Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Tuesday 13 June

Fresh thread, more later.


Mema Jo said...

10:30am Thanks for the fresh page. I am anxiously awaiting the 'more later' !

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Ask and you shall receive!! I would love to see the "more later".

Mema Jo said...

10:34AM Fantastic! My head won't let go of the tune - funny how we were all singing it correctly - but you know how Momsters think. Thanks, Paula.

paula eagleholic said...

:) Ya'll got it!

Hey, I put a new poll up on the group....

Thanks for the new thread, Steve!

Mauley said...

This has been one the most enjoyable experiences in my 35 year teaching career. donna

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! Sharon you are good. Got that new page in a hurry. LA LA LA LA! Now I can't stop singing.....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That is the sun shining on the lighter underparts where he has his wings spread out! Where is Spunky, Where is Spunky? . . .

Anonymous said...

live feed went down :(

Anonymous said...

Ok, think I need a break while live feed is down. Just was writing out my grocery list and instead of putting eggs, I wrote eagles. LALALALALA!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Awwww, Spunk's got company again :)

Anonymous said...

Bird Girl, if you are out there, I just checked the osprey-cam in Conn. both Mom and Dad are there. Dad just brought Mom breafast and he is feeding it to her and she in turn looks to be feeding a little one. There seem to be two unhatched eggs there also.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

LIVE FEED IS DOWN. Has anybody contacted the powers that be?

Mema Jo said...

11:36am We need WV Gal!!! She usually gets word into the command post. I'll email Steve C. @ both his addresses.... Hurry, Hurry, Hurry!!

Steve Chase said...

Working on the live cam...

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Steve!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks for the info Steve. You are so prompt when you have all these eaglet momsters yelling for you!!

Mema Jo said...

11:42am Steve emailed me back immediately - message is: WORKING ON IT! Is he on the ball or is he on the ball!

Mema Jo said...

11:44am Sharon? Do you see 2 in the nest on the Eagle Cam?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yes, I do see 2 in the nest.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, I don't know if I could tell if there were no shadows. Looking so much alike these days!

Anonymous said...

Steve, you da man!!!!!!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

I have no clue either....anyone else have that "venetian blind" effect?

Mema Jo said...

12:02am My Eagle cam is very clear except for the shadows. Hopefully live feed will be up & running shortly. So glad Steve C. didn't need to go to DC today!!
Paula: What a poll question! Love it!

Mema Jo said...

12:06pm Ok, Paula - I publish my message - go back to the Eagle Cam - distortion-distortion - then it clears for awhile. Only thing I have to watch, so I'll put up with it.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That kind of looked like a food fight!

paula eagleholic said...

Is that Mom back with lunch?

Mema Jo said...

12:10pm VISITORS! Adult was there for a moment. I am thinking there was a 'food drop'. Anyone see anymore then me?

paula eagleholic said...

Nope, Jo, that was about all I saw

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like there are 2 falcons still on the ledge in Harrisburg

Mema Jo said...

12:22pm Thought Spunky was flying out of there for a moment! I think that it is MsInbetween in the nest this am with Spunky. Looks as though she got the food.

paula eagleholic said...

That would be our Ms Inbetween!

Mema Jo said...

12:27pm Spunky! You are soooooo ready! Just Go For It!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

LIVE FEED IS BACK!! Thanks Steve.

Anonymous said...

Paula, there are 3 there now. Sometimes they have been known to go around the big white column, but it might be just the two who have already fledge, keep coming and going. There were 5 there this a.m.

Anonymous said...

live feed is back!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Looks like all three are in the nest again and something flying overhead.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, maybe there were just 2. Spunkster still sitting there, looking around. One just took off. They are getting so much better at that. I pray Spunky masters the art too!

Anonymous said...

Happy to hear the falcons are fledging----I watched them band the little "fluff balls"----each one a different color---they weighed them to determine sex----it was something to see----just those BIG eyes in all that white fluff---

Anonymous said...

Yes,Suzanne. The two keep coming back and forth. I've been checking the message board and so far I think only the 2 have fledged. They send me updates and the last one I got was yesterday about the fledgings over the weekend....Was that Ms InBtween flying off?????

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, it definitely wasn't Spunky flying off. Too confident on takeoff.

Anonymous said...

That's what I thought...

Anonymous said...

Lots of action in the Conneticut ospey came. Dad is back and Mom is re-arranging the nest. Bird Girl if you are out there...check it out.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Spunky is sitting there contemplating, fledge, not fledge, fledge, not fledge....

