Good morning all. Raining really good here. I am off to the grocery store to fill the cupboards with dog food and bones LOL. There is a multitude of things I oculd do and need to do around here, especially in basement and garage, but nothing else I have to do. That is a good feeling
Okay ,I posted a reply on the Momsters site to explain what the open house has been like in the past.It is different every year, but always enjoyable. Going outside, CU later.
Just a quick reminder: Still need 3 items sold for August to meet minimum amt. in shop to qualify for Oct. check, as they will hold what is sold in August through Sept for refunds. I have updated many items this month and added a couple of new ones. You might want to go take a look in the next couple of days, as we lose several dollars in proceeds right now without those orders in for August. No pressure just wanted you to know where this stands right now. I do think they will just hold that amount until it does reach the right amount whenever....but it backs it all up by 30 days . OK here is the link.
Thanks Steven, for being so good to us. Hello Momsters, I would like to request prayer for the families of those on the Lexington Kentucky tragic flight. My husband and I knew four of the victims personally. Hubby lived next door to the Parsley family growing up. His daughter just married her high school college sweetheart on Saturday, and they were on their way to California for their honeymoon. He had signed to play with White Sox. They are the Hooker/Parsley family. My Husband's supervision, Dr. Turner, was Associate Dean of the UK College of Agriculture. He was a great guy. Also Finley family, who owned a roller rink and entertainment center in London, KY. was a family friend. Thanks donna
Donna, my prayers will definitely go up for these families. How tragic. I had not even thought about you living in Kentucky and could be directly affected by this.
Mauley, So sorry to hear. They had some friends of the family on the today show this morning, talking about the wedding, and what a wonderful couple they were, how they did so many good things for the kids. Such a tragedy. Prayers to you and the families of everyone involved.
I knew I could count on the Momsters. Thanks so much. My husband and I own property next to Johnny Parsley (the little bride's dad) My husband's sister also has property adjoining them. The wedding was in Lexington, and my husband's sister said they arrived in a horse drawn while carriage. It was a storybook wedding. She was the baby of the family. Her sisters had gotten married on their lawn in London. They had a big house with tennis courts, and I remember the big tents they put up for the older sisters' weddings. Hubby sister had talked to bride's dad about the expenses of the huge wedding on Thursday. Thanks friends. love donna
Long post that I put on after everone was over here .... my Sunday's page didn't show a NEW THREAD...Long Post - cause I have to go over to see if therapy is going to help or will we or won't we that is the question..... Morning Sweet Eaglelanders..been surfing. To see if computer is ok since had help from cable server. Everything looks ok....hope for sure when the live feed and sound from NCTC comes up. That this will work ok. Only thing didn't seem right was Lil Smurf and blue Teddy this am didn't seem to move. ? I recheck later. Hope all is having a good morning..going into a good day also. Suzanne I wished I had been up there with you and your sister (nice I like her). Bending my head back down there below where we were didn' help the neck and back. In bed all yesterday. vickyI love turtles that one is really "live" looking..surprised it isn't walking all around in here. ((hugs to all)) hope to be back in later....
Afternoon, I think i just posted afew pictures over on Momster's of my daughter n her husband... 2 grandaughters.. and Spike n Buddy my 2 lab grandson' They are in the Album of Saturdays trip..
Mits you better wait til after we see what the storm is going to do before going back to OC Or go down n tighten up things... Feeling ok today i am at work til 5 pm..
Mauley your Yes i am ok today thanks.. I saw the news last night about the plane crash and the Kids killed.. Tragic many prayers to the families.. Mits you better set still and see where this storm is going before heading back to OC unless its to tighten down the hatches there!!! This blog is nutty again.. I am here at work til 5 pm Hope everyone is doing ok tryed sending other messages they didnt go thru... Maybe this will
Well this Blogger is really a mess today. Had me a great is done, still raining here. Bummer. Maybe a good afternoon for an afternoon nap. LOL
Hang in there, be patient and who knows yo9u might get to post, and to read something someone else also succeeded in getting posted on here today LOL.
I AM IN HERE NOW ! I remembered once before that if I clicked to open on the date on the right hand side of the home page - it would usually let me in. Now let's see if it will publish.
This blog is crazy!! We've got double posts and triple posts and no posts at all! That's right folks, this is one crazy blog!So log on in if you can and do try to post, but remember, this blog is acting CRAZY!
Thanks Crazy Eddie for confirming all our problems today with this blog.
Mauley My heart goes out to all families and friends & my prayers will be lifted up for them.
I always miss the poop-shoots - except the important one SPUNKY'S !! I sure saw that one!
