Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Tuesday 20 June

New thread.

Folks have mentioned to me that our own eagle expert Steve Wunderley was on Channel 25 out of Hagerstown this AM talking about the eagles. Go Steve.


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Anonymous said...

Me too.

Anonymous said...

LOL Yep I can see why you wouldn't want to miss out on this so far!!! Sorry its another down day in there. I keep hoping for news and pictures etc. bummer. But the new thread means they are thinking of you....Glo

Anonymous said...

Steve W. was on the 5:00 and the 6:00 new last night. Great video footage of the eaglets.

Anonymous said...

Very funny, Glo:):):):)

Anonymous said...

Ok, let's see now. Suzanne, you like cats, have you checked out the new tiger cubs at the National Zoo in Washington D.C. The Mother is beautiful and the cubs are just starting to get around under their own power. Well, now I guess that's all I have to say for now, maybe I will scan my computer for viruses, that's always fun!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Good early afternoon: Took awhile to read all comments of the morning on the other blog page.. I am for cats-Scar & Tigress are my joys...I always call Scar - Hey BigBoy!
Suzanne - ever go over to Tony's pizza in Greencastle? Grandson lives there. Granddaughter attends Shippensburg University. The more we blog during the moments of Eaglet Absence-the more we learn about each other & capture this idea of a small world out there!Sharon - you have a great day relaxing & taking in some sun! Hope Nilla reports soon that all is well with her son. If anyone can tell me what to do with the VCR tape of the newscast in order to get it on a DVD -speak up! Can I get it on FRAPS? Want to get out to some of you who couldn't see Chn 25 Alive. The pic Todd Harless took of our eaglet on the limb - If we new the date of the photo, we might have a chance to ID that little one. I have no clue because I have always seen the eaglets by looking down on them - never up to them. My coments are too lengthly.... Wish my Eagle Cam would get off 10:18:39 time....

Anonymous said...

Suzanne, I know that zoos are not the natural habitat for animals, but I'm happy that we have them so that I can see my 1st love the pandas of the National zoo. Hi Jo, How's it going today???

paula eagleholic said...

I know someone who can transfer the tape to dvd...
You can call me at work later today...
Or just call Carpel Video out on east patrick St, next to the fairgrounds


Anonymous said...

Jo Do you have a DVD rcorder. If you do, then record it to DVD . You can probably get it to record with FRAPS if you can play the DVD on your computer. If not, and you want to send me the DVD I will upload it to my computer and transfer it to a website for all to se. I will send you snail mail by email though if we go that route, and remember I'm off toAZ til next monday after today. Good luck I would LOVE to see that and have access to it, as I am sure so would others.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, have you called anybody at NCTC? Tell them we need something, please, please.

I am getting ready to go to the pool. Sun is just now coming out in Bluefield so I am outtahere. IF the camera comes back up, take good notes.

Anonymous said...

There ya go, now you have a local DVD...I think then Sharon or I can get it to FRAPS recording, either way I think the uploads to websites have pretty much come from me. ALthough she could email if not too large that clip as she has a couple of other FRAPS. I would love to get it to upload when I get back from AZ though and get it to a website for all. Thanks


Anonymous said...

See you later, Suzanne and Sharon.Don't think much is going to happen with everything down. Maybe I will get something done today.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am off to the pool now. Hope they get the cams up this afternoon! Be on here later!!

paula eagleholic said...

Sigh...still no live feed and no cam....

Mema Jo said...

Awaiting a call from Judy at WHAG to see what she can do for me - meaning there has to be a lot more footage then was on the news for us to obtain.I will work on this as a priority, Glo, & do my best to enable you to get it on our site. Paula, I will call out to Carpel & see what they can do for us. Thanks for the suggestion - I would probably call you first at work if I do go there.

Anonymous said...

I think they are trying to wean us from the cams!!!!

Anonymous said...

Still cam is up to date.....no live cam yet...

Anonymous said...

Well, all-righty, now. I just go about my business and check in with all of you later.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks, MITS, for the info about the LiveEagleCam being up! Hopefully we'll get some action around dinnertime.

paula eagleholic said...

2:19 Pm
Still cam is up, nest empty at the moment.

Live feed still down.

