Monday, December 26, 2011


Boxing Day thread.


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Hoda said...

Prayers for KARLA...May God guide the surgeon and the operating team and bless Karla to good health with her surgery and afterwards...Sleep well WANDA and do not worry...

Linda said...

Sorry about the typos. Trying to type on a new iPad and I don't like it.

Just want Wanda to know we are praying for KARLA and for Wanda, too.


paula eagleholic said...

Sandi....Dover is going to send Brian the bill for running thru the toll without the fine will be payable to them....start there! I would wait about 2 weeks, and call them....they should be able to find it from the license plate on the truck.

Kay said...

Up early since I crashed about 8pm last night. So, I'm starting the day off with prayer for WANDA's dear KARLA as she prepares to leave for the hospital. As I said before, a hysterectomy is life changing and it's all for the good !

LORETTA, love your eagle. I have his twin--Seth gave it to me last Spring or Summer. He's watching me now and has a very nice wooden block with his name, Liberty, in front of him. That was a gift from our dear MARGY while I was so sick in October.

Kay said...

LYNN, amazing story about Carolyn's cat. I always marvel at such tales and wonder just how they do it. Taken 15 miles away, by car, and finding it's way back to her after 7months. Can't imagine her not keeping such a devoted animal now ! Happy to hear she was feeling better last night and hope she's all set to go to work today. Isn't this the day for the delayed Christmas party ?

HODA, LOL, CRS. I have a frequent CRS problem and often can't remember what CRS stands for !

Kay said...

Am so enjoying Christmas reports as they filter in---LYNNE, PAULA, SHIRLEY, LORETTA---thanks for sharing the joy !

LYNNE, glad you had a happy ending to your story---no hand injury and no missing pet ! God is good !

LORI, those kitties are going to love seeing you, too ! You must be taking lots of smile producing memories back home with you. Never had a large family, but it sounds like a lot of fun !

Kay said...

Way too early for any nest action, so moving on. Crawling back in the warm bed with a book and will probably drift off again. BBL

Lori O. said...

Good Morning! Lots of action on here last night and lots of people up late!

Wanda, prayers said for Karla's surgery.

Lori O. said...

Lots of people up late....and some up very early; good morning, KAY!

I got up at 4 and my Mother quickly followed, coming out to make a cup of tea. She didn't get back to bed right away since I had a cup of coffee and no hopes of going back to bed so we had a nice long early morning chat, which we both really enjoyed. I'm on orders NOT to leave without getting her up so we can have another cup of coffee/tea before I leave.

So many links I need to see...excited about Lynne's Mystery Pic, and seeing Shirley's George on catnip!

How exciting that we will have KAY & LINDA's birthdays on the same day. Lynne and Lolly's are coming right up, too. Special days!!! Gosh, I love you all!

Lori O. said...

Okay, headed back to Mom's sewing room to search for scraps for the pumpkin quilt I want to make.

DanaMo said...

Good morning! I have not really been on at all!

Linda-prayers for Karla's surgery. I hope all goes well.

Lori-Love those kind of chats with my mom too. We don't get them too often but I cherish them when we do.

Update on Stephen, the man from my church.It looks like he has lymphona. I haven't heard anything for a few days so I'm not sure what the plan is from here.

Also please pray for my Uncle Carmine. His cancer has returned and apparently is fast and furious. It's in his spleen and stomach. He is starting chemo. this morning. He's 74 years old.

Sandi said...

Morning Lori, DMo, and Kay! Kay, you REALLY get the early bird award this AM! Gonna read back.

Lori O. said...

Hello DanaMo!

Prayers for Stephen and Uncle Carmine - noted and added to the list.

Karla is Wanda's daughter who is having a hysterectomy this morning. This from me who can't remember anything. Maybe it was my prayer reinforcing it this morning.

As much as I love having KAY here, I hope she was able to fall back asleep and get some rest.

What's on your agenda today, DMO?

JudyEddy said...

G☺☺D M☼rning Eagle Buds

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, Sandi. Happy to hear you had a good time in Baltimore with your Mom. I'm headed back this morning but probably not as early as I would have liked. How is Bella today?

We are bringing home a kitten from here that will have a much better life (our human opinion) at my house. Calling the vet on the way home to get her in ASAP for a check-up, shots, deworming and a BATH! She just showed up here soaking wet all by her tiny self on morning. My Mom dried her and took her in and my nephew, Brandon, took care of her. We will call her Brandy!

JudyEddy said...

Lynne wow you had a animal adventure So glad all has worked out and I know how that feel with hand in door my daughter did mine one year Shocked the hell out of ya when it happens

LORI did you get a big kitty welcome

JudyEddy said...

we have rain rain heading our way and cooler weather with a cold front Sounds super windy at the nest also

DanaMo said...

Geez...I got that mixed up for sure! And I thought I was keeping it straight. I guess it was under Linda's comment. Sorry, prayers for Karla, WANDA'S daughter!

