Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Wednesday June 21

Hi Folks, really hectic days here. Got with Todd, he took the picture posted a few days ago around 9:00am on June 11.


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Anonymous said...

Jo, are you in here??????

Anonymous said...

Ok, looks like I'm the only one here. Everyone must be out looking for Jo.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

We can't find Jo anywhere.

Thanks Steve for the new thread!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Steve! Now we know that the eaglet on the branch isn't Spunky!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, must have finished it all gone!! That just looked like a lot of hard work. Mits, Geula answered on the other page that the jackals are for real!

Where is Jo, Where is Jo?

Anonymous said...

Good Grief!!!! I sit here all this time watching eat, I leave the room to look for Jo, I come back and he is gone. Oh, but a parent just came home...

paula eagleholic said...

Took Big Boy a while to finish off those turtles...

Must have been MS Inbetween is my guess of the color pic from a couple of days ago...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Parent back in nest. Wonder what he/she brought if anything. I hope they get to eat away from the nest cause they don't get much in the nest!! Wonder how long it will be before a kid arrives. I didn't even get this typed until there was 1 mantling!!

paula eagleholic said...

Parent gone again, and another eaglet in the nest!

We have been blessed with many visits today

Anonymous said...

Now, who might that be in the nest??

paula eagleholic said...

More food...

Looks like hunting is the lesson of the day...

Geula said...

parent in the live feed is breaking up
parent left and one youngun is there too. busy busy busy!

Jo is NOT in my loo (I checked)
has she been found?

paula eagleholic said...

Don't think that is a fish either!

paula eagleholic said...

looked furry, oh more company

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think it is another turtle. Poor turtles today. I think that would be more hard work than it would be worth.

Geula, thanks for checking in your loo for Jo. She is still MIA! She must have fell in!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Sharon I saw Geula's post. Is that another turtle they brought, take it easy guys there is plenty to go around.

paula eagleholic said...

I think Big Boy cam back, and then Ms INbetween, she was trying to go for his lunch

paula eagleholic said...

She must have the leftovers from last time, she is eating at 12

paula eagleholic said...

Might be Spunkster....

Anonymous said...

OK, so now I'm getting concerned about Jo...2hours+MIA!!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, and Steve, yes, thanks for the new thread!!!

Anonymous said...

More ripping and tearing....

Geula said...

It seems that sharing is a thing of the, children, be nice, there's enough for both of you. I can't convince 'em! They ain't lisnin!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Steven, if you happen to see Jo, let us know.

Anonymous said...

you guys are a riot!

Jooooooo where are ya?

Lots of visitors today! Wonder how much meat one can get off a lousy turtle....maybe why they're so anxious......

Geula said...

okay kids, I'm going to say good night. It's been a long and eventful day. My tomorrow bring more visits and better live webcam feed.

now now now, no fighting!

MAWOY ( may angels watch over you)

Anonymous said...

Sandy, kinda reminds me of myself when I'm eating steamed crabs!!! Alot of work for some delicious meat.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thank you Geula. I hope you have a restful and peaceful night!!

Anonymous said...

MAWOY to you too, Geula. Good Night.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Maybe Mom brought in a turtle in each talon. Probably wouldn't be so hard to do with those slow little fellers. Teaching them how to handle all kinds of food. YUCK!

Anonymous said...

You can really see the color difference in their feathers when the sun shines on them.

Anonymous said...

I like that! MAWOY.....all, and our eagles! steamed crab. Wonder if turtle tastes like crab since frog tastes like chicken......LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Come on kids, get along!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

3:41 p.m. Something has their attention to the right!

paula eagleholic said...

I see one has left, the other one is now taking a rest at noon in the nest

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, come out, come out wherever you are!! Hide-n-seek is over now!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Parent in the nest feeding the baby. Now 2 babies in the nest. Can we have a third? She is keeping whatever she has I think. Well, she must be eating leftover turtle because it looks like Spunky has a fish. Oh, who knows, I can't see too good.

