Monday, June 26, 2006

All There

Here's all three kids. Plus, note the oval shaped object in the lower part of the nest--a turtle shell (box turtle?) which probably arrived on Saturday.


paula eagleholic said...

First to post on the new thread!

Steven, did you just notice the turtle shell? (hehe)

Mema Jo said...

We're coming to this thread......shortly

Steve Chase said...

I did just notice, you folks are way ahead of me I guess. I looked on the closed circuit here, which gives you a better view, and there it was.

Mema Jo said...

Floralgirl - where are you?

That is my turtle shell, you know.
OK! 2 in the nest.. waiting for food!~

paula eagleholic said...

Forgot to say thanks for getting the cam and live feed back up!

Mema Jo said...

Paula - I am proud of you getting on as a First! LOL

floralgirl said...

I'm here-briefly lost in the multiple threads.There are showers with light rain and gusty winds passing by us right now.I didn't see any food in the nest either-looks like they are digging around trying to find some.Are they sitting with their wings out like that because it's raining?Thanks again Steven and John

Mema Jo said...

My guess is that it is MsInbetween & Spunky.... Really huddling down in the nest..
Paula - I still have family here-They think I am crazy... I'll be leaving to go out to dinner--I have taken 1 or 2 pics for GLO

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Ms Inbetween and our very own Spunkster!

paula eagleholic said...

Ms Inbetween and Spunky are still relaxing in the nest at 4:58 pm

belle_wv said...

HI all,

Glad to see cameras are working - looks like it was a long wait. THANKS to Steven for working so hard to keep the cameras going!

Looks Like Ms. Inbetween is practicing to protect babies with her wings spread out...

Spunky in his top o the clock spot? Where's big boy? Maybe he'll bring some take out for everyone?

Anonymous said...

Gee, last time I looked 2 threads ago, nothing was happening, so I took a little nap. If I had known that that was all it took,I would have went to sleep hours ago. Thank you Brad, John and Steven.

belle_wv said...

Looks like the connection for the web cam isn't liking all the wind and rain... not looking good.... if it goes out, at least we know all 3 made it through yesterday's rains....

Anonymous said...

The turtle was in the picture on Saturday.

Anonymous said...

Do you think everyone knows this thread is open????

Just Vicky said...

Wow, blow me over! Its working!! Yippy skippy! And 2 BABIES IN THE NEST!!! WOW -

Anonymous said...

Just checked radar in Sheperdstown, no rain, winds out of the south at 5.8mph with gust of 13.2mph.

Anonymous said...

SHARON are you in here???

belle_wv said...

Spunkster just flew...

Anonymous said...

I looked down to write something in my checkbook and looked up and he was gone.....

belle_wv said...

Ms. Inbetween is perking up, might be heading out soon to pick up some dinner between rain storms?

belle_wv said...

Nope, guess she's not hungry enough to fight the winds outside the nest - looked for a bit like she was having enough trouble with a few gusts in the nest...

Anonymous said...

All 3 in the nest....

Anonymous said...

6:05p.m.oopps, 1 just left...

belle_wv said...

Ok walked away and came back to two eaglets, one of them just flew away - think it was Ms. Inbetween and Spunky is back at the top of the nest... or maybe it is ms. inbetween still there

Anonymous said...

There goes another 1, then 1 left and another came right 1 in the nest.

Anonymous said...

parent in the nest...mantiling...parent gone and 3 in the nest...

belle_wv said...

Adult in th enest, but getting battered by the wings of the one in the nest, now the other two sibs are back and the parent decided he/she was better off elsewhere...not sure who brought food in, but seems to be eating going on. Hope someone got a view of that...

Anonymous said...

I didn't see anything in parents mouth, but they are eating something....

Anonymous said...

6:12p.m. 3 in nest, 2 eating...

belle_wv said...

Hi Mits,

Looks like we're providing the play by play... who's who do you think? Top spunky, 3 oclock big boy and bottom ms inbetween? Does that sound right?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just got on in time for supper to be delivered and a flurry of feathers all around!! Busy. Thanks to whoever got it back up. It looks as though it has been a very active nest this afternoon. I hate I have missed it. Have to go back out again in about 25 minutes but will be watching and frapping til then.

belle_wv said...

Looks like the other two just chased big boy off? Teenagers!

Anonymous said...

1 just got chased out of the nest by the other...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I sure am glad they waited until they learned to fly before they started chasing each other out of the nest.

belle_wv said...

Welcome back Sharon,

Looks like some competition over the scraps that are left. Ms. Inbetween mantling and squacking and spunky tryin to get a smidge... or is it the other way around - they're wet enough that I'm not sure who's who...

