Thursday, August 17, 2006

Thursday August 17

New Thread.


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MITS said...


MITS said...

Yes, BELLE Just ordered some stuff from Preemis-R-Us last night, didn't even know the had a special place. Ah, The internet, the world at you finger tips. Think I will go out today to look for some more stuff.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Steven for the New Thread. Hope all is going well with you.
Did anyone know that a "Bloody Mary" with the alcohol of course in America is called a "Bloody Virgin" and in England it is called a "Bloody Shame". Read that in a mystery book I was laying in bed earlier this am reading.

wvgal_dana said...

Is Maggie eating better Mits?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, I think it is "dive right in, baby, the water is fine!!" Oh, the Divine Miss M!

belle_wv said...

I didn't see there was a new thread - so I was over there typin away and got myself the 400 prize 0 lol

wvgal_dana said...

Belle did you get any sleep at all? lol that is funny

belle_wv said...

BBIAFMAICSF - be back in a few minutes after I cut some flowers - whooo now I earned the prize - unless someone already answered over here LOL

wvgal_dana said...

lol thank you Suzanne (wink) for re-wording that cause I did check my spelling lol.

belle_wv said...

yeah some more dozing then I think I slept pretty soundly for about 20 minutes when the dog decided not to bark at every bird cheep and squirrel chitter and other dogs yappin in the neighborhood - guess she feels the need to be extra protective.

Anyway almost wish I had only dozed, think I had my head in a not so good position while I was sleeping... finally got the next percocet at 9 - was waiting for hubby to bring me breakfast that he promised, it should help but longer between doses than I'd wanted, but hubby wanted to bring back a croisandwich and who can argue with one of those?

It's all good :) Or Gravy, baby - how about good gravy baby? there ya go No lumps

belle_wv said...

Mits darlin - we need some more pics of your precious Maggiekins

wvgal_dana said...

I think Mits went to the Preemis-R-Us store again.

glo said...

OK I get to say good morning on the new thread without typing my message twice or cut and pasting it in here without all the added fun. Except today I have to get really busy or i iwll stress all weekend about everything I don't have done onthe data base. so wishing you all a good day. Will check back in occasionally...think for the most part you don't read what i write much anyway LOL...This is a test LOL.

Will hopefully see something from Nilla and her three new body parts on here on here today.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Belle, my advice to you would be take about 3 Percocets before you use the wax.

wvgal_dana said...

Shoot about the drinks that is "without alcohol" dang it.

belle_wv said...

How long and how much does Maggie weigh? I know you said the last time I asked, but my brain is like a seive - more falls through than stays in sometimes..

I was 6 weeks early myself and I was 21 inches long and weighed oh crud I can't remember what it was 4.2 lbs sounds too much and 2.4 sounds too little, but those are the numbers in my head... my grandmother had to sew special super tiny diapers for me, and I still wiggled out of them.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Glo doesn't sound like you retired. Work Work Work

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, my buddy, pal and friend, I pay attention to what you say. I always read what you write. We love you!!!

MITS said...

MAGGIE has her next appt. on Monday, she seems to eat fine, just does not want to wake up to do it. Haven't talked to anyone yet today. I sent her flowers yesterday for her 1st week birthday, yellow daises in a beach bucket with a spinner and CD of Beach Boys. Too cute. She loved them.

belle_wv said...

Glo you know we read and spell check every single word :) No stressing allowed - I told you you're semi-retired! You'll get it done with a little procrastination rush to help motivate.

LOL Sharon, 3 percocet and I am not sure where the wax would wind up...

MITS said...

Working on some pics of MAGGIE Hubby put them on a CD thingy, but most are from last week.

belle_wv said...

What a sweet idea Mits - sounds so colorful and the beachboys music might do the trick to keep her awake enough to eat. Is she getting any momjuice? Or since they want to monitor weight gain closely does it have to be all formula?

MITS said...

3 percoset and I'd be comatose.

MITS said...

BELLE Maggie was 5 lbs.8ozs. when she was born and 18 inches long. She dropped to 5lbs. 2 ozs. when she came home and gained back an oz by this past Monday. Mom is pumping her milk and giveing it to her that way so they can check how many ozs. she is eating.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My great-niece Mattie (who is great) used to cry so hard when she would get sleepy. The only way we could get her to calm down and go to sleep was to play CCR's Susie Q as loud as we could, dance around the room with her and she would go right to sleep. Don't remember how we discovered that would work but we did. So you can't always depend on lively music to keep them awake!

belle_wv said...

That's wonderful Mits! Babies always loose a little after they're born, she'll pick it up - mom's milk is best for the immature gut and is super rich and will keep her gaining :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just had the pleasure of seeing the naked mole rat. What a beautiful specimen of an animal he is!! :)

Mauley said...

Where is Me Ma Jo this am? Belle, I got two new grandbabies in 5 days. One was 9 lbs, 6 ounces, and the other was 7 pounds. Both are boys and both Mothers are breast feeding. They never get enough rest. Dylan the big boy, and Danton the small one. Dan for father Dannie, and Ton for mother (my daughter) Tonja. I have been praying for Maggie. Danton makes me grantoeight. Hello to other Eagle Momsters. God Bless you all today. Mauley donna

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Momma Tiger and babies right in front of the camera. Now that really is a beautiful specimen of an animal!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And then there is Mei and Tai - (sigh), what can I say!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo had an early appointment this morning.

