Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Evening Picture


Mema Jo said...

7:36pm and that's the real story....

Anonymous said...

good ole spunk....

Harbinger said...

I wasn't able to look in today except for one quick look.. Can you believe my boss wanted me to work? ;)
I see our Spunky is still waiting.

Anonymous said...

Jo have you been watching the osprey-cam in Conn. today?? The dad was just there and he was feeding the Mom and she would sometimes feed the chick underneath her, a beautiful scene.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Mema Jo said...

Yes, MITS - I've been all over the cams this evening.. I guess I do like the osprey! I wish they would get that powerwasher out on the ledge in Harrisburg!!

Spunky has given us some anxious moments today! Very active at times - he should start his evening practice session very soon. Don't have heart failure!

Anonymous said...

has anyone paid attention how spunky keeps shaking his head keeps scratching his beak?

Anonymous said...

I will do my best, not to fall out of my chair. I did read somewhere on the falcon message that they do MAJOR clean-up after the season is over to get it ready for next year........Yes, Anon I have notice Spunky doing that, maybe trying to get the feathers out that he does not need for flight. Just an amatuer opinion.

Anonymous said...

Steve, thanks so much for the great fish photo! It is a bit of a change from the sea of leaves around the nest. We haven't really formulated what we are going to do in the Yahoo group, other than wait for next year's eaglets, so maybe looking in on some other corners of nature will be a good idea!

Steve Chase said...

I saw him jumping around the nest and flapping vigorously. We honestly thought yesterday was the day for him/her. It has to be soon.

Mema Jo said...

Steve - we've voted for tomorrow - a special Flag Day event.

I agree that Spunky is just trying to get all those little white baby feathers off so nothing interfers with the flight... tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Barbara in Maine......it sounds like they might be coming up with a live webcam on another Eagle site for "bears".....that might be something we can watch some after there is no live feed in here....oh my just typing those words.......are sadding...put our babes have to leave the nest and stay away at some point....ahhhhh sad, happy, sad .......

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the lovely picture, Steve. Love the beach and the ocean, myself.

Anonymous said...

Jo, I know no one will remember my post the night before Ms-Inbetween's flight, but she had an annoying white feather on her back and she and Spunky worked on it until they got it out. Spunky needs someone to come tonight to help him trim his feathers.

Mema Jo said...

Golly! That little one needs a HUG! Hope that company soon comes to the nest for the night. Shadows are creeping in - May be a full moon tonight.. Was beautiful last night.
Spunky is either falling asleep as perched or saying prayers for safe flight.

Mema Jo said...

MITS - Spunky has quite a few to pluck! I did forget about Inbetween's white feather. Thanks for the reminder.

Anonymous said...

Your Welcome, Jo. Cmon Spunk, strectch those wing, one, two, feel the burn...you can do it tomorrow on FLAG DAY!!!God Bless the American Eagle!!

paula eagleholic said...

Speaking of our beautiful American Bald Eagles, I put a link on the yahoo site to the page at NCTC that talks about all the endangered species, and the proposed delisting of the Bald Eagle...

paula eagleholic said...

Sorry, It is actually the fws.gov site, just click on endangered species on the left, and it takes you right to the page....there is a link then on that page that tells you how to make comments about the proposal.

paula eagleholic said...

Is the live feed still up? I can't get it at home...looks like Spunk is picking at leftovers in the nest.

Mema Jo said...

GLO - you need to sing him the lullaby that is on your blog.... All Through the Night.........

Mema Jo said...

Live feed is still up - but it is looking bad. Spunky lying in the center of the nest - all alone! Rembmer the live cam give a better pic sometimes at night........but maybe not tonight of all nights!

Mema Jo said...

Angie, I can open both of them but when I save them I need just the jpg... I copied you as I asked someone to do it for us. Thanks. Be in touch.
They are great pics & I will place in our album on Yahoo.

paula eagleholic said...

Rest up spunky, tomorrow may be your day to soar!

glo said...

Oh so Jo you've been to Elia's website. I am going to visit her 1 week from tomorrow, which is the day mydaughter and son-in-law gave her for her Birthday! I am very excited. it has been a very long but wonderful year as far as that little one is concerned. In addition to eagles I have learned a whole lot about International adoptions.

paula eagleholic said...

It's on the group site, look under the links. You should be able to get on there as soon as you get an email from the group


paula eagleholic said...

Good night all, and sleep tight, Spunky!

Mema Jo said...

Just went out onto my deck in the coolness of the night. Here is what I did:
Star Light - Star Bright
First Star I See Tonight
I Wish I May, I Wish I Might:
Please let Spunky take First Flight!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Very good Jo. I see him sleeping and getting rested up. I will be on early again in the morning so I will keep an eye out. Hopefully the live feed will still be up then!! I am a little nervous about the prospect of him fledging tomorrow. More will be revealed. All in God's time, not ours!!

Mema Jo said...

