Thursday, June 29, 2006

Late Afternoon

New thread. Not much action right now. The T-storms are staying south of us.


Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the new thread- you sure are looking out for us. Weather report sounds good as long as those storms just stay down there.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks, Steve. Going out for a while. Be back around 9 p.m. Keep an eye out because there is normally action when I am gone in the evenings!

Mema Jo said...

Just remembered that it is 'trauma Thursday' when our live feed goes down.... Oh No!

Just Vicky said...

You're right, NOT AGAIN??

Mema Jo said...

Janet M I have sent you what Sharon had sent me from fraps. Holler at me if they don't work - sent them to your adelphia email address...

Mema Jo said...

7:20pm MT NEST

NillaWafer said...

Hey Gang, Been off looking at the video's on this site: and if you havent seen them your really missing it .. shows the 2 eagle parents taking turns in the nest with eggs and WOW the vocal's they make are noisy!!! Most of them setting on the nest are the April video's.. I have learned alot seeing these video's and hearing the sounds of Eagles.

Mema Jo said...

Sounds great, NILLA. I still have to watch 'fly like an eagle' clip because I love the SteveMiller band & that song. Paula said she would put in on as a link in Momster's site. You can find all the other videos from that clip LOL GeeWhiz - is it almost your birthday???????

NillaWafer said...

Yes Yes Yes almost my and is my beautiful turtle shell ready??? LOL Jo the more i search the more i find sites of Eagles and fantastic video's.. Have you heard the vocal's of parent's? Aren't they loud and strong almost scary sometimes..Well i came to work today and daughter had cleaned out all the favorite's.. Grrr so i been putting them back 1 by Hey did you see the parakeet vid's? So cute.. Oh my Earthlink DSL should be here around the 3rd hopefully for at home comp.

Mema Jo said...

I would simply croak if someone touched my favorites.... Hope you find them all. Your turtle shell is still at 3:00 in the nest - don't know how it will be ready by the 1st. Can't get to the tree until after the 4th...HaHa

Mema Jo said...

8:09pm MT NEST

I am missing Geula & wv gal Vicky

Mema Jo said...

8:30pm Live feed still down
Getting a little late in the evening to still expect some visitors in the nest - but you never know. I think all the stormy weather must have wiped out Spidey...

Mema Jo said...

Oh my goodness - I am so happy this never happen to us-Checked on the BritishColumbia eaglets - They moved the cam-went to their blog & a lot of unhappy eaglet watchers-you can hardly see the nest..Here is one of their watchers comments
Crying or Very sad I just went on to show my kids the eaglets and they were in tears that we couldn't see them anymore. Is there any plan on the cam being moved back in even a little bit so that we can at least see something? My kids and I have been watching them for hours at a time and love those little guys
They are very unhappy..So am I!!

Mema Jo said...

I feel that I am the only nest watcher in eagleland tonight. It's a lonely feeling.. Can't watch Hugo - it's night over there. I'll catch him around midnight our time.. I know eagle-eyed Sharon will soon be here & NILLA should return.
I feel so lonely, I could cry..BooHoo

Mema Jo said...

9:00pm MT NEST
Not even Spidey.........Going over to GLO blog site........

glo said...

Actually yes our nest is empty now, but when its not we can surely tell (most of the time anyway). I too went to the Vancouver site. The good news is they have both eaten today as someone left a road kill rabbit somewhere and the adults took it to the nest. Both eaglets (not just the big one) got food today. Those parents and eaglets are struggling much more than ours. Some I think is young paretns perhaps, but I think its more than that, and haven't really enjoyed that site as much at all. I do love that it has sound though

Will check in again later ands ee who is here or in the nest .

Mema Jo said...

Janet M Be sure to visit GLO's eagle site - There you will see her "loop" pictures - they are so neat! You will also be able to view some of the fraps videos....
You can also reach it from our Momster's site links..........
9:17pm Nest only has turtle shells visible MTNEST . All must be branching tonight.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, Glo, Janet, you've got mail!

Mema Jo said...

Sharon: I got mail from MITS(her card) and from Geula... Should I have gotten from you?

Mema Jo said...

GLO I have sent a few still pics from today to you.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all.

Sorry and glad that I didn't miss any eaglets tonight...had to mow the lawn, I think it grew a foot with all this rain...guess they are having a sleep over some where else...

glo said...

Thanks Sharon, neat set of clips. Tomorrow I will probably put that one, and another I need to refind where you can see them flying aorund in the backgroud etc on the blogsite.

I feel so badly for the peple in Vancouver is a worse cold turkey than ours as there was actually a planned attemp to make it much better and it is hardly anything but a nest and a tree now. Can't tell for sure if the eaglets are even there although I think I hear one or two of them. Certainly can't see them. Can see a large part of the nest though IF they should fledge from there.

paula eagleholic said...