MITS said...

Good Morning to you MARLEY/DONNA Congrat on your grandbabies. Just praying MAGGIE has a healthy life ahead of her.

MITS said...

Those tigers are awesome, naked mole rat, well, someone has to love it.

belle_wv said...

Mauley - hope your grandbabies mommies get soem rest here and there I remember those days, but I only had two babies - 21 months apart, was hectic for a little while, but hubby said we shouldn't wait til the first one was potty trained, cause getting rid of the diaper bag then having to lug it again would be a pain -now how's that for logic

MITS said...

The cam is on now at the Atlanta zoo, and, LUN-LUN is resting in her hammock. Take a look!!

Mema Jo said...

I have returned. Thanks for the new thread. However; when I come in on the home page I don't even know there is a new thread unless I refresh & then it pops up. I was catching up on the morning show....
Nilla had said she would call once she got home and got settled. I have no idea what time of day or even if this will be the day....

belle_wv said...

Welcome home Jo... I was considering calling Nilla to see how she's doing this morning, but haven't tried it yet...

Mauley said...

My students from last semester come by regularly to ask about the eagles. Who would have thought that college students would become so engrossed with our eagles. Even the coeds loved the poop shoots. By the way, grandchildren are so wonderful. I put Maggie on my personal and church prayer list without permission from her family. I pray that it is okay, because I lay her name on the altar every church service. Her mama, too. Love Mauley Donna (grantoeight)

When my son, Todd, was a baby he couln't say Mommy, so he called me Mauley, and it stuck. Wish I could see Spunky.

Mauley said...

Hi MeMa Jo,

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mauley, I wish I could see Spunky too!!

belle_wv said...

Mits when you're out and about today - look up when you can (safely) - think you might just see a threesome we know and love circling over to say howdy to you before they head south to Sharon

belle_wv said...

the leaves on my dogwoods are turning reddish brown already

MITS said...

Thank you,MARLEY I really appreciate that..

Mema Jo said...

Mits Lun-Lun must have flipped right out of it! I see her lying on the ground. I hurried as fast as I could - really have never seen a panda in a hammock. Daughter said on the news (I don't know where this was) that a bear cub came into someone's back yard - crawled up in the hammock -flipped out- got back in-curled up & went to sleep.There was even a video of it on TV.

Mema Jo said...



Anonymous said...

GOOD A.M. EAGLE BUDDIES---I enjoyed the "Morning Show"---BELLE & SUZANNE---Wondering what time NILLA w/be with us---MITS---what a cool present---Daisies (my favorite) w/Beach Boys---I know it's hard not to get carried away---KISSES for Baby Maggie---FLORALGIRL---I think of you every time I hear a weather report--We all need to do the RAIN DANCE---How exciting SUZANNE seeing the eaglets----WOW--SURPRISED to learn that---GLO is taking it easy---KIDDIN & PINKY you probably need a rest after yesterday---but I bet NILLA was delighted---WE WANT HER HOME!!!!!----

belle_wv said...

Well I was going to call Nilla, but the surgery center called to check on me, and now I'm feeling pretty droopy, so maybe someone else can give her a quick call and report in on how she's feeling today, how she slept last night and if/when she's getting home today? Give her my love if you do call.... I's gonna close my ya all

Good morning Norma {{{{hugs}}}}

Anonymous said...

MEMA JO---Just read your story about the bear in the hammock---This story is a couple wks old---but I saw it on the evening news--SHARON'S favorite, Tai, was climbing & touched the electric fence ---let out a "bark" then flew up a tree for comfort---Mom came over & after seeing the little "cutie" was OK---went back to what she was doing----Pandas don't have to do anything---he's adorable just being himself---

Mema Jo said...


Just spoke with Nilla for a few minutes. Rough night - They got her up around 8:30 last evening & they had to apply lots and lots of pressure where her cath entered. She has been up this morning, bathed - but doesn't feel too perky. She isn't certain she will be released today. She's hoping but the Dr hasn't been in yet. Of course, she said to tell all of you
"good morning". She had me check on Tai as we were talking.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Beautiful sight, that eaglet!!

Anonymous said...

THANKS MEMA JO---Sharing the info about NILLA---didn't think she would be feeling "perky"---w/pray that as day goes on---she w/feel LOTS & LOTS BETTER----

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks, Mema Jo, for the news on Nilla. Been thinking about her this morning!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning, Mauley I was wondering were the name came from. Mema for me was a hand me down from my hubby's mother. All my kids called her that and when they had kids (my grandkids) that's what they started. I feel real good about it because hubby's mother passed away & I respect & think of her lots. Happy to carry the name on! Now with sooooo many kids the great-grand kids are calling my daughters Meme.... Meme & Mema!

Mema Jo said...

Watching the Maine cam with ya Sharon & Suzanne. Just makes me miss our eagles all the more.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, makes me miss ours too. When I let myself go there, that we will never see our babies again, that we know of, my heart just breaks so I try not to go there a lot!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Have to go out for a few minutes. BBIAFM!

wvgal_dana said...

I know Nilla wants to come home. Hope that blood pressure is down before they let her out of there. Poor gal. Sounds like a bad bad night of it. Keeping her in prayers.
Sleepy time for Belle hope she gets more this time than 20 minutes.
Thanks mema jo for infor.

glo said...

Ok so you do read my posts That's good becuase they are always chalk full of wonderful bits and pieces of information as soon as you unscramble the typos. I won't put another test in then until we get up around 300 LOL (((hugs)) back.

