It's too hot! How about up there in CT. It just has to be cooler up there. Thanks for the new thread - we really needed one. Things were slowing down. Take care, Steve.
I think STEVEN is hitting the ole "G&T's, on Monday he had MINDAY, notice he changed that, now on Wednesday he has us as Tuesday, August 2nd. Hope your having a good time. When I was driving around the Capitol Beltway, STEVEN, the temp was 104, bet you are happy you are not traveling to D.C. this week.
Before we moved here I had a hummingbird feeder that hung right outside at my kitchen window. We sat at the kitchen table and watched them. If I was at the sink they weren't scared they would continue to feed. BOY OH BOY Mema Jo can those tiny hummers do the "poop shoot" wow. Boy the subjects we come up with to talk about when we can't see the eagles and eaglets. lol
I am so so excited to get to where it is time for Liberty and Belle to re-do their nest. Lay some eggs. So we all can get back to talk about these beautiful eagles. Sharing each others excitement and helping those that only got to see the "still refreshing pic". Describing what we see on the "live feed". As I type this my heart is beating faster and faster.
We have such good memories and pictures of this years eaglets. I think I can remember most people saying "it's really been such a learning experience".
A learning and a dream come true for me! I've had such a fascination for eagles and this just went beyond my dreams to be a part of this year's eaglets! I'm in for the rest of my life!
Liberty and Belle will lay no eggs before their time! :) I am ready too. We do alright keeping ourselves busy, topics interesting!
Going to bed now as I have an early shift in the morning (5 a.m.) so that will be here before I know it. I have to say it is really hard to get ready for work in the mornings. I have to open my eyes, step onto the floor, take one step, sit down in the chair and start typing. Just the labor of it all wears me out! :):):)
Well it's 11:45 my time and I am home on on the BLOG but I really think its my router, and i need to make a Service call. First it had me restart the router, then it siad I was connected had no this that and the other, and to call this 24 hour service number. I hit print this page and thought I'll deal with that tomorrow. Then decided to try one more time and here i am.
Yes I had a wonderful time dancing But alas I need some foot surgery I have been puttinf off and i really feel it now when I go dancing. I haven't gone in three months because it hurt so bad the last time. I find things to do to put it off.
No one told me if you thought Liberty was fanning Belle or Belle was fanning Liberty. :-( Well I think he's a gentleman and she's a lady and he has helped keep her cool during the heatwave. he was such a good dad my guess is he makes a good Husband/Mate too. JMHO
Good night all. I sure hope this posts when I hit publish!!!
hey all, sorry i didn't come back... i get bad headaches about every 10 days or so and they don't like to go away... at least i don't get actual migraines more than 3-4 times a year... ugh...
I hope all had/have a good day! Steve, take care wherever you are -- drink lots of water!
Anyone have any bird questions or bird articles they would like me to address on Nest Watchers?
Suzanne, I have the live feed up and it is daylight. They have been branching and just a chattering back and forth. They left and then came right back.
Good morning all-Last day of extreme heat!!!YEAH!I can't take much more of this and am worn out from trying to keep all my plants alive.Just came in for an A/C break and a quick bite.Then back outside again.Hope everyone is doing ok.
Okay, I am feeling a little uneasy (or maybe a lot) about Tai this morning. He was sleeping in the den. Mei came in and laid down a minute. Then she went back out and people came in with Tai. Now they are just showing Mei.
This is Rediculour That comment loaded like I am the onlyone in cyberspace or something. I STILL think its Router time here hmmm, might have to pick some brains on here about that...more to be revealed.
I believe the HEAT WAVE we were having last week has blown back your way. Hang in there, drink plenty of ice tea, Arrowhead Mountain Spring Water (do they have that in the East? It's one of the few, which actually is from Springs...another whole story from when I was a kid)..... As I was saying, hang in there, the temps have dropped to 80 and below, and we're doing a lot better in So Cal.
You may be interested that the Peregrine female in Brisbane was looking exactly like she was setting on the nest late yesterday, and sure enough, they have a notice up this morning that she has laid her first egg of 2006.
They also have some relevant video clips posted.
Take care and hold the practices for the Marathon to a minimum for a few days, and we'll still be blogging with you next week.