GLO I heard someone mention a tote bag - new item? I better go over & check it out. Unhappily I said that my MOUSEPAD IS STILL IN DC. Yes, I will call for a replacement & I am going to pay postage to get it here within a day! So send me a cupon! I will probably want that TOTE. NILLA I transferred your family photos from the WashMonTrip to a special album just for NILLA. The labs are beautiful. PAULA Forgot to tell you last night on the blog that your sunsets are breathtaking! My grandson, when we go to the beach, gets up early early just to catch pics of the sunrises. I love them all. Your dogs are beautiful also, even tho I am a CAT WOMAN. But lets not start talking dogs & cats again. Oh, I am so glad I am here! I felt like I was being held hostage by my own computer. Mits is busy sending funny emails - she may be in later.
Did anyone get the funny from last night when Paula, Vicky & I were creating blog pic stories... Eagle catching a Turtle and going to the Tree............ Nilla's visual description of the turtle - well I won't mention what she thought it was - you'll have to read that for yourselves................... Now to publish - cross your fingers
I am not going to go over to the early morning comments on yesterday's tread for fear it won't let me return. Hope I didn't miss any earth shaking news..
Hello!!! Think I am up-to-date on everything now.JO looks like that might be Tai. If Lun Lun is pregnant, she should deliver anytime now.She will not let them take any more ultra-sound pictures, and she has not eaten any of her favorite foods in a week, just a little bamboo.
No, I am not ANON, I am CRAZY EDDIE! This blog drove me crazy, and continues to do so. Anyone who continues to try to post may also be driven stark raving mad! Crazy, I tell you!
It is so frustrating to never know if what you are writing is actually going to ever be read. Anyway. Hope everyone is having a great afternoon in spite of the bLOG. Sharon did you go to the DR? How are you feeling?
Jo LOL Good i spent quite a long time ont hat weekend before last. Looks like it is also very well constructed. Did you see that it also has the fledging moments on one the "infamous mousepad". Oh It won't smell like rubber either
Lun-Lun ate a sugarcube today, but, nothing else. Spent most of the day in her little den making chomping sounds, they explained that is a defense mechanism, so the keepers having been staying away from her. This happens in pregnant and pseudopregnat pandas.
It will be great if Lun Lun has her cub! I know how Tai has given us so many moments to remember.
Glo, it looks (reads)as though it will be just the right size and with it being canvas - it's washable. And you're right - it won't smell rubbery. I'll call tomorrow about a replacement order. I wonder if Dana ever got the rubbery smell out of hers' - I bet it smells like vinegar now. I hope she let's us know. I always did like the smell of new tires - so I won't mind it a bit.
Glo, I did not go to the doctor today. Still feeling pretty sluggish but cough is getting some better.
Have to do MANDATORY OT this evening. I hate when they put it that way! Also, I was asked to train a new person this weekend which made me feel pretty good. They said I would be well compensated for it, sure can't turn that one down!!
Little Ledge Lodger is at it again. Napping (playing like he's napping) on the ledge. I have seen Mia sleeping a few time while standing. They both look as though they are panting....
I would venture to say that I have about 100 sparrows, a couple of mourning doves, blue jay and baby cardinals on my roof. Will have to re-up the food really soon. They are wiping me out but man I love it!
GOOD EVENING EAGLE BUDDIES----I have had such a horrible time w/computer----if I could get on---it wouldn't print----So I could say "I'M ALONE & BLUE" (not blue yet)--see, I can't win for losing----No, Jo I have gotten used to being BLACK NORMA----ho!---but working on it---thanks to Sharon---Enjoy all the pics---isn't it fun to try to guess what we all look like---I mean, FLORALGIRL looked like I thought she would---Of course, we had seen pics of MEMA JO & NILLA---But haven't met anyone I didn't like----LOVE ALL---except ANON---& he/she jumps out at the mention of a BIRD----So kids, anytime you want ANON to appear---type BIRD--ho! ho!I haven't read all of yesterday's blog---afraid I couldn't get back in---Lots of questions---w/try to send this first---
MITS----What is a 710?-----I know I am going to turn "green" when you tell me----Then I'll have to mark you off of my "LIKE LIST" ho! ho! BUT IF I DID THAT I COULDN'T ENJOY ALL THOSE PICS OF MIA---I smile just looking at him----need lots of HO! HO! HOS!
MEMA JO--MEMA JO---MEMA J0----Was that a TRUE story you emailed to me????????-----You will need to explain it to me----I'M, JUST A LITTLE OLE COUNTRY GAL!!!!
WHAT A DAY FOR A NICE OLE EAGLE BUDDIE------I really set my self up don't I?????---You "KIDS" are just too CLEVER & INTELLIGENT for me-------MADE ME ROAR!!!!
MEMO JO----Don't EXPLAIN---I believe your WAX story-----!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks, Sharon. I had forwarded to others & then deleted it.