I had my eaglet/young eagle fix I always thought until our little family educated me differently that the male eagles had the white heads/tails, and the females were various shades of black/brown. The year there were so many at the Marina close to me, I saw lots fo what I now know were young eagles in amongst the mature birds. There is a ownderful inlet there for fishing and always lots of foul stuff going on in there LOL. Anyway today when i too Dexter down there for a wlk this morning before stopping by work for more info for data base stuff etc. I saw the young eagle soaring fairly high. It is breezy here today but not really windy. Anyway it was great to watch for a hwile. You could tell he/she was working on adjusting to the various wind hitting out ont he wingspan, occasionally off the soar pattern and then right back on again. it was so wonderful. Isent up a thought to send our love to our three from Shepherdstown should they per chance meet at a nice fish stop or whatever.

Now its time to do some serious work.


Mema Jo said...

Glo It really is an uplifting feeling when you see an eagle soar. It takes you right up there, high in the sky!

belle_wv said...

Glo who knows maybe that will be the mate to one of our babies someday :) Wouldn't that be kewl

Mema Jo said...

Everyone seems to have vanished. So, I am on the Panda cam and Tai & Mei are having a calm playfull time. Tai for once is not being too agressive.

Mema Jo said...

BELLE You sure didn't sleep very long. I hope you're feeling well. Go up a few blogs - I did talk with Nilla I think you were sleeping then.

Just Vicky said...

Glo, when it is eagle time at your place, you better let me know! I want to make a trip up that way to see them!

Just Vicky said...

That eaglet probably is yelping at a parent to bring him something to eat! ""See Mom and Dad, Baby in the nest hungry!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

As soon as I pulled the Maine cam back up, he flew off.

Mema Jo said...

Hi! Vicky-IL Is your project finished? I hope you are done with flying colors!

Oh! Suzanne He flew away!

Just Vicky said...

Projects are not ALL done! Getting this webpage detailed for my friends is a very time consuming project, especially when I work 8 hours a day! I get things done quicker if I am given deadlines! Like working under pressure!

Hi Mema Jo!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Commode Vicky, you have until midnight Saturday night to get your projects done. Does that help?

Mema Jo said...

I am out of here for about 2 hrs. Meeting my daughter on her lunch break to eat with her down in Frederick.
Maybe Belle is eating some chicken soup for her lunch.... or snoozing.
Hold down the fort, Sharon
Suzanne will be hitting the road soon.

Anonymous said...

SHARON---Do you know Perry Mann, Esq. from Hinton?---Isn't that close to Bluefield----He had an article in the Charleston Gazette yesterday----Very controversical subject--"Stem Cells & Genetic Cousins"---What caught my eye is he asks-- "How does the church know the eagle doesn't have a soul"--"The Bald Eagle Protection Act, passed in 1940, protects the national adult bird & also that bird's eggs. I wager you are willing to protect this embryonic animal while, at the same time, standing ready to offer up our embryonic brothers & sisters on the altar of stem-cell sacrifice. I cringe at the moral confusion in the editors of a newspaper with such influence." (This goes back & forth, but thought interesting that the eagle was used for comparison to man in this article)----Atty. Mann says "Man in his arrogance & androcentric illusion presumes that he has a soul & the eagle does not & that therefore human embryos are more precious than eagle eggs."-----This goes on & on---I DO NOT TAKE SIDES IN THIS DEBATE----I just thought how interesting that of all the animals, some one would chose the EAGLE---(which is referred to further in article as a cousin to man--------PLEASE--I HAVE NO OPINION---

glo said...

commode vicki oops that's not quite right...LOL Anyway we have Eagle Days Along the River oh sometime late Jan early Feb. I will watch for when it is this year and let you know for sure. That would be great!!! If you can find your way here AND back home again LOL, I will know for sure you can rmember how to get to W va in the spring too. LOL We might see quite alot of each other come mid winter, through mid spring. Sounds great to me.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Have heard the name, Norma. That is interesting him referring to eagles. I don't get in this debate either.

Sunday, I was actually in Hinton looking for eagles but didn't see any. Band camp was just a little past Hinton. Hinton is about 45 minutes from me.

glo said...

Norma LOL Of course you have an just aren't sharing it, and its probably NOT written in stone. Such a wise woman...

wish that wisdom would rub off on the computer LOL "JUST KIDDING"

Attention I have hid all the wet noodles and I ain't sharin them either!!!

Anonymous said...

Last time when I got home, I began to read all the blogs----seems everyone was talking about food---soup was popular---so I fixed my favorite---Minestrone w/grilled cheese----GOOD---I am not going to read these late nite blogs---Ho!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Tai just went up to his sleeping mommy, laid across her back and put his arms around her. I just love him. He ran her right up though. Now he is following after her. Love him!!!

Just Vicky said...

Ok eagle eye Sharon Got the message loud and clear! Midnight Sat.

Just Vicky said...

Glo, if I found my way to Shepherdstown WVA I can surely find you just 4 hours away!

glo said...

Commode vicki Yes BUT was that before or after you confessed to getting a little confused about driving around the block Just kidding...been there done that too!!

Just Vicky said...

Oh Glo I think you are looking for a way out of making a trip with me in the Spring! For the record, Shepherdstown was "before."

