Thursday, June 22, 2006

Empty Nest Blues


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just wanted to be the first to comment on the new thread! Will be back later.

NillaWafer said...

Hi Sharon, I am watching the washington national zoo panda cam live and they are playing inside with something so cute!!!!

NillaWafer said...

Oh the panda's are so sweet!!! Saw 1 fly in the nest didnt stay.. looking for dinner i

NillaWafer said...

Hi Janet.. Loved your lab web site. July 1st is my birthday i will be 39 again.. Oh gang i found a elephant site with live cam.. it is in Tenn. at a reserve and these are elephants saved from horrible situations.. Juat another cam to watch..LMAO

NillaWafer said...

hEY janet did you see the pictures Jo put on momster she took the day we were over there?

Anonymous said...

Nilla, I just checked out the panda cam. Are they kept in a room? I see the larger one standing on his back legs at a window, rocking back and forth. Is that where they feed them?

NillaWafer said...

serena, that is the inside closure they also go outside. They sure have been playful this afternoon, should sleep good Our nest has been empty, the Opsrey nest is very colorful and 3 babies. I checked the elephant cam in Tenn and saw 1 elephant walking thru a large field. The ledge in Harrisburg was empty, i think it just to hot for alot of

Mema Jo said...

Hi There: I had a very nice meal & I am ready to watch this nest & chat.
Nilla: It seemed that I watched forever & never did get to see a herd of elephants-not even one.Birdgirl has the link & others on her site.
W.V.Gal: I really said that 2 yrs ago I went to the hospital & rocked the newborn great-grandson all afternoon. This new little one isn't here I'll keep you posted as I am informed.
Someone moved the limbs in the middle of the nest... No longer an Xlike it was this am. JanetM. Not sure about 7/1 - I know I would love it. Are you all going again?

Mema Jo said...

6:37pm Did everyone's live feed go down like mine did?
Nest is empty at this time. Live Egle Cam up & Running-at least the timer is running & I think the leaf is moving.

Mema Jo said...

6:39pm Spunky just popped in -- All 3 in the nest.....WOW

Mema Jo said...


NillaWafer said...

We have 3 in nest at 6:30 pm, I am here Jo

NillaWafer said...

I cant get live cam up Jo

Mema Jo said...

Really searching for the food - They all look very hot & tired. Big day at school I guess.

NillaWafer said...

2 in nest 6:40 pm

Mema Jo said...

One flew the coop as I was typing - not certain which one..MsInbetween is so large.......Could be Spunky with her. Trying to take pics from still cam, publish remarks & keep my sanity.

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

6:45pm MsInbetween flew out - I think it is Spunky resting at the 12:00 position in the nest.

NillaWafer said...

1 in nest at 6:45

Mema Jo said...

We did good NILLA !!

NillaWafer said...

HAHAHA Your I have so many different live animal cams on my screen some with sound some not.. Darn good thing this screen doesnt need a poOper scooper on it...ROFLAMOOO

Nancy K. said...

Could someone post the link to the Panda cam? I'd love to see them... Also any other interesting animal watch links.

Mema Jo said...

Little Spunky Little Spunky
Stay in the nest - Stay in the nest
Mom & Dad will feed you -
Mom & Dad will feed you
Get some rest Get some rest.....

NillaWafer said...

Jo i was thinking we should treat ourselves to lunch sometimes next wk at the "REDBIRD" near Boonsboro, see then you can give me my birthday present..LMAO

NillaWafer said...

Nancy go to the washington national zoo or Fonz (Friends Of National Zoo) They sure have been active this afternoon, and maybe being kept inside because of the heat.

Mema Jo said...
Some of these may interest you Nancy K

NILLA Can you send the Panda & others you have. Just go to your bookmarks & right click to copy & then past them in here for Nancy.

Mema Jo said...

OK NILLA - Name the date... & remember that I didn't get that turtle shell yet that I am going to clean up & givve you.............LOL

NillaWafer said...

