Monday, January 01, 2007

Monday January 1, 2007

Happy New Year thread.

Saw an adult Bald Eagle close up along Goose Creek in VA yesterday. We figure there are two nests along a 20 mile strtech of the Creek.

Update--One wet eagle at Blackwater


Anonymous said...

Sound pretty exciting for you, Steve. Thanks for the new thread

Anonymous said...

Thanks Steven for the new thread. Bet when you seen them your heart started beating faster. If not well mine would have.

Hope "pink kitten came along on new thread".

Wow Animal Crossing sounds fun too bad they don't have it for computers.

Anonymous said...

Wet eagle at BW osprey nest

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a nice new year, Steve.

Anonymous said...

These floats are just beautiful with their moving animals, mammals and waterfalls. The horses and riders. Even Llams or is that Lams ? The bands play aweesomely.

Anonymous said...

Poor eagle at BW looks like a wet rat!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Happy New Year, Stevven. One of these days, I will get to see a bald eagle.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is that Belle?

You can really see that cable loop hanging down.

Anonymous said...

HI HI hi Sharon I thought Andrew would be watching the Rose Parade .. it is greattttttttt

So glad to hear you are feeling better (((((hugs))))))

Anonymous said...

I definitely see that cable today...Belle was right!

Anonymous said...

I wrote Steven to ask him about it...If he writes me back I'll let all know.

Anonymous said...


belle_wv said...

Eagle in our nest :)

Anonymous said...

Katherine McPhee is singing ( an American idol)

Anonymous said...

Looking back on other pics though, I think it is branches....Steve?

belle_wv said...

I can't tell for sure what it is this morning - hopefully they can zoom in or have a higher resolution view...

Anonymous said...

I've done all the zooming in I can do. The only thing I can tell is it is "awfully black". Don't know what it is?????????????

Anonymous said...

China's airline float ought to have pandas in between those big flowers. lol

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just talked to Mits. She said "hi" to everybody. She is still amongst the living but still feeling pretty crappy!

NillaWafer said...

Hey Hey Hey i finally got my rear end out of bed and heading out for dinner down home ... Happy New Years to all .... BBL tonight..

Mauley said...

Thanks Steve, and Happy New year to you and all the gang, Sharon, it so good to see your p;ost on blog. How are you? HOPe mits is better, too. Where is Glo. Dana pink kitty made it. Hi Paula, Hi Belle. Hey Nilla Bean.So good to be back to the adult world. I have had grand kids for the last two weeks and Yes, Mema Jo, I survived, but they tried to kill me!!!!!!!!!! We took the last two home yesterday, but ended up with one of the 4 month olds last night. Today, we are alone and trying to do laundry and pick up around the house. It is so quiet here today. I could get used to it.

Anonymous said...

Mauley you said it is quite there today so it's nice to have them but also nice again when quite.

Mauley I tried to email you but it came back. Don't know what I'm doing wrong with the email addy I have????

Sharon when I watched the parade I thought about Andrew when I seen the drums in the bands.

belle_wv said...

Hi Mauley and Iris - Happy New Year. Mei Lan (BUTA)looks like she's worn a race track ring into her nest bed - she also looks pretty tuckered out... she must've been working hard while I was having dinner at mom's... come to think of it, a nap sounds pretty good...

Anonymous said...

Hi Belle I still am thinking of that game. Are you sure they don't have it on the computer or for computers? lol I'm a kid a heart ! (:

belle_wv said...

Hi Sharon - how was the movie last night? Thanks for the report on Mits - hope she's feeling better soon. How're you feeling? Do you think the meds are kicking the abcess? I sure hope so.

Dana thanks for the update on birdgirl, I wonder about her frequently - so glad you took the time to write to her and let her know she's missed and thought of :) You're such a great friend for all of us :)

Anonymous said...


belle_wv said...

Dana, not that I know of... but maybe Santa could bring you a DS (a hand held version of the game system) and the game for a late present. It is something that you can take with you in the car and while sitting in waiting rooms - I use it for that a lot. My Dr. always comments on me 'staying in touch' with what kids are into when I have the DS with He should know I'm just an 'old' kid!

Anonymous said...

Eagle gone

Belle what is a DS and where do you buy them and about how much do they cost. I did get some money a christmas as a gift.

belle_wv said...

the DS is a handheld video game from Nintendo (company) - they run about 100 bucks or so and the games for them are about 40 - so kinda steep, but mine does get a good bit of use - I also have a game called Brain Age - which is a lot of fun, it has sudoku on it too and lots of 'brain' games to help keep me thinking. They're a good way to take my mind off of the stressful stuff, so I figure it is cheaper than a shrink! LOL

belle_wv said...

might be able to find used DS units and the games used on ebay, too. That's where we got one.

Mauley said...

