Friday, June 30, 2006

Another Shot, Two in one.

This is a real picture, or as Todd put it to me, no photoshop voodoo.

Thanks Todd!


Mema Jo said...

Todd - you're the MAN! Your photos are taking my breath away. I cannot believe our babies are soooooo big!
No wonder the nest looks so full at times. The photos really bring everything into perspective! Monday-Should be the start of a gallery of pics from Todd!
Thank you Steve for posting these magnificant photos.. Oh,My Goodness! I can't take my eyes off of you...You are to good to be true la la la la LOL

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I am speechless!!! Thank you so much, Todd, for these wonderful Independence Day treats!

glo said...

I went to the new thread, I opened my eyes and I said WOW Thank you so much. They are beautiful.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

These are the very most awesome pictures I have ever seen. To see all the hard work pay off, to see them free in flight is absolutely amazing. God bless you Todd and Steve for sharing these with us. It really makes me want to cry. They are just beautiful. I think the single one in flight is BigBoy too. What a beautiful eagle he is!

Geula said...

All I can say is W O W!!!

Harbinger said...

Thank you, Todd!!! Thank you, Steve!!! And thank everyone else at NCTC.
Those pictures are magnificent!!

Mema Jo said...

3;47pm Guess we should have a nest report - can't take my eyes off of the pics MT NEST

NillaWafer said...

Todd U Da Man!!! Truely amazing pictures. Always in my mind i picture seeing all 3 and aparent soaring high above the day Jo,Ang,Janet and myself were over there setting along the Never will forget that, keep the pictures coming its such abeautiful day here in Martinsburg. Hey Jo 1 more day and i will be another year

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Can somebody call NCTC and see if they know anything about the live cam? If we don't get it up today, it will probably be next Wednesday before it will be back up, if then!

Mema Jo said...

Nilla: you're kidding me! Turtle shells still in the nest!

NillaWafer said...

YADA YADA YADA I been watching the Harrisburg Falcon's 2 are on the ledge and have been very vocal, but the rain musta clean ledge off alittle also. Oh i saw in a blog that 1 must have flew into a window, but couldn't find any reports of how serious it was..Hope its ok been watching these since eggs also. I think that on monday i am going to drive over and set along the road to watch for the kids(or if NCTC is open try and wiggle my way in closer.. hey Jo maybe if i smile and talk sweet the guard will let me A pie might come in handy, speaking of pies never heard from Steven what kind he wanted.. maybe ill just bake something and take it over as a surprise.. Join me Jo?

Just Vicky said...

Oh my oh my oh my! What a sight! THANK YOU SO MUCH! Now let's get 3 in the sky????

Mema Jo said...

I'll give it some serious thought - Maybe we could find Todd...

paula eagleholic said...

Still an MT nest.

Thanks for the pictures Todd, they are breathtaking, a real treat for all us that have been looking at the cam pic for the last couple of months.

paula eagleholic said...

Guess no live feed for the weekend, maybe they are trying to wean us!

BTW, the Blackwater Osprey cam looks great now.

NillaWafer said...

Awww they have stopped the live web cam in Harrisburg for the season, I am just glad i watched alot today and saw the 2 on the ledge. Looking forward to next year as with "OUR" Liberty n Belle making a new family for us to watch and fall in love with, but i think Big Boy..Inbetween.. and our Spunky will be 1st in our hearts always. Checking nest all over the world and alot seems to have flowen the coop so to WE DO NEED SOUND NEXT YEAR..Experiancing the sounds of Eagles on other site's is awsome to hear.

NillaWafer said...

Guess we need to write to Robert B. for So send those e-mails..LMAO

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, this is probably going to sound a little weird to you guys, but, I am going to say it anyway. I feel like the love and spirit we have had for these 3 eaglets in some way has - by way of osmosis or through God or through spirits -aided in the achievement of our three eaglets!! That is not to say the demise of other eaglets is because the love was or was not there or whatever, but I think the spirit that is felt (at least I feel it) between us and these eaglets and Liberty and Belle is so strong and I am so grateful that I have been a part of such a wonderful and sometimes overwhelming journey. Thanks for the ride everybody, it has been a great one!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That sounded like I was signing off, but I am NOT! Just wanting to let you know how I feel about it. I am here until they shut us down!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Todd, what GREAT pics.

NillaWafer said...

still cam has 1 in nest at 5:55 pm

Anonymous said...

Eagle Eyed Sharon,

That was very well put. It seems the eaglets have thrived from the love and prayers of all the Eagle Momsters!!!

Happy weekend all,

floralgirl said...

Wow!!- another great picture! Thanks for sharing, Todd.What a great job these eagle parents have done raising three eaglets,thanks to everyone at NCTC who made it possible for all of us to observe this beautiful display of nature. How I will miss these birds.

glo said...