Anonymous said...

One of them just walked across the nest with what looks like a fish stuck to its talon.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

4:20 p.m. Boy them younguns are awfully still. Wonder if they are getting ready to fistacuff! I wonder if they growl at each other cause that is what it looks like!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I would think the screen was froze if it weren't for the leaves blowing and Momma moving her head!

paula eagleholic said...

Turn around, and 2 eaglets and Mom or Dad in the nest...what a great day!

Anonymous said...

Anybody know what the blue thing is in the nest, or am I imagining things?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That turd just took that fish right away from Spunky.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Sandy, what blue thing?

paula eagleholic said...

OMG that was so funny, they were all quiet, looking to the right, and the one at the bottom of the nest took advantage of the situation and just stole the other's food, was quick as a mantling it...

paula eagleholic said...

Wasn't that funny, Sharon

paula eagleholic said...

Off goes the adult

Anonymous said...

sorta on the left side of the rock behind the baby

Anonymous said...

Now the one that's eating is almost on top of it. It's white with a purple spot.......I think

Anonymous said...

Isn't blue a 4-letter word around here????

paula eagleholic said...

Is that our Ms Piggy in the nest?!

paula eagleholic said...

nope, no blue

Anonymous said...

oh gross, it may be a fish head with me seeing the eye....

paula eagleholic said...

There's your poop shoot!
Where are ya?

paula eagleholic said...

CYA Spunster!

Anonymous said...

or I may be losing it too....LOL gotta go. Keep good notes.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL at the fish eye staring at Sandy!

Anonymous said...

At the sound of the tone (DING) Do you know where your Jo is?????

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am outtahere for a while too!! Somebody has to keep good notes. For God's sake Jo, where are ya??? We miss you and can't go on without you!

Anonymous said...

Fish eyes, I'm sooooo out of here, see you all later.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, Paula, are you going to be on here taking notes?

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, I gotta go for awhile, too, I'll try to keep checking.

Ms Inbetween sitting in the nest at 12 oclock, 4:45 pm

paula eagleholic said...

4:48 she just flew the page up

Mema Jo said...

Is the coast clear---Did all those crazy jackals leave - Here I am! Here I am! Sorry to cause concern - I did the Loo thing & then took a nap without telling anyone - a long rewarding nap! Phone rang-a desparate eagle watcher named Sharon was on the line-I was reading all the comments-laughing & hurrying so I could let you all know I was ok-Blog froze on me & had to reboot- I love you momsters - won't do that again. Bet you thought I didn't make it through my 'first flight'. Now back to eagle watching.

Mema Jo said...

I think we better stay on this thread-the next one up just doesn't look well. Pic won't come through. You can comment on it but I'm staying here for now. Can't believe all those turtles... Told Sharon that as of July 4 the tree isn't off limits anymore-not that you can get on the NCTC grounds. Be neat to find some of those left over turtle shells as a keepsake....

NillaWafer said...

Well Jo i see you have moved up from the porta-potty to loo's Hey Gang, i am with you Jo the other page doesnt look to safe neither. The kids must have been fed really well if they are eating turtles, i think they have 7 kinds of different meat in them from what i can remember.(Unless thats an old wives tale) Jo only way i would go there near that tree is with fishing hip boots on and lots of bug bite medicine for

paula eagleholic said...

5:49 pm, nest still empty

Mema Jo said...

6:10pm quite empty nest now.
Hi NILLA How has your day been? I got in big trouble today with the momsters - have you been over to the site to see Angie's pics in our album?
Paula Are you home from work now? Thanks again for the album description fix!

Anonymous said...

Well, look who is back!!! Jo, Welcome home! We missed you. I didn't even check to see if any eagles were in the nest, came right to the blog to see if you came back. Glad you had a nice relaxing nap.

Anonymous said...

Nilla, the bottom of that tree probably looks like the falcon ledge.

NillaWafer said...

