Friday, June 09, 2006

Friday #2

Live cam up.


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Steve! Think we can keep it up all weekend? Eventually Spunky is going to do something besides snooze. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Is there any chance that you could use some other streaming protocol so that I don't have to load RealPlayer's spyware and put up with all of the advertisements and spam that usually result from it?

glo said...

anan Do you have a spam filte? I'm not dealing with spyware and advertisements at all. Mine came with my computer but I do think there are some out there you can download probably for free. They might come with their own "specials" though, not sure.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I don't ever get any popups or spam with real player. That would drive me nuts!! Thanks for getting the live feed up Steve!! Thanks Glo for letting us know there was page 2 for today.

glo said...

Yeah Mom She got quite a greeting

glo said...

Well she didn't stay long, hopefully she dropped off something to eat. Yep he's pecking at something.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Spunky don't have to fight for food this time. Yeah! Adult didn't stay long though.

glo said...

OK Check out top center of real screen 12 o'clock ..not sure but watch for movement besides a leaf...I see the leaf..

glo said...

Well if he gets real lonely and not too much food I would say tomorrow morning. if he gets well fed and some visit I would say Sunday morning. JMHO

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Look at him, he couldn't resist flapping with the wind.

glo said...

Nah It's too still, too long. WARNING Hallucinatory images ahead LOL

What we need is bird flew "IN the nest".

glo said...

Yep gave me some more heart failure. Looks really windy too.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Big Boy hatched March 18, InBetween on March 21 and Spunky on March 23. BigBoy took flight on 6/7, Inbetween on 6/9 so Spunky might still have a couple of days. I hope so anyway. Glo, you keep watching the parameters and let us know where to look. I'll be your huckleberry and help look with you.

glo said...

oh my heart failure that time

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

1:49 p.m. Are you all watching this? My heart can't take it. Flapping with the wind for sure. Parent just arrived again. Don't know if food is in tow or not!

Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone,
I've been watching ever since she was sitting on the first egg also..I have a question, What are the odds of eaglets surviving when they fledge. How far do they go?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I read on another site that 40% of all eagles die on their first flight! I don't repeat that a lot because I would rather live in denial.

Anonymous said...

I understand Sharon, thanks for being honest.

Anonymous said...

my goodness that wind is strong.

Anonymous said...

Sharon, I saw that statistic about 40% of eaglets not surviving fledging, too. But I read on another site that there is NO basis for that. Probably 40% don't make it to adulthood, but fledging is not usually a huge problem.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

He is sure getting a lot of practice flapping today! It has been my experience that they don't take off that way. They have to think about and process what they are doing first. Then they get up the nerve. What is with the leaves showing up all of a sudden in front of the camera. Wind must really be blowing hard!! I hope it doesn't beat our camera up!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like mom is doing some housekeeping

glo said...

Man the wind was strong for a bit. Looks like mom is housekeeping now

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

He looks hunkered down now. Like --please don't blow me away, I am not ready yet!!

Anonymous said...

Ahh. i thought he was gonna go right there, did a little run to the launching pad.

Anonymous said...

Big storm just passed through NCTC area - it passed through here shortily before. Lots of wind and hard rain, but thankfully short!
The leaves blowing was just the answer to the request by a 'higher authority' to dust off the cobwebs, maybe?

Anonymous said...

Big storm just passed through NCTC area - it passed through here shortily before. Lots of wind and hard rain, but thankfully short!
The leaves blowing was just the answer to the request by a 'higher authority' to dust off the cobwebs, maybe?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Anonymous, ain't that the truth. I hope they did clean it off so we can see better at night. That is so funny, I hadn't thought of that.

glo said...

Think this little guy is definitely hearing the call to fly free

glo said...

so a parent weathered throught the storm with Spunky...that's pretty neat!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

The live feed is gone again!!

Mema Jo said...

