Thursday, August 24, 2006

Thursday August 24

Thursday thread.


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floralgirl said...

Thank you Steven!!!

floralgirl said...

Okay everyone-get over here-old thread was taking forever.KId off to school,hubby off to work,having some breakfast.Cut sunflowers and lisianthus and refrigerated them for the weekend(have to check both every day,cut before they are all the way open)Time to go back outside and get something done.Another day of watering all day long.Oh man I wish it would rain-everything outside is hurting so bad.Such a pain in my a** and my wallet when it does not rain!

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry didn't think it was going to be that long....
Can't believe at Denbury the birds; Titmouse, Black-capped Chickadee's and the variety of Sparrows.
Sharon before we moved here I had 6 feeder. Some with seed, niter, black flower seed, thristle, and of course the mixture with corn for our Squirrels. We loved getting unsalted peanuts in the shell. Husband make a platform to put the peanuts on, he would also line them up in a row on the porch railing for the Bluejays, plus the Titmouse loved them and of course the Squirrels. I could walk out on the porch or just sit there and a few Squirrels would come right up and take a peanut out of my hand. Oh yes and the round pan type thing on he ground the doves and rabbits loved.
I loved the variety of birds; Cardinals, bluejay, downy woodpeckers, goldfinches, larger woodpeckers, common flickers (which we called yellow belly sapsuckers), nuthatchers,titmouse, purple finches,robins, redwing blackbird, blackbirds, wrens, mockingbirds, catbirds,a few bluebird (here I see more of those),vireos,brown thrasher,starling of course, bobolink, your cowbird, common grackle, can't leave out the dang crow, and for longest time couldn't figure out finall did a black-billed magpie. I might have left some out. I use to write down the bird and time of year I would see it.
Also had 3 hummingbird feeders, we had a great time watching those.
I think here I will plant things to bring hummers in, and put a few feeders up from the porch or ramp. Giving it some time. I did find I have a squirrel (one around there is more), and of course rabbitsl. I always kept my water at ground level so the rabbits and squirrels could drink. Any boby else like a possum, skunk, groundhog they got their drink too. Loved the baby squirrels we always had two litters a year. Made a place for them to have their litter. Could watch from inside the house. Would crack you up those little ones trying to put a paw to the next branch in a tree. You could see them shaking. They loved running ontop of the building we had that we sectioned off a place for them inside. We throw peanuts up to the little ones and so funny. If it rolled downward they would try to run to catch it but they weren't fast enough so we did another throw. lol Sorry everyone got carried away remembering and enjoying the memeories in life. Life is good !!!

Chrissy Beahan said...

Thank you Steven from across the pond Love yah


wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steven for new thread...have a GREAT DAY !!!!!

Chrissy Beahan said...

CABUK said...
Hi All,

Just read the WAX story, God help me I'm in pain here, I have laughed that much I have had to change my pants three or four times,,, oh that poor girl must of gone though hell, I bet she didnt use it again, and she found another method.

Now I hope I can say this on here without the moderator telling me to clear off ????

It brings to mind how men must feel when the get there little TODGERS caught in there zips,,,, oooooooo very nasty,, NEW WORD for Nilla,, I hope she likes it

oh yes how rude of me,, MORNING ALL hope all is well at your end !!!!!


floralgirl said...

Just changed 5 hummingbird feeders this morning,they love it when the food is fresh and cold.Filled the suet feeder for the woodpeckers and nuthatches.Blue jays have been screaming all morning,must be a hawk around.

wvgal_dana said...

Good morning Chrissy
seen the pics of Doreen's horses. They are handsome and beautiful.
Hear you have a special one you like too.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Floralgirl you remembered me when I read your post. The suet packs I had them too. Use to get them on sale and freeze them.
Sorry you having another hard day without rain. I tried like I told you to set it up.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Where is Mits? Where is Mits? She is normally here by new thread time!

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi All

I wonder if this will work ??????

Well that is the URL for loads of Tai Shan and Mai Xiang Vidios,, they are great and so so funny, I hope I haven't mucked it all up, if I have SHARON HELP,,I'M BEGGING PET


floralgirl said...

One of our greatest pleasures iswatching all the birds we have attracted to the yard.Know that the hummers will be leaving in about a month makes me sad.My favorite summer bird,they are everywhere and so unafraid of me.Love watching them zip through my garden.Can't stand the squirrels,they eat everything,and chew all my feeders,so we have to hang them really high and out on wires so the squirrels can't get to them.Makes them a pain to fill.squirrels

wvgal_dana said...

Doreen I looked in my birdbook where I write things down in. Looking for the chaffinches they must be a breed for over in your pond lol; we just get the golden and the purple (which is called house finche too).
What does your chaffinches look like???

wvgal_dana said...

Floralgirl it is calling for 40% chance of rain here today. I told you yesterday I had car washed and waxed. Surely to bring rain. Then today they are staining the wood on the two porches and the wheelchair ramp. Defintely to bring RAIN.

floralgirl said...

Sorry, Dana but I won't believe it til I see it!

