Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Was in DC yesterday.  Saw a big adult eagle over Goose Creek on the drive into the city.

New thread.


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wvgal_dana said...

Wish I had been along with you. Would have loved to have seen that Steve.

Thanks for the New Thread. I go call the group over if someone doesn't do it first.

Have a good day!!

wvgal_dana said...

Osprey at Finland on the water still there

wvgal_dana said...

Hoda you have another very busy day. Also a meeting at the Library. You'll have to tell us about that. Happy paddling day...hope you see an eagle ( :

Costume Lady said...

Just checking in to prevent a Silver Alert. I have to take GG to several appointments this week and work in the shop, so I won't be around very often. I'm OK, just don't put out the alert:)

I did manage to get the video of Jayden at GG's Friday evening. It is 20 mins long, but, so cute. Twice, on this video, he sings HAIL TO THE REDSKINS. Not intelligible, but cuter than a bug!
It's on JUST FOR FUN, if you would like to smile a while:)

Costume Lady said...

Hi there, Dana. Do you still have your hummers? Ours are few and far between, now.

stronghunter said...


Thanks for the call-over, DanaWV, and thanks, Steve, for the new thread.

Just finished my letter to the Clerk of Court about being excused from jury duty. Keeping my fingers crossed.

stronghunter said...

How nice that you saw an eagle, Steve.

Bob Quinn said...

Good afternoon all!

stronghunter said...

Very cute video of a very cute little grandson, Wanda.

stronghunter said...

Hi, Bob.

Bob Quinn said...

Hey Shirley!

JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch and out the door have to run to dau with a check BBL

Judie said...

Good afternoon everyone.

Thank you Steve and so nice you saw an eagle.

Wanda, I think with all the work you're doing this week you should have many dinners out. Please don't make me send Darth up there. Have to wait till I get home to watch the Jayden video. Not able to see on the work computer.

Shirley, would like to think you would be excused from jury duty. Just tell them you believe in the death penalty for every offense -- even parking tickets. That should do it.

Hello to Bob Quinn.

Hi Dana. Thanks for the osprey update.

Heading home soon. BBL

wvgal_dana said...

Hello one of our "missing Dadsters" Bob ( : Good that you could drop in. We like visits in here hee hee

Well I have to help cut a tree. So I must be on my way.

Wanda I think I might have a box ready for you. Need to make sure.

bbl everyone please take care

stronghunter said...

Yeah, Judie, that might do it. I figure they might not want to waste time with someone almost 70 years old since they said I can be excused at that point anyway, and I mentioned that in my letter.

Then again, maybe they will decide they have to grab me immediately since I am about to reach the jury expiration date.

But, do they have someone who can do long division and subtraction of decimals with Hunter while I serve? And, someone who can supervise a bunch of rock hounds set on digging up the edge of the street?

hedgie said...

Ah---Goose Creek.....famous flooding creek! Bet the golfers see that eagle often!

My laptop died.......don't know what is going on---couldn't get it to do anything---even turn it off. Pulled the battery to turn it off....it seemed quite warm at the vent....hmmm. MTBD.

hedgie said...

Hello, Bob! Good to see you. Loved the last set of pics, as always!!

Wanda, don't work TOO hard or run too fast!

Judie, hope your morning at school was a good one.

DanaWV---cut a tree??? Be careful!

movin said...


GooD MorniNG,



Thermometer is creeping up towards the 80° level again this day, but it's supposed to cool off again for the next few.

[:~D] Jim

hedgie said...

Okay....put battery back in, powered up okay....opened in Safe Mode and all seemed well. So shut it down properly. Will get back on it later and see how it does. Sounds like what Lynne went through not too long ago, doesn't it?

hedgie said...

Hi, Jim!!! That doesn't sound bad! We should hit low-to-mid-80's, but cooling off by Fri. Getting to be that time of year. :(

hedgie said...

Oh-oh.....Margy just issued a BOLO for a vehicle with EAGLE stickers on the sides.....what are the bad guys doing with OUR eagles??!!! LOL!

Working on a new list of houses to look at....will be heading back to the OBX soon...I have a HEADACHE from looking!