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, and thanks Steve on the live feed!

paula eagleholic said...

4 Chicks in the Osprey nest at Blackwater are looking great!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Which one has Papa Smurf as a babysitter?

Anonymous said...

Sharon, that would be the one in Conneticutt.

paula eagleholic said...

The Connecticut Audobon Society Cam

paula eagleholic said...

Live cam and web pic looks great now, thanks NCTC!

Anonymous said...

The ospreys at Blackwater do look good. Haven't seen them in awhile

paula eagleholic said...

Another great set of parents, Mits. They have never had 4 before! So far, so good!

Anonymous said...

Anyone have a link for Papa Smurf? I think I've missed out on this one. I'm headed over to Blackwater now.

Mema Jo said...

1:05pm Sunny- I always think you mean you physically are going down to Blackwater HaHa You just mean to their site - right??? I just might pop in there in Cambridge when we go to OC...

Anonymous said...

Sunny, I just did it the old-fashion way. I goggled osprey-live cam in Conn and it came up with the info. I have it on my favorites list as Liveview-AXIS Video Server and it comes right up to me. Just got a scare when I checked in...the nest was empthy except for the one chick, but Mom flew back in while I was watching..really concerned about the unhatched eggs..Bird Girl if you are out there I need your expertise...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Our Spunkster just flaked back out again. Seems pretty content where he is, huh?

paula eagleholic said...

Sunny, the link is also on the link page at the yahoo group...couple of other links on there too....and if I've missed some, please let me know..

Yea, Spunky is ready for his afternoon nap...

paula eagleholic said...

Papa Smurf is at the Connecticut Site

glo said...

Came home for lunch to catch up on todays happenings and discover you are all singing a tune "Some of you are a little more keyed up ooops I mean on key thanothers, . So I assume it is to the Smurfs La la la la la la...until I go back and read from where this BLOG died before I left for work and discovered it is this tune

Spunky’s New Tune

Where is Spunky, where is Spunky?
Here I am, Here I am
Hiding behind the trunk of the tree
See if you can find me
Eaglet Moms, Eaglet Moms

Too funny Paula. BUT I wanted those of you with short Memories to get the word's right even if you can't carry a tune LOL, and everyone else to know what the heck you are talking about when they read this part of the bLOG.

Well it's back to work for me!!!

paula eagleholic said...

You know kids never nap when you want them too...up and looking at something....

Anonymous said...

Thanks guys! Jo, I have actually been to Blackwater, but since I'm at my desk at my job today, I'll just go hit their site! Then fly off to CT! Aren't computers wonderful?

Where is Spunky, Where is Spunky?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I know Paula, have to keep a closer eye when he is up looking around.

I was just wondering if NCTC ever had a clue what momsters they were creating with this camera. I would bet they didn't have a clue there would be such talented people aboard, i.e. songwriters and such.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Question for Steve W., eagle expert! Since both our fledglings did so in the morning, is there a certain time of day that first fledges occur more often or is it just random?

Mema Jo said...

1:36pm I am a Libra & everything must fit on the scale. I think that there are too many words in our song for the tune on line 3: I suggest:
Hiding by the tree trunk.
Good work GLO!
Paula, See what you started !! LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Liberty is moving!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

When I sang the song to my sister and niece (yes I did do that), I had a hard time fitting that line in. I did it but it was hard.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh no, he is back on the launch pad again.

Mema Jo said...

1:58pm Sharon - get FRAPS ready. He sure is thinking about it.

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, are you ready

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I was born ready!! He is making me nervous. I voted for him to fledge tomorrow so he has to wait.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am wondering if he is a chicken or an eagle? He might be showing me here in a minute, huh?

Mema Jo said...

2:03 He is going to GO ! Please GO!

Anonymous said...

Woooo Nelly. he is really testing those wings......

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am going to have a stroke if he doesn't do something -

Mema Jo said...

2:04pm Spread those wings & FLY! You can do it!
Are you all watching & hollering at the same time as though Spunky just needs to hear the calling ???

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Can we do a survey on yahoo? Like what state everybody is from!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No, Jo, I am saying "don't do it, I voted for tomorrow".

Mema Jo said...

2:06pm Sharon-you better not take your eyes off the bird..............
SUGGESTION: If you go in on the member's list & edit your profiles, you can give any info you want about yourself. Especially the STATE in which you live. It is really interesting to see how far & wide over this country where we have members.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

If he doesn't go today, I will be on the early bird shift tomorrow to keep an eagle eye out.

