Wednesday, December 14, 2011


New thread.


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CarolAnne said...

Thanks STEVE - will call them over.

Holiday approaching quickly - hope you're ready!

CarolAnne said...

Hedgie - that's a nice Christmas memory.

For those following the "how to wrap a gift card" saga, I'm leaning towards the balloon bouquet (dark, not transparent). Then wrapping a hat pin in a nice box w/a note to pop the balloons to find the card.

The grandkids will love the noise!

CarolAnne said...

M u s t . . g e t . . o u t . . o f . . . c o m p u t e r . . . . r o o m . . . . m u s t. . s t a y . .o n . . . . t a s k

Lori O. said...

Thank you for the Fresh New Thread, Steve!

Thanks to CarolAnne for the call over. :)

That sounds like a great idea, CarolAnne. Glad I won't be there for the popping though! Like the wrapping the hat pin. Maybe give her a $5 bonus for each balloon if she manages to save the GC for last. You're definitely going to have to video this.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everybody!!

hedgie said...

CarolAnne, you are getting really good at the New Thread catch and call!!! Thanks!

Sounds like a cool plan, C/A!! If you do the helium balloon, don't do it too far ahead! It might start to deflate!! Love the hatpion idea----gee, do they still sell them??? You might need a corsage pin!

hedgie said...

CarolAnne, you are getting really good at the New Thread catch and call!!! Thanks!

Sounds like a cool plan, C/A!! If you do the helium balloon, don't do it too far ahead! It might start to deflate!! Love the hatpion idea----gee, do they still sell them??? You might need a corsage pin!

hedgie said...

The "other" newspaper made it to the proch this AM; the one that DID yesterday, DIDN'T.....go figure. Will wait until after the mail comes to walk out. At least it's not too cold.....

Sandi said...

Wow - what a BEAUTIFUL woodpecker on the tree!!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - I sure feel special because we have had New threads every day this week. It may be Steve's way of
wishing us a Merry Christmas! ♥

Need to read catch up!
CarolAnne - your final idea is really
going to be a hit!


Sandi said...

Did anyone else see it? I had the cam on but minimized and heard a loud knocking. Brought the cam up and there he was on the trunk of the tree at the bottom right of the screen! It was a pileated woodpecker - the kind with the bright red head!

hedgie said...

Just got a beautiful wildlife calendar from the porpane company! And, of course, a steep invoice!

NatureNut said...

Good Morning in Eagleland!
As usual, konked out in chair last night. But now put swan picks in Nook.It's a long distance view.

Hope all have a good day~~~gotta shuffle off--(not to Buffalo)

hedgie said...

No, Sandi, I didn't see the pileated. Hope he's not a frquent visitor! We don't need him destroying tree!

Hi, Shar and Jo!

CarolAnne said...

Have just proven I (& the dogs) are not TOO sweet. Did our morning walk in the chilly rain & none of us melted a single ounce off.

Off to put my cocoa mix in a cup of coffee to take the damp chill off. Then back to various tasks (most important one - finish sewing soft picture blocks for youngest gr.daughter)

hedgie said...

We KNEW you weren't a witch, C/A!!!
Enjoy your cocoa kaffe!

Lowreeda----so great that the tundra's have arrived!! Margy will be glad to hear it!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I guess I am hearing the kiddies from the day care.

hedgie said...

Probably so, Shar---it's in the mid-forties, and close to lunchtime--gotta wear them out before naps!

wvgal_dana said...

Well almost afternoon so I can say Good Morning Wonderful Eagle Friends ( :

hedgie said...

Buddy update

wvgal_dana said...

I had to catch up on comments some.

Before finishing that the comcast man came. So I had to listen and work with him. New DVR box installed. He does want to come back (I think he noted for someone to) under the double wide is dryer. He wanted to look at all the wiring. I told him two others had been under there. One found the 1st had set up wrong and if it stayed that way my modem would have burnt out. Nice that one fixed it. So things are working well except Christmas show I taped last night won't be there. I said oh well. God will probably have a better one he wants me to watch. I do think I have him hooked to come to open house in April. lol

Lori O. said...

