Thursday, December 08, 2011


New thread.


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Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

Well Lynn, we know Liesel can only get up so high. Measure her at her tallest and put the trimmings up a bit higher than she:)

Mema Jo said...

Hello Everyone
Thanks Steve for the fresh new thread
Thanks and Hi There Wanda for the call!

♪♪♫♪♪ ♪♪♫♪♪
Happy Birthday dear Shirley
♪♪♫♪♪ Hope your day is Special ♥

Costume Lady said...

It is so beautiful and sunny here, but still cold at 39°. I will be able to drive GG to her Doctor appointment without fear of sliding off the road...I am like a blonde when it comes to driving in snow...just to dumb to know how to do it properly. I get to excited and forget the rules:(

hedgie said...

Oh, Linda, what a lovely relating of your last moments with your Mom. Beautiful....made me cry. Such a wonderful way for her to go, and you to let her. I'm sure that the sons were grateful that you were the one to hold her as she departed.....there's a special kind of bond between Mothers and Daughters that transcends any of the rough spots. Bless you, your Mom and the rest of the family.
We love you.

Judie said...

Happy Birthday to our Shirley. Wishing you a special and lovely day.

hedgie said...

Wanda, you are NOT dumb! I avoid it whenever possible---I don't worry about MY driving, it's all the other people who are careless! NOT having to do it was/is one of the very best parts of retirement!

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn your words to Linda are so beautiful...^j^

Judie said...


Please accept my sympathy on the death of your mother. May the passing of time ease the sadness of loss and fill your heart with loving memories.

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda that wind is still howling out there. Hoping for a good driving taking GG to doctor. By the way what is going on with your knee??

Judie said...

Wanda, hope GG has a good doctor visit. Please tell her I say hi.

hedgie said...

Hi, Judie! Having office hours now?? Know you'll be glad to get home this afternoon. Are you grading yet?

Costume Lady said...

GG remembers your beautiful card and message, Judie and will be happy that you said Hi:)

Dana, Doctor has confirmed that a knee replacement is in order. I have, among other things, Necrosis, which means that the blood flow to the knee has stopped and my knee is, essentially, dead.
I have a scheduled MRI on the 16th of this month and then, at another appointment with the surgeon, we will decide when and what to do about getting a mew knee.

Osteonecrosis is a disease characterized by a derangement of osseous circulation that leads to necrosis of osseous tissue. Osteonecrosis of the knee has been divided into 2 separate entities: spontaneous osteonecrosis of the knee (SPONK) and secondary osteonecrosis.[

Kay said...

Happy Birthday to Hunter's dear Grandmother ! Hope the day is all a birthday should be---fun from start to finish, Shirley !

Lori, pretty tree and wreath ! Beautiful visitors and look at all those presents !

Lynn, LOL the "costal flood watch"--wonder what happened to the floating rib ?

Linda, thanks for sharing your beautiful last moments with your mom as well as your brothers lovely poem. May God grant you all comfort and strength !

Wanda, so glad a new knee is in the works for you. What a difference it's going to make in your life !

Hoda said...

I am very touched by LINDA's writing about her final moments with her MOM and how she helped her with her transition, her GREAT PROMOTION. GOD BLESS YOU LINDA AND YOUR MOM'S SOUL.

Kay said...

Enjoyed reading the good reporting on the Belle n' Shep visit earlier ! I crashed about 8:30 last night and did not surface til' almost 10 a.m..

Just had a call telling me to be at the Imaging Center at 12:30 tomorrow for a cat scan. I'll see the specialist on the 21st unless the scan indicates otherwise. I'm feeling so good, in spite of my occasional crashing as in last night, so I expect only good news !

Am thinking of Lynn and the girls today and anxious to hear what the nest steps will be.


Kay said...

The "next" steps ! I so often type nest that my fingers just go that way automatically ! ☺

hedgie said...

Wanda, so glad that things are in the works for your new knee. SO sorry that I forgot to ask you about it Monday. Do you love Tom? Did Denise go with you????????