Bird Girl said...

suzanne My back is better, thank you for asking! Still a bit touch-and-go, but as long as I'm careful, it should hold out...

grandmother nicknames My mom is "Grammy" or "Gramma" to my dogs -- they know what that word means, and get all excited when they hear it because they think she's coming over -- they even run to the door to greet her! It's really funny, too, when she does come over, when she gets in the house, all three dogs get so excited that they jump and squeal and run around! She'll sit in the recliner and all of them will jump on her and smother her with wet-dog-nose kisses!

I got my mom a T-shirt that says "Ask me about my granddog" and Hubby got her one with a picture of our youngest, Amelia, that says "I love my grandma". Sooo cute!

nilla & belle wishing you a speedy recovery! belle, enjoy those percocets!!!

all Sorry I haven't been around, still have a thousand things going on at once, plus have some kind of bug so under the weather... keep up the reporting and camaraderie!

paula eagleholic said...

I guess ya'll haven't seen it, coz I didn't hear it mentioned, but there is a picture of a Turkey Vulture on the Blackwater Site.

Hmmm, was that our Suzanne's pic

paula eagleholic said...

No "G" word here please! My "G" word name is "Nini"

paula eagleholic said...

Woohoo! #100

paula eagleholic said...

Going to find something good for lunch!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Paula, congratulations on the wax!! By the way, have you heard anything about eagle stuff for us to buy yet? Just wondering.

Anonymous said...

All of you DOG LOVERS, ETC.----May I recommend the best book---true story---MARLEY & ME by John Grogan-----I promise you will roll on the floor & LYAO---"life & love with the world's worst dog" That is how the author describes his book----

glo said...

Oh no Vicki I am planning on my trip in the spring Eagle wise we are pretty much stuck or blessed with each other I think!!!LOL

Anonymous said...

EAGLE EYED SHARON---I was in the Nature Store in Shepherdstown & I found an Eagle---by Audubon---when you squeeze it---authentic eagle call---they have all kinds of birds----Go online game puzzles, etc.---
Going to fix lunch---

Anonymous said...

EAGLE EYED SHARON---I was in the Nature Store in Shepherdstown & I found an Eagle---by Audubon---when you squeeze it---authentic eagle call---they have all kinds of birds----Go online game puzzles, etc.---
Going to fix lunch---

Anonymous said...

SHARON tell everyone who tries the turn the volume down---IT'S A FUN SPOT TO SEE----all kinds of stuffed animals, games, etc. ---they have an eagle----

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I thought I posted this before but guess not.

I went to the Wild Republic website, had to keep the sound turned up just to see and LMAO. It was pretty loud. I could get pretty lost in there. Really cool stuff.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh I wonder if Suzanne is getting to see 3 eaglets flying around on her way home?

Mauley said...

MeMa Jo, You and the eagle momsters have gotten me hooked on the blog. I had no idea that you gals would be so addicting. I would give anything to see the old sycamore tree in Shephardsville. Maybe Hubby and I can plan something. I am having eagle withdrawals. I find myself slipping out of my classroom to go to the blog. grantoeight (donna)

belle_wv said...

Reporting in - still alive... just finished the lovely nasal irrigation - two more times to go today... feeling a nap heading my way once more. Felt really good yesterday, guess all the adrenaline has worn off and the tired is catching up.

How's everyone else doing? Any word from Nilla? Hope they got the bleeding stopped - that's a tough artery to put pressure on ...

Sharon, Andrew gets home soon, right? So he can fix you some steamy broth or some icy OJ or something to help you feel better.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Grantoeight - this started out as an addiction to me too but has ended up being a place where I have met some very dear friends. We have loved each other through a whole lot and continue to do so!! Glad you are here. Keep coming back!! More is revealed every day!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Andrew does get home soon but he is not too much of a caretaker to his ole mommy!! Stuff like that interferes with playing drums and playing XBOX and chatting online with all his buddies.

I have to tell you all, last night I was watching him online. He had four screens up with conversations going on each one. He is just like me. Proofreading -- bless his heart. If he misspells a word, on the next line he fixes it. It is hereditary I guess. ROFLMAO!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Hope you both get to feeling better Belle and Sharon.
Hoping we hear something good from Nilla soon. Maybe she will call Jo.
Out for a bit bbl.

belle_wv said...

Mauley, your fall term has started already? Where and what do you teach? Have you checked out the other eagle cams - one in Maine and one in British Columbia I think it is, have sightings there still. And the osprey cams and the perigrin falcon cam and Tai Shan and the tiger cubs at FONZ - lots of things to help fill the void until Liberty and Belle are on cam again

glo said...

Well just checkin in, kind of sick of this data Base stuff, speaking of which Sharon, I hope you are feeling better
I think I am going to make me alittle side trip to the Wild Republic WEbsite TTYL

belle_wv said...

Sometimes it is scary how much our kids are like us...then other times it is quite a wonderful revelation

glo said...

OH NO Why did you let me go there, now I have to feed the Frog and lord knows what else I will discover on page one. I love this spot too cute!!! I should definitely NOT be here before my work is done!!!

paula eagleholic said...

When I first heard about that book, (Marley & Me) I was determined to read it! Didn't get it for Xmas, but ended up buying it at Dulles airport while waiting to board a flight. Just had to have it! It was such a wonderful book. If you have a dog, or had one, you will love it! Highly, highly recommend!

Norma did you know he has a website?

Anonymous said...

