Wednesday, January 17, 2007



Anonymous said...

Good Morning, All. So wonderful to have both cams up and working. Thanks, NCTC and Steve!

Belle just left the nest!

NillaWafer said...

Good Morning Everyone... Well seems like this whole group of friends needs a great big ol hug with all the trails of life we are going thru once again (((((((((( Group Hugs)))))))))))Hey Megan whats that mans name who has the commericals about all the things the government has to give ya.. check him out.. Isnt it Matt Lesky or something like that.. I am at work Dawn went to doctors for her check up and stitches out..I have 30 sec delay cam up and there is a eagle in our nest right now looks like eating??? Yup just refreshed its eating.. Thanks Steven for the cam fix!!!
Thelmaaaaaaaaaa my partnerrrrr welcome home !!! Sharon Ooops my fault i thought your test was today also.. Thanks for the concern about my parents dog Patches ans sister dog Annie yes they both were very muched loved,but as in life they were together most of the time in death they are together out on the family farm..
We here have lost several pets in recent months..Glo's son's dog... Vickys cat.. and the 2 dogs of my familys... I have said before and will say it again God does work in mysterious ways to have brought all of us together as friends to support and show love for each other as family on this blog... brb

NillaWafer said...

Morning Paula i copied n pasted n brought the above over from other page... Wasnt she beautifullll

Anonymous said...

No, Suz, maybe I should call today!

Anonymous said...

Still have her number laying right here on my desk.

Anonymous said...

Where did you get the shirt?

Anonymous said...

Nest is looking kind of soft and cushiony. And with such a full tummy too, should be pretty comfy/

Mauley said...

Nilla, do you know about the legend of the Rainbow Bridge? If not, you will find comfort in it. Losing a pet (to me) is like giving up a family member. Our pets are part of our lives. We all can use the group hug. Glad to wiggle my way in there too. I thank God for all of you on the blog. Wasn't it too cool how Belle stretched? You are good friends.
ps, where do I get the eagle earrings? donna

Anonymous said...

Article about eagles near Glo. Looks like there is an eagle festival in your town, Glo.

Anonymous said...

Correction - I think the festival has already been celebrated.

Mauley said...

Thanks Suzanne.

Anonymous said...

YES Eagle festival was 2 weeks ago. No eagles around to speak of. But it has gotten cold and snowy, so hopefully they are back. No time to check down at Marina these past few days. Actually several weekends throughout the winter there are special events that surround the eagles and all are within a half hour to max 1 hour drive time. Clocktower one is like 5 mins away. Trying to find a good time to have Vicky come when she will actually see more than 2 eagles, which has been the ocunt where I go for over 10 days now.

MITS said...


Mauley said...

Suzanne, I have been trying to get in for over an hour. Guess I will have to get Mits on it for me. hope this posts. donna

Anonymous said...

Well remember iN case blogger acts up all day. There Obviously is a chat room now to go to for LIVE Eagle alerts. You will know and can share in a split second actually.

You will Need to get there while blogger is still working or take the link I sent out the other day that totally bypasses Blogger.

Need it, just email me...

I have to go shopping for a bed right now, but Chat is open 24 hrs a day whether or not I am in there .

If no one is there, you might want to consider minimizing it and leaving it in your tray. If you set a sound for Beep on entry, you will know if someone else comes. Other sounds you can set too. Go experiment. Getting much close ro eggs on NCTC, I am gonna want to know right away. Chat will do that for you.

OK BBL off to buy a bed LOL. I'm tired!!!

Anonymous said...

big bird just chased Liberty or Belle

Anonymous said...

Got it taped
They are being harrassed OR one of our little ones wants home :-(

Anonymous said...

Second one was there immediately...they are defending the nest right now actually...both there and watching the skies

Anonymous said...

Both in the nest.

Anonymous said...

OK so now how am I gonna go buy a bed!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is interesting observing whatever is going on...BW nest and ours seem to be getting a very soft nest bed - ready for egg(s) I bet.
I am just home in between appointments.

Anonymous said...