Good one, KAY----wish I had thought of the floating rib mention! It disappeared in the flood!
Know that your scan will be just fine!!! Our "old" Kay is 100% back to health!!!!

I think we ALL type nest when we mean next!!!!

hedgie said...

Bringing over from old thread in case anyone missed it:

Had a text conversation with Linda. She asks that we please not send flowers or plants for her Mom's service. The Church is already decorated nicely with poinsettias. She says cards at home will be nice....and she expects to be there Tues.

Hoda said...

LYNN When are you leaving for your appointment? How long a drive is it? Keeping you in God's Light.

Costume Lady said...

My problem when typing is to leave a letter out, such as..."that a good idea"..I leave the 'S' out of words very often. Who cares...we all know what each other mean:)

Lynn, Gene insisted on going with me to the doctor. Besides, I was afraid Denise would be a distraction and he would not give me a correct diagnosis;)
I was so glad to have him with me, because he will have to be my caregiver for a few weeks.
Dr. Knutson said that I would 'Hate' him for a few months. Who could hate a sweet man like that?!

hedgie said...

Oh, dear.....shots fired on Virginia Tech campus.....gunman fled scene. Alert issued. MTBR. It can't be happening again......

Costume Lady said...

Copy Cat Intruder? Oh, Lord help those young people...Lord help us all!

stronghunter said...

I was on the wrong thread and wondering why there wasn't mention of VA Tech. Oh, dear me.

Prayers for those involved down there.

wvgal_dana said...

God Be With Them At the Campus.

Mema Jo said...

Kay - praying for only GOOD news!

Linda your words of your last moments with your mom are beautiful. Praying the memorial service is meaningful and that you soon come home.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

From VT's website:
Thursday, Dec. 8, 2011
From VT Alerts: Suspect remains at large. A police officer has been shot. A potential second victim is reported at the Cage lot. Stay indoors. Secure in place.

From VT Alerts: Suspect described as white male, gray sweat pants, gray hat w/neon green brim, maroon hoodie and backpack. On foot towards McComas. Call 911

From VT Alerts: Gun shots reported- Coliseum Parking lot. Stay Inside. Secure doors. Emergency personnel responding. Call 911 for help.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Sharon for that update!

hedgie said...

LOL----Wanda.....who will you hate? Tom or Gene?????
Good thinking about Denise! Never gave that a thought! She can meet him when the surgery takes place! Tell her to keep the left hand bare!

hedgie said...

Thanks, Shar......maybe it's time to ban backpacks.

Costume Lady said...

Hate for the doctor who caused the hate for Gene, EVER:)

hedgie said...

Liesl has finally found and "accepted" the hot spot by the fan vent over the stove room. She's not laying ON it like Cinnamon and Shang did, but she's next to it!

hedgie said...

Want to run a few errands before the apptmt. so logging off now to finish getting ready. Want to head out by 2:15. See you all later. Christie has to go on to work after apptmt., but will see if Carolyn wants to get a bite of early dinner out. Will also let her do one of my errands so I don't have to walk all over a store looking for what I need.

wvgal_dana said...

Good thinking Lynn prayers go with you see you when you get back. hugs

Thanks Sharon for updating us.

stronghunter said...

Good thoughts and prayers, Lynn.

Hoda said...

Prayers LYNN. You have GREAT daughters.

Sorry about the shooting in Virginia Tech...I can not find the condition of the policeman who was shot...God Save him/her

stronghunter said...

Va Tech officer and one other dead.

stronghunter said...

Gunman still at large.

Lolly said...

Oh, I hate to hear that news!

Lynn, we are thinking about you, and whispering prayers!

My home is ready for company, let the party begin. What???? I have to wait 5 more hours??? Well, guess I will have time to get beautiful. lol Actually, still need to make tea and cook my sweet potatoes but I have 5 hours to do it! Yea me!!☺

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning/Afternoon, Everyone!


