Friday, January 20, 2012


Evening thread.


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hedgie said...

And poof! So how many HP's did the boy get in this time??

hedgie said...

Diane, good to see you, gal!
Happy belated birthday to Max!!

Sandi said...

Just 1 Lynn, but it looked OK to me!

Sandi said...

He's back again!!

Hoda said...


Hoda said...


Hoda said...


Hoda said...


Hoda said...


Hoda said...


Hoda said...


Hoda said...


Kay said...

Missed the HP, but arrived in time to see Shep at least. Wouldn't let myself lurk or look til' my chores were done.

SANDI, I watch a lot of cams, but do have to stay away in order to get things done now and then. It does take willpower !

Hoda said...


Sandi said...

Guess that's it for this evening?

magpie said...

I missed the first part of the visit, saw Shep only, wow, his talons looked so big and like he had black talon-nails !

DanaMo said...

Enter, DanaMo, just a little too late.

Sandi said...

The blue color is returning!

Kay said...

Happy Birthdays to the sweet 4 year old boys DIANN and PAULA dearly love !

MARGY, you know I love your avatar !!!! Time to get dinner started. Seth and I will be listening to Garrison and the gang with you !

Prayers for all in need ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

magpie said...

I see where Shep caught you in mid-sentence Hoda...

glad you got out and back safely

Yes, Sandi, a reward for all your hard work !

Lori O. said...

Magpie, love your avatar! Did you have a nice day?

magpie said...

there's that bluish, nightfall color, Lynn

kind of like in your picture a day or so ago

magpie said...

Thanks on the remarks on my flower avatar...have to tell you, it is from a REAL bouquet of flowers sitting my living room, right now...a gift from a very special gal pal ☺ ♥

I'm doing well, Lori, is just a take it easy day for me...

magpie said...

I'll be perched and ready for Prairie Home Companion, Kay

Hoda said...

...well I was saying our roads are th pits, the worst they have been all season. They are trying their best to clear them...i slipped going up one hill and was very careful coming down another hill and decided to not tempt fate and returned to will have to be here today.
The CFUW meeting was very good and learnt a lot from the Automechanic speaker and also from the Mental Health presentation. One in five Canadians suffers from some form of mental health issues...the highest rate of completed suicides is in the older white male category. Females try suicide three times more frequently than men but men complete the suicides more frequently...i felt very sad with this presentation...lunch was good.

magpie said...

that's a squawk and a half, thought at first dogs, now maybe a goose ?

magpie said...

see that JO reports that Lynne was on facebook, so most likely OK...
miss her HERE though, on Blogbook

magpie said...

hoping that beauty shall rise out of the dust at Sherry's....

Hoda said...

then not than in my last post!!! sorry...fate not fat also!!1

magpie said...

trying to decide, cup of tea, or mug of outrageous hot chocolate....hmmmm, touch choice !

Hoda said...

tempte not temt...enough of the corrections already...sorry fingers are not working as well today...

magpie said...

it'os okye hodfa joing the croewed

Hoda said...

LOL I see mistakes even in the corrections so I will leave it be...
KAY I recommend tea!! that is what I am going to go get right now...

PA Nana said...

Great reporting, Hoda. I'm off to see about the evening meal.

love you all!

Hoda said...

LOL MARGY!!! Thanks♥

magpie said...

hope you folks saw my post about the Raptor stamps....they are for 85-cents a piece, not 45 -
good for mailing anything up to 3 ounces in weight

postcard postage goes up from 29-cents to 32-cents

sorry I didn't realize that when I read the series was coming out

might just want to splurge on the five raptor stamps and gaze upon them

honk honk honk Canada Geese

magpie said...

Good News from my sister Mary...
my brother Fred has been transfered out of ICU and into a regular, private room with a 5th floor view of the Naples skyline, therapy has resumed (with his knee),
he can eat more regualar kinds of foods, and next move will be to a REHAB facility....

Thanks....Prayers really DO work...
(( Hugs ♥ ))

Hoda said...

I hear the geese too MARGY...Perhaps they are saying, "Winter is coming, Winter is coming!!!" we after all know what happened when the alarm was sounded "The British are coming, The British are coming" LOL

magpie said...


