Monday, December 19, 2011


New thread, new week.


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Hoda said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning again everybody!

Hoda said...

Sharon, I hope you feel better soon...LYNN gave good advice as to what to do with your head you have to be busy today? Can you rest?

Lolly said...

Posted this on the old thread and then saw the new thread alert!

Lolly said...
Good morning! Oh, I can picture DanaMo's trip clearly! My trip to NYC with Michael is the only time I have been there...the weekend before Christmas. I loved Rockefeller center. The tree sparkles! It snowed while we were there, too. Loved it!

Lynn, that is funny. I thought "How did Lynn know about St. Andrew". Then I thought maybe I had told you when we went to the St. Andrew Lodge in CO. Duh! Anyway, I think it is great that they ring the bell. It is teaching the boys so much!

Lolly said...

Going to bake coffee cakes today. House is going to smell good! It is an all day project as the dough has to rise twice. I do love baking with yeast breads so this is fun!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning everyone! Glad DanaMo could check in. Sure missed her this morning. Happy y'all got a kick out of the nest report this morning. I just call 'em as I see 'em. Bottom line. Nothing fancy.

Lynn, keep your camera ready should the BB's decide to return.

Sharon wish I could get these vitamins to you...I took them last time I got a rare cold, and it was only one day of suffering.
Didn't even turn into a cough. I was amazed. I'll see if I can find the name of them. Wouldn't it be great if we all just had an overnight currier at our disposal and we could just send things back and forth to each other! We'd get cookies and pumpkin roll from Lolly, PB Cookies from Lynn, Vitamins from me...research papers from Kay, costumes from Wanda.....How fun!

Hoda said...

You have the luckiest neighbours LOLLY...all this baking for you take some to church too? COuld you take pictures and post...pumpkin roll and now coffee cake...I bet your house will smell very good again today...enjoy...

Lolly said...

Hoda...I will take pictures tonight...just for you! Best I can do as I do not have a currier at my disposal. lol

Time to get busy now. I will peek in occasionally!


Sandi said...

Hi all! Just checking in on the new thread so comments will be sent to my gmail account. Hope you're having a good day - my 8th graders are pretty normal today (the term "normal 8th grader" is probably an oxymoron, isn't it?!) =)

Hoda said...

NORMAL 8th GRADER?!?!?! HA HA HA HA!!! FUNNY!!! I never knew what normal was for them...every time I thought I figured it out it changed on me...Glad school day is going well SANDI.

hedgie said...

Another ARGH incident with the PO. Mom received an MT envelope from me. Someone stole her Christmas card. And it was such a pretty (and expensive) card.....thank goodness there was no check in it. I am angry.

hedgie said...

Lolly, Christie will be here Th. so we can do my (Grams!!) yeast cinnamon rolls. Can't wait! And she is providing all the ingredients this time!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning still to eveeryone.

Oh Lynn that is terrible that someone would take a card out of an envelope. So sorry yes glad there was no money inside.

Lolly's house will smell good today.

Have comments from earlier am and late last night to read. So I'll go do that.

Thank you Steve for the new thread. I hope you get some Christmas time off with Family.

wvgal_dana said...

Doctor had to call in some prescriptions for this cold I have.

hedgie said...

LOL----nope, no such thing as a normal 8th grader. Jennifer is one, and you never know from one day to the next!

Mema Jo said...

Good late morning
I am up & about and almost ready to go
to the bank. Not being able to go out
and shop like I used to - I save money!

Sharon please do all you can to get rid
of the sickies before Christmas.

Upon return I will be back in here....


hedgie said...

DanaWV--good that doc called in meds so you didn;t have to pay for a visit.

hedgie said...

Feel better!
It seems to be making the rounds! Please don't anyone pass it to me! My throat is fine today!

wvgal_dana said...

Oh I thought I had come back in yesterday but I see I did not.

Great happy the Redskins WON!!!!!!!!

