Monday, December 19, 2011


New thread, new week.


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Lynne2 said...


Costume Lady said...

So glad to hear from JUDIE...miss her contributions to the blog soo much! Prayers for Darth and Judie as she nurses him through these unsettling days that lie ahead.

Lynne2 said...

We have been literally BOMBARDED with cookies, candies, MORE cookies at work. It's crazy! I thought I was really failing, but I was told by my MIL that I looked like I had lost weight. So I actually got on the scale, which I have be sacred to do, and I have only gained back 2 of the 11 pounds I lost!

Lynne2 said...

and....someone brought us BERGER COOKIES today!!!!

Costume Lady said...

Good to have you back, too, Lynne. Is Steve liking his new it temporary?

JudyEddy said...

On the link I found a picture that WVDana posted in Jan of the back of what I think is Lib with the white under tail feather check it out on the link that I posted for the videos or it on my NEST VIDEO BLOG

JudyEddy said...

Well all I am heading for the couch so I will bid you all a good night
See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

Lynne2 said...

delay of game due to power outage in SF...think they are going to start soon. GO STEELERS!

Oh, how 'bout them RAVENS!!!! I smirked quite a bit at work today! Only wish the game had been on during family holiday party yesterday where EVERYONE was wearing Ravens stuff, except for me and my Steeler socks! I took quite a bit of abuse. But I think they all know I had the last laugh!!

Lynne2 said...

It IS temporary Wanda, and he likes it to a degree, just kind of boring for him. It MIGHT lead to a more permanent thing, but no guarantees. he's not even sure how long this postition is supposed to last...could be over by the end of the week, or the end of the month, or maybe last til mid January.

Lynne2 said...

I'll never be able to stay awake for this game tonight!

Anyone using Firefox...any problems typing? or any problems with google?

Lolly said...

Lynne, does sound like we have had the same thing, though I never have had a runny nose...just lots and lots of yucky drainage down the throat. Do not want to go into details. YUK!

Lolly said...

It is so hard during the Holidays to not gain weight. I gained the three days at my sisters, but have already dropped the gain. I am not going to deny myself, just not going to over do!!

Lynne2 said...

Well, I hope it clears up fast Lolly. I don't get headaches very often at all and don't like them! I've had very little sinus trouble since my surgery about 3 years ago so I was a big baby with it!

I will over do, I'm sure. I have not self control! After the big B'day, I'll get serious's a lost cause to try before!

hedgie said...

Wanda, glad you jumped in!! And Lynne---hope you enjoyed your Berger cookies.....I only have 5 left---TRYING to make them last!!!
I am hoping and praying that Steve's job will last and become permanent! So there!

hedgie said...

Just stitched up Liesl's snuggle puppy......had to actually go dig out a larger-eye needle to thread IT! No such option with the sewing machine.....which is where I am heading next.

Lynne2 said...

well, then, OK! I'm praying would be really great because if he did get something perm. up there, we could move to Manchester!!

BE CAREFUL wsith needles!! One of our clients ended up in the Pet ER over the weekend when thier Lab managed to eat a needle they were using to string popcorn...UGH! Thankfully he is OK, and they were able to extract it before it got to the stomach.

Costume Lady said...

LOL...the new sewing machinge that we got for GG, after her flooded basement ruined the old one, threads automatically...but I can't figure out how it works:)

hedgie said...

Lynne--assuming that the OUCH was for the split???!!!
How is Puddles doing??

Lynne2 said...

well, my brief visit must come to an end....need to get to bed. Early shifts all this week! 5am comes early...I need to get the dogs out in the field for a nice play time before we leave in the AM. I hate that they have to be alone for 10 hours, but it is what it is. The early morning in the dark playtime really helps, then I take them out for a quick pee pee right before I leave.

I'll try to check in tomorrow...goodnight and prayers for all!

UH OH....the power is out at the Steeler fame again.....UGH!

hedgie said...

Oh, I'm very careful with needles! One of the girls stepped on a dropped one when they were little! And I had one break and go into my eye when I was a newlywed and sewing stripes on his fatiques. Expensive lesson! Not to mention painful.

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy all!

Great visits today...and HP too!

