Wednesday, September 07, 2011


Rain thread.


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Lori O. said...

Thank you so much for the new thread, Steve!

Wishing you a wonderful day!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everyone! I actually saw that big yellow ball in the sky this morning for a minute.

Lynne2 said...

Morning all! well, we've had 4 1/2 inches of rain in the last 36 hours, far less that what I expected with this system but more heavy rain and storms are on the way. Patio flooded.

Andy, ice cubes are a great NO CALORIE treat! I actually get some sodium free beef or chicken broth and make cubes for our dogs. Some will argue that because they are hard, tooth wear is a concern but like any hard bone or treat, one a day is unlikely to harm anything. We usually give them to our dogs a couple of times a week!

Shirley, best of luck on the stress test today! Are they doing a regular one, or a nuclear one?

Lynne2 said...

oh DanaMO, what a rude awakening! Hope you can get the battery hooked back up!

hedgie said...

Good morning! Guess what? It's hump day already for you worker bees!!! At least for the M-F ones, that is! Week is flying past.

Andy, did you ever have a graduation ceremony??? Glad the Dr. got back with Ken....hope the regimen does the trick.

Oh, poor DanaMo...what a rude awakening! Amazing that neighbors heard the commotion and you didn't!
Now, of course, would EXPECT the kids to sleep through it, but not you and the labs! Class for you tonight? Are you going back to school?

Hurray, Shar---what did the sun look like? Is it a big round red or yellow ball? I can't recall!

Lynne--can you give Andy a good butterfly ID website? I don't have one...

hedgie said...

JudyE---OC finally did post Steve's info a little while ago. Until then , it was just a generic statement on top of page that didn't appear until yesterday morning---guess the moderator had the holiday weekend off!

hedgie said...

Wanda, really surprised that you didn't have a whopping turnout for soup kitchen......maybe there were shelters open that the homeless people were in out of the rain?

Lynne2 said...

ok Andy, here you go....

Gardens with Wings

I like this site because the ID section is great in that it doesn't have a list that requires you to click on something to see the picture. You have several options for figuring out what you saw, by shape, size, color, etc....Also, there is a link for "what butterflies can I attract" too, and you enter your zip code and you'll see what's in your area!

Lynne2 said...

off to the store before the next round of rain hits

Lori O. said...

Oooooooh, cool! I'm gonna try that website, too, LYNNE!


Hitting the road in a few. Just did an interview with the author of the DASH Diet. When I first saw it I thought it was from the makers of the Mrs. Dash spices, but DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension.

I read on Johns Hopkins site where they used the DASH DIET for another study that found people who keep food journals lose at least twice as much weight as those who don't keep a food diary. Thought the was interesting.

Okay, my car is going to leave without me...leaving now. LOVE, love, love you all!

hedgie said...

Thanks, Lynne! Neat site....I faved it!! I knew you were the person to ask!!

Lori, DASH has been around for a long time. Most internists recommend it.

Costume Lady said...

LORI, I do LOVE Il Divo! I haven't heard or seen them perform for a looong time...I'll be looking for them, tonight! THANk YOU!

Judy & Lynn, we never have a large crowd at the Soup Kitchen when we have rain as hard as it was coming down, last evening. Many of our guests have no cars and have to walk. When it is FREE FOOD day, several of them go together and share the cost of a taxi, because the bags are too heavy to walk with very far~
Those that were there, last evening, sure did like the clothing and toiletries...they loved having free deodorant. They asked for it a while back and we finally got some, along with soap, razors and shave cream, etc!

Lolly said...

Good morning!☺ 58 again this morning. Fantastic! Even had to pull a blanket up during the night.

I think DanaMo had her own form of a stress test last night.

Jack and I are going shopping today for a new ceiling fan for the bedroom. The one we have does not wobble but it certainly makes a lot of noise. Jack has tried everything and it continues. Like the appearance of the fan but not the noise. We give up!

Also, Annie has lost her collar? Hmmm??? It is red, she does not go far, you would think we could find it. So, purchase of new collar and tag.

Lolly said...

Tomorrow is Jacob's birthday. He will be 7 years old!! We are going up early enough to take cookies to his classroom. He has had a rough start to first grade. Laurel and Joey had a conference with the teacher yesterday. I am anxious to meet her. (They changed his class the second week! Grrr! BUT, it has turned out for the best!)

movin said...


GooD MorninG,


[:~D] Jim

hedgie said...

WOW---it's NOT raining right now! Liesl actually went out in the open! Gotta say that if this evening is like it was yesterday, we will NOT be going to school. Just can't manage her, an umbrella, the parking lot walk, etc. in those conditions. Not to mention that I hate driving the interstate in rain at rush hour.

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning, Lolly and Jim.
It was on the cool side, here last night, also. I, too, had to pull up a blanket. It is only 63° right now, going up to 74°. It is cloudy and not a very pretty day.

Have to take off in awhile and get GG's hair do done:) Still haven't gotten mine done. Need to do that soon...looking like Rapunzel:)

Kay said...

Uh, LORI, did you mean there is a new thread ? LOL Good call over !

Thanks to STEVE for our fresh start !

WANDA, love the pic of Donny and Jayden ! Hmmm, you've made me crave chili, too !

DANAMO, with Monte on the road so much, you a woman alone much of the time and young drivers out and about I think AAA or some road service would serve you well. I've enjoyed quick responses from AAA and the membership has paid for itself over and over again.