I enjoyed that game (:

I look at our glass case and seen the license plate I had made with Redskins helmet and colors on one side and the Steelers helment and colors on the other side. Also in there is my frist Redskin blanket Ed gave me. Laying right along side the knitted one I gave him for Steelers.

stronghunter said...

Just passing through. Had a chuckle at the mention of a "normal" eighth grader.


Hoda said...

WOW really windy at the enst....

LYNN glad your throat is better...I hope you do not get the flu that is going around. The hospital here is not allowing visitors as there is something going on here too and they do not want their patients to be infected

Hoda said...


wvgal_dana said...

Lynn sweetie I am not even taking a chance of sending you a card. Honestly I am afraid it would have a virus riding along with it. So you will get it after I am much better. I just pray I can be with Mother on Christmas. If you don't mind adding that to your prayers cause she would be alone then if I can't get there because of this cold.

hedgie said...

Wrapping while butter is softening for next batch of cookies. Time to think about lunch, too.
Clouds are coming in.....supposed to get rain by morning.

Lolly said...

Two bowls of sweet dough rising. That is two recipes, making 8 coffee cakes.

Lynn, I will do cinnamon rolls later on this wee. Laurel and the boys prefer the cinnamon rolls to the coffee cake for breakfast Christmas morning.

Jack is vacuuming. Bless him!

Lolly said...

Sometime after 4 we are expecting rain, too. Could be severe with wind and hail. Yikes!

hedgie said...

Hoda, had my flu shot back in Sept.!!!
Danawv, you should be just fine by Christmas!!!!
You and your Mother are always on THE list.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Sandi I am so very very happy to hear that Bella is better.

I met outside a store the other day a small poodle named Bella. I thought of you and your Bella. I told the people that I know of a lady that has a Bella.
I got their email address and sent them information for the cam; live and still. Plus DC Tain Shan being born.
Told them about April Open House. They were very excited. So I will email them when it comes.

Lolly said...

I am sorry for the teachers that are still in school. School is out here! Not much teaching you can do this close to Christmas. Their brains are dancing with sugar plums!

hedgie said...

Yikes, is right, Lolly. Hope that bad stuff doesn't materialize.

hedgie said...

Still waiting to hear from Drs. office about the oral chemo med. Pharmacy doesn't bill to Medicare Part B. Co-pay on Part D is over $600. Can't do that when Part B covers it.

JudyEddy said...

G☺☺D Aftern☼☼n eagle buds home for lunch and to check the new thread THANKS FOR NEW THREAD STEVE

JudyEddy said...

I see we had a visit this am cool beans I guess yesterday gun shooting kept them away Back to reading only can stay a sec want to drop off sim cards to Angie of the performance and boat prade and my live cam I just brought up the little thing is spinning in middle spinning and spinning

JudyEddy said...

try to open again to see if it improves Ok now I must leave I want to stay and play LOL WOW windy at nest and is that rain I hear on the cam?????? tick tick

JudyEddy said...

or a twig tapping

JudyEddy said...

LORI LOL with the ramming tongue down throat

JudyEddy said...

BUTT biting he probably deserved it

Hoda said...

Getting ready to leave to yoga. See you all when I come back.


Kay said...

Good Afternoon, Eagle Buds !

LORI, Belle is certainly giving Shep a complete education---today's lesson, French Kissing. LOL Tee-hee, Shep. We knew some of your actions would come back to bite you on the butt !

LYNN, sorry Mr. Grinch stole your mom's Christmas card. I believe in Karma---he'll get his just due. Is today Butter Cookie day ? What are you and the girls cooking up for Christmas dinner. I hope you are not trying to have everyone over, at least not with you doing the cooking !

I caught the S.A. comment and LOLLY's innocent answer ! Too funny !

Kay said...

Long gaps in messages. Guess everyone is busy, busy, busy...baking, wrapping, perhaps even rapping, who knows.....BBL

Lolly said...

My two bowls of yeast dough have risen, about time to start rolling it out, loading it with goodies and then braiding it.

It is 63 and high humidity! It is supposed to get cooler later this week. Wish it was cold now.

