Monday, January 08, 2007

Monday 8 Jan

Wet monday. Live c am is up and eagles are in the nest.


MITS said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steven, it is soooo nice to see the eagles. Have a good week. A question for you???? Was there supposed to be a different cam at a different angle this season???

MITS said...

Belle looks like she is trying to eat something with feathers, but doesn't look too hungry.

Anonymous said...

This is the first time in a long time I have seen her eating something in the nest.

Anonymous said...

Hey Norma- I just sent you an email

Anonymous said...

Morning Suzanne, Norma and Mits, and you too Dana.

MITS said...

Poor Maggie still is coughing, and, now so is her Mom. I'm going for a checkup today, just took my last antibiotic. That was a great program on Tai last night...he is like his Dad, Tian, very laid back and good with the keepers. The little darling down in Atlanta is really snarly around people...Tai really seems to like being around his keepers. Norma, I will be seeing the pandas all the time, but do not have access to them or any of the other animals...I do have to go thru the cam room and into the panda kitchen to sign in. I'm just happy to see them and all the other animals, it is such a neat zoo.

Anonymous said...

Good Mid Morning Belle

Hi Everyone!

MITS said...

Beautiful video clip of fall migration at BW...check it out.

Anonymous said...

Norma, that could be Lonely Louie

Anonymous said...

Glo When our live feed was activated and I had it up, the FL live feed kicked it out. I don't know how to have 2 RealPlayers up at any one time. I will try to find out. You may need to install another RealPlayer program.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning to those just coming in. We did have live feed of both eagles for a while in our nest

Geaorge just popped up at Kent too LOL ooops he's gone as quickly as I type

Anonymous said...



Going to sign out and reboot -
you hopefully will see me and the tree again

Anonymous said...

Yes Mema Jo That is exactly what I discovered this morning. My laptop will run FL on the Media Player, so I pulled BOTH cams up on it for a while. I may try installing a second rReal Player on the desk top if it will let me. I enjoy the fL cam, get lots of nice close ups of the adults all though we can't see those little ones for quite a while. I did catch some neat expressions and defintely think and egg is cracking or hatched out today.

Anonymous said...

Live feed is down, but still see an eagle in the nest finishing breakfast...

Anonymous said...

George probably thinks no one knows he's been there.

MITS said...

Thanks, Suz, hope I have turned the corner, just praying Maggie feels better soon, this RSV is pretty scary, because it is viral, there is no antibiotic for it.

Anonymous said...

Well both out eagles are gone. So happy we did get to see them for a while this am. They will be back this early evening if not before .

Off to run some errands.

Anonymous said...

To get Florida up on Windows Media Player, Start windows media player and click on:


Then go down to:
Open url

and put this in the window that opens:


(all on one line)
and click ok, and you have FL up on WMP

Anonymous said...

Bless you Paula Good to go now for Fl and NCTC Live cams at the same time on my desktop!!!

MITS said...

2 beautiful cheetahs are laying in there nice clean litter box at the zoo.

MITS said...

elephants are outside in a training session.

Anonymous said...

Paula since you did so well with FL link for media there a link for ME cam as well, and do you know if you put it in url like that, if it will still leave FL cam up...getting prepared for all the nest activity I can LOL.

MITS said... to see dr.

Anonymous said...

I am back - ran my Sypbot and tried to clean up computer.. So we will see if the tree returns.

Mauley said...

Good Noonday to all eaglemomsters, Hope everyone is having a great day. First day of semester classes and mine are FULL. BBL remember Sharon and her family today. donna

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Sycamore

I am going out for some errands but will return.

Thanks Paula for the Media Player suggestion on the cams.

Norma Mits & I both said that in all our years we never knew about
RSV... It was probably something our kids had but under a different name???
See you all later...........
Glad you're having a good eagle day.
Thanks Suzanne for the pics.....

Anonymous said...

URL for Maine is

(all on one line of course)

As far as I know, it only comes up in WMP, not in real player

Anonymous said...

Thanks Paula I have FL up right now. I am going to enter that and se if i can open BOTH players at the same time. I need to save real Player for when we have live feed .

Anonymous said...

OK well that doesn't work but having both those links in there makes switching back and forth pretty quick and easy. Thanks again.

NillaWafer said...

Good Afternoon my friends.. Hope all are doing ok this beautiful windy day... My thoughts and prayers are with Sharon on this difficult day for her and her family... News about my daughter is she just called and had the nuclear stress test this morning.. tomarrow morning going for a resting stress test and doctor has not said anything as to when her gall bladder surgery will be yet... I am holding down the gort here at work and at her home watching Rosa and taking care of things there and going to hospitol... I do have Buta Buta up and she is sleeping.. BBL checking critter cams.. Oh i watched the pandas shows last night 3 times til 2 LOVED THEM!!!!!!!!

NillaWafer said...

Ooops i ment fort not

Anonymous said...

I am Moving all Panda related Threads off of, For the Love of Eagles, to Glo"s journey to etc This will include the great one we have of Our 2 Momsters meeting each other and tai

Anonymous said...

Eagle Alert!!!!

Anonymous said...

Live feed is back up again, Thanks NCTC

Anonymous said...

Ok, so now that the live feed is up, I'm just gonna sit here! LOL

Anonymous said...

Kwel, Mate just flew in!!

Anonymous said...

I just came back & that wind is just like you hear up on the Maine cam. Almost blew off the road!
Hopefully our Eagles will find it too difficult to do much flying today and stay put in the nest for our viewing.

Normabyrd is really a
Rocking Rabbit

NillaWafer said...

News is surgery is tomarrow for gall bladder... and another stress test before that.. Been so busy have not had time to see any cams except Buta i have up, she is asleep...