LORI, given your profession I'm sure you get news coming at you from many sources in the course of a day ! It's okay to be a CNN junkie at home !☺ Was once one myself, but don't have cable here. Were it not for needing the screen for DVDs, Netflix, etc. I could happily throw the whole thing out ! So many on line ways to get news from all points of view and comprehensive coverage.

We aren't seeing that big yeller thang in the sky these days either. It's a blessed relief to me after the summer we've just been through. I'm off to watch the "girls" on The View--new season and I missed yesterdays comeback with news of the Joy and Sheree weddings. Malcolm doesn't much like the show ! Oh, yes, as long as I do have TV I enjoy that show Mon-Thurs.. Also love Jeopardy, The Mentalist and The Good Wife as well as PBS Friday line up of political pundits and occasional sporting events. So, I do get something out of the Boob Tube, but still feel I could live without it !

Costume Lady said...

Oh, yes, Kay...The Good Wife, I'm so looking forward to the new season of that! My favorite:)

Costume Lady said...

Re, the picture of Jayden and Donny...It is most unusual for Jayden to fall asleep in anyone's arms...he's is afraid he will miss something! Thus, my avatar of his granddaddy Donny holding him on that very rare occasion:)

Lolly said...

Good morning, Wanda!

I did mean to comment on Lori's announcement of the new thread. Shall we make her the official NEW THREAD announcer. LOL

Hi Jim!! How's it going?

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - Raining still here in the
valley. Good to see you all - Hello Jim

This afternoon is dr time - just regulars. I don't like saying it's just
my regular dr appointment! Makes it sound like I am making a habit of going
to much... age does that to a person.

Lolly said...

Oh, and I LOVE Lori's new avatar

Lolly said...

Good morning, Jo. Yep, we understand about the "regular" doctor appointments. I go every three months. Go again in a week or so.

Lolly said...

I am now off to eat some breakfast and get ready to officially begin my day.

Jack is out in his shop working with the door open. Went from too hot to even turn on the AC out there, to working with it open. Crazy!!!

hedgie said...

Now I am really WOW-ing....the SUN is out!!!!! Weak, but definitely shining. I bet Sharon sent it from the lake!!! Thanks, girlfriend!!!

Mema Jo said...

I went over to see the "Call Over"
Fantastic Lori - That surely got all
bloggers attention -

DanaMO we best start a Gameaholic group!
Yes, Judie please come up over the
mountain for an intervention. I think I
really need that groupie meeting...

wvgal_dana said...

I see we have a new Thread for today. ( :

Thank you Steve. Hope you have a good day.

Hoping when I read comments. I find good things are happening to or for our Momsters and Dadsters and families.

Lynne2 said...

we are having a TERRIBLE storm here. And by the looks of the radar, it's coming in one big long training line from the south for hours to come. Shirely and Judie are in the line of fire it seems, too.

Got the patio drain to work, but it's already flooded again and will soon be in the sunporch....

Lynne2 said...

front gutter has been damaged since we moved it, and before. Now it looks like Niagra Falls out the window and water is 3 inches deep along the front wall of the house out there.

Nothing good is going to come of this day.....

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I certainly did Hedgie. Sharing the love!

Lynne2 said...

WRONG!!! I we were just starting to get pelted (I was rushing the dogs our for a potty and on the way back) and I heard it!! A Raven! Looked up and there he was flying right over us!

Kay said...

I'm already back--forgot to say, most days I only watch Hot Topics on The View--love those days that are all Hot Topics. Today not one of them, the Krapdashian Sisters were up next, gag me with a spoon !

LORI,that is a very special avatar ! Can't wait for that request to be answered !

We give Malcolm ice cubes--he love em'. Seems to me they are good teeth cleaners and gum stimulators as well as being calorie free. Neat idea on the broth cube, LYNNE ! I'm going to run that by the kids.

LORI, will that interview on the DASH diet be on Sunday @7:30 a.m. ? How is your diet going, by the way ? Throw it out the window on the beach vacation, by the way !

Keeping an eating journal is no doubt a good idea. Most of us don't really realize how much we take in each day until we see it in black and white. I got such a kick out of my Stan. He'd come home in the evening saying he hadn't eaten all day---that meant he'd not have a meal with several nutritious courses, like our evening meal. I'd learn he'd had doughnuts n' coffee, a Burger King or Del Taco lunch and maybe a Frosty Serve malt along the way. But, that wasn't eating---that was just snacking ! LOL

Lynne2 said...

so it was great to see the Raven!

However, after giving that even some was like the Raven was calling out to warn us that we were going to get dumped the STEELERS fan! WHOA! Could this have been a sign that the game isn't going to go well on Sunday??? LOL!

Lynne2 said...


Lynne2 said...

Kay, just make sure it's low sodium broth! The dogs LOVE them! You can even drop a little meatball of canned food in the cubes too for an extra surprise!

wvgal_dana said...

Happy Birthday to Margy's sister Mary today (funny smiley face blowing a birthday party whistle)

wvgal_dana said...

Good Day Lurkers ( :

Kay said...

LYNNE, was the Raven quothing ? How special it was to see him ! Sorry you are being inundated with "cats n' dogs", hope the damage is not too severe once it's over and you can assess it.