DanaMo said...

Not sure what I am going to get into today. I was VERY lazy yesterday and did absolutely nothing. I may start to work on my parents anniversary album today. It won't get me moving around because it's all digital, but at least I won't be sleeping on the couch all day watching game shows!

DanaMo said...

Aw Lori a new kitty. You are so good! Those animals are so lucky to have you!

JudyEddy said...

turning my volume down sounds like a hurricane lol

DanaMo said...

A lot of my Facebook friends have gotten new puppies for Christmas. Love it! Everyone needs a puppy! ☺ (or kitty, if you prefer, or both, I suppose).

DanaMo said...

Supposed to get a bit of rain here today, then the winds are really supposed to hit tomorrow. Not looking forward to that!

Lori O. said...

Good morning, JudyE!!!! Glad you're getting the KY house thing sorted out. No fun with something like that for everyone to mull over and hope.

DanaMo, Will you make the anniversary album on the same site that you did your Christmas cards? Tiny something. I'm going to have to try that sometime. SnapFish has gotten too big. I was very h appy with Wally's photo dept., Judy!

Sandi said...

Morning Judy! Looks like Kay went back to bed.

Lori, congrats on the new kitty! Bella ate her breakfast right away this AM which is a good sign. I think it's just going to be a very slow recovery and we will have to change some of her habits - ie. going down the stairs SLOWLY instead of barreling down them like she does when she's chasing her ball, NO getting on or off the furniture by herself. Have a safe trip home!

DMo, I think sometimes our bodies just need a nothing day! Enjoy it, don't feel guilty!

Wanda, prayers and positive energy for your daughter today!

Thanks to Paula, Hoda, and Lynn on the advice about the toll violation. I will call WV and DE today (even though folks said to wait, patience is not one of my virtues). Even if there is no record of the violation yet, someone can document that I called. I'd like to avoid having to pay a $25 fine for an accidental failure to pay a $1 toll!

Shirley, haven't watched the video yet, but it's good to hear that george is back to his old self! I guess enemas (and catnip) can work wonders!

Lynne2, sorry to hear about your hand but happy to hear that Brother Cat and daisy are fine.

Sure hope I'm matching the right people and animals with the correct events! After I read back thru a lot of posts and then want to type one response, they all seem to run together. And then there's that CRS thing happening as well! =)

Lynn, good luck with your treatment this AM; I'll be thinking of you!

DanaMo said...

Lori-I usually use SAMS club but Monte didn't renew. I paid way to much so now I think he will renew it.
I do Creative Memories scrapbooking. That is what I will use for create the album. I have been doing it for years the old fashion way until it went digital. I have 3 albums for each of the kids and a travel album and a misc. album. I am about 4 years behind since I started working :(

JudyEddy said...

They are showing the Clearwater Beach cam and it is PINK PINK and he says doesn't it look like we are on Mars Wow I have never seen it so pink in the morning

DanaMo said...

Sandi-which toll booth? I accidentally went through one on 95 going to Wilmington and never got a citation. There was construction going on and the person I was riding with kept telling me to stay left and when I finally realized it was fastpass only it was too late. Never got anything in the mail. I couldn't get back over into the correct lane because of traffic. It was a mess with the construction. I guess I lucked out because that was last spring.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals....

Best wishes to ALL on their respective activities today, and prayers for
Wanda's Karla
DanaMo's Uncle Carmine
and your friend Stephen...
and all our other longstanding prayers...

Back to the Grind time...

It's great to start the day with the Cup of Encouragement that's always here

xoxo See You Precious Pals, Later...

xoxoxo ♥

JudyEddy said...

Sandi I do the same think read and then when it come to write its not in the brain in the right order So sometimes I open up a new message along side of the emails I am reading and just put comments in it and copy and paste at the end Sometimes I say not all the time I have 5 windows open when I do that two for the nest one for the blog and the 2 for email CRS is running ramp id on the blog LOL

magpie said...

We're here, so why aren't the Eagles !

Here, Eagles, Eagles, Eagles....
enjoy the nest while it's DRY

that won't last long...Rain predicted here also


DanaMo said...

I'm so glad to hear Bella is doing better Sandi. It's so hard when our pets are in pain. Eating is always a good sign of recovery and of course chasing the ball is good. You should see how my three barrel down the stairs in the morning. Someone is going to get hurt and it's probably going to be me!

JudyEddy said...

Looks like our eagles are running late today again

JudyEddy said...

HEY EAGLES I get up early just to see you all Now you all need to be courteous and come on down LOL

JudyEddy said...

Hear eagle hear eagle hear eagle hear eagles

Lori O. said...

Glad I'm not the only one with CRS! :)

DMo, I went to a Creative Memories party years ago. Glad you reminded me that they would have a website. I bet it's a good one.

Sandi, happy to hear that Bella is a little better this morning. That calls for extra cookies!