Sharon Doesn't sound weird to me at all. Of course I am one who thinks there is in fact a Creator of all things, and I think perhaps that Creator has enjoyed our enjoyment enough that we have in fact had a little extra help from "Nature as it may be" and we have in fact Been Quite Blessed"! JMHO

NillaWafer said...

Sharon i hope next year you can make it over here and experiance what those of us who live close has seen for real.. I know you were with us in spirit..But make plans for next year, as well as many other's a distanse away. Glo has did a fabulous job with her web site and the Momster's by Paula is great.. With so much talent and love how can "OUR" Kids NOT do well maturing and surviving..

NillaWafer said...

If Only... If Only our eyes could see what "OUR" Kids are seeing, from high above... The sites of the Potomac River.. Harpers Ferry.. Farm lands.. Mountain tops and valley's below..Tree tops and the grounds below.. Gliding on the breezes Mother Nature provides, as she provided us with lasting memories of the last few months.. God above truely knows our love for these Eagles and will keep them safe in the palm of his hand.. I truely believe that with all my heart and soul....As well as bring all of us together as friends ,, just think 3 little fuzzy balls in a nest did that... Amazing Huh?

wvgal_dana said...

Oh my Todd _ those imiagies of Gods creation and our countries pride "The American Bald Eagle In It's fledgling youth the eaglet".
SPEECHLESS, IN AW, Perfection in the eye of the beholder. You have shown to all that see's these pictures of amazament into a world of beauty, greatness, gracious, and pride. For Liberty and Belle have been such great parents teaching "all" of us watching a part of love, care, tenderness, unselfishness, skills, and then the true meaning of later the eaglets have to care for themselves. This experience has been a "walk on the moon" for me. I thank NCTC and everyone connected with bringing this about. I look and hope for more pictures of the 3 one-time babies; that are soaring the sky's above NCTC. Hoping to catch Liberty and Belle also in a picture; lol "a family photo" being cute here. Everyone it's not over till it's over and I'm still hanging around awhile. Yes been gone for days but back I am and glad to be.
If we can have sound next year would be nice (Iknow never satisified). If not I vote for Jo to go down and hold a laptop with a mic and we'll connect into her.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

8:04 p.m. MT nest except for turtle shells. Jo, it is tomorrow you know!

NillaWafer said...

OMG Vicky im laughing so hard here my customers think i am nuts...LMAO Ok Jo your nominated for the sound tech next year under the tree... I will provide a very large umbrella to keep you safe and dry from poop shoots... Oh and plenty of Tick ROFLMAOOOO Naaaa Vicky we have raised these babies as our own more or less laughed at their antic's.. cryed.. been so worried made calls to NCTC when cams was Drove over just to see if we could see them and report back But just think they have had the best of both worlds 2 great parents who againist the odds raised all 3 to be strong and soar.. and we surrogate parents from afar watch inawwwww of there achievments..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

8:10 p.m. Eaglet in the nest!

glo said...

8:14 eagle time 1 in the nest

glo said...

LOL Well I did see him at 8:10 but I was in the middle of email check too LOL

glo said...


wvgal_dana said...

8:15 one in nest

Mema Jo said...

Yes, GLO - I think Spunky, too.
I'll be getting back with my reply about everything I am being called upon to do. Need to watch the nest now.

NillaWafer said...

1 in nest at 8:20 pm looks like Spunky to me.. scrounging for left overs perhaps some left over turtle

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

8:21 p.m. MT nest again. It was good while it lasted though!

NillaWafer said...

*MEAT sorry

Mema Jo said...

He just went 'poof'. This live eagle cam refreshes sometimes at the wrong time.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Can you all believe Todd's pictures? They are absolutely magnificent!!!

wvgal_dana said...

I too think it was Spunky. It looked like he had something in his mouth. Couldn't till withouth live feed.
Hi everyone thank you for such good notes.
Feeling better get alittle tired but that is suppose to leave. Good being back. Pics makes you feel like their "live" flying over head of us.

Mema Jo said...

I have to keep going back to the pics of Todd's - still can't believe my eyes! They make me feel so proud to have followed these little puff balls to the heights of the heavens!

wvgal_dana said...

I had to save the pictures didn't want them getting away from me. So awesome. Those once were eggs and we worried would they all hatch. Then little fuzz balls worrying whether they all would get feed and make it. Now they are teenagers learning to wean into years of practing to be an "adult eagle". Even now they look so proud.

NillaWafer said... This site is about the men and women helped build a nest in NY that had fell down. There are some great pictures of them building a sort of wooden open flooring for the birds to rebuild.. and whats wonderful is shortly after climbing down from the tree they snapped apicture of aparent bringing in branches to Go Look it is really nice..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, I went the NY nest site, that is so cool. If we just had more people like that willing to help! I love the shot of the eagle coming with the branch. That is so neat. Beautiful story!

