Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Tuesday June 27

Looks like they have been staying closer to home. More rain forecasted today.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Steven for the new thread.

Anonymous said...

Who is that working so hard in the corner?? Got my coffee, good to go.............

Anonymous said...

Steven, how much rain are you all expecting today?????

Anonymous said...

Tuesday, June 27th, MITS blogs alone!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Good, Suzanne, your here.

Anonymous said...

Suzanne, The Dept. of Justice is supposed to be closed for the rest of the week and the IRS is closed again today, even the zoo was closed yesterday, their parking lots were flooded. Be safe.

Anonymous said...

Come out, Come out, wherever you are... I see them too, Suzanne.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am here too. Got a couple of Fraps this morning. Trying to work. It is hard to do both! :)

Anonymous said...

Sharon, take the day off, blame it on the rain..

floralgirl said...

I've been watching-leaving now to go outside.Sun is peeking out of the clouds and there is a wonderful breeze-nice morning to be outside.Glad to see the eaglets eating this morning.Hope the third one shows up soon.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Looks like we are doing a little housework this morning. 2 eaglets still in the nest. Camera messing up a bit!

Anonymous said...

Sorry you have to go in, Suzanne, please do be careful. All I have heard in the last few days is about the rescues tha have been happening all over the area. The rescue crews are tapped out...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

They won't let me stop working from rain but they make us get off if it is storming. Still have to get the production in before the day is over though.

Anonymous said...

I think JO is up the tree trying to get her turtle shells and she keeps knocking into the cam. Hey, JO while you are up there, get rid of Spideys web. Thanks.

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning all.

Rain has stopped here for now, have actually seen a touch of sun today.

Two in the nest have finished breakfast, and look like they are just relaxing, enjoying the breeze.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, I think you are probably right. Would that not be hilarious to be watching this cam and see one of us peek up over the edge of the nest?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That is too funny. Hope there is no poop shooting going on any time soon. One of the eaglets tail feathers is over top of the other one's head! Sheltering a sibling I guess.

paula eagleholic said...

Speaking of poop, Boy, they really looked pooped this morning, stretched out with feet sticking out and all!

movin said...

I hope nobody suffered too much from the heavy rains we read about in the news...

It's good to see Mr Inbetween and Spunky restin their bones and drying out...probably playing "hooky" from flight school and blaming it on the rain. (Hahaha)

Keep warm and dry, have a good day,

paula eagleholic said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I sure would like to see #3 now.

Anonymous said...

Sharon, that would be funny!!! I have a question??? My sister reads the blogs but doesn't comment. Just talked to her and her blog-page is still on Sundays' blog. She is getting the live-feed and 30 second refresh. Any ideas??? Raining heavy again!!

glo said...

Good Morning all. it is nice to be back, BUT oh so hard to leave. I am getting ready to turn on live feed, and will probably lose blogging ability as soon as I try to watch the happenings. Thanks to all who have sent pictures, and Sharon has sent some great FRAPS video. I will get them attached to web page and BLOG in the next couple of days. have to go get some food.

I put this link on last night before bed, about 11:30 ish. But with new thread wanted to be sure others who might want to see this I know that would be all of you LOL Its the Special Day that many waited and hoped to see for months, but did NOT know it actually happened about 3 am on a Wed. before this particular Sunday morning in church.

I hope you will endulge me and go see, a moment I can still not watch without my eyes flooding with tears the moment someone dubbed Uncle Jerrydetective who works both sides of the Border, and actually helped keep the legal process moving forward on more than one occasion actually places this child in my daughter's arms in front of a very surprised church family. No one but these 4 people and ahandful of close friends watching the house etc., actually knew what had transpired from Wed thru this Sunday morning.

Here is the link


sorry this one isn't our eagles Tomorrow though I promise.

Be sure to read the description so you can understand what is happening in the comments.
Thanks GLO

Just Vicky said...

Good morning Momsters family! Don't they look cute??

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, has your sister tried hitting F5 when she is on the main blog page?

Anonymous said...

Sharon, Probably not, I will e-mail her now. Thanks.

paula eagleholic said...

Poop shoot, and gone!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Lightened the load - then flew off!

Anonymous said...


paula eagleholic said...

Jinx! Sharon

Anonymous said...

AAAHHH! A little preening going on.

Anonymous said...

Off to check out GLO'S video....

Anonymous said...

I'm back, didn't work for me, must have typed it wrong???

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Suzanne, I will tell her.