2:29pm Jo-MD Thanks, Sharon. I was just going to ask that question about the live feed. I have been out for about 3 hours - thanks so much for all your comments to keep me updated.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Ang, I bet they didn't either. They have definitely created eaglet monsters!!

glo said...

ang...My guess is many do NOT even know what "videos" you are talking about but yep...a truly amazing moment in my life. "I can not be lieve it "He flew right in front of me...and actually I was thrilled to see I actually caught him in that small space of camera lens and flight time to prove "He flew right in front of me".

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, Ang, I will take momsters!! That is exactly what we are!!

paula eagleholic said...

Your right, Ang....this place has become very active and popular...more than I think they anticipated when they started the blog. I was just looking at Glo's page, and she already has over 600 hits on the video of Big Boy....

I hope they continue with a blogging forum next year, I really enjoy talking with everyone here....and its a great way to pass along information...some of the other sites like Blackwater don't have a blog.

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet Momsters with Bird Flew I and II :):):)

glo said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
paula eagleholic said...

Spunky's storm just blew through here (Frederick, MD - 25 miles east)...sure hope he doesn't try to take flight tomorrow, they are calling for 15-25mph winds tomorrow...although it is my guess that it is very likely he will fledge on Saturday or Sunday.

glo said...

Sigh OK did that wrong.

Anyway..if you register at Daily Motion you can vote Big Boy as a favorite video...1 person has already done that, no it wasn't me, I can't vote favorites on my own uploaded videos. Also you could then post a comment etc, for other visitors to the site who may not have come from here and don't know the story...

Also if you just click on my user name here and go to Glo's journey to...I don't know yet..or something like that...his video is there too. I will eventually have several things on an eagle thread in Blogger with nothing else.

Right now Big Boy is sharing the site with a few other wonderful eagle videos, some will make you cry, others will make you laugh, My flowers, ummm maybe my dogs are there too. You can comment as anonymous there just like here if you want to.

Anonymous said...

Oh, my. I missed Ms. InBetween's fledge too. I see all the comments about how fun it has been to get together on this blog... We could start a Yahoo chat group and call it Eaglet Momsters... Keep track of other bird webcams and be ready when Mom and Dad come back next winter to start their next family! Anybody besides me think this is a good idea?

Anonymous said...

Has anyone contacted NCTC to let them know that the live cam is down?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Anonymous, I sent Steve C. an email to let him know. I haven't heard anything back though.

Barbarainmaine, I think a yahoo group named Eaglet Momsters is a good idea. I am game.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have a bad feeling the live feed is going to be down for the weekend. I truly pray it is not, though. I am finally off work. This has been a terribly long week. There has been way too much going on for me to have to worry about work. Off tomorrow but have to work Sunday.

paula eagleholic said...

I sent in an email

Anonymous said...

Many Many thanks to Brad for resetting the live feed 3:14 pm. Thanks Brad just that we can't help but watch for spunky to see what happens....yea Brad !!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Brad, we love you!! Thanks so much!!

paula eagleholic said...


That's a perfect name and a great idea!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

What is he doing? Does he have his wings spread out?

Mema Jo said...

3:14am Jo-MD The Eagle Cam isn't doing so well either. Every now & then it goes crazy. Spunky is right there at the launch pad thinking it over... I just hope she waits until it is really her turn. Mother Nature seems to tell them when it's their turn. I vote 100% to go with the
Eaglet Momsters! That is soooooo cool.
I know we all are thinking human emotions concerning Spunky being all alone - However; she probably doesn't have that emotion - she is just getting geared to go! Fly baby, fly!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I bet he is trying to dry them out a little bit. Just seems so still!

paula eagleholic said...

I saw him doing that the other day, also.

Mema Jo said...

3:21pm Jo-MD I think you were right, Sharon. I just wish he would move away from the LaunchPad spot.

paula eagleholic said...

And we all thought it was going to be under the trunk, lucky for us it wasn't...actually not a bad spot to launch from...

Anonymous said...

