Monday, January 22, 2007

Monday 22 January

New snowy thread.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Steve for everything

Geula said...

hello to the "New Thread Queen"!I've had a peek at the pandas, the live cam is back here, I saw buta day is complete!

Geula said...

hello to the "New Thread Queen"!I've had a peek at the pandas, the live cam is back here, I saw buta day is complete!

Geula said...

uh oh, sorry for the hiccup. pressed twice, for some reason...

Anonymous said...

Hi guela So very nice to see you ...Good cam viewing today I take it...that's great.

Anonymous said...

stcik around for while if you can. L and B almost always head bck in the late afternnon. Also so many Bloggers wouldlove to say HI I am sure of it!!

Geula said...

okay, but first I need to take the ddoggie for a walk...she's dancing!


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Geula, it is so good to hear from you!

I am so glad that Buta Buta's name has stuck on here and we are not using that fake name of Mei Lan! :):):)

Geula said...


How are you doing, Sharon?

How's buta buta get his name? and what the heck was all that talk about wax?

Anonymous said...

Hellooooo Geula!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my good we go again LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, I'm staying out of that discussion!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Geula, you've got mail that explains the wax thing. Be prepared for a good laugh.

Now about Buta's name. They had said that a panda giving birth is like a stick of butter coming out, so I thought Buta Buta (for butter, get it - ha! ha!). Anyway, that is how I came up with Buta Buta.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Two eagles arrived at our nest at the same time! KEWL!

Somebody needs to tell Buta that she needs to be more active between 10 and 5.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Buta is chewing on her momma's face!

Liberty flew off and Belle is eating!

Geula said...

AHHH YES! before I even read the e-mail I had the feeling it was THE wax story! Somebody sent it to me again, just recently, so I know all about it! it IS hilarious! I'm just very glad it wasn't me...
oh, the very thought!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am with you, Geula. That woman had a really bad day!

Geula said...

well, tell everybody hi from me...the nest is mt, buta buta looks like she's going to sleep, and I should do the same.

Good Night and MAWOY! (may angels watch over you)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good night Geula. I hope you have a restful and peaceful night! So glad you were on today!

MITS said...

eagle at our nest

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Eagle in our nest.

Just found out that Andrew was chosen for WVU Honor Band next month.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Eagle in BW eagle nest too!

NillaWafer said...

Just like clock work eagle in our nest at 5pm... Howdy Sharon you feeling better?? Wish i could say i was but hangin in there...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

2 eagles at BW!

NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...

Our eagle is waiting on the other eaglelooks like...

MITS said...


NillaWafer said...

I would say the eagle in the center of the nest at BW is the female she is much broader across the back

NillaWafer said...

Yeahhhhh Congratss ANDREWWWWWW... 1 eagle now in BW NEST

NillaWafer said...

MT nest at BW AT 5:10 PM

NillaWafer said...

MT nest at ours at 5:11pm

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Our nest is MT now too!

MITS said...

Beautiful take-off by Lib, looks like he flew down and landed on one of the buildings

Anonymous said...

Back again!!

Anonymous said...

brought back some more grass, stayed for about 3 min or so, then took off to the right....

Anonymous said...

Sharon - that is fantastic news for you and Andrew. He is already making a name for himself being chosen for WVU Honor Band next month.

So anyone think there will be any birds having a sleepover tonight?

Anonymous said...

I missed Geula - was taking a well needed nap - have a bit of a head cold & when the body says REST - that's what I do.

Dinner time here - I'll BBL

Anonymous said...

Heading Home - for those of you that missed the 2 evening visits, or this mornings visit, I loaded the videos to youtube...go to

and you can access the one from this morning, and see the other two from this evening. You can sign up under paulaeaglemomster to be notified when I load up a new video. I will not always post every link on the eagletmomster blog, so if you sign up as a subscriber, then you can see all the videos more easily.

MITS said...

Paula, do I sign up on the youtube site?????

Anonymous said...

I have Paula's site on my favorites..I don't think I need to sign up again..At the end of Paula's blog is the sign up. Check it out.
I don't think it is notification like
FeedBlitz gives us. Could be wrong. I'll wait for Paula to straighten me out if I need to do something else.

MITS said...

Thanks, Jo....

MITS said...

I'm not sure I'm at her site, when I'm on you tube???

Anonymous said...

You're not. When you go into Paula's site & click on the url for the video it takes you over to the YouTube. You don't need to sign into YouTube in order to see Paula's videos.

MITS said...

okie-dokie, I'll go back to Paulas' site and look for someplace to sign up, Thanks, Jo.