JudyEddy said...

ok now some one else may be the thirds a charm LOL Margy and I called now someone else

DanaMo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

Ok I walked out of the room to go get socks and they didn't show up

JudyEddy said...

also went to the kitchen to get another cup of my coffee

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, Miz Margy! I get back to the grind tomorrow. Obviously, still here in PA...hope to leave no in an hour. I would much rather get a drive out of the way early. Of course, I like to do most things early in the AM!

DanaMo said...

trying this

DanaMo said...

Lori-I am the same way. Get on the road and get home, I like to travel and visit, but when it's time I just want to get to it. I am also one of those people who doesn't like to stop. My poor family has to hold it!

Sandi said...

DMo, it was the high speed toll road in Dover. I'd just rather admit it and pay the toll than do nothing and chance that a violation notice will be sent to Brian that would never get to him in Africa and could cause problems for him at some point when he gets back to the states. Of course, he has told us that, as soon as he gets back from Tanzania, he will be doing a 1-year tour in Yemen and then would like to go to Bogota for 2 years. So we may be trucksitting for a long time!

JudyEddy said...

is that like italic ????

Sandi said...

Oh, morning Margy! Is this a work day for you?

DanaMo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DanaMo said...

Yes, Judy is just like bold. I have a cheat sheet and I'm trying to figure these tags out, but I'm not doing so well. Excuse the deletes, they are mine.

DanaMo said...

Good morning Margy!

JudyEddy said...

color arrive but no eagles

DanaMo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lori O. said...

DMo, is there anything else we can do besides Blue Underline, Bold and Italics? Wish we had some more colors we could play with!

JudyEddy said...

Well I am heading over to the rocker and give the neck a break from sitting at the puter LM

DanaMo said...

I just tried to get green but it didn't work. Excuse me if I am messing with the blog...

Sandi said...

The eagles have been very stingy with their visits the past few days.

Lori O. said...

Glad you listen to your neck, JUDYE! Are you wearing your brace at all these days? I remember when you said it made it feel better. Don't mean to be a nag...but... big hearts! Don't know how to make them on my iPad. :)

DanaMo said...

It won't seem to take it. I now see that I can "preview" so I won't keep deleting as I play. Sorry for that.

Lori O. said...

It's okay, DMo. We're learning with you!

JudyEddy said...

I read that color will not show up on blog I googled it along time ago when this box shows up on my puter for the blog and shows colors but they will not show up on blog F12 Developer tools on the tool bar shows colors and others but will not work on blog

JudyEddy said...

I do have a neck brace I keep on top of the hutch above where I sit but it is soooo hot and sweaty on the neck I just try not to do things that make my neck mad at me LOL OK Now I must step away and stop reading LOL BBL

Sandi said...

Is there some kind of tag we can use to make eagles show up??? =D

Sandi said...

I'm suffering from eagle withdrawal!!

DanaMo said...

I thought for sure they would be coming today. I am disappointed Sandi

DanaMo said...

Thanks JudyE I guess we can't do color.

JudyEddy said...

HEY where did the bone go????? I don't see it in the nest!!!

T-Bird said...

Good morning to all.

DanaMo said...

I guess the only tags it takes are the 3 we see under the box. the b, i, and a. Bummer. I wanted to have some fun with the fonts.

DanaMo said...

so if we haven't seen any HP does that mean it hasn't happened? Is that a stupid question. I'm just worried that we aren't going to have any eggs. We are getting close to January. When did Belle lay the eggs last year?

JudyEddy said...

The female lays her first egg 5-10 days after mating. The eggs are incubated for about 35 days.

JudyEddy said...

There was one attempt of HP I beleive Kay saw it a little while back

JudyEddy said...

March is when POJ was hatched so we have time it seems

Sandi said...

Looks like we may not see much of the eagles today. My local weather shows a huge blob of green headed this way from the west, so I checked the WV weather:
Showers this morning becoming a steady rain during the afternoon hours. Thunder possible. High 43F. Winds SSE at 10 to 20 mph. Rainfall possibly over one inch.
Bethany forecast has wind gusts up to 45mph by this afternoon and evening!

JudyEddy said...

Hey looks like our rain is falling apart before it reaches the coast somewhat not has hard as they thought YEAH

Sandi said...

Morning Thelma! DMo, weren't the eggs laid in February? I'm thinking incubation is about 35 days and POJ hatched on 3/17.

JudyEddy said...

I am just a little piggy I have drank an entire pot of coffee and I did yesterdays also I could normally get up 45 min before I go to work and now being I don't go to work till 830 I just drink more coffee now I get up a little before 7 now just to see the eagles if and when they show up

Sandi said...

Judy, isn't the bone the brownish colored thing on the rails at about 12?

JudyEddy said...

I know what it is the eagles have enough flugg now and they are just chilling and saving their strength and energy for HP they are ahead of schedule on the nest building and have passed all inspections LOL
Bump test has been done on all the crib rails also

JudyEddy said...