Kay, just right click on the still cam and click your picture whatever you want...most people just use the date!

paula eagleholic said...

Tee Hee...was looking at something for Michael's GF I sent to Ajay to see what she thought...she really liked it, so I got her one, too!

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, it's not worth getting your knickers in a twist over the posts at the OC forum...

paula eagleholic said...

Kay, Happy Birthday to your grandson!

Lolly said...

Watching Castle.

hedgie said...

UNCLE, UNCLE. I GIVE UP. Now the whole shuttle cock and shuttle have fallen out and I can't get them back into place. Never had a problem doing it before......I feel like fat fingers and all thumbs.....CAn't get the stupid presser plate all the way off to allow more room to work. Darn it all...........I am just so fed up today.
Thanks for letting me vent.

Hoda said...

Vent away LYNN!!! Sometiems in knitting I come to a spot on the pattern where I have done it a thousand times and all of a sudden I can not do it...frustrating to say the least...

stronghunter said...

Stopping by to say good night. My brain is plumb wore out, so I cannot say much.

Had a nice dinner with Susan, Kathryn, Will, and Hunter. We are still celebrating my birthday. Nothing like a spread-out celebration. More fun.

See you tomorrow.

JudyEddy said...

this is a must see a cooper hawk meets a rabbit wow tooo cool Its amazing she got this on video so neat
hawk meets rabbit all end well no worry

paula eagleholic said...

Judie, please keep us informed about Darth! Miss you!

hedgie said...

Neat video, Judy. Lucky bunny! I think the hawk was just enjoying the water too much to care!

Hoda said...

I wish you all a good night and God Bless.
I am sleepy...

magpie said...

Good Night, Precious Pals

Love ya' Bunches

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

hedgie said...

I'll say my goodnights now, too. Taking my day's frustrations to the tub. May use a hammer on the sewing machine when I walk by it!

Love you all. Prayers and peace.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn, hope you didn't kick the machine and make your knee hurt more.

Good night friends - and God Bless you all. Prayers for ever so many - Hugs
for all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lolly said...

Watched Castle, then watched the news. I collapsed!

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Sorry Lynn about the frustrations with the sewing machine. Been there, done that!!! Grrrrr!

Costume Lady said...

I was going to bed early...Soup Kitchen tomorrow...but got caught up in a Christmas movie and had to watch it to the end:) So, here I am, late again!


Lori O. said...


Today: A 30% chance of rain. Cloudy, with a high near 46.

Tonight: A 50% chance of rain, mainly after midnight. Cloudy, with a low around 39. New rainfall amounts of less than a tenth of an inch possible.

Wednesday: Showers. High near 55. New rainfall amounts between a quarter and 1/2" possible.




Lori O. said...

Good Morning Sandi and JudyE!!!

When is DanaMo going to be home - I read it, but, CRS!

JudyEddy said...

G☺☺D M☼rning Eagle Buds I see that Lori has opened the SSCC this morning I'll be there in a few min after I do some reading

Sandi said...

Morning Lori! Morning Judy (don't see you yet but I know you'll be here)! Morning DMo in case you check in before heading to GMA! Rainy here for the next 2 days.

JudyEddy said...

Oh OUCH LYNN that makes me cringe thinking in your eye You were so lucky with the vision not being affected. Sewing needles has brought a story from my childhood my mom was sewing my sister Connie and I dresses and Janet my sister distracted my mom and the sewing machine needle went through her in index finger not a pretty site Odd how I forgot about that until you guys conversation over needles Little things that jar our memories out And I hope you spared the machine from the hammer

JudyEddy said...

Next week starts my 830 to 530 so I won't be up at 6 will get up probably 7ish and I will be able to see the am visit

JudyEddy said...

wow was that easy to get caught up the comments only a few ok to the couch for the news and my nice cup off hazelnut coffee that Lori and prepared for me got sit and make out a list of what I need to buy at lunch like TP, coffee etc I hate shopping

Lori O. said...

How nice, JudyE, to be able to get your chopping done on your lunch break. Of course, you don't have to go anywhere.

Lori O. said...

