Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Fresh thread.


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Lori O. said...

Thank You, Steve for the new thread! You brought out the sunshine!

I'll go get the others.

I hope you have a wonderful rest of the day!

Hoda said...

Thanks STEVE for the NEW THREAD
Thanks LORI for the call over.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello again everybody!

Lori O. said...

Thank YOU, Hoda, for the original call over. lol

Hello Sharon!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello Lori! :) Hairy brings a tug and puts it in my bed all the time!

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the new Thread Steve I was reading the old and thanks for the call over LORI and HODA

JudyEddy said...

oops for got to check the box silly me

Ms Bookworm said...

Oops--New thread!
Thanks, Steve! Bringing this over:

Hi, Gang,
Miss Emma has no mercy for me today. She is crying like a baby, and wants some lap time so she can take a nap! Guess the work will have to wait a bit. There's NO way to concentrate!

Forgot to mention that yesterday morning I saw our 3 resident adult Band-tailed Pigeons for the first time in a while. They flew in for breakfast with about 2 dozen of our local Mourning Doves! Good to see them again. Haven't seen them yet today, but haven't had much time to be looking for them. MTBR.

Good to see that Red will be getting one hip replaced next month. Put that on my prayer list.

Good to see Jim, too. It is fairly chilly here today, but the sun is breaking through today, so will be tolerable. Gotta go now--Emma is such a Drama Queen!LOL :oD BBL

JudyEddy said...

All caught up RED is getting a new hip also Are we all falling apart or what LOL Ok BBL OTWIG

NatureNut said...

Good Afternoon!! We had almost sun awhile ago, but cloudy again. Rain stopped. The biggest sighting today was TONS of grackles. Looked like an Alfred Hitchcock movie---got a video!
Did see one eagle flying down river.Was almost too dark to tell, but that white tail gave him/her away.
I was able to check Jewel (cam won't come on now), but no little jewels yet.
Gotta go~~have a great day ☺

Lori O. said...

Ah, two tug stories today. Sharon and Lynn, that makes my heart smile that Hairy and Leisl are still having their fun! ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Buphals likes to throw his tug up in the air and catch it but every time I try to get a video, he stops.

Sandi said...

Now, which thread do I want to jump onto - Hoda's "new" one or Lori's "brand spankin' new" one? =) Thanks Hoda & Lori, for the great call over!! Great news about Tori perking up some! What a relief that must be for her folks!

Linda said...

Lori...speaking of tugs.... My new kitty loves playing with the tug, too!! He rolls around with it and slides it across the wood floors. It is adorable!!

Good Afternoon!

Nice to see everyone. I have Jewel's cam on one monitor as I work away on the other!! Tee hee!!

Hoda said...

Off I go...the sand trucks just made their rounds and they followed the snow removal trucks so I should have a clear path...talk to you all when I come back!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

George was just in the nest.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

George is back.

Sandi said...

George???? Sharon, explain for newbies, please!

Sandi said...

OK, I think I see who/what George is! =) Not very bright, is he? But very quick!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Posted a pic of George on my blog under my wildlife!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Glad you got it Sandi! :)

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the new Tues thread, Steve
Hoda and Lori thanks for the calls over

Red, good news! If that is what it takes to keep up with those pups - get
it done. Let us know when!

The sunshine has arrived an hour or so

Take care Hoda in your travels after the sand truck.

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy, all!

Yes pretty sunshine and much warmer out today!

Good news on the hip, Red.

Nick still loves his tug too, Lori. It's a mess, LOL

Lolly said...

Home from my vampire visit. Gave them the sample that they wanted and now I have a mark on my arm. She was not very good. Grrrr!

Then I went shopping since I was up there. Bought some new jeans and several new tops. More happy birthday to me! Think it is about over. LOL Still 4 cupcakes left and then it really will be over.

See that Jewel is settled and quiet. Need to call my sister to wish her HB!

Kay said...

LOLLY, how many sizes did you go down ? It's such fun to get new clothes after a weight loss !

ROBYN's news on Tori is so encourageing ! Yeah !

ANDY, Happy Birthday to your Kubby ! Glad you've seen your Band-tailed pigeons again. I dearly love Mourning Doves and miss them--there were many in Tucson.

Did y'll see the Washington Post this morning ?

NX in the Post

Kay said...

It's clear for the moment here in Columbus, but, of course, it was pouring at the very time I had leave for my lunch date. Doris and I had a great visit and I did bring home 1/2 the Fettucini Alfredo, hmmmmmm good !

SHARON, glad you got a pic of George---he might be a tasty meal for our eagles someday. Poor George.

Kay said...

{{{{{Hugs}}}}}}for the Tugs, LORI ! There are a bunch of happy Momster/Dadster pets who luvvvv you !

RED, glad progress is being made toward your surgery ! Hip,hip,hurray !

Here's hoping LYNN gets back soon and that all went smoothly.

Lolly said...

I went down 2 sizes two years ago. This last year almost made it 3. Need to loose a wee bit I gained over Christmas. I did put on a top this morning and put it aside. Yep, it was one that was too big! It is much more fun shopping for clothes now.