Hey I see it now I guess I wasn't looking or maybe when the colors weren't at the nest I didn't see it Funny how they haven't played with it as much as they have in the past

JudyEddy said...

Well I have 8 min before I have to head out the door to go to work

hedgie said...

Morning all. Catching up!
Wanda, my prayers were offered up last night for Karla, too! I had mine when I was 26---and it was the best thing I ever did! Long-standing problems solved!
Paula, Sandi's son no longer has a current US address to receive that notice!! And forwarding has expired. That's part of her concern.

paula eagleholic said...

The earliest we have had an egg is January 31, but I didn't write down last years dates, but will research them soon. Also, the dates may be different this year.

Lori O. said...

Good morning, LYNN! I hope you're feeling better today. Can you ask your doc for a different anti nausea drug today? Hope your treatment this morning is quick and healing!

Sandi said...

Morning, Lynn! What's on your agenda for today, other than your radiation?

Lori O. said...

Hello, Thelma and Paula!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, once they send out the notice to Sandi's son, it will be on the record. They will send to the address on the registration. So she can call and see if it was sent out. She can probably pay it online.

MD will charge you the cost of the toll plus $3, don't know what DE will charge.

JudyEddy said...


paula eagleholic said...

Oh JudyE, they still need more flugg!

DanaMo said...

Thanks for the info. I knew the incubation was 35 days, I didn't remember the dates at all. I thought it was earlier. I guess I am getting anxious!

Sandi said...

Morning Paula! There's a tweet on the cam page that says, "The first egg was laid yesterday evening," and the tweet was posted 323 days ago (42 days shy of a year ago). That would make the first egg some time around the 10th of Feb.

paula eagleholic said...

Last year we were Feb 5 and 8 for eggs.

paula eagleholic said...

All the prior years egg laying dates are on the home page on the yahoo group...I haven't changed the page for last year yet.

paula eagleholic said...

BWE update!

Happy Holidays!

We have a new update on the Eagle Cam and also a test image from the new camera. The new PC is up and running, and we're working on some last-minute software issues at this point. We have seen an adult eagle on the nest, which is a good sign.

DanaMo said...

Thanks for researching the answers. I appreciate it.

Well I think I'm going to have to leave the blog and do something with myself today.

Safe travels to Lori.

I'll try to keep my eyes on the nest, but I'm leaving the conversation for now. HAGD!

Lori O. said...

Have a great day, all! I'm going to shut 'er down for now to hit the road soon...YAY!!! See you all this evening and hopefully get a visit, too!

hedgie said...

I think the 911 crew Christmas party is on hold until early Jan. Boss is still not back from her sick leave.

Linda, so glad your son is visiting!

DanaMo...prayers for your friend and uncle as they face their prognoses.

Nope, gang----blue, bold and italic is all we get!!!!

Eggs can be laid as early as the end of Jan. and well into Feb. HP will increase dramatically in the next few weeks---but not always within the nest or our sight!!!

hedgie said...

Cannot eat this can't take pills....will have to be post-treatment....feeling really oogy-pie.
Rain hasn't started yet, but it's coming.

Sandi said...

Dennis and I spent the day yesterday trying to get the home security system that we bought for my mom all set up - we opted to go with a DIY installed security system that isn't monitored and a medic alert system with monthly monitoring. Long story short, after about 3 hours of fiddling with it, we boxed up the security system and are returning it to Home Depot! We're going to call a company to install a system at my mom's house; it will cost more but at least it will work properly! The one from HD kept going off for no reason and the door and window sensors didn't seem to work well at all. Oh well, A for effort. The medic alert system was an easy set-up and, as soon as they get the paperwork with my mom's signature, it will be activated. I just hope she will remember to wear the pendant when she's in the house!

hedgie said...

Rain has begun here.

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers was started on December 23rd for Wanda's mentioned the surgery for Karla.

DanaMo prayers for your Uncle Carmine. My Aunt had cancer in spleen and stomach. They went in and removed it. She lived for years she was 70. Prayers continued for Stephen.

Lynn use Gorilla glue. I have put it on things that are outside and the sun heats them up badly. Still glued - like the vinyl fencing and other things.Hope it works for the candle.

SANDI- sorry caps. Ed did that too and the ticket came from the toll booth in that state. So I would call that DMV state.

hedgie said...

Time to shut down. Transport should arrive almost anytime now.

stronghunter said...

Hysterectomy--I was 50. It ended some long-lasting problems. Don't miss those body parts at all.

stronghunter said...

Looks like it could rain at anytime here.

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers for Lori traveling home and any one else traveling.

I have appt. this morning and medications to pick up. Then go to Mothers later in afternoon. So I will try to jump on later.

God Bless everyone - May God go with our Sweet Lynn today and each day.

May God help a fast recovery for thing I did that surgery even helped my back.

stronghunter said...

Took me a little while to recover from the hysterectomy, but I think methods have changed a bit since then.