Good morning Jim Glad your heat has broken...guess most of the country has really put in several tough days in a row. We get a couple of days break here, but then back in the 90's...hopefully not quite as humid etc.. Someone needs to mow grass in my neighborhood
GOOD MORNING GOOD EAGLE BUDDIES Sometimes , they have to kick Tai's lazy little butt out of the den in the a.m. to clean the den. Thought I saw both in the grotto, but now think Tai is up a tree. Anyhow, will be in and out today, need major body repairs from head to toe. SHARON What were those letters up there on one of your posts? DLTUK You had an exact description of the pandas going ons yesterday. He is getting more rambocious each day. But, I love him, hoping to sneak over tomorrow, if I get a chance to see him, if not then I will go see them sometime after Labor Day. GLO, Drinking coffee in my Eagle Momster mug.
Here you have still pics of the Brisbane falcons. You get to watch videos of love on the roof (quick mating video), see her lay her first egg! Pretty cool. Dark there now though so you can't see the pic too good.
Well blow me over and put another shrimp on the barbee! That will be another great site to watch. Roflmbo!! watching the mating video. WHAM! BAM! THANK YOU MAM! He didn't stay around to cuddle. MEN???? SHARON has the address up above.
SUZANNE, I was going to stop by Blackwater on my way home yesterday, but when I got to Cambridge, the temp was 102, and I didn't want to get out of the car.
Tributes OK while you're all sitting at your computer anyway, IF you haven't sent your Tribute, i will be finishing up the Page tomorrow evening as it looks now and sending the link First to all who have contributed, and then here, and momster group, probably Then will add a link from the main homepage area which for those of you who need to visit there to maybe get a little inspired is
It's turning into a very special piece of work. Please add your comments too. It is 3 little eaglets who did beat all odds and all of you who make this entire experience and the continuing BLOG what it is.
Hey Mits They listed you as completed yesterday, which means you should have gotten or should get an email today saying you order is on its way. Remember to tell me about the Teddy bear. I am curious to know how he turns out.
GLO I got that e-mail this a.m., not showing the tracking yet, but I'm sure it will, can't wait to see momster bear for BABY KALIS!! DID YOU ALL KNOW........NOT GOING TO GO THERE:):):)
Sandy here is the site where products are currently available. $2 from each product sold is going to NCTC towards next years eagle project.
I believe Paula is stil co-ordinating an order from eaglet_momsters which will have some of Todd's pictures on it. Just wanted you to be sure. On Cafe press...What you see is what you get....most seem very happy with their items. .All seem happy to hold in their hands something from such a ownderful experience I hope if you are going shopping you will find something you will like.
Sandy, Glo is making a tribute page to our three babies and wants to write whatever we want (our memories, thoughts, poem, whatever) to be included on that page. Please send something into her for that.
sandy With the help of all who have enjoyed our 3 little eaglets turned Young eagles, I am making a tribute page which will be released on Sat. I have asked anyone wanting to offer a farewell Tribute to email them to me
Just write whats on your heart and what the experience has been like for you. and of course include a thought perhaps for our 3 special eaglets/as well as perhaps Liberty and Belle. Hope to hear form you...that would be great!!!
Vicky, I go to this website to get a view of eaglets. They have been there quite a bit this morning. Also, if you type in nu eagle cam, you can see eaglets there sometimes although they seem to be gone most of the time now.
Well I had an appt to keep for a short while mid morning. Now I am off to work on the Tribute page becuase right now mY Computer is Behaving itself very well!!!! Vicki you have sbc global I think...did it come with a Router? How long have you had it? Have you had any problems. I have had this dsl for 10 months now, and never had any problems until the last couple of weeks. i think it really could be the router.
Glo, my router is going on its 2nd year now and no problems, sometimes it seems like dialup compared to the T1 line I have here at work! I'm sure you've tried completely shutting down and restart, which is all we can do with SBC!
Afternoon all, THANK GOD Brisbane is back again, ooooooooooooooooo I csnt tell you how I hsve misses the peregrines, our London ones have gone awol this year and are nesting on a different location without a cam ofcourse [THE SWINES] well I hope next year they find there lost compas, Watched poor Frieda lay her first eggm but ofcourse Frodo was nowhere to be found, he has his few secs of fun and buggered off, Oh a womans life is a hard one !!!!!! Gobbo doing his usual reverse bottie trick with Mai to get attention, BUT we forget Mai is a walking tummy and wants to eat her bamboo now. Hope all are will, be back later as its dinner time here 06.30pm bye for now.
