Thursday, December 08, 2011


New thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Very good Eagle Visit report this morning. Welcome back Judy E

Mema Jo said...

Andy, I am very happy that your visit to
the Children's hospital went well.

I'm sure 911 is well covered even though
the operators chat on the blog! They
wouldn't miss a call! ♥♥

magpie said...


It was GOOD what you filled up the blog with...not to worry...
and Thank You !!


hedgie said...

Thanks, Hoda....I'll take it easy!
You should use the spray de-icer that I always used pre-garage days! It melts that ice off fast!!!! It is alcohol-based. I could never have survived without it because I could never reach enough of big truck/SUV windshields even before I shrank from 5'9" to 5'6"!!!!

magpie said...

yes we just zip in and out from time to time, Jo ☺

Happy 47th Birthday to Ceil and Jimmy's Jim - ☺

Hoda said...

Very good to read your posts ANDY about the Children's hospital. Informative and very much invested in the well being of the children.

hedgie said...

Very interesting facts about the hospital, Andy. Good on them!!!! I'm not sure, but I THINK that a friend's grandson had his lung transplant done there back in the late 90's. He had CF....only lived about 18 mos. afterward. Was 14 when he died.

Hoda, Liesl isn't laying by the heat vent yet today. Busy playing with toys!

magpie said...

Glad that Bill's daughter Crystal seems to be okay, Lynn...
sorry about the SUV, bummer -

'bye now

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks to everybody who watched Andrew and Kelsey! I am passing along the compliments you are giving them!

Mema Jo said...

Don't forget there are candles to light!

JudyEddy said...

back from the park and what a nice day it turned out to be after yesterdays cold front Warmed up nice and she is down for a nap While I was gone I uploaded to yourtue this morninig visit so I will go on put on blog BBIAM

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

I need to and start reading todays comments since I was gone from this am only about 100 to read

JudyEddy said...

I have to take Jordyn to her school at 3 today to see Santa and take her picture with him Angie asked me if I would and I said yes this way she doesn't have to fight the malls to see Santa

hedgie said...

JudyE---link doesn't work!

JudyEddy said...

OH NO LYNN got a driving award LOL
I would re mail it in the original envelope and they can see it was mailed before hand would

SANDI the eagles will start staying longer and different hours as the season progresses

JudyEddy said...

I am in process of reading now need to go put on a load of laundry if I want to wear clean cloths this week

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

Nest visit this am the third is a charm ???

JudyEddy said...

ok I did nothing different than the last two odd how it took three times to work
I left the videos go longer one is I
I had two comments I deleted because the link didn't work this is what was on them beside the bad link
Yeah done and that fast I love YOUTUBE instead of uploading on blog so much faster there are 3 video 3 min 3 min and 4 min of this am visit if anyone want to see it
Please feel free to leave comments if you view this way I know if anyone saw them and Thanks in advance (deleted comment minus bad link)

JudyEddy said...

ok are you guys messing with us two people say new thread and I go there is nothing LORI and T BIRD whats up

JudyEddy said...

ok I finished reading the nest couple of comment in my email LOL got me going with the newthread NOT announcement LOL

Mema Jo said...

No new thread yet, Judy - T-Bird gave us a false alarm...

Taking a short break BBL

JudyEddy said...

I just had a thought of something that has been missing from the blog I think it was Paula that would do it report with the times in and out of the visit etc
6:59 eagle lands from 5position
7:10 one poofs
7:20 last eagle poofs

something like that Do you all recall it just came to me for some reason I always thought it was pretty cool I remember I would copy and paste it to the Shep Fan Page on FB OK I guess I will finish laundry one load washed needs to be put in dryer and one more to wash

Hoda said...

Off to yoga and errands. See you all later.


JudyEddy said...

.♥♥New THREAD ♥♥





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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...