Hope it is a pleasant evening...
James's New England Aster Seeds are on the way to you...
which reminds me...if anyone else wants some of these, let me know..I have quite a lot to share...but they won't bloom until late late summer....

Hoda said...

I love your avatar MARGY and PRAISES to the LORD for your brother's continued improvement...

magpie said...

could be Hoda...or
make that tea, make that tea

Prairie Home Companion is coming up soon...

ttfn, Precious Pals...a few little chores to attend to while tea is brewing, green tea it will be, a double mug full....

Sandi said...

MARGY - your post with all the typos made me laugh out loud!!! Yay - Fred can have fig newtons now!!

Lolly said...

OH, Margy, so happy for you, for Fred, and the whole family. Yea!

Just came in from working in the yard. It is cool, 50, but working kept us warm. More leaves to go, but we are making progress. ☺ Will certainly do a habby dance when the job is complete. Keep checking my daffodils, they are getting quite high but see no buds yet.

I see that Jewel has settled down. I thought for sure this was it earlier when she was so restless.

stronghunter said...

Fifty degrees at Lolly's. Icicles here. Oh, well.

Lolly said...

Sorry I missed the HP in the snow. Brrrrr! Glad to hear they made their nightly visit. Won't be long! Hip hip Hooray!

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, great news on Fred! I'm sure he'll enjoy the room with the view much better than the ICU!

Had a great time at the party! I'm back to feed Nick and let him out, then we are going to the Ott House for the evening.

Lolly said...

Just remember, though it is nice now this summer will be a killer with heat. Groannnnnn!

hedgie said...

Wonder if the dumb cam light is coming on giving it the blue cast at dusk? No sunset on this side of the mountain....

Oh, yes, Happy Birthday to Breslin, too!!!

Sandi said...

SHIRLEY - In Delaware, IEPs are done online. However, only the basic information on the first page is filled in automatically (parents' names, address, phone numbers, some important dates like when the last eval. was done). All other info. has to be entered manually. Every year, the state requires more and more info. to be included in a student's IEP. Five years ago, when I started this job, I could draft an IEP in less than 2 hours. Now it easily takes 4-5 hours!!
Dinner time. Have a good evening all!

Lolly said...

Also, the drought continues. I am just trying to accept the fact that my yard and gardens will never be like they have been in the past. When you can not water you just can not have a nice lawn and gardens.

paula eagleholic said...

Glad to hear of a visit and more HP!

stronghunter said...

If you blinked, you might have missed the hot action in the snow, Lolly.

Lolly said...

I think the nest has a nice lavender glow. Hee Hee...TCU

hedgie said...

Hurray for Fred!!!! One step at a complete recovery!!!!

hedgie said...

I made egg salad this morning. It was so good for lunch that I think I'll have it again for dinner!

Lolly, I don't think you EVER get done at Hawkwood!!!!

Hoda, glad you are staying in for the rest of your day!

Paula, have a safe venture out---roads will slicken up later!

Lolly said...

I loved sharing the pics of Rikki. Soon will get to the slides of our kitties that we raised. Can hardly wait to show you those pics. Such a fun time. The kitties were born in a box in our bedroom. Laurel was young, but I woke her up and her nose was all but in the box. She loved it.

stronghunter said...

Don't know that much about it, Sandi. I did not know there were different requirements in different states. I thought it was a Federal thing. I do not know if the teachers at my school were working online or with software just at the school.

I know they had some issues with the program.

I have attended plenty of IEP meetings over the years.

Lolly said...

No, we are never done at Hawkwood, but some jobs just are not fun and getting rid of all the leaves is NOT fun! Think I will just cut down all the trees.....NOT!!!

stronghunter said...

Oh, Margy, so happy that Fred is better.

I have a brother Fred, too. It was my father's name.

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Birthday to Diann's Max as well! Brensin's birthday was today.

Did Wanda get a kitten from Lori???

magpie said...

It's a great name, isn't it Dad was also Fred, but they were not senior and junior, different middle names...

Thanks for all the positive cheers for is so much appreciated....

tea brewing, radio about to be tuned in, going to "join" Kay and Seth listening to PHC, hope I don't fall asleep tonight like I did last week during Dr. Rogers' time on the show...that was a bummer!

Enjoy your time out, Paula....and glad the party was fun for your grandson Brensin...

xoxox ♥

hedgie said...