CAROL---Loved the WV story---I don't allow anyone to say anything bad about WV----BEAUTIFUL MOUNTAINS & BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE----One more time----GO MOUNAINEERS!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

WV is such a lovely place to live. The people that make fun of us are just jealous!! They should try it sometime, they would fall in love with it too!!

GO MOUNTAINEERS!! Hopefully next year my baby boy will be on the drumline of that Mountaineer Band!!! (Maybe hopefully - sob, sob)

Anonymous said...

PAULA----I didn't know he had a web site---Thanks I will look it up---The book has been on the WASH. POST'S best seller's list for 34 wks.---still at no. 2--(non-fiction)

glo said...

OK So I survived my few minutes feeding the Frog on Branch one at Wildlife junctionor wherever I was LOL, and soon discovered I had to buy a plush animal to play on branch 2. .I have work to do I tell myself A quick stop at Blogger to check up on the CRAZY PEOPLE and the others, and then back to work1!!

OK so now I see this link to a new site called Marley and Me Being a dog lover I can't resist, so now I have gone to that link too. Thanks Paula

What I really want to know is Is that a good book to buy for my son now OR maybe wait til perhaps like Christmas...I think he would love the laughs etc in there,anyone who read Lady's tribute knows he took a few cute little memories of how Lady was definitely her own person but might be pretty sad right now for the hard stuff to read through.

If you have read it... and can imagine being in my son's shoes and had just lost a very old much loved canine member of your family is it a book you would enjoy now, or perhaps needs to wait a while . Thanks. for any input!!!

Anonymous said...

EAGLE EYED SHARON---You won't cry, you will be yelling ----THAT'S MY SON-----GO MOUNTAINEERS!!!

Mema Jo said...

Look at the panda cam 2 I think it's nap time.

paula eagleholic said...

It had been number 1 for the longest time Norma, must have just dropped to #2

Anonymous said...

GLO---I think he would enjoy the book---bet he could relate to most everything MARLEY does---of course Lady was a well behaved dog---this dog is so funny---I think any dog lover could relate to him ---in a way-- ho!----see what Paula thinks--

paula eagleholic said...

I read it a month or so after I put my dog to sleep....It is such a wonderful book, it is going to make you laugh and cry, and you will cry no matter what... I would go ahead and get it now... there is more laughs than tears...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I would love to be joining Mei and Tai in their siesta!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, I am going to turn you on to some of the best reading ever. The author's name is James Herriott. Below are the books. The first one I heard of I think was All Creatures Great and Small and it was on tape. Loved it. I ended up buying every book for my daddy after he got sick. He absolutely loved them. Great stories!!

Dog Stories
All Things Wise and Wonderful
All Creatures Great and Small
Every Living Thing
All Things Bright and Beautiful
Lord God Made Them All

glo said...

Paula, Norma OK Thanks for some input. I will order it, read it and then give it away is my guess!!! By what some wrote they couldn't put it down, so my guess it would be in the mail to him quickly.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Tells all about him and his books!

Mema Jo said...


Had a chance to speak with Nilla - resting in her hospital bed - Expecting a Dr to come in shortly to give the sayso if she is released or needs to stay another night.
Blood pressure goes up some whenever she is up moving around. She says that is normal. She wanted to know what was going on on the blog... so I gave her a rundown of things. I said that everyone was asking about her & wanting to know what the status of things were. She will call when she gets home - If no call by 7:00 I will try to reach her.

Mema Jo said...

Panda Cam 2 Tai hanging on----

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Mema Jo. Be glad when she gets back with us!

Mema Jo said...

I think someone mentioned this before but it is a good idea... Let's get Tai to go up in the Sycamore for our turtle shells....... He is quite a climber.

Mema Jo said...

I am sitting here with very heavy eyelids. Going to put my head down for an hour......... BBL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, have you seen where they describe Tai's poop shooting. I am sure that was just for you!! :):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Is everybody gone?

floralgirl said...

That was me talking about turkey vultures sitting with their wings out soaking up the sun,Carol.It is such a cool sight ,sometimes there are as many as 10 lined up on the fenceposts.I will agree they're ugly,but an ever so useful part of the animal kingdom.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am watching a burrowing owl cam. Pretty cute little feller!

MITS said...

How cute is he, SHARON?

MITS said...

No updates on LUN LUN the panda in Atlanta today.

wvgal_dana said...

Carol in blue now You are wondering why your name appears in blue now right? Well like what happened to my kitten !! And now they call me in here "pinky" so I changed my name from vicky to "pinky". Watch out the coloring pencil is out eeekkkk

Just Vicky said...

Carol consider yourself fortunate, poor mits spent forever getting her name in blue!

Mauley said...

Dear Friends, I teach in southeast Kentucky at a community college called Southeast Kentucky Community and Technical College. I retired in 1997 from teaching High School English and Biology and Principal. I have been teaching English and Writing for the college about 6 years. My Spring semester students were ardent supporters of the Eagles of Shephedstown. My hubby retired also in 1997 (health,PE,basketball coach) but we both found full time jobs immediately. (Kids and Grandkids always need something). Hubby is now 4-H County Extension Agent. 3 kids (all are teachers) 1 daughter with 5 kids (she planned them all- might quit now) 2 Sons Todd has 2 girls and Travis has one son, which makes me Grantoeight. They and my cats keep us busy. How could I ever thank you gals for allowing me into the fellowship of your camaraderie? You ladies have certainly been a blessing to me. I was shy and hesitant about joining in, but after reading the blog for months and months, I really desired to be a part of the Eagle Momsters. God bless you all. I have at some time or another prayed for each of you and your families. greatfully, Mauley

Mema Jo said...