Lolly said...

It would really thrill me, Kay to shed 20 more pounds. Maybe I will. ☺

Lolly said...

Jewel is not making noise but I saw her moving strangely.

hedgie said...

Hi again.
Weather can't make up it's mind at all....sun, rain, sun, cloud....etc.
But SO glad it's not snow like C/A, Hoda and Samia.....or ice like Linda has!
Temp is dropping. Down to 44° now. Another arctic blast approaching. :(

Red, glad that you got on the schedule so soon! Let us know when it will be. Does he think the other one will need replacing , too?

hedgie said...

LOL, Jewel was getting up close and personal with the cam!!

Red said...

yes, both need replacing. Had to flip a coin to see which would be first. I should find out the date tomorrow. This doctor does the new less invasive procedure which means less therapy afterwards and back to normal quicker. I'm looking forward to no pain. lol

Lolly said...

We look forward to you having no pain, too, Red! My brother in law had hip replacement. He did a lot of research before he had it done. Wanted a hip that would last for a while!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

What in the world is Jewel eating? Ice maybe? Ice, ice baby! :)

Judie said...

Just a quick catch up from the previous thread.

Best of luck to AnnMarie. Sure hope she gets the scholarship.

Jo, have fun with Kristen.

Lolly, sorry about Jack's neck. Wish he could get some permanent relief.

Happy Birthday to Andy's Ken. Wishing him a wonderful day.

Lynn, thinking of you this afternoon.

Shirley, so cool about Will seeing the eagle. Jealous, of course.

Time to leave the big school house and head for home. Nothing exciting today except the dozen students wanting to be signed into the class.

BBL to catch up again.

Judie said...

Oh gosh, so sorry I forgot: really positive news about Tori. Seems like progress is coming faster and faster. So happy for her and the family.

CarolAnne said...

Someone get da bear (Jewel) a flea collar. Scratch, scratch, scratch!

Janet said...

Good afternoon friends.

Am home today; some sort of a virus. Feeling puny. :(

60 degrees rightnow. had thunderstorms and tornado warnings earlier. this is not good january weather!

supposed to go to council meeting tonight; final reading of the poultry (hen) bill for nashville. i understand our opponants are coming to make their stand. we shall see. i don't like the us vs them feeling; seems like we could compromise in some way to keep everyone happy.....us vs them mentality leaves bad energy.

anyway, went to sign on the live cam and its not working????? anyone know what's up???? i can't get it to come up.

red; don't know you so feel weird commenting, but a lot of my clients have had hip replacements and do a lot better than prior to the replacement. i wish you luck and speedy healing.....noone needs to be in continual pain.

all righty .... *smiles to all*

Linda said...

LOL CarolAnne!! She's got the itchies!!

stronghunter said...

Fell asleep for awhile after bowling and lunch. Only two members of my team were there today. One missing member has had cataract surgery and the other is still recovering from a stroke.

We managed to hold on. If someone is absent, the team is credited as though they made their average score.

CarolAnne said...

Linda, she keeps fooling me. I hear the noise and think she's panting, so rush to the computer to take a "look - see" and she's just scratching. :o(

CarolAnne said...

Janet, hope you are back to feeling well soon.

Stronghunter - good nap - do it whenever the urge overtakes you.

Linda said...

I know what you mean, CarolAnne. How is one to get anything done around here, right??

At least I am at my computer working and can click on the screen if I hear her.....

Linda said...

Poor thing. We need to get her a midwife in there to help her out!!

CarolAnne said...

I checked Google - no bear midwives listed. T-shirts with preg. bears, scrubs w/bears, but no BEAR MIDWIVES.

Hmmmm . . . lots of huffing, maybe thats a good sign.

hedgie said...

Completely forgot to say congrats to Shirley's Will for seeing an eagle at home!!!! Cool!

Hi, Judie! MORE wannabe's clamoring to get into your class?? You're so popular!!

hedgie said...

Janet, hope you feel better.

There is now a backyard chicken referendum in Arlington Co., VA of all places.

Red, I'm confident that all will go well and you'll feel like a new man! We better all watch out when both are done...now that you are off the O2, too, you are going to be a real terror!!!! Love ya, Red!

Shirley, naps are GOOD.....as long as they don't keep you awake at bedtime!

hedgie said...

Jewels is teasing us like crazy! Nope---never heard of a bear midwife!

Kay said...

Jordan Lake, feeding in progress.

Linda said...

Well she is napping good now again, CarolAnne. Go get some more stuff done, while you can...... :-)

Hi Lynn! Did you have to go for rad today? Is it still wet and nasty your way?

It is so ugly outside here today. The yard is part snow, part grass in the front and the fog is amazingly thick out there. I think it is supposed to snow again late tonight and tomorrow. Such strange weather..... Not much accumulation expected.

Hi Shirley, Judie, Lolly, Sharon, Janet, Red and anyone else still around.

I am not here for much longer myself this afternoon......

DanaMo said...

I can't get the cam to come up again. This is driving me nuts.

wvgal_dana said...

Janet hoping you feel better soon. Hope they will come to a good agreement for the chickens you want to raise at the meeting.