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Dana,

Yes Yeoman is my boy, Tall grey and so so handsome,,,, SO HANDS OFF,,, he's mine all mine,,,, [joking] but I love him to bits he is such a devil,, all girls love a devil dont they !!!!!
and Jessica in doreen's picture is such a snobby lady, very posh, but so beautiful, a Queen of horses, I love her to, she likes to be boss but Doreen has other ideas,, don't you D !!!!


Chrissy Beahan said...


Bird talk !!!!

Your robin is different to ours as well pet, yours is more like a blackbird with a red tummy,, ours is rather tiny and round and mink coloured and has a deep red tummy and much smaller than your robins


floralgirl said...

Doreen,the hummers are so busy fighting with each other they ignore me! Sometimes in the garden they buzz right by my head so close I feel it.Silly us we hang a feeder right outside the front door-with lots of spanish flag and cardinal climber vine growing all around it-both have red flowers they love them.Sometimes it is hard to get out the door if a battle is going on!

Chrissy Beahan said...


How dare you how very dare you,,, call our birds common pet, sloppy yes, messy yes, but COMMON, what an insult,, I represent that, and am so hurt now !!!!!


glo said...

Good morning all. A much busier morning. Took me a while to read blogs and catch up. Of course I started with yesterday, always need to know who has won the latest can of wax etc. I see where the uK gals have already been horsing around

Beautiufl horse, think I need to go check out an album for sure. Hope everyone is having a good day.

Hoping for rain for you floralgal. Will find myself back at the office again for a few hors today. Haven't decided when exactly that will be LOL. No mail count to wait on now, that part is done. NOW waiting on a computer. I am going to try to get the Data Base right here...not sure I am going to be able to accomplish that one though hmm. TTYL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Leading astronomers say Pluto is no longer defined as a planet, The Associated Press reports.

Wonder how much that cost us to find out?

wvgal_dana said...

Sounds like a beautiful bird Doreen. I using google for that bird later today.
Where we moved to I do get to see alot more Eastern Bluebirds, some grossbeaks, got to see an Oriole I about jumped out of car lol. More farm area here. So next year, well might be this winter. I want to start a new section in my birdbook for the birds; types and time of year I see them here.

wvgal_dana said...

Glo I like that pic better than your other one. Good morning.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now, Chrissy, I put in that address and it didn't come up with anything so I typed in search "Mei Xiang Tai Shan" and came up with several.

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Sharon,,

Yes I heard that to last week,,The Astronomer Royal was on the TV going on about it, and I thought the same as you did,, HOW MUCH,
But then if money wasn't wasted we wouldn't have to pay taxes or have to listen to our governments all the time bleeting on about stuff that we really dont want to know about.


floralgirl said...

Doreen-the hummingbird we have in the Eastern half of the US is the ruby throated hummer.Beautiful irridescent green,with white underparts,and the males have a bright red throat.They are so fierce-just heard 2 yelling at each other,then they flew at each other like they are playing chicken-neither will give in-and they end up slamming into each other as they whiz by one another.

Chrissy Beahan said...

I knew it wouldnt work,, I always get it WRONG..

DOREEN could you help me out please love,, with the PANDA VIDIO SIGHT please pretty please with knobs on and sugar coating please.


wvgal_dana said...

Floralgirl we had one hummer one year (must have been young smaller than rest). It would be on the landing place to feed but couldn't reach the flower to get the nectar. So I put a toothpick to the things and boy did that little fellow take to it. Like a lamb that lost its mommie and had to be bottle fed. He also protected that spot against even the bigger hummers.

floralgirl said...

They are the most agressive birds I've ever seen. Don't know why I have all these hummer feeders with multiple perches,no hummer in my yard will share a feeder.Sometimes one is so busy defending one no one drinks from it-even the bird guarding it.

floralgirl said...

Twice in my life I have seen a hummer fly into a glass door and become dazed.I picked them up and held them in my hand until they were ok and flew away.The most beautiful,tiny bird I've ever seen-wiegh nothing.

Chrissy Beahan said...

See if this will work pet,

Not sure what else to sugest to you, I'll wait on Doreen, she usually straightens things out for me.

But she has just gone out now to take Elli for her walk and wont be that long you see


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Chrissy, what is the title of it. Maybe that would help.

floralgirl said...

Ok dishes washed(just can't get away from water),outside to work .Hey JO- BBIALWAIWWW! HA!

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi all,

Just going to peel some spuds for dinner and get a samdwich,, I'm fadeing away from hunger, {yeh right],,,, more like to a mountain,,HE HE HE

see you soon

wvgal_dana said...

Doreen that bird site you gave me I will google it too. Sometime when nothing to do thank you a bunch of bunches...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Try this link to Tai. Thanks Chrissy and Doreen.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning All,

** Long Post**

It's been quite an unusual week. Came home Tuesday to find my home had been burglarized. And what was stolen? The Laptop I was fixing up for my son to take to college. Lesson is: no matter how safe you think your neighborhood is, it isn't. Please remember to lock your doors!

What I hate is the fact that some asshole thinks he has the right to come into your home and take something...really pissed me off!

So, been laptop shopping....

I'm sure you all have heard of the movie "Snakes on a Plane".