Hee hee there you are boy glad to see your ok. We all of course are watching you little fellow.
Don't know if any men (sure there are) maybe they just don't blog.
I use eagle02watch she use's eagle01watch. We been using them back and forth through phone calls send eggs hatched.
Spunky you listen and go when Mom/Dad tells you too....they know when the timing is right......

Just Vicky said...

I am also game for the Mom-ster's chat room for next year!

paula eagleholic said...

Ang , I think that is a shadow, I looked at it earlier, too.

glo said...

ANG Saw where you found the Blogger site for Glo's journey to where ver LOL...That one has lots of neat videos etc ..Even the eagles have to wait...You will need kleenex for that one lOTS BUT

Favoritesis back at Daily Motion...That is the link you go to from the website. You have to register there though before they will let you mark your favorites or leave comments. I did send it to my Blogger site from there though, later that day when Blogger was behaving itself. daily Motion just happened to be the site that worked for us on launch I have left it there. Didn't want anyone to get confused LOL. sorry

glo said...

OK well it has the makings of lots more down time. I want in on the
Yahoo "eaglet momsters"...please remember me!!! OK Thanks Hopefully lots more posting wwatching fun stuff all weekend. Sigh

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay guys, I have to go out for a while. Please keep it updated on here as to the happenings. I have to get out of this house and away from this computer before I go nuts!! Have a good evening!!

Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me how I can record the 30 sec feed on real player. I don't know much about computers?

Anonymous said...

1st eaglet hatched March 18th, 2nd March 22nd and 4d March 23rd.
Had my calendar marked but also went back in NCTC blog to make sure I was right on my calendar.

Anonymous said...

oooops that wasn't suppose to be 4 it was suppose to be 3rd eaglet Marach 23rd.

glo said...

anon Its a program from The 30 sec one is free WARNING File is huge that's its drawback eats up hard drive space very quickly.

Mema Jo said...

3:37pm Jo-MD
Anyone else doing the same.... Someone call BRAD>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

paula eagleholic said...

Just a quck note before I go....already reserved the name eagletmomsters in yahoo groups....will post more on the group later...Thanks!...keep the posts coming!

Anonymous said...

I sent emergency call to NCTC to "please" reset the live cam so hopefully it will be up again before they leave for day.
Thanks about tip for the Yahoo....

glo said...

Great Paula...OK i will need you rhelp finding my way to that group, haven't done the yahoo group before, but I do have a yahoo user name. Sounds fun...Thanks

glo said...

Yes Live feed has been down since shortly after the storm. I think they all know, not sure if when they will get it back up...We sure would lOVE to have it this weekend for sure!!!

NillaWafer said...

Hey Gang, Thanks to a phone call from Jo this morning telling me Inbetween fledged, I am off work today but checking in from time to time. Glo i signed your guest book and its a beautiful job you did. Well live cam isnt up right now, but 30 secondis and there sets Spunky looking like where did my family Ok be checking back later.. Jo thanks will call you later.. Hugs Nilla

Anonymous said...

I have watched this site and read your posts since these babies were eggs. Spunky actually hatched on my birthday. Some present! I have never posted, but now that all our babies are leaving, I have to say this has been the most remarkable experience. Thanks to all the folks at NCTC, and you gals (and guys) who have keep the rest of us up to date when we (I) have to work.
My heart is heavy and joyous at the same time. Is that even possible? Will you include me in the yahoo group.....looking forward (?) to Spunky's voyage....and beyond


Anonymous said...

OK, I didn't see someone else had gotten started already... I just opened a Yahoo group and the name is eaglet_momsters. I guess you can go into Yahoo and join the regular way, or if you give me your e-mail, I'll send you an invitation. Use my Yahoo address: Once we get a few people in there, those with photos can feel free to put them in the files there... I am the group owner at this point, but I did that just to get started and will gladly turn the ownership over to someone else, and also need a moderator (or two...)

glo said...


