Lori, I always manage to get done what I have on my to-do list, its the little extras that throw me off. This year I'm doing my MIL's gr. grandkid shopping, plus doing a last minute (I feel) search for a green diesel HO scale train engine for her grandson Ben. (Found one - should get it in next Sat. mail)
And in the end the things that don't get done, really don't seem to matter.
Gosh, hope I didn't scare the eagles away this morning. They might not be use to me sitting here staring at their nest. LOL
Good morning Sharon. The puppy is so cute I just wanted to take her home with me! But alas, I think the Flying Labs would have a fit, and she has a wonderful home now. I could never work in a shelter, I would want them all! I have thought about working at the vets office, that might be cool.
Sitting here planning for my school week. The kids have a test on Friday on quadratic functions that I have to help them get ready for - OMG! Trust me when I say that algebra and special ed. kids are not a good fit!! Many of my kids don't even know their math facts, yet there is only 1 math curriculum and it's college prep. When they ask me, "When will we ever use this stuff?" I have to be honest and tell them they won't, yet they need to pass math to get to high school.
Sandi-I am just finishing a reading unit. I thought I had one more to go and I was trying to figure out if I should delay and assess when we come back after review or rush and finish before Christmas. I just looked at my book and realized that I did the last story last week, so I can catch up on Mon-Wednesday and give the assessment on Thursday. Not going to try to accomplish anything on Friday! So I now feel pretty good about the week. Catch up and review, then assess.
Oh Sandi, I feel for you. I doubt you could teach me that!
Another upside of the short cottage weekend - saw a beautiful sunset over Lake Winnebago. Pics on blog.
Saw where someone posted link to news of Green Bay (my home town) using birds of prey for rodent control. The area they refer to "Bay Beach Park" is a area destination with all types of outdoor rides & bumper cars, ferris wheel, etc. Lots of food & food scraps around. Right next to it is a Wildlife Sanctuary where you can feed the migrating ducks, geese etc. Lots of spilled corn all around. It is a very desirable habitat for rodents of all kinds.
Sitting here with blog up in center of screen. On left is eagle nest (empty), on right is cottage internet camera on deer feeder (no creatures there) :o(
Bubby is rumbling around, coming out of hibernation, must go feed him, which will turn him from grumbly bear into nice human. LOL
Morning gang! THELMA....what kind of puter problems? :( 19° here when I got up at 7:30----thought I saw Frosty running down the road to escape the suns rays. Brrrr. So no visit this AM? Sorry that you early birders weren't treated. MO---you mena you AREN'T going to market after all?? Jo will be disappointed, I'm sure. CAROLANNE: did the frozen pipes burst?? I assume not since you didn't mention a mess to clean up---whew!! Sorry things didn't go as planned, but sounds like your alternate schedule works! Neat about the parks/sanctuaries! SANDI: indoor tennis, right???? Ugh---algebra. Always my downfall. Makes no sense that special ed kids have to take oe know it.
Thanks for transportation tips....will check it out. SIL's bro is driving for the hospital program----will see if they come out this far. I know it says that most insurances cover it.
Hedgie, no real mess, EVERYTHING was still frozen. Water is always turned off when we leave. After thawing it appeared only a valve to the water heater was leaking - so will replace that next time there. But was so cold inside that the frig/freezer were overheating trying to bring temps up from 10° to the 32+ temps that its set at - so freezer things were thawing out. Have emptied it & unplugged it. Will haul necessary foods back & forth thru the winter - really roughing it. LOL
Thanks, Lynn! Very good vulture article. I've heard they are critical to Africa where disease can spread so easily to poorer parts of the continent. Many blessings and prayers for those trying to save them.
@Hedgie, No there is just too much to do and I am very disappointed to. I debated with myself since I got up this morning, but I just can't see getting everything done that needs to be accomplished. This is the last week before Christmas vacation and I have school stuff and house stuff to do! :( boo hoo...
I surely understand, DanaMo.....it's a busy time. I am still puttering as I get things accomplished----slowly but surely!!
I did get a new fake wreath for the garage yesterday....old one totally fell apart last year! Good sales at K-Mart....got a Jaclyn Smith wreath for $15, and my lights were at a lower sales price than they were a couple of weeks ago when I bought the others! Also got the grands some Christmas earrings for half-price!
Here's a thought for all you busy, busy people (especially those with jobs that go beyond an 8 hr day)- its too late this year, but as my gram always said "God willing and if the creek don't rise", maybe next year I could generate mailing labels, from your provided list, for your holiday cards. I sure would love to be able to help out where I could. I'm too far away to do much hands on help.