No Jo i havent been over yet to take look at them. Mits Jo said about getting a turtle shell for a My day has been good so far im at work but i work tomarrow and then off for 5 days til next weds.But ya know i stop in from time to time and check blogs. Hopefully my DSL at home will get here soon and i will have it set up.

Mema Jo said...

MITS: That was a good comparison & I bet you're right! The ledge & bottom of the tree....How I hated looking at that ledge........

Anonymous said...

Jo, that ledge is a pig-stie, but at least they did not poop-shoot over the ledge on anyone below. I hope they have the cam on the day they power-wash it.

paula eagleholic said...

No, Jo, still at work, and you're welcome.

Just checking in.

6:48 pm, empty nest!

NillaWafer said...

I looked at the albums over on Momster's and its great.. Thanks for posting all of them. Mits i checked on panda's and they were sleeping earlier. The falcon ledge was empty.. talking about power washing i wouldnt want to be underneath when they The Ospreys out in Washington have added some more color to their nest, and the babie are moving around. Eaglets in BC were sleeping.. Owls were not in the nest... Storks in Germany were just making noises and hungry. Oh my i should get a job as a wild animal

paula eagleholic said...

Man, Nilla, you sure do get around!

NillaWafer said...

I am waitng on some dinner being brought to me..BBQ chcicken and scolloped tator's and veggie's .. YUM YUM .. OUR nest seems to be empty right now.

NillaWafer said...

LOL yup paula i have them all and other's in my favorites and just go down the

NillaWafer said...

Paula my name suggestion for mom and pop are Mom--Ethel Just being silly I vote for Liberty and Belle!!!! Hey Jo how ya like me now???????LMAO

Anonymous said...

Nilla , thats' what I do, just go right down my list of favorites. Ahh the sun is slowing setting in the west and here we are with an empty nest. I have to go fix dinner now. Catch you all later.

Mema Jo said...

NILLA: I was going down my list of favorites.. I don't have the pandas site - is it just WasDCZoo..? Did you eat all that delicious food yet? When do you go to the christening?

Mema Jo said...

MITS is a poet - but I don't think she knows it.... in the west - an empty nest That was cool.....

NillaWafer said...

Jo its washington national zoo or try Fonz.. i kept trying til i found it and when you do click on panda you can also see the tiger cubs

NillaWafer said...

Hey Mits did you know they have live cams in many of the animals cages at the zoo??? I saw a Octopussy and some monkeys just click on the little pictures of the animals at the bottom of the page to see them.. Our nest is still empty at 8:50 pm but i did see a parent fly in earlier and fly off again.

Mema Jo said...

8:51pm Don't think much nest activity will take place this evening hour - I guess they are all 3 going to find a branch for the night - but then you never know... I just spent an hour cleaning out my hard drive.. it was so sluggish. Realy moving right along now. I'll keep watching that nest..

Anonymous said...

someone is in the nest, may be spunky.

Anonymous said...

Nilla, My sister and have been watching this zoo site since the day Tai Shan was born on July 9, 2005. He weighed 2oz. and was the size of a stick of butter. He now weighs 53lbs. He and his Mom and Dad have given me many hours of fun watching him grow up. As per an agreement, he will be sent to China when he is 2 yrs old. Talk about emthy nest, my heart is going to break when he leaves. I love watching all the animals and I regularly correspond with the kiwi-keeper. To see him, he is nocturnal, click on the flamingo page and then click on kiwi-cam. He is 4 months old. Still keeping my eye on the eagle in the nest.

NillaWafer said...

I think Spunky is home!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Spunky is the smartest one of all, he knows where to come to get a good nights sleep.

NillaWafer said...

She sure does and just to think she is sleeping on all of Jo's turtle Mits have you noticed the Eagles out at Catalina have colored bands or plastic colored identification on there wings? The Opsrey were in the nest being fed but the smallest was hanging back i hope they save some for it and mom feeds it also, it is much smaller. I am just aworry

NillaWafer said...