I read your comment on Daily motion. Thanks so much for leaving one there. Do I have your email? I checked the guestbook to follow a link from there. Tell me how to get to you. You can email me

Mema Jo said...

4:36pm Jo-MD Yahoo! Mom/Dad is here!Left a fish & is gong again. I wonder if BigBoy caught that fish for Spunky? Need to go back to the cam to see if he eats any... He seems to be saying, 'did you need to leave so soon'. Maybe the adult will return & keep her company.

Anonymous said...

Jo I hope parent returns to spend time with Spunky; cause there is another storm coming. I hate to see him all alone. Hope he does eat too.....
Live feed still not up but I tried; they are suppose to get it up but with these storms who knows...

Mema Jo said...

4:44pm Jo-MD Spunky seems to be playing with his food moreso then eating any of it. Thanks for trying to get the live feed up for us, WV Gal. You are usually successful in doing that - so I'll keep the faith so to speak. Going to be a lost weekend without it. Just hoping the LiveCam stays active. I also hope someone keeps him company throughout the storm. But because of how we chose the name - she/he has Spunk!

NillaWafer said...

I forgot any of you that have dish-network on national geographic channel 186 i watched a program called " Living Wild " this morning all about Eagles... I am sure it will be back on again later today. Jo call me if something happens you have my home and cell numbers.. Hugs, Nilla PS Jo thinking about driving over thsi wknd to NCTC just to have a look

glo said...

Man I don't want him practicing with the storm coming, or maybe I want him out of there before it hits.. No there is a tree trunk and there are parents. They've all been through this before and that is a very good thing!! Have to get some work done...I'm stressing!!!

glo said...

Yep Go over there we are going to need those eagle eyes especially if we can't have this live feed. Oh more stressing. I don't thikn we're going to get it :-(

glo said...

Just a thought out of the blue...for you more practical thinkers...My dogs have human emotions, and looking at spunky now makes me sad, except for when a parent is there .

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Not looking good on the live feed. I hate that too. We needed that really bad.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That looks like mighty nasty weather coming through there. I hope he is going to be okay by himself! Okay, I have to leave again. I will check back in about 7:30. Tah Tah!

glo said...

man he is obviously flapping away again

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

He really looks wet now. The white is really shining through.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Really, I am out of here this time.

glo said...

Well this is a whole lot like waiting to see if the third egg was going to hatch, and then waiting to see if he would manage to get enough to eat. Its gone great all the way, so now we keep waiting through another storm, hour, day , night or whatever...

glo said...

Sharon LOL I see that geesh girl I am gone too.

glo said...

Even the parent is looking a little bedraggled yuck!!!

glo said...

ooops second shot of parent looks better probably shook off the water...poor things

glo said...

Parent is definitely having a good supper. Spunky doesn't seem real interested right now

glo said...

I don't think I see a sibling there I will watch a little more closely. i think they would probably be right there at the food.

glo said...

Between the storms and Ms in Between leaving I don't think Spunky has quite settled down enough to have much of an appetite today. And I think there is really a good supper that has been brought in.

Mema Jo said...

5:15am Jo-MD Look Out, Spunky! It is raining Cats & Dogs! Boy is it ever coming down in the Middletown/Frederick area. They do have lots of unbrellas up for grabs at the front door of the NCTC center & the Sycamore isn't far from there ----
I think we'll probably get these quick downpours all evening. Spunky will be ok - it's a birds' life!! But I wish I could dry him/her off!

Harbinger said...

That's a nice long visit by Mom or Dad. Glad he has some company.

glo said...

Actually I am kind of glad to have some compnay too...LOL

glo said...

ang did you see my post to you about daily Motion being where you click on a favorite. I am glad you found the Blogger site too though. There really is some neat eagle stuff over there too including big boy. I sure wish we had a live one of Ms in between though.

glo said...

What's with that...the parent leaves and Spunky heads over to where the food was ? I don't know?

glo said...