CarolAnne said...

Family Christmas here yesterday. Good traveling weather, all arrived early. Gift cards in balloons w/confetti was fun & funny & amazingly messy! :o) Unfortunaely, did not get video. :o( Just as they started, company came to door - balloon poppers finished quickly, egged on by the others. Five year old gr.daughter requested same for her birthday in May.
Pre-popping pic on blog - Christmas 2011.
Have a great day, everyone.

Mema Jo said...

It is a rainy morning here in the valley
Good Morning Friends...
I am so thankful Lynn has Transport to &
from her treatments. Prayers for Lynn

Praying that Karla is finished with her surgery and isn't feeling too badly &
that her recovery will be swift!

Lori - another kitty! You go girl!

New prayers for all those mentioned this morning.

I think it should be known that our blog is 24/7 !

Mema Jo said...

This rainy weather plays havoc/pain with
past broken bones....... Ouch!

Mema Jo said...

CA - glad your balloon plan worked
Sound like fun...

stronghunter said...

When I think about it, we had one of those toll booth incidents, too. We had Susan's pass and were in someone else's car (probably Kathryn's).

I was supposed to hold the pass a certain way, but goofed when we went through. As far as I know, nothing else happened. I think we were in Virginia, but I'm not sure. Might have been Maryland.

Costume Lady said...


Karla is out of surgery and in recovery. Doc said everything went great. Should be able to see her in about an hour. Donny

Gene is having some work done at the VA hospital and we are going to see Karla as soon as he gets back.
THANK YOU all for your prayers♥

Hoda said...

Good Morning/ Good afternoon...

Prayers for KARLA waiting to hear how it went.

LYNN Oh went for more radiation but did not take the tablets...sorry you are not feeling well this morning LYNN.

Fresh snow here.

Hoda said...

THANKS for the KARLA update WANDA. Blessings to you and to your family.

stronghunter said...

Good news, Wanda!

Sandi said...

I called WV DMV and they said I had to deal with DE DMV b/c that's where the violation will be issued. When I called DE EZPass, the girl asked if I had added Brian's truck to our DE EZPass account - I hadn't (but I have now). Since the truck wasn't on our account, I have to call back in a week b/c it will take that long for the violation notice to generate. Then, I can ask them to mail the violation notice to me here in Bethany and I can pay it. In the future, now that the truck's license tag is registered to our EZPass account, future violation notices will be automatically mailed to us. Should be interesting to see if there is a record of a vilation since so many people have told me that the violations don't always register.

CarolAnne said...

MEMA JO & COSTUME LADY - Thanks for the comments, much appreciated.

Costume Lady - BURGUNDY ONION SOUP - I get mine, plus lots of other things from WWW.ALICE.COM Prices are comparable to around here & free shipping w/a six item order & has quick delivery.

re: CAR WINDOW VIEWS - I had just received a new camera and was fascinated by the quality of the pictures I could take out the window while Bubby was driving along at highway speeds.

CarolAnne said...

Glad to hear of surgery good news.

Now wishing Lynn's body would adjust to the treatments. Or possibly we need to remove one of Lynn's batteries so she slows down a bit and allows time for her body to catch up!!

hedgie said...

Home and settled. Ate a bit of lunch and took my pills. What a damp, chilly, dreary day. Good one to stay in bed!!! Rad place was running way behind today---I didn't get home 'til 12. :(

So no visit, huh??

I agree, Jo, about the aches in the ol' joints or at old inury sites. Moan, groan!!

hedgie said...

I am seriously thinking about going down and soaking in the hot tub to get the chill and damp out out! A very tempting thought. But guess I'll finish paper first.

DanaMo, sent the clipping from the paper in the morning mail.

Sandi said...

Wanda, Great news on your daughter's surgery!! The surgery techniques are so greatly improved over 10 years ago that recoveries are much shorter - hoping that's the case with Karla!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Great news Wanda!

Welcome back home Lynn. Hot tub sounds like a great idea! Need something to heat up the bones.

Lolly said...

Hello!!! Well, all is quiet on the homefront. Laurel and the boys have departed.

Wonderful Christmas! The boys were very entertaining! Now, ready for some down time. Time now to do some yard work and to get back to eating correctly. lol Have had too much good food!!

Wanda, have been thinking of Karla. Will keep the prayers going for her recovery.

Lynn, I do hope you adjust to the treatments. You need to eat!

JudyEddy said...

HOME FOR LUNCH AND NO NEW THREAD I AM SURPRISED I see wet nest we just had a front go through here with down pours

CarolAnne said...

Lynn- yes, that is me!
I was the one setting the camera to take the shot & then scurrying over to the group to get in place before the camera went off. Stubbed my toe on Mom's chair as I rushed into place, hence the slight grimace. lol

Pictures like that are what induce the New Year diet resolutions!! :o)

Warm that body up soon!

JudyEddy said...

Good news on Karla

Kay said...