Lynne2 said...

storm is really reaally really bad....need to go find my Daisy.....I'm unplugged from the wall on the laptop but the battery wont' last.

Hoda said...

Good morning everyone. THANKS STEVE FOR THE NEW THREAD.
WOW WOW WOW THANKS LORI FOR THE CALL OVER...some serious call over that was!!! LOL!!!

Very busy day here today so I am checking in and then, docotr's appointment to report on the ear and see results of ECG and BNP.Grans to Grans meeting after going out to lunch...

SHIRLEY I hope the stress test goes well.

DANAMO how did you fix the car?

LYNN I hope it stops raining so LIESL can go to school.

Have a terrific day everyone...

Kay said...

LYNNE, thanks for the low sodium hint, vitally important. Giving the dog those a couple of times a week in addition to the cubes he grabs when some of us inevitably drops one when getting some from the icemaker and that's probably enough ice for the week.

hedgie said...

You what they say about "if the kid is TOO quiet, you better check on him"-----well, if the dog SUDDENLY stops playing with a toy and takes off running and hides.....timme to check, too! She got the squeaker out of a toy--and obviously knew she was doing something bad!!

Lynne2 said...

oh this is AWFUL...the patio has 3 inches of water, it's pouring into the sunporch, the roof out there is leaking......HELP!!!!!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

So tomorrow is Fred's birthday. He is the one Kay had the famous love life with inconspicuous even to Fred. lol

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Hoda for sharing your beautiful moon with us. Your words took my eyes right to it. ( :

Kay said...

LYNN, I hate those squeakers in toys because Malcolm always works at them until he has the durn thing out. Sometimes one, sometimes two little pieces that should not be swallowed. I watch him closely when he is going at one of them. He also loves to gnaw a hole and keep pulling the stuffing out. He doesn't seem to eat it, but gets very annoyed when I grab it to throw in the trash. He'll go back to a trash basket several times in hopes he can see and grab it back ! Fortunately he isn't a dog who knocks baskets over to do searches.

Kay said...

DANA WV, actually today is Fred's birthday and I'm hoping it's a happy one ! I misspoke when I said he and I are the same age---he's just a kid of 72 !

Mema Jo said...

A new update for Mason

Lynne2 said...

the water is heading for the kitchen door and I have no way to stop it.....called Steve, he is going to see what if anything he and my former landlord can do....this is SO not good.....

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Lordy kids partying before school I'm reading 4 hr from Hoda in Kelowna started a fire. Which is out of control. Dear Lord...prayers.

Kay said...

JO, thanks so much for the Mason update. So upbeat and positive---going off the feeding tube. Hip hip hooray ! The Caring Bridge is such a wonderful site. It's one of the ways my DIL's family is keeping so many people up to date with KF Judy and her treatments. God Bless Mason !

Kay said...

LYNNE, I hope Steve arrives with sand bags soon ! So sorry you are faced with such a seemingly hopeless challenge, but glad you're home and trying. Prayers ascending NOW !

wvgal_dana said...

You all have been listening to red shouldered and red tail hawk sounds.

Lynne2 said...

don't know where he's gonna get sandbags....and he doesn't have his car...Ken picked him up this morning instead for some reason. Not even sure where they are today. If it comes in the kitchen door it's going to hit the refrig....I'm going to have to try to move if when it begins to look eminent. THANK YOU LORD for the fact that I am off today!!!!! At least I'm hear to do what I can.....

Kay said...

LYNNE, do you have any big bags of anything--pet food, mulch... Anything that might avert the flow and send it off to one side or the other ? I'm just sharing your angst and grasping at straws, I know. If you can't get the fridge moved, unplug it.

wvgal_dana said...

I have a bird that I often hear there is no coo ooo just the oo oo sound. Not a morning dove tried that.

Kay said...

LYNNE, I'm making the assumption that Lowe's, Home Depot and such have sandbags, but really am not sure.

wvgal_dana said...

Kay you bumped me off it said conflicting comments. We must have hit the publish at same time lol.

wvgal_dana said...

So Hoda you was paddling with the senior team. I had to smile when you said, "they are serious in their strokes". You are a gread lady!! ( :

Lynne2 said...

floor in the boiler room starting to flood....

wvgal_dana said...

Hoda you can click here to hear the sound of a hooded crow

Click on the black place to play sound

wvgal_dana said...

Well it is blue then turns black sorry

Lynne2 said...

rain let up briefly and I made a valiant to open up the drains but no luck. Water has receded a little bit now though, but it's raining harder again....

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve wow not ever 24hrs since we got the last one You are spoiling us LOL

no wonder there weren't a lot of comments in my email

JudyEddy said...

In the rain gauge this am when leaving another 2" from last nites storm that seem to wake every one but me Angies said it was bad OOPS

wvgal_dana said...

DanaMo Try Skinny Cow I get the one on the stick. You still have to pace yourself in moderation of course. I found different flavor. It satisifies and one sometimes is my treat.

Lynne2 said...

JudyE, can't believe you slept right through the severe weather last night!

wvgal_dana said...

Diann I too pray your sump pump continues to work for you. HUGS

hedgie said...

LOL, Kay---we are two peas in a pod. Hot Topics is usually all I watch,too! Pretty much ignore the rest. I don't like Drew Carey so don't turn on The Price is Right anymore....but switched to it when I saw the Krap's on!!!!

hedgie said...