I have a new one. How about "Snakes in the Office!".
Now, I am not too scared of snakes, hate spiders more. But when there is one slinking above you in the ceiling tiles, it can be a little nerve racking! Didn't know it was a snake up there, till he got stuck on a glue trap, and then the trap got stuck to something else. He poked his tail out of the ceiling tiles, so my boss said call the warehouse guys to come get him. Turned out to be a 2 ft black snake! Quite the talk around here yesterday!

Hope we get rain today. Like Dana said, maybe if I wash the car....

paula eagleholic said...

Glad to see D, Chrissy and Lou here!

Hope we hear from Birdgirl soon.

MT nests all around, 'cept for bird on top the cam in CT....Teddy smurf still hanging in there!

wvgal_dana said...

Oh my Paula was anything else taken? So sorry to hear that Paula.
My sister laughs at us cause every time we leave the house, here and wherever we've lived; we lock and deadbolt the door even if we are inside.
My Mom when we were young and in living room someone came into kitchen and stole her purse. Door was open but we didn't hear them open the screen door.
I was burglarized when lived alone and daughter was a baby. Came home door (was locked) mashed in took my tv, microwave, radio, other small applicances, didn't have a computer then, and they messed up my house I guess looking for money.
I was MAD and felt valiated !!

wvgal_dana said...

Doreen she had her supper lol she wasn't worried about what you was going to eat lmbo so funny I would have liked to have seen the look on your face. lol

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Girls,

So very sorry to hear your terrible news Paula, and I'm right behind you pet, they want horse whipping.

Doreen that dog of yours has her head screwed on the right way pet, Have'nt you heard of Venison at all,, she was trying to fill your freezer for the winter you know,, ALL that free meat and you turned it down,, you should of shoved it in the boot of your car and got home quick sharpush pet and let Malcolm do the deed himself.
Sharon I'm so glad that URL had worked our now,, told you I'm rubbish on the computer pet !!!!!!


wvgal_dana said...

IMPORTANT UPDATE DIRECTLY FROM ATLANTA ZOO...Lun Lun pronounced Loon Loon..yes when had the "poop in craddle". I told you gals to get down there and use gloves and wellies and go through it. They did at the Zoo honestly they said so. If If she is pregrant she will have it within the next 2 weeks. If not she wasn't pregrant. That's the scoop from the Zoo itself.

paula eagleholic said...

No, Dana, that was all they took. It was on the kitchen table by the back door. Left the door unlocked (and that is the one that I always tried to make sure was locked). I think that was all they could get away with because the dogs heard them and scared them away. They didn't even get a chance to grab my camera off the table, or the case for the laptop.

paula eagleholic said...

OMG D, That is too funny about the dog trying to drag that deer home. Retrievers are retrievers are retrievers!

wvgal_dana said...

2nd important information is; today is last day to see the grizzlies at McNeil Falls. Remember there is a time difference. I just went in dark but I could hear the water falls.

wvgal_dana said...

Paula did you have the extended warranty on it. Or you house insurance might cover it.

paula eagleholic said...

Definitely need to have an optimistic attitude when it comes to health issues. Positive is always better than negative! Sounds like you are going thru a few. My thoughts are with you.

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Girls,


Girls if you want to go to DENBURY FARM the swallows are starting to fledge NOW, the one we call little fatty has already gone and come back,, he is a real bighead and thinks he is a grown up now !!!!!


paula eagleholic said...

The awful thing is that it was from work. They were going to let me have it for the next 4 years...had ordered more memory for it and stuff like that. Fortunately, my boss wasn't upset. Was more concerned about my house being burglarized. It being 4 years old is not worth turning into insurance company at work...

paula eagleholic said...

Those are some fat little birds!

paula eagleholic said...

Cool. Watching Mama feed them, she's quick as a wink, in w/ the food, shove it in, and back out again.

Chrissy Beahan said...


Mum and dad are ready now for the funny farm as they have worked day and night to get this brood ready for Africa, they were only hatched last Tuesday and have come on so quickly,, can't believe it really,, I'm sure the first clutch took a lot longer ?????


MITS said...

Good Late Morning All! I'm here still trying to catch up on e-mails and reading blogs from yesterday and this morning. BBL!

paula eagleholic said...

Chrissy and D,
That is amazing! Haven't watched it but a little bit. Can't believe they are that young.

Chrissy Beahan said...


Fastest bit of nature I've ever seen pet ,,and I was born and brought up on a farm,, even piglets dont grow that fast, and they are quick growers.


Just Vicky said...

Hello Eagleland!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just got on Lun Lun's cam. Couldn't they throw that poop-covered hammock in the washer. That is nasty. I would lay in it either if I were her. She seems to be resting again.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi not just ...Inspiring Vicky and hi Mits. Good to see you both.
Doreen I've been watching the nest wobble and wondered beginning of this week if it was coming down.
Boy Doreen and Chrissy that one is there is really flapping its wings..going fast but not as fast as a hummer. Beep the other one out of the nest if not careful lol.
Why is Mei Shang going back to China?

paula eagleholic said...

Osprey In LI eating a fish.

Anonymous said...