So I have a thought. If there has been an always on live feed at NCTC, maybe they could produce a DVD of the hilights Just amatuer produce not anything that would cost money...just time, and we could all purchase something like that as a memory and have the funds used towards next years site etc. I know as long as it is within a reasonable amount of a normal dvd etc. I would definitely get one. Just a thought.

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Just Vicky said...

I second that thought of a dvd or something!!!!!!!

glo said...

Yep I really think they would have enough takers that it would be well worth their time and an investment for next year too.

glo said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
glo said...

Parent is back...looks like spunky might eat something this time.

glo said...

then again maybe not...flew to other side sitting on edge and just watching right now.

glo said...

hopped over closer to parent hopefully has changed his mind and is going to eat went blank next screen back on ledge..I do not have a clue if he took a bite of anything :-(

glo said...

you are all going to be sick of reading my stuff...I think i'll just be quiet unless...

Anonymous said...

Very sad faced here I guess "no go" on the live feed. We all wanted to be able to watch Spunky today and this weekend. Ahhhhh, action withdraw here. Settling like everyone else for the no live feed shots.
I also think dvd is great idea; they can use the funds at NCTC for better live feed cam for next year.
I am sure Sharon they have a shot from their cable feed of MsInBetween's fledge that they can put up; maybe on video for us too.

Anonymous said...

Woah? there's a car?

Mema Jo said...

7:47pm Jo-MD Anonymous: what do you mean 'a car'. What or where are you looking?

Anonymous said...

Bout 1 o clock there is a car parked. messed up.

Mema Jo said...

7:53pm Jo-Md I can see what you mean- It isn't NILLA's buggy. Has to belong to someone who has authority to be there. Maybe Steve is checking on things.

Anonymous said...

Hmm. wonder what they are looking for.

glo said...

Well it definitely sounds like some kind of a bug to me, but it isn't bird flew

Mema Jo said...

8:20pm Jo-MD With the lighting, shadows, leaves == do you think that the 'car' is an optical illusion? The point where we saw it is the old building - I just thought I did see the tires of a vehicle. Now I'm not certain. Looks as though Spunky is settling in now - I wonder what the dawn's early light will bring for us tomorrow?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

8:27 p.m. Is the car in question at about 1:00? By the way, I have returned and glad to see our little Spunky still safe and sound in the nest. I am soooo disappointed the live feed went down. Do they not realize how important that live feed is to us eaglet junkies?

Anonymous said...

whatever it was it is gone now.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, you've got mail!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It doesn't look like the leaves beating the camera today wiped off the web. Still there and getting harder to see Spunky.

glo said...

Good night Spunky...Please sleep good and stay put at least until after you have a really good breakfast!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yes, Spunky. Good night. We love you. It is going to be all good, right? Good night everybody, time for me to sleep (maybe). More will be revealed.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, did you ever get the email?

Anonymous said...

Okay, I admit I have trouble seeing much in the nest at night. Where is Spunky located now? It's 10:05 pm.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

10:12 p.m. Spunky is between 1 and 2 o'clock.

glo said...

Yes Sharon I sent you a resposne I did get the Mail...That one is cute and will work just fine!!! Go to bed!!! LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

11:03 p.m. Spunky is perching at 12 o'clock. I can't help but feel sad for him but I know this is all part of the plan!

glo said...

Sharon go to the website and see Ms_in_between. I know I feel kinda sad for "Spunky too". I have learned so much about eagles these last few months. I live so close to so many of them at the right time of year, I had no idea what was playing out in those trees before. i sure know now though!!!

movin said...

Hi, Glo,
I just visited your blog site and viewed both clips (the Big Gal's for the second time). This time I left a comment...this eaglet thing has gotten me involved in blogs for the first time.

Both videos are great, and I really got a kick out of the male blasting off in reverse...a day early!!