Lolly said...

I am having trouble keeping the cam going. Anyone else having a problem? It goes a wee bit and then cuts out, then starts up on its own, then repeats.

hedgie said...

Hey there, Kay!! Sugar and Snickerdoodles today! Forgot to run the dishwasher with the cookie pans and rack! So a bit more of a delay!

I AM doing the dinner.....but with help. Sadly, we are doing it Sat. instead of Sunday. Shannon has to work Christmas. Christie works night shift both Eve and Day.....8 hrs. Sat. night and 12 Sunday.....she says she'll be here early Sat. to help me pull it all together. SO-O-O....I guess it will all work out. We'll probably have to do it all earlier than usual so she can get home to get a few hours rest before work. Carolyn and the girls I guess will do the clean-up.

hedgie said...

Oops---found a job I left undone for a long time. Mai had torn the pocket on my Redskin coat.....and it is getting cold enough to want to have it ready when needed. Had to unbury the sewing machine!!! Tend to pile stuff on it since it is in the basement......So will get that done while dishwasher runs and then put it in the wash.

hedgie said...

JudyE---I don't think there's any rain around here yet----not until tonight according to forecast.

Lori O. said...

Lolly, you're making my mouth water with all this great stuff you're making....8 Coffee Cakes!!! Holy cow, lady! You are a one woman bakery!

Lolly said...

LOL Lori! I learned to make these coffee cakes when I was a teenager. Have made them every year since. Family tradition. It is our Christmas morning breakfast along with sausage. I give one away as a gift to a special friend, but the rest go into the freezer until we need a "fix".☺

wvgal_dana said...

Ok they called perscriptions are ready. I am all bundled up like I'm going out into the frozen tundra.


hedgie said...

I am getting nowhere fast. Stoooopid bobbin thread is NOT feeding through and keeps jamming up........Now I have to unthread the needle to wind a new bobbin---and then struggle AGAIN to thread it. SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!

hedgie said...

Geesh,'s 53!

Lolly, my cinnamon rolls and sausage are breakfast, too....except no one is here for it anymore! But they take it home.....and I give them an extra pan to take to their dad.

Mema Jo said...

I have returned from my outing...
Even with only 47 comments here I just haven't read them all... Will do soon..

Feet are going up - later then usual...


hedgie said...

Leaving it alone for awhile. Starting cookies!

Kay said...

LYNN, okay, I approve of your Christmas Dinner plans since you have lots of help ! ☺ Hmmmm. Snickerdoodles, Sugar Cookies, Coffee Cakes---I think I'm gaining weight just reading about the aroma emanating from the kitchens of you and LOLLY ! Sorry the sewing machine is giving you fits !

Kay said...

"From the kitchens of you and LOLLY" ? Something not quite right about that sentence.....but, you get my gist.

Kay said...

Oh, oh, live cam "not currently available". Bah humbug. Still cam shows 2 beautiful eagles at nest !

Kay said...

Poof, one. Can't tell which.

Lolly said...

The cam is on and off, I got a glimpse of two eagles. Made me jump!

Lolly said...

Have still cam up, yes, two eagles!

Kay said...

Shep returns and it's HP immediately, then he moves off her and the do some gentle beaking ! Now they've moved apart. He's at 12 and she's in the middle of the nest.

Lolly said...

I still see two!

Kay said...

Nestcapades have officially begun !

Lolly said...

Whoa....Kay! You saw hp!!!!! Wowser!

Lolly said...

Looks like working on the egg cup.

Kay said...

Hmmm, a Red Letter day for me. My youngest grandchild, Cooper, turns 17 today and Belle and Shep show how serious they are getting about starting a family ! Wahoo !

Lolly said...

Have not seen them for several days so this is a treat!

Lolly said...

Well, Congratulations on your red letter day, Kay. You are the first to see the hp, I believe.

Kay said...

Belle working on nest up and Shep watching from 1 spot

Lolly said...

Still two in the nest.

Lolly said...

Poof one!

Kay said...