Geez Mits is it just you and i holding down the fort now? Ohhh Eagleholics come out come out where ever you I am only here for another 30 minutes.

Mema Jo said...

You're not alone....Glad we got 1 in the nest..

paula eagleholic said...

Awwwwwwww , poor little guy is tuckered out and snoozing already!

NillaWafer said...

"Oh Our Spunky Is Safe Tonight Going To Sleep In The Nest Thats Been Her Home.. With Vision's Of Fish and Turtle Dreams going Thru Her Head.. I am sure we will have Poop Shoots over The Edge.. So Tomarrow At Morning's Early Light Spunky Will Take Flight"...But Afew Times Daily Come Back To Surprise Us With Delight"

paula eagleholic said...

In case ya'll didn't have enough cams....they have some at the San Diego Zoo, also. I went out for New Year's to visit a friend, and we went to the San Diego Zoo. It was huge, great big place for the animals...

so I course before I went, I checked them out online, they have a cam on their panda, who was born a couple of weeks after ours.. and they have some other cams too, can't really remember, been awhile since I visited the site.

Mema Jo said...

I was just in on the momsters site - I really like the calendar that is being kept! Great Idea. The photo on the blog by Todd Harless at NCTC was taken on the 11th per Steve. So that means it could have been BigBoy or MsInbetween... I'm not guessing!!!

Anonymous said...

Nilla, I don't think I've seen the eagles in Catalina. The osprey nest, the one over the water, looks like a patchwork quilt with all the colors in it.

Mema Jo said...

Nilla You're getting poetic! LOL

floralgirl said...

After a long day of work, I finally sat down in front of the computer-it is nice to see one eagle sleeping in the nest. I like to think the others are all nearby,keeping an eye on one another.

paula eagleholic said...

They probably are, floralgirl, they probably are.

NillaWafer said...

LOL Thanks Paula as if we dont have enough to watch............................ Jo Jo where forart my Jo Jo.. She is nestled at her computor, wondering how she will climb that tree for turtle shells.. Ok almost time for me to close and leave but see ya'll tomarrow afternoon around 4 .. Keep the home fire burnin Mits, Jo and everyone.. Nighty Nite, Nilla

paula eagleholic said...

Night, Nilla.

Mema Jo said...

Goodnite, NILLA LOL

NillaWafer said...

To answer you Jo its is Sunday in Winchester at a Catholic church.. My daugther an son in law had to go to classes for hours to be the God Parents of the lil boy. And No i didnt get my food come to think of it thanks for reminding its ok i had Chinese Okkkkkkkkkk Niterssssssss

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am back. Thanks for teh good notes. Now I have to work a little while, ARRRGGGHHH! i am so ready for bed but that ain't happening yet!! Good to see little one all snug in his bed. Glad to see you back Jo. You were sorely missed. Hello Nilla and Mits and Paula and floralgirl!! Did you all miss me?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hello out there!! Am I by myself? I feel so lonesome!

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Sharon, where ya been?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I had to go out to a meeting, now am working over time! It is all good though, pay day is going to be good next time!!

paula eagleholic said...

Glad to see ya back :)

paula eagleholic said...

I think everyone else is out animal cam watching!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks goodness I have dialup at home, otherwise would be watching all those cams too, and never get anything done!

Mema Jo said...

Welcome Momster Sharon .. Was wondering that it was about time to hear from you.
I bet GLO is having a loving time !!
My live eagle cam gives a better night pic then the live feed... Looks as though he changed his sleeping position.

paula eagleholic said...

You all have a good night, I worked some OT tonight too, I'm beat....see you tomorrow!

Night Spunky!

Mema Jo said...


I am just trying out all the HTML tags

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I bet Glo is doing all kinds of loving tonight with Elia. Miss her though.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, you are doing a great job with those tags. I am proud of you!

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight, Paula

wvgal_dana said...

Hi "Vicky" West_Va_gal her is anybody out there??
Read all the comments (thank you good notes everyone).
Sounds like the food wagon brought in the "buffet" today..

