Saturday, December 10, 2011


Weekend thread 1.


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DanaMo said...

I know, it's very scary for this young man, I can't tell you how special he is. He is the most holy person I have ever met. His faith is so strong and deep, I've honestly never seen it in anyone.

Lori O. said...

Oh, that's great that your brother is in contact with you again. And, good on you for trying!

Kay said...

Aha, I caught you girls, just in time to "see" gLORI get wax !

DANAMO, like LORI, prayers, prayers,prayers for Stephen and Casey Mae. So sad, but God is able. Prayers, too, for your brother. May God soften his heart and make reconciliation with you and your parents possible !

Lori O. said...

Greatest morning to you, Kay!

We're starting a great group this early morning. And, DanaMo, this is your last week before Christmas vacation, right?

Kay said...

LORI, Flobear looks soooo impressed with his Santa and Rudolph roles ! Hilarious !

PAULA, that party was a blast--enjoyed the pics, but some are missing, huh ? Guess you can't bare to share all of them. ☺

DanaMo said...

Too funny Kay!

Yes, Lori, 5 days and counting and I am off on Wednesday to get Aric from BWI. He messaged me last night and is so ready for these 2 days to be over! Really wanted to come home Tuesday night, but there was no way. His last exam isn't over until 6:20. He would have needed a 9:00 flight which would have gotten him to BWI around 10:30 meaning getting here to H'town at midnight. I can't drive like that! So he has to wait until Wednesday.

Kay said...

LORI, you knew how to put a big grin on my face ! Your A Mean One Mr. Grinch ! Thank you !!!!!!

Kay said...

That's You're, teachers, forgive me !

DanaMo said...

I loved it too! Great day to start a Monday with Grinch! LOL!

DanaMo said...

Lori has listeners near and far ☺

Kay said...

DANAMO, great to hear Aric will be home in just two days !

Sandi said...

Checking in - morning BanaMo, Lori, and Kay!

Lori O. said...

I love you guys!

Sandi said...

Oops - I meant DanaMo! Lori, loved your pics of your doggy. Speaking of doggie's, my 14 year old Jack Russell took off out the door this AM when I let the dachshund out to pee and hasn't returned. Would do no good to call for him b/c he can't hear. Hope he comes back soon. Very little traffic here so it's not too dangerous!

Kay said...

Hi SANDI ! Do you have just this week to teach before Christmas vacation, too ? Columbus schools don't get out til' the 21st. Seems strange to start the vacation in the middle of the week.

Kay said...

SANDI, hope that little guy shows up soon---how cold is it there. Just 19° here right now. Brrrrr.

DanaMo said...

Oh...Sandi, hope he returns quickly. Frisbee runs out the front door all the time and I live on a small cul-de-sac but people drive stupid around here and of course he is black so it scares me to death!

It's 24 degrees here.

Sandi said...

It's a balmy 29 here at the beach!! No Kay, sadly I have all of this week and 4 days next week. The kids' excitement will increase exponentially during these 9 days - too bad it's not quadratically, which means it would peak this Friday and then decrease next week at the same rate that it peaked. Then I'd be able to use it as a real life example of quadratic functions, which I have to drill into my kids' heads this week and next. =)

Sandi said...

Bandit's back! I'm sure he feels very victorious that he actually got to run loose for a change!

Kay said...

LYNN, I just lit a fresh candle for you. Will be thinking of you and praying as you visit the Radiologist today ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Sandi said...

OK, I'm off! As they say at Selbyville Middle School each AM on the announcements - Make it a great day, or not - the choice is yours!!

DanaMo said...

Oh Sandi, I love it! I hope that my kids make it through the week. I am thinking about picking up and Elf on the Shelf just for this last week. I figure I could tell the kids that he felt it was important to check in to Mrs. Hilmoe's class to make sure everyone is behaving in school. I just might do it if I can find or borrow one! LOL!

JudyEddy said...

G☺☺D M☼rning Eagle Buds

DanaMo said...

Glad Bandit has returned victorious!

Kay said...

LORI, do you and Loo play Aaron Neville's "Please Come Home for Christmas" ? Don't know why I love that song so much--it's certainly not one that is acknowledged as great. No accounting for taste, eh ?

DanaMo said...

Morning Judy!

JudyEddy said...

I have to be at work early 645 I got something I have planned I am doing a couple of quick video of my co workers that work all three shifts to put on one of my asstmgr that moved out west and put on her facebook page

Kay said...

Good Morning, JUDY ! Glad our expert videographer/photographer is up n' at em' today !

Lori O. said...

Kay, yes we do play Aaron Neville. It's a great song. You have great taste!

Kay said...

Great, LORI, I'm just not with you enough these days and hadn't heard it on 97.1.

Lori O. said...

Oh, I missed JudyE...have a great day and I hope your video turns out stellar! You are the video Queen! See you at lunch.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning from my bed in glorious Bluefield, WV.

JudyEddy said...

Ok I said I would meet them in the toy dept so I need to head out the door See you at lunch tell the eagles I said hey LOL

Did you all see the Christmas lights video I put on the blog I see WANDA commented on it HEY did anyones else profile change I noticed it when I went on Paula looks totally different today Catch ya later or I will be late

Kay said...

A very cheery good morning to you SHARON ! Stay right there, warm and comfy !

Kay said...

Judy's right, "they" are fooling around with the profile format. Looks strange !

Lori O. said...

The personal blog pages do look very different this morning. Google is making a lot of changes to everything.

Kay said...

Eagle !

Kay said...

Kind of blurry, think it's Shep in nest cup--can't see smudges Belle has right now

Kay said...

He moves to 6 spot, doing a lot of anxious looking around

Lori O. said...