Taking a break fromt he Tribute page for a while...Tis lunch time. Let's say We did make the minimum of 12 I so wanted to reach...and have exceeded that by a few.
Thanks for all who have contributed...and thanks for all who are thinking and finding the words they feel on their heart.
Send them on's coming together.
This page will NOT be Photo intense...has a piece of music but loads pretty well I think. I sure am hoping those on dial up can enjoy what is happening as well, once it is released.
Hi all in eagleland...been hitting the sites this morning. Lovely enjoyment..."Flag" at Pulenson site fledged finally today.....thought that imiatation of Spunky was never going to do it lol. Yes eaglets been in and out of Maine site; very early morning was only little birds later today the eaglets. So enjoyable. Hope all take cool today. Feel so badly for Floral Girl wow to have to be out in this heat. Glo I'm loving my eagle mug more and more had my Sierra Mist in it alittle while ago..proud to have ordered it..yes pic is small but I know who it is lol..might order the mouse pad... Breeze blowing here in Martinsburg but still hot as the dickens. Vicky IL yes I plan on going to NCTC in Oct for open house. Hope I get to see you too.
Now for the UPS thing. I decided to call them today about my delivery. Turns out, they have started a new thing that once it gets to the local UPS, it is then taken to the USPS (post office) and delivered by the mail man. Okay, once I found that out, I went looking for the mail man because he doesn't deliver directly to my house, it goes to a box at the bottom of the hill. I did not want a slip of paper saying that I had a package at the post office. I wanted the package. Well, I came, I saw, I conquered. He said "I think I have a package for you" and he did!!
In looking at the mousepad, it is so amazing how they looked so much alike when starting to fledge and all from the same spot. Does that normally happen, all fledge from the same launch pad? Anyway, love it, mean it!!
I'm gunna tri to knot be too bad at the tipos thing enymoah cause you seam to be havin yor handsful with sumothas in here write now. Eye dun't thinkk you will have time fer dat therapy session next weak enyhow butt I do now a gut therpist when u r ready if that shud ahpen. (((Sharon)))
I read something one time that all the words were misspelled, had all the right letters, first and last letter was in the right place and the letters in between were scrambled. Had no trouble whatsoever reading it.
About my hawks (or lets say God's hawks, I am not claiming them as mine - they are not red-tailed hawks as I thought before. They are either Cooper's hawks or sharp-shinned hawks, can't tell, but they do eat little birds. They had better stay away from my birds. Just saw one fly in front of the house. Everything gets so quiet when they are around. No peep out of any of my little birds.
I am glad I have 3 more days of vacation after band camp. Will take me that long to catch up on the blogs!! This ain't gonna be easy having to go days without you guys.
It's too hot! How about up there in CT. It just has to be cooler up there.
Thanks for the new thread - we really needed one. Things were slowing down.
Take care, Steve.
I was #1
Hi Jo, thanks for the invite.
No, Steven, it is not hot enough. HA! I was #2!
Looks as though I am still the
only 1!
Come Out! Come Out!
Wherever you are!
YooHoo - calling all my eagle buddies!
You did it again - Always one step ahead of me! Thanks for joining me!
Did you see GLO's new pic?
hi mema jo never alone remember people are "lurking" lol.
Did you see earlier that Poppa Smurf I don't think unless they moved cam is in nest anymore.
Thanks Steven for the new thread...keep cool.
Mema Jo went back to Glo's pic is it in the alburm on eaglet_momster group? Those I've seen beautiful pics they are.
Hi VIcky-wvagal I wonder which one ousted Poppa Smurf?
No, Vicky. It is on the blog page - look at her last comment before she
went dancing on the last thread.
Yes Mema Jo, he's still at camp! I have lots of hummingbirds. I enjoy them so much! And THEY CAN SURE DO POOP SHOOTS TOO!
Vicky-Il - that's one I have not seen.
Oh my you have never seen one of those hummers do a shot? Usually while they are eating!
Hate to leave ya! I need about 1.5 hrs to do some chores... BBL
To me, paying bills is a chore! You usually associate chores with something not too pleasant!
Ok, I got it Mema Jo! That would just about sum up my days at work, "Chore!"
I think STEVEN is hitting the ole "G&T's, on Monday he had MINDAY, notice he changed that, now on Wednesday he has us as Tuesday, August 2nd. Hope your having a good time. When I was driving around the Capitol Beltway, STEVEN, the temp was 104, bet you are happy you are not traveling to D.C. this week.