Raining again....:(

JudyEddy said...

LORI are you talking about the ”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”★”*°•.¸☆..★..
˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”★”*°•.¸☆..★
˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”★”*°•.¸☆..★

I just have them in my email saved to copy and paste got from face book was part of a Happy 4th I just took off the saying and you can make more like this
”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”★”*°•.¸☆..★..
˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”★”*°•.¸☆..★
˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”★”*°•.¸☆..★

”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”★”*°•.¸☆..★..
˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”★”*°•.¸☆..★
˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”★”*°•.¸☆..★

copy paste

Lynne2 said...

Kay, I've got nothing to use. Haven't heard back from Steve yet either so no idea if they are coming to save me! I just keep sweeping away from door and hoping for the best. Rain has let up just a tiny bit and some of the water is receding!

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley I hope by now your stress test is all done..prayers things turn out well. hugs

JudyEddy said...

LORI copy and paste and put in a file you can add more stars also and here is a heart and a truck

▄▄▄▌▐██▌ Let the good times ROLL!!!!!!!!!

¸.•´ ¸.•*¨)¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´(¸.• (¸.•´¸¸.•¨¯`•.¸¸.♥

wvgal_dana said...

Judie you are a wise woman. Since your into criminal minds. I am hoping this intervention for DanaMo and Jo doing too much fb games. Is not their start on the road to criminal since you think intervention. I must join in with you for both of their safety.

hedgie said...

Actually, Dan, I think yesterday was Roanoke Mary's birthday and today is Fred's.

Poor Lynne... :( Hope water on the sun porch (rain porch??) can't run into the house.
Interesting that the RAVEN would visit you...hmmmmm!!!!

JudyEddy said...

truck lost something need to shorten in

▄▄▄▌▐██▌Let the good times ROLL!!!!!!!!!

JudyEddy said...

giving up on truck works on facebook and email but not on the blog comment box It looses something ok no more playing READ JUDY

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

stronghunter said...
I'm back. All is well. I need a nap. I shall return later.

hedgie said...

Oh, dear, now ee that it IS threatening the kitchen....argh!!! Yep---glad you ARE home, Lynne!
Hoping that Diann's sump pump and special bags work well if they are getting this monsoon!

hedgie said...

Thanks for letting us know you are home, Shirley! Did you eat???? when will you get the results of the test?

JudyEddy said...

LYNN2 love the idea of beef popsicles or cubes for dog cute idea

wvgal_dana said...

Hoping what the dr. emailed Ken works-prayers for this.

JudyEddy said...

Road Trip in deed and JUDIE I can be up in Oct when I go on vacation for the Intervention that the both desperately need LOL

JudyEddy said...








hedgie said...

Aha! Just saw on FB that Shirley was at Applebee's I know she DID eat lunch!!! Good girl!

hedgie said...

LOL, JudyE---you have too long a lunch break!!!

JudyEddy said...

LYNN can't you find some sand bags to help I know Walmart sells sand its play sand but may work Good luck wish we were closer to help Ok now I do have to go so I'm not late

wvgal_dana said...

Lynne can you throw towels or dirty clothing there to stop the water???????

wvgal_dana said...

I just wanted to see if Kay would comment in here about the famous Fred's birthday I put up. lol Yep she caught I know she is still keeping track of him LOL LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Kay your a hoot!! hugs

Lynne2 said...

the water has receded from the porch! The patio is still flooded and it's still raining pretty hard but the radar is showing that the heaviest of the rain has moved north of us now. So hopefully no more water!

Lynne2 said...

flooding is very bad here and in PA north of here. VERY bad. And yet the idiots are still trying to drive though the waters.....York Co Pa has many roads closed.

wvgal_dana said...

I think Judy wants us to know she is going back from lunch to work lol

wvgal_dana said...

Lynne what county are you in?

Lynne2 said...

DanaWV, we are in Balto Co, on the west side, Randallstown.

hedgie said...

Thundering.......oh,oh....may have to shut down if it gets too close...

Kay said...

LYNNE, glad there seems to be some let up in the rain. You're going to be exhausted by the time the crisis is truly over. I feel your pain !

DANA WV, a hoot ? Moi ? I'd like to be wise like the proverbial owl !☺

LYNN, we do have many, many shared interests and points of view ! I'd sure like to know how many degrees of separation we'd find if we could do the research.

wvgal_dana said...

WOW I just heard a BIG ROAR OF THUNDER AND THERE IS ANOTHER. I might be shutting down. I'll see.

wvgal_dana said...

I get mailing for voting

How do you vote for someone running for Governor that raises his own base pay $20,000.00?????

How do you vote for the one in that is no good????

What does that leave you to do???

Lynne2 said...

our road is closed due to flooding. Many roads in area closed. ON my FB I shared a video of Ellicott City, historic main street flooding.

Lynne2 said...

The repossessed swim club Ken now owns again, flooded out bridge, about 8 feet of water. They got out of there (Steve was there with him) just in time.

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - I think it sounds like it is
time to get the boat out! Is there any lumber laying around to use to block the water out OR can you dig a trench
away from the porch??? Oh I wish Steve
would come to your rescue!

I made it into Frederick and back - I70 really holds the water - bad surface.
I am finished for another year with the
mammogram. Whoo Hoo!