GOOD MID-A.M. EAGLE BUDDIES--I have spent most of the morning reading your yesterday blogs & this a.m. too----Sooooo many, many interesting topics covered----YOU KIDS ARE COOL----But first, PAULA, did you call the police---I went through something like that about 10 yrs. ago & I still remember it like yesterday----They vandalized our house---painted pics---mess. on floors, closets open, etc.---Only thing missing was a bow & arrows-----But that is the WORST feeling---someone went through all your personal things---you feel truly violated----took a long time---Police found the kid---long story--He went to jail----I am so very SORRY----We never locked our house-----but it's true---if they truly want to get in your house---they can come in----Take care---

wvgal_dana said...

that 2nd news flash was wrong about grizzlies today is 24th might be last day. Yet it might still be on tomorrow 25th.

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Mits,


Mai Sheng is going to China as part of the breeding program,, most pandas thsat are bred in the West have to go to China after the age of 2, and our beautiful boy is 3 now,, he had his birthday last Saturday,, I think it will be such a shock for him over there as he has been so spoilt at San Diego and so loved,, but in China they are just breeding machines, dont know they cant collect his nesessary and freeze it and sent it to China, but as the Chineese say THEY own all the pandas and the Western ones are only on loan !!!!!
So Mei will be going Monday or Tuesday to the land on snow for ever, tears streaming now.We have been with him since he was a tiny thought in Bai and Gao's eyes. [mum and dad]


wvgal_dana said...

Good morning Norma how is your day?

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, called police. They filed report. Gave them serial # etc. They will check out the pawn shops...that's about it.

Just Vicky said...

Norma how is the kissing booth doing???

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi all,,

Going to get cracking on with the dinner or Hubby will divorce me, well after 31 year I live in hopes,,, Speak soon.


paula eagleholic said...

I was burglarized once before, about 18 years ago or so...guess you don't think it will happen again...but am locking the doors now, which I hate.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I just watched them clean the poop off Lun Lun's hammock. I thought it was stained from yesterday but it was fresh from today I guess. I would hate that part of that job.

wvgal_dana said...

That is so sad. Yes they can deliver his you know; freeze it.
Parting him from his comfortable and loveable family and workers.
I heard we pay alot to have those Panda's on loan. ALOT !
They have plenty of Panda's over there but if we want a Panda where do we go?
Will Tai have to go when he is 2?
Terrible thought !!

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi all,

Just a quickie,,, heard that somewhere before,,, must of been in my sleep !!!!!

The Grizzlies are finished on the 25th, just been to the site and its posted there.


Just Vicky said...

That was really funny Chrissy!!! (Wink!) I understand that feeling!

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon it might not look like much poop but it is the girl told me. YES THEY HAVE TO DIG THROUGH IT EVERY TIME.

Just Vicky said...

I bet the REAL reason Chrissy got off of here it because it will soon be "wax" time!

Chrissy Beahan said...


Price per panda per year is $3million every year, thats why the smaller zoo's have a lot of truble reaching there budget every year, and the Chineese just rake it in,[ dont get on polotics please pet]
The Smithsonian are in negotiations at this very moment about extending Tai Shans stay as Mei Sheng is about to leave, they only need one good breeding male for the next 5 years so we might just be in luck, and be able to keep our litte darling in the WEST, until he is of breeding age at 7 to 8 years old, so fingers crossed that people like Brenda Morgan can work her magic and keep him where he is, and just a thought think of this ::::::

Have you thought about Su Lin and Tai Shan as a married couple.
Su Lin[we call her princess]at San Diego and our darling Tai Shan, what babies they would make.
When I come back from cooking dinner ask me to tell you a story we as Mother Hens over here have concocted about all the pandas, you will love it !!!!!!!


Chrissy Beahan said...


I'M NOT SCARED OF WAX, [yah think]
thats why I'mm off pet, hubby's tummy growling and can't take the moaning so I'll have to feed him I think.

Love yah

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Lun Lun is just kicked back eating.

floralgirl said...

Paula- Sorry to hear about your house being broken into.One of the reasons I am so glad I live way off the road in the country-but you never know,can happen to anyone.Too bad it is so hard to even catch the jerk who did it.

Just Vicky said...

The monkey video being sent around is pretty funny also! But you would have to go a long long ways to beat the "wax" story!

Just Vicky said...

Paula, next time set a trap of "WAX!"

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Andrew and I both laughed until we cried over the monkey video. It is sooo funny.

Paula, sorry about your house being burglarized. We always tend to think that happens to somebody else but not so.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

who gets the

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

ME -- YOO HOO!! Thank you, thank you. Please see after post #50 for previous acceptance speech.

Just Vicky said...

You do Sharon! CONGRATS

floralgirl said...

As if we didn't know who would get the wax! HA!

Just Vicky said...

Yep, Sharon is a waxer from way back!

Anonymous said...

CHRISSY & DOREEN---I have enjoyed reading your blogs---such a sense of humor----I think your animals are beautiful---how long does it take to get them in their "parade duds"-----Your dog looks like "Marley"----Check out the "Marley and Me" book---it's about this yellow lab--the author refers to him as the "dumbest dog in the world"---you will love it----I kept my daughter's lab (Yoda) one year for her---You never knew what would be on the door step in a.m.---lots of deer parts---My house is in a wooded area----food---dog bowls, etc.--but I loved her dearly---they are such loving dogs----

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I have my Buphals who is a lab/shepherd mix and my Hairy who is a lot mixed. Both are white but way different in size. Hairy's mentor is Buphals and you can tell he wants to be just like Buphals when he grows up. I call them "Dumb and Dumber".

