Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Raining Cats and Dogs


Mema Jo said...

My brain is getting water-soaked

I swear there were 2 maps a minute ago.......................... Were there, Steve?????

Mema Jo said...

Sharon & Glo - please join me and you can stop looking for the 2nd map....LOL

Steve Chase said...

There were two, blogger is also affected by the rain...

Mema Jo said...

I have about 10 family members who will be arriving shortly for dinner. It is in honor of the NY gals visiting before they go home tomorrow. I will return later this evening. Anyway, I feel all alone as no one has found the new feed!! BooHoo...........

Mema Jo said...

Oh, Thank you Steve - I really thought I was losing it! Thanks so much for taking care of us! I, being one of many, am very grateful for all you do.
We will do lunch soon..........

glo said...

LOL OK I found it, but I only see one map. Definitely time for you to get osme food Jo.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Steve, thank God it is not raining eaglets! Is the weather what has been wrong with the feed all day?

I am here Jo. Good luck on your dinner!

Glo, glad you here with us today!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am out of here for a while. Be back on about 9 p.m.

belle_wv said...

At least someone came by while I was napping - sorry I missed it, but thanks for taking such good notes, so I didn't miss it miss it...I know they're still able to fly with that water soaking them...

floralgirl said...


Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just checking in from my sister's. See the nest is still empty.

Floralgirl, I too cannot believe you said Rain, Rain, Go Away. Are your flowers good and watery now?

floralgirl said...

Yeah,I really did-a week ago those words would have never come from me-but this is crazy! it looks like it will rain here for hours! I want to go outside and play in my garden-if I stay inside I'm going to be forced to do the dishes!!DARN!

Anonymous said...

Take the dishes outside, the rain will wash them....

floralgirl said...

Brilliant!Piling all the dishes into a bucket...

floralgirl said...

eaglet in the nest!!

Geula said...

Hi, I couldn't sleep so I came here...is it still raining?

floralgirl said...

Look like another tried to land in the nest,and was pushed out by the first one already there

Anonymous said...

Geula, you came in just in time, eagle in the nest, wet eagle in the nest. Never mind wet eagle gone.

floralgirl said...

Geula- It is pouring!!nest empty now

Anonymous said...

Its after 7:00p.m. Do you think the live-feed is getting ready to shut down?

Geula said...

I saw the eaglet....thanks
awww, no picture now. picture's back. how much activity was there in the nest today?

Geula said...

here, my live feed looks very yucky and icky...lines, spots, etc. I'll stick to the still pic
because it's clearer.

Anonymous said...

We have had terrible reception from the live-feed all day. Had a little activity this afternoon.

movin said...

Good evenin, eaglet peepers,
Can't say why, but the electricity went out in a large area around where I work, so I'm home early today.

I was just looking at the empty, soggy nest, and I noticed some strangely shaped whitish objects at about 5-6 o'clock. Anyone know the nature of those??


floralgirl said...

2 eaglets in the nest!

belle_wv said...

2 super soggy eaglets in the nest - playig ntug of war with some scraps of something!

Anonymous said...

1 just took off....Jim, I think that might be leftover fish from lunch.

belle_wv said...

Hi Jim and Floralgirl - looks like the eaglets are trying to dry out and eat.. one in the nest now, couldn't see who left or who's left due to the lines on the screen

Hope the parents drop off some good food to help them get cozy

HAven't checked radar, is there more rain on the way? It has topped here for now...

Anonymous said...

Looking around and he is off.

floralgirl said...

empty nest again.

Anonymous said...

Belle, I'll be right back, checking the radar..

floralgirl said...

Still raining reaaly hard here-I'm only about 10 min. from NCTC- looked like the eaglets were fighting over leftover scraps of a fish that one of the parents brought in earlier today.Tough hunting day with all the rain.

Anonymous said...

Yep, rain moving thru the area. There is a big patch of precip. further south, if it holds up could be a real soaker in about an hour. Our official count for the D.C metro area is over 12 inches of rain as of 7:00p.m. tonight.

belle_wv said...