I was actually looking right at the nest cam this morning when the male was getting ready to take off, but the picture failed to refresh all the way, and when I did it manually a few seconds later, the second eaglet had flown the nest!! As we used to say, "Oh, the perversity of inanimate objects..."

I sure hope somebody gets the shot of the third youngster fledging.


Anonymous said...

6:30 am third one is gone. Wish the best for all 3, ane hope they make it.

Anonymous said...

6:42 am, flew back on the nest. I saw him come back.

Nancy K. said...

Oh how I wish they would ALL come back! Just for one more peek....

Nancy K. said...

Wow. I thought sure that was it. At 7:16 a.m. Baby flapped like crazy, then went to the launch pad where he/she "assumed the position". I was sure this was good-bye. I was shouting..."no! don't leave!" When the next frame came on, she was back in the 12 o'clock positon (where she BELONGS ~ at least for one more day!). I don't want to go to work!!!

Nancy K. said...

More wild flapping and then back to the launch pad. Baby seems very interested in something going on down below. I wonder if mom and/or dad aren't feeding a sibling...

I'd be willing to bet that Baby will be out of the nest by the time I get home from work this after noon. :-(

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

7:34 a.m. Saturday, Spunky is on the launching pad. He seems to be looking below like yesterday but somebody saw InBetween on a limb under the nest yesterday flapping like crazy so she may still be what he is looking at. I wonder if eaglets from the same nest always fledge from the same spot. Does anybody have an answer for that?

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Yep there sits Spunky. He's leavin today especially if breakfasr soesn't come in in a couple of hours :-( If he even waits that long. I go to a friends across the street, with my dogs for our morning treats and coffee in a little while. Man the camera here.

glo said...

Glad you are all enjoying the website. The clip of MSIn-Between, was sent to me by "You guessed it" Sharon. I have a Real Video clip of Spunky ready to go, once he fledges, as I will be awfully surprised if we see any Real Video of him all weekend now :-9. I want Ms-in-between to get her shot at the limelight for now. The Web Page again is's.html

Remember you will need to retype the end of the url address in yourself as it gets dropped off in Blogger it should read at the end

glo said...

If you have trouble with the url and need a direct link email me at

glo said...

I don't think that is Spunky's shadow at the back of the nest right now.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, I was just talking with a good friend and told him about your site. I sent him a link. I told him that every time I watch it, I cry. It is so beautiful and touching to see the progression of our eaglets. I know that took a lot of hard work and we are all so appreciative of it. Thanks so much!! We love you!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, I think that is him because I just saw it move a little bit! I have been looking really hard right there too. Makes me nervous.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just imagine how much less exciting this would have been if we hadn't had each other to share it with. It has been such a team effort - a WE thing!! I love it and will be so sad when Spunky fledges and no one is left.

glo said...

Yes Spunky is up by the tree trunk, but the shadow at the back of the nest which has disappeared couldn't have been cast by where Spunky is. I hope he is eating breakfast but it would be leftovers...better than nothing.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh, I got confused. Not hard to do though. I did not see the shadow.

glo said...

Well we need to be checkin on the nest for a few days at least..I am still hoping we will see more than one of them visit their old stomping ground!!!

Wish I had known about FRAPS much earlier, we would have lots more videos of the growing up parts, but we have pictures. I have more pictures to add once the excitement dies down and I get a little time on my hands LOL

Anonymous said...

Sharon, I agree that sharing this experience with other addicts has made it more fun, and more informative! I'm watching the falcons this morning, too. I think the parents are trying to get at least one of them to fledge.

glo said...

Shadow is BACK

glo said...

never mind LOL Is it Bird flew again LOL. No I did take a picture of it the first time I saw it.

glo said...

Well I'm off to coffee. Keep an eagle eye out. Man I hope he doesn't fledge up by the tree trunk!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I see the shadow Glo.