NORMA What do you mean.. explain it to you? I told you I maybe shouldn't have found that & sent it to you. Now I bet you have be on your HIT LIST - LOL
Thanks, SHARON I usually read and delete, so afraid I will slow the computer down. C'mon, NORMA if I can do it, you can do it, except SHARON did all the work, I just had to put my 2 braincells that I have to work to understand what she was trying to tell me!!!
MITS---I just told Sharon, I am a LIBRA---I can never make up my mind-----Did you use MITS as your name & did they accept it---I remember way back when---they wouldn't accept any name I used?
MITS---Are you familiar with ANNE GEDES----She has all these books, prints, cards, etc. of babies in flowers, fruits & veggies---They are real new born babies----BEAUTIFUL----My daughter had the book----they melt your heart---
I just got on at the comment where Nilla says she posted pics. Going to take look then I continue on with comments. HI All Eaglelanders....Oh yea (1) Therapy Session a NO GO can't do because of's still all good (2) lmbo GYN ready to see me lol got call for delivery at wasn't mine lol....that's all good too found a different on to go to they don't deliver lol bbiaw=be back in awhile (((Hugs All))))
I know I did have trouble a long time ago, but forget that, just concetrate on the here and now. Yes, I do know of Anne Geddes stuff, babies in bloom. Now don't change the subject, get in ther and get blue. LOL!!!!
Just finsihed reading all the post. Paula, Nilla and Suzanne pics are great ty for sharing them. Early this morning when Lun Lun site came up she got from cloth craddle up onto the x of poles and scratched very long time an (lol) itch she had; boy did she have one too. I cracked up at her. JoMousepad still in bag with a capfull of vinegar sitting inside bag. SharonI too would LOVE to wittness Lun Lun giving birth. Fingers Crossed...on that.. About the crack pot Karr...they need to make him pay for his delicious meal onboard the plane. Then take him right BACK TO WHERE THEY PICKED HIM UP. Jackarrrz!
SHARON----I don't understand---is my name NORMACALHOUN?----Too late to have WVSPUNKY NORMA????----Don't yell---I think NORMACALHOUN w/give me trouble w/my password????
Read the specifics of the email. That is just your sign in name, not the name that will appear on here!!! Your name on here as it stands right now will be spunky norma.
Sharon---I sent you an e-mail---NormaCalhoun is fine----I didn't know it was done----I am so very sorry----I took so much time----AIR-HEAD NORMA would suit me best---ho! ho!----THANKS----"NO COMMENTS FROM THE PEANUT GALLERY"----
Thanks DANA----That would be the best name for me---Then I could sound off about all my causes---- NILLA---I think you do have a handsome family---but I couldn't see the "wee" ones---I couldn't get it to enlarge---where is that new little pup you just got?
Hi Glo - I'm doing fine, thanks. We'll all turn blue holding or breath for Norma to turn blue :) C'mon NORMA :) WHOOO WHOOOO you can do it :)
HI Dana, how're you feeling? Sorry to hear they don't think the therapy will be a good idea - but at least better knowing that than trying it and being worse off... prayers for your comfort and mobility
Hi MITS - didn't see you 'up' there a few blogs back :) Glad your 710 is fixed - thanks for all the chuckles this afternoon/evening :) How's Maggie doll? Are you still heading to OC this week? What about Ernesto? Don't want you getting too soggy or blown away!
Yes, MARLEY/DONNA My condolences also, prayers are being said for all the families. My husband flys on that type of jet all the time, to go to Cinn. and Louisville. Flew out on one this a.m. to go to Cinn. and return on one tomorrow night. Such a tragedy. :(:(:(
Thanks Belle that is exactly how I see it. Not broke don't mess with it. Ok Sharon telephoning Norma.....Sharon is talking Norma through this set up. I am not going to hold my breath because this blogging today has been crazy....and sloooooooowwwwwww goingggggg..
Hi ya BELLE Maggie is doing fine. I may go down to the ocean tomorrow. If it starts to come up the coast, I will come back home, I love my condo, but, I love life more. You just can't mess with Mother Nature. How was your 1st day with the kids. How did they like you hair? How's your nose? Glad I could give you a few chuckles!!
First day with kids was MARVELOUS - reminds me why I go through all the crap to take the courses and do the paperwork, etc. They've grown so much this summer! Even got smiles out of the one who doesn't like coming back :) The hairdo was a hit :) Good distraction to the fact that they had to do what I wanted instead of what THEY wanted LOL
Mits - you might be on to something there with those extras of Sharon's...
Suzanne - thanks for posting the pics and describing the walk to the monument - I have to get back up there and watch the birds - such a wonderful area. Hope you got home without tie ups and 'hot projects' :) Have a good Tuesday and hope you have computer
1 – 200 of 357 Newer› Newest»Thank you Steven- Please post any info about this years open house you can-people want details!!
Good Morning!
Thanks, Steven, for giving us a new thread everyday!