Where did you find the burrowing owl?? The cam in NewMexico is currently unavailable to me............

Just Vicky said...

Mauley this momster sure appreciates all your prayers! Keep them ascending to heaven!

MITS said...

We are glad you are here, Mauley Somedays I wish I were a burrowing owl....JO

MITS said...

PINKY that cat just turned pink on its own?????

wvgal_dana said...

mauley glad to have you join the group.
One question:
Do you forgive mis-spelt words and badly use of english language?
If so then you have a great great friend here lol

Mauley said...

James 5:16 says the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. I try to pray with clean hands as much as possible. I feel that I know all of you. We all need someone to stand in the gap for us sometimes. I spent much time in prayer for our eaglets, especially Spunky. and MeMa Jo I loved the poop shoots. grantoeight Mauley

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

There are links on here to different cams.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi vicky IL I was worried about all that work you have to do. Your not stressing out are you?

Wish I knew when Nilla was up what her blood pressure is going up to.
If it is too high they are not going to let her go home. Not until blood pressure meds bring it down. Poor baby I know she wants to get home. My husband sure did; but he had to wait till things where right. Then the doctor released him.

wvgal_dana said...

Ok it is talk to myself for awhile I guess.
Most are napping or over to other cam sites.
Mits in blue.....someone has a coloring pencil in here.
Early in the morning one morning over at the Washington Osprey site. Yes that is what I said. Charlotte the spider comes out and she is as golden/orang due to the sunlight hitting her as the golden/orange stuff in the nest. It was awesome to see, and I don't like spiders. I also like seeing the ducks swimming under the Osprey perch there.

wvgal_dana said...

The grizzly bear cam goes off the 21st of this month at the McNeil River Falls site. That is sad that they are going to kill all those bears. Well I know that sometimes they open up doe season due to too many. Don't know if it is something like that over there or not.
The guy that moves the cam over there sure doesn't get very close to them. You can see him zooming in on the bears. He never gets close though. So I'm not too sure about the statement that the bears are use to people due to that.

wvgal_dana said...

Since I have spoken to myself in here several times.
I will go get something to eat for dinner.
That way other people will start chatting to one another, while I'm gone lol lol


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Have to go out for a while. Going to the Meet the Beavers and watch my baby beat those drums a while!! Be back later.

Mema Jo said...

Carol When you first came on the blog in July you probably created a blog page when it asked you. That is why your name is in blue. If you double click on your name - it should come up. You may even be able to edit it and maybe add some information about yourself.

belle_wv said...

HI all, awake again, I am... Man did my eye sting when I woke up... almost like pink eye, all matted and gritty.... second time it has done that after napping... must be because of all the fluids they were rinsing and spraying around yesterday. Worth it if everything straightens out in the next days and weeks :)

Sharon, sounds like so much fun to Meet the Beavers - hope you are feeling better so you can enjoy it 100%

Mema Jo said...

Mauley It's great to have you join us... Our conversation while the eagle cam is down really varies. We hope to be able to watch the Falcon cam in Brisbane as the eggs were just layed. If you hear us talking about Frieda and Frodo - it's the falcons.

I have no clue (TeeHee) why my name is conneted with the 'poop shoot'. I guess that is what I blurted out with when I first saw it...

belle_wv said...

Frieda looked like she was peeking under her belly at the eggs - so cute

Mema Jo said...

Hi again, Belle Nilla hasn't been released yet -- I'll keep you posted. Are you hungry? Veggie soup & peanutbutter crackers or more mac & cheese. I'll be glad when you say you want a steak!

I will be gone for about 2 hours..Going to visit my son. BBL

belle_wv said...

Still no word from Nilla that she's on her way home? I bet they decided to keep her one more night. Sugah Boogah is going to be missing her something fierce, but if she stays, that's one more day without smokes under her belt. That will be an awesome thing. Mauley sounds like you had a busy teaching career before you started professoring. I teach middle school special ed (students with autism) and LOVE it.

MITS said...

Just saw 2 peregine falcons up at the Harrisburg, PA. site, one was on the pole and the other was peeking around the hatch box. Only refreshes every 2 mins.

Just Vicky said...

Carol, sounds like what we call around here "surprise Lillies!"

glo said...

Did anyone else notice Mema jo's innocense about the poop shoots She doesn't know how ocme her name gets associated with poops shoots. Maybe time for a little PAST BLOG research LOL...nah we'll keep her and all her innocense.

belle_wv said...

K Mema - have a fun visit!

Carol thanks for the tip about the Border Collie books - they are so amazing to watch. I loved all the James Herriot books. Will have to read the Marley & Me book. It is so nice to do some reading that isn't for a course.

floralgirl said...

Yes,Carol-I grow lycoris-they are blooming here now,we call them naked ladies or naked lilies also.I grow ironweed in my garden.Planted them many yrs. ago-they stay in a big clump,haven't taken over at all.It's a great late summer bloomer,attracts lots of butterflies.

belle_wv said...

Hmmm soup and crackers sounds pretty good. Will have to wait 'til hubby gets home from dropping son off at scouts though.. soup is in bottom of pantry and I'm not allowed to do any bending or stooping stuff to rummage for it... arghh

NillaWafer said...