Anonymous said...

I have so many comments---Thanks FLORALGIRL---you have taught us so much about flowers----I have seen many "naked ladies"---Just don't pay any attention to the weatherman----No smarts there--ho!-----Dying to hear details MITS---did you change dirty diaper???---did you get to feed her & sing to her?----LIFE IS GOOD---SHARON---I have noticed, MITS is becoming a "wee" bit competitive---I don't understand the wax thing---but she is gaining on you-----

wvgal_dana said...

Where is Nilla Working????
Well before she gets here she can catch up on blogs and read this.
I called Wasington Zoo they are and have been having web cam problems. Thats why a volunteer is trying to work them. Yet if the cam has a problem it will be hard for them to operate until they get fixed.
I did talk about Tai Shan will he go back to China at age 2. Like Chrissy said there at Washington they are trying to work something out to keep him here.
So we'll wait for Chrissy's Hen Story.....more to be revealed by Chrissy.

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne take care look for eagles.

paula eagleholic said...

Floralgirl ,
I believe that my $#%$ Burglar will get his just desserts (not the sweet kind!), because what comes around, goes get what you give.... and if the law don't git him that FATE will play its proper role,,,

I have Faith!

Mema Jo said...

Man! When you don't get a good morning in here, it takes you an hour to read up on things. I was concerned that Nilla hadn't been on here (unless she changed her name again & I missed it) but she was scheduled to work this am. Hope to hear from her soon.
So to each of you (I am not going to comment individually to you) Make it a good day - LoLove

Just Vicky said...

Good Day to you Mema Jo!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Jo tree looks good. Hope you day is filled with goodness.

wvgal_dana said...

Lil Smurf had a fish lol like usual stuck in his talcon. He was up close to cam for his beautiful close up of eyes. Those eyes just get ya.

glo said...

My plans don't work, so thus in to work I get to go. I am kind of bummed about that now, but in a few days will be a done deal. I will probably go in lots this weekend as that is when I have free access to the computer I need the most. Man Paula
What a bummer about the laptop...that is so maddening. I hope you can find what your son needs for a pretty good deal, but I know it is an added expense you did not plan on. maybe just maybe it has found its way to a pawn shop.

Just Vicky said...

Hi Glo! Nice picture!!

Just Vicky said...

Next we need to get Norma in the blue!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning/afternoon Mema Jo. Glad to see you here! Good afternoon Glo and remember, this too shall pass.

My philosophy - when you do wrong, no matter how little or how big - pay now or pay later, but you always pay!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Norma, email me and we will get your name in Blue!!

Anonymous said...

I have been busy----won't do any more kissing until next mo. ho! ho!---study group, lunch in town & shopping & I can't get all my newspapers & mags read---books too-----This retirement is ME----I am with my English "cousins" (I live in Hampshire Co.) all these name changes & your new pics are beautiful--but must read names now---just shows---We eaglet momsters keep up with the times----I AM NOT TALKING POLITICS----but----In West Virginia, there are two things we take seriously POLITICS & THE MOUNTAINEERS----So forgive me, if my enthusiasm runs over sometimes--GLO, I love your eagle & VICKY-IL---I like that eagle better too---I live in a small town & there are many things going on this time of year----We have "Heritage Days--1st part of Sept.--North/South enactments, etc.---this town changed hand 56 times during civil war---& probably like many other places GW slept in the area---came here as a surveyer & in his journals, young Geo. complained of the vermon is his tick bed----Eagle train is "held up", etc.---This area leans to South----even though WV left the State of VA & under Lincoln, we became WV----LOTS MORE THAN YOU CARED TO KNOW!!! "sorry"

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

WV History was a wonderful class! Learned a lot!

floralgirl said...

PAULA-you are right their bad karma will come back to bite them in the a** eventually!You reap what you sow. Hi Norma- you weren't thinking of discussing politics were you??ANON will blow a gasket!

Just Vicky said...

Norma I loved the history lesson!

Just Vicky said...

Let's NOT revisit that skeleton!

paula eagleholic said...

Really cute, Denbury birdies all squooshed together in that little nest...

wvgal_dana said...

BBL want to read newspaper to see if they found anymore info on the dead woman they found. She was in a suitcase and plastic; by that you know she wasn't in one piece.

Keep chatting I'll catch up....
Yes Norma it was a back and forth thing for awhile. They didn't know if they were North or South. Took both sides alot. Used churches and schools to bring in North and South men that were injuried.

wvgal_dana said...

Nope no update on that case.
She was found at Back Creek.

Mauley said...

Hi gang, this is Mauley here. I have had to teach teach teach today. Thinking about all of you today. Come on Friday. love mauley

Mauley said...

I loved the history lesson. My folks are frow sw Virginia. Son Travis is a history major. Learned so much from typing his research papers. Anyone familiar with Ghosts of the Confederacy. Good reading, but lots of opinion if you ask me mingled in with the history. An eye-opener to say the least. So much politics in Civil War. Know what makes me feel old. Grandfather Arch B. Fee born a year BEFORE the Civil War. Notice I said grandfather not great grandfather.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just watching Baby Smurf. There is something moving at about 10 o'clock but can't tell if it is the wind blowing something or if it something that is alive moving around.

paula eagleholic said...