Don't you hate it when something in the dishwasher holds water you can't see? If I don't put my pans in with the handles sticking up, they do----and I just had to towel dry a bunch of dishes because I wasn't paying attention! LOL!!
Found what I had heard about Michael Flatley! Estimated worth was $650 million in 2010!!! Not TOO shabby for the son of a poor Irish immigrant growing up on the southside of Chicago! And DID YOU KNOW???? that he has been recorded as dancing 32 taps per SECOND??????
Guess, I should check the blog before I scream EAGLE!
DMo - you inspired me. I've been working with FloBear on his CHRISTmas pictures. Had to crate Dalai to do it... still working. Sorry you missed the market. It's a crazy cleaning and catch up day here.
Use confectioner sugar, potatoes (very small amount) after you got the dough you roll it out spread it with peanut butter--roll up and cut into pieces. keeep in frig
We get it at the Amish market and my daughter loves it. My mom loves to bake so she is going over today to make Buck eyes and mom just said she would make mashed potatoes for dinner to bring over so we have leftovers.
House warming up so headed for shower. Planned power outage of 30 minutes lasted 2 hours and 41 minutes. The borough will have to do it again in a week or so. Hope they get their act together.
Lynn read the vulture article ty. What I can't understand is vultures go after carcass (dead stuff). Why would the farmers have to bring their herd in at night? They don't bother things that are alive? Or do I have that wrong?
Well just found a sock in the corner of Adams room between the door and the wall that he threw up last night. This after our friend's Goldendoodle Charlie had surgery just this week and now has a 6-8 inch incision to remove a gym sock!Did I just raise the roof? You bet I did! Not only for the poor animal to have to go through it, but easily a $1,000. vet bill!
Well it says you "can use potato flakes" but I assume it's best to not be lazy and to use real mashed potatoes. I guess they are just giving a quickie option for some.
Hi all! Left the cam up while I went to tennis and, when got home and sat down at the computer, there was an eagle in the nest! Quickly read back thru the blog - looks like he was there for a good long while! Only got to see the last 5 minutes which was basically Shep just sitting there.
DanaWV, in the Vulture article that Lynn put up, the farmers put out poisoned horse carcasses to kill animals that prey on the cattle...of course, the vultures will get into it, as well.
Ooops DANAWV, forgot to add that if the farmers took their herds in at night, they wouldn't have to put out the poisoned carcasses that the endangered vultures also get into.
Best of this Sunday Day to all... I napped through the EAGLE visit because I was up so early this morning watching for one then.... and was putzing through Christmas things while watching....
Headed to get James the grandson to work on some of His Christmas projects
DanaMo don't kick yourself too hard..think of the times during the holidays when you can slide over to the Bend in the Road..... just sorry you will miss market times, it is nice there.
Thinking all, with Love, Prayers, and Joy... xoxo ♥
CarolAnne What a beautifully-minded idea you have about making mailing labels for holiday cards for next year...sounds like it would really be helpful !! xox ♥ ttfn
Well, got behind you all again. Missed the visit...:(
CarolAnne---the mail label idea is a great one!!! That would be so cool!!! BTW---potato candy is made with mashed taters and peanut butter! I have never been successful making it, but I sure do love eating it!!!!
OH NO - Bubby is back in bed - I think a bug has found its way to our house. So far others that have had it are down & out for only 24 hours. He is not a good sickie. May have to drink to MY health today. lol
Yes I do know Lori what I don't understand is vultures feed on dead things.....the farmers herds are alive. That is the part that is confusing me the alive herds vultures don't feed on them. I understand what the farmers are doing poisioning the dead carcass.
Hi, Jewell!!! How's sunny FL on your side of the state?
DanaWV---the JACKALS kill the livestock at night....so the farmers/ranchers poison a carcass to try to kill the jackals....and then the vultures eat off it, too.
Vacuuming here.....wish my Jessie was here to do it! PAULA---are you up and about??? Hope you didn't have too much party! Q: does the new vacuum cleaner have a doggie odor fighter/barrier???? Whew---gotta put some perfume in this baby!
Great idea about mailing labels, CarolAnne! Would love the help!
Lynn, I thought the potato candy sounded simple enough, then you said yours never turns out right. Scared me out of trying it! CarolAnne, tell us how yours comes out.
Sorry to hear about the poisoned carcasses and that the vultures inadvertatnly become victims...not directed towards them but they become part of the cycle too...
GREAT Christmas card DANAMO. Sorry you are not going to the market...I was hoping to hear a report on how it was and your sharing with JO. Crock pot cooking is a good idea. I hope your parents do show up.