Heading out to blow off decks, and replace a lightbulb on the grage.

Bob Quinn said...

Sorry for being an "MIA Dadster". I've been running in a slower gear since the concussion in May.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Goodness, sorry I have been MIA! I fell asleep early last evening in front of the TV with Emma!

Have been going nonstop, because of babysitting the bulldogs. Have to supervise them in the front yard for a while, since the deck they are usually on is under repair right now. Miss Emma, I believe, is jealous of them. She was a "velcro puppy" yesterday.

Have tried to catch up here, but may have missed something here or there. Prayers for Charlie's sister, Trish.
Prayers about Lynne & Steve's car!!
Shirley, prayers for Chancey. She is a beautiful kitty! Hope you feel better soon!
Prayers that JudyE will NOT get a ticket in the mail. Hope & pray that you feel better soon, too!
DanaMo, prayers for Boomerang!
Lolly, thanking God that you are feeling better!
Well, gotta run. Miss Emma says hello to everyone, but she insists that I get off the computer and spend some time with her! I'll be back later. My life is apparently not my own!LOL :oD HAGD!

DanaMo said...

Well Boomer must just have a sprain. He is suppose to take it easy, HA! Lab and take it easy should even be said in the same breath!
Bottom line, 50 bucks and she couldn't really find anything

DanaMo said...

oops "shouldn't"

DanaMo said...

I'm so jealous! I want to see an eagle in the wild! Good for you Steve!

DanaMo said...

Any lurkers out there? Can't believe I'm here by myself.

Meet the teacher night! Blah...worst night of the year! Love fooling around and performing for the kids, not so much for the parents.

JudyEddy said...

OH MAGGIE I just read that is not till Nov till we change time darn it

hedgie said...

DanaMo---you will do fine at meet-the-parent night.....you may gain a lot of insight into things the kids have said to you!!
Sorry that Boomerang has a sprain....keep close tabs....and follow-up w/ vet if no improvement. I went that route with one of my dogs and it was a hard road.

BOB----are you still having post-concussion syndrome?? What does the Dr. say?? By all means, take it easy as you can.

Andy, Emma will get over her jealousy! Does she like playing with the bullies?

It has been a quiet day here....guess all are busy making up for all the rain and then the weekend!

Bob Quinn said...

Hey Lynn. Yes, some issues but not sure if they are related to the concussion or not. I am single handedly driving up our health care costs with all the tests I've been through. Not to worry though, minor issues.

Hoda said...

Thanks Steve for the New Thread. Good on you for spotting the eagle. Great!

Glad Boomer is OK DANAMO and sorry it ccost 50 dollars to get the pronouncement!!!
Wish you luck with P/T Interviews. They were my least favourite I have to admit, especially after a long day of teaching.I could not really say what I thought and that is what made it so difficult.

SHIRLEY I hope you are excused from Jury Duty.

LYNN good luck with the house hunting, keep us posted.

DANA_WV How come you are cutting a tree? Did you get some help? Was it damaged in all the storms?

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY I was just joking I hope you know that

Hoda said...

BOB don't you worry about driving up the health care costs and focus on getting better.

hedgie said...

Well, Bob, I sure hope they figure out what is going on with you soon! Don't like hearing that you aren't up to our normal Bob par!!

magpie said...

Hello B☺b
always a treat!
Though I have probably missed you already...
sure hoping that you will be
100% Bob very soon
xo ♥

magpie said...

Good Luck Shirley.....
hope a panel of compassionate readers takes your at-home Hunter needs to heart....
and that you get excused from Jury Duty, though...it would probably be very interesting

hedgie said...

Colors seem really different on my puter screen borders. Weird.
Also having trouble opening some emails, but that is also on the PC, so guess it's an AOL problem.
Firefox wouldn't recognize my history....had to open those bookmarks seperately. Sure hope whatever the problem was is gone!!

magpie said...

hoping that Carolyn feels better, Lynn...
another co-worker came in with a stiff back, same area, lower back...

took care of the Bio-Freeze treatment for both of them
LOL - I got a look at TWO beautiful tattoos in the process ☺
neat, we have that in our First Aid cabinet...
little pouches of it ☺

magpie said...

along with the two Large Eagle Stickers on that stolen car
were two sets of words...one of which was
I love Dale Earnhardt

magpie said...