I'm kind of off my usual schedule today. Kubby took the day off, because we got an invitation from Children's Hospital Los Angeles to go on a guided tour of their new facilities. Our daughter Heather Nicole was there for a while during her final illness in 1992, and we have made some contributions to the hospital since then, because they took such good care of our Nicke. We are supposed to be there at 4:30 today, but need to go early because traffic might be a problem. Don't worry--will be praying for Lynn and daughters at 3:30 eastern time!

Prayers continue for Linda and family. We're there with you in spirit. Your description of your Mom's last moments is BEAUTIFUL!
Thank you for sharing. (((HUGS))) and love coming your way!

Mema Jo said...

All the news items of today are so very disheartening! Wish I could shut it all out!

Going to open Christmas cards received in the mail today!

Mema Jo said...

Statement from Virginia Tech:

Thursday, Dec. 8, 2011

Police investigating shootings on campus; shooter's status unknown
(Posted: 1:49 p.m.) Shortly after noon today, a Virginia Tech police officer stopped a vehicle on campus during a routine traffic stop in the Coliseum parking lot near McComas Hall

During the traffic stop. the officer was shot and killed. There were witnesses to this shooting.

Witnesses reported to police the shooter fled on foot heading toward the Cage, a parking lot near Duck Pond Drive. At that parking lot, a second person was found. That person is also deceased.

Several law enforcement agencies have responded to assist. Virginia State Police has been requested to take lead in the investigation

The status of the shooter is unknown. The campus community should continue to shelter in place and visitors should not come to campus.

Mema Jo said...

Andy - that is so heartwarming that you
will go to LA Children's Hospital even
though those walls will bring back some
memories that you keep in the back of your mind and tucked deep in your heart.
Prayers for you and Kubby as you visit.

NatureNut said...

It's HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHIRLEY DAY!!!! Have a Great One!!

NatureNut said...

Prayers for Lynn & daughters at appt. today & prayers for Linda & family--such a touching message. ♥

Prayers also for Blacksburg area. Hope they catch the idiot soon~~~2 dead. Just horrible

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


paula eagleholic said...

Linda, your post brought tears to my eyes. May your Mom rest in peace.

paula eagleholic said...

Judie Judie Judie, so glad you could stop by. Hope you can soon come back and stay awhile.

Wanda, good news on the knee replacement. Hope the underlying condition isn't a barrier to healing.

Saw JudyE on FB, hope she can join us soon as well.

Thinking of Lynn today.

paula eagleholic said...

Awful news from VA Tech...

wvgal_dana said...

For some reason when I get on facebook I get this message:

Windows Internet EXplorer
Stop running this script?
A script on this page is causing your web browser to run slowly.
If it continue to run, your computer might become unresponsive.

Anyone else ever get that message??

paula eagleholic said...

Yup Dana, try to shut the browser window and open up a new one instead.

Lolly said...

Just lookig at the nest. It is looking quite cozy and ready for bringing up eaglets! Oh, how we all hope!!!

Sweet potatoes are ready for the oven and tea is made. Now to give myself a manicure. Things are rolling right along. (Hurry on over while the house is clean and ready for company!!!)

Lolly said...

Oh, still have towels on the two sofas. (Annie beds!) Need to remove them but waiting til the last minute.

Mema Jo said...

Thinking of Lynn and her girls. Hope
all is going well

wvgal_dana said...

me too Mema Jo ^j^

wvgal_dana said...

Look at the light shining on the nest at the 6 o'clock position.

wvgal_dana said...

Little birds at nest.

Kay said...

Very little birds, what are they ?

Nice light, as you say, DanaWV. Helps us see how deep the nest really is now. They've built up the sides, a lot !

Lolly, what group is pot-lucking at your house tonight ?

After getting everything all set for the cat scan and doc appt. I called my Primary. Will see her on Monday for the usual labs and for a discussion about my increasingly painful right hip. I have a high tolerance for pain, but am about at the end of my patience with this thing. Is there any week day that goes by that one of us does not have to see someone in the medical profession ?

Linda and family on my mind and in my prayers. I hope she comes home Tuesday to find a lot of Momster cards waiting for her !

Lolly said...