Red glad your dr sounds like a good one. So right hip is on for February. Let us know the date. We will need to pray then.

Lolly I have learn't from daughter. That no one should bruise after getting blood drawn. If the person drawing the blood does it right.

wvgal_dana said...

I see we are still waiting for a cub for Jewel the bear.

Linda said...

Yes, WVDana we are......and so is Jewels!!

Linda said...

When you all were talking about Jewel a while back I was getting confused, but didn't want to ask a stoopid question. I thought you were talking about our Jewels and things just were NOT making sense.

Then I finally figured out what we were talking about, yet I keep calling Jewel the bear, Jewels. Sorry Carolyn aka Jewels......no offense!! LOL

hedgie said...

Scary owl story

Lori O. said...

Hope you're feeling better very soon, Janet!

LOLLY, YAY for you losing two, almost 3, sizes! That is fantastic!
I just ordered an inexpensive, little stepper with arm bands today. Tired of big equipment going up and down to the basement!

Lori O. said...

Going to read about NX in the Washington Post link Kay put up. Hope it's good news!

Lori O. said...

Ahhhh, smiling about NX article.

wvgal_dana said...

Wow Lynn that link you put up. Sure is a "scary owl story".

wvgal_dana said...

I had gone outside earlier today to pick up trash. That the storm had blown into my yard. I felt that dampness go right throgh me.

So I decided to take a nap around 2pm. Woke up got computer turned back on. Cams I wanted up and now I'm enjoying a nice cup of hot tea and hot soup.

Linda said...

Hi Lori!!

Nice to see you!!

I can't stay. Have to go get ready for small group this evening.

Wishing you all a wonderful evening!!

Prayers for Tori and all healing needs.....

Lolly said...

Lori, you should get the walking DVD that Kay and I use. I introduced it to Kay, and now my sister is using it. I walk 2 miles right here in my den. Great excercise.

Have been talking to my brother and watching our eagles!

Lolly said...

Both in the nest.

Lolly said...


stronghunter said...



Lolly said...

Shep does announce it! Looked a little awkward, but great!

Lolly said...

Hi Shirl! Glad you were here to see the HP!

wvgal_dana said...

I had to reboot live cam stopped.

When I brought it back up 2 eagles in nest. Then Shep HP got a picture.

Lolly said...

Taking pics of eagle porn, huh, Dana?

Lolly said...

Now the beakering!! Golly, can't you two kiss and make up!

Lolly said...

I think Shep does more of the beaking at Belle.

Lolly said...

Shep poofed!

stronghunter said...

Yep, watching eagle porn.

One poof. Shep, I think.

Lolly said...

Belle is going to do a little furniture arranging. Poof Belle!

stronghunter said...

Belle has now poofed. I have to poof and go feed animals and fix dinner.

Sandi said...

Hi all - got home from my nail appt. and logged on to see both eagles in the nest, but reading back, it looks like I missed some action! I'm glad Shep is getting lots of practice - very encouraging!!

wvgal_dana said...

Yep Lolly and that was the only picture I took lol

It is in the album....HP!!! I haven't gotten one I don't think.

wvgal_dana said...

DanaMp at 4:23 posted she couldn't get the cam up. I am sure she was talking about our eagle cam.

Hope she comes back in. Sorry DanaMo if you missed the eagles.

It is a grrrr when the cam does that too you. I know mine quit and as I said I had to shut all down reboot and just got back in here in time.

Lolly said...

At 5:00, 6:00 your time, on the TV Outdoor channel they are doing Texas Trophy Hunters. My brother called to say that Corban, his 9 year old grandson is one of 4 boys they show hunting. I do not like hunting, Jack does not hunt, but will be watching this program.

paula eagleholic said...

Aha, I see your confusion, Linda. Jewels is Lynn/Hedgie's daughter Carolyn.

Jewel is the bear...but people have been calling her Jewels...

Lolly said...

It used to be that sometimes different ones of us had trouble getting on the cam when it was high traffic. Could that be Dana and others problems? It is the time of year when more are watching.

paula eagleholic said...

DanaWV, thanks for getting the HP picture!!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Mom on night duty at BWE...see some nestovers still in the nest.

wvgal_dana said...

Paula that is why I try to type "the bear" after I type the name Jewel or Jewel's.

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly how will we know which of the 4 boys is your grandson?

Kay said...

Aw shucks, I missed the nestcapades while doing my exercises. I knew my timing was bad, but also knew I just had to get them done. I'm not hooked on any Tuesday night shows so am going to walk my two miles after dinner, news and Jeopardy. Haven't been doing both the walking and the exercises, but am going to try getting both in today. Want to see if I can manage and benefit by both.

LORI, I agree with LOLLY and hightly recommend Walking Away The Pounds with Leslie Sansone ! Especially good for winter walking---if winter really sets in one of these days. I'm not complaining, 50 degrees here today---too bad it's with rain, however. Tomorrow is my Malcolm/Seth day, so I'll get plenty of walking in.

LYNN, yikes, close call in the scary owl story !

See ya later....♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lolly said...