Anonymous said...

My only guess is that parent brought something in with its talons, dropped it and took off, the way the 1 is eating may be another turtle...

Anonymous said...

Oh good, Sharon your back...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just went back and frapped the chasing of the third out! That was a good shot!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Do you think that is Spunky waiting patiently?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Have to leave in about 5 minutes. Boy, do I hate to!! Keep good notes. I will be back on by 9:30 but by then, it is hard to see anything. Hopefully it will stay up overnight and I will be on the early morning watch tomorrrow!

Anonymous said...

Is it my imagination, are do all of them look like they have alot of white feathers, I'm having a really hard time telling them apart.

Anonymous said...


belle_wv said...

Looks like Spunky isn't waiting any more, must be getting anxious that there won't be anything left... See you later Sharon, have fun AFK

Anonymous said...

BELLE, AFK??????

Anonymous said...


belle_wv said...

Rain in the nest, still a little squabbling over scraps, but they're not too pushy about it, just grudgingly sharing whatever is there.

belle_wv said...

Sorry Mits - AFK = Away From Keyboard

Actually, maybe it should be AFE - away from eagles... hard to pull myself away for sure.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


belle_wv said...

Did you see that? 9 til 7 a bird 'dropped' from a branch above to a branch below the nest - just to the left side. Other two are still in th enest and not paying too much attention. I didn't imagine that did I? Afraid to try to scroll back

Anonymous said...


belle_wv said...

All 3 are in the nest now and they seem to be not too happy about it, but they're all staying put now... Mits do you know how to do the fraps thing? I don't have it, wish I did... argh. I don't know if I can install it and have it work for what has already happened?

belle_wv said...

Wish they would stop crowding the lower 5 oclock corner! Oh now I thinksomoene left while I was typing that... be careful what we wish for

belle_wv said...

Big boy at 11 o'clock and spunky at bottom? Or is that ms. inbetween? They're both at the base of the tree, think it is the 'boys'? 7:02pm

Anonymous said...

Had to leave room, when I came back I only see one. Belle, I tried to download the Fraps thing, it didn' work for me.

Anonymous said...

I meant to say I saw 2.... getting dizzy, trying to keep up with these guys.

Anonymous said...

You can tell when someone is near by, they stop what they are doing and look around.

Anonymous said...

Oh No!!!! live feed is off....

Anonymous said...

My live-feed went down at 7:10p.m.

Anonymous said...

MT nest, live feed down....

belle_wv said...

Anyone here? Did the live cam stop for you? Mine isn't going...

belle_wv said...

The 30 second refresh seems to be working - time is right, but noone in nest, so hard to say if it is current?

Anonymous said...

30 second refresh seems to be working....

Just Vicky said...

30 second refresh is the only one working here!

Mema Jo said...

Mits - Belle wv
Congratulations on your excellent coverage concerning the activity in the nest! Gets pretty hairy at times!

Mema Jo said...

Who moved my turtle shell

Anonymous said...

Jo, there was alot of jumping, wing flapping, mantling and aborted landings. Guess it got moved in the shuffle. Its like they knew the cam was going down and flew the coop. How was you day? Did you have fun?

belle_wv said...

Welcome back Jo,

Hope you had a good day - any pictures of Sophia yet? Mom and baby settled in at home?

Things seemed to be pretty 'normal' in the nest, squabbling, bickering, flapping. Wish I'd gotten it on fraps, but I don't have it or know how to use it... sorry

paula eagleholic said...

Hey, Jo, I can see 2 turtle shells in the nest now. There is one about 1 o'clock, that is the one Sunny saw on the closed circuit when she was there, looks to me like it is flipped upside down.

The other one that was around 8-9 o'clock seems closer to the middle of the nest now.

Oh, and 8:25 pm, MT nest

Mema Jo said...

Belle wv need your email.
My day was very good... Daughter & then a granddaughter visited with me.
This rain just isn't out of here yet--I expect we'll have move tonight.Was so glad to see all 3 eaglets, even though they were rowdy, in the nest today.

paula eagleholic said...

We may be back to the 11-7 schedule with the live feed....

paula eagleholic said...

Did everyone remember to vote again????

Looks like we may have a clear winner this time!

We'll all know after midnight!

Mema Jo said...

Hey, Paula! I see that second one now. It's your prize for being the 1st on the newest blog while everyone else was deciding where to go.....HaHa

Anonymous said...

