Monday, June 19, 2006

Monday June 19

John is working on the problem and will hopefully have it solved this PM.


Mema Jo said...

wow! good news! thank you.

WOW turned upside down is MOM

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks for the info. We will be patiently waiting (well maybe not really patiently but somewhat).

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Steve!!!! Jo, you crack me up!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That was a brilliant epiphany you had Jo. Proud to know you!!

Anonymous said...

jo--I figured the eagle site was secured, is it near the NCTC? Can you see the nest/tree from outside the secured area? The photos of the tree/nest are awesome. My brother was at the river in Harpers Ferry the other day and said he saw a group of eagles. I live in Hagerstown, love to go to Shepherdstown for lunch on Sunday. Cool town!

NillaWafer said...

Mits whats the link to Conn. cam? Cant find it on beakspeak site. Thanks

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I ain't Mits but here is the link for the CT eagle cam! Is that the one?

Anonymous said...

Nilla, just go to the Connecticutt Audobon Society, google it, and it shoyld take you there. I have it on short-cut on my favorites list, so it doesn't give the full address, Sharon, I was talking about the ospreys, not the eagles. Stay focused now:):):)

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the update, Steve. Glad to have you back!

paula eagleholic said...

There is also a link to it on the Eaglet_Momsters site.

paula eagleholic said...

There is also a link to it on the Eaglet_Momsters site.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, I have to get with the program. Sorry about that! - CT osprey cam!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, so here is my question! We can see and hear puffins on some remote island, but, we can't see our eagle nest in West Virginia. I'm blaming it all on Osama-bin-Laden!!!!!

Anonymous said...

OK, I posted on the wrong blog. There are some eagle t-shirts (and maybe tote bags) in the works. And they won't have just ANY eagles on them -- it will be our family! And -- they will come from a business right in Shepherdstown. An announcement will be made when they are going to be available.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am with on that Mits!! It has to be him - a conspiracy!!

NillaWafer said...

Sing this with a jazzy Oh i got the Empty nest Bluezzzz... Oh hangin my head so low dont know what to do... Thinkin to myself a whaooo is me... I sure wish the kids were in that tree...Poop shootin over the edge, keepin us laughin til we turned blue.. Oh whaooo i got the Empty nest Bluezzz... Minds is wondering what to do, we all sure miss seein you.. Ohhhh i got the Ole' Empty Nest Bluezzz....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thank you Barbara in Maine!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, you should have heard me sing that song!! It was so sad and bluezzy!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Somebody needs to go back and count (not me) on how many comments we have made on the blog while there has been absolutely nothing to report on nest-wise. What a group we are!! Such entertainment!

Mema Jo said...

Anonymous: Don't go unless the water probem has been fixed or else take a picnic lunch. I come down RT 34 out of Boonsboro,go thru Keedysville, Sharpsburg passing the Antietam Battlefield sites & across the bridge to Shepherdstown.About 30 min for me from Middletown. First right at the light W.Campus Drive. (Bavarian Inn is on corner) Proceed straight ahead - on the left sides of road will be NCTC training center signs the whole way out. If the gate is closed at the entrance, just go a short distance before the sharp left in the road & park on the side. You can't actually see the tree from there, but you could see some flights like the Moms did Saturday off to the right. If the guard would let you enter - turn left at the first stop sign after the guard shack - very short distance & site the white barn on your left - pull off side of road on the right & there is the Sycamore. Take your binoculars & camera. I always look up high when crossing the bridge - never know-that is their feeding area. I just wish I could see one in flight.

Anonymous said...

Sharon, I blame everything thing on that jerk!

paula eagleholic said...

I counted about 330+ comments....

Can't believe I did that...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Paula, there is no doubt - we need a life!! I am off work today and have been sitting right in front of this computer!!

Anonymous said...

Nilla, you have officially joined the OLI group. Offically lost it!!!! But I loved you song!

Mema Jo said...

BARBARA IN MAINE: You are good!!!!
T-Shirt project already underway. You sure know your Eaglet Momsters well! Barb, can I pick out my own color from your site.....? LOL

Anonymous said...

Barbara in Maine. Thank You!!!!!!

NillaWafer said...

