Monday, January 15, 2007

Monday January 15, 2007

New thread. Had a very difficult time with Blogger yesterday, would not let me in. Couple that with the cam issues, and the MLK holiday, and we'll likely not be back up to speed until tomorrow.


Mauley said...

Thanks for the new thread!!!!!!!!!!! You know how much we love you. Don't you. Morning all in eagle land. Morning prayers for all in need. Have a blessed day. donna

Mauley said...

Thanks for the new thread!!!!!!!!!!! You know how much we love you. Don't you. Morning all in eagle land. Morning prayers for all in need. Have a blessed day. donna

Anonymous said...

Good Morning mauley Hi Dana Thanks for the heads up on the new thread. Off to coffee and dog treats IF I can get across the street with my dogs. had to carry them yesterday...just so slick underfoot trying to walk anywhere. Neighbor helped. We were a site LOL.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mauley for heads up on the New Thread and ty Steven for giving it to us. Sort of figure cam wouldn't get fixed until Tues. 1/16 sad but what have no control.

Their has been a small bird that keeps perching on that limb in Florida that sticks out away from us. Doesn't seem to bother the parent in the nest. Been landing there and flys off several times.

Eagles have been earlier (1) at eagle nest bw also 2 have been at bw osprey nest.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe its another warm day here.
Since I'm fairly new to this, when can we expect the eagles to lay their eggs? Also, will the camera be live again or just the still images?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe its another warm day here.
Since I'm fairly new to this, when can we expect the eagles to lay their eggs? Also, will the camera be live again or just the still images?

belle_wv said...

Good morning everyone! I am enjoying some 'quiet' here before the kids and hubby decide they're done sleeping in for the holiday... going to try to catch up on some work and of course the blog :)

belle_wv said...

Hi Cindi - welcome if I haven't chatted with you before... Paula is the 'eggspert' with all the dates written down, but we've been seeing a lot of mating behavior, so hopefully some of that has 'taken' and Belle is developing a lovely egg in her ovary as I type - I believe we found that it is about 5-10 days from the mating until an egg, so if that is the case we could see an egg soon - we had eaglets in march last year, so time is approaching quickly :) As for live cam, it should be back tomorrow, hopefully. Not sure if still cam is truly updating or not - when I looked in last evening it was 'daylight looking' on the refreshes, and should've been dark, but I haven't been able to watch or blog consistently enough to be the expert on any of this...

belle_wv said...

gonna go see if Buta cam is working - I miss seeing that gal!

belle_wv said...

oh shucks it isn't live until 10... another hour before I see if they're taking the holiday or not.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy (nice to see you dropped by it's been awhile) ( : , Belle and Norma.....

10am is right for Buta Buta Belle ah such as cute panda

Tai is sleeping in tree 9:22amEST

eagles have been at BW osprey nest alot today

Our cam well Steven does have off nice enough he came into blog to give us a new thread. He'll get the cam back tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Florida is up and moving around. I seen an outgoing eagle or incoming one. So maybe food was brought in.

Anonymous said...

They don't have the cam set down there back enough to see if partner would land on the edge to give food. The way the eagle is doing its head in the nest I believe it is eating or feeding a hatchling.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning....

This pair has traditionally laid eggs in February..we hope to have the live cam back tomorrow! NCTC is not open today to reset it....

Anonymous said...

Closest we've seen to a feeding yet in FLOrida, Dana...I agree.

Anonymous said...

Norma we have been across the street and back safely. Actually there is a layer of snow there and it is so much easier to deal with than just the ice.

I had written a fairly long answer to . civil watr lady too Anyway WELCOME...You will totally enjoy the ride of your life especially the first time around so HOLD ON...

Anonymous said...

2 eagles at BW Osprey

Anonymous said...

LOL well definitely isn't going to be my day for Blogging, either it won't publish or I can type when it does. Everyone enjoy your day though. I will be watching FL mostly still hoping for that elusive piece of info LOL.

Anonymous said...

well Norma actually I needed to drive to work in it yesterday morning. Pretty crummy but obviously I did make it. LOL.

Anonymous said...

I for now am going to call the hatchling I "think is there" the name Hidden. Cause it will be hidden for quite a while till we find out lol.

Anonymous said...

Morning Glo

Glad you got your trash disposal fixed. I too hate it when things aren't working. Fix Fix right away. lol thats me Norma

Anonymous said...