Nothing else to report at this time!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Paula and Jo, I'll kepp checking also. I can't believe the live-feed is down.

paula eagleholic said...

Empty Nest!

Mema Jo said...

Paula, Called Carpel - 3-5 business days $24.95 (no big deal) they would record the portion wherever I had it cued to start. Still hoping to get call from Judy @ the TV station...I really would like to get allllll the footage shot before they edited it for TV. Will keep you posted.

paula eagleholic said...

Not too bad, Jo - how many DVD do you get for that?

3:28 - No eaglets

Anonymous said...

Jo be sure before you do this, that you want it badly enough to spend that money whether or not FRAPS is able to record and upload it. My guess is NCTC probably has the means to splice out that piece or a piece, compress it into Windows Movie Player or some such and upload us some of their live feed to If they will I do not know for a fact FRAPS will do it. it does say FRAPS can record anything running off the computer onto you screen. So my guess is running it on a DVD in a computer with FRAPS going will save it but I am not positive.

Maybe the TV station can get a live feed uploaded somewhere also, who knows. I bet it s pretty exciting to watch and the quality wonderfyl


Mema Jo said...

Hi Glo: I am waiting for the TV station gal to see what they can do for us. Hopefully she would electronically get it to me!!! That would solve any problems.

Anonymous said...

Yep If she can get it to you elctronically, we can get it all around the world that way LOL.

Anonymous said...

It's 4:00p.m.! Do you know where your eagles are?

Anonymous said...

soaring high in the sky.....don't they know dinner time is fast approaching?

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, Sandy, Eaglet School is still in session!

Anonymous said...

sure could use an eaglet fix about now.....

I haven't seen them in days!! (seems like it anyway)

Mema Jo said...

Hey There Glo,MITS,Paula,BarbME,Sharon
Please check emailed short message from me..you are on the blind copy

But I will tell everyone about the eagle coverage on TV: The footage of our babies was actually given to the TV Station by NCTC/FWS.. Which means that there may be in the makings a CD for all of us to acquire with all the highlights of this eagle season! That sounds so great!!

Anonymous said...


Mema Jo said...

This was a comment from Steve Wunderley, Eagle Expert, in an email today: I saw two of the young-uns this morning flying side by side down the river, not sure which two and didn't even see mom or dad around. They were back on the nest later, but gone again now. Close your eyes & you will see it too........... LOL

Anonymous said...

I'm trying......what a sight to see. Bet it was beautiful.

Mema Jo said...

Oh - I am the one who said - Close your eyes....... LOL Jo

Anonymous said...

LOL......still trying to imagine how neat a sight that would be.

Anonymous said...

Read you e-mail, Jo. What a beautiful sight that must have been.

wvgal_dana said...

Jo I just read your comment about what Steve W. said....I have close my eyes "I could vision it as if I was there seeing them and laughing that our babes were flying in the sky sharing the free space of glory with each other..alittle sad the one eaglet was missing "probably with parents filling its belly" hee hee.
I needed this so so much thank you Jo (and of course Steve W.)..been flat in bed all day reaction to ( one ) pill new medication taken last night....so thank you again I needed this wonderful Eaglet Story..
Going to go check now to see if we have a poll up yet. I just can't wait till we name the Parent Eagles...to be a part of such a wonderful partaking with you all.

Mema Jo said...

Sandy: Please go to ARKIVE.Org & do a search for Eagle - Select #1 eagle - go to More Movies and watch the Catching fish by young eagle....I so hope you can view it!!!! Then you'll know what a beautiful sight it is - all the other movies are also great! Let me know what you think!!!

wvgal_dana said...

I know this is alittle late sorry---like I said had to lay in bed most of day couldn't get up.
This morning after I typed the message asking about live feed. Dizzness and all hit me again; so I grabbed the papers for NCTC phone numbers and couldn't call right then. About 1/2 hr. later called talked to "Brad"...told him if he seen "John" tell him the fix we are in about the "live feed". Brad said ALL NCTC are in meeting either M,T,W or T,W,Th but he would see during meetngs John and pass it on he knows John had taken some time (maybe running between meetings) to work on it but not enough time to get it fixed. I told Brad I had left and email for John but if he could pass the word in passing him in meetings. So there we are but hope is there !

Mema Jo said...