I had a computer fright this morning too, Lynn...
screen went black and stayed that way...oh oh, I thought, the video card!
turned the machine off and brought it back up, and I could SEE again

hedgie said...

I managed to loose Liesl's favorite ball again.....I saw it bounce right down to the basement....but can't find it. Moved stuff under the steps...and no luck. ARGH! She keeps looking down the steps as if she thinks it will magically bounce back up! Silly dog.

magpie said...

Probably hard to believe...
but I am Cooking!

back to the kitchen I go, it's already starting to smell pretty good in here:
onions, green peppers, potatoes...meat's going into the pot pretty soon

Enjoy the Evening, Eagle Pals
xoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

"Meet the Teacher Night" AKA "Back to School Night" here too. I feel pretty yucky, so I called Kathryn and told her it would be nice if she and Hunter find their own dinner tonight before going. She suggested a bowl of cereal for Hunter and said that she would find something for herself.

I will curl into the recliner and just take it easy.

Went to Borders today and picked up a bag of books for less than $12.00. They are open just a few more days. It was very depressing in there. The local library was taking some of the shelving.

hedgie said...

Oh-oh....a barge hit the southbound Chesapeake Bay Bridge span.....it is now closed.

stronghunter said...

Yes, the jury duty might be interesting, and I would be willing to do it if I did not have another responsibility. Right now, Hunter needs me to be at home.

magpie said...

Absolutely, Shirley!

Sorry you are starting to feel badly...sickly that is...

magpie said...

bad news on that barge Lynn...will be watching for news on that...

in this day and age, it is hard to imagine these kinds of things happening....

Bob Quinn said...

Last time I did jury duty I ended up as the foreman and we sent a guy to jail for a year for being drunk off the scale and sitting in his car passed out with the engine running.

Hoda said...

SHIRLEY it is always a sad thing when a book store closes or when a library has to cut back on hours.

We have been lucky here in Nelson, We have TWO bookstores and they are doing well and we also have a library that is morphing itself to meet the needs of the community and the technological advances that are so much becoming common place now.
In my Friends of the Library meeting today we talked of the rebranding of our library amd set the strategic plan for the next five years.
So in the Nelson Public Library it is a place to DISCOVER, to CONNECT, to IMAGINE.
The Mission Statement speaks to the changes that all librarys are experiencing. So The Nelson Public Library is dedicated to engaging readers, strengthening community, and stimulating individual pursuit of knowledge and ideas. I like that.We are encouraging online participation by our patrons and we facilitate the downloading of books on e-books. This is the next thing I have to learn about. I do not own a Kindle but many here do...LIBRARIES ARE VITAL AND IMPORTANT...

stronghunter said...

I'm guessing it wasn't the guy's first offense, Bob.

magpie said...

I am buying books all the time, Shirley, second hand, at Goodwill and the B Springs Library has an inside front porch full of them....

I'm looking for a good dictionary for James, with pronunciations, and word origins...
and nice pictures, and a decent sized print...and hard back

magpie said...

Way to Go Hoda...
"Right On" as they say...

magpie said...

whle I am employed at 9-1-1 the chances of my being on jury duty here locally are about...nil

too much involvement with the calls that lead to the trials

hedgie said...

Wrong info----not CB Bridge.....the CBB tunnel!!!Hope it's not leaking!!

magpie said...

sounds like it is lucky...that the guy was passed out in the car BEFORE he did damage and destruction and tragedy if he had hit another vehicle or people
or houses
agree, sounds like at least second offense, maybe third

Bob Quinn said...

It was his third offense Shirley.

CarolAnne said...

Hi all - RE: downloading library books. You don't need a Kindle or Nook, etc. Not sure if this is available thru all library systems but this library site allows you to download books to your PC. Takes a bit to get set up, but after that its easy.

Bob Quinn said...

