Monday, June 26, 2006

Monday 26 June

New Thread. I am at NCTC and will work to unlock things.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Steven. We would be very grateful. Happy Monday morning!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, STEVEN . Appreciate it!!

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Steven. Somehow I just knew you would be there to take care of things.

Mema Jo said...

MITS: why doesn't your name on your comments show in BLUE?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits' name doesn't show in blue because she signs in as Other instead of blogger. I think that is how it works.

Anonymous said...

Jo, I haven't a clue. I do use other and not blogger. I've tried to make it blue, but it does not work.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Sharon you took the words right out of my mouth.

Mema Jo said...

I thought you just didn't like the color BLUE

Mema Jo said...

Click on as a different user and you can probably create a blogger. It is convenient since you only have to sign in once & your MITS will be blue Am I correct, Sharon?

Anonymous said...

I just tried that, Jo, and it won't let me use Mits or my real name Helen, even with a different e-mail address.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Sorry Mits, maybe I need to let you answer your own questions. :)

We need the cam working really bad!

Anonymous said...

You can answer for me any time, Sharon. you know a whole lot more about this computer than I do. Even my Panda-cams are down this a.m.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, when you click on different user, you will come up with the log in. If you will look down to the right, it says something about creating a blogger account. That is how you do that. You don't have to put all your personal info in there, just what you want to.

Mauley said...

Good Morning Steve, Thank you. Have a Blessed day. donna

Anonymous said...

I can't get on either if I use Blogger???? Steve, I hope you have things fixed before I have to leave for work, I'ed like a peek of the Eagles, Hope, before I leave.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

You have to sign up to be a blogger user to sign in with blue!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

At least we haven't had a blue weekend!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just realized that using the "a" html does blue and underline. I don't know what I thought!

Anonymous said...

I did sign up as a blogger in the beginning, and I can't remember my password with my user-name and for some reason it is not letting me create a new blog.

Anonymous said...

Whatever user name I put in, it will not accept.

Mema Jo said...

I just had to cause some action on the blog by asking that question of you MITS. With all the other blue names, yours stands out from all the rest. You're Special, Lady!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, thanks, we needed something to talk about. No eagles yet this morning and it is 9:32 a.m. WAH/WAH!

Anonymous said...

Good morning, Eagle-holics! Don't forget to vote for the names of our eagle parents on the Momsters site! The poll closes at midnight tonight!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

The time has changed on the still cam, but live feed is not up yet. Process, not an event!! Thanks

floralgirl said...

Still no cam? Boo! Back in from the garden for breakfast, hoping cam would be up,as we all are.Beautiful morning,everything outside has a refreshed look,pollen and dust washed away, birds are singing loudly,hummers are buzzing around the garden, good to get outside and play in the mud!! Sun is breaking through the clouds, great start to the last week of June. Mits my email is

Mema Jo said...

At least we can see that the nest hasn't turned into a swimming pool with floating turtle shells! Every once in awhile - the distortion comes over the screen... I hope it stays up for us..

Mema Jo said...

Company has arrived - Will be gone for a few hours.......... Family First!

movin said...

I think the still cam is refreshing now, but there are no eagles in the nest now...


Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Family First? What is that? EAGLETS RULE, FAMILIES DROOL! LOL. Enjoy, Jo.

floralgirl said...

Yea- The cam shows correct date and time now,hope we get to see some visitors today! Mits,I'll check my email in a sec.-thanks

movin said...

Thanks for the links to the Hummers and the Pelicans in the former blog, Folks...I read them both and added them to my
"Favorites" menu.

Got to head to work now, have a great day.


Anonymous said...

Still Cam is up....No one home right now.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Anonymous said...

Sharon , is that the BABE screen you are referring too....?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No Mits, that would base or bare or bake, something like that.

Hopefully this screen means they are working on it! Steve?

floralgirl said...

Mits- thanks for the e-mail, that is beautiful!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Your welcome, FLORALGIRL thought you would like it. Interesting that it turned out to be an eagle arrangement.

Just Vicky said...

Good morning to all of us Momsters! I don't like "blue" on cam screens!

Just Vicky said...

Question??? What "time zone"is this blog in??? Always off the wall with the time!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Vicky, I think it is pacific time. It shows 3 hours earlier than it actually is. Eagle time is now 10:42 a.m.

Steve Chase said...

The time on the blog is west coast time, I believe. Brad at NCTC is working to unstick the webcam now.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Brad and Steve. We appreciate the info.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

The sun is shining in Bluefield,!!

Anonymous said...

GOOD MORNING ALL-----Rained all day, night & still this a.m.---happy for "you flower folks" ------just squish that ole mud between your toes & dance---
MITS---I had the same problem when I tried to set up a blog---tried so many user names (all refused)---can't remember what name passed---if you find the ans. let me know---

Anonymous said...

MANY, MANY THANKS STEVEN & OTHERS for keeping this eaglemomster's crew happy-----what will you do when we are gone????
No----don't ans.

Anonymous said...

Norma, I even put in Mrs. Claus, would not accept it.

floralgirl said...

Keeping my fingers crossed that the cam pic will soon return.Thanks to Steven and Brad for tolerating and enabling our eagle addiction! Off to work for a while.