Before we moved here I had a hummingbird feeder that hung right outside at my kitchen window. We sat at the kitchen table and watched them. If I was at the sink they weren't scared they would continue to feed. BOY OH BOY Mema Jo can those tiny hummers do the "poop shoot" wow.
Boy the subjects we come up with to talk about when we can't see the eagles and eaglets. lol
I want to be #20 lol
Yes it is amazing what we find to talk about, reduced to poop!
I am so so excited to get to where it is time for Liberty and Belle to re-do their nest. Lay some eggs. So we all can get back to talk about these beautiful eagles.
Sharing each others excitement and helping those that only got to see the "still refreshing pic". Describing what we see on the "live feed". As I type this my heart is beating faster and faster.
Oh yes yes yes, new eggs and new little eaglets! WE ARE READY BELLE AND LIBERTY!
We have such good memories and pictures of this years eaglets. I think I can remember most people saying "it's really been such a learning experience".
A learning and a dream come true for me! I've had such a fascination for eagles and this just went beyond my dreams to be a part of this year's eaglets! I'm in for the rest of my life!
Liberty and Belle will lay no eggs before their time! :) I am ready too. We do alright keeping ourselves busy, topics interesting!
Going to bed now as I have an early shift in the morning (5 a.m.) so that will be here before I know it. I have to say it is really hard to get ready for work in the mornings. I have to open my eyes, step onto the floor, take one step, sit down in the chair and start typing. Just the labor of it all wears me out! :):):)
Sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers!
Well my dear eagle/eaglet friends it's time to say good nite. Thanks for all the chatting and sharing. It's been a pleasure.
Tc=take care
wvagal - Are you going to the Oct. 21st open house? I would sure like to make an effort to get there myself if possible.
Goodnight! Dream of eagles!
Good Night All! Talk to you tomorrow.
Where was Norma today??
It is 11:00 & I know where my cats are-time to go to bed.
I don't know where Norma was all day. Hopefully she'll check in tomorrow.
You all stay cool.
Goodnight All,
Sweet Eagle Dreams..........
Lots of Love
**Thinking about you having fun Glo!
Well it's 11:45 my time and I am home on on the BLOG but I really think its my router, and i need to make a Service call. First it had me restart the router, then it siad I was connected had no this that and the other, and to call this 24 hour service number. I hit print this page and thought I'll deal with that tomorrow. Then decided to try one more time and here i am.
Yes I had a wonderful time dancing But alas I need some foot surgery I have been puttinf off and i really feel it now when I go dancing. I haven't gone in three months because it hurt so bad the last time. I find things to do to put it off.
No one told me if you thought Liberty was fanning Belle or Belle was fanning Liberty. :-( Well I think he's a gentleman and she's a lady and he has helped keep her cool during the heatwave. he was such a good dad my guess is he makes a good Husband/Mate too. JMHO
Good night all. I sure hope this posts when I hit publish!!!
hey all, sorry i didn't come back... i get bad headaches about every 10 days or so and they don't like to go away... at least i don't get actual migraines more than 3-4 times a year... ugh...
I hope all had/have a good day! Steve, take care wherever you are -- drink lots of water!
Anyone have any bird questions or bird articles they would like me to address on Nest Watchers?
Good morning everybody. Early day today. It is supposed to be 87° today. AC in my office/bedroom is a wonderful thing. Starting work now. BBIALW.
There is an eaglet in the Maine nest!! Love this morning. It looks like it is black and white now. The other eaglet just landed.
Suzanne -
Picture refreshes every 15 seconds.
Suzanne, I have the live feed up and it is daylight. They have been branching and just a chattering back and forth. They left and then came right back.
No Suzanne, I didn't get my order yesterday. Hopefully today!
Good morning all-Last day of extreme heat!!!YEAH!I can't take much more of this and am worn out from trying to keep all my plants alive.Just came in for an A/C break and a quick bite.Then back outside again.Hope everyone is doing ok.
Eaglet still in the nest in Maine. Food just came in by parent followed by another eaglet coming to fight for the food. Parent up on branch.
MT nest at NU.
Tai is sleeping. Mei just Ray Charles'd her way out the door.
Maine nest - 1 eaglet mantling and eating at the same time. The other one appears to be waiting to make the steal!
Is it normal for Tai to be sleeping this time of the morning? I don't like it!
Okay, where is everybody this morning?