Looks like the wind and rain are back to the nest... camara beyond psychadelic now - it's super freaky.

Can't believe we get so much rain - need to have a bit of moderation.
What happened to a couple of days of sun and a day of rain?

I think the strange shaped white object is the bottom part of a turtle shell, possibly?

belle_wv said...

Wow - thanks for the news Mits - not a fit night out for man or eagle

movin said...

Thanks for the fill in on the 'whitish objects'.

I noticed that when the two birds were just there, which I missed while reading blogs, they must have eaten part of them, because there are substantially fewer objects now.


belle_wv said...

Ms. Inbetween fluttered in, but couldn't seem to find a place to settle, not sure if it is because of the winds or the soggyness of the nest, but she didn't stay

movin said...

WOW!! I just flipped back to the still picture and there were large extended wings everywhere...two birds I think...then they were gone.


Anonymous said...

I think you are right BELLE , I think they would like to stay, but they are used to a nice dry nest.

Anonymous said...

JIM , they are really fast now. I sure can't type as fast as they seem to come and go.

movin said...

Yes, Mits,
They seem to be getting MUCH better at takeoffs and landings now. Guess the money the folks put into flight lessons is finally paying some dividends....


Anonymous said...

Liberty and Belle have done a fine job of bringing up these youngsters, JIM .

movin said...

Check out the Harrisburg falcons...don't see any birds, but in the direction of the rail line, it looks like there is a big fire in one of the buildings.


movin said...

Well, it looks like nobody likes a soggy bed in the eagle world either...

Think I'll sign off for a while, have a good evening, everyone.


belle_wv said...

I think you're right Jim - soggy doesn't sound too cozy. Think I'll give up the 'watch' for tonight, too. Have a good night everyone, and hopefully a less soggy day tomorrow.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am back home now. Looks like there was a little activity this evening. Sorry I missed it. Got to work for about an hour now so I will be on for a little while.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Is there an eaglet in the nest? It seems like I keep seeing a glowing eye. Could be tripping though!

Mema Jo said...

Where do you see the 'glowing eye'?

glo said...

Well looks like pretty much a quiet but very soggy end to the day. it's back to work for me in the am. Think I will add a few pictures to the filmloop from those sent to me while I was away. Perhaps i should upload a new video to the Sheperdstown Blog site too. Sharon sent me so many neat ones, let's see where to start. Well you know me and Spunky's eating habits, think I'll go find the one about Spunky getting his breakfast!!!

Anonymous said...

hi all! i got my computer working again! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

I saw the "eye" too, at about 2 o'clock

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I was seeing it at about 3 o'clock. Haven't seen it for a while though.

Glo, I have more. Just have to get them ready to send. I also have some stills that I saved on Fraps when the still cam was down. Need to get them to you too. Maybe tomorrow cause I am going to bed now. Will be on early in the morning. Hope the live feed is better tomorrow. I did get a few Fraps this morning. I will have to look over those and see what is what. Good night fellow bloggers.

paula eagleholic said...

Definitely got "wet dogs" here!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Paula, I am so glad that if I was tripping, I am not the only one!!

Bird girl - welcome back!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Gnite, Sharon!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am thinking our lens got rained on too and that is partly why the picture is so bad. That, and the spider and the storming! Hopefully will be clear in the morning so I can capture breakfast on Fraps!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

GN Paula!

Mema Jo said...

Ok Moms--1 eye or 2 eyes...?
Birdgirl: I know you're a happy camper now!
GLO: When you go back to work tomorrow am hr...you're going to know that you sometimes need a vacation after a vacation.Once again, I really was inspired by the video of the church service............
Well, ten family members showed for dinner & a good time was had by all. My gals leave to go home to NY tomorrow & I will greatly miss them. I saw a message on Momsters site from Vicky-wvgal, that she was ill due to those crab legs & chinese food she ate the other evening. Others from the dinner party were also ill. She hopes to be back blogging soon. Miss her..

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that with all this rain, that the spider web has not washed away.. Good for you BIRD GIRL , glad you got it fixed.

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight, Sharon.