Exciting, huh, LOLLY ? It's so hard to keep up with still cam and feel very luck to have refreshed at just the right time !!! Now Shep has Poofed.

Lolly said...

Color is good.

Kay said...

Lucky, that is. This is just soooo exciting !

Lolly said...

Yes, it is very exciting!

Lolly said...

Wish the live cam was up! It was in and out for a while...then nothing.

Kay said...

Belle sitting near cup and looking out over 11.

Lolly said...

Belle is still there.

I have 8 coffee cakes made and rising.

hedgie said...


Lolly said...

Wish it was cold so I could have a fire. The coffee cakes would rise faster in front of a fire.

hedgie said...

See you already knew that! DUH!
Busy with cookies here.

Lolly said...

Lynn, Kay saw HP!! That is Belle still in the nest.

Kay said...

Sorry not to be a photograper and able to document !

Lolly said...

Looks like she might poof.

Kay said...

LYNN, are you on live or still cam ?

Lolly said...


Kay said...

Poof Belle

Lolly said...

Nothing quite like mid day entertqainmnet!

Lolly said...

lol how do you like that spelling of entertainment? Duh!!!!

Lolly said...

Back to work!

Kay said...

Drat, live cam back up, but too late for the action !

Lolly said...

Kay just tried the live cam and got it back

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I just posted on OC. Couldn't take it anymore!

JudyEddy said...

LORI I love the pictures sooooooo cute

Kay said...

SHARON, good on you ! It will be interesting to see what comes back on that. Have they ever mentioned the name, Shep ?

JudyEddy said...

I hope Bella get to feeling better Nothing worse that a sick child is a sick animal who also can't tell you where it hurts

Lolly said...

Shhhhhh! It has started raining here. Wonderful, wonderful water from the heavens!!!

Kay said...

Aha, LOLLY, a red letter day for you, too ! So glad you're getting rain !

Lolly said...

LOL Just read your comment, Sharon. Too funny!

hedgie said...

Happy Birthday to Kay's Cooper!! Now he's as old as my Jessica!

HP??? Really??? I'm surprised!!! Wondered if the boy even knew how!! COOL!!!! Glad you witnessed it, Kay!

hedgie said...

I'm on live feed, Kay.

GO SHARON!!!!! As hard as it is to know it, I am glad you SAID it so bluntly to those people.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Yeah, I am at that point! Sick of it!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

OMG, I just got wax!

Lolly said...

It is pouring! Can not do any wrapping, just want to stand at the door and watch it come down.

Lolly said...

Well, after your wax job, you will be all ready for Christmas. lol

JudyEddy said...

Ok I can't remember if it was said or not but how did Danamo get tickets to NYC and are those other teachers or friends just curious I love the pictures she is putting on FB almost like we are with her don't we all wish just started reading blog not to many comments about 90 be here shortly OH and then I can't forget to read the part that didn't get emailed to me

Lolly said...

Back to wrapping!

JudyEddy said...

WOW the nest looks so fluffy today deep with flugg

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


JudyEddy said...


Kay said...

She's back.....hi, Belle !

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

They said that is Liberty because of white between his wings??? I think those are called tail feathers.

hedgie said...

Last pans of Snickerdoodles in the oven.

wvgal_dana said...


JudyEddy said...

flew in fron 5 and immediately starting on the nest cup with the flugg

wvgal_dana said...

looks like Shep

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I think that is Shep.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Kay said...

Just talked to grandson, Cooper, and he's one happy guy. Having a good birthday, out to dinner tonight and home for cake and presents. Tomorrow after school it's off to DMV for the driver's license. 17 is the earliest NJ kids can do that. Plus, his big sis, Lauren, will arrive home from China tomorrow afternoon ! So much fun to talk to him !

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Now that was a whole lot of shaking going on.

wvgal_dana said...

I think another eagle flew in tree wow did it ever shake

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And now both back in the nest.

JudyEddy said...


wvgal_dana said...

2 now

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Belle on the right and Shep in the middle of the nest.