Why DanaWV, were you flirting? LOL

wvgal_dana said...

DanaMo so glad the play wemt well.
You deserve an applause...I am clapping lightly for you DanaMo cause clapping hurts hands. Well done lady. Those kids will remember for a long ttime..
See you picked up Aric. Welcome home Aric...Merry Christmas.

Great for Lynne2 and Steve.
Way to go Steve !!! Those gifts cards from co-workers are truly sepcial.Lynne♥
Prayers that this job for Steve will turn into something permanant.^j^

JudyE the pictures of Jordyn are so precious. I think she likes getting her picture taken (:

Hoda I enlarge your avatar it is so pretty!!!

Lynn glad Carolyn was able to help straighten the Christmas Tree.♥

Margy you are so sweet to help bring things for Wanda's Clothes Closet and misc. Prayers for you boss that all goes well. You are having a busy time with family coming for James Birthday --Master James 12 years old!!! ♥

Kay thank you for the falcon

I love you teachers that allow the kids to watch the eagles cam. It is like them being outdoors but inside. Back to nature!!!

Sandi would love to see your 4 legged children. Will be looking for the posted picture on a blog.
I love that you cook them their food. So much better for them. (:

Prayers for the "tent city" ..Please God allow it to be legal &DanaMo so glad the play
went so well. You deserve
an applause.
See you picked up Aric.
Welcome home Aric.

Great for Lynne2 and Steve.
Way to go Steve !!! Those
gifts cards are truly
special from your
co-workers Lynne♥
Prayers that this job
for Steve will turn into
something Good and steady^j^

JudyE the pictures of
Jordyn are so pretty.
I think she likes
getting her picture
taken (:

Hoda I enlarge your
avatar so so pretty.

Lynn glad Carolyn was
able to help straighten
the Christmas tree.♥

Margy you are so sweet
to help bring things in
for Wanda's clothes &
misc. closet. Prayers
for you boss. Hope it
isn't anything serious.

Kay thank you for the falcon

I love you teachers that
allow the kids to watch
the eagle cam. It brings
them outdoors although
they are indoors. Back
to nature so to speak.

Sandi would love to
see you 4 legged
children. Looking forward
to that blog!!!! I love
how you cook their food
for them.^j^

Wow Andy you sure did get a great buy on that gate!!!! Happy for you!!

JudyEddy said...

Once again home for lunch and found a new fresh thread

Thanks for the new thread STEVE

can;t stay just droped off groosery to put in refrif see ya later

JudyEddy said...

ooops forgot to click the email to me box

Hoda said...

Good Morning/Good afternoon...

No coal in my stocking PLEASE!!! LOL...I woke up and went right back to sleep and slept very soundly.HA!!!

WANDA's post was heart warming and good to knw the joy of abundance and open hearts...THANK YOU ALL

wvgal_dana said...

Hee hee Lori too young and my heart is already taken by my Sweetheart Ed.♥♥

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda's your wishes on
the blog for the children.
God brought it true for you.
Every since you ask I had
been praying. Ed had been collecting small stuffed animals mostly, a few small cars and a big one.For the grand kids. Which his daughters never seem to bring around when he was sick. A The other stuff push toys, bigger cars,
toy spin around and books and etc.
That was God also. I had been praying about sending out Chistmas cards or spending the monies for thev toys. I will do an ecard.

wvgal_dana said...

I would like to share this. I told Ed what I needed the stuffed animals for. I had no answer but in my heart knew he would be ok
with it. As I sat at church waiting on Gene.
A song came on the radio..which caused me to cry because I knew it was God and Ed sending me the go ahead message. I was so
thankful for how God lets Ed connect with me.
The song was one I had been looking for. The last day we had in Georgia before moving back
home after the 4 1/2 year lay off from Mack. The church in Georgia
were Raschida and me sang in the choir. They dedicated to us and Ed. "Go Tell It on The Mountain
That Jesus Christ Is King". I knew when I sat waiing for Gene. When it came on the radio what was going on. I cried and prayed
and gave thanks to God and Ed for sending me my message. I had been looking for that song for a month.
There are many ways in telling that Jesus Christ Is King. I felt so loved by God and even Ed. I
cried more. Praises To Jesus ^j^ ♥

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - your accounting of yesterday's Soup Kitchen brought a tear to my eye
because of all the generosity & love that you have generated from so many!
You and Gene -Proud to know you two! ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

That brought tears to my eyes too Jo. Times like this really renews my faith in mankind!