Have been listening to Christmas CD's all day. Yesterday everyone was mentioning their favorites. It made me think and I do not have a favorite. I love all sung by Perry Como. Now, that is Christmas! Listening to the Statler Bros now. Very untraditional some songs but I am really enjoying it!

Lolly said...

Kay, it is our women's group from church. It is a small church. We have been members for approx 37 years, therefore some very dear friends. We will have a great time this evening. We have a gift exchange on an ornament. This always brings out lots of laughter. Then we decide how we are going to give away all our money we have raised this past year. That is fun, too! Then on top of all this fun....tonight we are also showering a young lady with baby gifts. Her baby is due the 20th! Yikes, hope she makes it!

Lolly said...

It is that time of evening. Will give this a try.....

Here eagles, eagles, eagles!!

Lolly said...


Lolly said...

Am I good, or what?!!!LOL

Lolly said...

Bell at the back with the dirty neck. Shep in the egg cup!

Kay said...

Good work, Lolly ! You should have tried that earlier !

Kay said...

Looks like Belle at 12 and Shep in the nest cup. Saw a little beaking !

Lolly said...

Belle messing with flugg now.

Lolly said...

I think they brought more flugg in.

JudyEddy said...

got my puter back and just got back in time to see eagles

Lolly said...

More beaking!

Lolly said...

Well, hello there Judy! Nice timing!

Kay said...

Sheps goes to 6 sport and Belle moves a lot of nest cup flugg around. Oh, oh, Shep turns inward and threatens to help with the flugg. Belle isn't pleased !

paula eagleholic said...

Whoo hoo eagles in the nest, uh oh looks like ms dirty head is looking to leave

Kay said...

Welcome back Judy ! What's the scoop on the puter ?

Lolly, sounds like you'll all have a jolly good time tonight !!!

JudyEddy said...

I have been visiting the cell phone tower to get my eagle fix in and got to see them everyday and also tonights just before I got home Jordyn and I were at Freedom lake and they just landed a few min before we left Jordyn was thrilled to see them fly in

paula eagleholic said...

Oh he beaked at her

she is moving fluff big time

Lolly said...

Look like Belle is about to poof. No, but then Shep pecked at her. Be nice, Shep!!

JudyEddy said...

Eric put in a new power source only 40 for it don't know if that will fix it will just have to wait he didn't have it up at all when he had it

Lolly said...

What was that? lol

paula eagleholic said...

She flapped to the back and he flapped to the she is at the front right, beaking at him

JudyEddy said...

that looked like a dance move with them hopping HA LOL

JudyEddy said...

I am recoriding right now also

Lolly said...

I really do not know how these two will ever conceive. lol Plenty of beaking!!!

Kay said...

LOL, she tugs the flugg one way and he the other, more beaking. Something stirred them botrh up at the same time. A lot of flap and now both at 5 and 6. Belle is telling him off, but good !

paula eagleholic said...

Not sure if something started her or not.

JudyEddy said...

BELLEs neck sure is a mess since I saw her last

JudyEddy said...

and Shep mark is really visible

paula eagleholic said...

He still has some dark feathers at the back of his white neck

JudyEddy said...

Belle remains

paula eagleholic said...

Now she goes.

Surely nice to see them visit

paula eagleholic said...

Nite lite on

Kay said...

Color goes away right after they do.

Kay said...

Is that people or critter noise in the background ?

Lolly said...

Well, guess I am going to have to get on every evening and call them. Certainly worked tonight. lol

Kay said...

Definitely hear a dog barking now.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

They believe the second person found dead was the shooter.

Kay said...

So sad for that campus to suffer through more pain and sorrow !

stronghunter said...

News conference on VA Tech now. For locals, it is on Ch. 7.

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, hope that is the case at VA Tech.

stronghunter said...

Also on 4,5,and 9.

Lori O. said...

I didn't see the new thread alert and have been over on the old thread all day!

I even commented how quiet it was!

Kay said...

Lori, oh no ! No alert was given. Big oops !

stronghunter said...

