous said...

The black leopard on Animal Planet is the one Norma had seen last night. Our Tai special is follow by one on Mei & TianTian coming over to this country & then another one on them before the birth of Tai. It is on other times throughout this week.
Can you get Animal Planet Glo
I was going to tape for you if you can't.

Anonymous said...

Hi all Home from work and had a bite to eat. No Mema Jo I can't get Animal planet :-( However I called my son actually just a few minutes ago before I read this to tell him aobut the show and how eveyone on the . eagle bLOG is talking about it, it should be good etc, and he offered to tape it for me. I said well yes if you want to tape it go ahead I'm sure it will be good, but if you don't have a tap ehandy or set up etc its OK just watch and enjoy. One of his 2 new sons is very much an animal fan like so many of us are. I am sure they will enjoy the show. I imagine the bLOG will be pretty quiet this evening, but I will find lots to do that I of course didn't get done today LOL. sounds like eagle viewing was good today also./ so great to have so many active eagle pairs right at our finger tips LOL.

belle_wv said...

Welcome home Glo - I bet the poochies were happy to see you :)

How was your day?

Anonymous said...

Ok, Glo. I am taping the Tai portion and if you need it, you'll know who to holler at!

Just finished dinner - Don't tell Dana I had carry out from Out Back! She needs to stick to her Chicken Soup for another day or so.

It is rainy and getting colder here in the valley.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mema Jo sounds great.

My day was good Belle always presents its challenges and thankfully a good supply of Blessings too LOL.

Anonymous said...

Cold rain as I left work today. Some snow flakes or light snow in forecast tomorrow, so guess maybe some winter is coming back.

Yes belle I get such a nice greeting when I get home from work. Its pretty fun. Dexter always runs to get something to play. Of course they btoh need out and then there's the food part too.

belle_wv said...

I'm watching the elephants treking through the drought - Poor Teisa... I wonder if the matriarch will be able to nudge her to food and water

NillaWafer said...

"Baby Panda's First Year" Premieres January 7
Get exclusive access to the Zoo's panda family in Animal Planet's "Baby Panda's First Year." Follow the first 12 months of Tai Shan's life and be amazed by the instincts of a first-time mother. Don't miss this remarkable story, January 7 at 8 p.m. on Animal Planet.

Hi i am here at daughters house getting Rosa ready for bed so we can watch the Tai show on animal planet together... Yes Jo i was at hospitol this afternoon at 2 pm to take her some personal items she called and asked for... But as i drove pass Dana's exit i called to see waht was for Headed to get Rosa as she stayed down home... Rosa and i went to Wally World few and headed home... Then Dawn called and said Rosa could get in the ICU so we went to hospitol and as we were waiting on elevator it came down and opened my son and step daughter and her husband got off... Oooohhh i got hugssss n tears... Been a rough weekend... Ok so tomarrow she goes down for a stress test,, she does have gall stones no word on when surgery will be..But as Rosa and i were there she had an attack and made me take Rosa n leave as she didnt want her to see that again ... She is in alot of pain but ok... BBL

belle_wv said...

Oh I don't know if I can watch the Steve Irwin shows... still so sad he's gone

Anonymous said...

I hope Dawn gets some diagnosis soon so she knows what she is up against. What is your work schedule looking like, Nila,?

I am going to the TV to see my Little Prince

NillaWafer said...

Jo my work schedule is all days because i go to the bank and computor work reports.. Anyways OUR bad lil Boo Boo is about to come on tv... I am frying chicken breast that was in the refrig. I can set here ans watch and

NillaWafer said...

Okkkkkk how many are laughing n crying raise your hand!!! Isnt this show wonderfullllllllllll

belle_wv said...

" I call this one mommy and daddy wrestling...." ROFLMBO!!!! VERY cute commercial!!! (if you're watching the panda show you hopefully saw it...)

belle_wv said...

belle is laughin and smilin and snifflin too hand raised high!

belle_wv said...

I love watching the way he walk/runs...that bounce... so adorable

Anonymous said...

Well I'm not sure if its good or not for me to watch this vicariously through those who are laughing and crying over this cute little character. I guess I am happier and happier as I read these comments to know Mema jo is taping this in case my son doesn't get it doe. Sounds like a great show for sure!!!

belle_wv said...

glo you'll love it - he's so adorable

Anonymous said...

I am keeping the tape running for now TianTian and Mei coming to the USA is on.
I loved it So many good memories - the late night tree episode Oh how I remember that one night waiting and waiting!
Yep Belle! I love his little bounce.

And Nope Belle! that pic does NOT go on the frig! lol

Anonymous said...

Next year this time we will be watching Buta Buta's first year!

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Maybe BO DEREK can arrange for Tai to stay longer with us here in the USA !

belle_wv said...

LOL Mits - tell him to rent 10!!!

Anonymous said...

One more show to go! These shows are also on a couple times this week.

Anonymous said...