"I came for the eagles but I stayed for the friendships I have made."

What an awesome group of people I have been blessed with!

Lori O. said...

Ah DanaWV, that's so sweet. I think lots of people look for messages in some way after a loved one passes. I do.

Hey, DanaWV, what is your last name? Just want to be sure you get the right Christmas Card. :)

Hoda said...

LORI, WVDANA IS MEYER...I made themistake and now know for sure!!! SORRY..

wvgal_dana said...

Love you all hugs

Heading out to deliver some Steeler stuff to the young man (no Lori lol) that was mind and Ed's. He and his brother and step father are Steeler Fans all the way. These things I don't need.

The pictures of the pilated woodpecker is in the album.

bye for now

Hope - praying while I'm out I can find the few things Mother wanted.

Lori O. said...

Thanks Hoda. I guessed right! :)

Lolly said...

On our way home! Had a great time. Now to start my baking, gift wrapping, and addressing cards.

Lolly said...

Have not read blog? What is this about Steve and a job? Also glad someone got a pic of the w pecker!

Lolly said...

We will be home in two hours. Rain in TX today! Yea!

Hoda said...

LOLLY, WVDANA put a wood pecker image in the album.
LYNNE's STEVE had a job with a temp agency and they backed out and then he phoned them and he was back on again and today is his first day on the job...UP and DOWN with emotions but we were all wishing him the VERY BEST. Drive safely you two...see yiou in a couple of hours, glad you enjoyed yourself.

Lolly said...

Thinking about getting to the doctor. Think I have sinus infection.

Lolly said...

Thanks Hoda for the info!

Hoda said...

Not good on the sinus infection LOLLY...they can be painful...I hope you do not have a long waiting time to see the doctor if you decide to go...I liked it that you said your next step is baking and Christmas gift wrapping, sinus is not prt of that picture...wish you well.

Hoda said...

Headed off to yoga and will see you all later...ENJOY.

Lolly said...

Sent Laurel an email. In subject put "on toad", meant to type "on road". She is now worried about our slow bouncy ride home! If I could I would rofalmbo! :)

Mema Jo said...

Heading out and will check in as soon as
I return


hedgie said...

Bye, Jo and Hoda! Enjoy your outings.

Lolly, glad that you are nearing home. Hope you can get in to see the dr. first thing tomorrow! No fun having a sinus infection, for sure.

Lolly said...

Hate traveling in rain even though we need the rain!

hedgie said...

Someone stole the baby Jesus out of the Central Park in Shirley's 'burg. :(

hedgie said...

Terrific---now blogger cop is eliminating words.....I plainly typed Nativity in that last post.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I was on the wrong day. Sounded like an eagle just landed near the camera.

Lolly said...

We are home but going directly to get Annie.

hedgie said...

We've not had a speck of sunshine all day----suits me fine! Makes it much easier to finish the tree!
Just a few birds and angels left to put on!

hedgie said...

Great, Lolly!

Lori O. said...

So how does the tree look, Lynn?

Welcome home, Lolly, Jack & Annie!

Hello Sharon!

Lolly said...

Ohhh! Got wet getting Annie! Very nice rain!

JudyEddy said...

Honey I'm home and how was your day? LOl I am going to upload some pictures I need my bird peeps to help me identify before I put on FB bird page I rescued it in the Liquor store today chased the poor thing for 20 min tried to catch with fishing net He was so small he fit right in the holes of the net and escaped I ended up catching him with my hand and took three pictures before I had to force him to fly He was so scared I'm sure ok gonna up load I will be back

JudyEddy said...

