Thursday, August 17, 2006

Thursday August 17

New Thread.


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MITS said...

NILLA You have mail, but I'm not sure I have your e-mail right, in that case you may not have mail. Now it sounds like I'm taking the pain killers.

NillaWafer said...

LOL yes i have a amd my sistalcac is ok and distalaic is ok.. driving Sharon But its my Growion thats really sore and black & blue.. I reckon we will get a lession in the corrick speelin of those wurds now..

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla when do you return to doctor?
I think it would for first visit after being in hospital. Least than the 3month return isn't it shorter than that?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, ROFLMAO!!!! Not gonna do it, not gonna do it, wouldn't be prudent!!

Glo, good word!!

NillaWafer said...

Thanks Mits the music to your card was so

floralgirl said...

Yea Pinky-got my fingers crossed...

NillaWafer said...

I go back September 11th and go for blood work at City also

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just saw Frieda's 3 beautiful pink eggs!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Going to bed now. Sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers!

belle_wv said...

Catching up on the blogs - Nilla so good to have you back 'live' and typing :) I bet you were wishin there was some guys down there pushin in that area LOL

Had to ride along to pick my daughter up from band swim reward trip tonight, hubby made me ride along to get something to eat so I could take my pain pills.... ugh, but prolly good for me to move around some - then the lovely nose shower - now I can rest for the night

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla is he going to see you at the office beside (very near to) City Hospital? That way you won't have to travel to Winchester.

NillaWafer said...

Floral howl u bee?? Sharon MiZZSpeelchicker2006 IS gettin it I bet Glo cheetad and looqedd in diksonairy..

MITS said...

Your welcome NILLA Thought you might like it. Saying Good Night all for now.

NillaWafer said...

Yeah i have a 3 month appointment with Dr Hardy in Martinsburg office also and test for LFT's ans fasting lipid profile in 2 months

floralgirl said...

Hey Nilla- spellchecker went to bed-ise duin gud- glaad yu r feilin a littel bettere!!

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
MITS said...


NillaWafer said...

Niters Mits Love ya

glo said...

Nilla I thin yur spillin is jest fine I'm glad you have all that pressure wherever it is happening as long as it stays in the healthy range!!!

Good Night all. Blog with ya tomorrow

NillaWafer said...

Jo you lurking?? I am about to log off so come out and say sumpin...

belle_wv said...

LOL Nilla, you tryin to pluck Sharon's last nerve - so much fun :) But don't pick on her too much - she's got a cold from being out in the boonies

NillaWafer said...

She aint in bed she is alurking..

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla I read that just fine.
You made no errors at all in your spelling.
If at one time I could read Doctors writings then I can surely read yours Nilla.

You go girl

belle_wv said...

I'm going to spend the night lurking again in my computer spot... everyone get good night's sleep that is going to bed and rest with eagle thoughts and dreams

NillaWafer said...

((((( SHARON)))))))) cmere let me rub ya witif sum Bicks Bapo Rub..

floralgirl said...

Who is lurking?who is lurking?

belle_wv said...

Did someone say we're supposed to get rain? I sure don't see/feel any signs of it, but I do hope we get a lot of nice rain...

MITS said...


belle_wv said...

LOL Nilla - dat wuld meek her feeewl bedder

NillaWafer said...

Going to bed soon also , no sleep last night and when i finally did it was time for blood work.. Nighty niters Its so good to be homeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

belle_wv said...

Enjoy your own comfy bed and pillow Nilla {{{{{hugs}}}}}} see you when you wakey in the morning
sweet eagle dreams

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla if you are going to bed
AOYP=Angels On Your Pillow and sweet eagle dreams friend.

floralgirl said...

30% chance of thunderstorms Sat.and Sun., Belle. Keeping my fingers crossed

belle_wv said...

Me too Floral, me too - but you can still have the firemen come visit, too ;) Need lots of water and strong helping hands

belle_wv said...

argh I am still finding sticky spots on the back of my hand from the tape they taped down the IV with - think they used a whole roll LOL... I bet Nilla will be scraping adhesive off spots she'd rather not be scraping for awhile!
I never have found anything that really gets the gluey stuff off my skin - just have to rub and rub and rub

floralgirl said...