Kay said...

I was going by the tail feathers when I said Belle, could have been wrong, of course.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

moving flugg belle is an shep is picking at nest floor

Kay said...

Hey, maybe they're shakin' up some Christmas, huh, SHARON ?

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

poof ONE

JudyEddy said...


hedgie said...

Darn...missed her again!

Have no idea who DanaMo went with, JudyE. It was a bus trip.

JudyEddy said...

So glad I read someone else was having trouble with the live cam feed I feel better know Gonna go watch the 5 news LM and still have some more to read but I am a news addict The first step is admitting you have a problem LOL

Lolly said...

Jack was getting me boxes from the attic. Back just in time to see one eagle, then p0of!

JudyEddy said...

wow there was a 351 eagle visit I am reading while I listen to the news don't need to see it We had another officer shot in Lakeland last nite he is in hospital so sad Pray for his family

JudyEddy said...

HP starting darn it I missed it I did record tonights visit and gonna load up I wish I could have gotten a HP attempt

hedgie said...

Sugar cookies in the oven....first two pans.
Must admit that I have cheated this year. ALL of my cookies are from mixes. Only way I could deal with it this go round. Also must admit---they are all good!

hedgie said...

Well, I'd sure like to see ol' Glen's idea of proof. Check OC forum!

hedgie said...

Sharon--ask him for the proof!!

hedgie said...

Tell him you've known these birds for 6 yrs. and know what you are seeing!!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Heading for the counch after I fix some hot chicken noddle soup.

hedgie said...

Another creche Jesus stolen in Shirley's county! Amendment to the story of the first one---it weighed 80#'s NOT the 400#'s first reported! I wondered how one officer was carrying it alone!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hedgie, I posted a reply on there. :)

hedgie said...

Hurray, Sharon!

Lolly said...

Starting to smell around here, coffee cakes are baking. It will take a while as only two go in the oven at a time.

Rain has presently stopped. We got 8 tenths of an inch.

hedgie said...

Enjoy that noddle soup, DanaWV.... :)

hedgie said...

AND the counch!!! :) :)

Sandi said...

So, I ended up at the vet's office after school today rather than at the boys' basketball game. My husband emailed me that Bella still hadn't eaten her breakfast by noon and that she was "walking funny" plus still wouldn't go up or down the stairs to go outside. The pain is in her back and is affecting her rear legs. Vet did a Metacam injection plus sent her home with Metacam and Tramadol. She goes back tomorrow morning for an xray (they had 3 emergencies come in late this afternoon) to see if there is disk damage. On another note, I missed french kissing AND eagle sex???? Wait til I tell my 8th graders tomorrow - they'll ALL be asking for the URL to the site!! =)

Lolly said...

Oh, poor Bella. Sorry Sandi! tell them!!!!

hedgie said...

Oh, poor does sound like a disk, Sandi. Hopefully the meds will help reduce the swelling and inflammation. Just watch for GI symptoms.....Cinnamon ended up with a GI bleed.

JudyEddy said...

They got the guy that shot the police he is a teenager and they got him in Jail The officer is in GRAVE DANGER no update since early this morning he was shot at 10pm last nite

JudyEddy said...

Hey wasn't there a video of the three eagles and the fight I know that is on Youtube I am just reading that part of todays blog and I just rememberedd I got to read it on the page that I didn't get emailed to me The OC are IDIOTS I hate that word but it suit them YA think Didn't someone on the blog also go out and see three eagles at once??? I do remember something to that affect JMHO

JudyEddy said...

Don't they know that STEVE even know this is not Lib

JudyEddy said...

Ok I need to step away for a while neck is telling me to and I am almost caught up for now

hedgie said...

OMG---has anybody heard that Jon Bon Jovi died today???????? Just saw this on FB:
Bon Jovi

Nothing said on the news since 5pm. OMG---he is only 49 yrs. of my favs........

Hoda said...

Hi all I am back. Very cold day...