Good morning all. Raining really good here. I am off to the grocery store to fill the cupboards with dog food and bones LOL. There is a multitude of things I oculd do and need to do around here, especially in basement and garage, but nothing else I have to do. That is a good feeling
Osprey eating in CT Papa smurf nest. Teddy still hanging in there, has a stick on top of him now!
Okay ,I posted a reply on the Momsters site to explain what the open house has been like in the past.It is different every year, but always enjoyable. Going outside, CU later.
Thanks, Floralgirl! Take some breaks today, supposed to be pretty humid.
Got the pics, I'll get them on the site!
Just a quick reminder: Still need 3 items sold for August to meet minimum amt. in shop to qualify for Oct. check, as they will hold what is sold in August through Sept for refunds. I have updated many items this month and added a couple of new ones. You might want to go take a look in the next couple of days, as we lose several dollars in proceeds right now without those orders in for August. No pressure just wanted you to know where this stands right now. I do think they will just hold that amount until it does reach the right amount whenever....but it backs it all up by 30 days .
OK here is the link.
Off to grocery for me.
I will be placing my last order for eagle products tomorrow morning so If you would like a $5 off coupon which really equals free shipping. Email me and let me know I get to list 5 people to send these coupons to, as those of you who have ordered previously already know.
OK I'm really out of here now.
Suzanne, Nilla's hospital bill for Winchester was like $46,000 for 1 day!
Thanks Steven, for being so good to us. Hello Momsters, I would like to request prayer for the families of those on the Lexington Kentucky tragic flight. My husband and I knew four of the victims personally. Hubby lived next door to the Parsley family growing up. His daughter just married her high school college sweetheart on Saturday, and they were on their way to California for their honeymoon. He had signed to play with White Sox. They are the Hooker/Parsley family. My Husband's supervision, Dr. Turner, was Associate Dean of the UK College of Agriculture. He was a great guy. Also Finley family, who owned a roller rink and entertainment center in London, KY. was a family friend. Thanks donna
Aww Mauley I am so very sorry!!!!
Of course you know I will lift the victims families up in prayer. So very very sad.
Donna, my prayers will definitely go up for these families. How tragic. I had not even thought about you living in Kentucky and could be directly affected by this.
Lun Lun is flaked out in her hammock. Wonder if a baby is coming? Hope so!
So sorry to hear. They had some friends of the family on the today show this morning, talking about the wedding, and what a wonderful couple they were, how they did so many good things for the kids. Such a tragedy. Prayers to you and the families of everyone involved.
I knew I could count on the Momsters. Thanks so much. My husband and I own property next to Johnny Parsley (the little bride's dad) My husband's sister also has property adjoining them. The wedding was in Lexington, and my husband's sister said they arrived in a horse drawn while carriage. It was a storybook wedding. She was the baby of the family. Her sisters had gotten married on their lawn in London. They had a big house with tennis courts, and I remember the big tents they put up for the older sisters' weddings. Hubby sister had talked to bride's dad about the expenses of the huge wedding on Thursday. Thanks friends. love donna
2 Osprey in CT nest now! Get your feather fix, quick!
Looks like they are having a little chat!
Maybe a little father/son pep talk about migrating?
Could also be telling Pop he ain't sharing that fish!
Mema Jo,
You just missed the poop shoot!
Think he has that fish stuck in his talons, AGAIN!
Looks like blogger is getting the monday morning blues! Was hard to get in here!
I saw that too. Have you seen anything there recently?
Looks wet in CT, too.
Looks wet in CT, too.
Thanks Steven for New Thread
Long post that I put on after everone was over here .... my Sunday's page didn't show a NEW THREAD...Long Post - cause I have to go over to see if therapy is going to help or will we or won't we that is the question.....
Morning Sweet Eaglelanders..been surfing. To see if computer is ok since had help from cable server.
Everything looks ok....hope for sure when the live feed and sound from NCTC comes up. That this will work ok.
Only thing didn't seem right was Lil Smurf and blue Teddy this am didn't seem to move. ? I recheck later.
Hope all is having a good morning..going into a good day also.
Suzanne I wished I had been up there with you and your sister (nice I like her). Bending my head back down there below where we were didn' help the neck and back. In bed all yesterday.
vickyI love turtles that one is really "live" looking..surprised it isn't walking all around in here.
((hugs to all)) hope to be back in later....
Afternoon, I think i just posted afew pictures over on Momster's of my daughter n her husband... 2 grandaughters.. and Spike n Buddy my 2 lab grandson' They are in the Album of Saturdays trip..
Mits you better wait til after we see what the storm is going to do before going back to OC Or go down n tighten up things... Feeling ok today i am at work til 5 pm..
Does MeMa Jo know she missed poop shoot? Is Nilla okay today? Sharon, tell us about the band. Maggie gaining weight?
Does MeMa Jo know she missed poop shoot? Is Nilla okay today? Sharon, tell us about the band. Maggie gaining weight?