Ok the little bird is on the nature blog I took three pictures total two I cropped and the two on the end are original I made bigger some one said finch but someone else said something else and for my life I can't remember what they called it he has yellow belly and yellow under his tail feathers and that why they thought it was not a finch

Bird I caught by hand

He ended up flying up against the glass window that looks in to the store he was so tired he sled down the window and landed on the ledge then I grabbed him I was so surprised he was so small in my hands

CarolAnne said...

JudyE - doesn't matter what kind of bird - just how neat you got to hold it in your hand. You lucky BIRD WHISPERER!

Lori O. said...

Chirpies! That is too funny, Judy!

Good evening, CarolAnne.

Lori O. said...

One minute until sunset.

Mema Jo said...

Little bird pics, Judy were really cool.

Guess I best pay attention to our cam

hedgie said...

I think either some type of warbler or sparrow---probably immature.

Mema Jo said...

Are we counting on 4:54.......?

Notice: I have been catching and killing
Stink Bugs!

hedgie said...

Tree is okay.....but I'm never satisfied with it! Need to add some garland to cover the empty spots. Couldn't find more of the ornaments that I bought the last time this year. LAst year wasn't too bad cause I only used half the tree!

Mema Jo said...

Lolly, I have yet to say Welcome Home!

JudyEddy said...

clunking big time

Lori O. said...

someone is up there and loud!

hedgie said...

Don't know whether to just call it a day, or to go up and finish putting MT boxes back in the crawl space. Will have to use vaccum wands to push them in cause knee is still too bad to even think about kneeling!

Mema Jo said...

Who Dat!

Hey don't break it!

Mema Jo said...

4:54 pm Clunking time

hedgie said...

I am getting really fed up with this cam timing out. ARGH!

JudyEddy said...

come on down guys we here you

hedgie said...

Have you been to bed yet, Lori??

Lori O. said...

No nap for me today... will be going shortly. Want to see the eagles first. :)

Can the grands help you put away the boxes on Friday?

Sandi said...

So, I've created a blog. Now, how do I upload pictures from my computer to my blog?

JudyEddy said...

are you getting the silly circle at time I did last nite but not yet tonight lite on come on down now

JudyEddy said...

I hear train

hedgie said...

My new avatar is from FB----looks just like my granddog Harley---but his daddy would never dream of hanging Christmas lights on him!

JudyEddy said...

My boss asked me if I had washed my hands afterwards because of the ink I said yes and the ink has to be removed with a pumice when i get home I keep forgetting not to use the gel pens they don't come off so well after washing LOL

JudyEddy said...

Me too LOLLY welcome home good to have you back where you belong ♫♫♫

JudyEddy said...

little buggers are teasing us again just like last nite

JudyEddy said...

I know the Norfolk eagle sleep above their nest each nite so I guess our guys do also You can tell on the pictures on that blog I posted yesterday from them

Sandi said...

Judy, that's JUST what I was thinking!

stronghunter said...


I am getting ready to go play bridge tonight. Taking a quick look to see if our eagles are in the nest.

Have a nice evening, everyone.

Sandi said...

Is Lolly the one who
s so good at calling them?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Somebody is at the camera!

hedgie said...

Doubt that I'll see them anytime soon, Lori. After the boxes go in, I have to put back all the OTHER stuff (shoes, blankets, suitcases, etc.) THEN I can vacuum and dust the bedroom! Want to get stuff finished so that I can spend the weekend baking cookies!


JudyEddy said...

AW come on down PLEASE

Lori O. said...

That looked like a nestquake!

Sandi said...

All together now, Here eagle, eagle!!

hedgie said...

JudyE---it just keeps going to a gray screen saying that it's not available and then I have to do a refresh.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Someone will be dropping into the nest momentarily.

stronghunter said...

Jo, Kathryn has been finding stink bugs in her room. We do not know why they like her room so much.

I hear clunking.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Here eagle, eagle!

hedgie said...

Sandi, make sure you have your blog page open full screen and in upper right hand corner click on New Post. Then give it a title, click on the little picture icon and it will take you to a selection process to upload pics.
If you have trouble just google "posting blog pictures"---that's how I learned!