Dana, his name is Corban, he is my great nephew, my bother's grandson. Have not seen it yet, not sure how to tell you how to identify him. He shoots two javalinas.

wvgal_dana said...

Just watched on channel 9 news. Burger King is delivering yes I said delivering their food!!!!!
It did take 42 minutes the news man was there. When the food got there. The burger was separate in a black bowl type cover with lid. So tomoatoes and lettuce wasn't hot but the burger was nice and HOT!! The fries where also very HOT! So for I think it was 3 men maybe 4. Order came to $29.00 plus 2 dollar delivery fee and they gave a $4.00 tip. Next time the guy at the place said he is going to order online so it will get there faster.

Now the news people are wondering what Wendy's is going to do?????

wvgal_dana said...

That was down in Gaithersburg Maryland.

Lori O. said...

Lolly & Kay, thanks for the Leslie Sansone tip. Thought I had one of her DVD's but it's not in the usual DVD pile so off to Amazon!

Been thinking of names for the Little Boy kitty...I'm thinking either Fishy, for the one that got away... or Opie (sp?) as in Ron Howard on Andy Griffith Show. Thoughts?

Lori O. said...

Sorry, forgot to explain that the kitten is sort of scrappy and fluffy combo, with orange hair. I thought about George or Hamilton for the actor's orange spray tan, but, no...

Lolly said...

Just saw Corban on that program. He is the cute blonde!

Lolly said...

Lori, the dvd is Leslie Sansone, WALK AWAY THE POUNDS, the Utimate Collection. It has a 1, 2,3, and 4 mile walk. Kay and I do the 2 mile walk. She has a lot of dvds.

JudyEddy said...

not to many comments to read Have started reading them but want to go watch the news first I will be back

LORETTA I saw your pic on the blog but no video you mentioned did you put it somewhere and we are playing hide and seek LOL

Great news about TORI

Jewel is snoring

SIS have Tom take care of you while you are down

JANET Keep trying on the cam I am sure someone has said that but I am only up to 3:53pm comments

JudyEddy said...

JEWEL sure does snore What is that green in the picture looks lime green

Hoda said...

I had a very good day...winter blizzard like conditions so had to be extra careful driving and walking. Managed all my errands and I have a new book from the library and posted the things I needed to post and avoided the two tense scenes on the streets of Nelson, some angry crowd yelling and a police stop where the two in the car became very angry also...it must be the weather.

I am caught up on the blog. Thanks for reporting the eagle visit.

I need to think about something to eat so I will go prepare an early supper...it is already 3:15 PM and I missed lunch...vegetables and protein will work wonders for me I qam sure...tofu and spinach for the main ingredients of the meal...I will go be creative...BBL

Lolly said...

Oh, I love it when Jewel has her face right in the cam. I want to reach out and pet her. LOL

Lolly said...

Jewel does seem a little restless.

hedgie said...

I had a nice little snooze again---and missed the nest visit. :(

Just fixed a baked tater for dinner....it didn't really hit the spot. Feel like I wasted butter, sour cream and cheese 'cause I couldn't eat it all! But I did salt it well!

Heaven's NO---no cubs for MY JEWELS!!!!!! Two is enough!

I THINK the rain has stopped for good here. Still 44°. Possible thunderstorms south of th ecity----watch out Shirley!

DanaWV---don't think we need to worry about OUR Burger Kings delivering! But we do have RED'S....it's a business that will deliver from ANY restaurant you want!

Kay, where is the story you shared? I don't find it on here.

Tues. night CBS line-up is a dud---all repeats. :(
Will watch what I missed last night. And I think hit the hay early.

wvgal_dana said...

JudyE I don't have any green on my Jewel's bear cam.

Sandi said...

Dishwasher repair was $100; DMV says that no EZPass violations have shown up for son's truck (from us using his invalid EZPass on Christmas Eve) - life is good!
DMo, I'm surprised that, since you're an employee of the archdiocese, you didn't get some kind of tuition break for all 4 of your kids!
Lori, not fond of Fishy ("Here, Fishy, Fishy" does nothing for me); love Opie!
WVDana, thanks for posting the HP photo for those of us who missed the action!

Lolly said...

LOL Lynn....you don't want any grand cubs?

JudyEddy said...

JEWEL is up close to the cam sooo cute

Lolly said...

The leaves in front of Jewel's face have a green tint.

Lolly said...

Oh, my, what a long tongue you have, Jewel. (No s)

Lolly said...

I predict that tonight's the night for Jewel. She wants to sleep so badly, but you can see her body quivering, then she moans or her eyes open.

JudyEddy said...

Cool Beans SHIRLEY on see the eagle I love seeing mine everyday on the way to work or lunch I go that way all the time now

Blood drawing one time one of the tech took blood from the side of my arm not in the fold area but on the side and she bruised me so bad we took pictures I told her off all the times I have given blood that is not where they take it from ODD almost like on the top not in the fold Still hav the picture to this day

thanks for reporting the eagle visit and HP again

as I was coming home I saw a pharmacy name HP Pharmacy I laughed when I saw it Its right up the road must me new never noticed it before it is in one of those strip stores that always change business al the time

JudyEddy said...