Does MeMa Jo know she missed poop shoot? Is Nilla okay today? Sharon, tell us about the band. Maggie gaining weight?
Mauley your Yes i am ok today thanks.. I saw the news last night about the plane crash and the Kids killed.. Tragic many prayers to the families.. Mits you better set still and see where this storm is going before heading back to OC unless its to tighten down the hatches there!!! This blog is nutty again.. I am here at work til 5 pm Hope everyone is doing ok tryed sending other messages they didnt go thru... Maybe this will
I can get in, I think.
Well this Blogger is really a mess today. Had me a great is done, still raining here. Bummer. Maybe a good afternoon for an afternoon nap. LOL
Hang in there, be patient and who knows yo9u might get to post, and to read something someone else also succeeded in getting posted on here today LOL.
Been watching Lun Lun all day. She has eaten very little bamboo and done a whole lot of sleeping. Bless her little heart!
I remembered once before that if I clicked to open on the date on the right hand side of the home page - it would usually let me in.
Now let's see if it will publish.
This blog is crazy!! We've got double posts and triple posts and no posts at all! That's right folks, this is one crazy blog!So log on in if you can and do try to post, but remember, this blog is acting CRAZY!
Could someone please give the site to watch Lun Lun. I must of missed that
Thanks Crazy Eddie for confirming all our problems today with this blog.
Mauley My heart goes out to all families and friends & my prayers will be lifted up for them.
I always miss the poop-shoots - except the important one SPUNKY'S !! I sure saw that one!
GLO I heard someone mention a tote bag - new item? I better go over & check it out. Unhappily I said that my MOUSEPAD IS STILL IN DC. Yes, I will call for a replacement & I am going to pay postage to get it here within a day!
So send me a cupon! I will probably want that TOTE.
NILLA I transferred your family photos from the WashMonTrip to a special album just for NILLA.
The labs are beautiful.
PAULA Forgot to tell you last night on the blog that your sunsets are breathtaking! My grandson, when we go to the beach, gets up early early just to catch pics of the sunrises. I love them all. Your dogs are beautiful also, even tho I am a CAT WOMAN. But lets not start talking dogs & cats again.
Oh, I am so glad I am here! I felt like I was being held hostage by my own computer. Mits is busy sending funny emails - she may be in later.
Did anyone get the funny from last night when Paula, Vicky & I were creating blog pic stories... Eagle catching a Turtle and going to the Tree............ Nilla's visual description of the turtle - well I won't mention what she thought it was - you'll have to read that for yourselves...................
Now to publish - cross your fingers
Lun Lun --
Guess I need to be #50 since I am on a roll................
Darn it! Got the error page!
& I wonder just WHO got 50 ?
Need I even dare take a look?
ARe we here yet!
Hee hee, think this thing finally woke up!
1/2 can for Sharon.
Hey, Anon, are you Crazy Eddie, too?
MT nests everywhere. How's Tai doing Sharon?
Sun should be rising on Freida soon! Getting lighter there already.
Is that Tai sleeping on the rock with his face down?
Isn't the baby, if there is one, maybe due this week for LunLun..?
I am not going to go over to the early morning comments on yesterday's tread for fear it won't let me return. Hope I didn't miss any earth shaking news..
Hello!!! Think I am up-to-date on everything now.JO looks like that might be Tai. If Lun Lun is pregnant, she should deliver anytime now.She will not let them take any more ultra-sound pictures, and she has not eaten any of her favorite foods in a week, just a little bamboo.
Paula mentioned last evening that on Frieda's site (poor wet baby right now) that below the pic you can click on VIDEO and see some great clips.
Freida's looking a little wet today too.
This blog is a giant pain in the butt.
I am gong to try to go over to this mornings comment -- wish me well.
I may never return from the dark hole!
At least you'll know where I am.....
Bye Bye
I'm back - it wouldn't publish - Going to try again.
No, I am not ANON, I am CRAZY EDDIE! This blog drove me crazy, and continues to do so. Anyone who continues to try to post may also be driven stark raving mad! Crazy, I tell you!
Hope you make it back, JO.
wishing that everybody would just be themselves.
Lets try this again,
Yes, Mits, this thing is a BIG pain in the butt! Thought it was doing better...
Jo, thanks for the reminder on Frieda video. Must have CRS.
Watched them today. Talk about quick mating, OMG. Amazing she had 3 eggs. Well, why waste time?
We are, no BS here.
CNN Breaking News -- Charges against John Karr in the JonBenet Ramsey case has been dropped. DNA did not match!
Now he is all famous and can get big money for interviews I guess! IMHO.
Unless, of course we are talking about the BS Morning Show! I miss that, don't you all! Belle and Suzanne did a great morning show!
Sorry, Sharon, didn't mean that! I loved reading the BS morning show...
I meant real BS, you know, horsepuckey!