Anonymous said...

JO! Eagle is in the nest, LOL!!

Anonymous said...

I don't know about ya'll, but the winds seem to be playing havoc w/ everything, live feed, still cam updates, etc.

Anonymous said...

Belle is laying in the nest...Liberty is at noon, both are facing the cam

Anonymous said...

#@$#@$@# still cam won't come up...if you have any doubts about who is who...look now!!!

Anonymous said...

#@$#@$@# still cam won't come up...if you have any doubts about who is who...look now!!!

NillaWafer said...

Oh look at Buta Buta trying to play with Lun Lun... Hey did you hear them say on tv last night that the babies take on a pink color and thats from the mothers saliva

Anonymous said...

Ok Hanky Panky in the nest YES!!!!

Anonymous said...

Buta Buta want to gooooooooooo! She can't make her mother understand.So I guess it is time to nurse. I loved the TV show last night of our Little Prince.

Paula That comment of mine about staying in the nest due to the wind - I was watching them because thanks to you I had seen your Eagle alert.
The wind at the Maine nest has calmed
There was a BW eagle in their nest but now it is MT.

Nilla Hope when the gall bladder goes that Dawn's problems will cease & that they don't find anything else with all these stress tests.
Hope Dana reports in when she returns from Dr.
Grandson is visiting prior to his DR visit today about a possible hernia.

Anonymous said...

Good update for the past 3 days on the Panda Cam - Buta Buta.

Anonymous said...

Ok Feb 7 thru 12 Gonna be a nestling in there Yep I do really think so....Perhaps sooner too as we of course have no idea where these 1 have been and what they've been up too sometimes LOL.

Anonymous said...

OOOOps not a nestling and egg Nope I am NOT anxious for the new little ones at all!!!

Anonymous said...

Mits mentioned this earlier - and it is worth mentioning again. Lisa BW Osprey Cam page - on the left is a video with sound titled Migration! Fantastic!

Anonymous said...

LunLun just said to Buta Buta
Lay your head on my shoulder

But ButaButa want to gooooooooo!

NillaWafer said...

Glo are you saying our Liberty & Belle did the deed already??????? This weather has the birds all confused!!!

Anonymous said...

Aww how sweet. mema Jo Well that's similar but not quite what Liberty said to Belle a little bit ago....
But I still thin I might be confused about timing of copulation verses egg hatching... MTBR Can't remember what the Cop....ulation Cop said one day last week. I will never be able to refind it LOL.

Anyway I like to think Loving things happening right in our nest today. Lots more settled down too. Think they are gonna forget about the sticky situation with that out of place twig.

Anonymous said...

UUUUMMMM HMMMM Nilla You are catching on...

Anonymous said...

Glo, did you get the hanky panky on tape? I missed it!

Anonymous said...

Yes I did...and I also have the FL eagles beside them on Media player in same film ...Will Post it on the Feed Blitz later. Keep and eye on them ya just never know!

Anonymous said...

About ready to throw the $#^%^%# computer out the door.....

Anonymous said...

Egg laying until hatching is around 35 days

Anonymous said...

No, Nilla, I would say they are right on track! Practice makes perfect little eggs!

Anonymous said...

I tried rewinding and messed it up...gotta be careful...guess I'll get it right someday!

Anonymous said...

Yes thats where I came up with those dates, but of course we don't have laying we have luvpulation, copulation LO< , and I don't know how long from Luvulation to egg laying ....I do think it was discussed on here a few days ago...about the time you all were handing out cheese and I was in my Zombie from work and vacation mode so didn't really write it down or I don't know....but I do know we had that today!!! and we will have our young this year...yep I have faith in these 2 for sure!!!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...worked up a little appetite there, Belle?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hello all my eagle buddies. I just wanted to let everybody know that the service went really well. I am just having a really hard time today, worse day yet but I know it will get easier with time. Thanks to everybody for their love, thoughts and prayers. It means so much to me. The flowers from the eaglet momsters was the most beautiful there. It is a huge basket with all different plants in it and beautiful yellow roses (Donna's favorite). I am so grateful to you all!!! I love you all so much.

What a blessing to see Liberty and Belle on the video feed! God is good!

Anonymous said...

Guess my post about the 5-10 days didn't make it on here....

Glo, It takes 5-10 days to make and lay the egg....however, the female can also store sperm until she has an egg ready....they also say the frequency of copulation will increase as the egg laying time gets near....

Anonymous said...

Such a smart pair. Now she gets to eat and he gets to work on that stick again sounds good to me LOL

Anonymous said...

((((((Sharon)))) Take it easy now and try to eat and relax some...its healing time for you emotionally anyway Love ya girl!

Anonymous said...

luvpulation, copulation LO< , and I don't know how long from Luvulation to egg laying ....


Anonymous said...

Paula Ok cool then Belle will soon be sitting right there for us on a regular basis. Thanks for that info

Anonymous said...

Jo, I went back and reread your comment and now it makes perfect sense to me! Duh!

(Paula That comment of mine about staying in the nest due to the wind - I was watching them because thanks to you I had seen your Eagle alert. )

Anonymous said...

Norma and Nilla found it on

MITS said...

Hey..Sharon..Take it slow today, be with the family, watch your eagles and pandas, and just know all of us have you and the family in our prayers.

NillaWafer said...


MITS said...

Mom looks a little anxious in Fla.

Anonymous said...

We love ya, gal.

NillaWafer said...

Oh she is in the corner resting now...

NillaWafer said...


Anonymous said...

Hello- new thread is up!!!

Anonymous said...

OK so just how wondy is it there. I am getting nervous for them watching this nest...I think they want to fly off but its too strong to do it safely etc...

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...