Anonymous said...

Sharon, I hope for tomorrow also, June 14th, Flag Day!! One great symbol of our country takes flight as we celibrate another great symbol of our country "OUR FLAG". Wouldn't that be nice????

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I hope I am not typing words like "spunkster", FRAPs and eaglets and such in the transcription I am doing. I would bet nobody would be amused at the hospital!

Mema Jo said...

2:09pm I don't take chances - On the poll, I said I don't have a clue!!! Sorta wishy-washy -right?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, I absolutely did not know that tomorrow was Flag Day but that would absolutely be wonderful!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now, Jo, that was a cheesy answer!! Step out, take a chance! Columbus did. LOL.

Mema Jo said...

MITS: That is great - Flag Day! The great American Eagle! For sure, I may just hang one eaglet if he/she doesn't fly like a flag by tomorrow!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

He is wanting us to sing again, see him!!

Anonymous said...

Jo, you make me laugh:):):):) All together now lets sing......

paula eagleholic said...

Spunky’s New Tune

Where is Spunky, where is Spunky?
Here I am, Here I am
Hidin' round the trunk of the tree
See if you can find me
Eaglet Moms, Eaglet Moms

(Gotta have tree at the end, rhymes w/ me)

Mema Jo said...

Sharon: I was born on Columbus day - bet that was the reason for your comment. I will go into the poll & cast a new vote -
Glad he/she is resting for awhile.
Where is Spunky? la, la, la

paula eagleholic said...

LOL roflmao, I just put that in without reading what ya'll had wrote.....momster minds, OMG pretty scary...hahahaha

Anonymous said...

Where is the poll???

paula eagleholic said...

I hope it is tomorrow for 2 reasons:
1. Flag Day, like you said, symbol, etc.
2. Spunky, please fledge and put us out of our misery! I can't take this much longer! :)

Go Spunky , Go

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, what a wonderful coincidence, my mentioning ole Chris and you being born on the same day!! I swear I have laughed more today, sitting at my computer by myself, than I have around a whole group of people in a long time. Of course, if anybody catches me, I might get committed. We really need Spunky to fly tomorrow. He is a week behind BigBoy, which is okay because we don't want him to go until he is ready, just pray he is ready tomorrow (and the live feed is up when it happens).

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think he is looking for lupper (too late for lunch and too early for supper)! you reckon? Doing a little calling out right now. He sure does have great extension of his neck, looked like he was almost turning it all the way around.

paula eagleholic said...

What a rascal! If he's not hiding by the tree trunk, he's flittin' about the nest and the launch pad, giving us all heart attacks either way

Anonymous said...

Sharon, lupper it is, could be he is looking for a lack (snack after lunch) or a dack (snack before dinner)..... OK, I'm out of here to perch, I mean sit on my deck to get some frsh air. Spunky stay put.....til tomorrow. Now we all know what that means, the minute I turn my back he will be outta there.....

paula eagleholic said...

Mits, the poll is in the yahoo group

Anonymous said...

Spunky is soooooo scared. I'm starting to feel really bad for him..he wants to be like his siblings, just shakin in his knees....I just want to take him in my arms and walk him through it....Hang in there Spunky!

paula eagleholic said...

WV gal,
try the link on the blog page, Steve was kind enough to put a link up for us!

Thanks, Steve.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Did anybody let Jim know that eaglet momsters is for dadsters too?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am thinking that Spunky has decided to keep house until the next go-round. He could do a lot of building on that nest for his Mom and Dad before the next eggs are laid.

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, Momsters and Dadsters and Sidsters and Brodsters are all welcome!

Anonymous said...

Did you ever wish we had a camera on Steve and his co-workers as they read this? What a hoot!

Steve: do you know what mile-markers on the towpath would be close to NCTC? Didn't make it out last weekend, but maybe this coming weekend. Want to be sure to look up to the sky at the appropriate place.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Paula - you are not right! :) LMAO!!! I would love to see Steve and the gang reading this too. I hope they all have a good sense of humor!!

Mema Jo said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, now I can't work because I can't quit laughing. Oh God, I need a life! Spunkster is up again.

1/22/25 PM Sorry late busy day

7AM.scout comes to the nest 7:02 AM. We exit the nest after trying out the bowl. .1:07 PM scout comes to the nest. She has been eating the w...