JUDYE sometimes when I am not able to laugh I take things too seriously...NO BIG as LORI would say. Water off a ducks back and I am sure it was not intentional that you were not told about the gathering...let it go not worth it...
Had a OMG moment reading the paper. A man who Laurel went to school with is in jail. He associated and participated in BIG time jewelry/gold thefts! He was not the brains in this and he is sqealing! Laurel was friends with his sister.
Lolly, aren't you glad this one is a short trip???!!!!
JudyE---I'm with Hoda....let it go. Sometimes it's better for Mom not to be included in in-law things, just as a matter of principle! Can honestly say that I have never felt left-out when the kids have something going on with the in-laws, because there are so many occasions when they ( the in-laws) themselves DO invite me to join in!
I've never kept the cam running with the sound up all day long while I'm home. But I have today and was decorating the Christmas tree when I heard the clunking.
CaroleAnne do you have the link to the cam you mentioned with the deer feeder I an add it to my favorites also do you record it Wanda and Paula both have wildlife cams which I love to watch that they record??? Just asking!
LORI I need to ask a favor I love the way you put on the forecast to the nest like you have in the past could you also list sunset and sunrise This was I know as well as others when our birds may arrive Thanks in advance
Yesterday our tems was 78 right now its about 74 Don't mean to rub it in The 17th I put in for the day off to go to one of Jordyn recitals and then Angie and Carl rented the place from their friend on the intercostals waterway to see the Boat parade I will definitely take a video and I want to take a video of the neighborhood where I live they nickname it Candycane lane
When do the eagles really start getting serious about getting the nest ready? This is my 4th winter watching this nest but I have never bothered checking in until around Feb when I know there will be eggs and I will always be able to see an eagle in the nest.
Off to start my day...groceries, yoga,and concert. When I return I will check with the blog. I hope you all have a GREAT day and may they visit in the evening...I heard the clunking too, but they must be just above the cam...
Lynn for some reason I can't get Megan anymore on facebook. I can't figure out what the problem is. Makes me sad :( I just love her page. So glad she sold out!!! Happy Happy (: for her!!!!
MAde the mistake of looking at the OC forum posts.....soemone named Angel must live nearby---her husband HUNTED at NCTC yesterday. ARGH! :( He did see our birds fly.
Hmmmm...Christie can't go with me tomorrow for radiologist apptmt. She has to be at work at 11.....and Caro will be on her regular 8-4 shift. Hope my brain isn't foggy!!
Just found that my American flag got caught in the staff bracket and ripped between the stripes. Took it down...I have a new one but think I'll wait til spring to put it up....no point ruining it in the winter winds.
JO et al-----CBS football is a double-header today, so in all likelihood, evening schedule will be delayed......adjust viewing or recording for The Good Wife!!
Checking, in hopes of seeing Belle and Shep before that sunset LORI so sweetly supplied. Nice reporting on the visit earlier---how I'd love to see those deer some keep spotting there !
I hate to hear of poison being used to control predators, as in the report LYNN shared. There is no way for it to discriminate so innocents are always lost in the effort.
Used to make potato candy, using only one very small boiled tater. It's amazing how far that goes in making a big batch of candy ! Good luck to all who try it and enjoy if it comes out right !!!
JUDY, LYNN and HODA have given you good advice regarding last nights "snub" as you see it. I live just 3 miles from my kids and we know all the same people, but there are times I'm not invited to something and there are times I turn down invites. There are different dynamics depending on who is in a group and I believe Seth, in particular, does not need his Grandmother along for every occasion. He has several surrogate "grandparents", "aunts and uncles" who were here for him when I lived so far away. They and he still need a relationship that does not always include me. So, I'm saying, for Jordyn's sake Angie is right to mix it up a bit. JMHO
Where is LINDA at what part of FL I don't remember if she said or not HEY LINDA you are more than welcome to stop by here any time I know you have other matters while you are down here but to any of you on the blog you are welcome to come any time Just call or email me with plans
Judy, Just sent you a friend request on FB. I have been sitting at the computer most of the afternoon, listening to what I know are eagles sitting in a tree just out of view!! I have planned all my lessons, paid all my bills online, sent emails, listened to the football game rather than watching it, and even folded laundry right here at the computer! And I know that if I walk away, one of them will show up!! But I still have grocery shopping to do and the Christmas tree is standing but naked!
Ugh, just recalled I have to fast for blood work overnight. Appt. isn't til' 11:45 tomorrow morning, so think I'll have a nice big bowl of oatmeal after Good Wife. That should tie me over nicely.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 675 Newer› Newest»Good morning eagle budlets. Posting from my bed. It is so good to be back home.
