Thursday, June 22, 2006

Thursday June 23

New thread. Big thunderstorm just rolled through.


glo said...

Good morning from AZ. Everyone is sleeping and i am in a different zone. I had a great flight AND an awesome afternoon Elia is such a gem. I have only taken about 30 pictures so far, and several short videos lOL. Going to read a few minutes of yesterdays BLOG, but wanted to just say Hi first. Wishing you all a great day in eagleland. Busy day today, going to Playtime with several other little MAmas and kides, then off to the pool this afternoon.

Not sure if I'll be able to get on again or not.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning , Glo. Glad to see you have arrived safely. Lots of action on the cams yesterday, eagles coming and going. Spunky spent the night in the nest. They are having big storms roll thru now. Have a great day with your family in beautiful Arizona. I t may be hot, but there is no humidity!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Steven for the new thread, everyone was all over the place this a.m. Have a good one!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, so good to hear from you!! I am sure you are having a wonderful time!! We miss you. Can't wait to see the pictures.

Good morning Mits!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Sharon!! Did you get a storm??

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nope, no storm here! Sun is starting to shine. Muggy. We do have humidity here. LOL.

glo said...

Man t took me quite a while to get through all the Interesting reading about red white and blue with yellow ribbons< while you all kept your Poise> on your way to Federal Prison. And Jo You know these people have eagle eyes, and get really concerned if they can't spot you

OK its tea time and then family time. Hope someone is sending me some pictures!! Thanks. So behave today

glo said...

OH Just one quick note It isn't always dry heat, infact monsoon season starts tomorrow I think Bad storms as heat builds through the day. SOunds like it reains in buckets and floods everywhere for a few hours. Only last a few days to a week, and then Dry hot desert the rest of the summer. I'll let you know if the weather people here are any good. LOL. Now I'm really going.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Glo, we were all a little gitty by last night. Must have been all the eagle activity yesterday.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, in your honor, we will try to behave today but I can't make any promises.

Today is my baby boy's 17th BIRTHDAY!!

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Mits and Suzanne!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

10:09 a.m. Parent in the nest but picture is horrible.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo or Vicky W. - can't you guys call NCTC and get this picture fixed?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

10:10 a.m. Eaglet in the nest mantling!

Anonymous said...

Better now..

Anonymous said...

2 in the nest...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Turtle hunting school!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Live feed just came up with the blue screen!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Am I blue? Am I blue? I AM SO BLUE - ARRRGGHHH!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am not blue anymore. We have live feed!!! Thanks John and Steve and anybody else responsible!

Anonymous said...

Oh great, a blue screen!!! Sharon, hold down the fort. I'm gone til late this afternoon. Hope live feed comes up soon. Later.

wvgal_dana said...

Ok Ok Sharon I know that is not red, white, and blue. Have called NCTC left voice mail for Brad and John. Called Steve C. number left message about live feed and the still Secretary said he should be back in 1/2 hr.


"Vicky" West_Va_gal

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Empty nest but at least we can see the leaves moving! YEAH!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Gotcha Mits. The fort is being held down!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No adults here that I know of!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, where are you? We are missing you today!

Geula said...

well, between my dsl server, the weather, and who knows what else...I say GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Geula, did you have a good nap? What time is it where you are?

Geula said...

I'm SOOOOO glad that the website is thanking me for my patience because it really wearing VERY THIN!

thanks for letting me vent! I feel better now, even though I missed the action. ::sigh::

Geula said...

At the tone, the time will be 6:00 pm...((TOOOOOOONE))

Anonymous said...

Hi EAGLEPHOBIACTS----(is that a word?)----So happy Glo you are enjoying the "little one"---and HAPPY HAPPY DAY to Sharon's "BigBoy"!! How's the weather in Bluefield, Suzanne? I used to live in Charleston (now I'm in Romney)----I have visited Bluefield many times----Do you still pass out lemonade when temp. hits 90 deg.? We had a storm this am----1 1/2 hrs. from Shepherdstown-----was gone yesterday------missed Spunky--BIG TIME---missed all you folks too!

wvgal_dana said...

lol Suzanne what makes you think "I am an adult" lol...???

I can't get down there can't roflmbo so I'm just a chuckling....
Hay there Jo how's it going this morning?