If anyone missed the Betty White 90th b-day tribute, it's on again tonight at 8 eastern on NBC.

hedgie said...

No, Paula....Wanda got lots of clothes for the clothes closet, and big bucks for the soup kitchen from Kate and Lori!!

stronghunter said...

Feeding time at this zoo.

hedgie said...

Joe Paterno is reported near has gathered at his side.

Hoda said...

That is sad LYNN. Paterno's world came crashing around him and it is sad to have it all come to such an end...

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, mentioned something about a kitten.

paula eagleholic said...

This is what Wanda said earlier...

About an inch of snow here, but it is only 29°here, and not melting. Our kitten are sliding all over the patio, chasing their food dish...wont hold still:)

Saturday, January 21, 2012 1:44:00 PM

Maybe she is talking about the outside cats?

JudyEddy said...

WOW home and caught up with the blog so here is my book LOL

MARGY your sis is in Fl what part??? has she gloated to you about the warm weather yet knowing you are in the snow??? I can sit here and visualize you on your computer --I do love your avatar I bet you miss your flowers on your front porch

LYNN thanks for the info Mississippi HMM might be worth a vacation drive

Linda is not in mgmt she was the personnel manager and the also screwed her out of money also when she stepped down from it to go to backdoor receiver

A bunch of them now know about the heaters for bird baths they were all amazed and we have had snow here but nothing but a day or so of cold and a couple of times I had water out side freeze but as soon as sun came out it melted it
SANDI we also have a moose cam and hummingbird cam and lots of other Would you like the links LOL
YEAH we had a visit in snow I saw the pictures fantastic work MARGY THANKs for the reporting of the visit Ladies I also noticed his black spot is more defined today I wonder why can really see it in the pictures it is smaller that it was when he first came to the nest I was looking at videos the other day and noticed it then.
Great Fred got transferred out of ICU always a good sign

Its not that long this time LOL

hedgie said...

They've taken Paterno off life support.

Hoda said...

Paterno was takenof therespirator this morning according to Canadian news...God rest his soul.

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY I just love the picture with the snow so beautiful and relaxing to look at would make a nice framed pic I say

NatureNut said...

Boy, did I leave too soon!!!Caused the birds to appear, tho. I'll have to put the cam up also when I'm on the blog! Nest looks pretty now.
Have to eat something light. Fubby insisted I boil his corned beef he bought. I told him 3 hrs!!!!So we'll eat something else until!
Jewel the bear is a big black blob.

JudyEddy said...

News is on so I am going to rewind it and watch it BBL

JudyEddy said...

ODD I have always been able to go on the PixController.Inc now it comes up IE can't display page I wonder why oh well will have to use the reg bear cam instead of it BBL

wvgal_dana said...

Sad that Joe Paterno's cancer has taken such a toll on him. May God be with his family during this time. May God bring Joe peace and comfort.

hedgie said...

House sure looks DARK without the window candles and other Christmas night lights! And I have lost two outlet nightlights.....wonder where I put them? Checked all boxes before I put things back in, but since I had help doing all the decorating, it's hard to tell where stuff got put!!! Bathroom is the critical one!!! Hmmmmm.....

hedgie said...

Paula, Wanda has a couple of outdoor kitties who took up residence this past year!

hedgie said...

JudyE----Miss. River.....up in IOWA! Long trip, kiddo!!!! And I think they head farther north in the summer----probably Canada!!

Sandi said...

Just tried to go to the cam site, since Judy had commented about how it looked tonight - can't get the page to load. Also tried clicking on the conservation tab and then going to live animal cams but still couldn't get on. Oh well, no big deal right now.
LYNN - I read an article about Paterno on FB about the same time you posted your comment - very sad! SHIRLEY - IEPs are federal documents but each state has its own template for creating one. You would think they'd be uniform across the country! Sure would make it easier for special ed. teachers when we get kids from other states and have to try to decipher what their needs are.
Now, if I can get these 3 bathrooms cleaned tonight and then get to the grocery store in the morning, I can sit on my butt and watch TV and play on the computer the rest of the day tomorrow. Signing off for the night!

JudyEddy said...

SANDI you need to say it over I will not watch the Bears cam LOL So glad it didn't work for you either will try another day watching her on the reg channel It looks like there is no bear just a black hole if you didn't know that was a bear there LOL

hedgie said...