OK Things have settled down now re-arranging the nesting stuff

Anonymous said...

well one of them is eating again now. Didn't mantle or eat for like 5 mins though. makes me wonder even more if one of the young from last year thought htey might get to stop by for lunch. Weill look more closely tonight when I upload it, see if it was large black bird like hawk or a young eagle!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, that looked like an eagle with the white tail as it passed by!

Anonymous said...

man Blogger is giving me a hard time. They sure remain busy this afternoon.

Anonymous said...

Remember Belle's loss of a patch of feathers early in the egg sitting or maybe newly hatched part of last years season?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Did anyone elses live feed go down???????

Anonymous said...

Yes Dana mine is down

Anonymous said...

Thank you Glo

Ok on the other link there are 3 sites Santa Cruz and two others. Are you able to bring any up other than Santa Cruz???????????

Anonymous said...

There is a great article about Blackwater and its winter eagle population in the Washington Post today. It is on page 2 of the Style section. Thanks for the info Sandra, Hi Paula, Glo, Dana, Jo,Mauley, and welcome home Mits. Nilla, ran to the library this morning and picked up that book by the crazy yelling man, matthew Lesky. speed reading it now.... Thanks for all the support and help you guys.

Anonymous said...

Where is the eagle nest link in South Caroline or is there one???

Anonymous said...

any dibs on when the first night will be that Belle stays int he nest? I bet it's this week sometime for sure...she has been there lots today!

Anonymous said...

Ok I'll play Glo hee hee ah lets see for now the 20th Sat.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks dana I will say the 19th so that would be Fri.

Anonymous said...

Yep and I'll say Sat. the 20th hee hee Belle you have to stay in the nest (I'll put a dab of glue JUST KIDDDING)

Buta Buta is awake hee hee 3:39pmEST

Anonymous said...

Are they sure Buta Buta can see. She is up against a wall licking it and trying to put her head into it. Like it is Lun Lun to nurse. Strange...

Anonymous said...

They are also wondering at BW eagle nest when the eagle there will stay in the nest. When it stays in nest during night it means egg/eggs the nest day.

Anonymous said...

Buta Buta just rolled herself into a tight ball. Where is mommie ???? Mommie come to Buta Buta and feed her and keep her warm.

NillaWafer said...

Ahhhhh Thelma yes i have been a very bad bad girl but right now i am down for the count as they say.. Had the ultra sound and let me tell you when he moved that doppler over my inner thigh i screamed n cryed.. then he got this funny look onhis face and said i need someone else in here to look at this.. so in came 3 more people.. after all was finished he told me to go out in office and wait he was calling my doctor well my doctor is not in today i know i called for pain pills... So wont know whats wrong til tomarrow.. please keep those lil prayers going because this scares me more than my heart catherizations... I am behaving Thelma promise and Jo or Sharon or Glo promise to all...

NillaWafer said...

Glo that video of nest defending is totally awsome now i could not tell what kind of bird it was ,,, perhaps another eagle??? But amazing how they both are in the nest at the end.. wonderful job of catching the action Thanks... Now daughter is doing fine stitches out and on the mend with the exception of getting a tooth pulled tomarrow.. Dawn is picking me up and taking me down home for a short time to see how things are... Wont be long promise Thelma...BBL

Anonymous said...

Nilla Nilla Nilla

You better be off your feet & have you legs up and

Anonymous said...

IrisF said...
Hi and Hugs to all,
Back from church and can't get the live cam to come up. Anyone else with that problem?

The refreshing cam is there and there seems to be a lot of traffic in and out of the nest 2:30 to 3:15p.m. EDST. Sure wish I could see it live.

nilla, will surely keep you in my prayers, I know it will be hard to sleep tonight. Waiting is so hard. And Sharon, hope you get some good news tomorrow. Will pray for that too!

OK, Lost in Space Iris posted this on the wrong page...DUH!!! Here goes try #5 to post today...

Anonymous said...

What happened to the picture of my Praying Lady? Are there gremlins in the Blog today? Help!

Anonymous said...

Yes Nilla you are to sit still and enjoy the bLOG, cams, TV or whatever. Pet on Sugah and behave yourself all evening. They would have put you in the hospital if it were any major imminent threat, but it is of course important and thus you must behave and wait out the next piece of info. My wet noodle has been a little busy with the BLOG today, but I can get it after you. In fact I could send Thelma over there in person with it!!!