Both eagles in nest in Florida

Anonymous said...

And exchange one in one flew out and food I believe also for "Hidden" hee hee

belle_wv said...

Of course first chance I get to see her in ages and she's curled in a ball with her back to the cam - sleeping - she's adorable even doing that, but I want to see her move...

belle_wv said...

is our still cam updating? Haven't seen anything 'change' there besides the time

Anonymous said...

both eagles in BW eagle nest

belle_wv said...

oh and the number/color of psychedelic lines.... lol

belle_wv said...

thanks for the update dana :) good to know the eagles are there somewhere :) Did y'all decide if those are the same ones we see at their picnic table (osprey nest?)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the 'welcome backs'. I have been following the eagles since last fall. I worried along with the rest of you-all about the smallest eaglet. I can hardly wait until we have 'babies'again.
About my civil war affiliation - I am southern but some of my best friends are Yankees.

belle_wv said...

peeked in again on buta - she's so sweet - snoozing and wiggling and stretching, but doesn't look like she wants to wake up just yet - I can't leave that cam on for more than a minute - that live feed seems to hose up my computer and it slows down to a crawl until I restart... anyone decide if the pics are changing at our nest?

Anonymous said...

No, Belle the cam went down on Friday...

Anonymous said...

Yes isn't it beautiful Norma so are so lucky to get to see this Maine nest and hear oh my.

Anonymous said...

2 eagles at BW eagle nest

Anonymous said...

More moving around in the Florida nest. Very lite whitish feathers flew out of parents beak after bringing head up.

Anonymous said...

Eagles at BW doing alot of work in the nest...

NillaWafer said...

Good Morning Everyone... I am at work daughter felt she was not ready to come back just yet... Hugs to all and Hi again Civilwarlady... Was not on at all yesterday i dont think mind is all jumbled But whats new huh... Sure miss my Thelma hope she enjoying the sun surf and sand in Florida and has a safe trip home tomarrow i think she also works at the zoo this week...Moms in Fla nest.. Buta Buta is sleeping in the corner... Lots of hugs to Sharon.. Dana u feeling any better? brb

Anonymous said...

Scratching scrathey Buta Buta lol

Anonymous said...

Is Florida still working for you all???

NillaWafer said...

Its working for me Dana i have the small screen down in task bar...

Anonymous said...

Good morning to a full house! I asked about you yesterday,Nilla. Welcome Civilwarlady Would love to have you join the Yahoo Momsters group. I am just happy for a holiday because then we get to hear from all of you except our Suzanne!
I got wrapped up in the BW site. That couple is very beautiful - I too think they are young. Could be their first family. Will be interesting.

Anonymous said...

FL site is up for me, Dana.

Anonymous said...

Norma How did you get a plumber so early in the morning? You must have good connections in your town!
I wish Buta Buta would roll over & wake up - just flat out on her back!
I want to check out for any other recent videos of her. They are usually longer then the site ones.

NillaWafer said...

wow the Washington zoo really looks busy today ans Tai is right in front of windows

NillaWafer said...

No thats Mei at the windows i think or could be Tian he was on cam eariler..

Anonymous said... does have some coverage on ButaButa's debut. There are 10 still pics that are Great! They are at the end of the news article.

Anonymous said...

BW eagle back in nest

Anonymous said...

BBL Brunch time for me

Anonymous said...

Watch that video is the one I posted on my blog....that is Liberty & Belle in their first season!!!

Anonymous said...

2 Ewiies and 1 eagle at BW

NillaWafer said...

The eagle in Fla is picking feathers from her underside..

Anonymous said...

YES Norma pay particular attention to minutes 4 thru 8:40 Was wonderful to see it again it!!!

NillaWafer said...

Norma you make me sound like i lovew blood n No the alligator i liked was FATTY in Petes Pond he was so sly and patient waitng for his meal..

NillaWafer said...

Secondary lymphedema is caused by some form of trauma to the lymphatic system, and most often develops in an arm or leg after lymph node surgery under the arm or in the groin area.
Anyone here had this???? My whole right side of body mostly arm n leg are so swollen, i am thinking it is from the 2 heart cath's i had on right side because its on swollen on right side... I go to doctors today

Anonymous said...