Well, I went back and looked. There was an alert, but then there were lots of posts afterwards.

stronghunter said...

Put up another alert just in case.

Lori O. said...

Shirley, I hope you're having a fabulous HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Thanks for checking on me, Kay! We missed you this morning...and JUDYE is back!

Lolly said...

Lori, so glad you found us!

Kay said...

Shirley and I just went back to give a thread alert. Several of us posted well after Steve gave us the new thread. I'll go back and see what needs to be moved.

JudyEddy said...

I am in process of uploading all the mini video of tonight visit on YOU TUBE so much easier to do it that way instead of the blog and I can just put on it after They will automatically be posted on facebook by themselves I have two cool ones of wood storks also I am doing

wvgal_dana said...

JudyE nice to see you back here (:♥

wvgal_dana said...

Night light is there really a night light on at our nest????

Hoda said...

Great report on the visit. From the fluff moved around and also the deer leg moved about I knew they had been to the nest.

Welcome back JUDYE.

Very cold here today, we can actually see our breath while walking. People are still smiling and friendly though which is wonderful...lots of Christmas Decorations up and Christmas bells also.


ENJOY your party LOLLY and JACK...

Feeling a sense of wellness and gratitude and at trhe same time feeling very sad at the events at Virginai what was that about, shoot a police man and then shoot himself???

MEMA JO, Your comment about the news made me think of The Good NEWS Of GOD'S Presence in our lives. This always makes everything easier to bear.

stronghunter said...

There was also a shooting on I-95 in Spotsylvania County today involving a VA State Trooper. The highway has been closed. Not sure if it still is or not.

Trooper does not have life-threatening injuries. The suspect was shot as well. That is all I know right now.

Lolly said...

Dana, as always there is an infrared light on the nest. It comes on at night...therefore it is a night light!☺

Lolly said...

Dana, as always there is an infrared light on the nest. It comes on at night...therefore it is a night light!☺

Kay said...

Oofta, Wanda told us about the new thread at 11:56. Many postings since then, so anyone interested should go back to the old thread and read posts between 11:56 and 5:34.

stronghunter said...

It will be another traffic nightmare on I-95 for Kathryn.

stronghunter said...

Local news is entirely consumed with the VA Tech tragedy.

Lolly said...

Excuse me, I stuttered! It was Annie's fault! She was putting her head under my hand as I moved the curser...trying oh, so hard to get me to pet her.

Lori O. said...

Hello Lolly...sounds like you have all the makings for a great party tonight. Take pictures!

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly we have in the past had the infrared light on at nest. It just doesn't seem to work throughout the night. Like it use to. That is why I ask that question. It gets too dark and you can't see the nest.

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly did you see the email -- there are the alpine coaster rides in Colorado.

Lolly said...

Yes, I saw it, Dana and made a comment. Looks like fun!

Lolly said...

Lori, the house is decorated to the hilt...Christmas galore around here!

stronghunter said...

Okay, now they are saying that the I-95 shooting is in Caroline County.

Kay said...

Brought over from old thread:

Lori said...
The vet will be here between 5 & 6 to look at Dalai and Parker, and trim the nails on a certain three kittens!

Thursday, December 08, 2011 4:13:00 PM

Kay said...

Lori, the vet should be there now. Let us know how it went and what he/she said about your menagerie !

Lolly said...

Okay, had the time so took a few pictures of the house...ready to party....come on over!!! We could have a ball!!! Pics on family pics blog.

JudyEddy said...

still in process of uplading while I was uploading I got a message for WOW uploaded a new video here it is

Junior tests out a new enclosure I will be back I have 6 IE open doing there own thing uploading also to the Shepherdstown page on facebook I can't share on YOUTUBE to it so I am doing individually

Hoda said...

JUDYE I put a link to tonights video on WOW site. I gave you credit for it.I hope that is OK if it is not let me know and I will ask that it be removed.

JudyEddy said...

No problem HODA Hey if you go on the Youtube link you can also subscribe to that channel and get the notices to when they upload a new one I like it that way

JudyEddy said...