MITS said...

no eagles, but breezy out in Santa Cruz.

MITS said...

About time for the eagles out in California to start showing up, especially at WEST END.

MITS said...

Hubby on his way home going to fix dinner. TTUL!

MITS said...

There is a little bird in WEST END nest.

Anonymous said...

Tooth Fairy Alert

5 year old Samantha, great granddaughter of Mema Jo, has just lost her first tooth. It wiggled for
days and finally today when not able to eat lunch for sandwhich or chicken for dinner, she told her mom to "Pull this out!." Popped right out!

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Mits, She just wanted to be sure she could eat her ice cream, I think!!

Anonymous said...

I am still missing the Kent nest eagles!!

MITS said...

Well first things are first...a girl needs her daily dose of ice cream....

MITS said...

I miss KENT also, but this one on Santa Catalina Island takes my breathe away.

MITS said...

That eagle looking out over the Pacific gives my cold chills.

MITS said...

other eagle just flew back in.............

Anonymous said...

They sure did work hard on that nest for a long time didn't they Mema Jo Maybe they have decided to use a different nest this year or osmething.MTBR

MITS said...

The way he was yelling thought the other was coming in...

MITS said...

And I missed it she did come in and the other one left.

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Well all seems quiet think the eagles and the bloggers are all up to something now for the evening. Think I'm gonna call it a day my self. Hope everyone rests well.

Anonymous said...

Well even though I already said good night once I just need to say, it looks like its snowing like crazy again in the nest. I am so glad Belle isn't spending the night there keeping and egg warm.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It is snowing pretty hard in Bluefield. You can see it on the Jefferson Cam.

Hope everybody has had a wonderful evening. Mattie is with me again tonight. What a joy she is!

MITS said...

Just checked radar, Glo, there is now precip in area, and I don't see any snow in the nest?

MITS said...

If you are looking at live-feed its the cam that is making it look like there is weather in the area..look at 30 second cam, looks quiet.

Anonymous said...

It's a bit after the fact of your discussion BUT it isn't snowing in Middletown Valley. Maybe Sandra will come on and confirm no snow in Shepherdstown.
Glo The nest today with the snow, showed a very dry spot right in the middle... Mits & I thought that just maybe someone was in the nest last evening during the snow...MTBR

Anonymous said...

I just wonder where our FloralGirl has been....???
Belle must be back into School studies.
Dana is with daughter.
Nilla better be lying down with foot waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy
high! Nilla, what time is blood work tomorrow & do you have an idea what they are checking since you know it maybe isn't a Baker's Cyst?

Anonymous said...

Oh Yes! Iris is still in the closet.
Just had to say that lol

Anonymous said...

Mits and others -

After you click on the link to view the video, the signup is on youtube. Just click on "subscribe to paulaeagletmomster". It is in orange on the right hand side of your screen. Youtube will let you know when a new video is loaded.

Just thought that might be easier for some people than trying to remember to check the blog all the time.

Anonymous said...

Iris -
Come out, come out whereever you are!!

MITS said...

LOL!!! Well I hope Iris lets us know when she comes out of the closet, Jo.

Anonymous said...

OK Great so now Mits and Mema Jo You need to remember to give me the local weather conditions each night once Belle starts sitting on those eggs, cuase YEP it looks like its really snowing lots there at times and then at others well it looks oK. I don't want to be worrying aobut that eagle being cold and sitting in a blizzard when you all know she's just great and there isn't a snowfalke in the air. Ok Thaks

MITS said...

okie- dokie. Paula, I'll try that, I always forget to go look at the videos.

Anonymous said...

Now see, Mits. I told you Paula would straighten me out - Everything I told you really was the whole story. I am off to YouTube via the EagletMomster site of Paula's.

MITS said...

Ok, so now I'm confused, clicked on subscribe and it says to log-on to I guess I have to join you tube???

Anonymous said...

Paula - You tube added me to your videos... However, it did want me to sign in first - I have a user ID with YouTube so I didn't have any trouble.

Mits Let me know if you got in?

Anonymous said...

Mits - go ahead and create an account. Then subscribe to Paula's.
You never know - you and I might make a video one day and put it on YouTube!!!! Tee Hee

Anonymous said...

Good Night, Iris. So glad you're out!

You should have a very satisfied feeling about your accomplishment!!

You have met your goal for the day

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone

Had a nice late dinner Italian.. it was very good. Company was greatttttttt daughter, me and hubby and daughters friend and his wife. We all enjoyed ourselves laughing. He is just like a son to me.