Anonymous said...

GLO , what am I doing wrong?? I've tried twice to look at the video. Can't get it.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, Glo, you sure did get me crying this morning - tears of absolute joy! That was the most beautiful video, song, daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter!! Oh, and Uncle Jerry. God takes care of us, you know. Thank you so much for sharing such an important and miraculous part of your life with us. I truly feel blessed!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, you've got mail!

glo said...

OK So MITS are you the redhead, If not I just sent the Nilla a direct link to the video. Oh my still tired and confused, or is that old and ocnfused. nah just senior moments. BUT Mits...If you didn't get a direct link, then email me

gkeeslar@sbcglobal.net, and I will send one to you. Will check back after the grocery store. My dogs think they are hungry!!

Anonymous said...

Glo, Sharon just sent in to me. That was precious. Thank you Sharon for sending it to me. Why can't we see beautiful news stories like this on main-stream T.V. Life is a gift!!! Share it. Ok, I need another cup of coffee and to savor that moment. Can't wait to meet my 1st granchild. Did I tell you all about that...TEE HEE:):):)

Anonymous said...

GLO , I'm not a redhead.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No Mits, we haven't heard about your first grandchild. Tell us a little bit about it. :)

Anonymous said...

Sharon :):):):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

10:38 a.m. Spunky (I think) in the nest. Now this is what I call enjoying the peace and quite. Wonder how long it is going to last?

Anonymous said...

At least til lunch time, do you think Spunky is playing hooky from eagle school??

Anonymous said...

Boy, that cam has a mind of its own.

Anonymous said...

Interesting stuff on the BC eagles, there is talk about intervening to get the little one more food, since he seems to be developing more slowly than the other one. Also, they have their own T-Shirts. Didn't we talk about that a few weeks back. If you get a chance go to the BC-site. I think its on this site as a link.

Mema Jo said...

Good late morning out there in Eagleland! So much going on!
Mits? You're getting a 1st grandbaby? No way!
GLO video is so touching - we all really did miss your presence but we are sooooooooo happy for your having beautiful days with your family.
Birdgirl I was in on Nestwatchers site yesterday-left you a message-Pelican info was fantastic-BUT I sure can't get over the clip of the little owl chasing the mean fox away from his siblings.
MITS Liberty will be smaller then Belle..so I guess we need to see them together to correctly ID...
Sharon Peek-a-boo I see you!
I would just love to be able to look into that camera but they say the boom only goes up so high..then you need to climb. I could climb upward BUT never downward......I will be gone for about 3 hrs around lunch time---keep on bloggin'...
Oh Where Oh Where has our NILLA gone?
Good afternoon Geula
Suzanne-Floralgirl-Paula-Vicky Stay dry........

paula eagleholic said...

Are you gonna have a grandbaby :)

paula eagleholic said...

Anyone see Spunkster leave?

Anonymous said...

Paula , Get out of town!!! How did you know that...Why, yes, thanks for asking. Baby Kalis or BK as we like to call him/her is due on September 2nd!

Anonymous said...

JO , Thanks for the info on who will be who, now if we could only get those two together...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I was here watching the screen when Spunky took off but it had lines all through it and I couldn't see! ARGH!

Anonymous said...

WOOOOO!!!my screen just went blue, but came back on...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

MT nest again! Hey Steve, there are problems with the live feed, not down, just messing up. Could you or Brad or John fix it for us! Maybe I should be complaining because we do have a nest with moving leaves and not the dreaded blue screen!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just looked in on Baby Hugo and it looks like he is having a good day, standing tall next to his Mom.

Steve Chase said...

working on it.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, that is because great minds think alike!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Steven. I knew you were lurking! :)

glo said...

MITS LOL OK well then Nilla got a personal link all her own..
Yes I can listen to grandma and grandma to be stories. Go for it, wherever and whenever!!!.

Teatime here. Hope live cam stays up so i can watch for a few minutes. Guess I missed Spunky. Sounds like he is doing well though.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Blue screen and then picture came back. So glad it did. Maybe it was just a reset. Skeered me!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That seems to have worked so far. Oh no, spoke too soon. Messing up again!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, am I by myself again?

glo said...