Baby smurf posing pretty as a picture!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, and hope Belle, Sharon and Floralgirl are feeling better!

And Nilla, how you doing today? Been 10 days since quitting? Great job!

Mema Jo said...

I misread about Mai going back to China - I thought it was MEI! I didn't know what Tai would do at his age without his Momma.
FloralGirl Probably going to take me 2 days to figure that one out! Unless the last 3 W's are all the same word.
Paula So how is the toe. Thought I would change the subject & give you a break from thinking about the latest happenings. I have started to lock my door - I accuse my hubby of locking me in the house!
Glo Love your new pic. No mousepad today..sob,sob.
Chrissy I got the youtube videos running on Tai.. I love them!
Geula is the one who sent the monkey clip to Dana & Me. Just shows that she is in good spirits.
Sharon Mits wasn't here to give you any competition for the wax. Guess she has enough!
BBL I really had a late start today!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just got off work (still have to do OT sometime this evening). Going out for a while. BBL!

floralgirl said...

Hey Jo-(there's that song again..)the last 3 letters are all the same word-what I do all my waking hours!!LOL

Mema Jo said...

ok! I got it now....

paula eagleholic said...

If you must ask, the TOE is quite ugly! But, it feels better! Still can't wear close toe shoes, but it is getting better! You don't want any further description than that!

Mema Jo said...

Floralgirl In a previous comment of yours did you mean that you are giving up the Frederick Market?

Mema Jo said...

Paula The reason I even remember about the toe is that when I opened my frig a #@*%& jar toppled out & hit my little toe. I immediately thought of you! LOL
I have not had any reply to our email... I am working on it with another one...........

paula eagleholic said...

I wanted to look back to our previous email for the suggestions....get back to you soon!

paula eagleholic said...

You have mail!

Darn frisky jars!

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi all,

Mema Jo,
Glad you like the vidios they are realy good arnt they, and funny to.

Did someone mention Delphia [birdgirl] earlier, cant remember,,,
Well I have been E-Mailing her and haveing a good old chat to her,, she isn't to good at the mo, with her virus, I think she is finding it a little tough going at present, I know just how she feels !!!
So next time I chat to her and she hasn'r been on here I will tell her she is being missed shall I ????


Just Vicky said...

Of course you better tell her she is missed!!!

Just Vicky said...

We Are All one big happy family here!

floralgirl said...

Yes,Jo-today I have made the decision to drop the Frederick mkt. for the season.Actually mother nature made that decision for me,and I will continue with the Shepherdstown mkt as long as I can.

Mema Jo said...

Yes Chrissy, Please tell Delphia (BirdGirl) that she is very much missed & that we have her in our thoughts.
I wish on the one video of Tai that I could have been Brenda .. I would so liked to have held him when he was that young - couldn't do it now!

Anonymous said...

CHRISSY----That YOUTUBE---starring******Tadaaa----The PRINCE called: MAI----I could watch them over & over---Thanks to you & Sharon----

Mema Jo said...

No wax for me.

Chrissy - Since Doreen has a pic of Jess on her blog - I know Sharon could put one of your favorite pics up for you!

Anonymous said...

MEMA JO ---- I like your new pic too---I am also so delighted that BELLE, FLORAGIRL, SHARON & NILLA are on the mend----- WHOA---we have had a lot of illnesses----But all feeling perky now---But where is NILLA---she hasn't been here today----MEMA JO---have you talked w/her------JIM---Where are your puzzles------send us one----

Mema Jo said...

Dinner time here. BBLTE

Mema Jo said...

Nilla was working today. I hope that when she gets home - she puts her feet up after taking any medication she needs - rests awhile & then gets the heck on here! I had called her cell phone but had to leave a message.

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi all,
The vidios are wonderful arnt they, loads of fun and laughs, and what lovley memories to keep of our baby boy !!!!

I will tell Delphia when I next hear from her, I promise, I think she finds a kindred spirit in me you see and we both have a similar problem health wise you see, hands across the pond as she puts it, we can moan together, as we seem to be empaths.
Do you know girls, I tired and tried to put a pictue on here last night for nearly two hours, and boy did I muck it up big time, I've also tried to do other tings too, and the same thing happened, must be such an idiot.
Mema jo you are sweet to offer Sharon's services, I really will have to take you and her up on that one as I don't seen caperble on my own, I can switch a computer on and off and thats about it really.


floralgirl said...

CHrissy-please tell Delphia(Birdgirl)that I said hello and hope she will feel better soon.She is the one who walked me through posting a picture by my name-she has step by step directions.Never would have gotten it without her help.Do you ever read Gardener's World Magazine (think that's the name-Alan Titchmarsh was always in it.

Chrissy Beahan said...