Don't think hubby's gonna be pleased to see the fire brigade-better hope for rain! Off to bed myself as soon as the Daily show is over.Nite Belle, Nilla hope you two can get some sleep.

wvgal_dana said...

Let it rain
Let it rain
Let it rain
Putting in down lightly
Not a mist or a pour down
Just watering the flowers
The plants perking up so bright
Let it rain
Let it rain
Bring back the flowers
That are drooping
Let it rain
Let it rain
Let it rain

Just for Floralgirl

floralgirl said...

Aw- thank you Pinky

belle_wv said...

hope your song works pinky
Sweet dreams floral gal tell hubby not to be threatened by the men with bigger hoses ROFL

floralgirl said...


Mema Jo said...


Time to hit the hay!

Grateful for today and for all my
friends - Don't forget to say
your prayers...........


wvgal_dana said...

Me off to bed; niters friends. Have a nice peaceful sleep.

belle_wv said...

Night to all - I'll be snoozin and lurkin as the meds/sinuses choose :) {{{{{hugs}}}}} some solitaire to ease into the snooze land hopefully

movin said...

Thanks, Belle, for the estimate of the distance for the eaglets to DC...wonder if they still have to head all the way back to the nest area for lunch.

I had another comment to one on the previous thread, but you're going to have to guess (with me) as to what it was...I forgot!

Hope you all have a well and happy weekend...


belle_wv said...

Thanks Jim, enjoy your evening and have a good night and a great Friday :) We'll guess and maybe never come up with what it was - but if we never remember, we can't forget again LOL

Mema Jo said...

LURKER Goodnight Belle
I was playing solitaire............. I won 2 in a row.......Now I can Sleep

Don't forget to leave a message for

Good Morning, Suzanne

Just Vicky said...

Say goodnight John Boy!

Anonymous said...

Goodnight John Boy

NillaWafer said...

Up applying a warm cloth to area down south of the border from Heart Cath.. Alittle painful right now. Was reading all the blogs even the ones Belle broght me in WE ALL certainly know how to amuse ourselves when alone and when others are here we play like good lil What a wonderful sense of humor ya'll have.. This really should be made into a movie... call it "Out By the Ole Sycamore Tree"

NillaWafer said...

I do want to express to any of you ladies PLEASE PLEASE if you experiance any feeling in your arms of heaviness and or aching.. stinging across chest.. or shortness of breath PLEASE GO for check up.. If it were not for ya'll i might have left it go on longer and with the 90% blockage i had in 1 artery might not be here... Love You All For Caring So Much!!!!

Just Vicky said...

Not a problem Nilla! After all, who else can get us into NTCT? No one like you can!

Mema Jo said...

I am sitting here listening to
Free Bird
I am watching Vicky-IL's flying eagle
It's wings are flapping in time with
the music. This is so cool.

Anyway- I just opened the blog again before I went into bed just to see if everyone was asleep & read any last minute comments......
Nilla - you're special. We really care about you & glad we were all here to help save you!!!!!
Vicky-Il - you going to meet your
deadline? Get some sleep-I don't have to work anymore so that means I sleep late and stay up late!!! You're too youn to do that yet! Your day will come


Mema Jo said...

Yeah - I know I spelled YOUNG incorrectly - bet you knew what I meant........ Spell Checker from H---l
is sound asleep...........

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everybody. Starting work now. Still feeling pretty yucky this morning. This mess has moved up into my sinuses so feeling pretty snotty! TMI, right?

Anyway, will be sending out corrections shortly. :):):)

Everybody make a good day. Remember to do random acts of kindness. Rewards are great!!

belle_wv said...

Good morning eagle lovers!

belle_wv said...

Sharon, I can send you my bulb syringe thingie and we can rinse or sinuses out together... lol

Suzanne, so glad the pics are in the next phase of getting to us. How'd you manage to get them on CD? Did the library do it? Any bird sightings on the way home? I'm figuring they've moved on by now... If Geo and Martha are still in the area, they won't take too kindly to the kids hanging about...

belle_wv said...

