6:43 AM scout🦅 flies into the nest.And lands on the cribraille , bella was all tucked in He slowly walks over to her picking up sticks.As he does and tossing them to and fro. She does let out a small peep as he picks up a stick in front of her. She picks up the stick as well 6:44 AM. he picks at the top of her head on a feather she rears back. 645 AM she does start getting up.Stretches her wing, does a quick scratch.He backs up toward the lop all of a sudden. She Wiggle wiggles goes down in the cup. 6:46 AM he once again walks over to her picks up a stick. Places it near her does a quick turnaround. While still picking up sticks, she does No matter how many sticks he seems to pick up. She just doesn't want to get up. He backs up to her with his tail on top of her head. Basically pushes his tail down on her head while picking up sticks. She turns her head to avoid his tail. That didn't work this time again. What the heck is he gonna do to get his turn? ignore him. 6:49 AM she has tucked herself in while he stands at the bottom of the lop as he goes up to the lop she untucked to look what he is doing
She tucked herself back in.He's on the lop preening. 652 a call was made by him on the lop till he wants to take a nap LOL she's still tucked and he goes back to preening Daylight has hit the nest. The pink hue of the Sun is just coming up above the mountainous horizon. And we have a squeaking Eagle on the lop LOL turn he says.
654 calls unanswered. Twice. 655 calls
658 calls, 7 calls 2xs 701calls 702 also 703

704 calls and she gets up does a 🥚 roll She is certainly ignoring him doesn't 🥚 roll wiggle wiggle down she goes but not getting up Maybe she started new medication to a keep her awake
7:52 AM scout arrived at the nest and lands on the lock. They both have conversation one back-and-forth to the other. I'm not sure what all the yelling is about LOL.
Fifty three a m scout flies down from the lop.
He picks up a stick And walks over toward her.She's already getting up before he even gets there and is over at the rails. To where she exits to the road. 7:53 AM he wiggle wiggles.Deserole and downey goesun is beautiful coming above the horizon now

9:21 AM Bella turns to the nest With a load of bedding He starts Spreading it as soon as he lands.
He begins digging in the nest base.
It picks up a stick and places it on her wing.2 different times she takes.The second stick takes off and puts it back in the nest.He takes another stick, puts it on her back.She pieces same action until she gets up.She spreads her wings And does a quick stretch While he is rolling the eggs and does a wiggle wiggle. She exists the nest toward the road.
1112 AM scout, returns to the nest to relieve Bella. You can see him fly in From the field He picks up bedding when he arrives and start smoothing it out. He starts picking at sticks in the rail He gives up she does not get up and he exits the nest right toward the camera and turns right toward the road11:14 AM Scott returns to the nest with another load of betting. He places at the 7 position. The wind seems to be blowing it out of the nest as it dyes you pick up a stick and moves it over to the position and the wind blows the bedding again. 11:15 AM. She finally does get A. Does a big wing stretch and flap over to the sixth position? The lag in the camera Still isn't fixed so their pictures are distorted at times He heads over to the eggs, does a 🥚 roll and the down he goes wiggle wiggle.
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