I am DONE for the day. Putting the rest in the closet/attic/under the eaves will have to wait til tomorrow. Bedroom is still a pathway!! Don't think there's anyway I can do it without kneeling....will use a pillow and hope for the best.

Going to the sofa to watch some recorded shows. BBL.

JudyEddy said...

HODA HODA somehow I have deleted both your email add in my add book which is the one I am not to use the Gmail or the TELuS I can type your name and they both come up but I need to know which to put back in my book before the go away Please let me know ok

JudyEddy said...

FYI pixcontroller is back on line

Hoda said...

JUDYE you have email.

Hoda said...

I put pictures of the evening visit in the album...the blue nest, and ones of SHEP's several pictures. I did not think to take photos when Belle was in the nest. Sorry.

JudyEddy said...

Got it and got the right one in my addy book I guess the other day when I emailed you back it added both and I must had accidentally erased both dumb me no issue now you are safely in it I sent the picture of the snow and the eagle to Cathy the one I meet on Youtube Apparently she has been sick I told her to pop in any time

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening my eagle budlets! I am back home from the hospital. They took the BiPAP off of Nila so I could feed her some supper. She ate a little bit but really enjoyed the iced tea I took her. I will have to take more tomorrow. Quenched her thirst for sure. Her pain seems under control. With her BiPAP off, however, her CO2 starting rising again and she got really sleepy and confused so they had to put it back on. She is not suffering now so these prayers are doing an awesome job! Thanks!

Lolly said...

Time to start some dinner. Our regular Sat nite bacon cheese burgers tonight.


Hoda said...

It just started to snow again!!!

JudyEddy said...

Hey what does Jewel have looks like a rectangle brick or something man made Check it out she has it tucked under her now

Mema Jo said...

I have returned from Mass and I see that
the Eagles made their visit the very
minute I walked out the door!

Good news of your visit, Sharon to Nila.
You are a true friend. ♥

I am heading for TV movie at 8:00


JudyEddy said...

I am watching the Gasparilla fireworks so pretty over the water They have two barges set up Today was the children parade and tomorrow is the adults The music is awesome also

Hoda said...

I see it JUDYE but do not know what it looks like a tracker off of a collar perhaps? It does not appear as a brick to me it has a glossy appearance to it...

JudyEddy said...

I meant brick in shape

Hoda said...

5053 people are watching the JEWEL cam!!! Pretty popular bear!!!

JudyEddy said...

I wish I knew there were fireworks I would have gone to see in person I love fire works and this is one of the largest tooo

JudyEddy said...

she is using it as a pillow too cute

JudyEddy said...

I am watching her of USTREAM channel from the PixController site

JudyEddy said...

YEP just read it on the site it is the collar you were right HODA 100%

Hoda said...

It makes JEWEL a very agile bear...did she undo it? I see a hole in the band part of the collar...It must be easy to do because HOPE kept taking hers off too...Jewel has been doing an awful lot of scratching...Thanks for your confirmation JUDYE.

Lolly said...

Think I am going to work on another tray of slides...have so many to do!! That is where I will be for the rest of the evening.

hedgie said...

CBS reports that Joe Paterno has passed. RIP, Joe.

stronghunter said...

My weather report says it is colder here than in Nelson, Hoda. I am surprised.

36 Degrees F in Nelson
32 Degrees F in Fredericksburg

stronghunter said...

Very sad about Joe Paterno.

Hoda said...

It is showing 33 here headed for 27

God Rest his soul LYNN. RIP MR.Peterno

magpie said...

I'm sorry to hear about Mr. Paterno...
May God Bless his Soul, and Comfort his family

magpie said...

Thanks for the tip on the replay of the Betty White Birthday Celebration show, I totally enjoyed it

Also enjoyed Prairie Home Companion earlier, one of the featured musicians was Leo Kotke...
saw him once in concert in Frederick, Maryland....41 years ago !!

Judie said...

It is certainly difficult to type after the sandperson has sprinkled dream dust into my eyes.

Yes, the sandperson has been here and is on the move to visit others.

The night light is on for anyone who may need to arise in the darkness, who may be headed down to the tub, back the hallway, up the stairs, or may wander in late from the West coast or British Columbia.