Thank you so much, Vicky. You get your strength back as fast as you can. You may wish to check your email. LOL

Mema Jo said...

5:03pm Just for the record - no birds in nest......... Jo

NillaWafer said...

Howdy Gang, 1st off let me say my son is ok, but has to go have some test.Right now the nest is empty on the still cam at 5 pm there was 1 in the nest.. Looking for dinner i guess..After reading the blogs and seeing many many of ys really are not that far away from each other living. NBC25 did a program just awhile ago about white tiger cubs born over at Catoctin Zoo near Thurmont Md, so cute. Well more later im feeling kind of blahhhh today. Hugs, Nilla

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, Thanks for the emails. That is just wonderful.

I closed my eyes and could envision those babies flying together. That is just so awesome!!

Thanks for the updates. Glad at least the stills are back. That is something we can give to Glo.

I spent about 3 1/2 hours at the pool, got a little fried but had a wonderful time. Thought about the babies the whole time, looking up in the sky to see if I could see any eagles around here. I don't even know if there are any around here but I do look for them.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, really glad to hear your son is okay. We were worried!

NillaWafer said...

Well the NBC25 just had astory on about a confused peacock over in England..lol It seems to be in love with a gas pump and everyday comes a courting, with feathers spread. They think its confused because of the sound the gas pumps make when being used..LMAO Then it returns to home.. CAN SOMEONE SAY FURSTRATED?LOL

Mema Jo said...

Question of the day: Have you visited your gas pump today ? LOL

Anonymous said...

Nilla, I saw that on the news last night, it also has taken a fancy to a cat, who wants nothing to do with it. Glad to hear your son is doing better. I think most of us would like to shoot our gas pumps, not look upon them with loving eyes.

Anonymous said...

Vicky, feel better.

Anonymous said...

Jo, that ARKIVE place is great, while I was there I checked out my 2 favorite things: Pandas and Dolphins.

glo said...

Where is Spunky and his siblings
Where are they?
Where are they?
It's time to show for supper
It is only proper,
To the nest
Tothe nest.

Everybody sing!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, I got ya! I just sang it right through. It is like an automatic when you guys come out with songs that I sing it. Can't carry a tune in a bucket but I try. My niece (well my whole family) thinks I am completely nuts!! NOT TRUE - just a true blue, through and through eaglet_momster!!!!!

NillaWafer said...

Looking at Harrisburg Falcon's and 3 are setting on ledge. amazing how fast they have growen..

Anonymous said...

Jo, fabulous website. Thanks!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Way past supper time. Does anybody know where our eaglets are?

NillaWafer said...

Please dont take offense to this and i know we dont talk politics here.. But please pray for the families of the 2 young soldiers murdered amd tortured by those animals over there!!! BRING OUR MEN AND WOMEN HOME!!!!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, I would never take offense to that!! I totally agree. This is insane!!

Today, I was really thinking about what an EAGLE stands for and I invariably think of freedom and our American flag and what it all stands for. And that is all I have to say about that!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Going back out again and will be back around 9. Let us know if anything happens.

Glo, when do you leave? You are going to be sorely missed!! But what a wonderful time you will have. We will be thinking about you here and sending you pictures!!

glo said...

I leave at 11 am tomorrow morning. Now I have a water emergency to mop up from before I go gr-r-r-r- At least I was able to get a neighbor over here to help me before it got too bad. Just severla bath towels and a floor to mop. Good thing it didn't happen tomorrow I 'd have been gone for 6 days. Now I don't know whether to turn my water off when I leave or not. It was the hose to the fridge. We have that all turned off, I may or may not even get that fixed when I get back. SIGH What to do. I'll go eat supper!!!

glo said...

well darn I don't think they are checkin in tonight :-(

Anonymous said...

Glo, have a safe and happy trip to beautiful Arizona.

NillaWafer said...

Mits finally got the web cam for the National zoo Pandas.. I saved it so i wont lose it again..lol 1 was sleeping on the rock formation so cute. The Osprey out in the state Of Washington are so cute. seems a parent has brought a blue shirt into the nest, they collect alot of things for the nest i am told..lol Have not seen any of our kids return to the nest since 5 pm its been empty..Glo have a safe and wonderful trip. My birthday is July 1st and going to up state NY (Plattsburg) to see my brother.. cant wait. Ok back to nature watching all over the world!!!