Gonna finish the news and then take a shower I'm hungry to so need to eat BBL

hedgie said...

Two grands are enough to satisfy me, Lolly!
Carolyn will be 40 this fall and Charlie will be 46!
Christie and Shannon aren't having ANY, which is a good thing.

So sorry I can't get enthusiastic about your lunch/dinner, Hoda. UGH!

I think the green thing is some kind of lichen.

I agree, Lori---Fishy doesn't cut it! Opie sounds cute!

hedgie said...

Hey, gang.......I was wrong about Tori's age.....she's 16---for 3 more days! She'll be 17 in 4 per Robyn's FB post!

hedgie said...

Hmmmmmm....from NBG:

UPDATE: Dr. Bryan Watts and Reese Lukei, Center for Conservation Biology at the College of William and Mary, have closely compared images of the adult female eagle found dead in the Garden Friday, January 6, 2012 with December and January images of the nesting female. The physical characteristics of both female eagles are very similar, thus preventing a definitive identification. For more informat...ion regarding the disposition of the dead female eagle, visit the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (DGIF) blog at http://eaglecam.tumblr.com/.

Also, at approximately 6:30pm on Saturday, January 14, 2012 a 2-year old juvenile bald eagle was found dead under power lines in a different location within the Garden. Experts have determined the age of the bird, but do not have any history or specific identification. They do know it is not an eagle from the Garden. The juvenile bird has been transferred to DGIF and will be delivered to the lab for further investigation.

wvgal_dana said...

Lori I don't like Fishy.

Opie is cute (:

hedgie said...

Wikipedia will be shut down for 24 hrs. in protest of the anti-piracy bills before congress. Get your research done before midnight, LOL!!

Mema Jo said...

Good evening - Finished dinner some time ago - want to catch 7:00 news
I do need to read for catch up with all
the comments.
Breezy outside but not too cold.
I noticed that Tues Tv is all repeats.

Guess I'll find a good book


hedgie said...

If all goes as planned, Liesl will have new sleeping accommodations tomorrow night! I ordered a small crate that has an attractive wicker exterior...it is due to be delivered tomorrow. Assuming that it arrives and that I can get it put together, she will be out of the playpen...and my dining room will have more space again!

Hoda said...

Well my dinner was GREAT LYNN...I did add carrots and the spinch was the right combination with the tofu and a sprinkling of sunflower seeds...I had my quarter brownie for today also and started it all with eating an orange!!!This should do me for a while now...Sorry that you think you would not have enjoyed supper at my place LYNN!!!If you ever come to BC I will not serve you tofu for lunch...LOL

Disturbing news from NBG...so it might be the new mate???I am sorry about the juvenile eagle also...rough time for eagles in the garden I would say...

hedgie said...

Almost time for Jeopardy. BBL.

hedgie said...

Wondered why things were so quiet at the den...just realized that it stopped at 4:55...duh! Refresh!

paula eagleholic said...

I vote for Opie, Lori!

Hoda, they are just saying they can't be 100% sure...but IMHO, I don't think the Mr would take up with a new Mrs in 3 days and be mating with her!

paula eagleholic said...

Speaking of walking...nice here tonight, tho a little breezy. Going to take Nick for a walk...have gotten out of it, so it's a good night to start.

paula eagleholic said...

Sorry to report that Harley the bald eagle died. He was rescued 2 years ago and driven to a rehabber on the back of a Harley, thus his name. They fitted him with a transmitter when he was released.

RIP Harley

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, sorry I missed your great nephew...bet he was psyched to be on the show!

magpie said...

OH, sorry to read of Harley the Eagle, Paula...
and also the other news posted about NBG - more eagles, more tragedies :(

Good Evening Eagle Pals...
Wow, the sunset sky around here was some kind of spectacular !!!

magpie said...

Loretta: Grackles ! I always think of them as the harbingers of Springtime.....them, and Red-Winged Blackbirds and Spring Robins...are they year-rounders? Of coming in for Spring?

magpie said...

I vote for Opie, also, Lori
great name, great little guy
and no doubt, a cool cat you have there

magpie said...

I saw the squirrel, I think...earlier in the day, but the cam had stopped, at first I thought it was a chicken carcass and the stick near to it looked like a snake !

Happy Birthdays to Sharon and Michael, Lolly, one yesterday, one today? xoxo

and Happy Birthday #71 for Andy's Ken xoxo

magpie said...

I Like that news about Tori ☺ ♥

Hoda said...

I agree with you PAULA I do not htink mating with a new female would have happened so fast for the NBG eagle...I doubted the chornological oreder of the events as they were reported before this latest announcement...has anyone seen them mating since? If they have seen them togethrer that would mean it is not the new female, but it was not mentioned in this report...it only raised confusion for me...THANKS PAULA

Hoda said...

Oh NO PAULA!!! Not a good day for eagles today then!!! Sorry to hear about Harley.

magpie said...

Hey Lolly! You were allowed to have coffee before the bloodwork?
You lucky girl, you....
I was on fasting again overnight....
my phlebotomist this morning, said "Hi I'm [forget her name] and I'm a student..."
I looked around, no one else in the room, didn't get that little comment that "you're going to feel a little stick." I'll say !!
But it wasn't too bad...