You can also find it by going to

NillaWafer said... this is the Eagle cam in BC ... 1 in nest at 7:00 pm

Mema Jo said...

Spunky is thinking about leaving...perched on edge of nest...7:02pm All gone...........Right off of the launching pad...........

NillaWafer said... this is Osprey nest in Washington State

NillaWafer said... Puffin cam... LOTS OF NOISE

NillaWafer said...

NillaWafer said...

Mema Jo said...

7:06pm 1 Eaglet back in nest
It could be BigBoy.....Just a guess...Lying down at 1:00 in the nest..

NillaWafer said...

If you click on the smaller pictures of animals at bottom of page there are alot more cams to see..

Mema Jo said...

Talking to someone overhead.....Looking down over side of nest at 12:00.........All lgone as it was refreshing...........7:12pm

Mema Jo said...

7:13pm Live feed is still down...

Mema Jo said...

GREAT - NOT I just lost the Live Eagle Cam... I'll try to reboot but it just keeps refreshing with a BLUE MOLD..........At least it did that for 4 times in a row - I checked before I published and now it is running ok again. I don't think we will make it through the night...
&:22pm Empty nest

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

Glad to hear from you Jennifer. Sorry our live cam is down right now... Glad to hear you are from the neighboring stomping grounds of Hgstwn........

Mema Jo said...

7:22 & 7:30pm Empty nest

NillaWafer said...

Jo i cant get live cam neither, i know when i click it and it comes up and is looking for a RAM i am chit out of Welcome Jen to Eagleholics.. Many more web sites have been posted in this blog for other live cams for animals all over the world.

Mema Jo said...

Live cam has the timer running correctly & there is a clear pic now-But sure can't see any movement in the leaf - Guess I'll know it isn't frozen when I see an eaglet in the nest again - should I be so lucky.

Just Vicky said...

I can't believe some of you are still using that word "blue"! Have you forgotten our weekend?

NillaWafer said...

Well arent you special I cant get it up and for me to reboot i have 2 comps here and they are set up that if you boot 1 you need to boot both because the 1 is set major comp for my Point Of Sales and keeping a record of everything. So keep reporting and ill keep trying to bring it up without rebooting...

Mema Jo said...

We just lost our power for a second-but I am just now getting the program up & running.
8:01pm Empty nest..Live Cam running ok with date, timer & refresher BUT I will know better when I see something moving ...
Is that you Vicky or is that you Vicky WV Gal ???

Just Vicky said...

That was Vicky from Oakwood!

Mema Jo said...

Gollly - I think it is Spidey..Or it could be the ghost of the turtle....
WOW Looks so wierd........ I guess I never saw him before - just his web..Now he is all gone - I gonna get a pic next time he comes.........8:21pm

Mema Jo said...

Hi Vicky from Oakwood! How was your day?

Just Vicky said...

Had a storm this afternoon! Like the rest of us Momster -- FEELING EMPTY LIKE OUR NEST! I won't use that _ _ _ _ (color) word though!

NillaWafer said...

Its about time for Spunky to return to nest for the night. Jo i am watching a good program on WETA about birds.. bokkk bokkk Lord i think im growing feathers..LOL

Just Vicky said...

Can we vote more than once for the parent names??

NillaWafer said...

8:30 i see all 3 in nest on still cam...

NillaWafer said...

2 in nest 8:32 looks like others might be going soon also.

NillaWafer said...

darn 1 in nest.. guess they are looking for food.

NillaWafer said...

last 1 is on launching pad looking around

Just Vicky said...

I snapped a picture of the 3!

NillaWafer said...

GONE GONE GONE it is 8:35 pm nest empty

NillaWafer said...

Ut Oh spider is back and shinnyyyyyyyyyyyy weavin a web.

wvgal_dana said...

"Vicky" W.Va. here 839pm I been sending out new sites to go to on here to my sister-in-law in Pa. You've kept be busy do that - had to help her alot with it by me going to page and using telephone but she's got them now.
Hi! Everyone on here
My "live feed" is down is anyones live feed up?
Forgive my manners,"Welcome Jennifer to the group.

