Thursday, June 01, 2006

Thursday June 1

Back from DC. Another hot morning. The live cam is up. Still need to get a report from Karen for everybody.


glo said...

Keep the notes comig. No access to live cams at work. Going computer shopping this weekend :-( Sharon...Keep fraps handy, I'm not gonna get to see any wing flapping until probably Sat, if i'm lucky. Thaks

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks Steve!

paula eagleholic said...

Live cam up, and I still can't see eaglet #3!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Eaglet #3 came out from his favorite hiding place just a few minutes ago. Thanks Steve for the live cam. Glo, I have it handy. Just pray I am here when it happens so I can record it.

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, just saw #3 peeking out....little rascal!

paula eagleholic said...

Has anyone ever seen the eaglet scratch his head with his talons? So cute.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yes, I have seen them scratching their heads with their talons. I would be afraid they would slice their head open if they are sharp like Mom and Dad.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

#3 is back at the trunk again, in case anybody was wondering.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Ms. InBetween just got some serious air while flapping those wings. I thought she was going to be out of there!

Anonymous said...

Great to see live feed up and working thanks Steve and crew at NCTC. Exciting waiting for the fledge of what once was tiny fuzzy babies to "air lift off soon"...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Did anybody see our trusty little spider crawl across the lens a few minutes ago. At first I thought it was a huge shadow and had to go back watch it. Just our little spiderman!

paula eagleholic said...

It really is much as I don't want to see them go, I can't wait to see them fly...kinda like sending your kid off to college...

paula eagleholic said...

Didn't see spidey today, but he was there last night!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Steve, is there still always a parent nearby? Very seldom ever see them anymore. It seems like they drop by, drop in some grub and gone again.

Anonymous said...

Sharon, when I asked last week about the parents, Steve said one is always just a few seconds away. Either perching in the nest tree or another tree. Keeping watch on our babies!

Anonymous said...

Ok, crazy question - I too have watched these guys/gals all along, but I'm having difficulty telling them apart anymore. Which two are in the camera view now? Also, why do they hold their wings downward like that when they are perched? Thanks

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Joni, I could be wrong (have been once or twice in my life) but I think the one on the right is the first hatched and the one on the left is Spunky, the last hatched. Any ideas from anybody else?

Anonymous said...

Sharon - Thank you. I thought that was Big Boy...notice how he is "browner" in color, but with the other one out of view, I wasn't sure. Definitely looks like Spunky to me too!

Mema Jo said...

1:27pm Jo-MD I'd rather wait until I can see all 3 at one time in order to say who is who. The half opened wing when perching- I have only seen it happen with the hot, humid weather. Maybe it is a way of cooling. Just a guess! When they all 3 are there-I'll throw in my guess.....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Lunch just arrived.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Do you all see the flopping fish. Poor feller.

Mema Jo said...

2:38pm Jo-MD Are you all laughing at MsInbetween losing her balance after she did a 'poop shoot'? I thought it was funny! OK - BigBoy perching at the far side of the nest- MsInbetween to the left & Spunky to the right (But BigBoy just came down to get his food on the far left)..... That's my guess, Joni. They are moving too fast! I'll do it again when they 3 perch & are in sight.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, I did see her lose her balance and LMAO. It was so funny! She probably didn't think so though.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Live feed gone again!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...
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paula eagleholic said...

My guess is Spunky to the right. Big Boy to the left, and Inbetween laying down.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

They look pretty hot but I will not wish for wetness for them. Got me in trouble last time! Just maybe cooler temperatures. Paula, I totally agree with you on who is who.

Anonymous said...

Is something wrong with Inbetween? I see she is still laying down and hasn't really moved except to stretch her one wing.
Did anyone see anything???

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Sue, I think she was just resting and cooling off. She seems okay now. Spunky looks so little where he is sitting. Must still be pretty hot where they are. Raining in Bluefield and cooling off.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It looked like Ms. InBetween was just calling out to something up in the sky. I sure do wish we had sound. She is just a talking.

Anonymous said...