Good Morning. Well some of us were out late dancing ya know LOL. Now its coffee and dog treat time.
Stormed big here last night, I'm tired!!! I think 80's and rain today...Coming your way, hang in there 1 monre day!!!
Okay, I am feeling a little uneasy (or maybe a lot) about Tai this morning. He was sleeping in the den. Mei came in and laid down a minute. Then she went back out and people came in with Tai. Now they are just showing Mei.
This is Rediculour That comment loaded like I am the onlyone in cyberspace or something. I STILL think its Router time here hmmm, might have to pick some brains on here about that...more to be revealed.
Liberty you take good care of Belle today, and Belle you might want to take turns just a little every now and then
Obviously I can't type this morning, good thing i'm OFF TODAY.
Morning, All...
I believe the HEAT WAVE we were having last week has blown back your way. Hang in there, drink plenty of ice tea, Arrowhead Mountain Spring Water (do they have that in the East? It's one of the few, which actually is from Springs...another whole story from when I was a kid)..... As I was saying, hang in there, the temps have dropped to 80 and below, and we're doing a lot better in So Cal.
You may be interested that the Peregrine female in Brisbane was looking exactly like she was setting on the nest late yesterday, and sure enough, they have a notice up this morning that she has laid her first egg of 2006.
They also have some relevant video clips posted.
Take care and hold the practices for the Marathon to a minimum for a few days, and we'll still be blogging with you next week.
Game time on otter cam. THey're playing with balls and such
Good morning Jim Glad your heat has broken...guess most of the country has really put in several tough days in a row. We get a couple of days break here, but then back in the 90's...hopefully not quite as humid etc.. Someone needs to mow grass in my neighborhood
oops, it's "pre-recorded" sorry.
I haven't seen it
Fighting again on the AppArt osprey site.
Think I will go look at the otters. :)
GOOD MORNING GOOD EAGLE BUDDIES Sometimes , they have to kick Tai's lazy little butt out of the den in the a.m. to clean the den. Thought I saw both in the grotto, but now think Tai is up a tree. Anyhow, will be in and out today, need major body repairs from head to toe. SHARON What were those letters up there on one of your posts? DLTUK You had an exact description of the pandas going ons yesterday. He is getting more rambocious each day. But, I love him, hoping to sneak over tomorrow, if I get a chance to see him, if not then I will go see them sometime after Labor Day. GLO, Drinking coffee in my Eagle Momster mug.
Mits BBIALW - Be back in a little while!
Hugo perished of Aspergillosis
THere's a long article about it on the Hugo site.
Sure do miss that little guy.
Here you have still pics of the Brisbane falcons. You get to watch videos of love on the roof (quick mating video), see her lay her first egg! Pretty cool. Dark there now though so you can't see the pic too good.
SANDY Is the site on Eagle Momsters. JIM, was asking for it. I have it on my favorites, so really do not know the site addy.
Thanks, SHARON Your a luv!!
Not sure if Hugo's site is on momsters, but here it is:
Well blow me over and put another shrimp on the barbee! That will be another great site to watch. Roflmbo!! watching the mating video. WHAM! BAM! THANK YOU MAM! He didn't stay around to cuddle. MEN???? SHARON has the address up above.
Just checked in on Baby Smurf, he has a fish and Mom came into the nest and he is hanging on to that fish.
SUZANNE, I was going to stop by Blackwater on my way home yesterday, but when I got to Cambridge, the temp was 102, and I didn't want to get out of the car.
Mits and D - typical man!! Sorry Jim.
Has anybody ever heard from Angie?
Tributes OK while you're all sitting at your computer anyway, IF you haven't sent your Tribute, i will be finishing up the Page tomorrow evening as it looks now and sending the link First to all who have contributed, and then here, and momster group, probably Then will add a link from the main homepage area which for those of you who need to visit there to maybe get a little inspired is
It's turning into a very special piece of work. Please add your comments too. It is 3 little eaglets who did beat all odds and all of you who make this entire experience and the continuing BLOG what it is.
If you are reading this, you are important to us, and our Tribute Page Let us hear from you too!!! Our sense of a Complete experience happens when YOU get involved.
Well put, GLO
DLT Didn't look at the laying one yet. Just wanted to see the whopppe.
It is already tomorrow in Brisbane!
Good thing today is here, I would have missed my appts. CU all later.
Have a good day, Mits!