Restful sleep for all.

magpie said...

Gooooood Night, Judie
and all the home companions there

xoxox ♥

JudyEddy said...

Jewel is up and close with the cam WOW big paws

JudyEddy said...

JUDIE's sandman has finally made it to Fl so I am listening to him before I get a second wind

Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


JudyEddy said...

JOE IS NOT DEAD he is in serious condition on FOX news CBS got it wrong FYI

hedgie said...

Thanks, Hoda....see where CBS posted a retraction.....bad!

Margy, so glad you got to see the tribute. Great, wasn't it??

24° here now....brrr. But house is cozy.

Almost time for the news, and then I'm letting the sandman have his way with me!!!
Sleep well all. Prayers and peace.

Lynne2 said...

Evening all, just checking in for a quick HELLO! I sure hope everyone is staying safe in the ice. Dogs are NOT enjoying it at all...we got about an inch or so of snow, then a nice long period of freezing rain.

Lynne2 said...

We'll I'm off to bed. Hopefully tomorrow I can stick around to chat. Been working around the house, watching the birds at the feeders, reading, relaxing. Work has been crazy busy and Steve has new hours at work now so it's up EARLY...3:30am and my schedule is very cattywampus!! But it OVERTIME!!! WOO HOO!

magpie said...

Good to see you Lynne, you've been missed...

looking for a few more of our smiling faces on here...hope all is well with everyone...

And the Sandman has braved the icy road conditions to make a visit in Martinsburg....and away he goes....

Prayers for Wellness, and for Sweet, Restorative Sleep.

Good Night, Precious Pals

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

Lynne2 said...

LOL! Today was Squirrel Appreciation Day! Daisy met one up close and personal a few days on my blog.

Miss you all, love you, and prayers for you all!

Lolly said...

One more tray of alides on the computer. Yea! Sat in a better chair tonight and my shoulders do not hurt. Watched the Betty White show while working. Great program!

Hi Lynne! We miss you!

I did have Jewel's cam going while working. Could not see her but listened.

Lolly said...

Windy night and very windy tomorrow. A dust storm is predicted in west Texas tomorrow. Also, a wild fire watch. Lovely, just lovely!

Hoda said...

LOLLY , TEXAS is not allowed any more wild fires!!! I deleted my Fire watch website thinking it is all now over...??? I hope you stay safe.

Mema Jo said...

I have returned to bid everyone good night. That Sandman is sorta cute -
running all around, house to house in his night cap and slippers! He Got Me

Good Night friends & God bless you and your loved ones.
See that our prayers for Fred have helped and now Baby Ava's recovery and
Praying for the transplant for Tori.
Prayers for Nila to be without Pain.
Hugs for all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

NatureNut said...

Getting late again! How does that happen? Maybe because time flies when you're watching boiling pots?!Was asked to cook the cabbage, too, tonight & I always use the water from the corned beef for flavor. So had to wait for meat to finish.I WON'T be vooking tomorrow!LOL
Margy, so glad to hear of Fred's improvement!!!!
Happy all was great at Brensin's B'Day party w/Paula's clan!

Funny, but maybe not too funny story from daughter Sherry who I just was on phone with again. During our conversation SIL, Jim, came in and she asked him "what is that burning smell??"He had lifted the lid on his new Green Egg cooking toy, it flared some & singed his eyebrows. We have to keep him away from these things!!!I hollered to use looong tongs next time! She emailed a store in Hawaii where Jim had bought her a cool petroglyph(ancient) turtle pendant. When she said it was a replacement and why, mgr. lady phoned her and they gave her a discount, so she ordered two in different colors!!There are lots of friendly people in the world!Lady had lived in CA & family home burned down when she was 3 yrs. old. They only got out w/jammies. Moved to Hawaii because there are No Santa Anna winds! (what about volcanoes??)

Enough tales for tonight, except would like to see Jewel's tail!She's snoozing for now.

So sorry to hear of Joe Paterno's bad turn w/his illness.

Pleasant Feather Dreams and prayers for Good Health for Lynn, Tori, Nila, Fred and all in need ;>)

Hoda said...

Stay warm everyone.

Good night Sweet dreams and God Bless.

I saw ANDY lit a few candles so I know she is well...I will set the security systems on for her in case she does not make it on here tonight.