Sharon, how was meet the beavers night?/ Sounds like it should be a sitcom title...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Belle, Meet the Beavers went great. The band played the Star Spangled Banner (they play the most beautiful arrangement of that), then the alma mater, fight song, one of the songs from their show (Spirit in the Sky). Then we had to go through all the athletes being introduced (band never gets introduced - ARRGGHH!) and it culminates in the football team being introduced. The drumline played cadences afterwards (of course, my favorite part). Then I got to stand outside and wait for the seniors of the band to figure out if they were going to Dairy Queen or not (about 30 minutes). I finally started the car and started pulling off. Told Andrew if he wanted a ride home, he had better hop in. So, they ended up going no where. Love teenagers, you know.

Bet you weren't expecing a book, huh?

belle_wv said...

Sounds like a good night - I know what you mean about the band being 'invisible' when it comes to being introduced... never seems fair... they're athletes too in their own musical way... it is hard work learning to do the shows and play and then wearing those hot uniforms on top of it all - cook the first few games, then they're not warm enough after that...and if it rains - ugh

wvgal_dana said...

Eaglet In MAINE

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning All of Eagleland.
Hi Suzanne, Belle and Sharon.
Need to catch up for this am.

belle_wv said...

Suzanne, oh dear on loosing your 'space'... that would make coming to work an adventure every day - never knowing what you'll be doing or where you'll be doing it...maybe you could turn your home computer in and get a laptop and get a connection to the net that you can use both at home and at instead of reading a book you could blog with us and do webcam stuff on your own 'puter?

Mema Jo said...

Suzanne This is horrible. Our morning show is closing down. You must get the pc at home hooked up. Please..... even if you only are on it for a half hour before you go to bed. Pretty soon you won't need to take time to water the flowers & you can say Hi to us........ Man oh Man! Going to miss you.. I always look for your name on the blog - you make the morning begin. If you get back on anytime today - on the 26th - what kind of car are you driving?

belle_wv said...

Just found out our day is going to be very interesting - water line in front of our house broke... floral, got lots of water running here if ya need some... we're going to have a lush oasis in our yard and neighbor's where the water is running. Sadly looks like we'll loose some shrubs and they might have to tear up our driveway - ugh hope we don't have to pay to repave it. I haven't had a shower since Wednesday morning, so I think I am going to get one quick before they start messing and turn our water off for the day - ugh... pain pill first

MITS said...

Well, SUZANNE, that sucks, (Am I allowerd to say that on this site?) I will soooo miss your reports in the morning. Get that PC set up at home.

Mema Jo said...

BBL Be gone about an hour..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, I say you must hook up your home computer cause we can't do this without you. You are my early morning buddy!!

wvgal_dana said...

NO NO NO SUZANNE I'm going to miss you so so badly. No matter who was in you always spoke to me.
We could talk back and forth.
I'll be ingorned and feel like a lost kitten now.....sad face, tears, and unhappy. I'll miss you very much Suzanne (((hugs)))). I know you will miss us. So sorry for you my dear friend. For it is terrible you need this outlet with us.

MITS said...

Sorry, I forgot... Good Morning All!!! Was so upset to see the Suzanne Morning Show, is going off the air.

MITS said...

I like BELLES' idea of a laptop....We just can't lose you all of a sudden.

MITS said...

Eaglet on the branch in Maine. I just love that nest.

MITS said...

You can hear the eaglet calling to someone.

MITS said...

He jumped down to the nest now, still squarking loudly.

MITS said...

he's still there, something or someone is bothering him

MITS said...

I think he just did a poop-shoot in the nest.

MITS said...

SHARON Are you watching this????

wvgal_dana said...

Back to Maine again

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I watched just a couple of minutes before he flew off but I got to see him!!

Mauley said...

Good Morning Eagle Momsters, and come on 1:00 o'clock. That is when I am out of here for the weekend. Band Members never get the accolades they deserve. Especially in high school. I love the band and appreciate the hard work they endure to dazzle the fans with their performances. Mema Jo, or anyone, send me the link for the other eagle nest. I am so homesick for ours. God Bless Nilla, Belle, Sharon, and precious Maggie today. Mauley, grantoeight

belle_wv said...

in the nest? I wonder why he'd do that - they're so clean... wonder if someone else has been using the nest and he's saying 'stay away' - that isn't where the turkey vulture was is it?

belle_wv said...