Not sure Norma NCTC Film Library or whatever probably has that info. It is as you said USFWS materail now. BUT No I really don't think anything of Todds is in that clip. It will be like 2004. Probably the same live feed huge screen stuff that NCTC watches now from wherever that screen'feed into NCTC is located. JMHO (just my huumble opinion)

I would have given lots to have been able to have even a short 20 to 30 min clip of some of last years highlights, similar to what we see in that film.

Anonymous said...

Well Norma I don't think we know for sure that is our eagle who opens it, BUT once we get to the sycamore tree we do KNOW those are "our Eagles " and our tree. And the little ones are siblings to our 3 little ones too. That part is a for sure!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't know if that is our eagle that opens the film, but I do know it is ours further into the film...there is no mistaking that sycamore tree! My video is no different than the one you saw....

Anonymous said...

JinX!!! LOL, Glo.

Anonymous said...

Well that was interesting, my neighbors just called to tell me not to let my dogs out because there is a wolf in my yard.

I look out the front door and sure enough there it goes running through my front yard down the street towards the park and woods area about 2 blocks away.


Anonymous said...

Now I'm gonna feel skiddish letting my dogs out and a nervous wreck trying to walk them anywhere for days even.

Anonymous said...

I first saw it when paula posted it!!!.

Maybe it was around voting time and you missed lots on the bLOG then. I do think many many saw it. Good reminder though Yes folks do need to see it and will thoroughly enjoy it...and it is even more of a gem than you though cause we know some of the stars LOL!

Anonymous said...

I will call animal control...but it is so fast, scared and skinny, and the roads are all pretty bad, not sure they will even ocme to look today.

NillaWafer said...

Buta Buta is awake

Anonymous said...

George is at the Kent nest.

NillaWafer said...

Well she was awake but rolled into aball and went back to sleep...

Anonymous said...

George is a quickie.
ButaButa is taking an extremely long nap. Don't forget there are photos and News articles on

Nilla Glad that you are going to see the DR today.

Anonymous said...

Time for me to do some things around here.... Be back later in the day.

Glo - No walking the dogs - 2 steps out the door - take care of business - and right back in the house.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Norma it is the Atlanta one. All one line...

Anonymous said...

Ignore the previous one as it
didn't capture all of the /....

Anonymous said...

called animal control. They said yes someone reported a cayote a little while ago about 1/2 mile from where I am. I said NO this isn't a cayote its a wof, headed for the park area. WEll "We don't do anyhing anyway " So I either have both in the neighborhood now LOL or just the WOLF Yes it wasn't a cayote.!!!
Does anyone know if they can climb fences. I have a 3 foot fence aorund my backyard. Almost never let my dogs out there unless I am out with them, but gonna be really nervewracking after dark.

Anonymous said...

HELLO!!! Happy MLK day! Had to run to the food Lion,since no one was with me to complain, took the looong way (which isn't even really on the way) past the nest. One of the adults was sitting in a branch above the tree. This was about 12:30-12:45. Saw another over in one of the trees toward the barn I swear that looked like a juvenile. Did not have a white head and definitely was not a turkey vulture. I took a pic of the adult above the nest, but I don't have a zoom lens so it's not a great shot. Just thought I would share that with you guys. Can't wait til the cam is working again!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the report on the adults....glad you took the "long way".

All these reports of juveniles being spotted around Shepherdstown makes me wonder if our 3 from 2006 have not migrated....or if we are seeing lots of juvies "passing thru".

Anonymous said...

Wow, a wolf. Pretty cool. Where's the picture? :)

Anonymous said...

Paula well I did have that thoght, but as he kind of trotted across the front yard and headed downt he street I would never have gottent o the cam in time anyway, so didn't try. I do have the picture in my mind's eye though LOL.

Anonymous said...

I hear ya, Glo!

A little nerve wracking, I'm sure. If there hasn't been any prior reports of wolves in the area, I wouldn't worry too much...he was probably just passing through...

Anonymous said...

Anyone seen anything else in FL??

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good afternoon, all my friends of fine feathers and fur. Hope all are having a good day.

Anonymous said...

And just how is your day going, my friend?

Anonymous said...

Must be bamboo time: ButaButa is investigating a stick of it & Tai & Mei are digesting lots of it.

BBL Time to get dinner

Anonymous said...

Eagle at BW

Anonymous said...

4:49pmEST Buta Buta is at the fence playing lol so so cute. Lun Lun just came to get her well there she goes sliding across the floor.

Anonymous said...

Lun Lun eating bamboo and Buta Buta moving through it.