Anonymous said...

YEP Blogger has been misbehaving some today.

Anonymous said...

eagle alert

Anonymous said...

all gone

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, I must have missed something. Nilla, why did you have the ultrasound?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Liberty and Belle in the nest!

Anonymous said...

Eagle Alert

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Gone, gone!

MITS said...

Blog is acting weird, was asking if I wanted to proceed because this was not a secure site....what's up with that, and when I came back on Sharons' picture was gone.....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, mine shows my picture is there!

MITS said...

Its back now..but when it warned me not to enter, and, I did any how, it is just jerking my chain.

Anonymous said...

LOL Well Mits we're here and about as secure as we ever are. Blogger is having a fairly goofy day today. At least it sure has had one from where I am.

Anonymous said...

well I sent a message that's not here. It will probablly show up like 3 times if it shows up at all that is.

Anonymous said...

well I sent a message that's not here. It will probablly show up like 3 times if it shows up at all that is.

Anonymous said...

With all the blog troubles going on, I half afraid to even post a message.
But you never know until you try!

Hello evening buddies.

Anonymous said...

Amber Alert

Glo where is your grandaughter??

And did you really send an invisible message that we can't see?

Anonymous said...


She was last seen at

Wednesday, January 17, 2007 5:10:43 PM
eagle time

Wearing plaid dress & has the largest
dark beautiful eyes you've ever seen.

Anonymous said...

well I have no idea where Elia has gone Geesh that's it...where is my wet noodle!!!

Anonymous said...

I see on the DC panda cam

Little Ledge Lodger

who now due to size, hangs over
the ledge.

Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone back to the crazy blog robber. They need to teach the security guard on this blog "that we are the ones to let in dumb guy/gal".

Just got back from dinner, food great, company even greater and seen people we knew there which is nice also.

Stopped brought a 2nd candle warmer that way Ed has his in living room. I have mine in kitchen.

Glo hope you pic soon comes home.

Anonymous said...

Eagle at Santa Cruz

Anonymous said...

Hi Dana - Aren't we glad that Glo didn't say Eagle at SC..TeeHee

Glo- By the time I got my media player up and running - Eagle was gone.

Dana - The other two sites are hard to get into. They have a limited time & are busy most of the time that I tried to open them.

Anonymous said...

Dana We went to Bob Evans for
dinner - Where did you and Ed go.

I wonder if NILLA ordered
Dinner in ??? Need to call her in
a little while.

Anonymous said...

stupic thing I posted that Eagle at Santa Cruise 10 mins before you ever saw it. Its gone now...Gr--r-r-r

Anonymous said...

stupic thing I posted that Eagle at Santa Cruise 10 mins before you ever saw it. Its gone now...Gr--r-r-r

Anonymous said...

The nest at Santa Cruz is interesting. I think the site has some video of the previous season that I have watched. The nests in CA seem to be flatten instead of the depth we are use to.
There is a clip on that site about the wind storm with the eagle in the nest - reminded me of Spunky's Storm

Anonymous said...

I am noticing all the problems you are having Glo! So far I have been ok but I don't want the old Glitcher to hear that.

Anonymous said...

Jo thank you for the email.

We went to Hagerstown to Ryans that one is so nice. Food is hot and good. Two of the women that worked Martinsburg have been moved over there. As soon as they noticed us there right down at our table they came with hugs. Nice women. One is going to be first time Grandmother in July.

Anonymous said...

Oh my heavens I just turned on the tv and channel 5 was it is American Idol...oh man

Anonymous said...

See ya later Dana.

Anonymous said...

Mema Jo are you leaving?? or Did you think I was???

Anonymous said...

Eagle at Santa Cruz 8:30pmEST both are there

Anonymous said...

I think she thought you were going to watch American Idol. I did too until I heard the door knock.

Anonymous said...

Where are you two?

I was playing games
I thought you were going in to watch TV

On my screen neither one of you have
a pic.

I bet Mits is taking a much needed nap!

Anonymous said...

Well now I refreshed & Dana's pink kitty has returned.

Anonymous said...

hee hee I am three places here, chat and tv lol

Anonymous said...