I do not know how to say goes...leave OC forum alone...wasted energy. It all boils down to: they can say the eagles are who ever they wish them to be. They are not banded and they want them banded.There are several over there who know the difference to the story line that Liberty still visits the nest.Let it go please is my opinion on the matter...

Baking sounds very good at LYNN'S and LOLLY...

I laughed at WVDANA'S comment about going out in the frozen tundra...that would be MINUS 60 degrees DANAWV!!! I had that experience!!! Being cold is such a relative thing is it not???I well understand that it felt to you like the frozen tundra.

The first responders were busy again today when I was out, I heard many sirens and always prayed that those involved be given the enrergy to deal with whatever comes their way...

hedgie said...

Sugar cookies done. Overcooked one pan... :(

Hoda said...

Very exciting that KAY reports HP...I do pray he gets it right and that we have eaglets later on...

hedgie said...

Lots of DC panda news today. About time for Mei to enter estrus......if no result this go 'round, may get another one or two pandas.......of course ours would have to return to China, which will happen anyway if there is no cub. A $4.5 million endowment was announced today to the Panda endeavours at National Zoo.

Hoda said...

Bon Jovi's death is a rumour that started on confirmed reports anywhere else.

JudyEddy said...

I just googled Bon Jovi died today and its says false rumor on Twitter as of 16min ago and nothhing on the news I am watching also

JudyEddy said...

HODA great minds think alike LOL

Hoda said...

JUDYE I always smile when that happens...

hedgie said...

I had searched, too, and found nothing.

JudyEddy said...

FACEBOOK PEEPS check out the pic Danamo put on be prepared to get tearied eyed I did but so pretty and so sad

hedgie said...

Vicky posted the hoax alert:
Bon Jovi alive and well

JudyEddy said...

Budd, Max, Daisy Bella and Lucy are the 5 most popular dog names

Cats are Lucy Smokey Bella Charlie and Tiger

Just on the news I thought interesting fact

Lori O. said...

Okay, good, y'all have the BonJovi thing covered. I looked everywhere and found nothing that said he had died. Happy ending. Stooopid rumor. What the heck?

Sharon would love to see your OC posts but wouldn't be helpful in staying calm before bedtime.

Yes, getting ready for bed after a nice simple salad.

Lynn, glad your cookies turned out and you gave yourself a break this year! Good on you, as Hoda says!

Night all...see you in the morning!
I love each and every one of you wonderful Momsters!

Hoda said...

Thanks LYNN.

hedgie said...

Time for a sofa break! Will tackle sewing machine after Jeopardy!

JudyEddy said...

Night LORI as I gaze at my cute pictures of the babies I took to work today and everyone was shocked that they are cute LOL

Lolly said...

HODA, posted a picture of a coffee cake on fb. The last two are in the oven. Jack is pulling dinner out of the freezer...ribs!

Hoda said...

I saw it LOLLY....YUM YUM YUM delicious looking and I wrote you it is no wonder that you and your family have this as your favourite breakfast with sausage...GOOD ON YOU LOLLY. Good on JACK also for doing supperMERRY CHRISTMAS to you, to your family and to everyone who steps into your household...

magpie said...

Hello Eagle Pals....☺

Feeling like a Newbie who has NOT been lurking these last few days, probably well over 800 or so posts that I might not be able to get through...maybe ever, so am sure I am way out of touch on important things...

I do see that Sandi's Bella's is ailing...and hope that turns out all right, but that is about as far back as I have read...

Stepdaugter and her father Southbound towards Florida now, a friend is taking the two Jameses to their roost, and I am ... here...

lots of all kinds of catching up to do, lots of activity the last five days, and it has all been very wonderful...kind of like Early Christmas in many ways...

I sure hope that all is or will be well amongst us....and that I can "see" what has been going on since I was able to be at the computer for any length of time...

Love to you all, just passing through, we'll be at SPLIT time pretty soon....


God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

Lynne2 said...

evening all!

been so busy....haven't read back too far but,

Sharon, Dana, FEEL BETTER!!

Margy, so glad you had such a great "early " Christmas with everyone!