Lynne2 said...

glad you are back safe Jo!

Judie said...

Thank you Steve for our fresh Wednesday thread.

Been an almost steady rain here today with many bursts of intense rain. Beginning to fear for the elderly huge trees in the backyard.

Shirley, glad the test results were good. You deserve some nap time after lunch at Applebee's.

Andy, I hope the meds work for kubby but still think he should have it checked just to be sure.

Lynne2, what an ugly situation with all the water and the leaking roof. How about a call to the landlord? At least give a heads up to needed repairs. Glad the water is receding and rain has slowed. Wonder if fire dept. might has some suggestions about how to stop flooding in an emergency situation?

Kay, sure hope Malcolm doesn't lurk on the blog. He will find out he can knock over trash baskets.

Jo, thank you for the Mason update. Sounds very positive. Hope you're having a nice day.

I think Judy has a loooooong way to go to get to work.

Need to get back to work. Later

Mema Jo said...

The rain just now stopped in my valley
Don't know for how long that will be.
Now I am off (hubby drives me) to see
regular doc. BBILW

stronghunter said...


Have tried to read most of the posts.

Lynne, I hope you are okay. It sounds like you are having a serious flooding problem.

stronghunter said...

Don't know what a nuclear stress test is.

NatureNut said...

Hello Everyone! Finally checking in & Sharon, send that big yellow ball up the road!!!!!
Sorry I never made it here last night----did lots of emails, etc. & konked out in lounge chair!
Daughter phoned Fubby yesterday & said one of their good friends and neighbor, Chris, from up their street is good friends w/firemen. They gave him a yellow suit & he went back and every house on their street is gone, but the tiny, strange miracle is that both of them have their free standing garages!!!!Jimmy's boat, outside of garage was melted down (& had a full tank of gas!!!) but whole garage was OK!!!Jimmy got back last evening and today they are attending a special community meeting w/officials. No one is allowed in yet because of breeze/emmbers, etc. So I hope what's left will remain--at least there would be something to recoup financially if needed.If thay decide to rebuild (she does) the garage has a shower! LOL They both will be business traveling in a couple weeks, so they will be real busy trying to get something together. They may rent apartment.
(Sorry, I'm so bad at editing & I'm a little hyper ☺) I wish we could go down there with a shovel and do some digging, but mostly need to have a group hug

Real busy at work--other girl putting up exhibit at old school early this AM had her car croak there! Probably too wet. Boss brought her to office. I just took her back there, her car started, but she's staying for dedication.I picked up lunch & gotta chew & work!
Later~~~ thank you so much for prayers & good wishes! ☺♥

stronghunter said...

Definitely prayers, good wishes and a big hug for Sherry and Jimmy and for all of their neighbors as well, Loretta.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Loretta I am so very sorry for you and them and others from the fire. I am glad your daughter got out of there. Sorry for the lost of their home and belongings. I just can't imagine for you or them.
We have been wondering thank you for stopping in to let us know. Plenty of prayers have been said and will continue.

stronghunter said...

Almost time for the school bus to come.

wvgal_dana said...

Need to sign off and go get a perscription.

Judie said...

Thank you, Loretta. We all truly care.

hedgie said...

Oh, Loretta.....HUGS from here for you all. How amazing that the garage survived....too bad it wasn't the other way around. Just can't imagine what they (and you all) are going through. So glad you checked in---we have surely held you all in our thoughts and prayers.

Shirley, the nuclear stres test is chemical as opposed to treadmill.

Jo, didn't realize you had TWO apptmts.!! Is Ed towing the boat?

stronghunter said...

I did the treadmill test. My stamina wore out. I am sure I need more exercise, but my heart did okay. A couple of extra beats or something, but she did not think it was a problem. No signs of blockage.

PA Nana said...

Lynne2, I know your pain. Had to call Jimbo home from work too.
The sand tubes work, but this storm just too much too soon, too often. And it's not over yet.
Roads closed and the Susquehanna will be above flood stage in the next day or so.

Hello to everyone else. Hope you are all dry.

stronghunter said...

I still need to have blood work, but I am not sure I am going to do that tomorrow. Two mornings in a row without breakfast might just do me in.

hedgie said...

I don't blame you, Shirley!

Diann, sorry you are getting inundated. It's crazy everywhere.

Just to cheer us, or to depress us more: Mits has sunshine at the beach with 80°......lucky gal!

stronghunter said...

Hope the rain stops very soon, Diane.

stronghunter said...

Hunter and I survived another mathematics session. He is a piece of work, this kid. He is adding decimals. He is quite capable of doing well when he wants to. Claims that it is not good to get all of the answers right because (1) The teacher might think he is cheating. (2) He does not want to be too smart. (3) Whatever else he can think of.

He also claims that I got a different answer from him because I learned to add decimals in a different way.

Lori O. said...

KAY & WANDA - I love The Good Wife, too. Glad Wanda gets to see her faves Il Divo tonight. They are beautiful looking and sounding! Good taste, Wanda!

Just wanted to make sure everyone saw the "NEW THREAD" announcement on the last thread. First one didn't work, Lynne posted after it, and I know I get lost when "left behind" so I did another announcement and made sure I clicked twice so it would show up twice. :) Hard to miss it, huh?!

hedgie said...

Ready to go...if rain holds off 10 more minutes, we are off to the races!
Later gators.