Anonymous said...

That was Mom, baby cub was down in his little hole. They have both had a busy day. Unfotunetly, they keep the cams stationery after 7:00p.m. til the morning, so you have to catch them as they go by, don't forget to check on the new 3 week old tiger cubs when you visit the site, just go to the bottom of the page and click on the tiger picture. Mom is free to drag the cubs wherever she wants so sometime you don't see them, but it is a fun site to see all the different animals.

Anonymous said...

These ospreys must have a thing for the color blue.

NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...

Hey mits i see it moving over to the right hand corner eating bamboo..lol Cute

Mema Jo said...

Whoa! Who's taking notes?
8:20pm 1 in the nest - Could be Spunky????

glo said...

Yep tail feathers look like spunky, had to save the picture before I posted, thougth I'll read and see if anyone else is watchin ..yep jO there you are lOL.

glo said...

I don't know though that longer black tail makes me wonder, coul dbe bIG bOy...too bad we didn't see the landing BIG BOY has definitely got his own style for that one.

Mema Jo said...

I'm glad you're here, Glo... Nilla & Mits are with the pandas. HAHA they are missing it!

glo said...

OH and I am not taking notes lOL, I am cleaning up my wet kitchen and basement. Doing last minute laundry. Wrapp0ing a couple of birthday presents. Oh and checkin on this cam every time I walk through.

wvgal_dana said...

8:31 pm eaglet in nest not sure which one?
I am cracking up about the peacock; gas pump, cat (nilla & mits) then Jo says, "Have you visited you gas pump today"....wonderful lol.
No Nilla I definately don't take offense to what you wrote, when I first hear I was praying and wishing...now I send up prays for families and others there...

glo said...

Don't think anyone has seen a parent there all afternoon. Not sure there is much there food wise. Maybe a parent will show up.

Mema Jo said...

Looks as though he may be getting company - talking & looking at someone..... 8:26pm

glo said...

Ok Jo I helped to sing him to the nest, Run over there and stick a few sardines up in the nest, would ya please!!!

glo said...

all gone!! Hope you aren't half way up the tree JO

Mema Jo said...

I have always respected the AmBaldEagle as our country's symbol of Freedom! Now that I have had the experience of living with an EagleFamily do I even moreso have an overwhelming compassion for our AmBaldEagle! My one grandson has returned after 1 year in Iraq & another grandson is now in Afghanistan=I pray for all our troops every hour on the half hour.... Prayers will get them home safely.

Where did Spunky go! Missed it!

wvgal_dana said...

Could anyone tell was that Spunky??

glo said...

He went "that a way" Jo

Mema Jo said...

I had one foot on the first branch & bingo! off he flew..............LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Boy Jo your good I was typing comment posted it when in to look and above my post was the answer to my question. Wow Jo I bet you have great hearing and heard you saying what I was typing and answered my question. I might try that again lol

Mema Jo said...

It was SPUNKY! Glo sang him into the nest....... LOL

NillaWafer said...

LOL i have panda's up , Harrisburg Falcon's which 4 are back on the ledge and very hungry, food was brought in, they are sharing and pickin thru left overs on ledge. The Osprey out in Washington her chicks are so cute, Germany Stork is dark,Oh and the Eagles in BC with the crooked nest cam..lol Hope your feeling better Vicky..

Mema Jo said...

Don't press your luck, Vicky! Let's just leave well enough alone. LOL

Mema Jo said...

Well, NILLA - you missed Spunky bird!

Mema Jo said...

Taking an ice cream break. Glo, I hate water messes - What a going away present! Hope you come home to a dry floor.

NillaWafer said...

2 in nest at 8:45 pm yes im watching Jo..lol

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks for all the emails.....got through them all neat ty.
Glo I hope you enjoy your vacation time I think there will be more than 1 or 2 comments in here for you to catch up on.
Jo can you go back to the tree and get your other shoe before the NCTC guard see's it?? lol

Mema Jo said...

Whoa Babe - enough for the ice cream.
8:47: 1 adult & 2 eaglets in nest
InBeetween & maybe Spunky again.

Mema Jo said...

How did you know about my flip-flop? Darn thing fell right off! HaHa LOL
the birds are back.