LOL Not exactly BUT I am trying to transfer the vhs video to a dvd. So am back and forth. What I put online this morning was just a copy of their vhs playing as I sat with my tny disk camera and recorded it on a tiny video screen from their tv. I had just waited like 6 weeks to see it, and couln't wait more than hours to get it out there for others to see. They do not know or have the equipment to do that. So yep, stopped in here with tra in hand, but I am in and out. Would love to see some action in the nest todya. I spent 6 hours in O'Hare yesterday because all the rain out east was meesing with airlines too of cours.e Wish it owuld stop raining and the sun would shine today!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm hear just been doing some e-mailing. Sharon the f5 thing-a ma-gig helped my Sister. Wish she would come on line with us, hear that Sister!!!

Anonymous said...

Sharon, I have some questions for you re e-mailing eagle-moms, but I will e-mail you directing. Glo, 6 hours in O'Hare, what a nightmare.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

This message is to Mits' sister - come on in. We don't bite! Lurking is okay but joining in is so much fun!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, I have never been on an airplane in my life. Hope to one day though. My best friend is a flight attendant for US Airways and he loves it. Been doing it for 25 years (as long as we have been friends).

Anonymous said...

SHARON Wouldn't it be great if we could take a trip and visit eagles sites all over the country, especially up to Alaska to see the eagle-lady.

Anonymous said...

SUZANNE . Maybe the rain washed out the system.:):):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, wow, that was breathtaking!

Anonymous said...

SHARON you have mail,but you already know that, your fast!!

Anonymous said...

Pretty, huh? Sharon

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, I would love to go visit eagles across the country. That would be most awesome!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Sure would like to see an eaglet or 3. Would love also to see Liberty and Belle!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Big ole problems with the live feed. Pretty colors going through it but can't see much else. Every now and then a picture comes through but then messes up again! HELP!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Where is Spunky? Where is Spunky?

Anonymous said...

Is there someone in the nest?

Anonymous said...

No, just looks like someone, guys, some help, please..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, there again - great minds. I thought there was somebody in their looking up! Went to the still shots and could tell there wasn't. HELP!

Anonymous said...

hello all... no rain here yet, in Phoenix... my computer is still freaking out, so i'm using Hubby's... supposed to be cooler today, maybe 106 with pm thundershowers, and of course the wind, but it's the humidity that makes it yucky...right now it's only 93 but 25% humidity, which is A LOT for Phoenix....

thanks to those of you who have read & commented on my Pelican information, thanks for letting me know!

hope everyone dries out soon and have a good day! i'm going back to bed...


belle_wv said...

Kinda looked like so,eone is in the nest around the 7 pm zone - the colors look like something out of the 60's a lot of the time... I guess the cameras aren't as weatherproof as the eaglets hopefully are...

Anonymous said...

Sharon, we are on the same wavelength today....Belle, we are too,thought I was having a pyscadelic flashback!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi All,

I gave up on the live cam--getting dizzy trying to see the nest.

You were talking about traveling to see Eagles. Busch Gardens in Williamsburg, VA has several eagles that were injured and could not be released in the wild. They are on the sloping sides of a stream. The first time I saw them, one was about six feet in front of me. Truly an awesome sight. Jim Hanna comes a couple of times a year and checks on the animals. This Busch Gardens has been voted the most beautiful park in the country several years in a row and the eagles are really an awesome sight.

Have to go out--please keep good notes.


Anonymous said...

Sheri, I haven't been to Busch Gardens in Williamsburg in years, it was always one of my favorites. Beautiful place, great flowers all 3 seasons.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have a question for somebody, anybody. Do the eaglets get fed anywhere else but in the nest?

Anonymous said...

Excellent question!!!! I don't know!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I guess I will have to further investigate that!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Definitely looking really stormy there now! I wish the babies would come for a little while!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, I found this --

"While eaglets improve their landing and flying skills, they depend on their parents for food. The adults will bring food to where the eaglets are perched. Eaglets will stay close to the nest and nest tree during the first few weeks after fledging."

So, I guess it doesn't have to be in the nest!

Anonymous said...

But I wish they would come back.... I think they have come back more then the eaglets down in Cambridge, Maryland did after they fledged.

belle_wv said...

Still no visitors? Awww Hope they found someplace dry to dine... Steven, Brad, anyone seen them today?

Anonymous said...

Just checked radar for this area, rain moving in. One of my favorite weather sites is Weatherunderground.com....Not only does it have good radar, but beautiful pictures taken by amatuers from around the world

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

FYI, there were 2 in the nest this morning. I frapped them a couple of times!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Sunny, that is good to hear about not seeing it raining cats and eaglets! Thanks for the info! :)

Anonymous said...