Sharon The JonBenet Ramsey case has been dropped doesn't surprise me. I think the guy is a #1 jerk to pull such a scam...... Good old DNA.....
I wonder why he even tried to pull that off..... I wish they could get him for FRAUD or something with a jail term.
"That opinion is mine and not meant to be of anyone else's on this blog."
I will just be myself and totally IGNORE any person who thinks they are being humorous.
Sharon I hope we have not scared off NORMA by wanting her to
turn BLUE
Wish we would hear from our UK ladies & Geula....
Totally agree, JO wish he could be charged with being a colossal jerk.
Life is not good without laughter!
It is so frustrating to never know if what you are writing is actually going to ever be read. Anyway. Hope everyone is having a great afternoon in spite of the bLOG.
Sharon did you go to the DR? How are you feeling?
MITS Did you take your car to the mechanics in Rockville to get a new 710?
Do I hear a TEE HEE ?
Forgot to tell ya I like your pic. Tai sure is a cutie! Thanks, Sharon!
Yep! I really want that tote bag...
Jo LOL Good i spent quite a long time ont hat weekend before last. Looks like it is also very well constructed. Did you see that it also has the fledging moments on one the "infamous mousepad". Oh It won't smell like rubber either
Yes, JO They took care of my 710 and the car is purring like a kitten. Hate it when car acts like a jerk.
Thank you, PAULA, Sharon does good work.
Lun-Lun ate a sugarcube today, but, nothing else. Spent most of the day in her little den making chomping sounds, they explained that is a defense mechanism, so the keepers having been staying away from her. This happens in pregnant and pseudopregnat pandas.
It will be great if Lun Lun has her cub! I know how Tai has given us so many moments to remember.
Glo, it looks (reads)as though it will be just the right size and with it being canvas - it's washable. And you're right - it won't smell rubbery. I'll call tomorrow about a replacement order. I wonder if Dana ever got the rubbery smell out of hers' - I bet it smells like vinegar now. I hope she let's us know. I always did like the smell of new tires - so I won't mind it a bit.
Glo, I did not go to the doctor today. Still feeling pretty sluggish but cough is getting some better.
Have to do MANDATORY OT this evening. I hate when they put it that way! Also, I was asked to train a new person this weekend which made me feel pretty good. They said I would be well compensated for it, sure can't turn that one down!!
Paula, I knew what you meant about the BS. Don't need any of that around here! I love it here just like it is!!
Little Ledge Lodger
is at it again. Napping (playing like he's napping) on the ledge. I have seen Mia sleeping a few time while standing. They both look as though they are panting....
I truly hope Lun Lun gives birth between the hours of 10-5 M-F and in full camera view! I would love to witness that!
I am going to get ready for dinner.
Homegrown tomatoes, bacon & lettuce
sandwhiches......with lots of mayo!
And a glass of Iced Tea........
I love just plain bacon sandwiches and TEA is my life! Can't live without it!
Sharon That would be awesome
Are we going for it?
Not the BLT - The birthing of LunLun's cub would be awesome
That would be great, but, I'm thinking she will have it in her den. Just our luck. Boy, didn't give Mei and Tai much bamboo today.
I need
Go Sharon Did you do it!
Mits got the wax!!!!!!!
Mits is giving me a real run for my money these days!!
BLT sandwiches, yum!!!!!
And Mits is the one who is saying the blog is a pain..... Now how fast is
Completely didn't try that time, was thinking about Lun Lun and food.
I would venture to say that I have about 100 sparrows, a couple of mourning doves, blue jay and baby cardinals on my roof. Will have to re-up the food really soon. They are wiping me out but man I love it!
Tai Shan must have been looking out for me.
Sharon When the bird season is over - do you have to powerwash your roof like they did the ledge in Harrisburg???
You must feed them the gourmet stuff, SAHARON
The bird season is never over here!! I have 'em year round!
Sometimes I have to reach out and break up the food when it gets wet and frozen but its all good!
I smell, BACON. YUMMY!!!
Sharon & Eagle Buddies - you may like this site
Yep! Mits! Bacon is now on the table
GOOD EVENING EAGLE BUDDIES----I have had such a horrible time w/computer----if I could get on---it wouldn't print----So I could say "I'M ALONE & BLUE" (not blue yet)--see, I can't win for losing----No, Jo I have gotten used to being BLACK NORMA----ho!---but working on it---thanks to Sharon---Enjoy all the pics---isn't it fun to try to guess what we all look like---I mean, FLORALGIRL looked like I thought she would---Of course, we had seen pics of MEMA JO & NILLA---But haven't met anyone I didn't like----LOVE ALL---except ANON---& he/she jumps out at the mention of a BIRD----So kids, anytime you want ANON to appear---type BIRD--ho! ho!I haven't read all of yesterday's blog---afraid I couldn't get back in---Lots of questions---w/try to send this first---
MITS----What is a 710?-----I know I am going to turn "green" when you tell me----Then I'll have to mark you off of my "LIKE LIST" ho! ho! BUT IF I DID THAT I COULDN'T ENJOY ALL THOSE PICS OF MIA---I smile just looking at him----need lots of HO! HO! HOS!