Hey Mits They listed you as completed yesterday, which means you should have gotten or should get an email today saying you order is on its way.
Remember to tell me about the Teddy bear. I am curious to know how he turns out.
Sharon Did your doorbell ring yet? It will.
Looks like .Both Suzanne and I . are also waiting for the UPS man. We've kep them fairly busy....THANKS everyone .
D - Just stay away from Australia and you will be okay!
Glo, what's the site to order again? Can't find it....
Glo, my doorbell comes in the form of 5 dogs barking!! Mommy has a dachshund so that makes 5. Still waiting!
GLO I got that e-mail this a.m., not showing the tracking yet, but I'm sure it will, can't wait to see momster bear for BABY KALIS!! DID YOU ALL KNOW........NOT GOING TO GO THERE:):):)
OK, this tribute thing must have come up the 2 weeks I was gone. What the scoop?
You can see the blue bear at Conn. again, must have covered it up with debris.
Eaglet at the nest in Maine..
Ok, am out of here for sure now, got noon appt. TTUL!!!
Sandy here is the site where products are currently available. $2 from each product sold is going to NCTC towards next years eagle project.
I believe Paula is stil co-ordinating an order from
eaglet_momsters which will have some of Todd's pictures on it.
Just wanted you to be sure. On Cafe press...What you see is what you get....most seem very happy with their items. .All seem happy to hold in their hands something from such a ownderful experience I hope if you are going shopping you will find something you will like.
Sandy, Glo is making a tribute page to our three babies and wants to write whatever we want (our memories, thoughts, poem, whatever) to be included on that page. Please send something into her for that.
I want to be
Thank you, thank you very much (in the Elvis voice here).
sandy With the help of all who have enjoyed our 3 little eaglets turned Young eagles, I am making a tribute page which will be released on Sat. I have asked anyone wanting to offer a farewell Tribute to email them to me
Just write whats on your heart and what the experience has been like for you. and of course include a thought perhaps for our 3 special eaglets/as well as perhaps Liberty and Belle. Hope to hear form you...that would be great!!!
Where's everybody at around here today?? Things seem slooooooowwww! Are they taking naps?
I is here, Commode Vicky!
I do believe Mei let Tai eat his whole fruitcicle!! Go Mei.
Thee and me are all we get it looks like! But Hi "I"
Have we heard from Paula lately?
Thee, me, I and Sharon!
Is that the Panda cam you are watching?
Yes mam, it is!
I haven't gotten into any other wild life, guess I'm still mourning the loss of our "kids" and parents! Withdrawals big time!
Vicky, I go to this website to get a view of eaglets. They have been there quite a bit this morning. Also, if you type in nu eagle cam, you can see eaglets there sometimes although they seem to be gone most of the time now.
Well I had an appt to keep for a short while mid morning. Now I am off to work on the Tribute page becuase right now mY Computer is Behaving itself very well!!!!
Vicki you have sbc global I think...did it come with a Router? How long have you had it? Have you had any problems. I have had this dsl for 10 months now, and never had any problems until the last couple of weeks. i think it really could be the router.
Glo, my router is going on its 2nd year now and no problems, sometimes it seems like dialup compared to the T1 line I have here at work! I'm sure you've tried completely shutting down and restart, which is all we can do with SBC!
ah Janet, don't worry about spelling, we all read generically around here anyways!
See I couldn't even spell that!!!
Baby Smurf is right at the camera again. I love seeing all the details of his feathers!
As long as we don't have an English major on here we'll be ok! If they are, we're going to drive them crazy!
Nap time for Tai and Mei!
No English major, just the proofreader from h--l!
Now we're going to scare everyone off for sure with a "proofreader" in the house!
Proofreader been here the whole time. Ain't nobody skeered of me!
Afternoon all,
THANK GOD Brisbane is back again, ooooooooooooooooo I csnt tell you how I hsve misses the peregrines, our London ones have gone awol this year and are nesting on a different location without a cam ofcourse [THE SWINES] well I hope next year they find there lost compas,
Watched poor Frieda lay her first eggm but ofcourse Frodo was nowhere to be found, he has his few secs of fun and buggered off, Oh a womans life is a hard one !!!!!!
Gobbo doing his usual reverse bottie trick with Mai to get attention, BUT we forget Mai is a walking tummy and wants to eat her bamboo now.
Hope all are will, be back later as its dinner time here 06.30pm
bye for now.