Right my lovey new friends,
I'm going to commit murder so will have to go, I have two original tabby cats [twins] Beauty and Scamp who are 15 years old.
Scamp being the good boy he is,, is now in bed fast asleep, but Beauty, is being a naughy madam at the moment just like most nights, she prowls up and down the lounge shouting her head off, and then comes and smacks my legs to get her own way, and to stop me from being on here, bit like gobbo really [Tai] so I keep saying to my girls at Mother Hens, that I will have a new pair of slippers for my next Christmas present. [only joking] never worn fur slippers!!!!! could try it I suppose.

I dont mean it I love them to bits.
So I'll say night night, sleep well, take care and I'll chat soon.


Just Vicky said...

Chrissy, that is funny!!! I have a cat that comes and bites my leg or foot while I am at the computer if I don't feed him, which by the way he wants to eat constantly, but he only licks out the gravy. Then again, he is 20 some years old!

Just Vicky said...

Ok, seems there is no life here right now! Where is Nilla?????

Just Vicky said...

Come on gals, come back!!!! Gets very lonely talking to myself!

paula eagleholic said...

Hiya, Vicky! Any rain over there to send our way?

Just Vicky said...

No rain, yet! Will send as soon as it comes!

Just Vicky said...

Are you getting yourself pulled back together??

Just Vicky said...

Paula, if you would have gotten enough WAX you could have had a trap made to catch the theif!

paula eagleholic said...

Just checked radar, doesn't look like too much out there, guess I'll be watering tonight! TTYL!

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Vicky, moving forward! Bought a new laptop last night, supposed to be at the store for me to pickup on Tuesday. Been locking all the doors. Bandaid on Toe. No critters in the office today! Life is good!

Just Vicky said...

Just can't believe none of our rain has not ever hit your area! We have really been blessed with it this summer!

Just Vicky said...

Paula, was there anything important on the stolen laptop???

paula eagleholic said...

Heading home, see ya'll later! Sorry to leave you alone, Vicky, I'm sure someone will stop lurking and chat!

Just Vicky said...

And, are there any job openings???

paula eagleholic said...

Nope, had just cleaned it all out! Thank goodness!

paula eagleholic said...

When there is, I'll let you know!

Just Vicky said...


Mauley said...

Vicky, we must be soulmates. I love old cats. I lost my old litter of cats one by one at ages from 16, 17, 18, and 19. My young cats (as I call them) are all around 7, 8, and 9. Never had many kittens, but I love kittens, I always take the ones nobody wants, just the little throw a ways. It is easier to find good homes for kittens, but not for older cats. I got a cat from the shelter, brought her home and she had five kittens the next week. I pray my husband doesn't read this. I prepaid at the vets for all 5 kittens to be immunized and spayed and neutered so I could give them inside homes with families I trusted. I had her spayed at soon as she weaned the kittens. She really likes my husband better than she likes me. You are a gal of my own heart. Mauley

glo said...

Hi All. Home from work. Survived another few hours at the old office place. Slowly getting there. Will work several hours next 3 days as have much easier access to computer. Not much access to air conditioning ont he weekend though so Not sure if it gets too hot what will happen with that. OH well.

Still no Nilla Hmmm she has me a little worried aobut her again. I really hope somoene hears something int he next couple of hours. She would have told us if she wasn'tgoing to be on for any extended period of time I think. Oh well kids say I'm a worry wart...guess that could be true.

Gonna walk and feed dogs and myself. Will BLOG in a little while.

Just Vicky said...

Mauley, I love my cats! I have Old Bobo and a younger female Cahley Jo (who was suppose to be my cat!) but she is more my husband's buddy then mine. Go figure! He hates cats! But he has learned to live with 2.

Just Vicky said...

Ms. Glo so you were in here and out I see! Sneaky girl! Ya'll come back!

MITS said...

HI, having alot of trouble getting into the blog, PAULA so sorry about your robbery, would like to have 5 mins alone with this jerk.

MITS said...

DOREEN, love your pics, especially of BETH

MITS said...

Ct smurf oprey clinging to fish with talons...stuck...again. I have a question, where do the heads of these fish go, most of the time I see a fish, its headless??????

MITS said...

NILLA hope you are ok!!!!

MITS said...

Breathtaking pic of NU osprey and the sun setting.

Anonymous said...

HI EAGLE BUDDIES---I was ready to log on-----then you all began to express your love of "CATS"---Don't yell, but I really don't like them---they seem to sense it & come right to me---DOGS---I Love----Forgive me---?

Mema Jo said...

I called cell phone again to Nilla- Left another message...
CATS: How interesting that there are quite a few cats like mine that know how to get attention! Scar always comes up to me especially when he wants to go out & gives me about 3 or 4 swats on my foot. My oldest is 18 yrs old and Tigress is a sweetheart - just talks to me when she wants something. She really is attached to hubby as far as being a lap cat. Scar loves to sleep by me if I scratch his neck - but no way can you pick him up. He was a stray & now he is a very loveable feline.

Mema Jo said...

It's ok Norma - I do like dogs also..But I guess I prefer cats.

floralgirl said...

Hey Norma-Thank goodness,I'm a dog person too.Met a few cats I liked in my life,but not a big cat person.OOps,hope I didn't offend anyone.

floralgirl said...

That's right-came inside,was reading and lurking(don't tell Belle) until I saw Norma's comments.Didn't want to be the only non cat lover in the bunch.Hi JO-I hope we hear from Nilla soon ,too.

wvgal_dana said...