Anonymous said...

Our live feed is really spooky looking. I can see why GLO thought it was snowing. Just a lot of Eagle Spirits as far as I can tell.

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

I have been thinking about you - So
very happy you had a wonderful time.
Bet it will take you awhile to 'wind' down!

Anonymous said...

Great Going, Mits!

Now, Paula?? When you place a new video on YouTube - Since we subscribe to them - are we notified some way??

MITS said...

Glad you had a good time, Dana! GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE Iris that must have been one "BIG" closet....

Anonymous said...

Tried signing in to get Paulas videos to come to my email address but it didn't work for me.

Anonymous said...

I think youtube sends you an email. That is why you have to get an account, so they have your email address to send the notification to.

Anonymous said...

Then I am all set to go! Thanks. I'll let you know next email I get

Anonymous said...

It is time for me to call it a day!

Good Night All
Pleasant dreams & peaceful sleep
Prayers being said for all...

Good Morning Suzanne - Hope you are well and have made it safely to work

movin said...


Great to see Geula's comments on here again. Welcome back.

The Spirit Eagles are guarding the nest from our prying eyes tonight, but I can see there are no adults staying the night.

Have a super day. Catch you on the far side.


Anonymous said...

Good morning, back from coffee and dog treats. What a great way to start the day. I see we don't have several inches of additional snow piled up in and around our nest. Hmmm weird but intriguing cam from overnight. Have a great day all.

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE I ususally read e-mails first then come to blog, but wanted to make sure Suzanne was ok, and she is...that's good. Suz, live-feed is working, but no eagles right now. PAULA, think I'm all signed up and ready to go with your you-tube account. YEA! All have a great day, I'm going to the zoo for a lecture this afternoon and then my shift tomorrow, so I get to see "the little prince" twice this week!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning to all my eagle buddies. I am working this morning and watching our live feed -- YEAH!!!!

Suz, I am so glad you are okay. We were worried about you yesterday.

All have a wonderful day.

Anonymous said...

Sharon You have email

Anonymous said...

Morning all.

See the poor Blackwater eagle is still stuck in the nest :)

MT nests everywhere....

MITS said...

Getting light out in California.

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Eagle still at BW eagle nest

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...

Daylight at KENT, MT nest.

MITS said...

If you get a chance, stop by the flamingo cam at the zoo. Birds look beautiful.

MITS said...


MITS said...

EAGLE ALERT.........

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

L&B just arrived!!!!!!

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Eagle alert!!

Anonymous said...

Was 2, now just one.....

Anonymous said...

She's gotta fatten up to lay us some nice, healthy eggs!

MITS said...

Well, Paula, she is doing a good job of that, she is huge!!!

MITS said...

Yep, that's Liberty.

Anonymous said...

That was a quick snack

Anonymous said...

Isn't she a porker, Mits.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Liberty is absolutely gorgeous standing there looking around!

Anonymous said...

2 eagles bw osprey

MITS said...

LOL!!!!! Yes, Paula, she sure is!!!!!

MITS said...

All gone.

Anonymous said...

man that was short visits. I let my dogs out, made a cup fo tea, to sit and watch and well. All gone :(

MITS said...

Norma, she is beautiful, but a porker, like Paula says.

MITS said...

Lots of squawking at BW/Osprey cam.

MITS said...

The way she looks Norma, she might be carrying the mother-load, no pun intended:).

MITS said...


MITS said...

Maybe a new thread would help Megan get in, hope she is not sick or anything.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I hope for our peace of mind she just lays 2 eggs. Don't know if I could handle the stress of 3.

MITS said...

Yes, Sharon, one or two would be nice.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning All Out There In Eagle Land Happy you're having a good viewing these am hours.
For sure, she's a porker! Beautiful one at that.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Is anybody watching the FL nest? She is looking around and keeping her mouth open, you can see her tongue!

Anonymous said...

Remember it's warm in FL - could just be the panting - I sure wish she would just get up there and fly!

MITS said...

I have been watching her on and off this a.m., sent a note to Lynda last week, have not heard back which is unusual for her.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just wonder if she has discovered that her eggs were not fertile. Sad!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Eagle in our nest with something that looks really bloody! YUCK!

MITS said...

74° in Port St. Lucie and 76% humidity...she looks like she has not given up yet.

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

I thought a cardinal was in the nest - BUT...... Guess we'll just need to watch and see if it is edible...or decorative!

MITS said...

What ever it is not being eaten yet.

MITS said...

Maybe it is decorative, I hope.

MITS said...