"Vicky" West_Va_gal

Geula said...

okay, I give up.......what is mantling? my 1-click answers came up with something about coats of arms, but I don't think that has anything to fo with birds or eagles...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Geula, question of curiosity. Is it calm and peaceful where you are or is there fighting around you. Also, if you think it is none of my business, that is okay too!! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Geula, mantling is concealing or covering - what they do when they spread their wings out over their food to protect it. I went to the other day and that is how I learned.

Norma, get with the program. It is me (Sharon) in Bluefield. Yes, they do still give out lemonade when it gets over 90°, just hasn't done that very often lately. I love it here although the town is practically dead and not much action, but that is why I love it!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

11:10 a.m. Nothing moving but the leaves on the trees. Nearing lunch time, maybe somebody will show up soon. Maybe if we baked a fish-filled bundt cake, they would come!

Geula said...

Yes, it is calm and peaceful where I live in Israel. Not to worry....
Oh and you can ask me ANY question, except how much I weigh!

Geula said...

I've gotta take the ddoggie for a walk.....she's looking at me in THAT tone of voice. LOLOL! bbiab

Anonymous said...

QUEEN SHARON OF BLUEFIELD----As you have noticed----I am not with the program sometimes----(that's what my kids tell me---)I think southern WV is a beautiful area----I'm a true MOUNTAINEER-----I grew up in Calhoun Co., was oil & gas then----but now not much left there either----gas & oil mostly gone----that area doesn't look the same either----SORRY---SORRY---

wvgal_dana said...

Wow went to that site - had trouble but found it another way.
Got to the "owls" and read about "mantling".....and all this time I thought you all was talking behind my back lol lol. Now I am ed-ch-ma-kated......What a beautiful picture of the owl when you enlarge it of the prey it capuatred and is mantling over it.

thank you "vicky" west_va_gal

Mema Jo said...

11:20am All you eagleholics who have eaglephobia - Good Morning....LOL
So thankful you had an exciting morning-So happy to have heard from GLO-
Floralgirl you need to get an irrigation system in that beautiful flower garden-I know a contact if you ever decide to do so- Krista's brother Michael's business! Right in your own home town.
I had very little rain & now the sun in shinning & suppose to get hot,hot,hot!- hope our little ones got under a branch & weren't afraid of the boom-boom man up there!
Sharon-Congratulations on your son's birthday - You have done a really great job! Be proud of yourself & your son! He will be there to take care of you just as you have taken care of him all these years!
V.W.Gal - you were up bright & early! My feet didn't hit the floor until after 9:00....I am visiting with granddaughter & great granddaughters this afternoon - BUT I will be online- so not to worry if you can't find me. OK?
I am on pins & needles waiting for a phone call telling me I have another great grandchild... So exciting..Just like waiting for an egg to hatch!!!!! LOL Jo

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Norma, you are quite forgiven! I am a true blue WV Mountaineer too!! Love it, love it!

Geula, I have dogs that TALK to me in that tone of voice. I have 4 dogs, but one of them is the spokesperson for the others and there is no doubt when he says he has to go out, he means it.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, welcome to our humble abode. Glad you could join us. No trips to the loo today though. Have the Poise handy?

Geula said...

O, NOW I know why jo went missing when she went to the loo yesterday...she is at the age of great-grandmotherhood, correct? that explains it....

No offence meant, jo, really. It's just my weird sense of humor and advanced stages of chronic brain mush. I'm young (64) but that don't mean nothin! I get sidetracked bigtime! lol

wvgal_dana said...

Jo good to hear ya from there to here....
Neat "another great grandchild on the way" as we speak may be delivering now....won't have the "egg tooth" to get it through though hee hee...
Afternoon I hear ya with granddaughter and great granddaughters.....hummm maybe they need to throw a "boy" in the bunch ....
OK so if you are MIA we know the children have you tied up lol
Sharon congrats on I think it is 17 years he is; ah the light of your life I bet..
Me I'm back to bed again for awhile will keep checking in though...hold the site down "beep my computer" to wake me if blue screen again lol my computer doesn't beep lol
Later Eaglewatchers....

"Vicky" West_Va_gal

Geula said...

Didn't I say I was going to take my ddoggie for a walk? SEEEEEE? I haven't done it yet...NOW I will use BGS to help me get up (butt glue solvent).

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Vicky WV - we need to fix your computer so there is an alarm clock sound when we try to reach you. That way, you wouldn't have to miss anything.