Outta here. Headed home and grocery shopping.

Hoda said...

Thanks Carol Anne. I like reading in a comfortable chair or in bed...not sure if I would enjoy it as much on my desk computer. I do not have a lap top either...The point is libraries are changing to meet the demands and the needs of the community technologically and by fostering and engaging community groups to be active in the library community...

Hoda said...

Stay well BOB talk to you later, don't stay away for too long...

wvgal_dana said...

I'm back pine tree limbs are cut except maybe a couple on other side. Will have to go earlier to do that. Heat was too much!!

Don't know if you have heard this news.

stronghunter said...

Libraries Will Survive

I think I shared this once before, but we have lots of new people now.
Hoda, your library group might enjoy it. I like the short version.

stronghunter said...

This story is in our local paper, DanaVW. Stafford County is just north of Fredericksburg.

CarolAnne said...

Hoda, I agree, its wonderful when a libary makes an effort to be part of the community & raises to todays needs. A vision problem makes it difficult to read a standard print book & not all books come in large print. Downloading allows me to enlarge the print & satisfy my reading needs. Or sometimes enjoy downloading the audio books.
Take care all

stronghunter said...

I made regular visits to the library to get audio books when I was making the commute to Culpeper. Now I will be reading books on paper again. Kathryn is still taking the audio book route.

JudyEddy said...

Headin to the beach tonight I was going to go to Ft Desoto to see the eagles but not for sure BBL

stronghunter said...

I love being able to browse the collection online. It's also good to be able to reserve and renew online.

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley my Mother has cousin's that live in Stafford County. Not where this ground falling away is happening though. Ex lives also in Stafford Co.

stronghunter said...

I'm confused, Dana. The story you've linked to is in Stafford County.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi CaroleAnn my husband's nephew lives in Wisconsin "Eau Claire".

Shirley loved the video!!! lol

JudyE the B---h wonderful oh we can say the word. Beach cause Sharon won't get upset ( :

Hedgie-Lynn/e I think I missed saying I hope Carolyn feels better.
Also I hope your computer is ok. Let us know if you have to take it in for repair?

Bob I can't believe you are still having some problems from that concussion. I know you will be checking things out with the doctor. Prayers that everything that is going on just DISAPPEARS!! POOF!!!

wvgal_dana said...

I am sorry if I have confused you Shirley. Yes the houses were the ground is giving away. Is in a development in Stafford Co., Va. Were you were saying.

magpie said...

I have LARGE PRINT Guideposts.
Love it!
When my computer died a few years ago...temporarily died that is, I would go to the library and get on-line there

I think I could LIVE in a library

magpie said...

What kinds of books did you get at Borders?
I have on-line gift certificate to Amazon...going to check some things out tonight ☺

magpie said...

Stew/soup is brewing
will take some to upstairs neighbor Tom later on, after I test drive it!

Going to keep an eye on the nest while I'm shopping Amazon
Thanks Jo for extending our E-M album another month through October...sure hope we can fill it up !

hedgie said...

Margy, thanks for tending to both in pain. Carolyn wasn't doing much better the last time we talked.


hedgie said...

And now she also has the broken tooth to deal with. She's almost as bad as I am about going to the dentist. I NEVER went with the girls because I didn't want to transfer my fears---that was a Dad job. I did okay with the orthodontist stuff, tho'.

Well, Margy, the bad guys at least had good taste--eagles and Earnhart!

hedgie said...

I found the tennis ball!!! And a spare---one that Mai had lost!! They were between studs....and behind a support post---a most unlikely place to bounce into!! Had to vacuum them off! Now Liesl doesn't know which one to play with because they are identical! What a hoot, as Suz says!

Hoda said...

SHIRLEY I much enjoyed LIBRARIES WILL SURVIVE link and sent it to the Libray staff here...Thanks.

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn/e thanks for sharing the story and Liesl and her not knowing now which ball to play with LOL

hedgie said...

I think it's sofa time with Liesl....she keeps walking over there. Going to shut this baby down to ward off another possible problem!! BBL.

hedgie said...