Anonymous said...

If you should stop by chat please give me at least 2 min. to get to you. I can and do hear you ocme in IF I am in my house and nOT out with the wolf LOL. I just missed someone but I did go there within less than a minute of hearing that person type text :-(

NillaWafer said...

Evening my friends... Busy day for eagles and pandas... Is Thelma flying back home tonight?
Its finally going to turn cold once again according to the weather man.. Well went to doctors and my right leg is over 2 inches bigger in the calf than the other left calf... He siad some size difference is normal BUT not that much, and so he thinks i have a blood clot in my right leg from the catherizations... Go to hospitol on weds for doppler test to get it checked out,,, So more prayers please... BRB

Anonymous said...

Nilla Nilla are you going to Winchester Hospital to have test???

They did a sonogram on Ed's legs to check for blood clots up there.

Hope it comes out like mine just did when I was at ER no blood clot/clots. (praying for you gal)

Anonymous said...

OK Nilla more prayers.

I just missed another in chat and I was actually sitting there. Didn't even have a chance to tyoe HI...all gone...darn Well anyway. Hope everyone has had a good day and does have a good evening. We will see our eagles again tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Glo is was just me checking to see if that was where everyone was.

Anonymous said...

Going to play a game maybe check in later

Anonymous said...

OK is this a game LOL I just missed umber 3. Of course yu all missed each other too. All within the last 15 mins. I am not blogging on my laptop tonigth as can't get Blogger to load out there for some reason. So each time I come in here to BLOG someone else comes into chat...and well I am so very disappointed , so could we not play anymore if this is a game. OK thanks

Anonymous said...

Yes Dana you were number 3. I can tell because I can see who signs in and out as long as I keep it active. Have my sounds on too, so yep I also hear folks. maybe none of the 3 wanted to stick around to chat with just 1, but there could have been 4 of us by now.
I will be so glad to be able to watch our cams tomorrow, gives us Eagles and people...that is a vry good thing LOL.

Anonymous said...

Wow Has anyone ever watched Wife Swap? Its not at all what you think it might be, but since Deal or No Deal doesn't seem to be on, I switched channels. KInd of a unique show, that's for sure!!!

NillaWafer said...

Hi here at daughters... No Dana this is adoppler and its at City Hospitol... I said well i thought the Plavix and 4 baby asprin aday was taking care of blood clots he said no and if it is a blood clot which he seems to think it is because of my 1st cath that had the bleed the first time i got up remember... I dont know just know i am in pain and leg feels hot.. BBL from home maybe cant set here to long a time...

NillaWafer said...

Well no-ones commented since i did before i left daughters so i suppose everyone is watching tv or busy playing games.... So i will say good nighters to all...

Anonymous said...

It's unfortunate that one procedure causes another problem. What will they do for the clot if that's what you have?

Anonymous said...

Was able to talk to Nilla this evening. I just want all my friends to be well - so prayers are being said.

Good Night All
Pleasant Dreams & Peaceful Sleep
Prayers are being said for all

Good Morning Suzanne

NillaWafer said...

Just stopped bnack in before heading to bed to try and get some sleep. Sandra its not only my knee thats swollen its my whole right side of my body,, The doctor measured both my legs today and my right calf is 2 inches bigger than left..Although some difference is normal he said there is something definatly going on that was to much swelling and size difference. Also my whole arm is swollen, foot,,just entire right side. and alot of pain and feeling hot inside and i can not bend my right knee hardly at all.. Even with long pants on its noticable.. with my first cath i had a bleed and they put pressure down there for over 30 minutes i was black n blue for weeks then having the 2nd cath less than amonth later same side he hit a nerve.. The 3rd i told him to go in the other side as i was still in pain from the other 2 caths.. Hopefully you are right and its not... Ok heading off to bed.. C U N the morning... Hugs, Nilla

Anonymous said...

Morning Suzanne cant sleep keep getting up.

Did you sleep away your days off?

Anonymous said...

6:49amEST can see the white head of the eagle in Florida

BW both nest MT

Anonymous said...

Yep eagle is at osprey BW nest. Suzanne I've gotten some good pics and sent to Lisa.

Osprey gone for now it and other will be back.

Suzanne I know you can't get Maine. It was snowing there again yesterday. Beautiful. This morning Eagles calling and nest has snow in it.