Well I see some are on here...finished dinner, cleaned up, filled out dumb questions on the medical papers for tomorrow yuck. Read all the information doctor gave me about other shots. Than the one he gave me yesterday.
Caught up on blog. Life is still good.

Anonymous said...

My computer has slowed down & I don't know why----I have cable---any suggestions----need to clear out all the messages---
CHRESSY & DOREEN---Please forgive me I get your alls names confused------Enjoy your blogs--so interesting---do you have children to help with the horses & your farms?---Please send FLORALGIRL some rain clouds---

MITS said...

No offense to all you cat lovers....definitely a DOG PERSON myself.My sister- in -law had a cat that took a swipe at me one time, I swiped back and he stayed clear of me from then on...

Mauley said...

Has anyone heard from our Nilla today? Haven't had much time to read back log? Mema Jo have you heard from Nilla?
Hubbies can be pushovers after a twenty or thirty years of cats. Never admit it, though. Even though they will crawl over you to go to bathroom to keep from disturbing the cat. Mine says get up your cat is asleep over here and if I wake her she will start purring and keep me up the rest of the night Yeah Right. Mauley

Just Vicky said...

That's ok gals! We will forgive you! (May have to log in as Anon and express our feelings! (JUST KIDDING -- WINK WINK No, Anon has never been me!!!!

Just Vicky said...

Mauley, I believe every word of that!

Mauley said...

No offense taken. Love dogs, cats, birds, foxes, squirrels, groundhogs, and (forgive me) crows, and anything creature alive, I guess. Field mice are nice. Rats no, but who couldn't love a possum. Mauley

Anonymous said...

Oh really,well I love cats and you all are being very mean!!TEE HEE!

wvgal_dana said...

That's ok Floralgirl we had one cat when I was a kid.
Later (my daughter will be 25 in October) when she was in grade school she got a cat and dog. We aleady had 2 inside dogs so that made 3 dogs and 1 cat.
When she moved out 5 years ago cat was getting too old so was dog; so we kept both for her. Tabitha (cat) I just had to put to sleep here in April--kidney failure.
My Slinky Dink (aka shadow to my husband) gone nighty night 8yrs ago on 21st this month. Still miss her (doggie).
So we are down to two doggies age 14 and 11.

Mema Jo said...


Just needed to be sure we are all
on the same page.......LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Norma do you clean out your cookies and temporary files??

Just Vicky said...

OK, fess up, who just did that??? I did NOT!!!!!!!!!!

floralgirl said...

YES!!WE can all agree on eagles!!

wvgal_dana said...

I love most animals. Maybe some just alittle more than others. Then let one sashshay up to me and I'm a sucker lol.

floralgirl said...

Who gets the wax??

wvgal_dana said...

honest not me

floralgirl said...

WV GAL DANA congratulations!!

Mema Jo said...

I know who you are TEE HEE
That's a dead give away. LOL

Mauley So you don't need to backread-- I have called Nilla twice on her cell phone & left messages. I know she went into work today - not sure of the hours. Cell phone could have been charging or at home.
No News Is Good News - Keep Faith.
She best better get on here soon or else call me!

wvgal_dana said...

Floralgirl I have a rose bush, flowering there are two stems getting taller than the others.
Someone said I should clip those off because they will take all the mositure away from plant?????
(of course no rain what moisture)

Just Vicky said...

Yippie ! Dana got the wax can! Guess Sharon will be jealous!

wvgal_dana said...

Congtrs for what?

Mema Jo said...

Oh, yes you do you purple rose of WV!

Just Vicky said...

Dana, you were 200!!

wvgal_dana said...

On NO NO I just counted back wasn't/didn't even know how many comments there was. YUCK WAX !!

MITS said...

Ok, MEMA JO that had to be you as anon, using my trademark, TEE HEE, to try and get me in trouble. It ain't gonna happen, your busted.

Anonymous said...

MITS---Where do you think those fish heads go----CATS--CATS?---My husband died 10 yrs. ago---Lisa's (daughter) Lab died shortly after--she got another Lab, registered name Sweet Wm. (can't remem. last part)---She called him "Bill"--(her Dad's name)--I told her I refuse to call the dog Bill--When I die are you going to get another dog & name her Norma!!!---She replied "No, Mom, I am going to buy a CAT & call her "Norma"---

Mema Jo said...

Just Vicky - I need to post a comment with the tree right after you post with the eagle so that everyone will know where Liberty is headed>>>>>>>
The Sycamore............

wvgal_dana said...

Is anony. Nilla?

Just Vicky said...

Mema JO, are you being sly as a fox??? Glad you got Busted!

Mema Jo said...

I did not do the TEE HEE

Where is SHARON or NILLA

It wasn't me! I bet it was really you cause you know how to be anonymous from way back when.......... LOL

Just Vicky said...

Do it Girlfriend!

wvgal_dana said...

Jo you wouldn't do anything like that now would you?

Just Vicky said...

Do we have a disagreement going on here? The "Blame Game???"

Just Vicky said...

Has to be one of those "lurkers!"

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3/6/25 PM

 the wind is ferocious almost tipping our Eagle over and out of the nest at times sometimes you're made to do a egg roll when you're...