Mema Jo said...

Hi Vicky WVAGal: There was quite alot of action this afternoon. There is one in the nest now. I took a nap and missed mostly all of it.. But everyone's comments sure got me up to speed. Hope your day has been good. Sharon is here with us. LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Sharon this is greattttttt with your help might have the handle on this lol

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Did you all see Spidey just now come down in front of the lens. I do not like him very much. I hope next year they spider-proof the camera. I do not like spiders!!

I saved some great pictures of him the first night he covered the camera lens. Eerie but cool.

Mema Jo said...

Go Gal Go

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh what tangled webs we weave when first we practice to deceive (or something like that).

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

This is pretty cool!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just had to see if they would all three do it at the same time. It worked. I know, I need a life!

Mema Jo said...

I tried HTML letter like 'r' thinking I could get red letters...Didn't work.I'll have to ask about other letters/tags you could use - Maybe my IT expert could give me some hints...

wvgal_dana said...

"Vicky" West_va_gal I type this so we don't get mixed up with other Vicky lol....Jo I too missed all the wonderful eaglet and eagle action today.
Went to phy.therapy and ended up having to go over for a shot in the spine so I've out of it and on my back again....hopefully better within 3 days
I am so greatful for this site....I did say something to one of the ladies up there and I think she thinks we are all nuts lol. Being so engross into Eagles...guess she doesn't get the picture we get and the awesome feeling of the "gift" of seeing them and being part of this NCTC Eagle site....
No one can discourage me to never come in to see them and learn so, life, parenting, siblings interactions, parents protection and guidance and of course can't leave out the good old "poop shoot" ...

wvgal_dana said...

You would think as much flapping around and jumping they did before fleding and with parent fly in and out that spider web would have been destroyed...although they are fast rebuilders lol

"Vicky" W.

wvgal_dana said...

Jo maybe then we could type in red and blue with the white background.....there you go Sharon your wish in something for red, white and blue.
Be on just a alittle time more then it's back (lol I typed back... it's back on the back.....
V.W. (getting shorter for Vicky West_Va_gal ) hee hee

Mema Jo said...

Vicky WVGal: Sharon & I were talking today about what we have experienced in watching this eagle family.. We agreed that in the past few months we have seen all the parenting skills we have to use for 20 years.... LOL
I pray for your good health to return!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I like that idea. I love red, white and blue!!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Jo health is good back is poor can't say gruggy cause their is always someone worse off then me....
I love watching their partening skills, and watching them live and Eagle and eaglet life. It's like (for me) looking at the ocean with no end to it and wondering just how God did it....all the feeling imageable goes through me..AWESOMELY REMARKABLE
Yes SHARON I've been expecting someone coming back from the sycamore tree saying "Oh my someone painted it red white and blue" wonder who ....

Vicky W.

wvgal_dana said...

ooops gruggy is not right "crummy" sorry

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Vicky W - that is a wonderful idea - paint the American Flag all over it! Wonder if they would let me do that? NAW, I doubt it.

The Christmas after my Daddy died, I got a Christmas ornament of an eagle and a flag with the intention of doing that every year. For the past 2 years, I haven't been able to find any. I never dreamed then how eagle nuts I would become!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Gruggy sounds crummy too!

wvgal_dana said...

Wow Sharon I can see it I really can; it is beautiful, red, white, and blue "The American Flag Eagle Tree" in the news located at Shepherstown, WVa near the NCTC Building. ahhhhhhhhhhhh
If Jo goes with you make her keep her shoes on lol

Vicky W.

Mema Jo said...

I bet Pier 1 might just have an eagle christmas ornament.. They have the peace dove....... My daughter gives me one each Christmas. They are hand painted & beautiful. I'll keep my eyes out for an Eagle.......I'm about ready to call it a day..........

wvgal_dana said...

Just thought of something be right back......

Vicky W.

Mema Jo said...

WV: NILLA said we had to wear hip high boots if we went under that tree- I think MITS even compared it to the Falcon ledge.....