I need to go find food BBL letting video try to finish also

Lolly said...

I am closing down! Party time...well almost!2

See ya later!

Hoda said...

ENJOY LOLLY! I am sure it will be a great time.

Hoda said...

I wonder where LYNN went to supper with CHRITIE...hoope to hear from her soon.

hedgie said...

Home again, home again, jiggity jig.

More to be determined!!!!! PET scan to see if there are any other hotspots---hopefully Sat. Bloodwork for "markers." Meet with radiologist Mon. morning. Oncologist sending for pathology slides for some genome/genetic testing to verify exact nature of tumor---possible that it COULD be lung recurrence. He said that if pancreatic adenocarcinoma that treatment will buy a couple of years and then proceed from there. Well, that's what they said about the lung, too---and I made it 6 before this, I said, MTBD/R!!!!

Keep those prayers going up, please???!!!

Carolyn and I had a nice dinner....only bad part was that we went someplace that doesn't serve alcohol......sure could have used a margarita or G&T or Bloody Mary!

Lori O. said...

WOW Lolly, you weren't kidding - your house is decorated to the hilt! Very cute and beautiful home! Here's hoping the food is as good as everything looks! :)

The vet has left. We've decided Parker has a highly sensitive stomach and Dalai vomits bile because her stomach is empty...supposedly it's pretty common so she will now get 5biscuits instead of 2 or 3 at bedtime! Both now have medicine and hopefully some relief for them and me!

DanaMo said...

Love the view from your chair Lolly!

DanaMo said...

Heeeeellloooo JudyE! Missed ya!

Lori O. said...

Gee Lynn, I'm so sorry your wondering and quest for diagnosis continues. Absolutely more prayers - they'll never stop! We love you and will pray this away!
((((Big Hugs))))

DanaMo said...

Oh Lynne, kept you in my prayers this morning in class and again at Mass. Not sure what MTBD/R is but you kicked butt!

Glad you had a good dinner and good company. Now sit back and have a nice drink.

Hoda said...

Thanks for the report LYNN. Sorry about no G&T or Margarita's or even a bloody Mary....Yet the news is good and I see energy going to the healing process with treatment and positive outlook...Prayers continue long range...and also for the daily dealing with the treatment. Hang in there GAL and you will persevere.I am glad there is not too long between now and Monday so you will be getting on with things...Were you pleased with his thoroughness? Did he anser all of your questions? Was he able to tell you about radiation or is this subject to the tests that start on Monday...???♥

hedgie said...

Dana, I get that message on FB all the time! Thanks, Paula, for the hint......will have to try that.
And right you are about the infrared red being all but useless this year and last. Dirty rotten shame that they couldn't replace it.

Lolly, know you are having a great time now. Where does Jack hide out?

Andy, so very sorry to learn about your dear Nicke. My heart aches....nothing worse than losing a child. I bet the new hospital is magnificent, and cool that you all still contribute. HUGS to you and Ken.

hedgie said...

JudyE---welcome home! Hope that craxyh puter behaves.

hedgie said...

I am REALLY ready for the Liesl is, too, now that her little belly has been fed! She could hardly contain herself while I changed clothes and fed the fire! he wanted her dinner----it was all of 20 mins. late! Little rip.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, glad they are being so particular in your treatment.

Costume Lady said...

LOL, I am sure LYNN got ALL her questions answered to her satisfaction...she is a very thorough and persistent lady:)

Costume Lady said...

The above comment was for MISS HODA:)

hedgie said...

Hoda, the meeting with the radiologist will explain his part of things. Oncologist was good with answers....but some he couldn't answer until these other tests are completed.

Costume Lady said... Private Practice and Grays on tonight and are they new?

BTW...GG's doctor visit was OK, bloodwork to be done.

JudyEddy said...

Well one and all its been a long day and I need to head to the shower I will talk at ya in the am And wow is the nest really lite up tonight

JudyEddy said...


Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


Hoda said...