Proboably waiting for him to come cook it.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I hadn't thought about it being a cardinal. I hope not!

Anonymous said...

I had to restart my computer...what is that in the nest?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

And my live feed just went down :(:(

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My live feed went down. Anybody elses?

MITS said...

So did mine....

MITS said...

Just sent Lynda another note in FLA., hope I get an answer.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I see yours did too. I figured it was Liberty bringing lunch to Belle and now he is waiting on her.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Can somebody call Steven and ask him to restart the live feed? Just an idea!

Anonymous said...

I think L&B are more the sushi type :):)

Anonymous said...

Steve we need a reset!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I wish somebody would nudge Buta and make her get up and be active. Wait a minute, Momma just arrived. Oh, she just checked on her and walked away! Shucks!

Anonymous said...

Gone now and left lunch behind!!! (If it is lunch)

Anonymous said...

Guess it's safe there!

Anonymous said...

BW eagle spending time in nest. Wonder if this will be the first clutch of eggs for this young couple. She seems very comfy!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Ask and you shall receive. Buta is playing with Momma now!

Anonymous said...

Mei & Tai still napping outside on the cold cold ground (which I am sure they love)
ButaButa giving Mom a hard time!

Anonymous said...

Buta Buta -
Bite - Kick - Poke the eye

MITS said...

Don't know Stevens' #, but I e-mailed him.

MITS said...

Funny, Buta just went to rest and Lun bit her in the butt.

MITS said...

New update on PANDA PAGE, re: Mei and Tian.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Buta is really giving her Momma a run for the money!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Both eagles at BW eagle nest!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It looks like Tai and Mei are napping together outside. How precious is that.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Lun keeps standing Buta on her head!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Interesting info about Tian and Mei.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I sure do wish Liberty or Belle would come back to the nest so we could see if the red thing is edible!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Andrew was chosen and was in the Virginia Tech Honor Band last weekend. Next month, he will be in the WVU Honor Band.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am a really proud Momma, that is for sure!

Anonymous said...

Panda Page update was really interesting. I knew Mits said that maybe Mei wanted to see Tian. Funny about Tai's reaction.

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Sandra, maybe it is the pomegranate. That would be funny. Yes, Andrew wants to go to WVU next year and be in the band.

MITS said...

Does anyone think it might be a deflated red ballon??? Hope to zoo lecture.BBL!

MITS said...

Buta looks like me when I have had more than 2 G&T'S

MITS said...


NillaWafer said...

Finally i got in the blog...Been watching Buta Buta aint she full of herself playing today...Awww rolled in aball...she cant get comfortable... Ewwwww nasty nasty in our nest as ya'll see to... I am thinking its guts from a road kill?? Red octopussy if we lived near the BW eagle stayed in her nest along time..Yes Thelma i had blood work done this morning and back to doctor friday morning at 10 am... Talked to Dana afew and she is enjoying time spent with her daughter.. I took tonight off work..BBL

NillaWafer said...

Oh the eagle is still setting on eggs in Fla how sad.. I checked in Harrisburg Falcons and nothing on ledge or in nest yet.. Jo i think we signed up for an e-mail as to when they come back didnt we? I am bored should ride over to the nest and stop by Sandra's... Yup think i do that... MTBR

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone nice to see you all ( :

BW eagle nest eagle back

Anonymous said...

Live feed is back up!!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL, could be a Valentine's day decoration!

Anonymous said...

Too big for a pomegrante.

Darn, my live feed just went out again....


Anonymous said...

Paula I had only read the first part of your message and went right to the live feed and no mine wasn't up. Came back to your message and seen the other half "down"... :( :( :(

Anonymous said...

Steve is out traveling for the day won't be back until tomorrow. I don't know who is trying at NCTC to work on the "live feed" but hopefully they will get it going and it will STAY UP ..

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with you Paula I don't think it is that either.
I'm thinking more like a meat of somekind. Animal with fur pulled off of some sorts. OOOPsss was there a George in our nest??

Anonymous said...

Nilla's at the nest.. Dead deer near front entrance of NCTC - Red meat in the nest? Sandra - she's staying a little longer & then heading to you.
She can't get over how large the nest looks now with all the nestorations!

I know that Mits went to the afternoon zoo lecture - but I think she turned off our panda cams!!! I can't get any pic on either one of them. Anyone else have the same problem?

Anonymous said...

Has BW eagle been on that nest all day?

Anonymous said...


Steve is back from DC.
Blogger Cop kept me a long time before he allowed me to come over &
invite you over..........

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good explanation!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...