As far as the great-grandmother and grandmother stuff is concerned, I told Andrew to please wait for about 10 years before he graces me with a grandchild. Frightening thought!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Geula, could you send me some BGS. I have that trouble a lot!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

99 days out of 100 Andrew is the light of my life. That one day is what gets me sometimes though, he is the thorn in my butt. That doesn't happen too often though. He is a really good kid. I just woke him up singing Happy Birthday to him. Nobody should have to wake up on their 17th birthday to that God-awful noise! :O)

Geula said...

\_/> <-------- a small cup of BGS, coming your way!

Geula said...

thank me when I get back Sharon......I'm NOT here.

wvgal_dana said...

That funny Geula I'm not here either wow..

Mema Jo said...

FYI: This new great-grandbaby is going to break the tie - I have 2 great-grandsons & 2 great granddaughters. Want to take a poll!
By the way - our poll for parents' name should go up today. I am sure Paula will alert us as to when we should vote!

Geula said...


WOW, jo, almost 5 dggdks! that is AWESOME! I've never written that before...dggdks (dear greatgrandkids.)

Steve Chase said...

We had a lighting strike here this AM that screwed some things up.

Mema Jo said...

Steven - thanks for the info. Everything is good here at the site.. Lightning is scarey since you can't control Mother Nature. Glad everything is going well.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks for letting us know Steve. Just so the lightening stays away from you guys and our babies and America and Flag (Mom and Dad) of course.

Jo, this new baby is going to be a boy!

Geula, when I read dggdks, I thought you meant daggone grandkids! You can tell I ain't a grandma yet. LOL.

Mold growing around the nest again but the leaves move every now and then.

Mema Jo said...

Suzanne: That is a very big X!Great for bringing that to our attention - I didn't even notice.LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, you are very observant. X-marks the spot. That is pretty cool.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Did anybody notice the date on the top of this blog? Steve, right day, wrong date but we might forgive you!

Anonymous said...

Jo----I am so happy for you----another grandchild-----Holding a grandchild is the GREATEST FEELING in the world----Can't describe it---one must experience it-----AWESOME----

Mema Jo said...

Must have been the lightning bolt that changed the date! HaHa! Talk about Suzanne being observant-what about you oh great eagle-eyed Sharon.
Norma-I am blessed. With the last great-grandson, I spent the entire afternoon at the hospital just holding him & a rockin' away. Plan to do the same with this one. I would like a little girl because she would then have 2 big brothers to take care of her. As long as the baby is healthy & it is a safe delivery - I am content.

Mema Jo said...

I am out of here for about 2 hours-Maybe we will have some nest activity around dinner time today. LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am so grateful God blessed me with a boy!! Girls can be so needy and whiny sometimes - oh wait, come to think of it, so can boys but I don't think quite as bad! Especially as teenagers!

Proofreading other people's stuff is a character defect of mine! I have a hard time reading the local paper without wincing over the misspelled words. It doesn't seem to bother me too bad here though. The hard part is catching my own mistakes!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Isn't it funny how we can go for hours without seeing an eaglet and still have 82 (now 83) comments on the blog?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That is not an X in the middle of the nest. It is a cross in memory of the turtles who died there!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, I am feeling kind of lonely here. Is anybody out there?

Anonymous said...

BLUEFIELD---I need help----I just reread the info regarding using the HTML tags----didn't work for me----

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

make sure when you do it, at the end you put a / after the < and before the b and then close with >.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glad you here with me Norma. Thought I was by myself! :)


floralgirl said...

Looks like all the eagles are out fishing.I can't get the HTML tags to work either. Jo- I do have irrigation in most of my gardens, so it's just a mstter of turning hoses on and off, but some gardens just aren't laid out in a way that it would work-so them I have to water myself. What is Krista's brother's business called?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I was the first one to vote! YEAH.

Mema Jo said...

I'm back! But I am going over to vote........

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am so glad you back. This has just been dead space for a long time. No eaglets, no eagles, no eaglet_momsters, nobody. Been so lonesome.

Mema Jo said...

So, Sharon-You should almost be finished your work for today with all the silence... I voted! The poll selection is numerous...I like the showing of the results below after you vote - Paula: good job in setting up the poll. I think I was #6 to vote... I don't think I'll take a nap today - I feel pretty perky after getting a very short hair cut! Ok - when is everyone coming back to chat with Sharon, Norma and me??

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am probably going to get off around 3:30. Then I am taking Andrew out for seafood for his birthday. I get steak as I do not like seafood. He gets lobster and crab legs.

Anonymous said...

I'm here.....but where are all the eagles today? Getting pretty moldy about now.