DanaMO, my Buphals is a lab/Shep mix.
Lori, I always manage to get done what I have on my to-do list, its the little extras that throw me off. This year I'm doing my MIL's gr. grandkid shopping, plus doing a last minute (I feel) search for a green diesel HO scale train engine for her grandson Ben. (Found one - should get it in next Sat. mail)
And in the end the things that don't get done, really don't seem to matter.
Gosh, hope I didn't scare the eagles away this morning. They might not be use to me sitting here staring at their nest. LOL
It is a balmy 20 degrees in Bluefield.
Well, WE are happy you are here this morning, CarolAnne!
Good Morning, Sharon!
Someone's back!
Good morning my eagle peeps.
Well Sandi, it's obviously not me, I told them to come on down and they didn't listen.
It's an awful 24 degrees here in H'town. Boo hiss....
Good morning, Thelma. How are you and Buddy today?
Good morning Sharon. The puppy is so cute I just wanted to take her home with me! But alas, I think the Flying Labs would have a fit, and she has a wonderful home now. I could never work in a shelter, I would want them all! I have thought about working at the vets office, that might be cool.
Hi Thelma!
Lots of company this morning, now for some eagles! Don't they know we are waiting?
Sitting here planning for my school week. The kids have a test on Friday on quadratic functions that I have to help them get ready for - OMG! Trust me when I say that algebra and special ed. kids are not a good fit!! Many of my kids don't even know their math facts, yet there is only 1 math curriculum and it's college prep. When they ask me, "When will we ever use this stuff?" I have to be honest and tell them they won't, yet they need to pass math to get to high school.
Sandi-I am just finishing a reading unit. I thought I had one more to go and I was trying to figure out if I should delay and assess when we come back after review or rush and finish before Christmas. I just looked at my book and realized that I did the last story last week, so I can catch up on Mon-Wednesday and give the assessment on Thursday. Not going to try to accomplish anything on Friday! So I now feel pretty good about the week. Catch up and review, then assess.
BTW-Algebra and me don't mix either so I totally understand! LOL!
Oh Sandi, I feel for you. I doubt you could teach me that!
Another upside of the short cottage weekend - saw a beautiful sunset over Lake Winnebago. Pics on blog.
Saw where someone posted link to news of Green Bay (my home town) using birds of prey for rodent control. The area they refer to "Bay Beach Park" is a area destination with all types of outdoor rides & bumper cars, ferris wheel, etc. Lots of food & food scraps around. Right next to it is a Wildlife Sanctuary where you can feed the migrating ducks, geese etc. Lots of spilled corn all around. It is a very desirable habitat for rodents of all kinds.
I have tennis at 9 so if these eagles don't show up soon ...
CarolAnne, What beautiful pictures of yesterday's sunset! Something good from your trip!
Good morning.
Brr, it is cold here.
Sitting here with blog up in center of screen. On left is eagle nest (empty), on right is cottage internet camera on deer feeder (no creatures there) :o(
Bubby is rumbling around, coming out of hibernation, must go feed him, which will turn him from grumbly bear into nice human. LOL
OK eagles, I'm turning away, COME ON DOWN!
Just saw 2 deer leaping below the nest - they went off the screen behind the tree at 12. But no eagles!
I'm off. Have a good day all! Stay warm!
Still having computer problems. It is driving me crazy!
Jo, are you out there? I sent you an email. I'm bailing...sorry. Too many things to do here. Sorry...
65555555555552+ b210v c0
That's Freddy saying Hello!
Morning gang!
THELMA....what kind of puter problems? :(
19° here when I got up at 7:30----thought I saw Frosty running down the road to escape the suns rays. Brrrr.
So no visit this AM? Sorry that you early birders weren't treated.
MO---you mena you AREN'T going to market after all?? Jo will be disappointed, I'm sure.
CAROLANNE: did the frozen pipes burst?? I assume not since you didn't mention a mess to clean up---whew!! Sorry things didn't go as planned, but sounds like your alternate schedule works! Neat about the parks/sanctuaries!
SANDI: indoor tennis, right????
Ugh---algebra. Always my downfall. Makes no sense that special ed kids have to take oe know it.
Thanks for transportation tips....will check it out. SIL's bro is driving for the hospital program----will see if they come out this far. I know it says that most insurances cover it.
Sharon, love your avatar! Did you create it??
Lori---this one is for you!!
Vulture Culture
It was in our paper today.