Sandi said...

Thanks, Lynn - will play around this evening AFTER I see some eagles!

hedgie said...

Think I will take it easy the rest of the "day" and get busy upstairs in the morning. Knee feels really bad so climbing the steps too many times is probably not wise. Did I tell you that oncologist said I can't do anything about the knee until AFTER chemo is finished---come late spring?????

Mema Jo said...

Enjoy your evening of bridge, Shirley.
Don't stay out too late - oh! I forgot -
you are a retiree! Stay as late as
you wish! ♥

Mema Jo said...

Lynn, that is a real dog with those
lights on - I hope it is just a one time
joke for a picture.

Mema Jo said...

The E_M album - love the pic DanaWV
took of the pleated woodpecker. Can't get over how red red his cap was.

Mema Jo said...

I need to leave for some dinner....

hedgie said...

Guess it was just a teasing clunk. Our eagles are turkeys!!

Kay said...

Good Evening ! LOLLY and LORETTA have both had success when calling for an eagle appearance lately. Guess they're both busy right now.

LYNN, thanks for the Buddy report ! He's so special to many of us !

Had a yummy lunch with Julie and then Malcolm and I rode along while she ran errands. So nice to catch up on our girl talk.

Haven't heard a clunk or a train or nuttin' since I arrived 10 minutes ago.

Lori O. said...

That's it for me...goodnight everyone. Hopefully, we'll get to see them tomorrow morning.

Lynn, take it easy on your knee.

Enjoy your night all!


hedgie said...

Oh, Jo, I'm sure it was just a momentary decor for a photo op! I sure had to grab the pic for Shannon....Harley isn't an unusual color but more often see the grayer Weimeraner's--the one in the pic COULD be Harley!

hedgie said...

Enjoy your game, Shirley. Hope you have a grand slam!

Kay said...

LYNN, taking it easy the rest of the day sounds like a good plan ! What kind of cookies are you planning on making this weekend ?

Hoda said...

Well I am back and read up on the blog and no eaqgles this evening.
LYNN the dog picture is hilarious....poor thing standing so patiently. Are you going to post pictures of your decorated tree?

It feels very cold out there, I am afraid to check the temperatures...I will be back with the news...NOT TOO BAD!!! 23 degrees...maybe I need a soup???

Sandi said...

They're sitting on the camera!! Come down NOW!!

Kay said...

Alright, major clunking, but it's getting pretty dark. Come down for a quick hello birdie !

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

There is still someone near the cam.

Hoda said...

I hear a dog barking at the nest and a big clunk with camera shakea and what is this scratching of talons is still possible to see you come one down eagle eagle eagle...on going scratchy sound

JudyEddy said...

darn thing what a tease

hedgie said...

MORE noise....but no eagle. :(

Hoda said...

Since you are not settling up there eagle come down to the nest you might be more comfortable Perhaps???

hedgie said...

Kay: oatmeal, sugar and PB!!

Sandi said...

Judy, I really do think that, even if we're not seeing them in the nest, they're spending more time in the tree. Last Sunday, I heard clunking off and on all day.

Mema Jo said...

Perhaps they are having their dinner
up there and then scrapping their

Really sounded like they fell down!

Guess it is really dinner time now....... for me.♥

Hoda said...

Well I wished I knew what they were doing up there...JO'S idea of maybe eating sounds probable...was that some head lights?

hedgie said...

Hoda, I'll wait til Christmas Eve to otake a picture of the tree. I never put the gifts down until I know that I won't be leaving the house again. Since it's in the sunroom-- too visible from the deck-- they might encourage a break-in when I'm not home.

hedgie said...

Probably was headlights, Hoda. Either people still leaving work, or daycare, or security vehicle.

Kay said...

Hmmm, LYNN, 3 of the best cookies ! I'm joining JO in the quest for dinner. BBL

JudyEddy said...

OH LYNN I love the doggie and the lights sooooo funny

hedgie said...

It's going to be too dark to see them if they don't come down NOW!

Kay said...

