Saturday, January 06, 2007

Saturday 6 Jan

Hot enough for you thread.


Anonymous said...

Has anyone else realized that we could be looking at eggs in our nest in 5-6 weeks!!!!

Thanks for the "hot" thread, Steve!

Anonymous said...

Yea, Norma, don't know what is going on there, was showing ok...must be that power going on & off....

Anonymous said...

Thanks Norma or I would have stayed talking to myself. lol

Yes BW was nice this morniing got great pics I sent to Lisa.

Just spoke with my girlfriend (retired nurse) on phone. She wants me to go back and have dr. take an xray she thinks I might have walking pneumonia. She had seen me on 12/29 and hearing me now and knowing I was on a different antibotic earlier Dec. So I will take her advice and call dr. Mon. set up appt. grrrrrr

Well no one around me is catching what I have. So that is a BLESSING...hogging it all to myself. yuck

Anonymous said...

Oh boy Florida came back up

Anonymous said...

She was turning eggs there a little while ago, Dana.

Anonymous said...

ok my buddies I'm too too tired and woren to nit the bed bbl get pics love you buddies

Anonymous said...

BW cams back to daylight!

Anonymous said...

Good late morning. Haven't read comments from early morning on other thread - just finished up the emails.
I need to go over and see what I missed. Be back shortly Paula and Norma.
Dana - sounds like good advice on seeing the Dr.again

Anonymous said...

What an awesome day Liberty & Belle are down by the river fishing...

Anonymous said...

Or riding the thermals....

Anonymous said...

Have you read the Davinci code?

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Hope we hear from Nilla soon as to the outcome at the hospital with her daughter.

I read the DaVinci Code & I thoroughly enjoyed it. Have you seen the movie - not me yet. I think I have it on a DVD from my grandson.
Also read Angels & Demons by Dan Brown. Loved it too. I am Catholic & I didn't take any offense to his content-I enjoyed it as a good mystery.

Anonymous said...

Eagle at Kent dismisses all my fears that they were lost in the storm
Thank You Mits

Dana will be very happy to hear this.

Anonymous said...

The Tipping Point...
Malcolm Gladwell

(The) Kite Runner

recommended by some friends....

belle_wv said...

Thermals is right!!! But this time of year we should be talking about wearing thermals not the eagles riding them! LOL - but not LOL - saw comments about this warm weather being caused by el nino, yes that's true, but what is causing us to have so many el nino influenced winters in recent years?? Global warming? I saw a video clip of a HUGE ice shelf fracturing off of an iceburg - it happend in a matter of two hours or less instead of the decades that it normally happens... El Nino or not, we've got serious environmental concerns on our hands... I hope my children and their children can enjoy the beauty of the nature we've enjoyed...

OK - now with the serious bummer comments over, I'm going out to enjoy this beautiful weather for the day... can't change what is here now, so better go enjoy it :) And what's the old adage - if you don't like the weather - stick around and it's bound to change - something like that :)

Have a wonderful eagle day everyone - live feed wasn't working for me this morning and of course no live feed of Buta - I agree that she'll be chasing Lun around the dens by the time we see her on Monday!

Anonymous said...

Mits - I have all windows opened that are possible to open! Not only ski slopes, but the Electric Co who is going to start increasing rates should hate this kind of weather in January.
I love it!

Anonymous said...

Great to hear from you Belle & I think you have the right idea
Enjoy it while you can

Anonymous said...

Mits Be sure to read Nilla's comment on other thread concerning daughter in hospital.

MITS said...

I'm a firm believer in weather patterns,how old is earth??? How many of this "global warming" patterns has it endured in its billion plus years. Two years from now we could be in the "la nina" pattern and be dumped with snow. I'll take a 70° day in January anytime.

Anonymous said...

No word yet from Nilla

Anonymous said...

Back from my errands. Glad to know someone saw Eagle at kent. Of course for me i want to know BOTH were seen there. Also glad FL is back a couple of neat items from those eagles yesterday...they are on this morning's BLITZ. Think I am going to take a short trip down to the Marina. About 40 here but bright and sunny. I will wear my coat as always a little breezy by the river. Prayers for all in need continue. Anxious to hear from Nilla. About to try to call Sharon.