I will find out tomorrow evening if my son did in fact tape it. Even if he did I don't think he would tape the next one as I didn't even mention that. I am glad you did enjoy it . Sounds like a wonderful show!

belle_wv said...

have a great night everyone, and a wonderful start to the week - hi Suzanne - you'll be awake and on the road far too soon... be careful in all the rain...

The panda shows were awesome, so if you didn't get to see them tonight - look up the re-airing schedule - well worth it!!

Sweet panda and eagle dreams and prayers for health and comfort for all

Anonymous said...

Glo: I taped on the VCR - You can handle that ok, can't you. All 3 shows (with commercials) and guess what is on the beginning of that tape!
The Hagerstown interview about our eagles! I found the tape after Christmas - I had placed it in a drawer & forgot about it until I saw my envelope... Ho Ho!!

MITS said...

It was so nice to see the show again on the arrival of Mei Xiang and Tian-Tian....alot of changes at the zoo since their arrival. I remember, Jay and I seeing them for the first time in March of 2001, so much has changed everywhere since they arrived. GOOD NIGHT..PRAYERS FOR ALL IN NEED. I got to spend the afternoon with Maggie, she is still coughing and now so is her Mom....Maggie is not allowed back at day-care for 2 weeks.

Anonymous said...

I am going to sign off for the evening. Hope all who watched the panda shows, enjoyed them.

Good Night All
Pleasant dreams & peaceful sleep
Prayer going up for all in need

Good Morning Suzanne

Anonymous said...

Thank you so very much . mema Jo I will be looking very forward to seeing that tape.

Prayers for all Will Blog at you tomorrow.

NillaWafer said...

Hi I didnt really get to set down and watch the shows inbetween fixing dinner so son and grandson had something to eat and getting Rosa to bed... Just bits n peices buti know they will be back on but whta i did see was fantasic... Then at 10pm got a phone call Dawn needed socks n sneakers for the stress test in the morning (told her earlier but she didnt beleive So here i go out to hospitol with those and clean underwear ... Hopitol is locked up at night at 9 but i got in and up to ICU... So i am praying so hard she wont go to Winchester and then the surgery will be done for her gall stones which the nurses gave her papers on them off internet.. She said mom read it i said read it i had them and mine out Any ways going to check e-mails and soon off to bed ... Niters &Hugs , Nilla

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Suzanne sorry your drive it took so long. Glad you made it ok though.

Did watch Panda Shows and was amazed although Mits said Tai hit the wall. Wow he did. Me cried and sniffled but not from cold. It was amazing seeing what the DC zoo went through.

Mits I didn't see any like barks for Tai during his exam like Buta Buta lol, well she is a girl. Girls seem to have things to say. lol All three shows was fanastic!!

I see our eagle nest MT
BW eagle nest MT
BW opsrey one


Anonymous said...

Suzanne do you have a vhs or dvd recorder set it to time of show. Then you can see it when you aren't so tired. Sorry I didn't think of taping it. Thought Nilla was home and watching it.Sorry Nilla. I did alot of laughing too.

Anonymous said...

Florida she can till by longgg beak. She keeps looking to the sky for breakfast or a nest relief. Wait she is up and really looking to the sky. Something might be going on. Probably not. Boy she is looking down at egg/eggs or hatchling??? now. She is back down but head is up and turning looking into sky.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning all. Went to FL looking for a fish. Found fish and eagles in B;ackwater. Dana Your reports out of FL makes it sound like its Jan 9 and you think an egg is going to be a ahtching a sec. now. I sure hope you are right LOL. Off to coffee and dog treats

FL eagle is up again.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if there is a way to have the Real Player playing in more than one window?

Anonymous said...

OK suzanne Thanks for taking a stab at the answer though. I am going to experiment or search around see waht I can find out. tried under file new browser window, got the window but when I tried to load second player, no luck.

Anonymous said...

Eagle alert

Anonymous said...

called dr. either picking up xray then appt 11:15 or by time dressed if still can't breat emergercy dr office said later

Anonymous said...

Live feed

Anonymous said...

Sorry didn't mean to be rude Thanks Steve Had something to care for quick but wanted folks to know

Anonymous said...

Hugs prayers Dana

Anonymous said...

Yep I vote for Belle Got that blow dryed "just did my feathers look!"

Anonymous said...

Then again it is kind of windy and Liberty obviously gets his feathers ruffled every now and then too

2 in our nest

Anonymous said...

Liberty brought breakfast

Anonymous said...

Live feed is up, if you missed what Glo said!

Anonymous said...

I only see 1 eating right now...Other occasionally picks at . That stick.

Anonymous said...

Well yes It might be nice, not sure if she doesn't want it or is kind of waiting her turn MTBR

Anonymous said...

Suzanne not sure if you read on the bLOg about Bamboo teether made on Fri of Buta Buta ...Very cute ...It is on the For the Love of Eagles BLOG...

Anonymous said...

Good morning Norma

Anonymous said...

Yes Suzanne I read earlier where you said that...that's why I wanted to tell you where you could see it. Especially since you missed tai last night too. Thought it might give you a little Panda fix LOL.

MITS said...


3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...