JudyE, if you get up after 7, you may miss them... they've showed up as early as 6:47 in the past few weeks, a couple of times.

Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...

SANDI, how is Bella this morning?

JudyEddy said...

Man drives with dead wife in car for over 200 miles was just on the news Did any of you hear that She had gotten sick and died How sad

JudyEddy said...

OOH thanks for the heads up with the time I will get at 630 then that should cover it ya thnink?

JudyEddy said...

Wow the run away cart at the Dallas stadium is something else huh

Sandi said...

Time to gear up!! 3 more! When I have to hit the play button on the cam, that's my signal to get a move on! Have a good day!!

Sandi said...

Lori, Bella is a hurtin' pup. She gets xrays this AM to see if they see anything with a disc. She jumped last night when the vet pressed right in the middle of her spine. She's taken her meds but didn't eat breakfast. =(

Lori O. said...

Sandi, let us know as soon as you get word, what's up with Bella and her back. Poor puppy.

Lori O. said...

JudyE, 6:30 should be fine...and doesn't the sun begin coming up earlier after the 21st? Remember when they would get here like at 5:08!!!

JudyEddy said...

Ok computer peeps out there Now that I think my puter is fixed now I need to make a decision do I get more memory put it in it like an additional 2g in it like was suggested Its the memory that runs it remember he said that Vista and Norton are hogs and I am getting really close on it So I wonder should I spend the 50 to get it Sometimes I am sluggish and not as fast and he said that it was because of that issue I am gonna ask Eric at work who did the power source It was the puter place that suggested that I don't want to get another puter I like this one and don't want to get use to another one I guess you could say Just asking for YHO

JudyEddy said...

OH I was trying to forget the early rising but yep I do remember Silly people we are LOL

Lori O. said...

JudyE, I would just put in the extra memory. Why pay hundreds more for a new computer when you can solve your problems for much less?

DanaMo said...

Getting ready to go to Good morning America. See if you see me!♥

JudyEddy said...

HI DANAMO and thanks LORI

JudyEddy said...

Danamo is playing hide and seek with us HUH LOL

DanaMo said...

Oh Sandi, sorry for Bella. I hope you find out what it is today with x-rays.

JudyEddy said...

Well our cold front has come and gone The temp out now is 62° Sorry guys to boast

JudyEddy said...

Sandi how old is Bella I forget

JudyEddy said...

OK OTWIG HAGD I may be home at lunch all depends how long it takes to shop and the lines oh no the long lines there

Kay said...

G☼☼d M☼rning gLORI n' SANDI ! I see JUDY is off to work and DANAMO off to GMA. Can't watch TV from here, so won't see her, but hope her group gets some time on camera.

Raining here and it's headed your way, LORI ! Temps to be in the 40's and 50's through Christmas, with lots of rain. No white Christmas here and that's okay with me !

Kay said...

SANDI, I know you're anxious to get some answers for Bella. She's probably smart not to eat right now, something we humans aren't so tuned in to. This blog is crammed full of animal lovers who care about and pray for pets. Keep us posted !

Kay said...

WANDA, what's on the Soup Kitchen menu today ?

Lori O. said...

Best morning to you, KAY! AND, your first {{{{{HUG}}}} of the day!

Kay said...

JUDIE, DARTH's health issues may be old hat to the two of you, but our prayers are still going to be with you both !♥♥

Kay said...

PAULA, thanks for the heads up on getting pics when watching the still cam. Now if I can just remember when the time comes !

Thanks to all who wished my Cooper a happy birthday ! Please say a little prayer that his sister, Lauren, will return from China today, safe and sound.

Kay said...

{{{{{LORI}}}}}, right back at cha' !

Lori O. said...

Oh that's right, Lauren returns today! She's going to be so happy to get home, and what a great time of year to be home!

Kay said...

Yep, Lauren is going to be soooo thrilled to be home. She has many food items she can't wait to enjoy. The Beijing campus food service had the same fare, morning, noon and night. They don't have a breakfast menu as Western cultures do.

Lori O. said...

Finally light at the nest!

Kay said...

Wherefore art thou dear birds ? Lots of light now and a real good time to visit. Come on !

Kay said...