Oh, Margy, so nice of you to share your stew with Tom Sweetie! Hope he appreciates it!

stronghunter said...

I got

Morning Glory by Dana Peterfreund

The Dangerous Edge of Things by Tina Whittle

Jackie as Editor by Greg Lawrence

Catch Her if You Can by Merline Lovelace

and a couple of anime books for Hunter.

stronghunter said...

One of the librarians on the video is my bridge playing friend, Midge.

Hoda said...

Oh Gracious me, LOLLY's Fire Map Link shows 22 new fires in Texas today. From the old ones they brought them down to fifteen, and then twety two new ones started...So Sorry Lolly.

OK I am off. Talk to you all later.

stronghunter said...

The video was featured on a Washington DC television news story when it first came out.

stronghunter said...

Oh, I haven't looked at the Texas fire maps today.

magpie said...

Thanks for the book purchase list, Shirley...sounds great

Moon is a'risin hereabouts again, looks beautiful

magpie said...

sorry Caro is ailing, back AND tooth....sure hope, relief is swift and painless
Enjoy that quiet time with Liesl

magpie said...

got all tired out cooking, hoping on an Eagle visit (nope, there wasn't one)
and looking at Amazon site, how will I ever make decisions!

Signing off early tonight,
think I will try to read before my eyes drop closed;
will try to check some links posted here, a little later on, or tomorrow

Hope tonight is a GOOD Night for everyone

Prayers for Wellness....
Good Night, and
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

These aren't my usual authors, but I thought the books looked interesting.

Things had been picked over as Borders has been closing down for awhile.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all! Caught up on the old thread, working on this one now while eating some sghetti!

Welcome, Bobbie! Sorry to hear about the eagle, hope your friend can get a hold of the authorities.

Margy, thanks for the comments on the avatar....love that pic also. Going to try and watch the CBS show tonight.

Lori, hope you get to see an eagle, but osprey and heron are good, too!

Lolly, glad you are better, sorry Shirley and JudyE for feeling worse

stronghunter said...

Very nice avatar, Paula.

JudyEddy said...

WOW WOW WOW THAT WAS THE PRETTIEST SUNSET EVER PINK PINK SOO PRETTY Need to get a shower and then down load pictures and videos HMM I meet a nice gentleman who said he saw me last night so he came up to talk with me he lives in PP also small world We left it at see ya tomorrow he said so we will see HA HA He is retired from postoffice ok need a shower BBL I can't can't wait for time to change look how late it is and I just got home Oh that the price we pay for a magnificent sunset

stronghunter said...

Looking forward to seeing your pictures, Judy.

paula eagleholic said...

Geesh, lost my comments for this thread....

paula eagleholic said...

CarolAnne, thanks for the library link.

My hummers have been absent as well!

Went to refill my feeders, they are all yucky...tried rinsing them out, think I need to scrape them out! I think the seed got wet and starting sprouting in the feeders. Will try to work on those tomorrow, it got too dark after mowing tonight.

paula eagleholic said...

Bob, hope you are at 100% soon!

paula eagleholic said...

DanaMO, hope Boomerang recovers quickly...hope tonight goes well.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, hope you can find some more houses to check out in the OBX...and I knew you meant the tunnel bridge!

stronghunter said...

Bob, please take care of yourself.

stronghunter said...

Watching Jacqueline Kennedy program on ABC. BBL.

hedgie said...

Nice to think that Hoda is paddling while we are in the dark!
Moon WAS lovely in it's orange glow!

Oh, boyo---JudyE has a beau!!!!! Go for it, girlfriend!

Goodnight to all turning in early.

Shirley, I remember when that library thing aired on the news.

Paula----as much as it rained last week, I'm not surprised that the seed is sprouting in your feeders!
It is mushroom/toadstool city here!

wvgal_dana said...

I'm heading for the recliner see you tomorrow.

Prayers for all those that need them whether people or God's creatures.

hedgie said...

Landau Murphy on AGT!!! Go, WV fellow!! Surely hoping he wins!!!

Lolly said...