Hey Sharon - Glad you got home ok--get some rest, gal. See you in the am. I have no idea what Nilla is up to.. Maybe we will hear from her tomorrow.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, she posted on the fish blog.

Anonymous said...

That was nice Jo. Goodnight All!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good night.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon, you'll never know this until tomorrow morning - but it took me 5 mins at least to know what a 'fish blog' was. I feel so stupid... All I knew was that I didn't have a bookmark for any fish blog. HaHa I am closing down laughing - Feels so good! LOL
Until the dawn's early light
When Spunky takes flight..........


movin said...

Good evening, everyone...
Finally got home and on-line.

My opinion...
Spunky is definitely a male eagle, but he has been suffering the downers of being the third eaglet in a one or two eaglet world. He has been a lot smaller than the others until recently, doesn't get as much food, and I think he got a little complex, which causes him still to wait until the others have eaten their fill.

Hopefully, Mother Nature and the excellent parent eagles he has will get him up to speed with the program soon....

If I was to climb up there (hahaha, at my age), it wouldn't be to give him a hug... I'd wait until morning and give him a big boost out of the nest and into the future.

Sometimes, the parents will starve an eaglet and then circle low over its head with a fish in their talons, enticing the little one to follow, and then when it does fly, the parents immediately reward the eaglet with the fish.

But I think our Spunky only needed a little extra time to catch up and follow his nest mates to the next step.



Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

11:27 p.m. Spunky appeared to be resting comfortably but had to get up because it was time to poop shoot. Now he is standing at about 10 o'clock picking feathers, it appears. Still by himself.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

11:31 p.m. Spunky is now laying back down at 10 o'clock.

It appears to me that the Spunkster has the Eyeore complex, one of those standing back and when he does get fed, he says "thanks for noticing me".

Jo, I haven't made it to bed yet so I saw your comment. That is so funny. I am glad I could add a little more thinking to your day!!

Now, I really am going to bed. 5:30 will be here way too soon.

movin said...

Good night, everyone...

Steve, I wanted to say that the photo in the Galapagos was awesome.

Thanks. Now please get some shots of Spunky taking off for the first time...


Mema Jo said...

It is almost midnight - had to have one more look. Spunky is up & just picking away at those baby soft feathers. I really think he is getting ready for the morning flight. MITS remembers when MsInbetween did the same thing before her flight. He is so busy - first one wing then the other - then the tail feathers - oh, yes, they have to be just right!! I am glad ole' spider didn't do much weaving tonight or I couldn't see this fantastic show being put on by Spunky. The live feed is where I am watching this performance - pretty clear. Nature at its finest... Night

glo said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
glo said...

The web site with music and a link to 2 of our eaglet fledglings has been down all day today. I am sure it will be back up again however I want to be sure anyone who is enjoying our eagles and this Blogger site, has acces to these videos on a regular basis. Also new comers who need a chance to see what has been happening. Tonight I started what will be the eagle BLOG for Sheperdstown W. Virginia and the Eagles and their offspring who have nested here. I am sure you will find this link a good start. Look forward to much more on our eagles as I get more time to upgrade the BLOG.

Here is the link It is a BLOGGER site so it will work exactly the way you are used to Blogger working.


Mema Jo said...

1:00 am Ok, so I didn't go to bed yet! I can now because Spunky finally is lying down getting the needed rest for tomorrow that he'll need & I just went into GLO's new blog & it is exceptional. Please pay it a visit!
LOL Really- goodnight.

Bird Girl said...

Hey all, I was at a seminar on Avian Influenza, and other diseases, today. I did check earlier this AM to see the status and saw the last eaglet still hanging around....

I have a second blog, birdgirlphotos.blogspot.com, where I will post whatever photos I fancy at the moment, but mostly birds and mostly ones I have experience with in the rehabber world. But, like Steve, I think it's good to throw in "something completely different" now and then, so you never know!

I do also have photos on my primary blog, azbirdgirl.blogspot.com, you may have to go through the archived sections.

the Osprey Cam in CT is

The Blackwater Osprey Cam is


If anyone would like me to send them other pictures, or the ones I've posted on my blogs, email me at:


Bird Girl

Anonymous said...

Oh, my... It's 5:40 AM eagle time and Spunky has been flapping around the nest and now sitting on the launch pad... Leaning out of the nest... I just want to give him a little push or something!!! One, two, three.... GO SPUNKY!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

5:41 a.m. Spunky is at the launching pad this morning really looking like he wants to be out of here!! I will keep a close eye on his happenings. I reviewed a little bit and he had a buddy with him just a little while ago. At this point, he is just doing a lot of looking and hasn't spread his wings out yet.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

A sibling just came for a few minutes and took right back off. Spunky went over with ruffled feathers, pecked at the siblings beak a little bit and they both walked back toward the launch pad. Then the sibling (I think BigBoy) took off. Now he is at the trunk.