I think there is at least (1) hatchling in Florida. For now I said I am calling it (Hidden) cause it is going to be a long time before we see that one. lol

Anonymous said...

Lots of geese out there again this morning. Aren't there Suzanne? (BW)

Anonymous said...

Mei and Tai are outside. He is playing follow the leader of course Mei is in the lead lol.

Anonymous said...

Oh how I wished they would pull the camera back a little bit from Florida. So we can see if the partner lands on edge of nest.

Something just flew away from nest through sky. Don't know if that was the one in nest partner. Going to get food or not.

Anonymous said...

Did you get the email Suzanne on the "white pine" that I found with the link to the site? I might have sent it through Momster can't remember.

Anonymous said...

Good morning, Suzanne and Dana. Still 41° here, but supposed toget colder as this cold front blows thru( and the windhas been howling here since midnight.),lows in the 20's tonite. After it has been 60° for the past several days. Wish this weather would make up it's mind. Got a lot of garden cleanup done the past few days, taking advantage of those warm temps. Now I have to start working on our taxes. UGH.... Sorry Nilla is having such difficulties, hope they figure out what is wrong. Luckily we are all healthy here, but hubby's van died last nite and had to go get him and switch all his tools to my very OLD market van, then find someone to help us get the van towed here, and now we are trying to figure out what to do- in a financial crisis here. Got such a headache...

Anonymous said...

Suppose to drop temp. here in the afternoon. It will be 30 cold

Anonymous said...

Hi Megan good morning lady ( :

Anonymous said...

Good Morning all. Hope you are feeling pretty good suzanne Nice restful but tai viewing weekend for you...that's great. I get to shovel a little snow before we venture out today, so am up a little earlier. Also anxious to see and know when cams are working. Hope there's lots of Great Eagle viewing.

Check for newsletters in your email this morning I actually got mine this time LOL, think easier to get them out of the queu after the Holidays LOL

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the van those things take position on my prayer calander too Floralgirl.

Anonymous said...

OH yeah Temp is 3 degrees, wind chill minus 11, can I just go back to bed now :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey Suzanne if there are two in the Florida nest "Hidden" can have company with "Peek-a-poo" because again by the time we see them it will be peek-a-poo I see you lol

Anonymous said...

Morning Glo get back under them covers !!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful fly in of Eagle in Maine into nest. Awesome....oh I miss our live feed. It is eating.

Anonymous said...

Suzanne how did dental go?

Eagle just took off from nest in Maine.

Anonymous said...

Hi Glo, thanks Dana. Saw the newsletter in my inbox, Glo, haven't hadachance tolook at it yet. Think van has had it, Suzanne, work van, has almost 200,000miles onit, and it appears that the transmission is shot. That and the radiator has needs to be replaced. Talking thousands..OUCH... at least we had a buddy who helped us tow it home last night so we didn't have to pay for that. Hubby works in the flooring industry, house sales and new construction are so slow, almost a a standstill,works becoming scarce. Hard to think of finding a new career at 43.

Anonymous said...

Sorry all my words are running together, trying to be quiet, daughter's last morning to sleep in, back to school tomorrow. It is chilly out now, had to break my winter coat back out.

Anonymous said...

Megan you got mail

Anonymous said...

Megans nephew son is 19 but nephew is 41 or 43. He has moved up alot.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning, Eagle buddies! I hope everybody is having a good day. I am attempting to start working today. Had to move computer to my sister's because my internet is down and Comcast can't come until this afternoon to check it. What a process. I will be checking in!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Dana, now you have mail. Good to see you here this morning, Sharon.

Anonymous said...

Live Feed !

Anonymous said...

ooops sorry, guess we've already seent hat green screen LOL BUT stay turned LOL Its a comng

Anonymous said...

Hi Norma! Don't worry, count every blessing I have, which are many. Just have to figure out how to climb out of this hole we are in. Just all part of the bumpy road of life.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

As long as we don't let the bumps in the road turn into mountains, we will be alright.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Suzanne, I LOVE Dr. Kramer, saw him a couple of years ago for TMJ problems, he is good.

Anonymous said...

Yes, he really put me at ease, he has a good sense of humor. Small world,huh.. Been to that office many times, had jaw surgery 15-20 yrs ago, that DR. is no longer there, so I switched to Dr. Kramer years ago.

Anonymous said...

okay laid back down for nap not a good sleep last night

Is our live feed up I tired it I don't have it do you all?