Steve Chase said...

The blog will be on hiaitus for a few months, then we'll start back up again later in the Fall. believe me we have plenty to do here...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Brad - Steve, any idea how long it is going to be? Just curious! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No cam, no body, I am feeling so BLUE here in BLUEFIELD this morning. Just another manic, blue Monday!

Just Vicky said...

You're not alone! BLUE BLUE BLUE theme again. Oh how we hate "blue"!

Anonymous said...

With all this rain, I can't take another BLUE day!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hi, Mits!! Glad to see you are here suffering with the rest of us!

Anonymous said...

I keep coming back hoping to see live-feed or live screen. I'm here, waiting for our next storm to come along. Serious flooding in our area. Been raining so hard lately a 100 foot oak tree came down at the White House. Alot of museums are closed due to the flooding. Feel sorry for the tourists.

Bird Girl said...

hello all.... I see the Blue Screen of Death is still there... (that's what we called it when the motherboard died on the computer, leaving a blue screen with nothing but white letters spelling nonsense)

I have posted my article about pelicans on Nest Watchers, if anyone wants to read it. I'm in one of the pictures, too! LOL...

Spent some time watching Hugo, have some fraps footage to put together to make a mini-movie. When it's ready, I'll let you all know so I can send it to whomever wants it.

MITS: I don't know why you can't make a new blog. Even using the same email address, which I have done, didn't prevent me from creating THREE. Here's the link to find out what your username/password is:

It sends an email to the address you gave when you created the blog, and will show you the username as well as allow you to change the password. Hope that helps!

Bird Girl

Anonymous said...


Bird Girl said...

please send the rain this way!!! i see on the news sites that DC is "too flooded to work"... ugh!

Anonymous said...

I wish I could send you some Bird-Girl, I know you need it. Before this weekend we were well below our rain level, but I think we have gone above it for now. My husband works in D.C., my son works in Annapolis and my daughter-in-law works in Baltimore, I'm worried about all of them, because we have flash-flood warnings all across the area. I'm still waiting for reply from blogger-forgot, thanks for the info.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now where I live, it would have to rain 40 days and 40 nights for me to get flooded out. However, there has been flooding in some areas in Bluefield but receded quickly!

Anonymous said...

We had monsoon rains here this morning too with standing water on the roads. Seems to have cleared a bit, but probably not for good.

Bird Girl, I have been visiting with Hugo quite a bit lately. Such a sweet little stork. I'd love a movie when it come together.

Anonymous said...

Sharon, how high up do you live?? Bird-Girl, blogger-forgot says they can not find my info, I give up , I will just have to have my name in black.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, I live up pretty far, would have to fill the valley and then rise up quite a few feet!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, hopefully today we will get a pic. I ain't giving up that easy! :)

floralgirl said...

Oh, I thought for sure the blue screen would be gone by now-it's hot out and I was looking for an excuse to sit in front of the computer for a little.Back to work I guess, waititng for the cam to come back will drive me crazy.

floralgirl said...

Suzanne- My garden looks great today.Everything had a great drink, and we were lucky to not get damaging winds or more water than we could handle.We ended up with about 2" of rain.Feeling very grateful for the rain,now if someone could do somehting about the humidity...

Anonymous said...

Just passing by to see if anything has BEEN fixed yet.

paula eagleholic said...

Cam is uP!!!

paula eagleholic said...

one Eaglet in the nest

paula eagleholic said...

Live cam is up too,

Thanks! to Steve and Brad!!


paula eagleholic said...

Laying down, just looking around, head facing noon.

Mema Jo said...

4:20pm 2 birds in nest...BigBoy & Spunky is my guess.......Where is everyone on this blog????????????

Mema Jo said...

They look as though they have dried out... Both just lying in wait - 4:30 dinner I guess.........

Mema Jo said...

Big Boy looking for scraps... Sure hope the live feed stops with all the interference............

paula eagleholic said...

I see 'em too, Jo

floralgirl said...

new thread is up

paula eagleholic said...

They might be tired of fighting the wind, looks gusty

floralgirl said...

3 in the nest!!!

Mema Jo said...

No new thread...
3 in the nest - someone best bring the food....

Mema Jo said...

I sure didn't see that... cool........ Such action........looked as though they were going for food..1 flew out of nest... MsInbetween & Spunky still in nest......

floralgirl said...

There is a new thread-Steven put it up as the cam came back on-lately I haven't seen the new thread when I first open the pagwe-if I refresh it's there.Today it was on the page when I first viewed it.

Mema Jo said...

Just Spunky in nest now..... Sure is gusty ... Back dome MsInbetween.. This is worst then a tennis match....... Such pushing & shoving.. Sharon I wish you had fraps going. They are mantling but I can't see one speck of food.......... Such wings a going.. This is crazy... Food - someone - bring food.......

Mema Jo said...


THERE ALL THERE...............

Steve is working to fast for me........
As I leave for the new thread there are 2 in the nest...

floralgirl said...

I didn't see any food in the nest-they look like they are digging around looking for scraps.There is another shower moving through the area with light rain and it is pretty windy.

Mema Jo said...

Floralgirl....come on up 2 more threads.... We lost you...

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...