You should see the osprey cam at Blackwater, covered with poop! and spider web...guess we have been lucky in that respect!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yes, Jo - twice as a matter of fact. You and Glo both should have mail x2.

glo said...

Thanks Jo I see 3 I will use. That film loop has lots as in 90plus pictures from June alone in it!!! I made it a little bigger too. Can't enlarge it anymore though or we will lose too much clarity on the pictures. Don't forget, you can click on any picture and make a comment. I'm not sure if they will make you join to comment or not, BUT I would love to know. I think I am the only one who has commented on any of the pictures so far.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, Did you ever get my email? I sent you 3.

Mema Jo said...

Not yet, Sharon. In the meantime I did get one from GLO - can you resend- I want to see those clips!

Paula Lisa-webmaster at Blackwater said she can't imagine that the poop shoot is so accurate that it hits more then once the tiny lens of the camera. They can't send maintenance to clean it for fear of scaring the osprey family. That is so funny!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, love the film loop. I can't test it for you because I have already joined but it seems like you had to join to do anything with it. Did you get your second email from me?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, I re-sent those emails. Is your hotmail the right one?

Mema Jo said...

Sharon Received 2 pieces of mail which I now will open. BeBack.

glo said...

Got the second email Maybe I should make spidey a loop of his own LOL

Mema Jo said...

Sharon I got the 6-29 pics of the day movie & the 2 pics of Spidey.
WOW - you sure have experimented and learned how to become a real producer. You must have had every move in the book in the Pics of the Day! Fantastic piece of work... I loved it...SOOOOOOO Good! Excellent work..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, did you get the still pics I made into a movie-like thingy?

glo said...

So Janet OR Jo Did you try to click on any of the pictures while you were at the loop? If you did, what happened. If you didn't would you go click on one and see what happens. . I would love to know so I can tell others whether they have to join to get the loop to stop and view each one seperately, or maybe you only have to join if you want to make a comment by one of the pictures. Something to do while Spidey builds his web. LOL Thanks

Mema Jo said...

SHARON How about some music in the background!!! LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks for the attaboys, Jo. They go a long way! :)

glo said...

Thanks Sharon, I was able to see your comments by those people who actually got to visit our eagles close up. Maybe if they click on the loop they can see what you said too. LOL What do you think, will that get them to play around a little more with the film loop. LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, I went back and added Beethoven's No. 9 but it made the file too big to email. I will work on that though!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Maybe so, Glo. It could happen!

glo said...

Sharon, I got a series of clipettes, with lots of mantling neat stuff etc, and two pictures of spidey. I enjoyed both of them. Keep up the good work, in your spare time LOL

glo said...

LOL It's workin Someone else just joined the filmloop. Guess who...YEP you got it right...I know you did!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay gals and guys, I am going beddy bye now. Don't have to work tomorrow or Saturday (I know, it is a miracle) so I hopefully will not be on early in the morning. More will be revealed though! Good night.

glo said...

She's off to find that picture now LOL This is kind of fun while we wait for a little more eagle action.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, check your email again. I just sent the Eaglet collection movie from today again!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, I had to get back on the Film Loop just to see.

glo said...

Nothing here yet. Maybe it's going to take a while for Beethoven to get from your house to my house. Where do you suppose Jo is?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Not yet Glo, but I am still watching!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

She did it!! YEAH!

glo said...

Sharon and if you right click on the Loop can you see the names of all the members too?

glo said...

LOL This is great. yep She is commenting too. See just one more way to have fun. Get "In the Loop"

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well that is just too cool!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I absolutely love being in this loop!

Mema Jo said...

I am back from the LOOP...sorta got hung up in it for awhile BUT I did it. I am a joiner & funniest thing is that the pic where I placed my comment is one that Sharon had already been on. The entire eagle family.. Ok-I'll explain how I did it but better post this comment so that you know I am here.

glo said...

No new email from you Sharon...Are you sending it to work. I won't be there until Monday...I happen to be the only one who will be there then. LOL

glo said...

Good for you Jo. Glad you decided to join. We knew where you were. Yep I think several of us will sort of like some of the same pictures.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, I sent it to the sbcglobal address, the same address I used for the other ones!

glo said...

OK Jo. I know you are having fun with the loop now, but could you come back and explain how you did it. I joined months ago with the adoption stuff and can't remember at all what the process really involved. I don't think it was too complicated though , was it? Hopefully some others will read this and decide to give it a try.

glo said...

well that is my home address...hmmm still not here. is it really big?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, I just got an undeliverable mail message from the first time I sent the Pics of the day the first time. Maybe it didn't go because I sent to you and Glo both at the same time. Glo, I re-sent yours separately too so maybe you will get it.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, really, I am going to bed now. Night night eaglet_momsters.

glo said...