I headed straight back home and fired up the coffee pot, got re-dressed for work...and was on my normal way then

magpie said...

Hoda, your meals and snacks sound sooooo healthful, good on you!
Even the brownies...

magpie said...

Judie: (when you make it back here...)

Thanks for the well-wishes for the Blazer...I'm dropping it off in the morning so they can see what's going on....
and Best Wishes on the New Semester, hope you have some cracker-jacking good officers in the class

magpie said...

Lolly's clothes are stretching and the rest of ours are shrinking :(

DanaMo... did you get rid of that headache yet??? I dislike headaches very much....

magpie said...

I couldn't get a site to check for grannyblt's pics of the polymer clay work :(
if it's on facebook, guess I'm outta luck

magpie said...

Hey there Shirley: Way Cool about Rus seeing the plane which turned into a Bald Eagle !
And glad you gave the Cyclone a work out on the lanes today
Hope your teammates can make it back for next week, or soon...

I would love to be able to watch James get on and off the bus...glad you can see some of that with Hunter, often ♥

magpie said...

Hope today's treatments went okay, and hope the New Wicker Crate for Liesl comes together easily, sounds exciting !
She might miss that little Pack and Play for awhile, though....

magpie said...

Sounds good for Red's
plans for the flip of the coin choice on the hip replacement....
good things to come for sure....
you might just be dancing a jig before long

JudyEddy said...

Sad news about the juve being found and I also agree it can't be the new mate and they were spotted mateing in the tree

OPIE gets my vote too

I see PAULA also thinks so also on the eagle

:^( sad news about Harley the eagle

LOLLY must not hang her cloths on hanger didn't we say that is what was causing the shrinkage LOL

Jewel is just a snoozing been on full screen

Shower is done I was a bad girl stayed in there for 4 timers turns HOT HOT water Just let it beat me on the neck oh that makes it feel so good neck is so relaxed or numb one of the two LOL Still haven't ate will go put on a bagel

JudyEddy said...

This is unbelivable news I have never had a headache NEVER ODD huh! I guess I am lucky

magpie said...

I'm just magpie-ing while the Rotisserie chicken warms up ...

Roanoke Mary IS still with brother Fred, and will remain for as long as the need is there, she is our Ambassador, for the family....
Besides that, the weather is pretty darn nice in Naples these days... ☺

JudyEddy said...

Gonna go head for some TV BBL

magpie said...

Hope your neck feels better soon, JudyE
wouldn't be computer neck would it ???

magpie said...

Brother Fred can have liquids and jello, the pain medication is giving him some delusions...the other night he was very concerned because he thought he had lost a credit card...

He wants some Fig Newtons..asked his wife to put two in a bag and bring them to the hospital, and then just politely asked her to
"Just Humor me, Maryalice, Just Humor Me..."

magpie said...

Sorry to be exceeding the speed limit...just made some blog posts' notes and well, then I ran off at the mouth

but I go eat now and leave all this space for the rest of you

xoxox ♥

magpie said...

Appreciate, understand, and agree with what you posted about the female eagle at NBG, Paula...
Hi Nick, Arf Arf Arf and a Couple of WOOFS also xoxo ☺ ♥

Lolly said...

I love rotisserie chicken, Margy. Had never bought it until sometime this year. Funny, huh? Jack and I can make two meals of it and I love it!

Sharon's birthday was today and Michael's is tomorrow.

Corban was on the program for just a couple of glimpsies. But, did see his big smile and heard him say something. It was about a program in south Texas teaching kids to be safe hunters. The 4 boys were rewarded very nice rifles for participating for the film. Was strange to see him on a nationally broadcast program.

Lolly said...

Lynn, I am with you on the tofu. Sorry Hoda! But I admit I have never eaten it and I would be willing to give it a try. It just does not sound inviting. lol I ate musssels for the first time the other night. Michael showed me how to get them out of the shell and dip them in the butter sauce. I see no point in eating them, they have no taste.

Judie said...

Back again.

Janet, hope you are feeling better by the time you see this.

Shirley, so cool your team gets credit when members are absent. Hope the two improve quickly -- especially the stroke person.

There is a large owl that's been hanging out in our trees recently. Will not let the panthers out. Lucky little dog and so heartwarming about the larger dog's intervening.

Hoda, you and your antics have created a mental image of you looking just like Betty White. Too funny. Also, if Lynn shows up for dinner it must be meat and more meat -- she gets cranky if she sees vegetables.lol

Sad time for the eagles at NBG and very sorry about Harley. Will hope for a better year to come.

Broken pipe under the kitchen sink. So tragic (had to eat dinner out tonight). Poor Darth has been working for several days. Leak was behind the wall and only the smell of mildew was the clue. It really is a mess.

Okay, tired after my first day back at the school house. Headed to the pillows in a few. Will check on Jewel first.

The night light is on for anyone who may need to arise in the dark, will be headed back the hallway, down to the tub, up the stairs to bed, or wandering in late from the West Coast and British Columbia. Restful sleep for all.