Early Birds, sorry I missed out on the a.m. conversation, but yes, I did go back to sleep. Can't believe the amount of rest I seem to need these days.

WANDA, great news from Donny ! Prayers continue as Karla recuperates !

DANAMO, praying for Stephen and adding Uncle Carmine to the list.

LORI, adding another kitten, eh ? The more the merrier ! I had happiness chills reading about the early a.m. visit with your mom. Precious moments ♥. Yep, how bout that, LINDA and I share the same b.d.. Along with LOLLY's on the 9th, I'll be celebrating b.d.'s with my dil and one of my BFF's. Good people born on that day !

LYNN, glad today's rad treatment is over and you're back to your snug and warm home. Can you not eat prior to those treatments or were you just not hungry this morning ?

Hoda said...

LYNN so glad that you ate something and took your meds...good thought about soaking in the tub to warm up...on the fifth of January I go for a memogram and they are always cold overthere and this is how I deal with it all...also when I go for a walk and get chilled soaking in the tub is a good idea...could you be getting what the girls had?

Mema Jo said...

Wanda that is what we have been waiting to hear - Thank Donnie for us.
CA- Removing one of Lynn's batteries just could do the trick.

LYNN - Go Soak !

JudyEddy said...

You remember the place I take Jordyn to with all the monkeys Well on facebook this was just posted
It is with great sadness that the community has lost a dear friend and family member on December 24, 2011. Cheetah, star of the Tarzan films, passed away after kidney failure during the week of December 19, 2011. The Sanctuary's residents and volunteers would like to thank all of the community members for their continued support as the Sanctuary continues to expand on the legacy and foundation Cheetah continues to oversee as he watches over his supporters, friends, and family.

He was one of Jordyns favorites there

JudyEddy said...

Where would you begin to look for that battery LOL

Mema Jo said...

Judy - that is sad. How old do you think he was?

JudyEddy said...

Not for sure on the age But Jordyn and I and Tommy are going there this week we had made plans to go there I can ask

JudyEddy said...

he was 75 in 2007 so almost 80 that would make him I googled it I love google

JudyEddy said...

Well I have to go back to work BBL

Costume Lady said...

LMBO...remove one of LYNN'S batteries...too cute! She wouldn't stand still long enough for that to be done;)

stronghunter said...

Oh, soaking in a hot tub sounds like a marvelous plan, Lynn. Grey and damp here. It was raining. Not sure if it still is. Hunter was supposed to pick up dog poop, but it started to rain before I sent him out. He is heartbroken. Yeah!

Costume Lady said...

Raining like crazy here...37°. More of the same tomorrow:(

Mema Jo said...

Going to take a break away and put my
feet up


Costume Lady said...

As I read back, over comments about some of your experiences with, hysterectomies and problems that were eliminated after surgery, I had to come on and tell you that Karla, also, had so many problems that she shouldn't have had to put up with all these years. Doctor told her, right after Dustin was born that she would eventually have to have a hysterectomy, but that she didn't want to do it then, because Karla was too young. Too young for what? Or why? She had her tubes cut right after Dustin was born, so there was not an issue of wanting more children. So now, 17 years later, she decides it was time. As far as I'm concerned, that was 17 years of Karla's life, WASTED...she felt so bad so often!
She has now, followed in the footsteps of her Greatgrandmother, Grandmother and Mother, so, yes, it runs in the family and now, we are all so happy that 'it is finished'.

Lolly said...

Well, Wanda, she had to do it on her own time. I was talking to Laurel about getting rid of some of her little girl toys...and she started to cry. She is 39 and would still like another (and hope for a girl) BUT they just can not afford it. It would be disastrous for her to get pg and have another.Joey was going to have surgery but has postponed it.

Hoda said...

I hear the snow removal truck followed by the sand truck...I will go remove the snow off of my car and go to yoga.
See you all when I come back.

CarolAnne said...

DEAR GOOGLE: I'd be grateful if anyone could give me tips on removing batteries. I've got the device (human) located, but the battery connectors aren't like anything I've seen before - they appear to be pressure fitted? Device is wearing itself out, constantly in motion, but rather than overheating, it appears to be getting cooler to the point of being chilled. While undergoing other device maintanance, it is believed device should possibly operate at half power for awhile.
Thanks for any advice.

Kay said...

CAROLANNE, how creative and roll on the floor funny !!

Mema Jo said...

I think we must locate her battery charger before we can think of slowing her down to half speed. I bet she has too many booster cables (aka Bloggers) that keep her going.

Lori O. said...

Hooray for Karla! Great news, Wanda.

Just got home from a long drive from PA where it rained the entire way - a lot! Glad to be home, warm and dry. BBIALW

hedgie said...

LOL, C/A---I wasn't going to comment on the sour look on your face!!! But sure understand reason for it! I am the queen of stubbed toes!!!!

Good to hear that Karla is doing well! Keep us posted, Wanda! They may let her come home in the morning!!!