NillaWafer said...

Those 2 are looking like Inbetween and Spunky to me

glo said...

OK So i was packin. Anyone get a snap of the parent in there with the eaglets?

glo said...

parent must have brought some food as both seem to have chosen their own spot and appear to be mantling over there find.

Mema Jo said...

8:54 pm I don't know what that was: Looked like one went out, one stayed and another one came in. Anyway - there are still 2 in the nest. Really don't see food - playing with a new tree branch maybe. Really getting to dark to see details.

Mema Jo said...

Glo - Adult was in under the cam & right back out! no chance for any pic.

glo said...

ya know if those eaglets were internet savy they would think we were absolutely crazy!!!

Sure we're crazy....crazy bout them!!!

glo said...

Well I'm glad you saw a parent. We know one parent knows they are there whether or not food came in with this visit.

Mema Jo said...

8:59pm Nilla-I think you're right as to the first 2 in the nest being Spunky & MsInbetween.......... Don't have any clue what is going on now - Are they in a sleeping mode? I see feet sprawled out..........Did I miss one leaving? I don't like it with no LIVE FEED...........I say 2 in the nest lying down......

glo said...

These guys do not stay put in one spot for very long anymore, and I don't think they do a lot of flappin to take off anymore either

NillaWafer said...

2 Still in the nest but under the limb.. gettin time for spidy to start weavin..lol

Mema Jo said...

9:02pm Only looks like Spunky in the nest I wish they would not fly in the darkness of night...

NillaWafer said...

Looks like 3 in nest again at 9 pm

Mema Jo said...

9:04 Ok - 2 in the nest for sure. For how long I have no idea. You're right GLO - they just disappear over the edge. They are getting really good!

glo said...

Yep I see 2 peacefully kinda just sittin there

NillaWafer said...

Is that 1 just there beside the limb? I see the other 2 clearly at 12 and 3..

NillaWafer said...

Looks like they are settled in for the night in the nest..

Mema Jo said...

9:06pm I think MsInbetween in the center of the nest & Spunky up at 1:00 position.
Nilla - what do you see. I am straining my eyes so hard -

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I just sit down to the computer and see the one eaglet and get ready to post and then Hubby hi-jacks MY computer for a half hour. Waited all day for a sighting and now it is dark. I could be mad at him, but, he paid for the computer.:):):)

Anonymous said...

Lot of dancing around in that nest tonight.

NillaWafer said...

Nope 2 in the nest my ole' eyes were decieving me again..lol the spooky look of the nest with like dabs of clouds..lol

Mema Jo said...

MITS: You tell him you need to go to Eagleland - LOL My hubby laughed at your post - Of course, his computer is in different room then mine!

NillaWafer said...

9:15 see only 1 in nest?? Whatcha see Jo??

Anonymous said...

Jo, 2 years ago, he showed me how to go onto the computer and now he is trying to figure out how to get me off the computer. Do I only see one now??

Anonymous said...

I have been away for the day----just read the blogs---I will pay ANY PRICE for a dvd--(mortgage the house if necessary)---I see someone sleeping in the nest---Glo, my friend had the same experience---on vacation--the water was every where---she collected insurance to repair--did you look into that---nothing worse that water every where----wishing you a safe trip---enjoy----Hey--I pray for the military every day---That's a good thing----Since it's late (for me)----I have always wanted to say "Good nite John Boy"
---take care----

NillaWafer said...

Well it is going on 9:30 pm and i only see 1 in the nest right now. Going to say Niter's see ya'll tomarrow after 12pm. Jo my Earthlink DSL kit has not arrived yet, to get online at home be afew more days. Everyone Nighty Nite, Nilla

glo said...

Think I only see one in nest now. Not saying Good Night just yet. I'll be in and out a couple more times. Norma I caught the leak about 10 min. into it. Just realy an unplnned mor of the kitchen and basement floor, and a few more bath towels to wash and dry. I am doing last minute laundry etc tonight anyway. I am just so glad it didn't happen after I left and come home 6 days later to that. Not a good thought, so in a strage way I feel blessed. Think perhaps I will turn the water off to the whole house when I go just to be safe.

Mema Jo said...

9:35pm I also can only see one in the nest - just might be there if someone checks real early am hours. Too dark for me to see much.....

movin said...