Anonymous said...

Norma Sometimes I think the cams shift to different yards without our knowing! In order for me to even think I am looking at TianTian, I do need the other cam to prove to me that Mei & Tai are on it at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Well, it is well into the Lunch hour and I'll confess that I slept late & really hadn't eaten any breakfast. So going to find a brunchy kind of meal.

NillaWafer said...

Afternoon , News is i am on my way to the hospitol soon , my daughter is in ICU not doing the stress test as of now but keeping a watch on her closely.... Hugs 2 All will be back later, need get scootin... Nilla PLEASE PRAY FOR DAWN MARIE MARQUEZ my daughter

Anonymous said...

Hi all my buddies back again Wow was I woren out eagle watching this am. You would have thought I was outside chasing them lol. Napped for 1 hr 46 minutes. Husband even left house came back and I never woke up to noise. lol

Ok DaVinci Code we rented the movie last week off of DirecTV. Alot of word reading so I taped it. Want to watch it again....I wasn't offended. Did put some questions in my mind.

Hi Belle gal (not eagle) hee hee you are going to take advantage of warm weather. Belle don't get me started on Global Warming and lost of land for the polar bears.grrrrr

Glo let us know and tell Sharon we are thinking and praying for her and family.

Nilla needs to report in.

Buta Buta will be crawling all over Mom when we get to see her again.

Anonymous said...

OH MY re-read something A EAGLE WAS SPOTTED IN KENT NEST OH MY OH MY HOPE THE OTHER ONE IS OK AND THEY'LL BE BACK IN NEST . OH BOY OH BOY ok Dana now not too excited here l.....slow heart beat back down.....breath......nice and slowly.....OH MY Thank the LORD !!!! ( : ( :

Anonymous said...

Newspaper link for obituary for Sharon's sister

Anonymous said...

Dana - Nilla has comment right before yours
I just knew you would get excited about Mits seeing Kent eagle!

Anonymous said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...

All gone at Kent.

Anonymous said...

I wrote to Loraine and Garry I hope I had the right address. Oh my they are still beautiful !!! ( : ( :

Anonymous said...

Jo I was so excited couldn;t find the page for taking the picture. darn I even have it in my favorites. Dang.

I am going out to go to CVS and to exchange Christmas presents with my mother. Wow never been this long to go before exchanging.

PLEASE KEEP AN EYE ON THE KENT NEST THEY WERE BOTH THERE hee hee hee hee hee hee happy happy

More Serious note praying for Sharon & family, Nilla and daughter and family, Iris that is still sick, Paula, Mits to fully recover and anyone else. Lords thanks for Maggie coming out of hospital.

Anonymous said...

I think it was Sandra who got the wax.
I need to make a list of some of the books you are mentioning. But like Norma, I will put my books aside in order to watch the cams.

Anonymous said...

I received such a wonderful email from Chrissy, Doreen and Lou expressing their concern for Sharon at this time of her loss. It was such a warm heartfelt message from our friends across the pond. I thanked them and said that Friends have no boundaries.

Anonymous said...

I would have more time for reading if I didn't have to work! LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh yes Nilla would be reminding all of us:

Don't forget Tomorrow Sunday Animal Planet 8pmEST has Tai on it.

Norma I have to see my Mom it's live in same town. It's been well over a month I've seen her. I'm well enough. Yes I call her. If I see her and exchange presents I'll feel better she will be 82 in May of this year.

Anonymous said... has used books at good prices.

Anonymous said...

Checked out BW shot - Beautiful! Now that really gives you a good perspective on the nest. And from the cam, I thought it was small looking!

MITS said...

Yes, Norma, the pic that Lisa put up is beautiful.Who knows how close the eagles actually are while we are waiting for them to appear. Dana, you should not be out and about, what we have may not be contagious, but, it sure can zap your strength.

Anonymous said...

I'm getting a page error for Tai and Mei hummmmmmmmmmmm

Anonymous said...