Mema Jo what game was you playing

Anonymous said...

Jo do you know the age or how long the pair has been at Santa Cruz??

Anonymous said...

well mostly I am in chat I am going crazy with blogger

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I am so happy everybody had a wonderful supper. I had chicken broth with a banana popsicle for dessert. Just now I ate a wonderful cup of lime Jello. I have also had tangerine Gatorade which I do actually like. I cannot wait to eat tomorrow. This liquid stuff just don't cut it!

Anonymous said...

well mostly I am in chat I am going crazy with blogger

Anonymous said...

Sorry Sharon I do remember all that last part of 2005 was mine.

Anonymous said...

I like the card games..I like TriPeaks & Solitaire.

Just talked with NILLA - she'll be on in a little while -SHE was watching American Idol.

I'd have to read about Santa Cruz nest - I'm not sure.

Sharon Just keep your mind focused on Scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, pancakes & just how good it going to taste when you dig in tomorrow around 9:30 am

You're still stuttering on here,Glo.

Anonymous said...

What time do you go in Sharon?

Anonymous said...

Well i'm not going to be stuttering on here very much longer. calling it a day for Blogger. Just plain old not doing so good for me today. Have a couple of computer projects to work on. I will shut it down tonight before I head off to bed. Hang in there . Sharon . have another cup of tea for me ((((((Hugs )))))

OK lets see how long to get this to post!

Anonymous said...

Is Nilla coming in before American Idol is over?? It goes off at 10pm.

Mauley said...

Hey ya all my dear friends. The blog is being mean to Mauley, Mits, will you get the wet noodle from Glo? I have beeen able to read the entries, but not get mine on. I hope this posts. I want Nilla and Sharon to know that I am praying fervently for them. love donna

Anonymous said...

Well it looks like no eagle is spending the night in BW eagle nest. Nor Belle in our eagle nest.

Anonymous said...


Don't know what time Nilla will be here but probably at 10:00.

Hi Mauley - I usually miss you in the morning posts. Guess you['re back in full swing with your classes.

Eaglet Momster Cindi's email with the bird story is very very heartwarming.
It is a MUST read

Anonymous said...

Yes Mema Jo I read the "love story" cindi sent

Anonymous said...

Eagles at Santa Cruz first breeding year was last year. Here is some more info from the forum.

Santa Cruz Nest

Eagle Data: The parents of A-49, who is the first chick hatched naturally on the Northern Channel Islands since 1949, are two eagles originally from Catalina Island who have made their home on Santa Cruz Island.

The male (K-10) was hatched on March 8, 2001 from an egg laid by captive bald eagles at the San Francisco zoo and fostered into a Catalina Island nest the same month. K-10 fledged (left the nest) late in May.

The female (K-26) was hatched on March 22, 2002 (also laid by captive bald eagles), was fostered into a Catalina Island nest that same month and fledged in June.

Both spent some time cruising around California and Oregon before finally settling down on Santa Cruz Island.

NillaWafer said...

Hi Kiddies...Really not feeling well so not staying long.. Doctors office called and there is no blockage in my leg as far as they can tell... But my doctor is calling me tomarrow... yes i am in alot of pain(on Vicodin5-500mg for now) and my right leg is really swollen so MTBR tomarrow i suppose.. all is know is my right leg is over 2 inches bigger than the other and alot of pain in the groin area and inter thigh for some unknowen reason as of now.. thanks for the phone calls and concerns... Love & Hugs 2 all,, Niters, Nilla

Mauley said...

Been trying to post for the past hour. So if it will let me say goodnight, here goes. Good night all my dear friends, Mema Jo, thanks again for inviting me into the deep waters of the eagle ocean friendship wave. I will be praying for all of you so I will start now. It takes me over an hour sometimes to get you all covered and I love it. Good night and God Bless You all and keep you in the palm of His hand till morning. Sharon, Nilla, big hugs and special prayers for you both. donna

Anonymous said...

Time for me to sign off for today
Here's to seeing eagles & pandas tomorrow. Thanks Paula for the SC info.

Good Night All
Pleasant dreams & peaceful sleep
Prayers going up for all

Nilla & Sharon:Here's to good results being on the horizon for you

Good Morning Suzanne

MITS said...