JUDIE set the lights and I think her sandman is almost to Nelson, He has to cross a few mountain ranges. JO assures me he is good looking though, which means he is worth staying up for...LOL


PA Nana said...

Stopping by to say goodnight.

I'm off to my broken recliner. Foot rest no longer works so have to use a hassock with a pillow on top. Works okay for now, but will have to replace it soon.
Have tried the bed again but with the same results - terrible back pain. So I'll stick to this chair.

Hope the sandman doesn't slip on the icy roadway coming north.

'Nite all and God bless!

wvgal_dana said...

Night all sandman has made it here.

Prayers for Joe Paterno may God watch over him. God Bless his family and friends in the days to come.

Lolly said...

My turn to say good night!

Sweet dreams!♥

stronghunter said...

Lynne, I love your picture of all the critters waiting in the kitchen. Looks so familiar to me. Every trip to the kitchen is a dog and cat parade in this house.

stronghunter said...

Sandman has arrived here. I am going to call it quits for the night.

Rest well. I will see you tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Or to be more correct . . . make that "sandperson."

Costume Lady said...

Looks like I am on here, alone once I won't be long.
We had a very nice time at the Banquet in Berryville. Jillian was awarded a plaque for RESCUE SQUAD PERSON OF THE YEAR and her boyfriend received a plaque for FIREFIGHTER of the year.


Geula said...

Good Morning Eagletfamily! Happy Sunday!

DanaMo said...

Geula-Love your avatar!
Good morning!

Sandi said...

Morning DMO! Morning GEULA - we haven't "met" as I've only been on the blog for about 2 months. I see from my cheat sheet that you live in Israel? Wow! These eagles bring us together from some far away places!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, DanaMo, Andi & Geula!

Geula, long time no see, eh! I hope all is well with you. I'm so happy to see you made it back to the blog!

Lori O. said...

That would be Sandi -- Andi is the cat who was bothering me! lol

Lori O. said...

YooooHoooo, anybody here?

DanaMo said...

Good morning Lori and Sandi. I'm just sitting here thinking about how winter is already getting to me and it's only January. Not sure how I am going to make it til spring. Wish I was a bear so I could just hibernate all winter and come out in the spring. I never got dressed yesterday and if it wasn't for going to Mass I probably wouldn't bother today either.

DanaMo said...

Good thing I have that Catholic guilt that will get me out the door today. Maybe I can go to mass in my pj's.

Lori O. said...

DanaMo, did you ever get one of the light boxes to help the seasonal afflictive disorder? It's what psych docs recommend.

Lori O. said...

That probably didn't come out right -- lol! DanaMo, suffice it to say that doctors of all kinds, recommend the light box when that happens in times of less sunlight. :)

Sandi said...

I'm still here - just reading emails, news, and FB.
You is good!
You is smart!
You is important!
Guess what I watched last night?

DanaMo said...

Yeah...I'm psych alright! No I never did look into it. Monte wants to take me on a business trip with him to FL but I can't just take off school for that. For one thing I only get 3 personal days and I've used 2 already. And there is the guilt of leaving the classroom...I don't think a light box would really help much. I want to be outside and sitting around the pool and running and playing with the dogs....etc...a box won't let me do all that.

Lori O. said...

I give up? What did you watch last night...Forest Gump?

Sandi said...

DMO - Would it help to focus on the fact that the school year is almost half way over? I'm celebrating that momentous event on Wed. True, the 2nd half seems to go so much slower than the 1st half but ... And, that means it's almost time for your "100th day of school celebration!" That's a BIG deal in kindergarten!! What's happening in your classroom that day?

Sandi said...

LORI - Nope!

Sandi said...

You is KIND!
You is SMART!

Lori O. said...

DanaMo, I care deeply, but I'm leaving the teacher advice to Sandi. I can only say it wouldn't hurt to try a light box to simulate the suns rays and change the brain cheistry that is making you feel this way. I agree with Sandi, 100th Day Celebration would be a fun time! What will you do for it?

Lori O. said...

OK Sandi - what did you watch last night? Five more minutes and you must tell! :)

DanaMo said...

Our 100 day celebration is February 7th unless we have snow days before that. We do all kinds of things. The kid do a project, we make a "trail mix", we read stories, we blow up 100 balloons, we make Fruit Loop necklaces, it's a party all day!
I just changed all my facebook pictures, my desktop and my profile to beach pictures. Maybe I could close my eyes and pretend.