Jo you having senior moments again?????? Lol you can see the tree from the road. W ere so busy yackin you didnt look, it is the big locust tree near the power line.. setting alone but to many leaves on that side to see the nest.. Oh Jo secured area is correct except for porta-potty at guard shack... lol

Mema Jo said...

MITS: I/m lost (always) What jerk?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I will answer for Mits! Osama!

Anonymous said...

Man, I just had to go get some protien in me, I was starting to see blue!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


NillaWafer said...

Oh My i said Locust tree...LMAO Its a Sycamore tree.. OK OK another redhead moment Jo

NillaWafer said...

Oh My i said Locust tree...LMAO Its a Sycamore tree.. OK OK another redhead moment Jo

Mema Jo said...

NILLA: It aint a LOCUST - it's a sycamore - didn't you see that little sycamore ball I found & lost...? From our parked cars - I saw a gove of trees - you should of told me which one to look at! You are suppose to take care of me at all times! LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Still shots are still down but we have live!! I am so excited. Feels like Christmas!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Get with the program and read!! WE are back!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think it is Spunky! He knew he needed to be there when we came back up!

Anonymous said...

Is the stork egg hatching??????


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Mema Jo said...

I said a 'gove' of trees & meant 'grove'
I'm not even going to tell you all who it is............. HAPPY DAYS !
THANK YOU JOHN - a pie for John !!
Can't explain how I've missed these guys. Take pics for GLO.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It would have to be video cause the stills aren't up yet.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Steve and John!!!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Come on, Jo, who do you think it is? Go out on a limb and guess!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Definitely doing some chowing down and not having to fight for it yet!

Mema Jo said...

Where is Spunky? Where is Spunky?
Eating his late lunch. Wonder if he got it himself?
Don't you just love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Isn't he lovely, isn't he wonderful!!

Anonymous said...

3:00p.m. and all is right in Eagle Land!!!! I think it is Spunky!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, that was me Mits not anon, so excited I'm pushing wrong buttons.

paula eagleholic said...


There is Spunky! There is Spunky!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think we are all absolutely in agreement that this is Spunky!! He heard me singing for him earlier!

paula eagleholic said...

How you doing, Spunk?

Were you a good boy while your mommies where away?

Thank You Thank You Thank You!!!!

Steve, Steve, Brad , John, and others we don't know!

Anonymous said...

And he is getting every last morsel of lunch, isn't he?????

NillaWafer said...

I bettin its Spunky eatin in the nest. Jo you was acting alittle flighty saturday with happiness to see us...LMAO Anon blogger what stork nest are you talking about and what country? Please post would love to see that happening.. Thanks , Nilla

Mema Jo said...

He sure did, Sharon!

paula eagleholic said...

God, he is so cute!

Now I know how much I missed them!

NillaWafer said...

Oh Mits are you a redhead also????? lol

NillaWafer said...

Sharon was you singin that song with a deep voice and gettin down wit it???? lol

Mema Jo said...

Can't take my eyes off of you!
You are too good to be true.
la la la la la la la .....
I like to be able to sing a different song......

floralgirl said...

Darn- I can't watch the live feed-still blue here.NCTC is on Shepherd Grade rd, the first road after you cross the bridge from MD into WV. Turn right just past entrance for the Bavarian.

paula eagleholic said...

It also seems like Spunky has a lighter colored beak, at the part that is closest to his face.

Has anyone else noticed that or thinks that?

Anonymous said...

Nilla, not a redhead, but part blonde, do I qualify for blond moments????:):):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I was singing it with a deep voice, moving the body in that bluezzy way, can ou picture it?

Mema Jo said...

Hey, Nilla At least Spunky isn't a some birds we know...........LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Paula, I had not noticed that but will be looking for it now!

Anonymous said...

Paula, I was noticing his beak too.

Anonymous said...

SPUNKY is in "da" house!!!

Anonymous said...

new picture and new blog site......

NillaWafer said...

ROFLMAO Sharon yes i can picture it.. Jo all the hackin and coughin n noise's yesterday from that baby Sounded like it was blowin its nose to.. Sure Mits blondes qualify as haveing CRS .. My daughter brought me back a little thing sticks on my window of the car saying "I HAVE CRS" Can't Remember %^%&

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

So are we staying here for a while or moving to the new blog site?

Anonymous said...

Ok, everyone, go to part 2, great pic by Todd

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...