Lynne2 said...

OK, here are my grandparents, Louise and Harry (maternal). Married 60 years, 3 children, 6 grandchildren and gram lived to see her first great grandchild before she succumbed to Alzheimer's. I sure do miss them!

Lynne2 said...


Lynne2 said...

oh Shirley, Hunter is a RIOT!!! And very creative!

stronghunter said...

Yeah, Lynne. He expends more energy trying to get out of work than he would expend if he just did what he was supposed to to to begin with. I think that is a common problem of many people.

Adding decimals: You line up the numbers. Make sure the decimals are lined up. Add. Borrow and carry. That is what he is doing. That is the way I learned to do it. If the answers do not agree, something is wrong. So far, I can do his math.

Lori O. said...

JUDYE, Thanks for the fun stuff!

LYNNE, hope you got some help in getting your flooding under control. Is it still flooding?

wvgal_dana said...

Back and now have less money. Darn perscription was higher than what they said when called it was ready.
Every time I get it I must say it goes up each time. grrr

Diann sorry the tubs isn't enough it sounds like. I think all the rivers and creeks are going to be out of their banks.

Hunter sure sounds like he has those decimals perfect. Love his reasoning lol

wvgal_dana said...

Everyones grandparent pictures are beautiful. I'm sure some are really missed. Mine are for sure but they left me with a lot of special love.

wvgal_dana said...

I have gotten into the Good Wife also. Been a couple of months watching it. Truly surprised me I thought I wouldn't like it.

stronghunter said...

Hunter and his history vocabulary: He has a quiz on Friday, but he forgot to bring the words home to study, but that's okay because he studied them at school. But he does not remember what any of them are and he does not remember any of the definitions, but it doesn't matter.

Kathryn just might have to deal with that one.

The truth is that he loves history and he probably knows the words.

Lolly said...

Took me forever to catch up on the blog.

Lynne, how is the rain/water situation? What you need to do is get sandbags and keep them handy.

Shirley, glad the test is over with and you passed!

Lori O. said...

Hello LOLLY!

SHIRLEY - you passed the stress test! GREAT! I bet the first afternoon coffee was soooo good. :)

DIANN - can't believe you're being flooded too. URGH! Send the kitties to higher ground!

stronghunter said...

I ended up having Pepsi, Lori. They offered me some while I was still there as well as some peanut butter crackers.

Then I had more Pepsi at the restaurant.

Lynne2 said...

water is receded, crisis over. There is water all over the boiler room floor next to the sun porch. Steve let our landlord Kyle know when he was over in his garage surveying for problems due to the rain. He said "oh well, it's flooded before". He didn't even come over and look! Jerk. I'm not cleaning it up.

Lynne2 said...

poor Diann, and I think Linda is in the line of fire with the rain, too. Some storms popping up heading our way but nothing like earlier, at least that's how it looks on radar!

Lori O. said...

Anyone watching the debate tonight? Polls say Rick Perry is leading, followed by Romney, with Michelle Bachman third. I think there's four debates this month!

Lolly said...

Loretta...thanks for keeping us informed. I keep hearing stories. Talked with my brother a little while ago and he told me of another home lost, a daughter of a friend. And, on fb just learned another fire has broken out.

Jack and I drove to a nearby town to do a little shopping. I was looking at all the dead foliage, dead and dying trees. It is really scary. Just a little spark and everything goes up in flames.

Lori O. said...

Loretta, prayers for your family. That was so nice of the neighbors firemen friends to let him into the neighborhood to look. At least the waiting and wondering was over. ♥
((Big Hugs))

Lori O. said...

I think this is a new message from OC saying they have no ETA when the cam will be fixed. Maybe not, but it says:
We apologize for the inconvenience. The EagleCam is presently offline. We do not have an ETA on a resolution. Thank you for your patience.

Looks like another night & morning without Belle & Truder. :((

Lori O. said...

Have a good night everyone. Bedtime for this Bonzo!
Sweet dreams and I'll see you in the
morning. Good Night!

Lynne2 said...

good night and sweet dreams Lori! I'll get some PAINT HORSE info from Val at work tomorrow!

Hoda said...

Back after a full day. I have not read back yet and will do so after I post this.

Doctor is very pelased with my test results and gave me eardrops for an infection and said keep looking after yourself and I left saying thank you very much.

Lunch was delicious, a chicken and brie sandwich with salad and blueberyy and lemon tea. Good conversation and we sat in the patio and watched Nelson life go by. Still many cars from Washington and Idaho and Montana out here...

Grans to Grans meeting saw some interesting discusions and many events coming up. I volunteered to do a Fall Fair for the Grans to Grans Booth, it will take place on a little Island call Proctor, 35 minutes east of Nelson.Pretty place. I also volunteered for the cooking part of the African Dinner and also the advertising for the same event...this will happen in November.African Dinner is a fund raiser that usually brings in around 5 thousand dollars, very well received in Nelson.

I am glad to be back to the flat and now is the time to catch up on the to you all in a little while

Lynne2 said...

glad the Dr is happy with your progress Hoda! WOW, you sure are a busy lady, too!

wvgal_dana said...

Good report from dr. Hoda ( :

Sounds like that fund raiser and I think I can smell you delicious dinner you will be fixing...yummy

wvgal_dana said...

Nite Lori

Think I am getting hungry. Need to fix something.