And yet more heavy rain in our area, last count, we have received over 7 plus inches, not counting todays' totals. Wish we could sifen this to Bird-Girl in Arizona. Isn't Glo do back tonight or tomoorrow??

belle_wv said...

Hi Paula,

Things seem kind of quiet this evening. I guess the cam was on 11-7 before... at least that means it isn't broken, if that's the case.

Jo - email

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for sharing, Jo!

Belle, I'm hoping that's the case...

glo said...

Hi all I'm back. Lots of email and pictures Thank you so much to catch up on. Lots of laudry to do, and been up since 3 am so won't do much tonight BUT Am I supposed to go vote on the name before midnight. I think I'll go look for that email. I kind of figured the way my trip was timed, it owul dbe a done deal when I got back and I don't have any major opinions aobut the parents well except that they are "Wonderful parents". Ok off to look at the email for voting before midnight if I understand it right. More tomorrow...I have the day off but won't exactly be sittin at the computer for much of it. Thanks again.

paula eagleholic said...

You all have gotten more rain than us, although they say it's supposed to get us more than you tomorrow....

Yesterday, I had 4 1/2" in my rain gauge, today was only 1/2" so far..

Saturday, we did not get any, was just cloudy.

Mema Jo said...


paula eagleholic said...

Can start to see spidey's web....

Anonymous said...

Wow, speak of the devil, she's back. Welcome home, Glo. Yes, Paula we have had tons of it. I just said to my husband, that it is a good thing its June and not January, we would have had about 5 feet of snow by now.

belle_wv said...

Thanks for sharing Jo,
Awesome pictures! Such a lovely family!

Welcome back Glo! How was that baby snugglin in AZ?

Mema Jo said...

The bald eagle nest in BritishColumbia looks MT. I can't find anything in writing that says they fledged. That nest is cockeyed anyhow and they may just be beyond the tree trunk ???

Mema Jo said...

I thought by now that Spidey would have drowned............

paula eagleholic said...

Funny how things look different on the cam in the dark, looks like there is a balloon at 9 o'clock, outside the nest

paula eagleholic said...

He's a hearty, sticky little sucker, Jo.

Mema Jo said...

Did any of you watch on the site Nestwatchers-Birdgirl, the little owl that chased off the attacking fox? ..That little owl is one adorable looking little guy...Now he could be named Spunky also......You really should go over & watch it...

paula eagleholic said...

Might be something in spidey's web.

paula eagleholic said...

The eagles in the BC nest are probably to the left of that tree trunk, ....

They must have heard our song...

Anonymous said...

Jo, the eagles in BC are suppose to fledge sometime aroud July 11th or 12th, at least, thats what I read on their site. That, little owl took care of business.

Mema Jo said...

I need to sign off early this evening - Yes, I'll probably check back & read comments before I actually go into bed. Hopefully live cam will come up again tomorrow. I don't think we will get anyone in the nest tonight. They're all branching it!
Stay Dry LOL

belle_wv said...

Good night everyone! Hope th ecam is up at 11 tomorrow :)

Sleep well all, eagles included, of course.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am back everybody. WELCOME BACK GLO! We have truly missed you. I have some stuff to send you and will try to do that tomorrow.

Hate that the live feed is down again but grateful the stills are still there.

Absolutely wonderful notes on the happenings while I was gone. Hate I missed them because I love to Frap!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Sunny, I will be on the lookout for them, I know they really like that left side of the tree.

Anonymous said...

Good Night all, have a peaceful night!!

Just Vicky said...

Is Our Glo girl back?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yes, Glo is back but she has gone to beddy bye I think. I am so glad she is back. I have really missed her!

Glo, you will have to tell us all about Elia tomorrow!

paula eagleholic said...

I am signing off for tonight, will see everyone tomorrow, and we will have named the parents by then, too.

Good night, Eagleland.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good night Paula. I am outtahere too. Got to get up and at it again early in the morning!

Good night everybody!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Steven, I would just like to say that if most of your days were spent staring into that nest, you would have noticed the turtle shell before! You obviously have a life and the rest of us need one! LOL. JUST JOKING GUYS! NO RETALIATIONS PLEASE!

Just Vicky said...

Have a life? No life without eaglets!

glo said...

Actually Glo did not go to beddy by early at all, but I am unpacked, the laundry is started, the dogs are loved, the plants are watered most important though before I share anything about this weeknd. Please endulge me and go take a look at this video I uploaded tonigth.

sorry this one isn't our eagles Tomorrow though I promise.

Be sure to read the description so you can understand what is happening in the comments.
Thanks GLO

Anonymous said...