Oh, HODA, thank you for the lovely message on the Candle site. So nice of you to include JO and me ! ♥♥♥

hedgie said...

Oh, HODA----the Vancouver bear is on our local news!!!!

Hoda said...

Smart move about not putting the presents in clear view of the window LYNN. I am shaking my head at your announcement that someone stole the BABY JESUS from the Nativity Scene!!!

I agree I think now it is too late for them to come down...We would not see much, even though the clunking and scratching seems on going off and on...

What medication do you take for your knee LYNN?Sorry it is acting up so much...

Hoda said...

LYNN over here they said that the Conservation Officers released him to a wilderness area north of the city...I hope he can find a place to make a den soon...We havew not seen any bears in Nelson for a while now, I think middle to end of November, so I think they must already be in their dens...I am sure this Vancouver bear has been tagged and in this province they give them one free helicopter ride and if they see them again they destroy I hope this one does not show up again.

Hoda said...

KAY it was a GREAT DAY for me when I read about you and LYNN and JO all coming up with good solutions to health heart felt very happy and grateful.

Hoda said...

good heavens still more clunking...

Hoda said...

I have to go do something about lunch...I sometimes forget to eat and then do lunch and supper together so I think this is one of those days...

hedgie said...

Short but sweet!

JudyEddy said...

This was just on the news funny
Seal breaks into house to sleep on sofa

JudyEddy said...

this also just on news
Bear in garbage truck in Canada

JudyEddy said...

go down the page on the bear link there is a video beside the pic and story

DanaMo said...

Class is over! AMEN! Still have to take one more, but the class I need isn't offered until summer. I just hope it isn't when I go on my mission trip!

JudyEddy said...

this is what they think it is on the fan page Bell's Vireo
Bell's vireo pictures

Hoda said...

Thanks for the links LYNN and JUDYE...SO cute with the dog and the cat...I am not sure I would like to have a seal on my couch as they do make a mess and they do bite is true!! I have heard the snap on the ice and those teeth are not too weak I tell you!!!LOL

Hoda said...

OH JUDYE cute bird to have held for a little while...I missed what you did with it...was it hurt?

JudyEddy said...

Hoda bird was fine she flew away She was trapped in our liquor store for about 20 min I tried fishing net and she slipped through the holes on it I tired a box and she just was getting tired of being chased for that time and flew in the window between the store and the liq store and slide down and landed on a edge behind a coke display I just reached around the coke and grabbed her I was so afraid I was going to squish her but she was so soft and so little in my hand I opened it up out side and she just sat there and looked around like wow I'm outside now and I had to lift my hand up in the air and lower it to encourage her to fly I just loved it so glad I keep my camera in pocket all the time so she sat there long enough for me to get cam out and take 3 pics Now they all call me the Bird Whisperer

hedgie said...

Hoda, sure hope the bear stays away and dens quickly.

JudyE--Hoda gave us the bear info a few days ago.

Well, if the bird is a vireo, it is WAY out of it's territory. Look at the map! Aren't vireo's warblers??

DanaMo, where will your mission trip take you??

hedgie said...

More clunking and scratching.....

hedgie said...

I just take lots of Advil for my knee. The cortisone injection didn't help enough to make it worthwhile, either.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Maybe it is George up at the cam.

Hoda said...

What a wonderful story JUDYE...I am glad she was able to fly away on her own wing power...good on you Bird Whisperer...

JudyEddy said...

lots of clunking huh

JudyEddy said...

It is listed on birds from Fl

CarolAnne said...

Do not send out alerts if I disappear the next day or two.

Computer crashed & took over 1 1/2 hrs to get back online.

So may need further assistance.

Know that I will be thinking of everyone even if I am absent.

JudyEddy said...

Well guys I should go do something constructive ya think I have gift to wrap still haven't even begun to do any I only have Jordyn's to do Tommy is getting money and Angie and Carl already got there money

Hoda said...

Oh CAROLANNE so sorry to hear about your computer problems...I hope they will be fixed soon...we will be thinking of you too...I like your ideas on wrapping present for DIL.

JudyEddy said...