Just Vicky said...

Yes, forgive my manners Jennifer! We welcome you! Hasn't this been a wonderful experience watching this "family!"?

NillaWafer said...

Hi Gal nope my live feed is down but been watching the still cam and posting. Hey i saw you left messages at the wahington state Osprey site.. i said hello to you there in By the way i was watching them awhiel ago and all got fed by parents,so they arent hungry..

NillaWafer said...

Spider is busy busy busy .. The nest is empty right now and the nest is taking on it errie glow of Eagle Spirits.. Time is 8:55 pm

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla you said "all" got feed that means the little one too....oh boy oh boy. I couldn't take it had to leave I cried. Mom was feeing fish Dad brought in and Dad was sitting right in front of the littlest one and didn't coach him/her in to eat. Ok Ok so I'm a cry baby lol.....
I too have been watching the stills here and not posting didn't want to miss our eaglets coming in.

"Vicky" W.Va.

Mema Jo said...

NILLA: Glad you got all that action. Keep that pic Vicky - you can send it to GLO @ I think you're the only one that got the pic.
VICKY from Oakland: I think you should only vote once - but you can change your vote before the poll closes on SAT.
VICKY W.V.Gal: Live feed has been down for awhile. Remember someone always saying that Thursday was a jinx!
Sorry to see such a quick trip in & out by the eaglets-had there been food they would have stayed. I haven't seen the adults recently.Guess the little ones best go out & pick out a branch for the night.

Just Vicky said...

I changed my profile so there shouldn't be any confusion over the "Vicky's"! I will send my snap to Glo!

NillaWafer said...

Oh spider is so busy I am thinkng since its a regular andlives with our eagles we should name it

wvgal_dana said...

HI Jo; you have how many grandchilden boy or girls and how many greatgrandchildren boy or girls??
For our eaglets and eagles maybe the nest is damp and they decided to pick a limb (remember maybe they are branching) lol..
9:01 pm and no body in nest

"Vicky" W.Va.

NillaWafer said...

Yes Gal they all got fed, i watched the little one move over and was fed by aparent, so not to worry.. Jo i thought you had live cam? Ya'll see Spidy?

Mema Jo said...

i did get a pic of the Spidey.... Wait till GLO see this one...........

Just Vicky said...

Either Spidey is being magnified or he really is a whopper!

wvgal_dana said...



Mema Jo said...

Vicky:W.V.Gal: Jo has 5 children (3 daughters & 2 sons) 12 grandchildren (6 & 6) 4 great grandchildren (2 & 2). All family meals are served buffet with everyone bringing a dish! My hubby & I have been married 48 years!
I am all about Family!

wvgal_dana said...

That is it JanetM.


wvgal_dana said...


Mema Jo said...

Janet,you monster you!HaHa! Go to the main page of this blog NCTC Eagle Cam Daily. Over on the right click on Yahoo Eaglet Group - takes you right to the Home page where you can sign in

Mema Jo said...

9:14pm Nest Empty

NillaWafer said...

Jo is your grandchild coming now? Is she in labor if not maybe the baby is waiting for my July1st cant let you forget that im expecting a turtle shell...ROFLMAO

wvgal_dana said...

Jo thank you for the info....neat to have a nice size family.....I think that is great. I had always wanted aleast 4 children. Got to have a co-operate husband though. I re-married and have 1 child a daughter that was a gracious "gift".
Even though you have such a big family the excitement is still there for this newborn coming into the world. I can hear it in your voice when you tell us about the up-coming event.
You ever wonder what a Momma Eagle thinks when she is carrying the eggs and then her feeling when they hatch.....???? I do.....

wvgal_dana said...

JanetM. listen to Jo ....gee that sure sounds easier. lol
I took the long way around Robinhoods Barn lol
Janet would probably miss the vote going my way. Good helping their JanetM. has time to vote and re-vote even if she wants to.


wvgal_dana said...