I got it is what I thought too but you can never tell how the other person is going to was he a capable oncologist to answer our Precious LYNN'S impression is it is all good...Thanks LYNN and I am sure you will let us know when the radiologist does his work...Much love to you and am so very proud of you...

Costume Lady said...

SORRY, I didn't mean to be a but-in-ski...I thought LYNN was resting with Liesl~

JudyEddy said...

OH I forgot to say tongigh visit is on the blog and on youtube and facebook Shep page

Tonights visit in 6 mini videos

Hoda said...

WANDA your answer was GREAT and I appreciated it. I am not familiar with the exptression but in skibut it has a ring to it...I am very happy to hear that GG's tests went well and of course in the morning relieved that there was no snow on the ground since you do not drive in all worked well...♥

Mema Jo said...

Hold on Wanda - I'm checking TV schedule

Wanda it is Thursday - is Grey and PP
suppose to be on.....I can't find it
listed on my TV Listings....
Anyone else????

Welcome Home Judy E

paula eagleholic said...

Going to go test drive a new vacuum the Pet Eraser! Vroom vroom, LOL

Costume Lady said...

Jo, Thursday was always the night for those two shows...may be on hiatus for the holidays~
Thanks for looking.

Costume Lady said...

Oh, PAULA's going to suck the cushions right off the couch:)

Mema Jo said...

Wanda for Private Practice there is the
comment: Not airing in the next 14 days
Have no clue what that means other then it won't be on until right before Christmas...???

I guess I am watching Bones and then
The Mentalist.......

Mema Jo said...

Paula just might Suck up Nick!!!
Run Nick Run.......... lol

hedgie said...

Ta-Da....I may not be the smartest cookie in the jar, but I answered the final Jeopardy question---or questioned the final answer!!!!---and the three contestants didn't!!

Hoda said...

I am off to my last conditioning class...see you all later.

A balmy 17 degrees so I hope we are a hoppin' and a skippin'tonight!!!

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds!
Glad to hear the new news of Lynn's visit. Glad they are being so thorough. I'm sure you would get them to be, since you're the expert! Sounds very positive~~~endless prayers for you! ☺
Paula, LUV your avatar! Did you construct that w/lights???Looks like a great idea!! I bet Lori coulkd do it. Would look great w/all her other decos! That would be so cool to make---but where to put it? I'm putting manger scene in picture window---what about the chimney? LOL

NCSuzan said...


Linda, you have my sympayhies. Also my admiration and respect for how you have maintained these last few weeks. Hang in there. Thinking of you.

And Lynn, thinking of you too.

paula eagleholic said...

Lowreeda, I didn't make the lighted eagle in my avatar...would love to have one as well!

Run Nick run, yes he is, he doesn't like the vacuum. I had to laugh, in the instructions, it tells you that the pet turbobrush is for not use on your pet! LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, and I like the vacuum!! OMG you wouldn't believe the hair I am sucking up! Nicks fur is the same color as the carpet, so you really can't see it on there...

wvgal_dana said...

I want to know with all those Santa's around Lolly's house. Does she have one stuck inside of doors to cabinets when you open them???
WOW wee any Santa's left anywhere in the world. Lol

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn you still have questiolns because of the nesting he has to do yet...please as you do keep us up to date lady. May God resolve this and heal you completely. I love you friend and HUGS TO ((((((((((((((((LYNN)))))))))))))))

wvgal_dana said...

Going to close down and watch some tv.

May God be with so many of our group that has something going on...Linda, Lynn, Lynne, Diann, Wanda, Kay, kitties, oh I just can't think..God you know who they all are. Will you PLEASE (not yelling God) come lay you hands on anyone that needs you and heal them ... in you Name I ask. Amen

Mema Jo said...

Good on you Lynn
You may need to go to Jeopardy!

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - question: Did UPS ever come and
leave your package on the front deck?

hedgie said...

LOL---the rest of the Santa's are at my Mom's house!!! Along with MANY Madonna's!!! I DO have her Snowman bank statue---it's probably about 80 yrs. old!

Thanks to all of you for your support, prayers and love!!!!