OH I feel for you CarolAnne I was out several over the past month with this one Well I picked it up one week tomorrow so that will be the test it usually goes 6 days before it goes down so Fri will the the big test day LOL

hedgie said...

Oh, no, CarolAnne! Hope it doesn't die! Good luck....and we'll be watching for your return if you disappear!!

hedgie said...

JudyE----the link you gave says:
Breeds from southern California, Colorado, Dakotas, and Indiana southward. Absent from eastern third of the U.S.

JudyEddy said...

with all the noise I decided to look at the tree and the camera Sure doesn't look like it would be confortable sitting there on the cam or near it check it out I circled the cam in the tree
Picture of cam in tree

Sandi said...

OK all, since I have learned things about many of you through your blogs, it only seemed fair that I create one too. Just a few photos on there for now. Pretty easy to do - thanks, Lynn for the tip on uploading pics.

DanaMo said...

We stay in the US for our trips. Last year we went to Philadelphia, this year we are going to VA Beach.I chaperone for St. Maria Goretti HS and this will be my third year.

JudyEddy said...

someone explained how to change the time on the blog pictures the other day and I didn't take notice because I thought mine posted the correct time well I just noticed 3hrs difference can you please repeat how to fix Sorry CRS has hit home again Ok I am stepping away from the puter I know I have said that before but I promise this time I mean it LOL BBL

DanaMo said...

I know help is needed all over the world, but I feel pretty good that we go to cities around the US to help those in need.

JudyEddy said...

LYNN I googled birds of Fl and it is on it this is the link to bird in fl its not tooo far down the page
Fl birds

hedgie said...

Hurray, Sandi! Proud of you. You've done great! I left comments and asked questions!!!! Lovely pics!!!! Did not know that your dubby was Dennis, too---so is Linda's!

hedgie said...

JudyE----your recent link is to White-eyed vireo; your previous link was to Bell's it's not a Bell's!

Mo--you know the old saying----charity begins at home. To me that means our continent!!!!

Sandi said...

Judy, Thanks for the photo of the cam mounted on the tree. I agree with you that it seems like it would be difficult for an eagle to perch on or near it, yet I still have the cam site up and you can definitely hear that SOMETHING is still up there!

JudyEddy said...

LYNN Its down the page take about 63 birds down about one inch with the slider down The people on FB birdwatch are still trying some say that some say others I am only saying what they are and its listed the Yellow one looks like it tooo

JudyEddy said...

NO I mean it I am turning this off for a bit other wise my neck will never forgive me

hedgie said...

Cop ate more words!
DanaMo, I had also put: Good on you!

hedgie said...

Anyone else losing parts of your posts? Maybe it's my puter---oh no!!

Hoda said...

I do not think I have lost any words LYNN...yesterday whole posts were not showing up. It would tellme it was saved and then it was not on...I hope it is not your computer...You do also have a lap top???RIGHT???last night I wondered about the files you could not open and you have not said anything about them today...I hope all is good...

hedgie said...

So it's either a blue-headed, white-eyed OR a red-eyed????? Right?

hedgie said...

Hoda, I am on the laptop. The lost files are on the PC.....and I haven't even turned it on today. I do need to download my camera, so will probably boot it up tomorrow to do that. Need to find out more about searching for files, to see if they are hidden somewhere.

hedgie said...

Jeopardy time coming up....BBL!

Sandi said...

Hoda, CNN just did a segment on camels and how their population is declining. The guy being interviewed was raving about what friendly, pleasant creatures they are - he said they rarely spit! I thought of you as I was listening! =)

Hoda said...

SANDI...I am laughing...I often think CNN over exaggerates things!!! I will see if I can find it on the internet...Camels are so tough even when you cook them to eat, which I had the misfortune of being invited out to eat and the meat was camel...TOUGH!!! I tell you REALLY TOUGH...I hope you are rolling on the floor laughing...Thanks SANDI...CNN and I have different experiences...LOL

Mema Jo said...

Did everyone just clam up?????

Sandi your personal blog has wonderful
pictures. Really enjoyed it.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, I have been lurking and catching up on the blog! Off to put on ornaments!