Good evening, night bird watchers,
I haven't gotten to the bottom of the page yet, but I noticed some of you know how to underline names and text in blue....

How do you do that??

I think there was a similar thing I wanted to know how to do, but it escapes me now. If you know another trick, please tell me how to do that one too.(Hahaha)


glo said...

movin look at the top of your post box where it says you can use HTML tags. the small a with the brackets around it underlines. I can't show you really how to do it on here by putting it in a bracket as it sees it as html and just does it. You enclose that small a in those brackets before the word you want to underling. Then once again after the word you underline you put the a in those brackets again this time witha / before the small a. Experiment and hit the preview button. Try the other tags too like the b and the i see what happens.

movin said...

I see Spunky is sleeping at home tonight, good to see him....

I did read the black panther entries, and I had a wonderful book as a kid with very colorful pictures of exotic foreign animals, which I really loved and used in reports, and so forth.

Well, the cover photo was the head and neck of a black panther in profile...it was great. I think I even copied it (free hand) and made it into one of those copper bas relief things with clay in the back and tacked it to a wooden covered photo album we made for Mother in the 6th grade...came out pretty good.

And in Viet Nam where I was, we discovered there was at least one black panther (as well as regular leopards) in the area...

Coming back from patrol one day and getting close to the base camp, we were walking a path through shoulder high grass, which led to a tunnel like entry into a small patch of jungle, we were all brought to the alert position with our rifles to our shoulders by a horrific brush-crashing noise where the jungle began.... We were all ready to open fire, when we finally saw a beautiful black panther bounding through the underbrush along the edge of the jungle...away from the path and us!

I'll never forget that, I guess.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Glo for the instructions on how to use HTML tags cause I was going to ask that the other day and forgot.


Yeah, I did the bold.

Thanks for all the entries about who was where. I am grateful. Will be on at 7 in the morning and will start my reporting then. Good night all!! Glo, have a wonderful trip. I will definitely be thinking about you and that precious Elia!!

Mema Jo said...

Jim, that sounds like a very moving experience especially since you already held the black panther as something special. I bet it took some time before you believed what your eyes had seen.
GLO - is that how we can bold words in our comments like you do?

Mema Jo said...

OK, Sharon - I want to do it too.

Anonymous said...

Looks like there might be all three in the nest? Two on the right and one by the limb on the bottom left?

movin said...






paula eagleholic said...

I think it is just one in the nest, those shadows play with you at night, make you think there is an eagle there

paula eagleholic said...

The one in the nest is snoozing, wings really at rest and head tucked back into wing...

paula eagleholic said...

Have a great trip, we'll send you pics!

paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Glo, for the info

paula eagleholic said...


glo said...

WOW Well my guess is this is gonna be a pretty fancy BLOG when I get back. Will stop in once more tonight to say good night to all. Kind of wrapping things up here for my trip. Please remember to take some fun pictures for me OK?


If you go to sleep before I check back tonight, wishing you a good night and a good week.

You know I probably will have to see what's happening in the morning before I shut the computer down too, but some of you are off to work, or get up after I leave so i will chat at some later in the next few hours, and the others next week.

Well now that you know a and b and i

find out what the "such as" means.

There might be lots more fun stuff to do on here if we experiment.


Mema Jo said...

Paula: Would you go into Eaglet_Momsters and approve the 5 pics I just added to the NCTC Trip 2 album. I thought I had access along with you to add... Let me know if you get time to do this. I just want to rearrange the pics once they are in. Thanx, Jo

Mema Jo said...

WOW I am not as slow as I thought.

movin said...

Well, somehow the software lost a long comment with underlines...

Got to go take care of business...good night, Spunky, siblings, and all eaglet lovers.


Mema Jo said...

Thank you, Paula. NCTC Trip 2 pics up & ready for viewing on the Eaglet_Momsters site.

glo said...

Good Night everyone!!

Anonymous said...

Good Night All.

Mema Jo said...

11:39pm Still one sleepy little eaglet of ours in the nest. Oh, how peaceful.
Until the dawn's early light!
Goodnite! LOL Jo

paula eagleholic said...

Good night all!

Bird Girl said...

movin.... went to your blog, but no email link and no posts other than the one on may 23rd!

need help getting your template and settings setup?