Happy New Year Iris and Belle. Dana I sent you both my emails did you get them. is work and is home. Usually have more free time at work than at home. Not that I don't work hard, but in between classes and grading papers, I keep liberal office hours in case my students need me. Registration is this week, and next week is back to the chalkboard or white board now. I remember the old days in education before all the technology advancements and I say come on technology. Yes, I miss the grandkids when they are gone. They keep me young. It is nice that it is quiet today,though. I really enjoy having just a few at a time so we have quality time for each one, but I take them all when their parents want me to. I won't tell them no if I am not working. My daughter has 5 under 9 years old and she is a drill sergeant with them. Much Much too strict, but I suppose with tht many she has to be. Her children are 100 percent obedient and respectfull. They are warmly welcomed everywhere they go.They are such sweet spirited children and are being raised to be faithful loving servants of God. When 9 year old Dakota saw his only little brother for the first time through the hospital window nursery, he said, Oh Gran, I needed a little brother to take with me to Africa to tell people about Jesus. He just cried. He is the first grandchild for me and my husband and was the only grandson until 4 months ago. I call him my "heart's darling." His three sisters and two little girl cousins give him a rough row to hoe, but now he has a b aby brother and a little boy cousin (also 4 months old) to help out on the boy side. Dakota and two of his sisters, Danielle and Danessa, has made pubic professions of faith and have been baptized. Their parents are very active in their church. I could talk about the grandkids for days. Please don't let me b ore you friends to tears. Sorry Mauley

Mauley said...

Who is our grammar checker, is it not Paula??? You are letting me by with a lot of errors. Reading over some of my mistakes is making me blush. love donna

Anonymous said...

ty Mauley got you email and sent you one.

Belle might have to pass that one up. I get the "math puzzles" sudoko out of the paper and do them. Hopefully it will keep my brain activity even though I can't remember things as it is lol.

Anonymous said...

Mauley it's was always Eagle Eyed Sharon but I think back a ways she gave us a re-preve. lol

Anonymous said...

WEll time for me to walk the dogs and head off to work. This is my last holiday Hours, but hey it has been my turn as i was gone all of Christmas weekend....Busy time for us, but it goes by very quickly. Tuesday evenings is normal hours for me, but come Wed. I think I get 4 days off. I need that time to finish recovering from my own trip and the holidays in general. Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their New years day. I so loved watching the parade this morning though...I love it every year. Hope those who are still under the weather get well really quick. remember we are having a Happy Healthy New year in here ((((hugs ))))

Mauley said...

OK Sharon, it is time to get back to work. Give our grammar a good going over. Are you good today? You have just about had us worried to our wit's ends. Huggs today for you love mauley

Mauley said...

Hey Glo, Happy New Year. God Bless You today I am glad to see your post. Yes, let us have a healthy new Year for sure. donna

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Paula who do you think is in the nest Belle or Liberty?

Mauley said...

Glo, I just watched the video of Aleia. Isn't she a wonderful granddaughter?????????????? mauley

Mauley said...

Liberty????????? isn't belle larger?????????????

Anonymous said...

Almost looks like rolls of the sycamore bark in the nest

Anonymous said...

Now the "cable" looks like branches

Anonymous said...

I thought it was Belle

Anonymous said...

Hiding where the eaglets use to go they were smaller and we could hardly see them there.

Anonymous said...

Is she gone?

Anonymous said...

Her tail is still there I think

Anonymous said...

I think she's gone

Anonymous said...

I do to Paula when you said it before..cause it has reloaded too many times.

Mauley said...

sure looks like sycamore shavings to me.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with the shavings also.

Anonymous said...

Now in the still cam picture the loop hanging down just left of the 12 o'clock position up high does look like branches.

Anonymous said...

Blackbirds are having fun flying in and out the branches.

Anonymous said...

I can't ever see those little blackbirds.

Anonymous said...

When I see them most of the time I see a black spot not too tiny. Then next thing I know they leave. Sometimes I've been lucky enough to see them better.

Anonymous said...

bbl fixing that good luck, wealth and health New Years Day Dinner.

Buta Buta is stirring

Anonymous said...

I see one - a blackbird that is.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

eagle alert!!!!

Anonymous said...

2 eagles now

Anonymous said...

back to one

Anonymous said...

back again

Anonymous said...

Just returned from Baltimore area - traffic not so bad.

Paula I'm with you on the eagle alert. Both in nest again.

belle_wv said...

Hi again all - so nice to come back to nest activity!

Anonymous said...

Moving some sticks and working on the center of the nest

belle_wv said...

Is the live feed up today?

Anonymous said...

You are doing really good with eagle viewing since you have returned!!!lol
Belle - Buta Buta was NOT in her nest bed when the cam turned off at 5:00.
I got a chuckle when I read Sunday's update. You will too.

Anonymous said...

No, it's not up today Belle.

Anonymous said...

Live feed wasn't up earlier today - I have not tried it recently.

belle_wv said...

Going to check it out now :) Thanks Jo

Anonymous said...

I'm heading home....TTUL!!!

Anonymous said...

What beauties they are!

belle_wv said...

Kewl - Buta is getting there! I hope they have someone to move the camera around quickly!!!

belle_wv said...

Safe travels Paula!

Anonymous said...