He's just sitting there! ZEN moment.

Sandi said...

Grabbed my coat to head out the door and glanced at the computer screen - had left the nest up! Lo and behold, there's an eagle!! Sad that I can't stay to watch him/her! Will try to check in during the day - am staying after school to watch some of my boys play basketball so will miss the evening visit!

Kay said...

He begins to mess with rail, Belle must be nearby and he needs to look busy ! Moving to nest cup.

Kay said...

Now perched at 1 and POOf

Lori O. said...

LOL, Kay.

Kay said...

Color at the nest !

DanaMo said...

Lori-My husband thinks it's ME! LOL

Lori O. said...

I bet he had his reasons, that I don't want to know, DanaMo! LOL

Kay said...

Good job, DANAMO ! Monte has his priorities straight !!!!

Men's Health Sexiest Woman of All Time, Jennifer Anniston ? Really ? Are you sure that's not a typo and they really mean Lopez ?

DanaMo said...

LOL! I couldn't resist. I had just come into the kitchen when that came on the air!

Lori O. said...

I would say it's Raquel Welch, who was #2 on the list followed by Marilyn Monroe, Britney Spears & Madonna.

Lori O. said...

Thanks Kay for reporting on the nest visit!

Sandi said...

Rats, MT nest by the time I got to work and logged on!

DanaMo said...

I missed the visit. I guess I was up blow drying my "mop".

Off to school, I'll check in if I have time and pull up the nest to watch for any surprise visits.

Kay said...

I thought we might see Belle checking in, too. I give up. Moving on to newspapers, e-mail, etc. Have 11:45 appt. with Primary doc to get ready for--routine labs and a "hip discussion" ! Hip as in my right one which is giving me fits ! BBL

Lori O. said...

Kay, Prayers for a good doctor visit and that your wishes for your hip come true... what's it doing?

Hoda said...

Good morning...

It seems like it is medical appointment day today....I wish you all well JO, LYNN, and KAY.

Missed the visit by a matter of minutes. Thanks for the reporitng, clear and complete.

Hoda said...

The reporting Thank You should have read KAy, THank you for the reporting...

Lori O. said...

Good Morning HODA! Good observation, it must be National Dr. Appointment Day.

hedgie said...

Good morning, my fine fowl friends.

Kay, good luck with your apptmt. today, too!!
Sure hope the hip is just a bursitis!

Ok---guess there's no accounting for taste.....Raquel Welch I understand.....and maybe Marilyn Monroe......but if I was a man, none of the others would do anything for me!!! I would think gals like Angelina Jolie or other beauties like her would be much more appealing! Spears???? REALLY??? Geesh!

17° here----brrrrr. Liesl did NOT even want to wake up and outdoor trek was very fast!

Oh, Sandi, so glad your older dog came home quickly!

hedgie said...

Good page looks really stooooopid. Sure hope it's just a temporary thing. :(

hedgie said...

Hoda---it's too early for you to be up!!!! Go back to bed until sunrise!!!

hedgie said...

Just threw the brussel sprouts out for the squirrels, which reminded me that lo these MANY years ago (30+) that my sister and her first husband had spaniels they named Brussels and Rutabaga. Weird or what???

hedgie said...

Hmmm. I drove everyone away, didn't I?

Lori O. said...

Nope, I'm here, Lynn.

Thinking of you and your appointment. Please let us know what you hear and how you're feeling. ((Big Hug))

hedgie said...

Thanks, Lori. Signing off. See you all at lunchtime!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...

Prayers Right Now for Hedgie..
and also for Kay and Jo today, and anyone else headed to the doctor's offices for diagnoses, treatments...and options...

magpie said...

and Prayers for DanaMo's friends, Stephen and Casey Mae....

and ALL our Eagle Pals, their friends and families, with needs of the heart, soul and body

xoxo ♥

Sharon: I'm positive Bluefield is happy ☺ to have you back at YOUR Roost

Glad to see Andy checked in the wee hours, golly, what a busy gal !!

magpie said...

Belle must have been trying to beat Shep to the Potomac for some Fresh Breakfast

Glad that some saw Shep this morning...

magpie said...

Brussels and Rutabaga, neat names for Doggies... !!

magpie said...

Blackwater Wildlife Refuge has another update, as of
December 9

Blackwater Wildlife Refuge

cam and computer problems out the wazoo down there, sure am glad WE can watch things at our Nest !

Best wishes to Lisa and all the folks there for speedy resolution

magpie said...

Busy day from start to finish here for me, having lunch with James at School, then a pickup later in the day...will be up at Berkeley Springs pretty much the entire day...
taking my prayers with me....
great thing to attend to while driving

Best Wishes for a Good Day, Everyone

" See You " much much later in the day....

xoxox ♥

magpie said...

Oh: Hello to Jewels at work if you peek in ☺ ♥
Prayers for your Mom, and All the Family xoxoxo ♥ (( Hugs ♥ ))

Jewels said...

Good morning, peeking in... on Po-Po today! Boss is ill... in Hospital Margy... had a terrible kidney stone attack.
Found me 7$ this morning at Sheetz! I will buy lunch for me!!

magpie said...

"Copy That" Jewels....
Boss needs our prayers TOO...
such a difficult time to be ill ...
well ANYTIME is a difficult time...

Hope your day goes Super Duper...
I'm headed out Route 9 - keeps the wrecks down to none on that road, PaLeeeeze....

Enjoy that FREE FOUND Lunch xoxo

ttfn and all xoxo ♥

magpie said...




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1/7/25 PM matin🦅🦅fish 🐟

12:02:54 PM Scout. To the original nest with food and his talons.  It's a little fish. 12:03:17 He exits the nest with his fish.And to...