Hoda said...

Well LOLLY in the defenceo f all things TOFU...tofu takes on the taste of what ever you mix it with...it can be soft, crispy, crunchy seet for desert, sour and salty for main course...very high on protein and that is good...I like oysters and muscles and most shell fish, scallops are my favourites and shrimp no longer agrees with me...I used to like it much...

wvgal_dana said...

Judie maybe Darth needs to relieve himself and get a plumber in there.

You take care lady

Hoda said...

JUDIE, You are wonderfully funny...yesterday people watched programs on Betty White and today you said somehow I remind you of her....I am on my way for a search as to who this BETTY WHITE is...I will get back to you on that!!!
If LYNN and LOLLY come to visit I can treat them to ALBERTA steak...The best in the country and no need to serve vegetables either in honour of LYNN!!! LOL!!!
Don't forget to set the night light before you disappear tonight. I am glad your start of classes went well so far.

hedgie said...

Too bad about Harley. :(
Speaking of Harley---my granddog seems to have completely recovered from whatever his problem was. Thank goodness! But they still aren't letting him traverse the basement steps.

I agree, too, that the NBG eagle can't be the present Mrs.

Hoda, LOL----it wasn't just the tofu! Can't say I like any of what you prepared!!! I'll bring my own food when I visit you!

Oh, yes, black coffee, plain tea and water are almost always allowed pre-bloodwork.

Margy, sorry you had to have a repeat....hope everything is okay.
And good luck with the truck repair tomorrow!
MaryAlice better hold off on those fig newtons! Poor Fred---he probably feels like he's starving.

Judie said...

Okay, just slipped past the sandperson but must type quickly.

I vote for Opie.

JudyE, hope your neck pain disappears. Absolutely no fun.

Margy, I think brother Fred is showing some real signs of improvement despite the drug effects.

Lynn, will be really interested in how Liesl likes her new accommodations. How are you doing?

Hi Jo, how are you?

Hoda said...

Well I know Betty White saw her on several shows...she is 90 and if there is something that reminds JUDIE of me with Betty White I hope that I live as long as she has...she seems in good health...

hedgie said...

Yes, Margy, Lynne1's polymer reference was on FB.

hedgie said...

Missed you, Judie----SO sorry about the leak. Is it something that Darth can manage or are you going to have to bring in the pros??
Hope you sleep well tonight.....and yikes! Didn't realize that the panthers went outdoors! By all means keep them in!!

hedgie said...

Hoda, I don't think there is any better comedienne than Betty White! And she's still going strong! Find it so funny how risque she can get on the late-night talk shows, too!!!!

hedgie said...

I'm watching the rest of the tribute show now!! Love seeing the old scenes from her many shows!

hedgie said...

She is also a grand champion for animal causes!

Hoda said...

JUDYE you have got email...

Hoda said...

I know her LYNN...I also like her...Will Alberta steak do if you come and visit me?

hedgie said...

Hoda, see if you can find the show online. NBC.com!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Love mussels, too. Lolly, they are really good in a marina sauce over pasta!

Tofu's not bad, haven't had it in awhile. Just no tofurky, please!

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, Nick says woof woof to you and the kidster!

Walk was nice!

hedgie said...

Oh, yes, Hoda dear.....Alberta steak would be delicious!

hedgie said...

Heading for the tub. BBIALW.

paula eagleholic said...

Did they show the SNL skit with Betty White? That was hilarious!

Costume Lady said...

Good Evening ladies and lurking Red:)
Gene and I had to go to a 2 hour Seminar this morning pertaining to sanitation and safe food handling. We have been to one once before, but learned so many important things that we didn't know.
A lot of new information on second hand smoke.
LOLLY, did you know that Texas has several cities that have a NO SMOKING ordinance...El Paso and Lubbick are two of them. I think that is outstanding!

Went to GG's and she is still feeling so chipper, but she was limping??

Gene is calling me to watch a movie. BBL

magpie said...

Years ago Allen Ludden, the host of the game show "Password" was married to Betty White...
he would come out and would say "Hi Doll" - you couldn't hear it because it was off-microphone, but you could tell he was saying it...that was for his lovely wife, Betty.....
they were still married and wildly in love when he died..all too soon

I can still see that in my mind's eye.... ♥♥

magpie said...

Wanda...wonder about GG's limp... and hope that all is ok!

Oh bummer, a leak at Judie's
would be nice if Darth would treat himself to a plumber...but about "relieving himself" well that just struck my funny bone, DanaWV.....

magpie said...

I know Fred won't really be able to eat those Fig Newtons...
but he sure is going to fantasize about food until he can eat like a normal person....

CarolAnne said...

Winding down here - then on to my prayers.

My 2 cents - I'd vote for Marmalade for the kitty, (as in Orange Marmalade) :o)

Good night all, sweet dreams, and restful night.

NatureNut said...

Good Evening dear Eagle Buds!
Had to stay 'til Park closed to correct 'puter junk w/techie over the phone--yuck.

