Monday, June 19, 2006

Part 2

Here's a shot of one of the young eagles away from the nest, snapped by Todd Harless at NCTC.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Todd, great picture!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Beautiful picture!!!

Anonymous said...

Steve, Thanks to Todd for that great photo! Can you tell us anything about the beak coloration? And is there any way to tell what gender the eaglets are from what you can see? Thanks again.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, now, Jo, who is in this picture?

Anonymous said...

OH SPUNKY---"You are so beautiful to meeee---------I have no words to explain how I feel---watching HER----(am I the only one who thinks she is WOMAN)----I feel sure she knows we are watching----she is a real "HAM"---BUT I LOVE HER----As I always say---LIFE IS GOOD!!!

Anonymous said...

Nilla, I really "CRS"! I haven't a clue who that is in the picture.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Did you all just see the screen turn blue and then come back! Skeeerred me!

Anonymous said...

Sharon, just a wild guess, but doesn't Ms-Inbetween have brown highlights???

Bird Girl said...

hello all! I love this picture -- I'm going to post it on Nest Watchers! I'll also be adding a few cams (stork, puffin, etc) on the links list.

Bird Girl

NillaWafer said...

WOW Awsome picture thanks Todd!! Wish you would have been with us saturday over there when we watched as 4 soared high in the sky dippin and diving as dancing on the wind.. Totally breath taking site for us to witness.But to high for us to take apicture of, could only use our high powered boniculars.Sure looks like Spunky to me HUH Jo whatcha say?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Have to go out for a few minutes! Keep good notes!

Mema Jo said...

Live feed better quit flubbing up !!!
I have no clue which of our babies is in that picture. Do you? Would have to be a wild guess - no clue showing with the perching. I have to see them in the nest - they show themselves in there....All I know is It is one of our babies! We sure need those neck/head bands next year........LOL

Anonymous said...

jo -- Thanks for the directions, I can't wait to visit the site with my own eyes!

Mema Jo said...

Norma: At first I really thought Spunky was female - due to the agressive behavior she showed in grabbing the food even from her own Mom. Since that time, I am not certain due to the dark coloring and slender body. If you want Spunky to be female - you go right ahead with your educated guess... None of will ever know for sure! LOL

Anonymous said...

RA RO Cam is acting weird!!!

Just Vicky said...

Wow we've got Live Cam up! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

I hope that next year's blog will include a gallery with the pictures taken by staff at NCTC/FWS. I just bet they have a lot of them.
Paula: Do you think Steve could arrange for some photo albums to be placed on our Momsters site?

How about that! Spunky is sleeping while standing upright...Little head nodding.. Love It!!!

NillaWafer said...

Play Ang i was singin I dont know which one in the nest but seems to be really tired.. remember Spunky always hung out over by the limb to..

Anonymous said...

We are getting a thunderstorm in the Bethesda, Maryland area, hope I don't lose my power

Anonymous said...

Sorry Nilla, that was the hacking stork site I was talking about. Mama is sitting on it now but she had to hold the little hacker away from the egg there for awhile.
Talk about not getting with the program, you all are so fast. I can't keep up, sigh.
Thanks to all the people involved in the NCTC. You are all doing a great job.
Good wishes are sent to Steve's Mom. We are thinking of you.
I might be passing by Shepherdstown in September. If I can just see the tree I think I will be happy. lol.
I believe I see Spunky on the live cam. Not sure about the still picture.
And, "Hi" to all my fellow Eagle Moms and Pops. I enjoy reading every message. (just wish I could keep up, darn it)


NillaWafer said...

I knew Jo poop shoot just for you..ROFLAMO

Mema Jo said...

3:50pm Backing up -- poop shoot! Picking at left overs.

Mema Jo said...

Mama Storch did a poop shoot yesterday and it went all over the nest. Lucky it didn't hit the baby....

NillaWafer said...

Welcome Bobby to the Shepherdstown is a beautiful little town lots of civil war history. I live 15-20 minutes from it. Glad to have you join us bloggin our thoughts and singin and just plain having fun, WE ALL HAVE BECOME FAMILY HERE!!!

Anonymous said...

THANKS JO----She seems to be an independent thinker----She does what she wants-----when she wants----& how she wants-----I THINK SHE IS WOMAN---"HEAR HER ROAR"-----

If she is male-----She is a BEAUTIFUL MALE----

NillaWafer said...

OK Jo your the offical "POOP SHOOT OFFICER" LOL

Anonymous said...

Jo, that is such an honor, you go Girl!!!

Anonymous said...

Jo, is there some kind of crown that goes with that honor???? Boy its raining cats and dogs here in Bethesda. I'm going to check to see if my pandas are OK!

NillaWafer said...

Mits i cant get to the panda cam when i try and i click on them in the zzo site i always get a page to buy Ok tis not raining here yet, but has gotten alot cooler and breezy.

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, look at that eaglet, still hanging out for us Eagle Moms and Dads!

paula eagleholic said...

Still cam is up too!

Mema Jo said...