Sunny, I just went to the falcons. Are they all still there? I only see 3 of them. They are huge. Unbelievable.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Little feller is back in view and not on the launching pad. I think tomorrow will be his day. I could be wrong of course, I have been once or twice in my life. LOL. :)

Mema Jo said...

8:53am Jo=MD Spunky is sure giving me heart failure - a few times he has looked right at the camera, as if to say- you want to see me do it! Oh for the live feed.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

He is on the launching pad!! Oh my God.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

He is giving me a heart attack too. I have to go out for a little while so somebody save pictures. Today just might be the day!!

glo said...

Has anyone tried the live cam this morning just per chance. I turned off computer last night "storms" I will go try unless someone already knows what I think we all know anyway!!

glo said...

OK ang thanks Hey do you have my email address ? If you do email me

Anonymous said...

9:20 Am I been watching also a long time this morning and he is giving me a heart attack. Now he just moved from launching pad to other side where he use to sit all the time. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh for the live feed.......tears, heartache, and of course prayers for the last of the little ones......ahhhhhhhhhhhh. Wouldn't it be so nice if someone would know how are hearts yurn for that live feed and go in and reset it.. Oh what a glorious feeling we could have for this day and tomorrow......well I had to think it maybe wave lengths will carry it to NCTC. lol

glo said...

I think NCTC gave us up as a lost cause for the weekend with the storms and all etc. I can't hardly imagine how many posts will be on this one thread between now and Monday morning if and when they start a new one. Unless of course everyone splits at the fledge and forgets to check in for return visitors. If you do check in be sure to say when you were here, and what if anything you "think" you saw.

glo said...

Oh And while I LOL Spunky still has your attention, you might want to bookmark the webpage. I will definitely be working with it over the summer. Probably some nice stuff going up on there that only Eagle lovers could really appreciate!!!'s.html

again be sure you get the whole url in the address bar, Blogger is dropping off the end


glo said...

AND there are 1 or 2 yahoo groups starting up. So we can all stay in touch to some degree if you want to.

OH I am making me sad!!!

Anonymous said...

I have to heaad out for a couple hours. Keep details please..... I've been glued to this computer since 5:30AM!!

I will certainly continue to check for return visits after Spunky goes!

Steve Chase said...

The live cam is down, not sure if it's at NCTC or in Wheeling. We're thinking that the last eaglet will fledge sometime Monday, but who really knows. Wish I could get the cam up but can't do it from home and nobody is in the office :>(

glo said...

Bless you Steve for checking in.. We are doing our best. Once again is there a chance of linking the web page I am making to this bLOG . Will the BLOG stay here once over time?

glo said...

Actually even if the BLOG is only up for a few weeks or couple of months it will help people get there easily. I would so appreciate it if you or someone could.

movin said...

Good morning...
I got an excellent look at the last chick's wings a few minutes ago, and they look fully developed, except he doesn't have the very long flight feathers at the ends of the wings.

Does that mean he has to wait for them to grow, or does it mean he is smaller and doesn't need them to leave the nest?

If you went to the site and followed "Spunky's" nose, I bet you would find both fledglings in seconds though...he is riveted on one small area.

Also, he is spending a lot of time on the same stick on the right of the nest as the others launched from....


glo said...

LOL I got pictures of that neat wing spread... thought there he goes...but NOPE there he is LOL

glo said...

LOL Umm hmmm I saw that one too...then there he was another neat wingspread though, bet he did get into a hover forward or backward and landed back in that spot again. Must have actually

glo said...

Please save that "hover picture, and send it to me...might be fun in between two neat wingshots...we'll see, but I didn't think to save the missing one LOL.

glo said...

Think I hear a storm coming in, if I do, I will shut down my computer, so hopefully someone will continue with their eagle eyes to wat ch out last little buddy today!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

ang, if you hit F5 the picture will refresh earlier and you don't have to wait the 30 seconds.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

There is a new blog page for today! Just FYI.

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accept my congratulations for your excellent work!
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Have a good day!

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...