Dinner is over and went outside for a wee while. Hot Hot Hot! Now the dishes are done. Jack usually does them but his back has gone out. Good grief! If it's not one thing it is another. I am feeling much better. My eyes have not bothered me today. Did take a nap this afternoon and I usually do not do that.

Yes, Hoda, more fires. One is north west of us and west of Laurel. That scares me!! I think of that pasture right behind her and there is lots of "brush" just right on the other side of her fence. Really scary! Wish that mess was not there but cleared away. It is their own fault. They throw stuff over the fence.

Sounds like some good books, Shirley. I just finished a book from Laurel's library in her room. When I was helping set it up, I pulled this book. Looked good and it was. A good preteen book but I also enjoyed it. Historical fiction, Trouble's Daughter, story about an young Indian captive.

Lolly said...

I need to get a book downloaded to my Kindle. We have a trip planned in a couple of weeks and I will want something to read.

I made more batches of pesto today. My basil is starting to go. Now I need to get more pinenuts to make more.

hedgie said...

Terry Fator's on AGT.

Lynne2 said...

evening all...just checking in, have read back only briefly.

Lolly I'm sure not happy about the fires close to Laurel. STILL praying for rain for you guys.

Heading to bed. This just about full time schedule isn't leaving much free time!!! It LOOKS like a not to busy day tomorrow so I'll try to pop in!

JudyEddy said...

Well I did get some pictures downloaded but the videos are being a big PIA facebook and the blog I had to cut the one in half for the blog and facebook is not doing good so I stopped it and started again So I am calling it a evening I will see if they download if not tomorrow is another day It was so pink the sun and the moon was pretty again


See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


Lynne2 said...

Lynn, sound almost just like what happened to my laptop....I spent 13$ online at Walmart.com for a fan for underneath and it's worked wonders. HOWEVER....I cannot shut the top like I used to and open it back up and have my things as they were....it still messes up the power somehow. And I have to turn off the "hibernate" mode that kicks in when I'm inactive. But at least with the fan, it stays cool and doesn't just shut off by itself anymore!

Lynne2 said...

Good night my friends..and prayers for all!

Mema Jo said...

Good Evening to those still here and good night to those who have left.
Had a beautiful day with my daughters and then a nap and then dinner down at
Cracker Barrel - I ate their chicken & dumplings. Hubby and I watched a Hallmark movie this evening.
The girls were planning some games for
the reunion this Saturday.
I must go to my emails - hate to see how many are there........ BBILW

JudyEddy said...

the videos two short are on facebook naturally before the blog the blog is still trying to upload the first short one 1min 18sec and has not succeeded yet if you are on facebook it on my page now giving up on the blog till tomorrow I guess

Hoda said...

A calm quiet paddle and the water was like silk. Not a creature in the skies and no ducks on the lake either. Beautiful moon.

I had to post on three sites for the upcoming booksale in October as I volunteered to be on advertising committee. I managed to post two and the third will have to wait till tomorrow.
It went well. I am pleased with the ease of finding my way around the sites.

Lolly said...

Jo, glad you had a good day with your daughters.

Lynne, the fire is not real close to Laurel, but closer than I would like it to be and they do have dry acreage right behind them. We do have houses surrounding us. Houses with watered lawns. Surely that make a difference.

hedgie said...

Sounds good, Hoda. Your volunteerism is wonderful!

Jo, glad your day was a good one! What are Cracker Barrel's chicken and dumplings like? Pot Pie Noodles or real dough dumplings?

hedgie said...

Lynne, so far so good with the laptop, but it sure gave me a fright. Just put all of my docs and a lot of pics over onto flashdrives.....just in case! Will check out the fan thing you got. Thanks.

hedgie said...

Bears are all SAFE again today! :)

stronghunter said...

Happy for the bears.

Time to say good night.

I'll see you tomorrow.

hedgie said...

Stafford Co. sinkholes on DC news.

Lolly said...

Video of da Bears, Lily, Hope, & Faith

Hoda said...

So pleased when I read the post Bears are all safe for another day...YEAY. Thanks LYNN and also LOLLY for the video.

Lolly said...