9:27pm No one in nest....


NillaWafer said...

Well i am JANET i vote we name the moma eagle JANET...lmao since we rule here!!!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Janet D. - Glad to hear from you. I'm in Middletown - near Frederick. I love Shepherdstown - Have you lived there long? Did you get affected by the water leak? Do you know FLoralgirl - she lives 10 mins out of Shepherdstown.... We are finding out it really is a small world....

Mema Jo said...

NILLA will always be NILLA to me. LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Wow (3 Janets) that we know of and people are getting 2 "Vicky's" mixed up lol....that is why in the Momster group I wanted to keep West_Va_gal....only 1 of me once you take that name lol but they said I had to give nickname.
Nilla can't believe you are a Janet funny 3 now on this page tonight...
I wonder I have tri-focals on am I just seeing 3 eaglets and hearing/seeing 3 eaglet names typed?????


Mema Jo said...

I'm going over to hotmail to send GLO some pics..Be back AND don't come looking for me if I'm later then what you wished me to be. LOL

NillaWafer said...

Awwww Thanks Jo, but you didnt answer my question's read up about baby.. Nest empty at 9:35 pm

wvgal_dana said...

Ok JO remember "Poise"

paula eagleholic said...

Good evening Eagleholics!

Well, Steve certainly title this thread correctly, seems the nest has been rather empty today. Maybe we will get to see them more tomorrow...seems to be the way it day, lots of day, not too much activity.

Thanks, for keeping up the blog, been unable to watch today. It's really nice to be able to read back thru the days comments....
(although going between the 2 before this one was a little confusing!) Gotta go back and read about depends or poise or something like that!

Renee posted some really nice eagle pics on the momsters site, if you haven't seen them yet, take a look!

wvgal_dana said...

Getting late..
Eagle Momsters, NCTC do you know where your eaglets and eagles are???
Anyone remember that announcement that used to come on the tv or radio....."It's 11 o'clock do you know where you children are?"
Sharon and son must be having a great time together at resturant---maybe Sharon has decided to stay till "closing time".......Sharon oh calling Sharon


wvgal_dana said...

There was a new person in here tonight named "Jennifer"....I didn't get a chance to tell her about the voting. She has been watching since the hatching. Believe she has been reading post but never posted until tonight.
I failed should have gotten her email so you could "invite her to Momster group".


Mema Jo said...

NILLA: That baby best not wait until July 1 - I know it would be an honor for you BUT Melissa Jo is readdddyyyy.

NillaWafer said...

Ok time to say Good Night Ya'll i am off work for 5 days but will be checking in from time to time. Have a great wknd and stay safe.

wvgal_dana said...

Night Nilla .... no going over and climbing in the "nest"..... just kidding all.
Eagle and Eaglets dreams to you.


Mema Jo said...

Paula: I am glad I looked in at the photos on the momster site.... Renee's Kennedy Space Center eagles are just as beautiful as ours.Some very good shots. ALSO- I just now looked at W.V.Gal & ROBAROBS albums - such good memories they brought into mind. Great selection in both albums! Everyone should get over there & take a look!

paula eagleholic said...

WV Gal,
That's ok about forgetting to tell Jennifer, hopefully she will read thru the blogs and find out about the group...or maybe see the shortcut on the blog page, I wish I knew who Sheri was that couldn't get into the group either....

We have invited everyone who has asked, and accepted everyone...although sometimes yahoo can be a little tricky getting approved, you have to say which email account you are using, so you can accept from there..

Glad everyone likes the poll, and yes I did your suggestion in there!

paula eagleholic said...

Night, Nilla, enjoy your days off!

Mema Jo said...

Paula: Could you tell me how to 'reply' to a message that is on the site. I hit reply - but don't know where to type it when the original message is up.. As you can see, I don't care if I ask stupid questions. HaHa! I had checked not to receive all the messages - I am having second thoughts about that now - I think I should go in & say I want all messages in my emails.

Mema Jo said...