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY Did good on her test♥
HUNTER makes me laugh at his shenanigans with schooling
¸.•´ ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´(¸.• (¸.••.¸¸.♥♀ ♥
(¸.•)•.¸¸.)• ♥♀ ♥

So sorry for every ones flooding so sad we have tooo much rain and LOLLY and TX need it
I loved the airplane video that LOLLY posted on FB picking up water They need more planes There were several TX peeps on this evening local news We have more hurricanes forming but none that will go to TX up to the letter N now 14 storms so far this season

SHIRLEY is a Pepsi drinker ME TO when I drink soda once in a blue moon or when I have pizza its a must to have Pepsi

Here in Fl they have free Sandbag give away. there a limit to how many you can get The ones I had over the years the bags disintegrated and now is just sand that I have spread over the yard

WOW on the news right now the said "even PA had 10 to 15 inches of rain

JudyEddy said...

¸.•´ ¸.•*¨)¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´(¸.• (¸.•´¸¸.•¨¯`•.¸¸.♥

JudyEddy said...

HODA Good to hear about your dr visit Keep up the good work

Hoda said...

I am glad teh flood situation is improved LYNNE2

Loretta so sorry about hte fire loss for daughter and son in law...amazing the garage is still standing.

LORI the OC announcement has been up on the OC site since Saturday when the cam first went down. Sometimes OC people lurk here and I posted STEVE's announcement on the WOW site.This new announcement showed up today from OC as a postSorry, all. The live cam is still offline. There's equipment and electrical problems at the nest and, with all the rain in the area, the NCTC won't be able to examine the camera...

SHIRLEY glad the tests went well.

WVGAL_DANA thanks for hooded crow audio. I hope the senior Paddlers do not get strokes they are good with their strokes using a paddle and all...LOL...

I need a cup of tea, I am not settled, from my active day and a cup of tea always does it...

stronghunter said...

Tornado warning...St. Mary's County.

JudyEddy said...

I bought a Pizza Elmo for Ariana I had already bought one for Jordyn but when I ran into this the other day just had to get it for her She is Jordyns cousin 7 mths younger and she loves Elmo Check out the talking Pizza So cute

Talking Pizza and Elmo

I also changed my profile to one when we went to Germany to see my Oma and Opa that is my older sister My Opa always wore a hat didn't get to see them being they lived in Germany My mom brought them over to the US a couple of times that is what the last picture was when they were in KY but they both preferred to live in Germany
Well I am going to go do TV have been doing some cleaning and laundry now its TV time

JudyEddy said...

Forgot to say I paid only 2.98 for it got it on seniors discount day

and I googled it

OK are you sitting down

take a deep breath

you won't believe it

when I tell you



$201.00 on Amazon wow and 145.00 on another site

wvgal_dana said...

I am heading for recliner and tv too

stronghunter said...

Cute, Judy.

. . . Oh, wow, Judy!!

stronghunter said...

I am going to call it quits early tonight.

Take care, everyone. Some bad weather out there.

See you tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Potted Plant Owl

I and some others watched this cam
last year. I think you all will like

Mema Jo said...

Going to entertain myself with a 2 hr movie with Hubby - BBL

Lynne2 said...

wish Linda would check in....they are saying on the weather channel that parts of N. Central PA are seeing the worst flooding since Agnes....

magpie said...

The Susquehanna is Mighty and WIDE....praying for Diann and Jim...

Lynne, so sorry to hear of your flooding ordeal...Lynn's Caro was reading some of the blog to me at work today....when it was happening, I was groaning !

Happy to read of good doctor's reports from Shirley, Jo, and Hoda

magpie said...

The weather reports were coming in non stop today at work, on our "teletype" computer....that's the one I "man" most of the time..

Judie said...

Just a quick visit. Dinner over.

Shirley, I cannot thank you enough for posting Hunter's antics. You have done an amazing job of enlightening me about the thinking I encounter with my wannabe adults. I was literally laughing out loud.

Hoda, enjoy your relaxing tea. Congratulations on your test results. Clearing up the ear infections should take care of all the problems. The African dinner -- assume you prepare foods of African culture but do you have to learn them in advance or do you already know what and how to prepare?

Having some thoughts about Solomon's. Calvert County seems to be a target for storms, power outages, etc. I'm sure a continuing care community must have a gazillion generators but...

Wonder how Liesl is doing in class tonight? Hope Lynn will share an update on Liesl and her boy toy.

Judie said...

Oh, had to come back. Jo, thank you about the Potted Owl. Will check immediately. A favorite. Hugs

Lynne2 said...

Diann checked in a little after 4pm and all was OK then but they are also getting nailed.

Lynne2 said...

looks like a bad on heading at shirley

Judie said...

It is early but the sandperson will be arriving soon. The big school house in on tomorrow's agenda.

The night light is on for anyone who needs to arise in the dark and for anyone coming in from the West coast. Please do not slam the door.

magpie said...

I wander the floor often Judie during the night, will surely appreciate the Night Light !!

magpie said...

Carry it over and borrow always made more sense to me than

Yes, I agree, Hunter is Clever with his excuses...
James often likes to take frequent "breaks" during homework

magpie said...

sorry about the pricey medications, DanaWV...
any more updates on your condition after falling out of bed ?

hedgie said...