DanaMo said...

There are approximately 77 days until we open the pool.

Sandi said...

LORI - Within an hour, there will be half a dozen people on this blog saying, "Oh, I know what you watched!!" You'll have to wait til then - my lips are sealed! DMO, I can only say that, since you spend your days with just about the cutest age kids in the world and you're still feeling blue, there must be some SAD going on! If it was ME feeling blue, it would simply be b/c I spend my days with surly, hormonally-imbalanced adolescents! Can you find a place indoors to start playing some tennis again (and someone to play with)? Sounds like you really enjoyed tennis and that really energizes me in the winter (even on days like yesterday when I lose!)

DanaMo said...

I don't know the movie either, but I just might google it! LOL

DanaMo said...

I cheated...

DanaMo said...

I would not have gotten it. I'm not much of a movie buff and I have not read the book.

Lori O. said...

No cheating, DMo! But, too late. I'll wait for your answer, Sandi. I'm not a movie buff, at all, either, DanaMO.

Sandi said...


JudyEddy said...


Lori O. said...


Sandi said...

Morning Judy! SHEP IN SLO MO!

JudyEddy said...

I was reading when he flew in

JudyEddy said...

GUELA welcome back long time no hear from

Lori O. said...

Sandi, SHEP wants to know what you watched last night, too!

Sandi said...

LORI - LOL! What's the nest weather for today?

JudyEddy said...

He does look pretty in the nest

Lori O. said...

I'll get the weather now, Sandi.

I didn't think anyone noticed it.

JudyEddy said...

he is just sitting there he flew in from the y branch area

JudyEddy said...

how can they pick at flugg if it is under snow

JudyEddy said...

ok he can pick at sticks on rail he moved to 11

JudyEddy said...

I wonder if there feet get cold lol

Lori O. said...

More freeing rain on the way tonight and tomorrow.


Cloudy, with a high near 33. Calm wind.

Tonight: Periods of freezing rain. Low around 29.
Chance of precipitation is 80%. New ice accumulation of less than 0.1".

JudyEddy said...

he is still just sitting there looking pretty his back is to us

JudyEddy said...

hard to tell if there is any new snow or not

Lori O. said...

Make that more FREEZING rain on the way...DanaMo, doesn't find the rain very freeing. :)

JudyEddy said...

still just sitting pretty waiting for Belle he wan't his morning delight lol

JudyEddy said...


Sandi said...

Judy, my understanding is that birds have scales on their feet that act as insulators and prevent heat loss. Ugly weather forecast!!

Lori O. said...


JudyEddy said...

I told you that is what he wanted HP NO way she says

Sandi said...


JudyEddy said...

and again he wants to ask what a silly boy

Lori O. said...

Did he get it right?

JudyEddy said...

he has his mouth open and nothing comes out

JudyEddy said...

he didn't do it he was off to the side and I got a short video of it also

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Thelma and Buddy! How much snow does Bluefield have this morning?

JudyEddy said...

hp hp nopw he is

Lori O. said...


Sandi said...


Lori O. said...

That was a long time for him! Poor Belle.

JudyEddy said...

going to go upload the video now

Sandi said...

So busy being a voyeur that I forgot to say good morning to THELMA! Morning THELMA!

T-Bird said...

No snow here in Bluefield.

JudyEddy said...

shep is digging in the snow and Belle is at 12

JudyEddy said...

looks like he is unburing the egg cup

JudyEddy said...

map show no one on it and I know I am odd he moved to 6 and she is at 12

JudyEddy said...

blue tint back on the nest

Sandi said...


JudyEddy said...

belle moved to middle pick up stick shep on rail at 6 and POOOF

JudyEddy said...

ok going to YOUTUBE BBL

DanaMo said...

I missed it, putting a roast in the crock. Oh well. Glad he got it right the second time.

No new snow...and not freeing rain unless it's in the spring and 80 degrees. Maybe a delay in the morning though...more pajama time! LOL!

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1/22/25 PM Sorry late busy day

7AM.scout comes to the nest 7:02 AM. We exit the nest after trying out the bowl. .1:07 PM scout comes to the nest. She has been eating the w...