MEMA JO--MEMA JO---MEMA J0----Was that a TRUE story you emailed to me????????-----You will need to explain it to me----I'M, JUST A LITTLE OLE COUNTRY GAL!!!!
Norma, don't disappear. Have you tried what I sent you?
Norma, I am going to do a test run!
See Norma, it really will work!
JO, if you still have the 710 e-mail, would you send it to NORMA, please!
I sent it to her, Mits.
WHAT A DAY FOR A NICE OLE EAGLE BUDDIE------I really set my self up don't I?????---You "KIDS" are just too CLEVER & INTELLIGENT for me-------MADE ME ROAR!!!!
MEMO JO----Don't EXPLAIN---I believe your WAX story-----!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks, Sharon. I had forwarded to others & then deleted it.
NORMA What do you mean..
explain it to you? I told you
I maybe shouldn't have found that
& sent it to you. Now I bet you have
be on your HIT LIST - LOL
WHOA ! Norma just turned BLACK
Okay, Norma, are you going to sign in?
She only turned blue a while ago because I did a test run on her blog! Can't get her to do it! Come on everybody, get Norma to turn her name blue!
SHARON-----I really appreciate your good work-----I can't decide on a name?---Would that be hard to change??????
Norma, email me with whatever you want.
You can always be NORMA
You don't really need a nickname!
NO-NO-NO-MEMA JO---I think I am old enough to figure it out-----I just figured you were not old enough to understand--ho!
GOOD NEWS FLORALGIRL----It's raining here-----hope it is in your garden---
Watch Norma amaze us with a name! She's a sly little fox she is!
Norma is saying
You're not on my Hit List...
You have to remember that responses to others takes about 4 comments to get there........... LOL
It's raining here also. If you can call 50 drops per minute Raining.
I have a project to work on for an hour or so....... BBL
Thanks, SHARON I usually read and delete, so afraid I will slow the computer down. C'mon, NORMA if I can do it, you can do it, except SHARON did all the work, I just had to put my 2 braincells that I have to work to understand what she was trying to tell me!!!
Soooo like, NORMA where in the heck did you go????????
I bet Frieda gets pretty bored!
SHARON,sometimes I can relate to Freidas' plight!
SHARON---You have mail---
MITS---I just told Sharon, I am a LIBRA---I can never make up my mind-----Did you use MITS as your name & did they accept it---I remember way back when---they wouldn't accept any name I used?
Norma, I don't have mail!
MITS---Are you familiar with ANNE GEDES----She has all these books, prints, cards, etc. of babies in flowers, fruits & veggies---They are real new born babies----BEAUTIFUL----My daughter had the book----they melt your heart---
who gets 1/2 wax?
I just got on at the comment where Nilla says she posted pics. Going to take look then I continue on with comments.
HI All Eaglelanders....Oh yea (1) Therapy Session a NO GO can't do because of's still all good (2) lmbo GYN ready to see me lol
got call for delivery at wasn't mine lol....that's all good too
found a different on to go to they don't deliver lol bbiaw=be back in awhile (((Hugs All))))
Norma, never did get mail from you!
SHARON----My e-mail says you rec. it---
Norma, I keep checking and nothing yet!
I know I did have trouble a long time ago, but forget that, just concetrate on the here and now. Yes, I do know of Anne Geddes stuff, babies in bloom. Now don't change the subject, get in ther and get blue. LOL!!!!
I feel slighted, Norma didn't send me mail!
Norma, you have mail!
Norma I am also a LIBRA. We are doomed when making a choice, aren't we. Hesitant to say the least.
My real name is JO
My pride is that I am MEMA
Put them together & what do you get:
A posting name: Mema Jo
Now - what did they call you in
your school year days other then Norma.
I think, having met you, that
SPUNKY NORMA would be catchy!!!!
Spunky Norma it should be!!! Moment of silence in honor of the real "SPUNKY
Norma, you've got mail.
Just finsihed reading all the post. Paula, Nilla and Suzanne pics are great ty for sharing them.
Early this morning when Lun Lun site came up she got from cloth craddle up onto the x of poles and scratched very long time an (lol) itch she had; boy did she have one too. I cracked up at her.
JoMousepad still in bag with a capfull of vinegar sitting inside bag.
SharonI too would LOVE to wittness Lun Lun giving birth. Fingers Crossed...on that..
About the crack pot Karr...they need to make him pay for his delicious meal onboard the plane. Then take him right BACK TO WHERE THEY PICKED HIM UP. Jackarrrz!