Mema Jo said...

Now where did that woman go - Hopefully not to the loo - sometimes people don't return to quickly if they go there.............. LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

If she went to the loo, I ain't waiting up on her!!

wvgal_dana said...

I'm back Jo just wanted to do Sharon proud.....

Mema Jo said...

It has been a fun day ------- I am having a 'loo' laugh!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, they make Depends for that!

Mema Jo said...

W.V. So how did you make Sharon proud. Did you go out & paint that tree LOL

wvgal_dana said...

lol Now Sharon is wondering what did that woman go and do????? "Sharon thinking".. "She is alot of times up to something that makes me want to question her. She makes me curositous????"

Vicky W.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

America and Flag would be awesome names, Vicky W.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I checked my email!! Ha, Ha!!

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - now I am really laughing!!

wvgal_dana said...

No Jo not actually......but it does have to do with Sharon's red white and blue

Vicky W.

Anonymous said...

Paula, I know you must have turned in for the night, but I have the San Diego cams on my list also; they have pandas,apes and elephants and polar bear cams. The Atlanta zoo has a Panda cam, they are on pregancy watch with their female panda. The Memphis zoo has a panda cam that has been "BLUE for several weeks now. When I wrote to them, they seemed frustrated , I guess I wasn't the only one to e-mail them. If you like all kinds of differenr birds, the Memphis Zoo has a tropical bird cam that you get 4 mins and you can move it around yourself. I'm sorry, didn't mean to ramble.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That is alright Mits, we all ramble a whole lot!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Dang....need that book for dumbies for myself lol I forgot if I did it like that it went to Sharon knows

Vicky W.

Mema Jo said...

Well, how am I going to ever know what you did with Sharon's red,white & blue.
Sharon: Did you get an email from W.V.Gal with an american flag or something?
MITS: Sharon & WV Gal are up to something special & we don't know what it is-- yet! MITS-glad your hubby left you back on the computer.... LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Hi mits....there is a site I'll have to find it tomorrow (hope I kept it) haven't been in it for awhile. Were you drive the "live webcam" yourself looking for the Gorillas and you can zoom in and out.... it is great

Vicky W.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Vicky W. - it went to eaglet_momsters group!

Mema Jo said...

With all this excitment, I may not be able to get to sleep for another 2 hrs. LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Ha Ha Sharon found out....Jo go get your email lol I am such the dumby

Vicky W.

Mema Jo said...

So - I am going over to the momsters group & look at the message.....
Be Back............

Anonymous said...

I've been following the conversation and no you can't spray paint the eagles next year.

wvgal_dana said...

Ok the Jo go to Eagle_Momster group lol it's right there..
Thanks Sharon couldn't figure out how you knew so so soom (smarty

Vicky W.

wvgal_dana said...

Mits it's the tree not the nest.... Sharon wants to paint an "American Flag" on it.....

Vicky W.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a great idea:):) We can all visit her in federal prison:):) Sharon , just tie a yellow ribbon round the ole sycamore tree, but if you want to paint, I'll be there.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, ROFLMAO. Jo, can I borrow a Depends!!

Mema Jo said...

Great idea for names W.V.Gal! and yes MITS we could spray paint a tail feather or so..or a wing tip.......
I think it is just a funny thought & that we would never do that! If we ever did that, all the fun of guessing who is who would not exist..........

wvgal_dana said...

Well Sharon you were my inspiration for those two names

America - Girl Flag - Boy

After considering it not everyone in here is from this state where NCTC is and the Eagles do respresent the "Good Old USA"

Hee Hee got it in in time too (wink)

Vicky W.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I was just wondering if the Spunkster could look anymore comfortable. Spreading them wings out wide. I just love him!!

Anonymous said...

I really prefer the poise pads myself, its a good thing it is late and nobody is reading us.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No, but they will at least have interesting reading when they read the blog tomorrow. I am still crying from laughing so hard!!! I love it!

wvgal_dana said...