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you nilla I am going to take a look.

NillaWafer said...

Yes it was Sharon, have you seen the Eagle Lady in Alaska site? I think i found it on she is truely amazing, there are picture of her with hundereds of Eagles she feeds... Sharon you would be in heaven...LMAO

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Vicky, WVGAL, you've got mail!

NillaWafer said...

Jo my DSL modem came yesterday, looks real easy to hook up. I am off tomarrow SINCEEEE it is my Oh Jo NO comments on camping out under the tree so we have sound next year with a microphone???

Mema Jo said...

Thanks, NILLA:It's great to think we humans can help mother nature out in such a beautiful way. These guys deserve a lot of credit for what they did for those NY eagles.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yes, Nilla, I would be in heaven. I will go to that when I finish working. Doing a little overtime tonight!

NillaWafer said...

Sharon do you also get the feeling Jo is avoiding answering about her under the tree next year??lol She is prolley bustin bubbles again...LMAO

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

The stress is probably getting to her, Nilla. It will take a rather large umbrella to keep the poop shoot material off of her while she is sitting there. Oh, wait a minute, that is her favorite part, isn't it!

Mema Jo said...

I'm going to pop your bubble! My answer is I don't think so We need to think of a good fund raiser - like someone win the Mega Millions or something like that and put the money up front for sound! Me under a sycamore with an unbrella & a mic ain't going to happen. But - just how much would that job pay?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I get we could round up maybe $5.15 an hour for you and all the poop shooting you could carry home in a bucket!

NillaWafer said...

LMAO Now Jo wants paid you beleive that I thought she do it out of the goodness of her lil pea pickin heart... I said earier that we need to get in touch with R.B. to help with getting sound since he is head

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, Jo, Vicky and Nilla - you've got mail!

NillaWafer said...

Geeeesh i offered to provide the very large umbrella and tick spray... Hey Jo ill throw in a plastic rain coat from the water rides at Hershey Sharon she driving ahard bargin

Mema Jo said...

I'm going to check my mail! Might be a job app from FWS/NCTC.....HaHa

NillaWafer said...

Thanks Sharon, wonderful pics and ole' Spidy might miss it to... as for mail i have bundles in there need to house clean it I will once i get the DSL set up on my Dell home comp, which should be tomarrow.

NillaWafer said...

Hey there Janet, i thought the same thing as you since we saw them soaring like that in the sky!!! Hope things are well with you n have a safe holiday wknd. Hugs, Janet aka Nilla

NillaWafer said...

PS did Mits leave for vacation home or is she still feeling ill? Not like her not to be here, Mits Miss You

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, ladies and gents (if there are any), I am going to bed. May the spirits of eagles bless your dreams. Oh yeah, I dreamed I saw an eagle last night that was just walking around on the ground in front of me. Feathers all ruffled and kept looking at me. It was too cool. I can really see that happening in real life!! LOL.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Absolutely, we do miss you Mits!! Hope you are feeling better.

NillaWafer said...

Niter's Sharon as for the dreams i read anice poem about EAGLE dreams will find it and add here.. smiles

NillaWafer said...

Majestic Dreams

Last night, once again, I had a dream
About an eagle in the blue,
And just like all the other dreams,
Right above my head it flew.
In every dream of it I had,
It landed somewhere close by,
And each time, I was so excited
For the beauty that caught my eye.

Our national emblem gracing the sky
For so long I yearned to see,
And envied those fortunate enough
To see him on the wing, being free.
When I awoke from the glorious dreams,
Some disappointment I did feel.
But then I overcame with happiness,
For the dreams had seemed so real

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, this is not a poem but I thought it was interesting. See, you set my mind a wandering again.

Eagle: Dream Interpretation - Eagle


The eagle is an important Native American symbol, as well as having a place in the ancient literature of Greeks and Hebrews. All these images exist in our common-day lore on roughly equal terms.

The eagle is a symbol of great wisdom and vision in the lore of Navajo and Crow Native American legend. As such, it is often associated as a sacred emblem that sets the dreamer apart for special uses by the Great Spirit.

In Hebrew and Greek literature, the eagle is a symbol of power. Due to their great size and strength, eagles were able take small livestock from the herds. This gave the bird a persona of majesty, power and fear. To dream of the eagle is to be spiritually validated as a person of great wisdom and insight concerning both this world and the spiritual realities beyond.

Source: iVillage,

Mema Jo said...

Oh, Sharon Did you see my comment to you on Thurs evening after you said goodnight & then came back..Too wierd... My comment is right above Moving"s.. It blessed you with eaglet dreams... OhOh.....I have a power... You did dream about an eagle......