Hedgie, no real mess, EVERYTHING was still frozen. Water is always turned off when we leave. After thawing it appeared only a valve to the water heater was leaking - so will replace that next time there. But was so cold inside that the frig/freezer were overheating trying to bring temps up from 10° to the 32+ temps that its set at - so freezer things were thawing out. Have emptied it & unplugged it. Will haul necessary foods back & forth thru the winter - really roughing it. LOL
Good 'COLD' Morning!
DanaMo - Sure did and I just sent you a reply! I will still be going over with my son to get my Gorgeous Megan Wreath.
In fact, I need to speed it up!
Thanks, Lynn! Very good vulture article. I've heard they are critical to Africa where disease can spread so easily to poorer parts of the continent. Many blessings and prayers for those trying to save them.
@Hedgie, No there is just too much to do and I am very disappointed to. I debated with myself since I got up this morning, but I just can't see getting everything done that needs to be accomplished. This is the last week before Christmas vacation and I have school stuff and house stuff to do! :( boo hoo...
Good morning Freddy, nice of you to join us.
Putting a roast in the crock, gonna call Mom and Dad and see if they will join us for dinner. Love cooking something that smells so good all day!
I surely understand, DanaMo.....it's a busy time. I am still puttering as I get things accomplished----slowly but surely!!
I did get a new fake wreath for the garage yesterday....old one totally fell apart last year! Good sales at K-Mart....got a Jaclyn Smith wreath for $15, and my lights were at a lower sales price than they were a couple of weeks ago when I bought the others!
Also got the grands some Christmas earrings for half-price!
CarolAnne----poor fridge/freezer. Hope you didn't lose too much food, and that the hot water heater valve will be an easy repair.
Here's a thought for all you busy, busy people (especially those with jobs that go beyond an 8 hr day)- its too late this year, but as my gram always said "God willing and if the creek don't rise", maybe next year I could generate mailing labels, from your provided list, for your holiday cards. I sure would love to be able to help out where I could. I'm too far away to do much hands on help.
Don't you hate it when something in the dishwasher holds water you can't see? If I don't put my pans in with the handles sticking up, they do----and I just had to towel dry a bunch of dishes because I wasn't paying attention! LOL!!
I wonder if Sandi is still at tennis. Man!!!! I would have been over there right now!!
Although you can't see in the nest from the road.
Really a beautiful animal. I could just sit here all day!
Am I alone or is someone watching and taking notes?
I am here, DanaMo. Not sure which eagle.
DanaMO - I'm watching too.
Just can't type & watch.
Too in awe!
I'm here and see an eagle yea!!! Looks like Shep
Kicking myself for not going!!!
Good Morning
He really wanted that stick at aroun 5:30 spot
Wants to break the fork off that limb.
Does anyone have a good potato candy recipe?
Use to have a great one DanaMo all recipe books sent to Florida. Don't even want to ask daughter if the jerk gave them back to her.
Do tell - never heard of that!
Now dragged the stick with fork to 11-12 o'clock spot.
Nope moving it back again oopps stopped in middle of nest. Doing some trimming to that stick
Found what I had heard about Michael Flatley! Estimated worth was $650 million in 2010!!! Not TOO shabby for the son of a poor Irish immigrant growing up on the southside of Chicago! And DID YOU KNOW???? that he has been recorded as dancing 32 taps per SECOND??????
Guess, I should check the blog before I scream EAGLE!
DMo - you inspired me. I've been working with FloBear on his CHRISTmas pictures. Had to crate Dalai to do it... still working. Sorry you missed the market. It's a crazy cleaning and catch up day here.
Use confectioner sugar, potatoes (very small amount) after you got the dough you roll it out spread it with peanut butter--roll up and cut into pieces. keeep in frig
too much potato dough is to runny
that is a boiled potato mashed up
not even a whole potatoe
My cam stopped and can't refresh. If I was that eagle that stick would be over the side of the nest by now. He should have left well enough alone.
I found one here:
amish potato candy
now he has the stick over around 5 o'clock again
We get it at the Amish market and my daughter loves it. My mom loves to bake so she is going over today to make Buck eyes and mom just said she would make mashed potatoes for dinner to bring over so we have leftovers.
Can't wait to see the results LORI!!! Too funny about crating the other one!
I don't know if Belle is going to be pleased with all the rearranging.
House warming up so headed for shower. Planned power outage of 30 minutes lasted 2 hours and 41 minutes. The borough will have to do it again in a week or so. Hope they get their act together.
Picture sure looks like them DanaMo but never in my life did I use dried potato flakes. My grandmother would roll over in her grave.