Amen Dana on the Karr thing. What was he thinking?
He needs to pay a big price!
HOW do you like this name?
SHARON---It wouldn't let me use it-----SEND INSTRUCTIONS TO "AIR-HEAD" NORMA
Norma, you don't sign in with spunky norma, you have to sign in with what I sent you in the email!
in that order.
What say Norma?
How bout just NORMA.
SHARON----I don't understand---is my name NORMACALHOUN?----Too late to have WVSPUNKY NORMA????----Don't yell---I think NORMACALHOUN w/give me trouble w/my password????
Read the specifics of the email. That is just your sign in name, not the name that will appear on here!!! Your name on here as it stands right now will be spunky norma.
LOL and I thought I had quite a project underway here at my computer.. I think Sharon and norma's puters are smokin and soon Norma or some "alias" of norma, will be on here in blue!!!
Now that's funny Glo!
Sharon---I sent you an e-mail---NormaCalhoun is fine----I didn't know it was done----I am so very sorry----I took so much time----AIR-HEAD NORMA would suit me best---ho! ho!----THANKS----"NO COMMENTS FROM THE PEANUT GALLERY"----
As long as it is NOTAnonymous Norma IN BLUE lol
Now you try it!
Thanks DANA----That would be the best name for me---Then I could sound off about all my causes----
NILLA---I think you do have a handsome family---but I couldn't see the "wee" ones---I couldn't get it to enlarge---where is that new little pup you just got?
You do really good work Sharon
Now, Norma, try it. It should work just fine.
You can do it,NORMA I know you can!
uuummm is anyone else turning Blue, Just curious
Was just sending an email to my sister about my niece and sent it to Norma instead. Been too long of a day!!
Hi all! How's everyone??
Norma you must read the comments Sharon is telling you......we are all excited and WAITING on YOU to do this
Hi Belle Just sitting here holding my breath, waiting for norma to turn blue...How are you ?
Hi Belle .... Sharon is working herself to death...trying to get Normain blue Norma is here but she isn't here lol poor Sharon
LOL Sharon -you just adopted Norma :) C'mon Norma - I'm rooting for you - just try Sharon's instructions and see what magic happens :)
Mauley - read your posts earlier - prayers to you and the whole town and of course the greiving families left behind - such tragedy.
Hi Glo - I'm doing fine, thanks. We'll all turn blue holding or breath for Norma to turn blue :) C'mon NORMA :) WHOOO WHOOOO you can do it :)
HI Dana, how're you feeling? Sorry to hear they don't think the therapy will be a good idea - but at least better knowing that than trying it and being worse off... prayers for your comfort and mobility
Might be time for the telephone intervention again!!!
Hi MITS - didn't see you 'up' there a few blogs back :) Glad your 710 is fixed - thanks for all the chuckles this afternoon/evening :) How's Maggie doll? Are you still heading to OC this week? What about Ernesto? Don't want you getting too soggy or blown away!
Yes, MARLEY/DONNA My condolences also, prayers are being said for all the families. My husband flys on that type of jet all the time, to go to Cinn. and Louisville. Flew out on one this a.m. to go to Cinn. and return on one tomorrow night. Such a tragedy. :(:(:(
Thanks Belle that is exactly how I see it. Not broke don't mess with it.
Ok Sharon telephoning Norma.....Sharon is talking Norma through this set up.
I am not going to hold my breath because this blogging today has been crazy....and sloooooooowwwwwww goingggggg..
Belle, how was your first day of school?
Don't have Norma's number!
i want
And I got it. Making huge wax eaglets!!
LOL Just missed it - even distracted Sharon is a formidable foe for sure
Hi ya BELLE Maggie is doing fine. I may go down to the ocean tomorrow. If it starts to come up the coast, I will come back home, I love my condo, but, I love life more. You just can't mess with Mother Nature. How was your 1st day with the kids. How did they like you hair? How's your nose? Glad I could give you a few chuckles!!
Nah not a foe - just a friendly competitor :) Giggles - congrats again Sharon, thought I was going to slip one by on ya
First day with kids was MARVELOUS - reminds me why I go through all the crap to take the courses and do the paperwork, etc. They've grown so much this summer! Even got smiles out of the one who doesn't like coming back :) The hairdo was a hit :) Good distraction to the fact that they had to do what I wanted instead of what THEY wanted LOL
BELLE I think she has an extra set of arms and eyes....
Maybe Norma is taking a little cat nap TEE HEE
I wish, I could definitely use an extra set of arms and legs but also would need an additional brain to go with it.
Mits - you might be on to something there with those extras of Sharon's...
Suzanne - thanks for posting the pics and describing the walk to the monument - I have to get back up there and watch the birds - such a wonderful area. Hope you got home without tie ups and 'hot projects' :) Have a good Tuesday and hope you have computer
Where's Nilla and Jo??
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