Hit the Cam 2 on DC Zoo

LOL - that is Tarzan Tai

Anonymous said...

I was out DEc14th only to dr. then Dec 23rd exchange presents at Ed's daughters. Out Dec 29th to dr.not because I got it back but antibotic wasn't right one. Need to get Sharon a card gals so while I'm out doing that I will see Mom. Gals this is a have too. God knows it is a "have to go out".

Anonymous said...


Nilla called me
She is at the hospital
Dawn is still in ICU
Nilla has no word as of yet....

Anonymous said...

Rock a bye baby
In the Tree top....When the wind blows The Panda will rock.....
If the bough breaks.....
The Panda will fall.....
And down will come Tai....
__________ __ _______ ________

Fill In The Blanks!

Anonymous said...

Ok gals I finally see Tai he is laying on his back on the floor playing with a ball with treats.

Or are you seeing him in a tree???

Anonymous said...

Ok gals I'll be leaving soon. Tai is up a tree.

Who was it showing that was laying on the floor inside shaking a ball with I guess treats?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hello to all my precious eagle buddies. Just wanted to let everybody know how very much I appreciate all your love, support and prayers. It means so very much to me. I am just overwhelmed by the friends I have gotten just because I was sent a link to watch 3 eggs hatch. God is so good. My family and I are doing okay, just taking that next breath and trying to get through this the best we can.

Again, thanks so much to everybody. I love you!

Anonymous said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Sharon. We are thankful to be here for you.

Anonymous said...

I have some errands...BBL

Dana That was Mei inside.

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


Anonymous said...

2 eagles at Kent 2 at blackwater 1 in FL of course Great eagle viewing at the moment

Anonymous said...

OK so we got to see the Kent Eagles, and it was so good to see Sharon stop by. Now we need update from Nilla hoping to hear some good news from her soon.

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone.

My name is Beverly and I am Sharon Farley's sister. I cannot tell you ALL what the love and support you have shown my sister and, through her, all of us in this family, has meant to me. Your care and love is almost overwhelming and we are so grateful to you. These days are really hard and we are having a really tough time just taking the next step but the kindness and comparison you have shown has really helped us all. Thank you so much!!!

Love and prayers,
Beverly Riffe

Anonymous said...

Eagle alert

Anonymous said...

(((((((Beverly Sharon Thelma Andrew)))))and the whole family You have our love and prayers with you for sure!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful surprise hearing from you Beverly. We hope that our prayers, thoughts and concerns are
felt by the family. We really are here for all of you. Thank you again for talking to us

Anonymous said...

Glo would you please copy Beverly's message and place on the Momsters email? Thank you.
I am getting ready to go to Mass at 5:00. I have so many friends to pray for that I need to get to church early!
Keep the Faith

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

OK mema Jo will do.

Eagle Alert

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi All,

Popping in to say hello, and wish all of you a Happy New Year.

I want to say a big thank you to Mema Jo for kepping me uptodate with all the sad news, and so I can pas it all on to my girls over here.

I have read some of the posts and have noticed that Janet's daughter
Dawn Marie is in ICU, please tell me what is wrong,, I seem to be so out of date with all the very most recent news ????
So sorry to be so far behind, it's so hard to keep up sometimes as I'm sure you can understand with the time difference, its not that we dont have the time to pop in it's just that by the time we logg on over here, with kids and other family ties, TIME really isn't on our side.
We do keep you all in our thoughts everyday, even though we can't get on to chat as much as we would love to.

Well I hope thats explained a little and you forgive us for not being able to chat everyday.

Love to you our friends

Anonymous said...

One more thing before I leave...
Nilla update

They did an ultrasound on Dawn.
Looks like gall bladder
(Bless you Jim) She was sitting with Dawn in ICU but about to leave and return later. She will call this evening. No surgery would be done until Monday she is guessing.

Hi there Friend across the pond!

Thanks, Glo BBL

belle_wv said...

1 beautiful eagle in the NCTC nest !!

Anonymous said...