Ok I need to know how many of "us" are goint to prison..
I Support Sharonso funny mits...dont' make me laugh to hard here it hurts when I laugh lol
Now I can't get "tie the yellow ribbon around the scyamore tree"

Vicky W.

Anonymous said...

They are going to think we were all hitting the sauce and I don't mean spaghetti. The little Spunkster does look comfy.

Anonymous said...

Remember Tony Olando and Dawn.... Tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree .LALALA

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Vicky W., are you young? Tony Orlando and Dawn? Tie a Yellow ribbon round the old oak tree, its been 3 long years, will you still want me? When I go to prison for painting the tree red, white and blue, it will be followed by a yellow ribbon waiting for me when I return from prison!!

Anonymous said...

We will all put yellow ribbons on our trees when you go to prison and if I move to Arizona, I'll put one on my cactus, but that might be alittle tricky.

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
wvgal_dana said...

Sharon did Jo go to the lool????

Vicky W.

Anonymous said...

Is she MIA again??

wvgal_dana said...

Nope "old as dirt" lol lol lol
"Tie a Yellow Ribbon" song was in the movie John Wayne played in.

Vicky W.

wvgal_dana said...

Spunky you aren't dreaming boy we are telling you bedtime stories here .....

Vicky W.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I did not go to the loo! Just trying to finish up my work night before midnight so I will get credit for it for today! Be right back!

Anonymous said...

John who????? Just teasing.

Mema Jo said...

I didn't go anywhere yet! I had to delete a comment because I was laughing so much I hit it twice....... I got Poise!

Anonymous said...

No, Sharon, Focus now, Vicky asked if Jo had gone to the Loo, not you....

Anonymous said...

Watch, instead of the live-feed going down, they will shut us down. hee-hee

Anonymous said...

Sharon its past midnight, no more work..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, I am back and didn't turn into a pumpkin at midnight. I am however getting ready to go to bed now. I have to get up early in the morning and will be on close watch to see what is happening.

Mema Jo said...

W.V. - Your health & my health should show great improvement since laughter is the best medicine. I feel better & hope you do to........ LOL
Anyone going to turn into a pumpkin??

wvgal_dana said...

Jo you mis-spelt Poise I am sure you meant POISON that's what happens when your not suppose to climb that sycamore tree lol
Vicky W.

Anonymous said...

OOPPS!!! that was me, I didn't want to have to qualify for the 3rd post person and have to quote somebody.

Mema Jo said...

Is GLO on line? Who was the Anonymous? I'm getting scared that someone is watching us!
SHARON What about a pumpkin??
That is too spooky - your comment while I was making mine........
I'm going to bed .. I think.

Anonymous said...

OK, last one out turn out the lights. Good Night all MAWOU!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Sorry about the unfocused part. Feeling a little on the brain dead side right now. I am glad Jo found her Poise, now she can't leave us to go to the loo anymore!

wvgal_dana said...

Ok Spunky, Sharon, Jo and mits
I'm signing out going to sleep in "my nest" lol.
Nite all pleasant eagle and eaglet dreams.

Vicky W. (out)

Mema Jo said...

MITS: You quit that! You scared me! LOL

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight All. LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, that pumpkin bit is a little scary!! Great minds think alike though!! Glo said she wouldn't be online while in Arizona but it makes you wonder!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Goodnight everybody. May the Eagle Spirits watch over you as they are Spunky!!

Anonymous said...

A hundred apologies, I'm getting groggy or grumpy or sleepy, yea thats' it sleepy. TTUL!!!

movin said...

Hi, all,
I'm looking in at midnight in CA to see how Spunky is doing...

He apparently got enough of the "sleeping like a dead bird" and is perched on the edge at 12 o'clock (more or less) with a ring of Spirit Eagles guarding him.

Good night you the whole eagle family and to you all.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

6 a.m. Good morning everybody. Live feed is down this morning. Empty nest. Will watch and wait for their return!

Make a good day!

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

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