LORI, have to say I do so appreciate the way you and LOO handle early morning chat n' music ! Turned on my favorite FM station earlier to find they have a male and female duo for morning drive time, too. They talk too fast, slur words, talk over each other and go into spaz attacks that leave the listener wondering, "what's so funny ?". Their traffic reporter sounds like he has a mouth full of mush or ill fitting dentures. And, their weather guy talks way too fast. Again, kudos to you and Loo !

Lori O. said...

Well, thank you, Kay. Very kind of you to say that.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals ☺

Sliding in before the Eagles show up, how's THAT for optimism ?

Wow, Warm here !

Wanted to let you know I am thinking of you, never too busy for that, but plenty busy in the meantime !!

Work time looms, seems like forever since I've been there !

Kay said...

Hi, MARGY ! So good to see you ! It was wonderful good to read about the days of celebration for the Kidster's birthday. Wonderful good to have you back with us, too !!!!

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

I have a bit of time before I have to get Hunter going for his last day before Christmas break.

I see that Judie stopped by briefly last night while I was away. I do hope Darth is recovering quickly from his heart problem.

Kay said...

It's a curious thing that sunrise in D.C. will be 7:23 and yet we already have good light at the nest ????


Lori O. said...

In over 3.

stronghunter said...


magpie said...

Prayers for your Bella, Sandi...

and of course, for Judie's Darth.....


Thought for the day:
(from Our Daily Bread )

God's Peace pillows the head, when God's Promises calm the heart

I think that worked for me overnight


Kay said...

Shep, I think as I don't see any smudges and the tail feathers aren't right for Belle. He's giving the nest cup a little attention, but pausing to look around. Belle must be close by !

Lori O. said...


Kay said...

2nd eagle arrives !

paula eagleholic said...

Belle in!

Her dirt is finally rubbing off some!

magpie said...

What a time to have to leave!!
Thanks Kay !
I "saw" that your saw HP - Whee Doggy !!

Winter officially begins
December 22, but I'm not sure what time

Must Go

Best wishes everyone....

maybe I'll "See You" from work

xoxoxoxoxo (( Hugs ♥ ))

Lori O. said...

Great job, Kay!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Kay said...

LORI, how do you do that posting while talking on the radio ? Impressive--your listeners can't tell you are also concentrating on our eagles !

paula eagleholic said...

Boy she is testy this morning, don't touch my fluff! he's beaking right back at her!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, Shirley, Margy & Paula! It's a full SSCC this morning!

Lori O. said...

I can type fast, Kay, but can only type a word or two, MAX, while I'm talking! :)

Kay said...

Belle wins a battle over a twig and moves it to 6 spot, now turned toward Shep who is sitting, maybe sulking at the 12 spot.

stronghunter said...

It is light here, Kay. What is it like there? I always wondered how far behind the sunrise is in the Columbus area is as it further west on the time one.

I see our two eagles.

I am watching the firefighter rescue in New York on the news. Oh my goodness. Took my attention away from the eagles.

Kay said...

Good to see you, PAULA !

Kay said...

And, SHIRLEY, too ! A great bunch of Early Birders today !

paula eagleholic said...

She's picking at the leg, he's in the cup.

paula eagleholic said...

He's at the leg now, beaked at her

paula eagleholic said...


Kay said...

I don't think they've had their coffee yet. Both a bit confrontational today. Belle at 6 and Shep crowding her. Now he backs off and they both watch something overhead.

paula eagleholic said...


Kay said...

SHIRLEY, it's still dark here, can see just a glimmer of light emerging.

paula eagleholic said...


Kay said...

Shep poofed while I was yaking, but returns right now !

paula eagleholic said...


stronghunter said...

So good to see everyone here this morning. I don't have Lori's talent to type and talk at the same time . . . I'm a bit distracted just watching the clock because I am about ready to go call Hunter. He was up late last night and is sleeping in a bit this morning, but I do not want him to miss the bus.

It is my bowling day and I have things to do myself.

paula eagleholic said...

I gotta go hop in the shower...

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, sunrise here to be at 7:48.

Bell Poofs !

Kay said...

Shep moves to 5 spot and looks like he'd like to poof, too.