LOL man so now we have 2 Drs on the BLOG...
Dr Jim, and Dr Mits and of course we are all busy doing our Internship on Eagles too....WE are a wealth of knowledge!!!!

Thanks mema Jo for the update on Nilla's daughter...that was relatively good news !

Anonymous said...

Hi belle

Both there now

belle_wv said...

two now :)

MITS said...

Pretty much right on time for a visit.

Anonymous said...

It was a quick visit though, maybe they have gone for an ax or something for that stick

belle_wv said...

Prayers for Dawn Marie - the drama just doesn't want to let up for the bunch... I hope the gall bladder findings are good news - surely seems good to at least have a report on something that sounds 'fixable' to me... Nilla, you better be getting some rest there too - Dr. Jim? Did I miss something?

belle_wv said...

well yes I missed our eagles flying off while I was posting... will they return? MTBR

Anonymous said...

Dr Jim Diagnosed it as possible gall bladder when he first read about it last night .

belle_wv said...

Thanks Glo - I haven't had time to read back through yesterday's blog... I sure hope all is going to be ok. Dana did you make dr. appt? Pneumonia is not going to go away on its own...

MITS said...

That was a very short visit.

Anonymous said...

so does blackwater keep their cam lighted all night, its kind of looking that way right now

Anonymous said...

well of course i will be able to answer that question myself at some point tonight LOL. I actually meant do they leave a light on the nest all night. That's gonna be cool once there are eggs there. Although I think I read where this is a young pair and they may not successfully breed this year. OK MTBR LOL.

belle_wv said...

testing testing 3 2 1

MITS said...

Yes, Glo it is like that all night.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mits I never watched blackwater last year at all. I wonder if the light will bother the eagles. is this the sam cam and nest as last year, even same pair or are these different birds and location of nest, do you know?

Anonymous said...

cute picture . Belle

belle_wv said...

Thanks Glo - Decided my pic was just too springy... thought maybe if I put in a 'cold' pic the weather would reciprocate...

NillaWafer said...

Hi Gang just home from hospitol for afew, so here is what i know and its not alot as of yet..... Dawn is in alot of pain and all they give her is tylnol for pain (were giving her morphine)nurse said they didnt want to inflame gall bladder any more if thats what it is.. Ultra sound done doctor has not been in yet.. When surgon comes in will know something as to when surgery will take place... I will be working her hours at the store day time... Well going to grab abite to eat and visiting hours are 8 til 9:30pm in ICU so going back to check on her then... Thanks for all the love and prayers and phone calls... Hugs, Nilla

belle_wv said...

Love to you Nilla - hope Dawn Marie is resting more comfortably and then when you get home please get some rest for yourself!

Anonymous said...

Wow, so much news, good and bad, such is life. Glad to see Sharon checked in, and also her sister Beverly, such a difficult time for them right now. Keeping them and their family in my thoughts. Hope Dawn will be feeling better soon, Nilla, hoping the Drs. figure out what is wrong and how to fix it. Glad to see the UK gals checking in also. Hope everyone else who has been sick is feeling better. Belle, I love your new pic, need to change mine also, but it's such a hassle, keep putting it off.

Anonymous said...

Hey Glo, the nest at BW is the same one they had the cam on last year, they think it is a different pair of eagles in it now, though. The cam doesn't bother them at all at night, it's night vision technology, doesn't shine a light on them or the nest. Wow, if Jim's gall bladder diagnosis turns out to be right,we may have to award him an honorary stethescope.

MITS said...

Love the penquins, Belle,.....keep the wreath, Megan, its very wintery looking,

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that info floralgirl Could be kind of fun to watch too I was kind of surprised when I saw that light come on.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I can't wait to see babies at any and all of the nests, Glo. BW was the first eagle cam I watched,found it by accident, and have been hooked on these wildlife cams ever since.

movin said...

God bless you and protect you, Dawn Marie and Nilla...

Glad to hear they are narrowing in on the cause, and it isn't too serious (compared to some other things).

I came home with some disease myself last night, got a little fever and the chills. So I crashed early and got up late...I feel quite a bit better now.