It is with great pleasure that I announce the winning names from our poll on the Eaglet_Momsters site:

Dad will be known as LIBERTY
Mom will be known as BELLE

Here's hoping that the camera will be working tomorrow and we can greet them by name!

Bird Girl said...

Hey everyone. Well my computer fiasco has continued. I'm using my hubby's computer which is TOTALLY ANNOYING because I don't have any of my BOOKMARKS!!!!! AAAHHHH!

Looks like our monsoon season is about to start, we're getting grey skies and heavy gusts, as well as humidity. My wavy hair is now completely in control. Of me.

Did anyone get a chance to read my Pelican Post on Nest Watchers? I'd really like some feedback about it -- the writing, flow, etc. I like to know that I'm doing a good job, and writing articles like that add to my continuing education component of my permits & licenses.

Glo, glad you're back safe and filled with grandbaby cuddles. Personally, I don't like children, except for newborns. Because I can always hand them back to the parents! HAH!

I hope to figure out my #&%!* computer's malfunction and get back to the safety of my bookmarks!

See y'all here tomorrow...

Bird Girl

movin said...

Hi, all, it's past ll p.m. here is CA, I checked the pic and got a was doing the colored band that took over the whole screen again! After a couple of refreshes it cleared up again though...still no eaglets in the soggy nest.

What I really want to know is if anyone can I.D. the three eaglets in today's picture...and can anyone tell me which end is up on the one in the middle?

Have a good day blogging,

Geula said...

Hi! I'm here.....just got home from work. about to take a shower and a nap.

Geula said...

do you have live feed?

belle_wv said...

Good morning everyone :)

turtle shells are in the nest LOL
no eaglets though. Do we have official names for mom and dad?

Another rainy day ahead it appears.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

7 a.m. Looks like the only thing home is turtle shells this morning.

Good morning everyone in Eagle Blogland! Still raining in Bluefield this morning. Okay, we have enough now. It can stop anytime. Hoping to see babies soon in the nest.

Make a Good Day Everybody!

belle_wv said...

Maybe they're out on the hunt... be vewwwy vewwwy quiet - it's turtle season? Some more shells for us to 'fight' over?

Hope everyone had a good night's rest and is ready for a great day today!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Suzanne!

belle_wv said...

Thanks for all the goodies in my mailbox this morning Sharon!

Great video Glo - what a joyous surprise for all the prayerful!

It is official, Liberty and Belle - that's great. I wonder if they'll oblige us with a command performance visit as a pair to the nest in honor of their naming today?

floralgirl said...

Morning all-I'm awake but still half-asleep, long day yesterday. Looks like a quiet morning in the nest.

Anonymous said...

Good morning everyone. There seems to be a lot of action at the osprey cam at Blackwater Refuge, must be breakfast time. Hope I get a peek of our Eagles before I have to leave for work ? ? ?

Geula said...

my neighbor is having a deck built in back of our house so napping is out of the question...I've got live feed, but the nest looks better on the still pic. Coffee time.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now ain't that nuttin'! Somebody in Israel had to tell me that we had live feed. How cool is that!! Thanks Geula!

Thanks to whoever got the live feed up!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

8 a.m. Parent in the nest. Looks like a fish might have been brought in. No babies yet. I am sure they will be there though. BIG FISH too. I think.

Anonymous said...

Adult in the nest

Anonymous said...

Live feed is up!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

8:01 a.m. Parent was looking around a lot so I knew somebody was coming for breakfast. Eaglet promptly arrived. Mantling now. Can't tell which one it is. Parent just left. Eaglet is talking to somebody or maybe just warning "stay away, this is my fish".

Harbinger said...

One baby in the nest.

belle_wv said...

Sunshine in the nest with Ms. Inbetween working on a fish - wonder where the boys are...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

8:17 a.m. Still just 1 eaglet in the nest getting its fill of the fish for breakfast! I am so grateful we have the live feed back!

floralgirl said...

1 adult back.

belle_wv said...

One parent in the nest with eaglet- oops just flew as I typed...

floralgirl said...

parent flew away-eaglet still eating

belle_wv said...

Second eaglet just pounced in - perching on branch tryin to get at the fish...Ms Inbetween not sharing though...

floralgirl said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Good Morning to everyone! Watching 2 in the nest. Love the new eagle names. My question is this: How do we tell them apart? As of 11:00p.m. last night our rain total was 9.4 inchs, with more on the way. Probably will be more closing in the D.C. area today. Glo, glad you are back safely, when I get a chance, I will look at your video. Going to get a cup of coffee. Be right back.....

Anonymous said...

New thread is up.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...