Kay said...

And he does POOF !

Kay said...

A 17 minute visit. Not giving up on the idea that they'll return soon.

So, our Columbus sunrise is about 20minutes after that enjoyed at the nest.

Kay said...

Stepped away a few and returned to find nest in color. Colour for HODA ☺.

magpie said...

There are some seriously awesome Avatars on here....

and some seriously awesome Eagle-Watching Pals....

Take care, out the door...
AT LEAST I have some Joy to look forward to at work:
Carolyn should be there today ☺

xoxox ttfn xoxoxo

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my fine friends.

Kay said...

MARGY, how sweet it is that you and our JEWELS work together ! HAGD !!!

T-Bird said...

That one entry from Sharon was from Thelma.

Kay said...

Good Morning to you, SH♥RON ! Did you get in on the nest visit ?

T-Bird said...

Darn Eagle-Eye, I absolutely love that Avatar.

Kay said...

Okay, correction noted, THELM♥ ! I forget you are currently using her puter !

T-Bird said...

Everyone is so festive with their avatars.

Kay said...

Okay, going into LM now. Newspapers and e-mail are calling my name. BBL


Lori O. said...

Have a great day, Kay! May the winds from Lolly's kitchen drift northeast to Columbus...and from Lynn's house may you get a whiff, as well!

Lori O. said...

Hello Thelma! Are you doing any baking, T-Bird? I'm not!

T-Bird said...

Lori, since my mom died or more to the point when she became unable to make Christmas goodies, I don't do any baking. Although I do have a couple recipes for space globs and, I can't remember the name of them, cookies. My sister brought them to me. More will be revealed.

Lori O. said...

Oh, Thelma, I'm sorry. Seems I brought up a not so happy topic. My apologies.

T-Bird said...

Oh no Lori, if anything you made my heart grateful for those times with Mom. (thank you) ((hugs))

Lori O. said...

Oh Great, Thelma!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I didn't realize until just now I had stirred up a lot of crap on OC.

I just posted this and I am done. Don't let me read that anymore, okay? LOL!

I am really not trying to start trouble. I am stating what I truly believe to be fact. If others can do the same, then why can't I? Just sayin. . . Everyone does have a right to their opinion? Even me?
As far as the Antietam eagle, that is not the one I am speaking of. They found a deceased eagle on the actual grounds of NCTC after that. That is the eagle I truly believe to be Liberty. I am not going to duke it out on here. There is nobody on this earth that wishes more than me that Liberty were still alive. I have a lot of years vested in these eagles and this nest, so this has not been easy for me to accept.

"I came for the eagles but stayed for the friendships I have made".

I wish everyone a blessed Christmas holiday!

Lori O. said...

Nice way to wrap it up, Sharon.
Now, stay outta there!

Costume Lady said...

I know how you feel, Sharon. Some of the folks on the OC think that they are experts on OUR NEST & BIRDS...PO's me to no end, just like it does you. Their info must me MADE UP, cause they see things that absolutely cannot be true. Sometimes, it is hard for me not to step in and say something, but, so far, I am staying out of it:)

hedgie said...

Good morning all. Slept in a bit this cloudy morning.

I just think that someone from NCTC should post on that forum the facts as we all know them. Maybe that would bust their delusional bubble and shut them up. How many people in the world read their posts and spread word that Lib is alive and well and that there is a manage' a trois ??? Insane.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Somebody said that a member of a certain group came on there. . .

A certain group? How about the official group! WE ARE THE EAGLET MOMSTERS, HEAR US ROAR!

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said... Karla is having surgery next week and is inquiring about SPINAL MORPHINE...she says she is nervous about it. What are your thoughts, if any?

hedgie said...

Right on, Sharon!!! ROAR!

Wanda, I loved it!!! Would definitely want it again if I were to have more surgery! Had very little pain....and when it started, I just pushed a button which gave me a little more juice!!

Costume Lady said...


SWISS STEAK....(steak not going
into soup this

SOUP KITCHEN is also, donating 25 food baskets to the needy...being prepared by our helpers and the church Deacons today.
"Thank you LORD, for making it possible for us to do this".