Nick, so far, has been good with the tree. But I will be careful and put all candy canes, stuffed ornaments and wooden ornaments out of his reach! I'm sure everyone has stories of animals and their trees! One year Boo ate all the candy canes off the tree he could reach, and of course, they like to chew up my wooden ornaments and some homemade ones that had stuffing inside!

Oh yea, and one year, Boo just casually lifted his leg on the tree! I died laughing....(he didn't get the tree or anything under it, fortunately!)

Hoda said...

Still here JO, doing things in the kitchen and now to wash dishes and get organised. It is only 5:17 PM PST my time and I am a bit behind today...

Hoda said...

WOW PAULA!!! BOO was quite the dog!!!LOL

SANDI I agree with Jo I very much like the pictures on your blog...

Mema Jo said...

Boo sounds like my hubby - almost not a candy cane left on the tree. I hid a
box for last minute decorations.

Lynne2 said...

evening all...not much of a chance to read back. Hope everyone is well. WOndering if we've heard from Linda yet?

Mema Jo said...

Hi Lynne - any news for us about Steve's day of work?
I think Linda should be home... Heard from her on the day of the memorial
Hoda/Paula do you know more that I do

Mema Jo said...

Lynne FYI The stars on your avatar
are twinkling! ♥

Mema Jo said...

I have a 9:00 TV engagement...
I'll return soon... ♥

Lynne2 said...

oh yay, I was hoping they'd twinkle! I actually saw 3 meteors last night at around 10:30 when I took the dogs out for a last quick walk!

Steve's first day was fine. He said the Random House facility in Westminster is 18 acres big! The warehouse is huge, heated, and very clean. He was pretty impressed with the place. he just hates the uncertainty of not knowing how long he'll actually be there.

hedgie said...

Still no word from Linda......

hedgie said...

What will Steve be doing, Lynne-ie??

DanaMo said...

I think I have birds on the brain these days, BUT I really think I I think I saw a Red Tail Hawk today as I was driving down 70. Of course I was driving, but it really looks like the picture on Lynne's blog. I swear that is what I saw in the tree! I only wish I could have pulled over!
If only my lead foot wasn't on the peddle ☺. No seriously, I don't think I could have pulled over or I would have. But now all's I can do is second guess myself.

DanaMo said...

Well Lynne sometimes those temp. positions turn permanent. Pray, we Catholics would pray to St. Joseph for that, St. Joseph "the worker".

DanaMo said...

We have a Saint for everything! ☺

DanaMo said...

I'm afraid to speak, but, my dogs haven't gotten anything off the tree...yikes, I probably shouldn't have said that!

Sandi said...

DanaMo, My personal favorite is St. Anthony! he has found SO many things that I've misplaced! =)

hedgie said...

Mo, cool that you saw the red-tailed. Probably no doubt that you are right! There are lots of them around!!! Did you see the one my SIL saw---on my blog last month?

Lynne2 said...

he is doing really boring stuff....unpacking zillions of boxes of books, scanning them and putting them on the conveyer belt. He'll do more in days to come!

DanaMo, yes St Joseph! (I used to be a Catholic!)

He LOVES the drive, no traffic heading that way in the AM!

hedgie said...

Time for Criminal Minds!

hedgie said...

AND a bowl of ice cream!!!

DanaMo said...

My Adam was always losing things. Wallets, games, game systems, phones, etc...last year he took the name St. Anthony for his Confirmation name, he hasn't lost anything since. I'm not kidding. Amazing.

DanaMo said...

Lynne/Hedgie, that sounds really good, but it probably won't go with my Amstel.

DanaMo said...

Lynne/Hedgie-that's how I knew what it was. It looked just like that picture!

Lynne2 said...

My confirmation name was St. Rebbecca.

paula eagleholic said...

Nah, DanaMo, you need chips!

paula eagleholic said...

Never got as far as confirmation! Did my first Holy Communion, tho.

hedgie said...

Lynne, doesn't sound too exciting, but it pays!!!! Hope it becomes a little less boring!

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...