Bird Girl

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Suzanne!!

Is that a branch across the back of the nest or just more sticks brought in! Just looks new.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

At the tree trunk at about 4, 5 and 6 o'clock. It may be the same but looks different to me.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

7:34 a.m. Baby in the nest!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

7:35 a.m. And gone already!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

As soon as I got it up, one came flying in. How cool is that. They said -- here is my cue!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I definitely saved that flight in on Fraps. You could see him/her coming in at the 2 o'clock position. That was beautiful!!

Mema Jo said...

Sounds like it's a good, good morning in Eagleland. Hi Sharon & Suzanne. Glad you two are enjoying all the nest activity. Do you think it is Spunky there now?

Mema Jo said...

He looks beat already this morning. Glad to hear that maybe MsInbetween slept the entire nioght in the nest until you saw her leave, Suzanne. Don't realize how you miss the live feed until you don't have it for awhild. I love typing & looking at the same time........

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think it is Spunky too.

Mema Jo said...

Don't you wish you could hear that squawking sound he is making. Talking to someone.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I was just thinking the same thing, what are you saying?

wvgal_dana said...

"Vicky" West_Va_gal
Good Morning Eagle and Eaglet watchers....
848 on June 21 Wed 2006 one eaglet in nest looks like "Spunky"....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I say if 3 of us says it looks like Spunky, then it must be SPUNKY!!

Mema Jo said...

Hi There Vicky! Sure does look like Spunky. Seems like we are all having a good morning. I'm waiting for Spunky to roll over on his back - he keeps shifting around....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now wouldn't that be a funny site, laying on his back. Of course, Jo, the only time I have ever seen a bird laying on its back, it wasn't moving!! LOL.

Mema Jo said...

Can you imagine someone for the first time viewing live feed and saying 'Look at that bird in the nest' WE would say that ain't no bird - that's Spunky. We know Spunky so well. Certainly putting on a good show for us.

wvgal_dana said...

Vicky West_Va_gal

Ahhh Jo come on admit it you want him to roll over by that time you'll be up the tree and we'll see you rubbing Spunky's tummy lol

Mema Jo said...

8:03am Didn't hesitate one bit. He is a skilled flyer.

wvgal_dana said...

"Vicky" W

Beautiful stay off from the launch pad Spunky---little white fine feathers just a flying everywhere off his body. Great means he is getting stronger feathers for flights.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning

Mema Jo said...

Sharon: Are you off getting a cup of coffee?

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, here are your instructions -

At the top of Real Player, click on view, go to very body and click on "On Top While Playing". It will stay up at all times.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No Jo, I wasn't off getting coffee, was actually working!

Don't you just love seeing the leaves blowing this morning?!!

wvgal_dana said...

"Vicky" West_Va_gal here I was trying the ( b i a ) thingy you all was talking about in previous comments, and I posted instead of preview 2 new Good Morning then when I tried to post to ask that someone email this dummbie it said, "I have to close the a first". Dang I can't even get it to do what it is suppose to how can I get it to close the a.
So it would not let me post for help... so I close down came in again...could someone email me and tell me how these things work please......playing around I get into TOO MUCH TROUBLE LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Vicky, you've got mail. I hope it was the right address!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Sharon, I can't get my name bold and blue, but at least I can check in on them, while I am on the blog. I so need to take a computer course. Well it looks like everyone went to eagle school, I'm going to get a cup of coffee. Thanks again! Jim, your story last night was fascinating.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, is your real player staying up now?

Anonymous said...

Vicky, that's the problem I was having when I tried to do the html tags, my computer got angry with me, I told you this DELL has an attitude problem.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Sharon, Thank You!!

Mema Jo said...

I was off getting coffee
I can do it!
Sharon's expertise will get you all up & running.... She is one Super Woman HaHa I did it again!
I wish that BigBoy would make an appearance... Would love to see him!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have to pass the credit of the HTML tags to Glo. She told me yesterday!

Anonymous said...

Sharon, if you get a chance can you e-mail me instructions, I tried several times last night, but no luck. I'm just happy I can keep the picture up, you will all have to read me in black & white. Sorry:(:(.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

We sure could use those red, white and blue ribbons around their necks so could truly identify each one!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, you've got mail!

Anonymous said...