Barb-ME My daughter is coming up for a week to the Damriscotta Lake area. Anywhere near you?

paula eagleholic said...

You can just type at the beginning of the new window that pops up on your screen when you hit reply, the original message should show under it.
Or you can also go to the site and click on the message and reply from there.

You can change to the daily digest, it puts all the message in one email a day, usually early evening, or just keep the momster group up on a separate page, and check it every now and then

BTW, no question is a stupid question! We don't learn unless we ask, right?!

Anonymous said...

Jo, Damariscotta is about 90 minutes north of me.

Mema Jo said...

Barb-ME: I think they are leaving Newport RI on Sunday & headed up to the lake area for a week of relaxation. I guess they just might drive right by you to get to the lake. Someday - I may just come up that way.

wvgal_dana said...

Paula I just wanted to say that the "poll" is awesome set-up. Very professional.
I like how it shows how many people "voted" and "precentage". Neat how the "bar" moves. Really...Really great...The Eagles and Eaglets would be proud.
As an Eagle Watcher and apart of this Momsters group I am very proud about this voting for the Eagle Parent Names.


paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, WV Gal, I just put in the names, and Yahoo did the rest...I think they have a pretty good setup...

wvgal_dana said...

10:44pm no sight of kids coming home tonight unless someone in here gave them a midnight curfew.
Someone else is going to have to stay up that late to watch; it won't be me.
Thinking again Eagle thoughts..I am getting ready to brush my teeth before heading for my "nest" (bed).
The thought about brushing teeth do you think with those talcons they have that they use them to brush their beak?

nite all pleasant eagle dreams


paula eagleholic said...

Haven't seen a beak brushing, but have seen a head scratchin!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like we might get some more t'storms tonight,,,,Lord knows we need the rain!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am just now getting home. Went to eat, Andrew and his best friend do a wonderful job at entertaining us while eating lobster and crab legs. They are too funny.

Then I got a cookie cake and we ate that. I went to a few minutes of a meeting and then had to go to K-Mart and Kroger's. Long day. Thanks so much for the notes everybody.

Jo, thanks for the pictures. They were wonderful. I took some pictures of Spidey early on in this adventure. I sent a couple to Glo the other day. He was covering the lens. Eerie looking!

Good night everybody. Will be on about 7 a.m.

Good night Spunky, good night BigBoy, Good night Ms. InBetween, good night John Boy, oh, I forgot where I was!

Good night all. Sweet eaglet dreams!

paula eagleholic said...

Glad to hear you had a nice dinner...I love going to dinner with the kids, nice time to relax and reconnect...

paula eagleholic said...

Well, folks, I am saying goodnight to Eagleland too,,,been a long day...sleep tight eaglets and eagleholics!


Mema Jo said...

Storm rolling in - need the rain but hope our water repellent feathered friends hang on tight to their branches.
Goodnight All LOL Jo

Just Vicky said...

Dumb Spidey! But then again he's the only action!

Just Vicky said...

Goodnight All! Pray for sightings tomorrow!

It's 10:49 Illinois time.

Geula said...

Good Morning! what time does it get light in eagleland?

floralgirl said...

Good morning-It's 5:40 Geula-it started to get light around 5 am.It's the best time of the day,the birds are singing their hearts out,the temps are still cool,the sun is not blazing hot.Had some rain last night,they say more is on the way.

Geula said...

you complain about no rain? Well it's not going to rain here till Oct-Nov! LOLOL! Now THAT is DRY!

floralgirl said...

Yes, I complain about no rain-we need it so badly here.So many areas are in drought conditions, because our water table is so low. Will you not get ANY rain until Oct-Nov? I can't imagine that. I grow flowers, my business so depends on the help of Mother Nature.Irrigation is good,but it's not the same as a good soaking shower from the sky.Have a good morning,off to cut flowers

wvgal_dana said...