Gramnyblt whenever the time stops just hit play button once and just wait. It will avt like it isn't going to start but it does, just wait
Gotta try those potato candies - sounds simple enough
Is this a record length of Eagle visit time?
Such a pleasure to watch for more than a quick glance.
Where did everyone go? So quiet I went looking for a new thread. Good morning to all.
Lynn read the vulture article ty. What I can't understand is vultures go after carcass (dead stuff). Why would the farmers have to bring their herd in at night? They don't bother things that are alive? Or do I have that wrong?
Morning Genie (:
Well just found a sock in the corner of Adams room between the door and the wall that he threw up last night. This after our friend's Goldendoodle Charlie had surgery just this week and now has a 6-8 inch incision to remove a gym sock!Did I just raise the roof? You bet I did! Not only for the poor animal to have to go through it, but easily a $1,000. vet bill!
Flew up into tree limb to left now flew to limb over around noon
Well it says you "can use potato flakes" but I assume it's best to not be lazy and to use real mashed potatoes. I guess they are just giving a quickie option for some.
Hi all! Left the cam up while I went to tennis and, when got home and sat down at the computer, there was an eagle in the nest! Quickly read back thru the blog - looks like he was there for a good long while! Only got to see the last 5 minutes which was basically Shep just sitting there.
DanaWV, in the Vulture article that Lynn put up, the farmers put out poisoned horse carcasses to kill animals that prey on the cattle...of course, the vultures will get into it, as well.
Ooops DANAWV, forgot to add that if the farmers took their herds in at night, they wouldn't have to put out the poisoned carcasses that the endangered vultures also get into.
Best of this Sunday Day to all...
I napped through the EAGLE visit because I was up so early this morning watching for one then....
and was putzing through Christmas things while watching....
Headed to get James the grandson to work on some of His Christmas projects
DanaMo don't kick yourself too hard..think of the times during the holidays when you can slide over to the Bend in the Road.....
just sorry you will miss market times, it is nice there.
Thinking all, with Love, Prayers, and Joy...
xoxo ♥
I was at K-Mart Friday night....got some great bargains !
don't mind my manners, please, Precious Pals...wish I could talk to everyone about their posts...but...
it's time for me to get crackin'
xoxo ♥
What a beautifully-minded idea you have about making mailing labels for holiday cards for next year...sounds like it would really be helpful !!
xox ♥ ttfn
Well, got behind you all again. Missed the visit...:(
CarolAnne---the mail label idea is a great one!!! That would be so cool!!!
BTW---potato candy is made with mashed taters and peanut butter! I have never been successful making it, but I sure do love eating it!!!!
OH NO - Bubby is back in bed - I think a bug has found its way to our house. So far others that have had it are down & out for only 24 hours. He is not a good sickie. May have to drink to MY health today. lol
Lynne1---why is the borough cutting power? Working on lines??? Brrrr----on the coldest morning of the season---Boo Hiss!
Yes I do know Lori what I don't understand is vultures feed on dead things.....the farmers herds are alive. That is the part that is confusing me the alive herds vultures don't feed on them. I understand what the farmers are doing poisioning the dead carcass.
SPLIT coming up
Hi, Jewell!!! How's sunny FL on your side of the state?
DanaWV---the JACKALS kill the livestock at night....so the farmers/ranchers poison a carcass to try to kill the jackals....and then the vultures eat off it, too.
The vultures will also go for the carcass that has poison on it will kill the vultures, as well as the intended predators of the cattle.
duh... split coming up in 100 or so posts... just saw the 99. Whack, whack!
Maybe I'm the splitter!!!
HI, Margy! Enjoy your James outing!
CarolAnne, sorry Bubby is sick. PLEASE don't catch it!!
DUH, Lori---see??? I just listen to everyone else!! NOT the splitter, after all!
Vacuuming here.....wish my Jessie was here to do it!
PAULA---are you up and about??? Hope you didn't have too much party! Q: does the new vacuum cleaner have a doggie odor fighter/barrier???? Whew---gotta put some perfume in this baby!
Sorry. :(
Great idea about mailing labels, CarolAnne! Would love the help!
Lynn, I thought the potato candy sounded simple enough, then you said yours never turns out right. Scared me out of trying it! CarolAnne, tell us how yours comes out.
Lori it is all about not putting in too much potato. Potato turns the confectionary sugar runny.
Good morning. Glad to see Shep paid a visit.
Sorry to hear about the poisoned carcasses and that the vultures inadvertatnly become victims...not directed towards them but they become part of the cycle too...
GREAT Christmas card DANAMO.
Sorry you are not going to the market...I was hoping to hear a report on how it was and your sharing with JO. Crock pot cooking is a good idea. I hope your parents do show up.