I am also concerned as to what kind of camera coverage they'll have to keep up with Buta Buta. I remember before she was born there was a camera on LunLun in the den (where the hamock was)

Hi Vicky


belle_wv said...

Hi Vicky didn't see you sneak in - how're you today?

Getting dark at the nest

belle_wv said...

Good night Liberty and Belle wherever you are - I reckon the sleep in the branches of the tree? Or does anyone know where they hang out when they aren't nesting?

Anonymous said...

Hi again everyone

Mema Jo I thought Buta Buta's report was going to say, "she crawled out of the nest bed today".

Hi Vicky

Anonymous said...

Watching figure skating

Anonymous said...

Dana She very well may have because the nest bed was empty at 5:00 when the cam went down. I had been watching her in the bed squirming around but then went to look at our eagles. I think she crawls out whenever she really want to - at least the way the update read.

Anonymous said...

Belle - I wish we had the other cam as promised in the other tree to be able to see the whole top of the sycamore.
I think they are usually up on the higher branch over the nest.

Anonymous said...

Oh Jo I was reading Monday. It was on Sunday she surprised them. lol yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Anonymous said...

Belle on the evening of the Luncheon we had at the Clairton. Nilla and me went to nest afterwards. At dusk Belle was high up on a branch straight up over nest. Liberty was on a limb to the left when your looking at the tree.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening everyone. Spent the day at my sister's with Andrew and Balei and a few others. GO MOUNTAINEERS!!!!

movin said...

I hope everyone is happy and is enjoying the New Year...

I'm enjoying doing as little as I can get away with at the moment, although I've been on the phone doing jawbone excercises with the relatives much of the afternoon.

Has anybody else noticed that the two African animal cams are running videos?? What's the tale there??

All of you getting rested up for the Bowl Games tonight? There's going to be some excitement.


Anonymous said...

Didn't they end the African cams around December 15th?

Not watching one bowl game - they make me too hungry - HAHAHA

Hope Mits is feeling better.

Sharon, you are sounding a little better!

Dana - how you doing today, gal?

Is everyone out watching the Mountaineers?

Anonymous said...

OH, Mountaineers won earlier!! What a great game it was! Go WVU! I see what you mean though, watching the Tostito Fiesta bowl, hungry for tortilla chips...

Anonymous said...

Hi Paula & Megan. I am having a very peaceful day. I know we heard from Nilla when she got home early am hours, but not yet today.Hopefully she is just relaxing after enjoying herself so much! Holidays are over when the kids have to go back to school & that means tomorrow.
I emailed Jim that Pete'sPond closed down on Dec 28 and will be back on for the 2007 season on Aug 21. Wavelit is still functioning.

Anonymous said...

BW SITE has the first Eagle Cam Web Log by Lisa. She has quite an interesting story and the best part is a Nat' Geographic video of two sea eagles engaged in a cartwheeling
It is just amazing !

Anonymous said...

OOPS When I was down in Baltimore today - NILLA Was here & I missed her

Anonymous said...

Jo, thanks for info on the Blackwater update...going to read it and head to bed.

Sweet eagle dreams, all!

Anonymous said...

Hold the door open - I'm right behind you

Good Night All

Pleasant and Peaceful Dreams

Prayers for all being said

NillaWafer said...

Just checking in before going to read sundays paper... Have grandaughter Rosa tonight as she does not go to school tomarrow... We went shopping together and got her a new winter coat n hat n gloves.. Hope everyone had a wonderful new years and NOW we all are on the mend to good health in 2007... Missed seeing the eagles today but i did go to you tube and watch them for my eagle Thelma hugs hope your getting better... Hugs to all Niters , Nilla

NillaWafer said...

Guess i better go look for apicture since father time is gone til next

NillaWafer said...

Well hope ya'l like i have him on my web page on my space also... Niters

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Eagle in our nest.

Mauley said...

Morning Sharon, How are you today and what are you going to do with 100 pounds of wax. thanks for heads up on Eagles love donna

Anonymous said...

Good morning everyone. Must have just missed the eagle in our nest while having coffee and dog treats LOL. One more day to work but not til late this afternoon. then I get some time off. I feel kind of like a zombie. LOL Definitely time for breakfast. I want to see bOTH eagles in the nest!!!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning, all. I see Steve was cam watching on his day off :):)

Mauley said...

Morning Glo, Morning Paula. Back to work I had a hard time getting up this am. donna

Geula said...

Good Morning, All! New thread, New Year....lot's of sunshine, what more can a person ask for, besides good health, calm children and a little package of MONEY!

Geula said...

well, NOT new thread..... but maybe there will BE a new thread, later!

Anonymous said...

Hi Geula Happy New year back to you also. I like your plans for New things this coming year. I too am hoping we will be seeing a new thread todya, maybe a surprise live cam...but them again the Live Cam may not come back up until tomorrow. Federal Offices closed here in US today.

Anonymous said...

I started comment on the 1st new thread listed for today. We do have 2 to choose from

Come on over

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...