6:12am nest is empty but waiting to see an arrival......maybe they know we are "naming them" and they are waiting to come in for their approved NEW names; the parents. If so that is ok but not on in and let us see you eaglets; Bigboy, Ms InBetween, and Spunky.
Oh Good Morning everyone! I am so excited about today until midnight we have to vote for the Eagle Parents names. If you haven't voted DON'T FORGET TOO.

"Vicky" W.Va. gal

wvgal_dana said...

Guela Morning you don't get rain till Oct-Nov.? So what is the weather like the rest of the year?
I do make mistakes in typing sometimes I get to typing too fast (excited) and mess up a word.


wvgal_dana said...

No sighting yet of anyone at nest.

Wow Just looked at weather report-till through tomorrow till 12:00pm "FLASH FLOOD ALERT" for alot of areas covering NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, AND WEST OF Shepherdstown, W.Va. Then for the Shepherstown Area thunderstorms and possible rain up through including Thursday June 29th. We do need the rain.
Ooops sorry about that (mistake is my previous posting). It was suppose to be "but come on in and let us see you eaglets.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everybody! Overslept. These late night hours are getting to me. Nobody home this morning. Maybe they will be coming in soon. Make a wonderful day everybody!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Sharon. Bet you had a "great" time yesterday....since you did not come back on I said you must be closing the place up lol..
Hi Suzanna I thought no one else was on here before Sharon came in?


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, I was thinking the same thing about the turtle shell! I guess that is all part of the teaching. Don't recall them bringing in turtles until the past couple of days. I personally think they need to stick to fish, not near as hard to eat! :)

I have a baby house finch on my roof this morning just raising cane, waiting to be fed by its Daddy. It is so cute, just fluttering those little wings. They are the most vocal birds I have ever heard.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Suzanne I'll try to type it correctly.
I think also that is a turtle shell. I read where they use the shells; pulling and tugging at them as if pulling the meat off. They actually aren't playing with them. It said they will do that with other bones too.

wvgal_dana said...

I was looking could not find the thing about turtle shells yet. Thought this was interesting and think most know this:

The young eagle stays near the nest, practicing its abilities to fly and to hunt. The parents cannot tell juveniles how to hunt, they have to learn by watching the parents and by practicing. During this time they seem to spend more time looking at prey than they do actually attacking it.
Over the next month, they meet with their parents to be fed, but have little other contact with them. They learn to soar and to spot prey.


Anonymous said...

Good Morning everyone!!! Interesting stuff.... Geula, what is the temperature where you live?? Sharon glad your had a good time with your son. Looks like some very unstable weather in our future, would like to have a few days of gentle rain and not the predicted gully gooshers. Have a great day and be safe, wherever you are.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, I am with you on the starling thing. And they multiply over and over. Too bad eagles don't do that!

Vicky W. - thanks for the info on the hunting. Sure do wish we would get some action happening this morning. I need my eaglet fix for the morning!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Mits. How is it going this morning?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, my baby is 17 years old, 6'2", weighs 300 pounds, wears a size 16 shoe, definitely a little bigger than his mommy, but he is still my baby!! :)

Anonymous said...

Going good, Sharon. Do you think the cross in the nest is a coincidence or maybe God is giving us a sign, sort of like the flag picture I sent to you. HMMMMM!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Bluefield weather report: Thunderstorms around 6:15 a.m., now just raining. Have several really wet birds on my roof - sparrows with babies in tow, towhee, mourning doves, woodpecker, cardinal. I have a baby towhee too. Beautiful!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits - no coincidences here - only God things. Absolutely everything happens for a reason. We may never know what the reasons are but it is for a reason!! :)

wvgal_dana said...

An Eaglemornng to you Hi Mits !

Suzanne are you talking about eagles in Pa.?


Anonymous said...

It just really gives me goosebumps when I see these things.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Good morning, fellow eagleholics! Guess where I'm going for a meeting tonight? Yup, NCTC. I'll be watching the skies!

Since our critters aren't on camera very much, I've been spending some time with Hugo the stork. He's a cute little bugger, but not too healthy. I sure hope he makes it! All the eaglets in BC do is sleep!!!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...