Where is Spunky, Where is Spunky? I just wanted to make sure nobody had forgotten!! LOL.

movin said...

6 am Easter...
Mr. In Between just flew in, checked all over for food and flew right back out again...

Spunky looked really hungry too...maybe the parents are starving him out of the nest...

Spunky is doing the wing exercises......Maybe.....


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh yeah, the time is 6:04 a.m.

Geula said...

Good Morning to all! I see that Spunky is still here...maybe TODAY he'll fledge! perrrrrrhaps...

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Everyone. Happy Flag Day to all of you in Eagle Land. Good Luck Spunk!!!

movin said...

Good morning,
There seems to be a lot going on below, and he's leaning out at the launching rod position, watching intently in several directions....


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

6:21 a.m. Spunkster at the launching pad just looking around. Still no wings spread yet. Maybe he is just mapping his flight plan. HAPPY FLAG DAY EVERYBODY!!

Anonymous said...

Got to go out for several hours, think I will miss Spunk's 1st flight.Good Luck little Buddy. I'll read all the notes when I get back.

Anonymous said...

On second thought, looking at all those feathers makes me think, maybe another day in the nest. He needs some plucking.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

6:34 a.m. It looks like something just flew overhead. Definitely got his interest for a minute.

Anonymous said...

6:56 And he's Off!!!!!!!

Harbinger said...

Was that Spunky just taking off???!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh My GOsh - I actually got to see hime take off!!! How amazing.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

6:41 a.m. He is at the lauching pad. Been moving his wings a little bit, trying to get up the courage. Just back over to 9 o'clock and did a little poop shoot and then back to the lauching pad. Lightened that load a little bit! Oh my God, he just spread his wings out, he has the look. Nope, folded them back in! Doing a lot of flapping all over the nest. Back at the launching pad, looking around. Just moved a little closer to the edge. He wants to really bad! He is so close to the edge, his head gets out of camera range sometimes. He keeps spreading his wings out like he is going to and then back in. It is 6:50 now. A little head bopping going on. Camera freezing up a little bit. Wings back out. Now back in but head still bobbing. My heart is racing. Head keeps going out of view. 6:56 a.m. Wings back out. 6:58 a.m. SPUNKY HAS FLEDGED!!!

Anonymous said...

this is bonnie from va.. He took off!!!!!

Anonymous said...

God bless him wish him well!!!

Anonymous said...

I just saw him take off! Go Spunky Go!

Nancy K. said...

Baby was alone on the launch pad at 6:55 and the nest appears empty at 6:57.... Did he finally fledge???/

Harbinger said...

Oh, such an empty nest. sigh

Harbinger said...

Sharon - what a great play-by-play!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh just walked away. I miss it??

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I could really tell by the previous fledges that this was going to be the time so I just started watching and typing (working a little bit in between). I am pretty sure I have saved it on Fraps. The file shows it is there but will check for sure in a little bit. Oh My God, that was more awesome that watching BigBoy fledge.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now it is really empty nest syndrome. UGGHHH!

Anonymous said...

Its wonderful...I was getting so worried about him list night, He look so down. Its a sad day, but a good day. Smiles for Spunky

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Do those of who voted for today to be the day get a prize? LOL.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Wondering how mom/dad is feeling right now. Proud I am sure!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Eat while you can. They will be back.

Nancy K. said...

Mom or Dad is back in the nest. I guess just cleaning up behind the little one, one last time...

Anonymous said...

This is bonnie from Va.. looks like Mom is making out just fine..

shes probably thinking..Phew thought i'd never have this place to myself!lol

glo said...

Good morning all...well guess little buddy is gone ;-( More tears. Does anyone have pictures of this morning. Sharon did you get a fRAPS (please say you did). Happy Flag day. You are a special little honor to your country today little buddy.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, I did get it on Fraps and have already sent it to you. I hope to the right address. It was beautiful!! Who do I need to send it to to get it on Yahoo?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

There is one back for breakfast. Definitely not Spunky yet. Now we will be driving ourselves nuts waiting for him to come back!

glo said...

Thanks Sharon. I got the video. Good morning everyone. For those who slept in I am uploading the video now

I will get it to the BLOG ASAP

Here is the link


I will also link it from the website later today.

Geula said...

HOLY COW! I think he just fledged!

glo said...

OK Spunky's fledge is there now for anyone who needs to know.

Kind of a really neat way to start Flag Day for sure!!! I'm sad and also glad to know "He did it".

glo said...

OOOps BLOG url one more time for those who see it first from here. I have emailed all who did not request removed from the list LOL No one did as I can remember.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, now what?

movin said...

Well, That's great...
I went back to sleep...it was about 3 a.m. in Cal. ... and missed it.

But I took advantage of Glo's entry, went to the "momsters" site and am loading the movie now.

Just viewed the whole awesome clip...looked a lot like The Big Gal's takeoff, except he took a bit longer with the preflight check sheet.



3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...