Good evening all. Caught up with you to the 8pm point. Weather cooperated well...only a few sprinkles while I was on the road. Liesl did VERY well little champ. She also was VERY cooperative with the groomer for her nail trim.

Another small world story. Marlon's momma said "you are friends with my husband on Facebook!" Trainer raised her eyebrows like "oh-oh..." I asked who her hubby was...and sure enough, a friend from work! She's a nice gal...and we have comisserated over our shared osteoporosis stories.

JudyE---can't believe you got that Elmo for that price. What luck! Where did you find it? Unbelievable!!

I will openly admit that for me it is beer with pizza!!! I don't do sodas. Had a very severe addiction to RC Cola in college....once I got off the stuff, I don't like any of them!

magpie said...

So..Jacob turns 7 Thursday...that is great, Lolly, that you are taking cookies...
hope his "second class" is working out well with him, and that you have "warm fuzzies" for his teacher

Lynne2 said...

worried about the Dr's Baker too...they live in York Co Pa and have had a lot of flooding around them as well. Basement flooded at work but not too badly.

Lynne2 said...

wow Lynn, it truly is a small world!

magpie said...

Welcome Home Lynn and Liesl...
glad your trip out and back went well

hedgie said...

Hoda and Lori....the OC message changed about the cam. This morning it said what Hoda said. Now it's back to what Lori said. ?????? Weird.

Hoda, sounds like a full day for you! You deserve that cup o' tea!

I splurged and picked up ribs for dinner....yummy! And enough for another meal.

I, too, LOVE Il Divo....hope they sing a good song tonight! And hoping that my black WV car wash Sinatra/Martin singer makes it to the finals!!!

magpie said...

Lovely portrait of your maternal grandparents, Lynne ♥ ♥

magpie said...

And the same to you, Lynn...

hedgie said...

Shirley, we have always had trouble with Jess and Jenn failing to bring homework stuff. ARGH! Makes me so angry. I hope you told Hunter that the decimal system has been in place for hundreds or thousands of years---it's no different now than when you learned it! What a monkey he is!

hedgie said...

Jo, I think I saw where the owls have two eggs--is that still right? Glad you thought about posting the link cause I didn't!!

Lynne2 said...

I drink milk with pizza. And crabs. And everything. I am a milkaholic.

magpie said...

disappearing for a little while...
have some snail-mailing to do

and a little of this 'n that

Catch up with y'all in a little while...

xoxo ♥

hedgie said...

Christie also has a friend whose relative lost their home in TX. So very sad.

Speaking of Christie---she and I are going to see "The Help" Sat. We haven't had a movie date in a very long time!!! A couple of years ago we were doing it at least once a month.

hedgie said...

Yes, Lynne, nice pic of your grands as well as JudyE. My girls were both lucky enough to know them....infact, Pop was the first person that Caro walked to on her own!!! I have a great pic of that. Christie only barely remembers Pop, as she was only 4 when he passed.

Lynne, how is Dr. Baker doing? Isn't that who you also babysit for? Is York that close to you?

hedgie said...

Marlon's mom is a 2nd grade teacher---has a class of 23. She has 4 more years before she can retire. Yes that bringing MArlon to class in the middle of the week is her sanity salvation!

Lynne2 said...

yes Lynn, I did used to babysit her girls on Tuesday evenings when she was still working on Tuesday evenings. But she doesn't anymore. I miss the kids, but her mom/my bff Gail, brings them by to visit every now and then! And of course, I now work at the clinic! We aren't that far from York, just under an hour, I think.

Lynne2 said...

She is doing so much better these days now that they have a disease and treatment plan figured out (bartonella). Still having problems, and treatment will last about 2 years.

JudyEddy said...

There is a second had shop that I have been going to for years for Jordyn stuff I have gotten a butt load of stuff and dirt cheap I even got her out door lil tikes slide and climbing and I also got her the Crazy Coupe bed that was 19.99 that is about the highest I have paid for anything I bought her a couple of lil tikes kitchens 9.99 and 19.99 they use to have a spin the wheel for discounts and I was always lucky I have lots of picture of stuff I bought The place is Second Image it use to be privately owned but now the state owns it Still can find good deals and they have discounts every day on different colored tags We have lots of second hand stores and this is what I use to do on a daily basis a different store each day Well I haven't been in a long time and went the other day to look for tap shoes and found Elmo he was behind the counter where he wasn't really exposed so I lucked out and like I said it is the second one I have gotten that cheap

JudyEddy said...

Addiction to RC did you do Moon Pies also LOL Just kidding

JudyEddy said...

RC use to be the soda we drank when we lived in OHIO and they called it POP not soda

JudyEddy said...

I do not like milk Maybe with a cookie or sweet cake but that about it

Lynne2 said...

Pop is what we said in Pittsburgh, too!

JudyEddy said...

That must be a northern thing We didn't say it in KY from what I remember

JudyEddy said...

Don't forget to vote one is 62,131 and the other is 11,202 not even close I vote for both

JudyEddy said...

I wonder what Jordyn will want to do tomorrow I was thinking about the Seabird Sanctuary we haven't been there in a while

Lynne2 said...

sounds great JudyE, and we'd love to see pictures!

wvgal_dana said...

I'm heading off for the night.

I can't stop thinking of all the loses in Texas. Now other places the waters are raising and flooding is taking place. SAD :(

Prayers for every need...

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...