JUDYE sometimes when I am not able to laugh I take things too seriously...NO BIG as LORI would say. Water off a ducks back and I am sure it was not intentional that you were not told about the gathering...let it go not worth it...
On the road again......Good morning! We left at 8:30. Should arrive at about 1:00. Sunny day!
DanaMo your avartar of the Flying Labs is beautiful.
Had a OMG moment reading the paper. A man who Laurel went to school with is in jail. He associated and participated in BIG time jewelry/gold thefts! He was not the brains in this and he is sqealing! Laurel was friends with his sister.
Lolly, aren't you glad this one is a short trip???!!!!
JudyE---I'm with Hoda....let it go. Sometimes it's better for Mom not to be included in in-law things, just as a matter of principle! Can honestly say that I have never felt left-out when the kids have something going on with the in-laws, because there are so many occasions when they ( the in-laws) themselves DO invite me to join in!
Wow, Lolly, guess that was a shocker!
camera shakes big time
may be we will get a nooner LOL
I hear scratching they are teasing us
Noise on the cam
JudyE your avatar of Jordyn is so pretty (:
I've never kept the cam running with the sound up all day long while I'm home. But I have today and was decorating the Christmas tree when I heard the clunking.
Ok squairrel or eagle??
Ok they are up there I can hear them
Never even thought of a squirrel up there!
CaroleAnne do you have the link to the cam you mentioned with the deer feeder I an add it to my favorites also do you record it Wanda and Paula both have wildlife cams which I love to watch that they record??? Just asking!
LORI I need to ask a favor I love the way you put on the forecast to the nest like you have in the past could you also list sunset and sunrise This was I know as well as others when our birds may arrive Thanks in advance
Yesterday our tems was 78 right now its about 74 Don't mean to rub it in
The 17th I put in for the day off to go to one of Jordyn recitals and then Angie and Carl rented the place from their friend on the intercostals waterway to see the Boat parade I will definitely take a video and I want to take a video of the neighborhood where I live they nickname it Candycane lane
I think the movement would have been a eagle the cam shook big time JMHO
more clunking
Still up there!
When do the eagles really start getting serious about getting the nest ready? This is my 4th winter watching this nest but I have never bothered checking in until around Feb when I know there will be eggs and I will always be able to see an eagle in the nest.
Off to start my day...groceries, yoga,and concert. When I return I will check with the blog. I hope you all have a GREAT day and may they visit in the evening...I heard the clunking too, but they must be just above the cam...
Hoda enjoy your day sounds interesting "concert".
It's that time....wonder what surprises or disappointments the SINKS have in store for us diehard fans today??????
JudyE---so they have more than one boat parade on the intracoastal?? There was one yesterday that Linda and family watched after her Mom's service.
Megan SOLD OUT at market!!! Yippee!!!!
Lynn for some reason I can't get Megan anymore on facebook. I can't figure out what the problem is. Makes me sad :( I just love her page. So glad she sold out!!! Happy Happy (: for her!!!!
7-3, Pats. :(
14-3. UGH!
TD, Redskins! 14-10!!!!!
For those interested, I will make a note to post the offer shortly after Halloween next year.
Off to check on Bubby, then switch on the football games and be in LM both here and for the TV.
Oops--forgot tosay---REDSKINS scored!!!! 17-14!! Got SO excited!!!
Thanks, CarolAnne---sounds like a plan!!!
Cool play.
Tied game....17-17.
MAde the mistake of looking at the OC forum posts.....soemone named Angel must live nearby---her husband HUNTED at NCTC yesterday. ARGH! :( He did see our birds fly.
Close call on that play. Almost lost the ball.
Lucky break---Grossman's interception nullified by a roughing the passer penalty!
Now let's score again!
Settling for another field goal---geesh! 20-17, SKINS!
Clunking on the cam!
Kitchen cupboard doors washed down!
Camera shaking.
Tied game again.....halt-time now.
Seems like an unfair call against London Fletcher. But at least Pats didn't make a TD out of it.
Hmmmm...Christie can't go with me tomorrow for radiologist apptmt. She has to be at work at 11.....and Caro will be on her regular 8-4 shift. Hope my brain isn't foggy!!
Just found that my American flag got caught in the staff bracket and ripped between the stripes. Took it down...I have a new one but think I'll wait til spring to put it up....no point ruining it in the winter winds.
My pleasure JudyE and all others who use the NEST sunrise, sunset times...
More clunking on the cam
2nd half not off to a good start. 27-20 Pats.
Afternoon, all!