OK, my tribute is "in the mail"
Taking a break fromt he Tribute page for a while...Tis lunch time. Let's say We did make the minimum of 12 I so wanted to reach...and have exceeded that by a few.
Thanks for all who have contributed...and thanks for all who are thinking and finding the words they feel on their heart.
Send them on's coming together.
This page will NOT be Photo intense...has a piece of music but loads pretty well I think. I sure am hoping those on dial up can enjoy what is happening as well, once it is released.
Sandy I have answered your mail. Sure glad you saw that comment about Tribute and responded so quickly today!!!
Hi all in eagleland...been hitting the sites this morning. Lovely enjoyment..."Flag" at Pulenson site fledged finally today.....thought that imiatation of Spunky was never going to do it lol.
Yes eaglets been in and out of Maine site; very early morning was only little birds later today the eaglets. So enjoyable.
Hope all take cool today. Feel so badly for Floral Girl wow to have to be out in this heat.
Glo I'm loving my eagle mug more and more had my Sierra Mist in it alittle while ago..proud to have ordered it..yes pic is small but I know who it is lol..might order the mouse pad...
Breeze blowing here in Martinsburg but still hot as the dickens.
Vicky IL yes I plan on going to NCTC in Oct for open house. Hope I get to see you too.
I'm going to see if I can work it into my schedule to make the open house!
Dig sumone say ter was a prufreeder fom hele on hear, geezzz, im in big truble. Beitter not poost.
Na Mutts no poopher tn hair soo's u heve nota thang to warry abut
Roflmao!! Taks, Vakly was reely wried abut tat.
fraid to says mo
I hafta to go oat agin. Talk to liter.
SIADI whatr yu laffin at...
Ther are no illgles up in Main rite now.
Buy fer nou.
ROFLMAO! You all are going to make me go into therapy to get over all the misspellings here!! :)
I AM PROUD TO SAY THAT I AM NOW THE PROUD OWNER OF A EAGLE MUG, MOUSE PAD AND GUARDIAN EAGLE PIN!!! I am pleased as punch. Will be drinking coffee out of it really soon. Thanks Glo for all your efforts of putting that together for us!!
Now for the UPS thing. I decided to call them today about my delivery. Turns out, they have started a new thing that once it gets to the local UPS, it is then taken to the USPS (post office) and delivered by the mail man. Okay, once I found that out, I went looking for the mail man because he doesn't deliver directly to my house, it goes to a box at the bottom of the hill. I did not want a slip of paper saying that I had a package at the post office. I wanted the package. Well, I came, I saw, I conquered. He said "I think I have a package for you" and he did!!
In looking at the mousepad, it is so amazing how they looked so much alike when starting to fledge and all from the same spot. Does that normally happen, all fledge from the same launch pad? Anyway, love it, mean it!!
I meant to run the spell checker on that last one before I posted it but forgot. Let me know if you all find any typos! :)
It is a proven fact that even words mis-spelt in sentences a prson can muke out hhat you sre waying.
((((hug))) 2 u haul lol
I am thinking my bald cardinal is back out here with a little fur on her head now. Looks like doody!
Congrts. Sharon you got your package !!!!!!! Very happy for you.
Sharon I am so glad you got it and you like it
I'm gunna tri to knot be too bad at the tipos thing enymoah cause you seam to be havin yor handsful with sumothas in here write now. Eye dun't thinkk you will have time fer dat therapy session next weak enyhow butt I do now a gut therpist when u r ready if that shud ahpen. (((Sharon)))
Sharon I think you are very safe about No one doing any Spell check in here LOL
I read something one time that all the words were misspelled, had all the right letters, first and last letter was in the right place and the letters in between were scrambled. Had no trouble whatsoever reading it.
About my hawks (or lets say God's hawks, I am not claiming them as mine - they are not red-tailed hawks as I thought before. They are either Cooper's hawks or sharp-shinned hawks, can't tell, but they do eat little birds. They had better stay away from my birds. Just saw one fly in front of the house. Everything gets so quiet when they are around. No peep out of any of my little birds.
Sharon we are getting ready as you see for leaving us without you lol.
Things are only samples of what is going to happen while your at Band Camp lol.
I am glad I have 3 more days of vacation after band camp. Will take me that long to catch up on the blogs!! This ain't gonna be easy having to go days without you guys.
If you go to the NU nest, you can starting feeling blue again. They got the blue screen happening!
new thread ;)
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