Saturday, June 24, 2006

Saturday Night's Alright for Eagles


Anonymous said...

Thank You Steven for the new Saturday Night Thread. Very much appreciated!!!!

Anonymous said...

They sure do like to 'lighten the load' before they take off, don't they? LOL!

Mauley said...

Thank you so much Steven. I have been to 4-H Camp this week and am behind on the Eagle Family. God Bless You and your Mama, too. donna

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

7:53 p.m. Poop shoot at 11 o'clock. Jo, I knew you needed to know this. Not sure who it is in the nest right now though. And now they are gone. Looks like it might be starting to rain but not sure.

Steve, thanks for the new thread and the Humor. I love it!

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Donna, I hope you have a few hours to get caught up. We have been a blogging for sure!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Very good Mits. Appreciate the info! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Let's see if we can name the carcasses in the nest.

Anonymous said...

Sharon, dead and deader!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And now we have a Live one! Looking up at something and just a talking! Mommy, I need food please!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I hope we get sound next year.

Never happy. At first all we had was the eagle cam. Then they blessed us with the live feed. Now we want sound. Do you think they would let us each take turns spending the night with them? I would perch on a limb.

Anonymous said...

Wish I could read beaks. #2in the nest.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

8:14 p.m. Two babies in the nest doing a lot of squawking it looks like, looking up. One just took off on the opposite side of the launch pad. Don't know if I have seen that before. Then one landed at about 2 o'clock. Don't think it is the same one that just took off though. Still squawking. Looks like they are waiting on something.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Steve, do you think you all could offer a "beak reading" course to us? Good idea, Mits.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

8:17 p.m. One just took off again. One still squawking.

Anonymous said...

Never have seen a take-off in that direction.

Anonymous said...

Woooo, never have seen them come in from that direction.....

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... THey look all tuckered out. Maybe they'll be spending the night in the nest.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

8:19 p.m. That is right, baby, take a load off! One just arrived back and made the resting one get up. Busy here tonight. Now they are both resting.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, I frapped the taking off and the incoming. I will send it to you if you want. I am going to wait and see if there is anything else happen to add to my little movie!

belle_wv said...

I missed the take off and landings, but see two very tired lookin birdies in the nest! They must have had a busy evening.

Thanks Steve for the new and musical thread :)

belle_wv said...

One just 'flew the coop' I think it was bigboy? Spunky still in the nest but looking like he's yep there he went - took off from the launch pad and went across at 9... now someone just came back in at 3 oclock... now standing at launching pad like he/she is ready to leave again - yep there he/she goes... busy take off and landings!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Sharon, I would love it. Opps, there goes another one.

Anonymous said...

It's like watching a tennis match.

wvgal_dana said...

Jo guess you already heard "your daughter delivered your grandchild",a girl and such a beautiful name. Just thought I would let you know--(I'm taking notes lol)Congratulations!!!! JO
I read lips they said, "A whole lot of squawking going on" with a tune to it.
One left 8:31 other left 8:32 one back 8:32 so many seconds. Flying in and out at all directions!! Waiting might be another flight out. Looks like checking the "schedule" wasn't a flight "just a branching".

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am saving the festivities on FRAPS. So busy! Mits, when I see if they are going to come back or not, I will send you the finished product.

wvgal_dana said...

Hello Eaglepeople...
Mits "a tennis match" I liked that description....
Sharon I would love to see the "Flaps". Are you going to put it on the Momster Yahoo page??

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I can send it to whoever I need to to get it put on there. I have a couple of good ones from this morning too.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes they were really busy this morning. I could hardly keep up the comments and saving some "still" shots.
I think putting it up there would be great. You do such a good job and everyone would get to see the action.
Anyone want a "baby skunk"? We have to in the area that are coming out before dark at dust. We think maybe mother was killed.
They are so cute. Don't know when/how old they "become stinkers".

belle_wv said...

I haven't seen any of this Fraps/flaps stuff - what is it and how do you view it? I'd love a copy, please?


Anonymous said...

Darn, I really thought they were going to spend the night.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

8:59 p.m. Somebody just came back home.