So funny watching them during this wind storm (maybe turn to rain) but for now the height they are getting with their wings. Little one laying down saying; "can't you guys behave or the wind is going to blow one of you out of the nest and it's not going to be me I'm laying down !" Really flopping those wings two of them it's awesome watching them. Alittle scarey that the wind might just take them along.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Did anybody just see those eaglets flapping their wings into the wind? Oh my God, I thought they were out of there. I tried to save it on Fraps but it didn't work. It was absolutely incredible!!

Anonymous said...

Yes Sharon it was incredible !! I thought they were going out of the nest also. My heart was pounding thinking this isn't the time guys on onto the branches as you flap the wind is picking you up. Wow was beautiful though...

Mema Jo said...

8:12pm Jo-MD For the past hour or so, these 3 teenie boppers have been putting on quite a show.From wing flapping to the point of almost knocking eachother off the nest, to tug of war with a stick & beak pecking eachother. Their clumsiness is funny as long as they don't go overboard! When one does something - they all try it. Very enjoyable! Hope an evening meal comes in for them-sometimes it does around this time.
Just looked at the Harrisburg fluff balls & their ledge is 'horrible' looking.I don't see a clean place to lay their heads.

Anonymous said...

Our kids are sure active tonight! I have seen each of them -- even Spunky -- lift off over the nest. But they each crash-land too! Not ready for Prime Time yet. Right now they are all perched on the right-hand side of the nest, and seem to be watching something.

movin said...

I think the two oldest eaglets could take their first flight any moment now...perhaps Friday morning.

Both of them are actually flying now, but within the nest itself. Both of them were raising high off the nest today...very close to the camera, and their wings look fully grown. They are getting more controlled in their flight paths, so I wouldn't be surprised to see them go Friday morning.


Bird Girl said...

In my experience with wild bird rehab, baby birds leave the nest about a week before they really should. It's a bit like kids leaving their parents' house for college -- so quick to get out of there but they still come home on weekends to do laundry! LOL

Don't be surprised to see the eaglets leave one at a time, and possibly be spotted in the nest tree again, if not the nest.

Just don't blink, because you'll miss the moment they become :-)independent eagles!

Anonymous said...

Live cam is blue, too!

Anonymous said...

Came in to check and live feed down. See Suzanna say's stills down too. Sad face for all of us....waiting patiently for repair work to be done.....where oh where could our babies be??? I'll keep checking back and sure so will others...

Mema Jo said...

9:46am Jo-MD
West Virginia Gal!!! What is that 800-Fix the Cam number?

paula eagleholic said...

Speaking of Blackwater, it says on their site that the eagles from Maryland, and from Blackwater, that the hacking boxes in which they are housed will be opened on June 4th so they have the opportunity to fledge.

Also, if you haven't checked out the osprey cam, they have 4 chicks in the nest...they are being hopeful that all 4 will make it, just like we were with our 3 eaglets

Anonymous said...

Paula, I get sad when I read about the Blackwater osprey. It's almost like they're surprised when they can still count 4 chicks each morning. I hope they all make it! From what I read last night, Dad brings in the food, but he doesn't usually help feed the chicks, so he can't help the baby like 'our' dad helped Spunky get fed.

Mema Jo said...

10:33am Jo-MD Regarding the Blackwater site- Be sure to read the Eagle Page on the 2006 EagleCamWebLog. Talks about raccoons & gives a George & Martha update. Lisa - the webmaster - does a great job on providing info.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, Lisa does a great job with the web logs on really is quite informative. I have learned a lot from that site..

Sunny, I am rooting for that littlest one too! They say the dad does a great job of providing food, so hopefully the littlest will get enough!

Steve Chase said...

We are doing major maintenance of our cable tv system and that's what's messing us up today. It is not supposed to impact the webcam, but obviously it is right now... I'm working on fixing that.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the update, Steve.

paula eagleholic said...

If you haven't looked at the falcons lately, I just took a peek and they are running all over that ledge and flapping their wings and if you need a hit of "live birds", check them out!

Bird Girl said...

Could someone please post the falcon and osprey cam addresses for me? Thanks!!!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...