Just a quick check in...kids are still here, but they just left to go visit w/ a friend for a short while...am working on Christmas decorations.
John's party was a BIG hit and Surprise! Will tell you more when I get back later....on a roll at the moment!
GO SKINS!!!!!!!!!
Good Afternoon Football and eagle fans!!
Rowdy game going on w/Redskins.
Tied up again....27 all
Whee! Touchdown, Skins!!
27-27 tie.
My silly dogs have the whole back yard to explore and play in, but they want to go out front. Go figure.
TD Patriots.
34-27, Pats.
OH NO! NE ahead again! This is like a ping pong match!
Hedgie, my vac doesn't have that option...I use Pet Fresh sometimes.
Back to decorating, and need to take Nick out in a little while to play.
I do believe that Bellichek is surprised that the Skins have game this week!
Not good. NE forced Skins to punt. NE is ahead and they have the ball.
Um, I think the Redskins are surprising a lot of people today.
Skins have the ball.
JO et al-----CBS football is a double-header today, so in all likelihood, evening schedule will be delayed......adjust viewing or recording for The Good Wife!!
Hmmmm, Paula...you've got us curious! Another baby? An engagement announcement????
Still more clunking on the cam. I know one of them is up there!!
SKINS intercept in Pat's endzone!!!! Saving a TD!!!!!
Skins interception in the end zone.
Husband is watching the Ravens. I'm only listening since it's not a close game. Instead, I watching for another bird of prey!
OMGosh Hedgie, not liking someone hunting at NCTC at all!
Lori, did you post FloBear's picture? I'll have to run over to your blog and take a look.
I did my mom and dad's dog today. I posted it on my picture blog.
Checking, in hopes of seeing Belle and Shep before that sunset LORI so sweetly supplied. Nice reporting on the visit earlier---how I'd love to see those deer some keep spotting there !
I hate to hear of poison being used to control predators, as in the report LYNN shared. There is no way for it to discriminate so innocents are always lost in the effort.
Used to make potato candy, using only one very small boiled tater. It's amazing how far that goes in making a big batch of candy ! Good luck to all who try it and enjoy if it comes out right !!!
And that's all she wrote.....stupid penalty.....and then an interception. DAMN!
FUNNY I just get home see all the comments thinking I missed the eagles again just to see it is football comments LOL
Clunking, come on down dear eagles !!!!
I too hear clunking I rushed home now come on down LOLLY call them
Well, shucks. Disappointed again.
LYNN Boat parades are all over each little city has their own I know of at least 10 in our area
JUDY, LYNN and HODA have given you good advice regarding last nights "snub" as you see it. I live just 3 miles from my kids and we know all the same people, but there are times I'm not invited to something and there are times I turn down invites. There are different dynamics depending on who is in a group and I believe Seth, in particular, does not need his Grandmother along for every occasion. He has several surrogate "grandparents", "aunts and uncles" who were here for him when I lived so far away. They and he still need a relationship that does not always include me. So, I'm saying, for Jordyn's sake Angie is right to mix it up a bit. JMHO
Where is LINDA at what part of FL
I don't remember if she said or not HEY LINDA you are more than welcome to stop by here any time I know you have other matters while you are down here but to any of you on the blog you are welcome to come any time Just call or email me with plans
LOLLY is at her Sis's, but LORETTA had the same success a few days ago. We need someone with that talent to intercede here ! ☺
Also anyone else on facebook let me know and I can friend request you or vise versa Judy Eddy on FB
I love the lighting on the nest at this time of day !
Well that stunk for the ending of that Redskin game. Darn!!
Don't forget to check your candles for LYNN and others on the Candle Site. There aren't many glowing there right now !
Judy, Just sent you a friend request on FB. I have been sitting at the computer most of the afternoon, listening to what I know are eagles sitting in a tree just out of view!! I have planned all my lessons, paid all my bills online, sent emails, listened to the football game rather than watching it, and even folded laundry right here at the computer! And I know that if I walk away, one of them will show up!! But I still have grocery shopping to do and the Christmas tree is standing but naked!
Here eagle eagle eagle :)
Oh no, Lynn, just that the party was a big surprise...he had NO clue, so it was great!
Ugh, just recalled I have to fast for blood work overnight. Appt. isn't til' 11:45 tomorrow morning, so think I'll have a nice big bowl of oatmeal after Good Wife. That should tie me over nicely.
I meant "tide me over".
PAULA, so glad the party was a true surprise ! What fun !
I wish they would show up I want to go eat
her eagle
Okay, birdies, I'm going away for a few, so now is the time for you to show your pretty faces and dirty heads !
that should have been here eagle
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