Sharon, it tells me that my HTML cannot be accepted. I told you this computer has an attitude problem

Anonymous said...

Seems like alot of new sticks in the nest.

Anonymous said...

Where are my manners!!! A great "BIG" Thank you to whoever got the live-feed up and running this a.m.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Thank you for the live feed!!

Geula said...

Hi! I have a 100% record for missing the eaglets that come back to the nest! At least I'm consistant...

I keep seeing the links to different webcams and blogs...and yesterday I checked some of them out. They all were a disappointment, after being here for 3 months and seeing our eagles go from eggs to fledglings. I guess that I needed to get my life back, so I'm just doing the website or the live feed and this blog, with an occasional quick look at glo... and nestwatchers.

BUT I have the most beautiful pic on my desktop of a gorgeous eagle in a pine tree. When I turned on my puter this afternoon I saw the pic and let out a big OOOOOOOOH!
See how good it is to have chronic brain mush? I plum fergot about that pic! What a lovely surprise.


Mema Jo said...

Yes, Geula, you stick with us! We love having you online!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Welcome back Geula! Been wondering where you were!

Mema Jo said...

I hope we get a new thread soon - & if we could be so lucky to have another pic from Todd Harless.....

Mema Jo said...

A few times when the eaglets were younger, did I see the adults bringing new limbs/leaves into the nest. I think that (that black bird better get out of the nest before a big bird lands on him).Spunky & MsInbetween yesterday afternoon were rearranging some of the limbs. Some really look large - hope they haven't landed in the nest from the tree itself.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I was just watching that bird. Don't know if it is a blackbird or not but it is on dangerous ground. I was wondering if those branches were part of the tree too!

wvgal_dana said...

is West_Va_gal@yahoo.com

And worst I can't get into the Momsters Group I CAN'T EVEN VOTE (whine whine whine cry cry cry)!!!
It comes to the page then won't let me sign in......goes as if page doesn't exist now go back in click sign in and it won't go there

Mema Jo said...

Vicky - today is the deadline for adult name suggestions. Poll won't go up until Thursday per Paula. If you go to momsters group - use the link here on the NCTC Eagle Cam Daily page. It works well.

glo said...

Good morning all. Just a real quick Have a great several days. I am soon out of here. I will turn the live feed on to watch up til the last minute, but for all of you, have a great week and take lots of great pictures. TTYL

Geula said...

I'd say that the most activity in the nest is early morning and late evening......Eagle time. So early morning where I am is like noon here and evening or late evening is 3-4ish am...gotta fit in work and sleep. Hmmmm, I COULD peek in when I go to the loo in the middle of the night (I'm old(er)).
I wouldn't miss this experience for ANYTHING!

Just Vicky said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Geula, I peek in sometimes at night when I go to the loo (love that word). Most of the time you get to see Spidey's web and can barely make out if there is anything in the nest. It is good to see them snoozing in the bed safely at night!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Vicky, you didn't get the email cause I think I sent it to the wrong Vicky. Now check. She will be wondering what all of that means!! Funny.

paula eagleholic said...

WV Gal,
Yahoo seems to be having problems this morning, I can't sign in either,,,,I'll post when I can!

paula eagleholic said...

No home page, mail, group or messenger from Yahoo...

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, thanks for the live cam!

wvgal_dana said...

"Vicky" West_Va_gal
Ok it is getting too confusing with the two "Vicky" names lol.
I thought I wrote that and didn't remember....lol hi vicky # 1 guess I'm vicky #2 (might have to do something about that meaning me)..
Right now I am having worse day of life...was into Yahoo mail once now can't get back in. Was into the Momsters Yahoo group page now I can't get back in...grrrrrrrrr weep sigh cry....boob hooo
Jo can you go to the Momster Yahoo page and check and re-check and make sure today isn't the VOTE day...pleaseeeeeeee

wvgal_dana said...

"Vicky" West_Va_gal
Paula you can't get into the Momsters Yahoo page either????????

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3/10/25 PM CAM .12am to 12pm

  🥚 🥚 🥚  eggroll thru night COG 🥚🥚🥚  egg roll 111 cog   🥚 🥚 🥚 eggroll 447 COG Eggrolla c SED 🥚🥚🥚😁🦅❤️ SED