Good night Sharon. Good Night Jo, Good night anyone else as you come and go. See you all with our little eagle friends in the morning.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think Jo must be stuck in the loop! LOL.

Mema Jo said...

JOIN THE LOOP If MemaJo can do it - anybody can!
Go to GLO Blog:http://gloandtheeagle
Click on a pic on the moving LOOP
Screen will say:GLO has invited you to join the loop "June with our eaglets"
Scroll down to the bottom & install Film Loop Setup Exe.(FREEBEE) onto your pc.
You will fill in 1st name, email,zip,gender & age bracket
You now have joined The Film Loop
Go back to GLO's loop, click on a pic, and FilmLoop will come up asking you what you want to do--Click on comment> Format is simple & you can see other comments.
Click on OK at the bottom when you finish. There are still some things I haven't looked into such as how Sharon & Glo knew where I was on the loop & what I was doing....

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Mema Jo said...

Go To Bed, eagle-eyed Sharon & have eaglet dreams.
GLO - hope I didn't let anything out. Sharon will tell you if I did - Right, my friend?

I guess MITS should be at home by the ocean.. I know she misses us already.
I guess NILLA has closed up shop.
I'm sure the morning crew will be up & ready for some action in the am hour. I wish live feed would start up again.
Almost time for me to check on HUGO. Goodnight All LOL

movin said...

Just in case I don't get a chance to say it later, HAVE A GREAT 4TH OF JULY, EAGLE LOVERS!!

May the minor god of nest cams keep the thing running all weekend....


Bird Girl said...

Hi all, sorry I wasn't around today. Did you miss me (grinning)??

I spent all day today on my rescue group's Great Organization Project -- we've been doing rescue/rehab for five years, and only now have actually sat down to sort through all of our medical supplies (syringes, bandages, medications, etc.) and cleared out a bookcase to put it all in. Tomorrow will be Long Day #2 but should be the last day! WooHoo!

I hope I can ask everyone to send some positive thoughts to my friend Dave, who is in the hospital right now for a possible heart attack. He had a bypass a few years ago after discovering his pipes were 95% blocked, and he is 67, so I'm a little worried. He is strong, but he only came into my life (and into Fallen Feathers, my rescue group) recently, and we have all grown extremely fond of him. He can imitate over 600 species of birds on command! He is a wonderful wildlife illustrator, too.

Anyway, any positive energy you can send his way would be much appreciated...

Sharon: may I have your email address? I'd like to talk to you about your pigeon/starling questions but my answer(s) will be too long for this blog....

sharon: sparrows are very prolific breeders, having multiple clutches each year, and as many as five babies each time. One reason the ones on your roof are so successful is that food is provided for them and it is close, so there is more to feed to more babies and the parents have to travel less. It's not a bad thing, per se. That's why you put seed out -- for them to eat! We also have cardinals in Arizona, as well as Abert's Towhee, which crack me up to no end! We don't have indigo buntings that I know of, but we do have orioles from time to time. And, of course, we have at least one wild cockatoo and a large population of wild lovebirds here in the Phoenix metro area. Pet birds that escaped/got let out and bred.

Again, thanks for your well wishes and positive thoughts for my friend Dave.

Talk to everyone Friday night or so..

Anonymous said...

Another Bald eagle cam blog:

Geula said...

Good Morning, eagle lovers!

I know it's old news but I feel sorry for the folks in BC also(not being able to see the eaglets like we did ours)...a lot of them were part of the eagle cam in BC that so sadly had to finish when the infertile eggs fell apart. That was just too much for me to adjust to, so I came back here in March, when the baby eaglets were little fluffballs! What an awesome experience, which has changed my life and made me (just a wee bit-HA HA) addicted to this site, blog and the live feed. I am tempted to look at other cams and ask for Sharon to send me Fraps of the eaglets, but I won't do it because I know myself and I DO have other things to do during the work, eating and sleeping! Hmmmm, funny, I'm sometimes late for work, I go to sleep very late, but I NEVER forget to eat! LOL!

One of the thing about this blog that I love is the speculation of "who's in the nest".....sort of reminds me of the Abbot and Costello sketch "Who's on First?"

Geula said...

LOL! I'm like a typical Jewish Mother......I WORRY! When the eaglets don't spend the night, or get in late or have breakfast in the nest...HEY! that's just like MY kids when they were young adults! How similar...ROTFLMBFJAO!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Geula, just give me the word. I would be more than happy to send you some of the stuff I have.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

9:18 a.m. Two eaglets in the nest.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It looks like Spunky at 12 and Ms. InBetween at the trunk.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


glo said...

Good morning everyone. Well I actually slept in until after 7 am my time today. Up off to coffee for me and treats for my dogs LOL. So thought I owuld check in here. Looks like I need to turn on the still cam and see if anyone is still in the nest.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...