Anybody ever heard of ham and scalloped potatoes?? My sister's family got a "pepper ham" from a parent for Christmas, but they don't like it much...I got at least half of it.

Had a brainstorm the other day...we used to have ham and ... fairly often when I was a youngster, and I've made it Mom's way at least once, and I always liked it, and I have all this pepper ham, ssooooo, that's what I'm cooking this evening. It should be smelling gooood pretty soon.

Stuff like that...casseroles and stews, etc., are always better on a cold winter eve too, which is what we are in for this evening.

Well, I sure hope all goes well for the members, who are not feeling too well, or are getting better, and we will see some happy faces on the blog soon. {/:=)}


Anonymous said...

Mmmm... That sounds good, Jim, I used to have scalloped potatoes a lot when I was a kid. You are having a cold winters nite, we are having a warm spring like evening here, 57 degrees out right now. Crazy weather. Hope you feel better soon.

movin said...

Yeah, Floral Girl, and they're having huge snow storms in Denver..and I guess farther east..haven't heard from the relatives in Minn and Iowa yet.

We had some people killed by the Santa Ana winds yesterday..they kicked up a big, zero-visibility sand storm, which resulted in some deaths from traffic accidents.

Boy, "the wet-dry-wet-dry....thing" really raises havoc with peoples sinuses and respiratory systems.

Enjoy that unseasonal warmth, the snow storms might be heading in that direction.

Happy blogging,

movin said...

I was just rereading Paula's comment about the eggs in the nest in 5-6 weeks, and I am wondering if she meant "eggs" or maybe chicks. If my math is right, we might be seeing eggs in the nest before too long now.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Jim, I made Ham and scalloped taters this week, just finished the last of it last night...

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that, Jim, mother nature is a powerful, often unpredictable force. The snows in Denver are unbelievable, bad avalanche there today. You are probably right, the cold will be here soon enough, have been taking full advantage of the warm weather here lately, cleaning up the gardens for spring. Enjoy your dinner.

Anonymous said...

I am talking eggs, not chicks. 5 weeks is Feb 10. Liberty and Belle have historically laid their eggs anywheres from Feb 9 to Feb 17

MITS said...

GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE Prayers for all who are in need!

Anonymous said...

G'nite, Mits, get some rest!

Anonymous said...

Good night Mits Good Night everyone. I work all day starting early am tomorrow. Will BLOG at ya at some point tomorrow night.

NillaWafer said...

Good Night everyone i am totally beat going to bed real soon... No real report she is very uncomfortable and in pain... her blood pressure has come down some what...Left at 9 so she and her husband had some time alone.. well as alone as they can in the open ICU...Her bed is right at the nurses station.... Hugs, Nilla

Mauley said...

(((Beverly, Sharon, Martha, Andrew, Nilla and Dawn Marie))) I am praying for you. You are special to me.Dana, please take care of yourself. Nilla keep us informed. Good Night and prayers for all in need. donna

Anonymous said...

Thoughts and Prayers for those in need. Have a good evening, all.

movin said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
movin said...

Lost a comment to blogjerk, I guess.

Think I was saying the Ham and Scalloped potatoes came out really good, although I had to substitute canned milk for regular.

Paula is probably right, my math and my assumptions are shaky about the eggs-chicks.

Have a good evening and a great Sunday,

Anonymous said...

I see that all the good nights have been said and so I shall add mine.

Good Night
Pleasant dreams & peaceful sleep
Prayers are being said for all
those in need.

I see it is Sunday morning already.
The evening has gotten away from me.
See you again in the Late morning.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It is 6:43 a.m. and there is an eagle in our nest! What a beautiful way to start this day.

I love you all and thanks again for everything. God has really blessed me with all of you!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Liberty and Belle are in the nest.

Anonymous said...

Off to work. I got to see the eagles too Sharon And it was even better thouh to see a message from you this morning. Just remember
And He will raise you up on Eagles Wings and Hold you in the palm of His hand. rest right there!!!!!

Anonymous said...

New Thread up!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...