Hey KNOCK KNOCK.. ANY ONE HOME?? Not staying long the trip home took alot out of me and not much sleep in there.. Body is bruised alot.. My groin area has a BIGGG Hemotoma (sure Sharon will correct that) They had to put so muh pressure on it last night as i was bleeding .. Love Ya'll from the bottom of my heart.. Thanks for the phone calls and the card and Belle the Tai Shan Panda... My daughter bought me a cute redskins bear.. Jo i am home but cell is on charger and Dawn turned it off, so i got to read how to turn it back on... Hugs 2 All will c u later possibly tonight ,,, Nilla

NillaWafer said...

Vicky thanks for the Eagle Christmas Trinket Hugsssssss will be on my tree this year

NillaWafer said...

I am sure Jo told you i had 2 stints put in and i alos have quit smoking which is was not abig smoker any ways.. Doctor said if i didnt i be back real soon ... BBL

NillaWafer said...

OPPPS 3 STINTS .. wheres my drugs

Just Vicky said...

Wow, Nilla Dearest! So good to have you back where you belong!

MITS said...

NILLA AKA LOUISE We have missed you terribly, so glad you are back home. Just take it easy and heal.

glo said...

((((NILLA)))) What a wonderful site to see your name pop up as I come in. So gla dyou are home. Go rest up...we'll all be here giving you things to read as you come in and out to visit.

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla ((((((hugs)))))))) so glad you have your own bed to rest in.

belle_wv said...

Nilla you're home! {{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}} but won't squeeze too hard - chest prolly hurts and I don't want to squeeze ya so the leg decides to fountain again LOL I have missed you sunshine!

belle_wv said...

So proud of you Nilla for going in and getting done the work that needed to be done... I know it was scary, especially with no real time to think about it... Dr just walks in and says - here we'll do this, right? LOL Congrats on the quitting smoking... save that cigarette money for gas to visit the Sycamore!

belle_wv said...

And for lunch at the Clarion!

belle_wv said...

Anyone remember the last time I took my drugs LOL... I'm loosing track here... guess that means it must be time for more? Or maybe not LOL

belle_wv said...

I need to see about hubby getting a block of rooms at the clarion with his gov't discount for those that are traveling for the Open House... rate is pretty darn reasonable for gov't, not sure if he can get more than one room or not... but we have others that have gov't IDs too that might work out.... or perhaps NCTC can reserve a block for y'all... might be a good idea to check into that sooner rather than later...

Mema Jo said...

Now I know why the phone rang off the hook at 7:00 in your room... I was hoping that it meant you were out of there..Nilla with the Dr's blessing of course.

Anonymous said...

Have been following the saga of the "LADIES IN HOSPITAL GOWNS". Want to add my prayers for speedy recoveries for both as they mend and heal. GLAD YOU ARE BOTH HOME AND BACK ON THE BLOG!!!!! Hope you will be patient as your body heals and FOLLOW DRS. ORDERS--know that can be hard, but that is why they get the big bucks and the title of Dr. Enjoy being pampered while you can.

Blessings to all,

Anonymous said...

WELCOME BACK NILLA---We have missed you as much as we have missed Spunky (aaaah!)----Things just haven't beem the same without you----So glad you are on the mend---WE LOVE YOU LOUISE---or are you THELMA---See you have been gone too long-----

Anonymous said...

MAULEY---Good to hear from you---I remember you well---I had the woodpeckers-------you gave me info----Glad you are joining us---WE THINK WE ARE A FUN GROUP---Ho!

Mema Jo said...

The Little Ledge Lodger is there again this evening sleeping away! Pandamania!

Anonymous said...

MEMA JO---I have been worrying so about NILLA & smoking---seems to be no big deal for her---Isn't that great---I remember it well---I wanted to walk into a room of smokers & take a deep breath----It was awful---Enjoyed your telling about your mema name----I started out as Grammy----but the first grand child couldn't say it & she called me--GRINNY---thus GRANNY was born---the other grandmother was Nanna----

Mema Jo said...

Norma I think I will wait until spring to ride the Eagle Train.
I think that will be when all the eagles are returning. I am so anxious for Belle & Liberty to start fixing up their nest for next year. I was back looking at the archives on the blogs and they had shown us a pic of the nest back in 2004 - much much smaller then it is now.

NillaWafer said...

Well kinda been catching up on the blogs since i been gone. Sharon did copy a whole folder of them for me to read.. To answer a question about the weed wacker.. No weed wacker just very good clipper No i wasn't skeered to have the heart cath i knew it had to be done, As Sharon said Doc Hardy thought it was an artifact like my Now how could it have been my boob? I was only running on a treadmill at 90 MPH and screamin at him to hurry Heck ya the puppies were flappin...But when he told me i had to have 3 stints because of blockages i was skeered some what.. Getting all the phone calls and knowing ya'll were here got me thru also.. Jo would call and say Nilla this is Jo ( as if i didnt know her you in bed or behaving... silly woman i was bound down with wires and IV's and after cath could not move for almost 12 hours... Thelma so glad Maggie is doing so good.. Belle dont over do it .. PS i turned down some Morphine last night arent ya proud of I quit smoking NOW lets see how many others can do the same??????? Step forward and lets make this a support group also as i know i may need it...

MITS said...

Wow turning down morphine, I'm impressed. Never have had the pleasure of having that particular drug, sure I would probably be allergic to it like I am to other drugs.