Anonymous said...

eagle in BW osprey nest eating

Anonymous said...

Morning, All!

I don't have any live feed either....

Nice tail feather shot of the eagle at BW

Anonymous said...

Thanks Paula for info.

Kent nest shows up with full of snow

Buta Buta is wiggling still partly asleep

Maine is beautiful

"Hidden" is still hidden in the Florida nest with maybe a sister or brother I've named to be reveal as they or one gets older.

Anonymous said...

The one flew off from osprey nest now there is one in Bw eagle nest

Anonymous said...

2 eagles BW eagle nest

Anonymous said...

What kind of floors does hubby do? Wood, Vinyl, carpet or ceramic?

Anonymous said...

Florida eagle in nest is primping her feathers. She is a comfortable mother. I don't think she would keep sitting on eggs that wouldn't hatch. JMO

Anonymous said...

Eagle back at BW Osprey

Anonymous said...

Well, blogger cop stole my first answer, so I will try again. Paula, hubby is a vinyl mechanic, does mainly new construction and cimmercial jobs. But new home sales have slowed down so, builders are sitting on too many unsold houses, and are not starting as many new ones.

Anonymous said...

Oh, where is my #*#* trash can? meant commercial, fixing that before proofreader catches it.

Anonymous said...

Yea, Floral, that is hurting home furnishings industry, too.

Anonymous said...

Eagle at BW - gone!

Anonymous said...

I'm having problems with Blogger this Steve is too....otherwise we would probably have a new thread by now...unless it's totally crazy there today...what with a 3 day weekend...or maybe he is off fixing the cam and live feed....

Anyhow....sure could use a new thread!!

Anonymous said...

Hello All - Full house again. Looks as though eagles in and out - fresh pine at BW & snow in ME. Speaking of dentist, I am glad you are all happy with yours but mine would top them all. He has more compassion for his patients in his little finger then most have in their whole hand. Yep Norma, I place the pain elsewhere with the shots - into my fingertips. lol

Got a laugh as I was checking out panda cams this morning - Tai climbed onto Mei back and hung on for a little while when she took off - then he tumbled off! Piggyback!
Dr appointment today - regular check up - no problems that I know of. Thank the Lord.

Anonymous said...

Suzanne & Megan: I don't think that once you sign into google you can ever go back for the trash can. Do you know different because I sure do miss the trash can.

Megan - I hope hubby finds a good deal on some new wheels.

Suzanne - hope your mouth is not too painful & that you have some pain meds if it is. Missed you.

Anonymous said...

I lost Florida did anyone else?????????????????????

Anonymous said...

I have not checked my emails - off I go. I think Mits comes home today from all that sunshine = Brrrr into the cold.
Sharon Hope you get your 4 hrs of work done without to much discomfort.

Nilla Hope you make it ok until DR on Thursday.

Anonymous said...

I lost Florida too, and my last post!

Anonymous said...

Ok I finally got Florida eagle nest back.

Hi Mema Jo ( :

Sharon if your checking in working down at Thelms Hi ..

Anonymous said...

Found FL again, but not my last post...which was EWWiiee at BW,,,,but he is gone now...

Anonymous said...

Tai is running after Mei lol our boy Tai

Anonymous said...

Mema Jo did that woman in Florida ever write you back with answers to your questions?

Geula said...

Hi to all eagle watchers!

I don't want to ruin anybody's ideas but eagles WILL sit on unhatchable eggs, until the eggs "flatten out".
That is what happened in BC last year, after the hatching date passed by.... that was the saddest thing because it was the first time I got involved with cams. We waited and hoped and prayed and then we saw one morning the replay of the eagle stepping on the empty egg. So sad.

But I recovered and a friend of mine sent me over to the Sheperdstown nest and I've been here ever since.

Anonymous said...

Yup, Geula, that's what happened at Hornby Island....they will do that.

Anonymous said...

I keep losing connection for Florida...going to check out Kent now...

Mauley said...

Hey Ya all you in eagle land. Good afternoon. Geula, I too have heard about eggs that just didn't hatch. I had a little hen one time who sat on 16 eggs and not a one of them hatched. I talked a farmer down the road into letting me have a couple of newly hatched "ditlers" as we country fold call them, and Penny took them. She wouldn't even let me touch one of them and they were grown and she still scratched for them. It was hilarious seeing them dive under her wing when they were bigger than she was. Have a blessed day, all and prayers for all in need. love donna

Anonymous said...