You guys are very entertaining though!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Floralgirl - I need to ask about Co name - shame on me for not knowing. I do know that Michael is working in Shepherdstown today so he can be close to home & be on hand to bring that new baby into the world. I just may come over to your Farmer's market. Behind the library, yes? I thought I saw a sign the other day I was over.

Geula said...

I've been called a lot of things, but never entertaining! I think that being called silly was the biggest and best compliment I got. I mean like life is serious enough, so I add a little humor AND foolishness AND awe at he wonders of nature. The lady who called me silly wanted to get me angry, but I thanked her for the compliment and told her I wouldn't want to live any other way...
Have I rambled?

Mema Jo said...

Cindy had placed on Momsters a link for hummingbird pics. It is so good & coincidentally my little Hummer was by just the other day. I was glad they did the comparison pic at the end. Those eggs are tinnnnnnnny.
Sharon I don't do crabs unless they are in cakes or imperials. You enjoy your steak!

Geula said...

Time to say good night...MAWOY!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, Geula, who and where did somebody call you silly? I thought maybe it was on here today but I can't find it. I will take silly anyday to being hardnosed and boring! I love having fun and enjoying life!

Mema Jo said...

Geula: I am at the point in my life that if I can't entertain others & bring some laughter & love into their lives, I have missed the whole point of being. Now, I will tell you that you are so loveable & refreshing & having you here on this site is a pleasure. How far did you walk that dog of yours?

NillaWafer said...

Afternoon Gang, Just went over and voted to names are running neck and neck so get over there and vote!!! Jo you been behaving? Mits good day to you and everyone. Ok reading those blogs from last night you people need Ambian for Happy Birthday to Sharon's son, my youngest daughter will be 36 June25th she lives in Louisianna and is a lawyer. Yeah we had terrible storms this morning the thunder woke me up and lightening was terrible to.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Nilla: Glad you're checking on us. Yes, we are behaving for now. I think Sharon is taking out her son for crabs for his birthday. I might have to go down to RedLobster - it's making me hungry. I sure hope you relax during these 5 days off... Your birthday is a comming at you!

NillaWafer said...

Ok reading the Washinton Post i found this ( as if we need another cam to look In Hollispoint, Md Carrie and John Staples have installed a 40 ft. tall pole with a camera. They ran 450 ft of cable under ground and programed the camera to shoot pictures every 2 minutes of the Osprey nest. There are 3 chicks.. To see the birds in action go to: and click the Osprey side show link. The Osprey family mates and stays together for life, they have named the pair of parents Father is "Slicky Boy" because his feathers are always perfect...He calls mom.."Bad Hair Day" she always look like she just got out of the shower and not dried her hair Well im off to check the zoo's ,nest, tree's, holes in the ground for burrowing owls , and ledges for

Mema Jo said...

4:06pm Empty nest

floralgirl said...

Wow it's hot outside today-guess our eagles are hiding in the shade,probably by the river. JO- the Shepherdstown market is downtown behind the library, Sundays 9-1

Anonymous said...

I have tried three times to log on to the Momsters Yahoo site--filled out the registration site three times, been accepted, but cannot get on. Hope you all have a great time over there.

This is my first time doing this kind of thing but have been so amazed by the eagles and the wonderful people who have given us the thrill of watching these "critters" hatch, grow and fledge. I have also been entertained by all the fun you have with the blog--even giving valuable information.

Thanks to all.


Mema Jo said...

Floralgirl: Co name is Irrigation Unlimited. My granddaughter Melissa says that she did meet you & had compliments like "She was really nice!"

Mema Jo said...

Sheri: email to get help with the Momsters site. We need your vote!

Mema Jo said...

I will out for about 2 hrs..Just getting something to eat... Keep a close watch & take good notes. They could be flying in shortly.....

wvgal_dana said...

"Vicky" W.Va. here
Jo I am confused well really it is true not kidding; really. Ok it is 4:37 pm June 22, Thursday
did or did not you say you went to hospital and was rocking a baby boy. So that means you have born today a GreatGrandSon right???????????
Because this morning that is what I told my husband that they need a boy in the bunch...remember I commented in here about that.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

There is a new thread up! I am going out for a while. Keep good notes while I am gone!!

Just Vicky said...

Wow, 2 in for lunch after parent dropped off something! Got snap shot of it. What a landing these 2 made but it looks like Big Boy got it first.

Just Vicky said...

Guess no one is her right now! You've missed 2 lunches!

Just Vicky said...

No live cam this afternoon! Boooo Hoooo!!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...