SHARON :):):):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

The sun is shining at my house. It is wonderful. Streets and sidewalks are even trying to dry out! My son is on the Outer Banks and I think they are going to get hit hard in a little bit!

Mema Jo said...

MITS: you have some panda mail.....

Anonymous said...

Yes, they are talking about a system, MAYBE and I stress MAYBE forming off the Carolina coast. They have said even if it doesn't develope, we will
probably get more rain as it heads up the coast. Just checked my Ocean City, Maryland cams and beautiful sunshine for now, sorry I didn't go down today.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Is that lightning?

belle_wv said...

And there will come not-so-soft rains - good thing eagles know how to swim! More rain coming... if this keeps up I'll have coastal beach front property!

Anonymous said...

MEMA JO That was tooooooo cool. Thanks-a bunch. Still laughing, sent it pronto to my sister, the other panda lover.:):):):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, I want it too! :)

Anonymous said...

Speaking of rain, checked Hugo and his Mom a few minutes ago and they are having a storm, and both are standing in the nest. Wish they would sit down, don't want them getting hit by lightning.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, where is Hugo? Is he still hacking or is he getting better?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Raining again at NCTC.

belle_wv said...

Sharon, Yes I saw that flashing too a bit ago, and thought it was lightning... pretty intense. Now it is pouring rain again in the nest and camera is getting 'colorful'

Anonymous said...

Sharon, he is the stork in Germany, fingers crossed, he seems to be getting stronger. GOD willing and the creek doesn't rise. Although, can't say that in this area.

belle_wv said...

Wow that tree branch is actually brown LOL it's been white with poop for so long I had forgotten LOL. Rain is sure doing a cleaning job... those turtle shells might just start floating out of the nest soon. Maybe that's why everyone is staying away - no one wants to tidy up the nest after all of this.

Think I'll take a nap - love listening to the relaxing sound of rain on the roof...

ttyl (talk to y'all later)

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - you got it.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Mema Jo, that is just too good! ROFLMAO!

floralgirl said...

Real hard steady rain here.Drove me inside. Mits I the love weather underground site too-what a great way to check the radar for your own area.

Anonymous said...

Floralgirl , It is my all-time favorite.

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! Really heavy rain and wind right now in Bethesda, Maryland.

floralgirl said...

Rain finally stopped here-looks like there is more coming later.I needed rain,but this is ridiculous.Nest still empty- guess I'm heading out to play in the mud.

Anonymous said...

OK, so now my computer keeps crashing, maybe wet wires and Hubby just came home from office sick and Hubby NEVER EVER COMES HOME FROM THE OFFICE. Could my day get any better, but I'm still smiling:):):):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Either Liberty or Belle just arrived! Hello! I think it is Liberty myself. Has a really big fish.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think I just saw a couple babies fly by on the right side of the nest.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

3:53 p.m. Eaglet in the nest. Camera messing up. Parent gone!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

We have a really wet, white speckled eaglet in the nest eating.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Funny looking white and black head! Can see it when he looks up from eating.

Anonymous said...

Is that a fish head he is eating????

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It looked like he drug a piece of the fish to the other side just so we could see it, then went right back to the tree. Okay, guys, I know, he doesn't know we are watching but I can act like he does! There he goes back to the other side again. He must not can find a spot where he is comfortable enough to eat. Now he is eating again.

Anonymous said...

Someone get over there with a blow-dryer

Mema Jo said...

Such a little wet back eaglet!!! He sure is hungry.

Mema Jo said...

It could be BigBoy from the looks of the white shoulder tips....What do you think? I know-Spunky has those markings also....... So we all agree that it isn't MSInbetween!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glad somebody else is on here with me. I was starting to feel by myself again!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, you going with the blow dryer?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

He is tearing that fish up!! I think it is Spunky myself!

Mema Jo said...

No Blow Dryer - I am praying for Sunshine & gentle winds...At least by tomorrow morning.........

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I swear his head looks striped!

Mema Jo said...

He looks like a painted panda - HaHa

Mema Jo said...

All Done! That was goooood!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh Mema Jo, that was good! Sounds so much better than a blow dryer and probably feels much better too!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Took off again. WAH, WAH!

glo said...

I sure wish it would stop raining out there for everyone's sake. Had a great nap :-) Turned both cameras back on. Back to work around home for a while now, then back to work WORK in the morning. I need a vacation LOL.

Mema Jo said...

Go to the one second up..........


3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...