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - movie was excellent..You need to publish them on YouTube as Shepherdstown WV Eagles......... You even flipped the one picture the entire way around.....So cool!

NillaWafer said...

Now i lay me down to sleep, with vision of American Bald Eagles in my sleep... They were flappin and sqwakin and lookin for food..Oh but what to my wondering eyes appeared the parents to feed "OUR" darling dear's.. Now settled all safe and warm for the night.. Branching some wheres out of site.. Tomarrow will come at dawns early light... "OUR" eagles will soar to new unabounding heights.. seeing so much of this land of ours.. No wonder they are the American National Eagle of our wonderful skies...

NillaWafer said...

HaHaHa i figure if my mind is wondering so should everyone else

Mema Jo said...

Sure do like that one, NILLA. LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, You are powerful!! I didn't even realize that!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Beddy bye time!! GN!

Nancy K. said...

Absolutely breathtaking photos! I've got goose-bumps (or should I say "Eaglet bumps"?). What an unexpected but gloriously splendid surprise...

Mema Jo said...

Thursday evening I joined Glo's LOOP - I want to repeat my message & hope some of you will do the same..........
JOIN THE LOOP If MemaJo can do it - anybody can!
Go to GLO Blog:http://gloandtheeagle
Click on a pic on the moving LOOP
Screen will say:GLO has invited you to join the loop "June with our eaglets"
Scroll down to the bottom & install Film Loop Setup Exe.(FREEBEE) onto your pc.
You will fill in 1st name, email,zip,gender & age bracket
You now have joined The Film Loop
Go back to GLO's loop, click on a pic, and FilmLoop will come up asking you what you want to do--Click on comment> Format is simple & you can see other comments.
Click on OK at the bottom when you finish.

NillaWafer said...

Time has come to say good night and end this day of being with you friends. I think we all have gotten to be more relaxed knowing the kids are about to leave us and move on. But we all know they will be fine for they have prayers and wishes from all of us parents here on this blog created for us to touch and reachout and share so many memories not only of the eagles but some of us have shared stories of loved ones we have lost. Man i dont know what brought that Ok Nighty Night,,, Hugs 2 all, Nilla

NillaWafer said...

OH JO i am sadden you didnt sing "Happy Birthday To Me" lol

Anonymous said...

Wow, thanks again!

Monday, I'm hanging with them until the light goes. Wish me a blue sky!


belle_wv said...

INCREDIBLE - Gorgeous images captured by skillful and carefilled hands! Thank you Todd for sharing the pictures and Steve for posting them! Incredible - oh I said that already... So wonderful to see them in their glory. Best wishes for wonderful weather and great eagle/eaglet flights and stills to capture!

Mema Jo said...

Nilla: Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow..

Mema Jo said...

Todd - Where are you going to publish all these fantastic photos you're going to shoot??? We really want to see them - They are awesome & mean so much to all of us.

belle_wv said...

That would make an excellent fund raiser! I know I would gladly pay a generous amount to have a cd of Todd's pictures and possibly some footage from the cameras that NCTC has been able to capture that we haven't been able to see... a nice progression of photos/stills chronicling the eagle family's story from start to present... proceeds to go to NCTC to help offset the costs of the cameras/bandwidth/sound/perhaps a second camera giving a 'sky' view near the tree to capture branching and early fledge activities?? What's everyone think? Also I am still interested in a T-shirt with a 'family' shot of all 5 eagles the year and their names on the back? Better than a concert t-shirt any day!

glo said...

LOL Thanks for the plug for the Loop again Jo. It is pretty fun. You know once you join, you don't have to send pictures to me anymore. You just drag them right in there yourself. I have it set up so anyone "In the loop" can ad to the Loop, so go for it. At least I really do think that is how it works. Try it and let me know.

I have had such a long and busy day. Did get by each time to quickly say hi and see these great pictures though. I can hardly wait for Monday except i have to work. Tuesday however I am off so I can enjoy watching them get posted, Right Todd. Hey todd if you join the Loop you can post them right on there too. Oh tomorrow is July 1. I need to make a loop for july tomorrow. I will do that!!!

Good night everyone. CYA around the BLOG tomorrow!!!

floralgirl said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
floralgirl said...

Good morning all- have to work this morning, off to market.Hope there's lots of eagle activity for everyone to watch today.Todd-Your pictures are amazing-can't wait to see more- need someone to carry your camera bag on Monday??Hope everyone has a good weekend. 5:48 am-MT nest.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Nilla, Happy Birthday to YOU and many, many, many more!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

7:20 a.m. MT nest!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Off to the flea market now. Will be back later! Make a good day, everybody!

glo said...

Good Morning all. Happy Birthday Nilla

Yes once again I too would be very interested in purchasing a fund raising item or two in realtion to this eagle family we have so enjoyed.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...