Been catching up on e-mails and really tired, good day at zoo today, weather was wind and nice sun. NILLA, take care. GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE

Anonymous said...

( : Good Morning Suzanne......seeing eagle already huh in the eagle nest. Missed that..Do see one in osprey nest.

They are waiting to see when she first stays overnight in eagle nest at BW.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Suzanne you have to go to Glo's pic and click on it and go to the Title NCTC and click on it. There is a video of the intruder that Belle defended the nest against. WOW is it something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

No I'm here Suzanne might go back later lol

Yes that is an exciting video Glo does a great job for us. We are very lucky and the slow motion. That Gal is creative thank the lord for us.

Well if it was one of our eaglets. Yes it now knows that even if they pay room and board. There is a "no vacany" sign out.

Anonymous said...

Ok yes I'm going to retry the bed. I've not been sleeping good at night. bbl or sooner if can't sleep 7:37amEST

Anonymous said...

OK signed out and back in after coffee. lets see if this works. Thanks Iris for posting my email earlier!!

Anonymous said...

Ok That's better. Geesh. Been a trip

So have more explanations for that FISH

Its Feast day and Liberty is late. But JUSt now arrived lets see what happens, would so love live about now lOL

Anonymous said...

EAGLE ALERT incase you don't know it yet ...
its not a good fish and Liberty brought it he needs to get it out of there and don't move any branches in the process

Its for the kids to come and get later when they are gone, but then Do NOT come back again anymore!!!

Or Belle is in the egg laying hours and NOT hungry

Ok that's all the thougts I have on that for now LOL...none of them very serious actually
have a Great day, will BLOG off and on if I can

Anonymous said...

My Elia is back too!

Anonymous said...

I'm back Suzanne any pics of that "big fish" ?????

Anonymous said...

Yes I did. Seems like everyday I wake up so many times during the night and early morning can't sleep. Thank God I can go back for a nap. Sorry you can't Suzanne ):

Anonymous said...

Morning all, Nice to see they've been at the nest so much. Suz, can you put any of those pics on the momsters site? Thanks Dana for putting some on there too. I'll have to go watch Glo's video, missed all that action yesterday afternoon.

Belle is still in the nest....1 eagle left at BW Osprey.

Anonymous said...

LOL well then maybe it was the Feast and Yep Liberty was very late for Chow...he better have shown up with dessert then LOL

Anonymous said...

Ummmm No not that kind of dessert They had that lots already last week. LOL sorry couldn't resist...after the above comment, thought went right there to last weeks dessert comment from I thinkit was Paula LOL

Anonymous said...

ty for the send Suzanne you must post those on the Momster album site. Gal what a catch of pictures and Belle what a catch of a BIG fish. WOWOOWOWOWOWOWOOWWOWOWOOW

Anonymous said...

I would have thought Liberty would have caught that one and fed Belle. She sure is the homemaker.

Glo maybe we are getting close to that stay in the nest date us two chose. I wish others would pick a date (its fun).

Anonymous said...

Hi Paula sorry was so excited forgot to say hi.

Paula the picture you sold at NCTC was that Liberty or Belle carrying the fish???

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure who left first, but now they are both gone.

Anonymous said...

Steve, Live feed needs reset, in case you didn't know!

Anonymous said...

Yep its surely all gone LOL

Anonymous said...

Morning Dana, Suz and Glo and anyone else lurking!

Anonymous said...

Man where did she put that whole thing Itwas huge. Must be feeding quads this year. from last weeks desserts that wouldn't surprise me at all. Tee Hee

Anonymous said...

Eagle is back!

Anonymous said...

Remember the live feed battery is shot. They are getting another one. I sent around an email about what Steve said.

Belle ate the "whole thing" !!

That really would have been something if it was on live feed cam. Truly was something the pics Suzanne took !!!

Anonymous said...

That is one thing I do like about the blog. If I'm not feeling good and don't get in when I do I can re-read the blog comments in here. Truely thank you Suzanne for the play by play comments you put down. Help me feel like I was right there watching. Great Job !! ( :

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks Mits I'm heading over to NEW THREAD

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...