Itsy Bitsy Spider! Web makes it harder and harder to see!

wvgal_dana said...

Hummm came in and flew out. I guess whoever it was didn't like the accommodations for the night.

Anonymous said...

Belle----I am glad you asked about fraps, etc.----I don't understand it either----explain when you find out----

Anonymous said...

Belle----where are you from? There is a Belle, WV--below Charleston--

belle_wv said...


Will do, when/if I figure it out :)

Getting too dark, too dark to see,
eagles sleepin away from the tree...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Fraps is a program you can download off the internet. You can pay for it and your clips don't have FRAPS written across the top of it. As you will see, I did not pay for it. You can save 30-second clips on it.

belle_wv said...


I live in the Eastern Panhandle, not too far from Shepherdstown.


Thanks for the info on Fraps, I think I kindof get it, sort of like a screen capture, but for movies? Norma, does that make sense? Do you have to have fraps to view the images you capture? or can we use any viewer?


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, we need you to get back home, please. Miss you! Glo is gone, Nilla gone. I didn't think we were supposed to have a life outside of this blog!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Whatever I save on Fraps, when I play it, it comes up on the Real Player. Janet M - You can back up 30 minutes on our cam and save at any point in the last 30 minutes. Just don't try to play what you save immediately because it comes up in Real Player and wipes out the last 30 minutes of live. I pull mine into Windows Movie Maker and view it there, then I can transfer it right to email.

Have I confused anybody enough yet?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

9:41 p.m. Do you know where your eaglets are?

MT nest! Thanks for that, Geula.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Belle & Sharon for info----I don't understand----maybe I can figure it out later---- "will worry about it tomorrow" quoting Scarlet---

wvgal_dana said...

Steve sure was right "Saturday Night Alright for Eagles" lol..great line.

wvgal_dana said...

BRB going to check the Poll out.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

WV Gal Vicky - It looks like Liberty and Belle are going to get it. There are only 36 votes out of a possible 51 members. 2 hours, 5 minutes left until the polls close.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, are you still holding that baby? You have to let her go to bed sometime tonight! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Geula, would you send me your email address? is mine!

Anonymous said...

Sharon, thanks for the fraps. If I were Jo, I'd still be holding that baby Sophia...

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Sharon that is what it is showing. Still have 16 people yet to vote. Wonder if those 16 people know where they are lol.
It will just be awesome and neat to say; "in come ___ and _____ , they have food for; Bigboy, MsInBetween and Spunky".

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am fixing to call it a night! Have to work again in the morning but not until 8 a.m. Will probably be up a little earlier than that to see what is happening. Will probably check back in before the night is over though.

Good night, Eagle Buddies!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

wvgal Vicky, you've got mail!

wvgal_dana said...

Oh my I do :) ty

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

yw :)

wvgal_dana said...

I did I did get mail ty. One problem it loads then comes up "not registered"....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

what comes up "not registered"?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Open your email, go to file, save as and try saving to desktop or somewhere and then open it in real player.

wvgal_dana said...

Ok going to try by your instructions.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That is "save attachments" I mean.

Anonymous said...

Good night eagle-lovers!!

Mema Jo said...

Hey MITS & Sharon - Goodnight.Talk with you tomorrow...It is only 10:26 ya know. But then, you two are the early birds.
I stayed up at the hospital after visiting hours until they kicked me out & was holding that little bundle of joy all the time. So petite & beautiful....
Sharon Thanx so much for the movie - it is worth a million blogs; Everyone's comments described it inperfect detail! Can't get over all the fly in's & out's in such a short time.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, you are welcome. I might get to bed sometime tonight. I figured you would stay with Sophia until you couldn't anymore! Congratulations again, Mema Jo.

Waiting now to hear from wvgal Vicky to see if it worked for her!

wvgal_dana said...

10:32 nest is empty.
I followed your instructions Sharon and I GOT IT ! You have become a "movie maker". It is great!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I will send my statements out later! LOL. Has to be money in this somewhere! Really, the pleasure I get out of all of this is greater than any amount of money. You just can't buy this stuff, can you?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...



wvgal_dana said...