Checked Jewel when I got home--no sign of cub/s then.
Put the Birds video in Nook. I guess you can't make screen any larger unless you load them to U Tube or something.? I played it here on full screen!! Should play it for cats ☺
Gotta do some reading and check Bear. I wonder if it's possible for them to have false pregnancies?

magpie said...

Marmalade, what a cool name idea, CarolAnne....!

magpie said...

Good Night CarolAnne...Sleep Sweetly...(( Hugs♥ ))

Lolly said...

Have been sitting here playing computer games. I have been thinking about getting started working of slides again. Yikes, it has been 2 years since I have worked on them. Guess I should get with it!!!

Alberta steak sounds great to me...and I love veggies! I'll be right up!

Yes, Lynn, knew some cities were that way but could not have told you what ones. Good for them. Arlington might be one as well. It is close to us.

MARGY, can have black coffee before blood work. No problem, that is the way I like my coffee. I do not like flavored coffee either, just give me strong black coffee, thank you!

Lolly said...

Whoops, the comment about no smoking was meant for WANDA.

Lolly said...

Poor Jewel...she just can not get comfortable.

magpie said...

Great Video, Loretta !
That was a LOT of birds !

magpie said...

Black coffee it is for me, Lolly, (well most of the time, anyway....)

I'll have to ask about that NEXT time !!!

Red said...

Wanda, how did you know I was lurking? ☺

magpie said...

It's about that time, to clean up this roost...and then bedtime...

Lovin' the Friendship and Fellowship, and Ministry on here..

Hope Wednesday is a Good Day for Everyone, especially any and all in discomfort, pain, and with illness.....

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Y'all keep an eye for the SPLIT, it's going to happen before we know it...

Hi Red, Good Night, Red... from Magpie's Roost...xoxo

Lolly said...

For those of you who did not see Hope's birth here is the utube video.

Hope's Birth

I will go get last years for you, too.

Lolly said...

Lily gives birth 2011

hedgie said...

G'night, sweet Margy!

Paula, don't recall if they showed the SNL skit---I watched the first part last night: short-term memory loss! But they did show her hosting gig!

Lolly said...

Just watched the video of Hope's birth. I had forgotten how much Hope sounded like a new born baby.

hedgie said...

Whew---house is too hot! I hear the wind picking up but now temp outside is 58°!!!!! Go figure. Guess I shouldn't have stoked up the fire after all! Will see what the 11pm weather report says, but may just let it go out overnight and worry about it tomorrow.

hedgie said...

Liesl is ready for bedtime cuddle. And a show coming on that isn't a repeat! BBL!

NatureNut said...

Is Lori looking for a name for the little Pumpkin cat??

JudyE, I put a Bluey link on the blog the same time I put on pic. You had maybe hit the hay, but it's there. Meanwhile you could just copy & paste the link under pic. I can go look for it.

Sorry to hear about some eagle problems. I assume the talk of a female at NBG is not the juvie, but possibly the new mate????Hope not. Buddy's Dad needs a break.

Margy---I have to look up about the grackle flock~~they hardly leave, so not sure of much migration.If they are returning already,it must be the weather! We have robins, bluebirds all year round.

Hoda said...

RED there is a globe on the blog upper section right hand side of the comment section and it shows the recent hits and tells the name of the town and the State.This is how we know who is on...some bring it up on the side and then can always keep a tab of who is here...

Hoda said...



in 7 posts.

Don't get lost

NatureNut said...

JudyE--found Blue Buddy link on blog Sunday, 10:16 PM, 2 minutes after your "Good Night"!! Hoda had asked about it, but I wasn't back on yet! ☺

Janet said...

tuesday evening: update

feeling okay, thank you for the well wishes. hoping i wake up feeling normal tomorrow. tired at the moment, so this will be quick. wanting more sleep.

did go to council meeting and we have a half victory tonight: the hen bill PASSED so many people will be able to enjoy hens. i however will not. 8 districts opted out and mine was one. :( feeling pretty bummed about it. and the busy bodies of the area have already circulated an email that states we opted out and if you see chickens they are illegal and report them asap. yikes. anyway....in 2 years it comes back for review...hopefully at that time the naysayers will see that this is not a terrible, awful thing and we will all have the right to have hens if we all desire. i do know one council member who will NOT get my vote (not that he had it the last time, but he will certainly NOT have it this time).

anyway, heading to bed. hoping to feel better tomorrow. sleep is a wonderful thing...

sweet dreams to all.

*smiles* :)

stronghunter said...

Stopping to say good night. I will see you tomorrow. Rest well, everyone.

hedgie said...

Am I missing seeing all posts??? I see nothing about Red and the globe...so what made JudyE bring that up?? I'm confused!
Nothing new, huh??

Janet, know you are disappointed. Hope you hadn't started any preparations. Glad you are feeling better.

My show was good....and Liesl is sound asleep...maybe her last night in the pack'n'play!

Think I am ready for some ice cream!

magpie said...

Ya' mean we haven't split yet ???

magpie said...

took me that long to get cleaned up after myself....WOOF !
I make a mess in the kitchen, no wonder I don't cook that often...

Have some ice cream for me, Hedgie !

Good Night Precious Pals...This time for Real..

xoxox (( Hugs ♥ ))

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...