Sandi, so sorry to hear that Bella is having back trouble still. I hope it resolves quickly.

It occurs to me that there should be some sort of back brace for Doxies, or others with back problems to help keep the back stable when this sort of thing happens, to use along with the medications and strict rest....

Judie said...

No! No! Favorite cat names are Stella and Naomi -- according to Stella and Naomi, my resident panthers.

The light has been extinguished on another semester of wannabe adults and my wonderful police officers.

On Friday, Darth began a three-day vacation in the cardiac care unit of the hospital. Home now. Comfortable. Follow-up with cardiologist this week with a nuclear stress test to localize the problem(s).

As I am weeks and weeks out-of-touch, I hope everyone is doing well or as well as possible. As MacArthur said: "I shall return."

Meanwhile, the night light is set for 1l:00pm tonight. Pleasant dreams for all and for all a good night.

Hoda said...

I very much like the birthday cake avatar. Are you working over the Christmas weekend? It is good that you had this early Christmas celebration with family either way really...

Hoda said...

Gracious me you are already gone...
What do you mean DARTH was at the Cardiac Unit...Why did he need to go there? What is going on...that sounds scary...

Lynne2 said...

JUDIE!!! You CANNOT leave us wondering!!! What's going on with Darth??

Sandi said...

Judy, Just watched your videos from today's visits on FB - I missed ALL 3 of them. Thanks so much for sharing them! Lynne, you should work on that doxie back brace idea and patent it!! Thanks for all the well-wishes for Bella - the drugs have kicked in and she's zonked!

Judie said...

Not to worry too much. Darth has an extensive history of heart disease -- quadruple bypass, several stents, etc. Had finished the last final exam on Thursday, worked on calculating grades Thursday night. He woke me at 4:30am Friday morning with chest pain -- ambulance ride to ER, admittance to cardiac care unit. Home now. Will undergo more tests on Friday. Is stable and no chest pain but on a regular schedule of nitro. All is quiet now. Did not intend to alarm anyone. Just wanted to share. Really, no need for alarm. I'll be back as often as I can.♥

Hoda said...

Thanks JUDIE...I will put Darth on my Prayer list and you also as you provide him support...

Lolly said...

Judie...we will certainly keep Darth in our thoughts and prayers. You better get back here more are missed!!

Nice to see Margy and Lynne, too!

Lolly said...

Hoda, thank you for the Christmas wishes!!

Coffee cakes are done and the kitchen is cleaned. Would like to take a nap, but think I will wrap a present or two.

JudyEddy said...

I put the video on the blog of this evening visit and a short on of Shep last nite also

PM visit by both

hedgie said...

Judie, so very sorry about Darth. Tell him to behave and take care of himself, or we'll come after him with the eagle canes! We want a happy, healthy, jolly Darth!! And you, too!
So glad the semester is behind you---at last. Now enjoy your break. We miss you!!!

Lynne2 said...

OK Judie, we won't be alarmed if you say not to. WRONG!!! LOL! Prayers that all remains calm.

Sandi, I've thought about that idea so often. I'm going to talk to my boss about that. Even just some sort of "wrap" to stabilize the back...It's hard to explain to a pet why they have to be medicated and activity restricted, and it's sometimes very hard to do. But, I guess if it was THAT great an idea, someone would have thought about it by now.

hedgie said...

Sandi, hope Bella is much better when she comes out of her little coma. :)
Yep, Lynne---you should patent your idea......But remember it needs to take care of the cervicals, too.

Rest well, Lori! Hope you got some zzzz's during the day, too.

Lynne2 said...

Lolly, your sinus issues sound very similar to what I have been dealing with. I had a cough, not terrible but annoying, for almost 3 weeks, and the runniest nose I can ever remember! All discharge was CLEAR (you know, like my favorite color!) But then the nose stopped running, the cough went away, and the full frontal face pain congestion, though. It lasted about 2 full weeks and finally subsided over this past weekend. Hopefully yours will run it's course fast!

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...