Anonymous said...

I read that about Vicky, got to watch those crab legs and Chinese food....what a combo...

paula eagleholic said...

I only saw one eye, but looking at the nest now, I think it is the rain, the web, something white in the nest...who knows....but, it did look like a glowing eye...

Anonymous said...

Rodents can't get up that high, can they????

Mema Jo said...

If they want to put their life at risk... Raccoons can climb..Somewhere I read about one getting into a nest..

Mema Jo said...

Paula Any progress report on the T-shirts?

paula eagleholic said...

I think you might have read that on the Blackwater site...I was thinking kitty cat myself!

Working on the T-shirts!

paula eagleholic said...

Well, all, I am going to have to say goodnight....trying to catch up on my sleep after a busy weekend...try to stay dry!

Anonymous said...

Good Night Eagle Lovers!! Really should go finish packing, but think I will go to bed and get up early tomorrow. Heading to Ocean City tomorrow for the rest of the summer or til Baby Kalis is born. Family coming in for the 4th. Hope my computer is working so I can keep in touch and keep an eye on the eaglets. Talk to you all tomorrow, before I go..

Anonymous said...

Paula, they are showing the T-shirts on the BC site of their eagles, you might want to check it out if you get a chance.

glo said...

I am very excited about the t-shirts. I'll be watching for more info. I did add a few pictures to the Film Loop, and I put Spunkys great breakfast save on the Blogsite. Got to keep the world updated on what our eaglets are up to these days. This is by far the best place to be watching eaglets survive and thrive And if you do any reading in some of the other forums the people don't seem to get along that well with each other. Now what's with that? Oh well...we have all had one absolutely wonderful and ongoing experience right here!!!

Mema Jo said...

Amen to your statements, GLO, concerning the bonding all of us on this blog have experienced. I have read some of the others - down right nasty remarks on some of them. I was in on the Loop & I just love it. We are so fortunate to have you with us on this site. Your love of the eagles and your skills do make for fasinating viewing! I am signing off for the evening... By the dawn's early light-Let the sun shine bright!

Just Vicky said...

Amen Glo! Well said! This has totally been a learning experience and I think "our family" has not followed the traditional behaviour I have read about! They have been nothing but considerate and docile to each other. AND ALL THREE SEEMED TO HAVE BEATEN THE ODDS!

movin said...

Congratulations, Bird girl, on getting your puter up again!

I am horribly familiar with crashed computers...but since I got my new one about 1 1/2 yrs. ago with Windows XP, I've had a couple of slowdowns from adware (fixed with anti _ _ ware), but I have not had one real crash since.

My sister recently had to have a pro come out and fix hers (with XP) though...turned out that spyware and adware had entwined itself with the drivers for the hard drive. So, they couldn't fix it...had to replace the hard drive! Fortunately, as you might know, the price of hard drives has dropped dramatically, and they gave her an even bigger one for under $100.

Enough of that...I wanted to compliment you on your Pelican article. It is very professional, yet it has a very interesting personal touch.


Anonymous said...

If everyone is really serious about NCTC Eagles t-shirts, someone should look into CafePress. If I remember correctly, they will print just about anything on a shirt and have LOTS of types of shirts.


Sharon, you asked earlier if the eaglet was eating a fish head. Interestingly enough (or grossly enough, LOL), the brain is one of the most nutritious parts of an animal, especially animals that need a lot of fats (i.e. bears preparing for winter). In the case of grizzly bears, for instance, when food is plentiful they will frequently eat ONLY the head of the salmon and other fish they catch, leaving the rest for other animals.

I find it intriguing that eagles -- or any animal -- would expend the energy eating a turtle. In my zoology vertebrate lab in college, we were supposed to dissect a turtle but had to use a specially-designed "super-scissors" to separate the upper and lower shells.

That was my very last day as a pre-vet zoology student.

Anonymous said...

Jim, thank you for your kind comments about my article! I appreciate feedback from the people I am writing for -- people like all of you!

My computer died last night but wasn't serious, thankfully. I realized that I am TRULY addicted to (a) my computer, (b) this site and you guys and (c) the Internet in general!!