I almost did a face plant to the floor. Was sitting here reading and started to go side-ways as my eyes got heavy! LOL! That woke me up. So I went down and cleaned out the stove and started a fire. House should be toasty and even more sleep-inducing soon!!! Rain continues. 36° and breezy.

When I got to the rad place this morning, the receptionist handed me a box that had been delivered for me. A special momster had given me a lovely blown-glass angel. Can you guess who it was??

Lolly said...

Glad you are home, Lori, safe and sound.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lori, did you know there is an app for the iPad, Splashtop remote, where you can pull up your home computer and do anything on it that your home computer will do, i.e. watch the live eagle cam?

hedgie said...

Oh, poor Cheetah. What a star he was! I think he even had one on the Hollywood walk of fame, or whatever it's called. He lived a long life!!!

ROFL.....if you find and disconnect my batteries, I will melt away like the wicked witch of the west!! I'll get you, my pretties!!!

hedgie said...

Time to play some bsll with Liesl. Need to expend some of her energy!!!

Lolly said...

I would guess Margy or Wanda!☺

CarolAnne said...

Had to slow down and re-read Lynn's comment about cleaning the stove & starting a fire. My first thought was OH NO! Just what she doesn't need: a stove fire!!

Sure glad it was a "get warm" fire that she started.

Must flee - have a little project that I must finish in the next day or so.

Take care all - will be back whenever.

Kay said...

LORI, glad you're safely home ! Let us know what the menagerie thinks of the new resident.

Julie and Hugh just dropped by to return my paper shredder, deliver a big container of Malcolm food (he'll be here late enough for dinner on Wednesday's for the next quarter, starting on the 4th) and a dozen CD's. Santa gave them a new music system that plays their CD's through the 3 laptops and a main computer that is upstairs. There is a router and a great sound speaker box located in the living room. Any of them can control selection, volume, etc. from their laptops from anywhere in the house. You computer whizzes will know what that is called. Anyway, they'll be passing their CD's on to me
after they are "burned" into their puter system. One in this batch is "Waterbirds of Ohio, Bird Sounds" and the rest are music.

Kay said...

LYNN, I'm guessing LOLLY is spot on with MARGY or WANDA. What a sweet, touching gesture !

Kay said...

CAROLANNE, wonderful "Special Views" and "Christmas 2011" pics ! Thanks so much for sharing.

Mema Jo said...

If not Margy and/or Wanda it could have
been Dana..........

Mema Jo said...

It will be interesting when Lynn thanks the Angel Gift Giver to see how our guessing goes......... MTBR

hedgie said...

Lori, glad you are safely back in your own roost. When do you go back to work?
May I please buy three tugs from you? A LARGE and two mediums? I've blabbed about your handiwork!!!

I was very lucky to have a young female OB who wholeheartedly agreed with me that if the box was causing trouble and was not going to be used again, yank it out!! I finally became iron-sufficient for the first time since teenhood....and saved lots of money, too!! TMI---but the only time I wasn't bound-up back then was when I was pregnant because my uterus was retroverted.

Mema Jo said...

I never have put my feet up.........
Maybe now............ zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

hedgie said...

I am getting into the PB cookies....anyone want one??

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I do Lynn!

hedgie said...

Jo wins! It was Dana!!!! I sent her a private thank you, but now I'll say Thanks again, DanaWV!!!!!! She's a beautiful angel!

hedgie said...

Come on up, Shar......I'll share!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

So I went Friday for a Pap smear and pelvic exam (it had been a few years). Anyway, I was talking to the NP that examined me (loved her by the way), and she thinks my joint aches and pains, fatigue and irregular menses are because I am perimenopausal. She put me on Provera and Estrace! Going to pick them up in a little bit. I really want this crap to go away!

stronghunter said...

Sounds good, Lynn. I will have a cookie to go with my glass of tea.

Cold rain here. It has already caused the power in the bathroom outlets and the basement to go out. We think water gets into the outdoor outlets and shuts down the GFI circuit. Managed to get it back on at least for now.

stronghunter said...

How thoughtful of DanaWV. It had to be someone who knows where the clinic is.

Kay said...

DANAWV, I forgot you live in the same general area as our LYNN. Very nice of you to come up with such a beautiful surprise !

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, that sounds like an electrical problem you should have someone take a look at ! If nothing else, it's a pain in the neck. Are there covers over the outdoor outlets ?

hedgie said...

Heading for the sofa for a little while. BBS.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

I'm ba-a-a-ck! Have been barely able to function since late Christmas night--Emma had to go potty, and I took her out. No sooner got back inside, and my nose started running like a faucet, and I nearly sneezed my brains out! Must be an olive tree in the neighborhood that's creating pollen. That's the only thing I know of that causes such an instantaneous reaction from my nose! Have been sneezing, blowing, rubbing my itchy eyes, and trying to scratch inside my itchy ears ever since! Must hold a kleenex to my nose so it won't constantly drip on me! Getting a little bit better today, but had to take TWO Claritin tablets to get it that way! Have nasal spray prescription, too!