Hi Geula nice to have you in again lady ( :
yes they will sit on eggs a long time even if they don't hatch. I'm just being hopeful...yes it will be sad if there is no "Hidden or Peek-a-poo" but nature does go on and tears will be shade by this human.

I keep loosing connection in Florida also Paula.

Buta Buta is moving some. Scratching and biting on her front paw. I think trying to suck on them. She is so so cute ..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hello everybody. So good to see so many on here this morning. I am watching Buta Buta. She is such a blessing!

Anonymous said...

Lun Lun just came to get Buta Buta to nurse.

Anonymous said...

Took a pretty long time for Kent cams to come up. Cam 1 is a totally different view.

Anonymous said...

Suns out in Maine and the snow in nest is melting.. Maine did get another snow storm up there. Streets are bad.

Ok Buta Buta is at Moms face not the place to suckle. She is biting at Lun Luns face lol (smaller version of Tai)

Tai following Mei just rolled down the hill. Right back up on all 4 and following her again.

Anonymous said...

I think ButaButa is telling her mom to Let Me Go!

Anonymous said...

Yea, nice view on cam 1 at Kent...can't get the pop up window up, but got the other page to load...lots of snow there still, plus more!

Anonymous said...

Wrestling match between Lun Lun and Buta Buta lmbo oh this is awesome

While Tai rides Meis back...oh my panda cubs

Anonymous said...

I love the eagles but oh! those panda babies are soooooooooo special!

Mauley said...

Hi shurnlea, glad to see you blogging. Hi Mema Jo paula, dana, and normabyrd. Buta is too cute. I am hooked on her, too. donna

Anonymous said...

Have to get myself ready for appointment --
BBL this afternoon

Mauley said...

Glo, I was able to access for the love of eagles. Thank you so much for walking me through it. I will be mauley on there. thanks again donna

Anonymous said...

Santation worker BW osprey

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking Steven should be sending us a New Thread soon.

Anonymous said...

Norma should be getting colder today up your way. It is going to down here. Was 40 degrees earlier dropping down to 30 before evening.
Did see some snow flurries and thats all I want.

Anonymous said...

Anyone think our still cam is working right. I haven't seen anything in there.

Got Florida back Paula.

Missed George he is too quick for me lol.

Anonymous said...

You have got to go see Buta Buta falling over on her head lol

Anonymous said...

Nope Dana, same pic on still cam.

NillaWafer said...

Good Afternoon, Just talked to sister in Hagerstown and its snowing down there... Sad news is they put Patches to sleep this morning as she was not getting any better and dad had just buried her out on the family farm...Watching Buta Buta she was trying to climb on that box thing there in the room, now is in the corner playing with her shadow i think. They need to put some toys in there for her..Saw Tian inside earlier but Mei nTai are outside pacing the enitre area for hours now in the big yard.. round n round they go...i read that male pandas really do alot of what i thnk they called Locomotion which i walking over n over the areas, because in the wild they would do that looking for a female in heat..That Buta is so funny trying to get her head in that corner wall silly girl...Mei sure is doing alot of peeing this morning, but last night TAI was nursing on cam still... Omg HE WAS RIDING HER BACK HANGIN ON LIKE A COWBOY RIDING A BRONC..LOL... brb

Anonymous said...

eagle BW osprey nest

tc Suzanne

Anonymous said...

2 eagles at BW Osprey

Anonymous said...

yes one of them has something to eat

NillaWafer said...

Mei & Tai found some treats wrapped in a paper bag it looked like maybe afruitcicle..Awww Buta is in another corner rolled up sleeping after playing awhile...

Anonymous said...

Tai and Mei have their ice pops

Butta Butta is for awhile in her special corner. Still wiggling and on her back.

Eagles still at osprey BW

Snowing here where I live

NillaWafer said...

Well that was a very quik nap she took and back to shadow boxing she

Anonymous said...

Aw Nilla sorry to hear aobut Patches not getting well. They certainly did all they could for her and obviously loved her very much.

naptime and getting ready for work here is m my plan.

Anonymous said...

New thread is not up

Anonymous said...

New thread is up!

We are continuing to troubleshoot our technical problem,s. Looks like it's the battery (we've ordered another one) or the voltage regulator (may need a new one. Stay tuned.

Saw one of the eagles perched down at our boat ramp Friday afternoon.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...