My sound card got knocked loose so I had to open my CPU to put it back in; when I got in there, I was attacked by an angry mob of dustbunnies so I decided to clean it out. I carefully took each component out and cleaned it, one by one, and carefully put them all back. But when I turned the CPU back on, it just went "BEEEEEEEEEEP......... BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP........ BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP........." which is, IMHO, the worst sound EVER. After talking through some diagnostics with a friend over the phone, it turned out that one RAMBUS card was ever so slightly out of place. Now I'm back in business!

Everyone: Talk about irony... this afternoon I opened my front door to go get the newspaper, and guess what was sitting on my front stoop? A white winged dove with a broken wing! After chasing it around my front yard for a few minutes, I looked at her and said, "Well, you landed at the right house!" ROTFLMAO!!!! It's a fledgling, probably been out on it's own for just a few days or maybe a week, and probably got blown into something when we had the heavy gusts yesterday. The wind gusts here can be over 100 MPH -- greater than hurricane force winds! Anyway, I thought it was funny and that you all would enjoy the giggle. She's going to be fine, by the way :-) I'll get her wing set properly tomorrow with the help of my bestest friend and fellow "bird brain" Jody.

And now, I must go play with the dogs, as they are commanding my attention. They have me trained well!

Gnite from the Sonoran Desert....

p.s. for those who don't know:

IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
CPU= Central Processing Unit (the "brain" of your computer)
RAMBUS = a type of memory card for the computer
ROTFLMAO = seriously, you can't figure this one out?

Anonymous said...



I'll post it on Nest Watchers, too, as a clickable link..

Bird Girl

Anonymous said...





Blogger cutoff the end... smoosh all the above together with no spaces to get the full URL...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

6:58 a.m. Good morning everybody. Hate I missed the breakfast this morning. Hopefully they will come back for brunch or something.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Live feed is looking yucky again this morning. Skipping, lines through it.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Speaking of people being ugly on other blogs, remember when anonymous made an ugly comment about the naming of our parents. Maybe they came from one of those blogs and thought they could do the same thing here. I am so grateful we have bonded they way we have. We come from all walks of life, all different backgrounds with one primary purpose, to love these babies and share in their journey!! If I want to fight and argue, I certainly wouldn't come here looking for it. This is a good outlet for me. I am really grateful this blog is here and everybody is who they are. I LOVE IT!

glo said...

Good Morning everyone. OK back to the old routine for me. Say good morning to my eaglet/eagle friends and wish them all a very good day. Hopefully one with much sunshine, good food etc. Off to the neighbors for coffee and treats. Hoping to watch the still cam some at work today. I'll be checking in with you.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Glo. I hope you have a wonderful day!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

8:05 a.m. The only things moving are the leaves in the trees. Sunshine and gentle breeze.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

8:23 a.m. Brave little bird in the nest. Just flew off. That would only be an appetizer for these eaglets though. Just flew off.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

8:25 a.m. Breakfast from parent and 2 eaglets just arrived in nest. Mantling happening.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think it was Liberty with the breakfast delivery.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I got some great Fraps on this entrance and eating!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think it is BigBoy eating and Ms. InBetween waiting!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Camera is flubbing pretty bad this morning.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning, Good Eagle People!! The sun is shining, the eagles are in the nest, the panda cub is up the tree. Looks like a good day, except the live-feed. Lots of interesting reading. I never posted on the blog out in Canada, those people scared me. This site and the falcon site in PA have been great, with the latter site given you the ability to post pictures right on the blog page and use those cute little emotioncicons...:):):)

Anonymous said...

SHARON , Darn, by the time I did these html tags, I forgot what I wanted to ask you. DUH!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

8:57 All three in the nest!

Anonymous said...

3 eagles in the nest............

Anonymous said...

Would love to see Liberty and Belle show up...

Anonymous said...

Going to get coffee, keep and eye on those 3 for me Sharon...ahhh make that 2...

Harbinger said...

New Thread!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I can't frap with the camera like this! HELP somebody.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...