No your right Sharon. Seeing is believing. We sure have seen alot throughout the day and evening.
Action has been everywhere today.
I like what,"I think it was Mits",
(like a tennis match)...that describes what are heads was doing in here today lol.

Night All In Eagleland tc, remembering voting ends tonight at Midnight
Tomorrow we will have names for the Parents of Bigboy, MsInBetween and Spunky..

Mema Jo said...

I am closing out for tonight - It has been one of those unforgetable wonderful days in my life. May you all be blessed with joy and happiness as I have been.
Until the dawn's early light -
LOL MemaJo

paula eagleholic said...

Good night to all the early birds!

Been in the kitchen preparing for a cook out tom, sorry I missed all the activity, thanks for the play by play!

PS. I'm still here, anyone else?

Mema Jo said...

I sneaked back in to take a peak ....Paula you have mail........ LOL

Mema Jo said...

Paula: Are you up waiting for the poll to close???

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Jo, actually I am getting ready to have family in tom for a big cookout, still have stuff to do....

(Plus the poll!)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I hope we get to see Liberty and Belle tomorrow!! That is so cool.

Steve, when you all talk about the parents now, you will have to call them by their names!!

eaglet_momsters RULE!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good night - again!!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning.....Checking in on our friends and see there's one in the nest. Foggy here in my corner of WV.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My live feed is down. Anybody else's?

MT nest this morning at 7:59 a.m.

Anonymous said...

GOOD MORNING----JO---I am sure it is a glorious a.m. at your place---thanks for been so thoughtful----sending the pics----she is BEAUTIFUL---so rosy and pink----
CINDI---it's foggy in Romney too & pouring rain---BUCKETS OF IT---

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I did not realize that it had to be 50% to win on the names. Sorry that I announced the winner before it is official! Need to let the poll (vote) takers take care of that next time! OOPSY DAISEY!

Anonymous said...

SHARON---My live is down too--forgive the voting oops---could be your SLEEP DEPRIVED???

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I guess you could say I am sleep deprived. Thanks, Norma, I will blame it on that. :)

Anonymous said...

SHARON--oops me too---"you are" sleep deprived----

Anonymous said...

Norma, no rain in High View, yet.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Eagle Friends!!! Beautiful steady rain falling here in Bethesda, Maryland. Mema Jo, Thank you for the baby pictures, can't wait to hold my little one come Sept 2nd. Guess live-feed is gone for the rest of the day. Have a good Sunday everyone.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, you have a good day too.

9:07 a.m. All seems quiet in eagle land. Bloggers must be sleeping in this morning.


Anonymous said...

At least the still picture is up. I'm loving this rain, the grass looks happy:):)

Anonymous said...

Yep, Sharon, everyone is sleeping in, don't blame them, I'm off to get ready for church and then to a retirement brunch for a friend, I'll catch up with you later, don't work to hard.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

10:22 a.m. All is quiet in the nest so far this morning. Peaceful but lonely Sunday morning.

belle_wv said...

Good Morning all,

No live cam, still cam has been 'stuck' for the last half hour. Withdrawls setting in.

Lovely rain off and on here.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks for pointing that out Belle. I hadn't even noticed it. Probably gone until tomorrow! Oh well, it will be all good!

belle_wv said...

Glad it wasn't just my still cam that was so 'still'. I guess the technology is forcefully weaning us from our habit...

Hope everyone has a great day. Sharon, if you get a chance, can you send me the fraps you captured yesterday so I can see what they're like?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Belle, you've got mail!

Mema Jo said...

Good Late Morning... I'll have to find something to do today other then look for nest activity. Rain is steady here in the valley - guess we'll have some training of how to stay dry & fly in Eagleland.. What you going to get into, Sharon?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I don't know Jo. Maybe work on some more videos from stuff I have saved in the past. Or, when I get off work, I might go walking or something. More will be revealed.

Geula said...

Good Morning to all the eagle addicts!

Yesterday I sent a BEATIFUL puzzle that I made on a site......and sent it to the wrong group! How's that for a brain was that gorgeous eagle...