MITS - you made it sound as though the pandas you were checking on in the rain were in your backyard!! HaHa I am not to quick today... My granddaughter did get a pass last month & saw the panda babies. I have yet to go down. Thanks for giving me the website as now I can see them!
Do you live near Barnum Road in Bethesda?? Have a friend there..

Mema Jo said...

Hey, Paula - thanks for the still cam info being up! Remember that GLO wants some pics.

paula eagleholic said...

Way cool, just got to see mom or pop fly in!

Love It!

Mema Jo said...

4:16pm OK - now we got action... Adult in nest to check on Spunky! I hope some more fly in.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle t crash landing!

paula eagleholic said...

2 in the nest!

Mema Jo said...

4:17pm YEP!!!! One more flew in - reallly big & blog is fuzzy - Spunky is happy to see sibling. Just like ole' times - steal the food...... Must be InBetween. or BigBoy. Ha Ha How did you like that ID? Spunky may take off soon.

paula eagleholic said...

He might have brought his own snack!

NillaWafer said...

2 kids in nest 1 eating 1 perchin the one is diffently big boy!!

paula eagleholic said...

Another poop shoot for Jo!

paula eagleholic said...

I think it is Big Boy too that just came in

Mema Jo said...

4:19pm Another poop shoot Boy oh boy Spunky is just like oldself. Spunky looking over edge - BigBoy/InBetween feasting down under cam... Oh so good. If the 3rd comes in - we will be able to tell for sure which is which. Cam better hold out!!! Getting windy down there - high in the tree.

Anonymous said...

Nilla, just google National Zoo in Washington D.C. The time you were trying to get on may have been the time they were having troubles with their cams.

NillaWafer said...


Mema Jo said...

Here comes the THIRD !!!

Anonymous said...

Jo, I live off of River Road. I'm only 5 miles from the National zoo. Saw Tai Shan this past January. Lots of action with the eagles.

NillaWafer said...


paula eagleholic said...

And then there were 3!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Quick -- 8 o'clock Ms Inbetween, 11 o'clock Big Boy, Spunky on the edge of the nest at 2.

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, I think it is Big Boy, Ms Inbetween and Spunky in the nest!


Mema Jo said...

Oh man oh man oh man.....I am soooooo excited...........Food Fight Food Fight
FROM Bottom up: InBetween
Big Boy

or is it BigBoy
Spunky ???????????????

Anonymous said...

HAIL HAIL The gangs all here.

NillaWafer said...

Hahaha the one that just flew in i think wants the food..Is Sharon still out?? Hope not she is missing them together again!

glo said...

top to bottom Spunky Ms In Between Big boy that's my guess and what a wonderful surprise!!!

however I am back to losing live the minute I try to post, so I am going to try to enjoy watching for a while

Mema Jo said...

Well, at least we know there are 3 in the nest and they are all our eaglets!!! Isn't this just great?!!
Sharon and GLO you better get on here. MITS stay off the Panda site & focus on these birds of ours!!!!
I can multitask - live feed, make a comment on the blog, take a pic from the still camera --but when I get excited ------whoa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
get me out of here.............

Anonymous said...

Holy Cow! I just walked in from work, turned on the computer, and what do I see but 3 eaglets in th nest!

Thanks to Todd for the other picture!

paula eagleholic said...

Spunky at noon
Big Boy at 9
Ms Inbetween at 5

4:30 pm

Anonymous said...

Jo, I've got eagles on one cam and pandas on the other....I'm as "Happy as a Clam".

NillaWafer said...

Other cam is back up also for those who cant get it live.

Anonymous said...

OK, Spunky up top staying out of trouble. That's BigBoy with him, and Ms InBetween hogging the food. But that BigBoy was sure in there snatching at his share! But the blinky camera makes it REALLY hard...

Anonymous said...

I think Sharon went out to plug in the cams......

NillaWafer said...

Look 1 found food and is mantlin over

Anonymous said...

I think Spunky and Big Boy are plotting against Ms-InBetween!!! At least, it looks that way.

floralgirl said...

Checking the site as I pass by the computer and the cam is up with all 3 in the nest.YEA- thank you NCTC

Anonymous said...


Mema Jo said...

4:50pm Is Spunky going to leave the party? He may be thinking about it. I wonder where the favorite branch is for perching? Spunky still has a lot of white feathers under those wings, but it certainly hasn't slowed him/her down! Spunky, MsInbetwee,BigBoy... All 3 in a row BINGO!

Mema Jo said...

I mean tic-tac-toe! HaHa

paula eagleholic said...

How lucky are we...this was worth the wait, still 3 eaglets in the nest!

Mema Jo said...

Go For it......................LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Should've kept my mouth shut! Bye Bye Spunky!

Mema Jo said...


Janet: Spunky had a whole meal to his/herself much earlier when he was the first and only one in the nest.

NillaWafer said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhh guess what i am watching the local news and the EAGLES ARE ON!!!!!!!!!! Yessss they showed them in the nest live and told all about them...And how to see them online

NillaWafer said...

Jo was you watching NBC25 News????????? Oh Spunky is now a celebrity on Asumming it was Spunky

NillaWafer said...

Watch at 6 pm they will show it again ya'll can go to and read about it also

Anonymous said...


3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...