What make is the vacuum, Paula? Sounds like a good one.

hedgie said...

No, Jo......not yet! ARGH! Good thing I'm not depending on that food, isn't it???

DanaMo said...

Waiting for the sheets to dry so I can make the bed and get in it!

DanaMo said...

I answered the final Jeopardy question too Lynne! Yipee for us! Too bad we didn't win any moolah!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, it's a Bissell. It is a little heavy, but not as much as the Eureka that didn't pick up crap and the beater bar brush kept getting clogged with hair and broke! I've been using my Mom's really old hoover which didn't do very well either. I'll order another beater brush for the Eureka and take it to the beach

Lori O. said...

Is anyone going to tell us what the final jeopardy question was?

Lori O. said...

Shirley, you still have three
hours to go on your birthday! What are you going to do with it?

DanaMo said...

Only one signer of the Declaration of Independence was Roman Catholic, which state was he from?

DanaMo said...

I doubt that was the exact wording but pretty close.

Mema Jo said...

DanaMo - It's ok to ask Santa for a
second set of sheets for Christmas lol
Are they the flannels?

So what was the question that you and Lynn answered.... See if we would have
won also

Mema Jo said...

It should have been MARYLAND was it?

Mema Jo said...

What is your answer Lori?

DanaMo said...

Made a CD tonight of the songs we need for my Christmas play. It's not perfect but it should work. Not sure if I could really make it the way I wanted it, we sing Silent Night as our last song and we sign to it, but we sing the first verse twice and I'm not sure how to do that on a CD. I have a crappy old cassette and could probably manage that, but that is so yesterday! LOL

DanaMo said...

Yes, Jo I really should ask for sheets, but that's really not a very fun gift. I have a second set but they are really old and "pilly" and I don't like them on my "sensitive skin". LOL!

Lori do you have an answer?

Lori O. said...

I would have said Pennsylvania, and probably would have been wrong! Clueless on this one.

DanaMo said...

No they are not flannels. With Monte and the various flying labs that are in bed with us, I don't need the extra heat! LOL!

DanaMo said...

MARYLAND is correct! what was your wager Jo? You are now rich! LOL! I think you probably already are rich in many ways that don't necessarily include money (but might)☺!

Lori O. said...

okay bring out the in D-Mo's house!

DanaMo said...

You know...after I typed that I thought...that isn't going to come out quite right! LOL!

Mema Jo said...

Headed to TV

Person of Interest

DanaMo said...

I'm thinking the sheets might be finished.
Jo and Lori, I will answer emails in the morning when I am more alert! LOL!

magpie said...

Hope I am not too late to wish
A Very Happy Birthday, with many more Happy Ones to Follow...
Love you tremendously, Shirley xoxo ♥

oh and by the way
SPLITTING time is getting near...

Lori O. said...

Time for bed...even the dogs are sleepy! Have a good night all. See you in the morning.

Lolly, I hope your party was a smashing success!

Hoda, I hope you're warm! Dang, that's cold - 17 dgs.

Kay said...

Lori, one of the contestants said PA, too, but as Alex reminded him, that was a Quaker hot bed. Calvert was the signer from Maryland--big Catholic family, I think. Another contestant guessed MA and another, DE. Too bad our Lynn wasn't there tonight !

Lynn, prayers on double time ! It's a good thing they are being so thorough, but the wait is a bit rough.

Lolly, very festive household. Does the group always come to your place in Dec. ?

Lori, glad you got some answers for Parker and Dalai ! What a great vet you have, making house calls, wow !

magpie said...

Thinking of Andrea and Ken, and their visit to Children's Hospital Los Angeles...
know that there are many special memories, yet sad...especially at this time of the year
(( Hugs, Andy and Ken ♥ ♥ ))

magpie said...


magpie said...

Very touching and loving post from Linda much earlier....
very profound experience....
Hoping that All the Family is at Peace and with Loving Moments, tonight and in the days to come

Kay said...

Ugh, too many programs on hiatus for Christmas--AVF Christmas videos in place of Grey's. Bah humbug !

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...