MITS said...

How's the BP, NILLA?

Just Vicky said...

Nilla I am so proud of your accomplishment!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Who is going to be

Just Vicky said...

The winner is??

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Commode Vicky. You are the winner. I think we need to gather all the wax and sculpt something, like an exact replica of our eaglet family. What do you think folks?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

NILLA, NILLA, NILLA, I am so glad you are back and doing okay. It is spelled "hematoma". Glad to have our family back together again.

Just Vicky said...

You can sure have all my cans!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mei and Tai are snoozing. Wish I was!

NillaWafer said...

Mits my b/p still is not controlled but i am on 325 mg of aspirn a day (4) 1 Zocor 40 mg at bed time... 1ToprolXL...50mg once a day....Plavix 75mg once a day..also they gave me a bottle of NitoGylcerin (spell check I have panda on my desk and the balloon is tied to it with the Christmas ornament around its Vicky or Pinky was wonderful meeting you, but must opoligize for saying to you and just who are you?? I thought you worked for hospitol Girls she has that professional look about her..

wvgal_dana said...

lol I see I came in at the right time your so cute and sweet "professional look". lol
((((huggies to Nilla)))))
And they call me PINKY

Anonymous said...

NILLA---I am so very PROUD of you---being so perky after all you have been through---The saying is true-----YOU CAN'T KEEP A GOOD WOMAN DOWN-----Lifesavers helped me drop the habit---I still eat those big size peppermint lifesavers---I still keep them in my pockets, purse, etc.-----Take care gal!!!

NillaWafer said...

Sunny hope you are planning on attending the Open House at NCTC in October.. Paula i know you musta told Jamie n Sharon let them know i am doing ok please.. And tell them i heard our sisters husband Tex , is engaged to be married already Linda wont be gone ayear til November, but guess he is lonely, i know she wanted him to remarry but not that soon.. Sharon was great talking to you also and you really have that southern twang in your I am trying to stay awake so ill sleep good...Sometimes when i feel like typin ill tell yaa the story about having 8 nurses in my room last night and putting pressure onmy groin to stop the internal bleeding was really funny...

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Nilla it is so good to have you here...I have to sets of clothes one to act professional and the other to act as a hummmm clown when I want too.
Must have put on the wrong clothes to visit you. I wanted to be the clown for you lol

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, Nilla, I have spoken to you, Jo, and Mits and you all sound like them daggone northerners!! I am definitely a southern gal with the accent to prove it!! It was great talking to you too.

Spell check - nitroglycerin, aspirin! :):):)

(((((((((GROUP HUG)))))))))))

NillaWafer said...

Plus grandson has my car and waiting on him ... Norma 1 of my nurses lives in Romney we talked about the train ride also.. Going for peppermint got that craving Grrrrrr I wont I wont I wont light that cigarette and smoke!!! We should plan a lunch get together next week girls.. I am not going back to work for alittle while.. And orders from daughter is DO NOTHING..Wait on customers thats it..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Or should I say you three sound like "damn yankees" but so much nicer than other yankees I have met! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Norma, my Daddy got hooked on the big Wintergreen Lifesavers. Would always wash some up where he would leave it in the pockets of his bibs! Mommy and Daddy got up one morning in 1983 and said "why don't we quit smoking today". They actually did. Go figure. I have fought it for years. Quit for 6 1/2 years and started back last year. Not a good idea but it seemed like one that day!

Mema Jo said...

Just give us a date & time. You are restricted from driving for awhile aren't you...........

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, it is all in the surrender. If you have to take it 5 minutes at a time, do it! Works for me on other things, just haven't been willing to surrender the cigarettes just yet!

Mema Jo said...

We could shoot for the 26th, Sat, when Suzanne wants to go to Washington Monument State Park on top of South Mt outside of Boonsboro. No climbing
Just sitting at a picnic table....

NillaWafer said...

I am going to play the lottery to hope i win to pay all these big hospitol bills.. remember i was in City Hospitol.. then ambulanced to Winchester Hospitol which is usually around $800.00 bucks 1 way trip and all the stuff at Winchester plus meds now.. But i have faith my numbers will be Insurance doesnt pay everything.. You can save n save and the blink of an eye be gone due to illness... I told a nurse today we should have free medical like Canada she agreed..

glo said...

Aww it feels kinda good in here. No one in the hospital, no pending surgeries. Must continue to pray for Maggie to chow down, but I'm sure she 's gaining and next Mon reports will look good there to.

Nilla You already sound more like yourself than you did for a few days before you finally went to get some help. So when do you see Dr again Did they send you home with a Blood Pressure Monitor in Sharon's world that would be a sphygmomanometer, LOL or how is that going to work. See I can spell the big ones its those dang little ones that mess me up!!!

Just continue to be a good patient even if you are home, that's how you get to stay there.

Hoping and continuing to pray for a good night for 3 Young Eagles and 3 Momsters...Nilla, Belle and Little Maggie

NillaWafer said...

26th sounds good to me .. and yes i cant drive for awhile.. way to painful down there right now... LOL Oh the nurses last night told me i was so great while they had pressure on me i said well i did have 3 childern without anything for pain natural childbirth..

floralgirl said...

Hello everyone- Glad you are home Nilla!

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Floralgirl there is suppose to be some rain either tomorrow or next day. I'm hoping I'm hoping it is true and it happens.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...