Having a pantry and freezer full of food, to give to our less fortunate friends makeS me feel FILLED TO THE BRIM with happiness!

CarolAnne said...

Morning all,
'Puter seems to be behaving.

See additional prayers are needed for Darth, Bella's back, and upcoming surgery for CL's Karla.

Glad eagles are keeping us in their daily rounds.

Have baking to do today. Fudge & chocolate chunk cookies yesterday (bubby's request). Hershey kiss cookies today and maybe cake pops.

Must get dog walks in early today, pleasant weather is turning to rain/sleet/snow by mid-day.

Costume Lady said...

Thanks for your encouraging words, Lynn! I will tell Karla.

hedgie said...

CarolAnne----have you made the potato candy??
Glad your puter is behaving!!

CarolAnne said...

RE: Potato candy
I have made it - forgot to do pics.
Have freaked out so many people when I tell them the ingredients. LOL They went fast!

Was amazed at the transformation of dry potato when the p. sugar was added.

CarolAnne said...

I have address envy!!
I look at the addresses on cards I have received (thanks all) and you all live on such colorfully named streets. I'm stuck with a plain old number (Sixth) for a street.

hedgie said...

LOL---told you it wouldn't last until Christmas, C/A!!!!
I love seeing folk's street names, too!

Wanda, way to go on the food baskets! That is really great. Menu for tonight sounds good, too.
Pray that all goes well for Karla next week.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning eagle folks (:

Glad to hear from Judie. Keeping Darth in prayers.

JudyE great video of rabbit and coppers hawk.

Sandi I am hoping for Bella to feel better and the vet to help her more.

Wanda the Soup Kitchen and the goodies they take away with them is such a Belssing. You know how I feel about you and Gene doikng this. ((((((HUGS)))))

Prayers for Karla's surgery next week.

Lynn don't use a hammer on the sewing machine.....that is what guys do lol

CarolAnne said...

Off to get the dog walk done.

Have a great day everyone!

Sandi said...

Checking in from school; thanks for the report on the morning visit. Kay, are you sure about what you saw yesterday? Not challenging you, it's just that I have no idea how you can see action from that blasted still cam? Or did you see the HP on the live cam and I'm confused - I thought I read that the live cam went down for a while yesterday? Lynn, I have this visual of what used to be a sewing machine spread all over your table and floor! =) Sharon, before I joined this group, I would read the posts on the OC forum, then read this blog to compare what was being said. Now, I don't even bother reading the comments on OC - I know I'm getting the real deal here, so why bother to read anything else? I trust my Momsters! No word from my husband on Bella. On another note, I got an email from Brian (son in Africa) who is spending a week in the Swiss Alps before he and his wife return to the states for Christmas. Yesterday they skiied (sp?) the Matterhorn!! How cool is that?? Later!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Sandi, I do know better than to read the OC forum. I scrolled down when the cam went down to see if anybody else was having that problem and got sucked right in. I don't even know what I was thinking! I wish I knew collectively the hours that the Eaglet Momsters have spent studying these eagles, in the thousands I am sure, since 2006.

NatureNut said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!
Never even got on here yesterday I don't think. Really busy shoveling! LOL Only 2 or so things to wrap yet---keep finding more stuff that was hidden away. Thern get to finish cleaning. Fubby did the worst of the chores this AM---removal of webs in basement corners---yuck! Bless him.
I seem to be running out of gas---need more coffee!
The guest bedroom is great---had help from kitties. Had quilt folded down to get new pilliow cases on & when I straightened it, was a lump in the middle! Little kitty was doing a test snooze!Took a pic & will make a sticked w/Pretested on it!! LOL
Read back some--had to searchv for the Darth problem. Gosh, hope everything will be fine!
Prayers and good wishes to all.

BTW, card came back I sent to my cousin in Alexandria---said insufficient address! DUH I did not have her Apt. # on it, but I've been sending like that for YEARS! Must be P.O. Police, however they didn't work for Lynn's card!
BBL, I hope ☺

Costume Lady said...


hedgie said...

LOL, Dana....Bill was just here and I never mentioned it to him because he WOULD use the hammer!!

«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 353 of 353   Newer› Newest»

6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...