Have caught up here somewhat:

Prayers for Carolyn! Hope she's feeling better!!!
Prayers for Karla, for quick recovery from surgery. Wanda, thanks for the good news update!

WV Dana, praise GOD that you were able to be with your Mom! Prayers for your daughter's boyfriend re the "new" car!

Judie, thank you for the report on the 2 juvie eagles that were released, and on our Glo! Great to see you here~! You have been sorely missed. Hope Darth is feeling well!

Margy & Hoda, thanks for the Boxing Day info--had forgotten much of what it was about.

Jo, thanks for the Birthday/Anniv. Day list!

Lynne2, VERY grateful that your hand is OK, and that Daisy was recaptured! Thank God! (That lil stinker!) SO habby that BroCat is OK, too!

Ms Bookworm said...

DanaMo, prayers for your Uncle Carmine, and for Stephen, too!

Oh, Lori! Mega prayers for the poor little kitten Brandy! Bless you for bringing her home with you!

Sandi, prayers continue for Bella. Great that her appetite returned!

JudyE, sorry to hear about Cheetah's passing. Prayers & ((HUGS)) for Jordyn. Cheetah sure lived a LONG life, though! WOW!

ROFL--CarolAnne, love your "battery removal" post re Lynn!

Lynn, as always, HUGE prayers continue for you! Hope you start to feel much better, very, very SOON! Love you LOTS!! ((HUGS))!!

Well, gotta run and find some lunch. Starting to get pretty hungry. Will try to be back here later. Hoping I won't have to type with one hand and hold a kleenex to my nose with the other hand!
HAGD, everyone! :o]

stronghunter said...

There are covers over the outdoor outlets, and, yes, I think I need to get someone to look at the problem. I also have an outdoor light that simply will not work. We have put in new fixtures and still no go.

Sandi said...

Loud clunk & camera shake! I think we have an eagle!

Lori O. said...

Sharon, thanks for the Splashtop Remote tip! I had not heard of it, but will check it out! I love traveling with the iPad because it's so small and does ALMOST everything - that would make it perfect!

Sandi said...

Lori, glad you made it home OK. I HATE driving in the rain! Has the new kitty met the rest of the family yet?
WVDana, how thoughtful of you to have an angel waiting for Lynn when she arrived for her treatment today! You're quite an angel yourself!
Have been sitting here putting important dates on my 2012 Garden of Eagles calendar - I marked April 21st! My mom didn't seem so sure about coming along - a lot of walking is difficult for her. But I plan to be there, even if she doesn't join me!
It's really pouring here and very windy - the water in the canal is up to the piers. But it sounds like the rain has stopped at the nest and I swear I heard a clunk on the cam!

Lori O. said...

Yes, DanaWV, I would call you an angel. What a thoughtful thing to do!

Lori O. said...

The new kitty has not met the rest, yet. She's holed up in the laundry room where she'll likely stay for at least the next week or two to make sure she doesn't pass anything to the other cats. The vet is coming by tomorrow to meet her and take care of all the medical stuff. She seems very well adjusted. Never heard a sound from her coming home and she's been playing already with the cat toys. She's quite an adventuress!

Lolly said...

Fell asleep, heard something on the cam and that woke me up. However, I thought I heard a woodpecker. Well, I was asleep...!

Lori, how many cats does that make now? Bless you! We shall call you Cat Woman!

That is how Annie came to our house only it was a raining wet morning in August when shw was wet and miserable...poor little kitty, 17 1/2 years ago.

Sandi said...

See, there is someone up there!!

Sandi said...

They don't listen to me - someone else call them! Where's Margy??

Sandi said...


Sandi said...


DanaMo said...

Wow that's what I call timing.
I just turned on the nest and someone flew in. ☺

Sandi said...


DanaMo said...

And number 2 flew in. Yipee!

DanaMo said...

And the color just went off! :(

Sandi said...


DanaMo said...


paula eagleholic said...

Eagle sin the nest

Sandi said...


Sandi said...


Sandi said...


DanaMo said...


hedgie said...


hedgie said...


Kay said...

Only five minutes, but at least we know they are Aok !

Kay said...

Watch for the split !

Sandi said...

Guess that 5-minute eagle fix will have to last us until tomorrow!

Sandi said...

Off to feed the dogs and then the people in the house. have a relaxing evening everyone!

paula eagleholic said...

Sandi, I think Jo and DanaWV can chime in about this, but I think NCTC does have motorized scooters available...

DanaMo said...

Can't figure out what to make for dinner and no one around here ever has any suggestions!

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1/22/25 PM Sorry late busy day

7AM.scout comes to the nest 7:02 AM. We exit the nest after trying out the bowl. .1:07 PM scout comes to the nest. She has been eating the w...