I think we need to find Suzanne a better job with more reliable connections and better working conditions... they can't treat our star like this - taking away her cubeie and her puter access - just cause the 'boss' wants to move back down there .... who does he/she think they are???

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Mits, Mauley, Sharon, Suzanne and Belle and all you lurkers. Hi again. I watched the nest in Maine early this morning. They had the eaglet really up close. You can see on his/her legs stills some inmature feathers. Boy oh Boy though is its talcons BIG.

belle_wv said...

By the way - I want you all to THINK about taking a shower - now think about it without being able to bend forward, or lean your head down or back... reallly think about it.... watching me take that rushed shower this omrning hoping they didn't shut the water off on me mid-lather must've been worth the price of admission... lots of plieats (ballet word spelled wrong - fix it Sharon) and bunny dips.... rofl - my head is sure thumpin now - pain pill do your stuff... going to wait a bit before the 'nasal irrigation' show begins - plenty of time to get your tickets and buy snacks and get a good seat...

belle_wv said...

Oh forgot the part about trying to put my hair up in a towel... just can't imagine how easy it was before... lol

MITS said...

Thank you kindly, MAULEY for wishes for MAGGIE. The vulture was at BW nest.

belle_wv said...

They zoomed the cam in in ME? I've never seen it change before - bummer that I missed it :(

MITS said...

Thanks, BELLE, Think I'll pass on that show, LOL!!!!!

belle_wv said...

Morning Mauley,

Hope you're having a good Friday... 1 will be here before you know it. Can't believe it is 9 already. Busy morning here.

MITS said...

I must have missed the zoom part.

wvgal_dana said...

Going out for a while bbl

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Belle, I feel your pain. Been there, done that, don't ever want to go back!!

belle_wv said...

LOL Mits - don't blame you a bit! You have much better shows to be hoping to get in on... you going to get to go see 'Lil-bit' this morning or sometime today? Must be tough waiting for mom and dad to call and say 'c'mon over' When I had my kids, my mom and the in-laws were out of state - so they took turns coming to stay a week or so each. Then they had to wait to see the kids again until we were ready to travel to them

belle_wv said...

K Pinky - be careful out there - don't dry up and blow away - if ya need water, come up our way got a lovely babbling brook out front

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My squirrel with its 2-inch tail is on my roof. Haven't seen my bald cardinal lately. Hopefully not bald anymore.

glo said...

Ok bad storms heaidng my way. I have to shut this down as soon as I get done with this post. Suzanne you are gonna have to figure out what Plan 2 is and get it up and running quick You can not disappear..we are all still adjusting to not seeing our 3 young eagles. You are a Major part of that support system. So we know You will be signing on somewhere as best you can as often as you can. This weekend while it rains for floralgirl...please set up your computer Please. OK Hugs to all. Belle and Nilla take good care of yourselves. Sharon hope you are feeling better. maggie wake up honey its breakfast time.

belle_wv said...

Man Sharon, you have some sicko critter or something maiming all your birds and squirrels... birds without tail feathers and others with no crown, now a squirrel with a lopped off tail... what's next?

MITS said...


belle_wv said...

Glo have a good morning - and send the rain our way... hope you got all the database stuff done you needed to so you can concentrate on being retired again

MITS said...

Probably, Big Foot and the Loch Ness Monster will show up in SHARONS'BACKYARD

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, as far as the squirrel goes, it showed up here last summer and part of its tail was black and dead, just fell off I guess. Don't know what happened to cause it. No cats around that I know of. Seems like I get a lot of ones with defects of some sort or another. But that is okay, still love them anyway!! Wonder if the short-tailed squirrel has trouble with balance. Seems like their tail would be a major part of that but I guess they adapt.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, Bigfoot sleeps 2 bedrooms down. Andrew wears a size 16 shoe!! LOL.

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3/6/25 PM

 the wind is ferocious almost tipping our Eagle over and out of the nest at times sometimes you're made to do a egg roll when you're...