Mema Jo said...

Guela - Well, you can send it again-right? I was trying to find an email card I received about a year ago of a beautiful eagle...So far, no luck.

Geula said...

the still pic is definitly stuck at 9:55. life is on hold!
no live/no still...oh my goodness :-{

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, you got me started. You've got mail.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

HAS EVERYBODY VOTED? Need more votes to find out our parents' names!!

Geula said...

I just resent it...

It's time to hit the shower. (s2s) shower to sandals. be back in a bit (bbiab)! LOL!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Geula, you've got mail! (I hope)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Here are some beautiful e-cards!! Jo, why did you do this to me?

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - Geula: Loved my emails! Going to the site you just suggested, Sharon. Be back..........TTYIALW

Mema Jo said...

Oh Man Oh Man. Sharon, those cards of eagles are awesome. See the one with the pair of eagles....... Thank you!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Was just reading about eagles in Eau Claire, WI. Two eaglets, one of them was found at the bottom of the tree, not sure if it was pushed out or didn't make it on the first flight. It was still alive and taken to a rehabilitation center. We are so fortunate our eaglets did so well (at least it looks like they did, I would like to have seen them when they landed the first time :)). No report as to how it is now though!

Anonymous said...

Jo---PLEASE tell me how you cheated on the puzzle---think I might need to cheat too!

Mema Jo said...

The screen saver that Geula sent (I think the link is on the Momsters' site in her message) It is the same pic as in the puzzle.. I'll look for the link..

Mema Jo said...

Norma -
You can save any of these to your screen saver......

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jo----I found it--

movin said...

Good Morning, everybody,
Not much happening on this site, huh?

Well, in So. Cal. we don't have eaglets fallen from the nest in the news, but there are Brown Pelicans getting drunk on an unusual algae in the fish they're eating, crashing into windshields, staggering into housing areas and down the middle of Pacific Coast Highway!!

They even have a detox and rehab center for them...

Have a good weekend,

belle_wv said...

Hi Jim,

Now that's a visual I won't soon forget! Pelicans stumbling down the highway! LOL The detox centers - that would be an interesting experience for volunteer work!

Have a happy day!

Mema Jo said...

Norma It's number 050 pic

Anonymous said...

Hi everybody I am Sharon's neice i just wanted to tell every one how addicted she is. they are all she talks about. I am so glad that she has been apart of this.

movin said...

I checked out the screensaver site you published ... very intriguing
... and I might save one for myself, but I already downloaded a fine Peregrine screen saver from one of the PA sites ... Pittsburg, I think.

I think it would be interesting to get a video loop of an eagle flying or coming in for a landing and making a screen saver out of that.

Wonder how much RAM something like that would consume....


Anonymous said...

GEULA--Raining so hard in WV today----might have to start on the ark---thanks the puzzle is perfect for a rainy afternoon----day---night!

Mema Jo said...

Hey There Bec! We are all so very fortunate that your Aunt Sharon is a part of our group - She's our Eagle Eye!

Anonymous said...

MEMA JO---Thanks again---finished the first puzzle----bet the "little one" w/be a good baby-----lots of helpers----Wish I could hold her & smell her---sweetest smell in the world---I ENVY YOU!

belle_wv said...


I agree totally on babies being the sweetest things on earth. I have two wonderful kids and would've loved to have had more. I'll just have to wait and hope for grandchildren, though. Better be awhile though, since my oldest is only 14!

Not sure what puzzles you guys are talking about - guess I'll have to poke around the momsters sight to figure it out. Sounds like fun, though I should be doing housework... sigh

belle_wv said...

Hi Bec,

Nice to meet you. Are you helping to keep your Aunt Sharon from going stir crazy without her cams of the eagles today? Hope you are having a great day!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have been lying in bed watching "The Notebook" and being absolutely lazy. I have to admit it is pretty good to not be absolutely glued to this computer but at the same time, I hate not being able to see BigBoy, MsInbetween and my little Spunkster!! Oh well, maybe tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone realize there is a new thread up for today?

Anonymous said...

Yes, Babara, I saw it, so did Cindi.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...