Think I am going to head to the shower. Have been watching the Rangers. They are up 10 to 4. ☺

hedgie said...

Saying goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite! Prayers for all.

Please say a special prayer for my former dog-sitter and friend Sandi. She will be getting her invitro embryo implantation tomorrow. Two of them! They have been trying so hard for a long time!

NatureNut said...

Checking in after napping in chair in front of TV just in time to say Good Night!!! Saw the AGT show. I hope the "Sinatra" guy wins.

Good Grief, Lolly!!!I am still anxious over those fires.Are you watching the Wundermap? Scary!!Prayers for everyone there!
I found an TX Xmas trip album from '99, before digital cameras. Looks like kids had just moved in & there is a shot of the side w/attached garage. It's identical place as the pic their neighbor took. I think too ghastly to post. TH is appt. to see property, but Sherry goes to FL that day. Might be just as well. Her company has some kind of deal w/real estate folks for renting apts. for people transitioning. They looked at one yesterday-----over $3K a month!!!Outrageous!

Gotta watch news & "Tomorrow is another day"!
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>) & hope all those ailing are better ASAP ☺

Lolly said...

Certainly...prayers for Sandi!

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Hoda said...

Prayers for Sandi LYNN

Mema Jo said...

My emails and FB has done me in.
Well the weather channel said a Cold
Front is coming in - high 60° in a few
days. It will feel like Fall as it has
the past couple days..

Good night All
Prayers for all and for Sandi to have new life starting within her.
Hugs to all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Hoda said...

I will sign off and wish every one sweet dreams and God Bless one and all.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Getting here a bit earlier tonight.

Emma has found a solution to the jealousy problem. She just washes my feet and legs up to my knees until the scent of the bulldogs doesn't bother her any more! She never has met Charlie & Katie. Charlie is pretty "large and in charge" when she's at home, so wouldn't feel good about taking Emma there. Sis-in-law never has brought the two bullies to our house. Have thought about asking her to meet us at the dog park (neutral ground), but she always has so much happening on the weekends with either hair appts. or with the tux rental business (bridal expos, etc.), that I'm not sure we'll ever manage to get together. Maybe someday! Speaking of Emma, she was a velcro pup again today. By the way, Thursday will be her first Birthday! Can't believe she's that old already. Time does fly when you're having fun!

Shirley, hope you are able to get excused from jury duty. I like Judie's idea of how to go about it! May try that one myself next time.

Lynn, have put Sandi on my prayer list, for sure! Hoping for a good report.

Margy, the Borders AND the Barnes & Noble near me have both closed a few months ago. Amazon.com and the thrift shops are my friends now, for sure!

Omigosh! I'm so sorry! I just realized that I wasn't here to wish Suzanne a happy birthday! So,

Hope your day was really special!

Gosh, some of the weather in the Los Angeles area may have made the news tonight. Had hail & thunderstorms in the local mountains and in the high desert.
None of that here in Anaheim, though.

paula eagleholic said...

Finished watching the CBS 9/11 show...very moving.

Gnite, all

(((Hugs to all♥)))

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, think I'm going to go watch some TV and unwind. Kubby & Emma are both snoring. Prayers said for everyone, and for every creature. Making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. Sleep well, everyone. God bless, and goodnight!
Love all of you! :o]

Costume Lady said...

Well, I got a lot accomplished today, and I feel good about it!


Costume Lady said...

Did it again...face plant!...


Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle Family!

Looks like it was a slow day on here yesterday. Got through the posts pretty quick for a change!

DANAMO, very happy that Boomer's foot problem will heal. You're a good Mom going to the vet! Now, how do you plan on keeping Boomer quiet? LOL!

We met some friends for dinner last night, came home and FBear and I fell asleep on the couch - woke up every hour and he's snoring away all stretched out. Didn't want to leave him downstairs alone so I stuck it out on the couch. Have really seen FB's age down here. Walking on the beach he tired instantly and the stairs in this house are too much so he's been carried a few times!

ANDY, glad to see the bullies are in your good care again! Give them, and Emma, extra cookies, please!

What happened to all the moving avatars of the other day? That was way cool!

WANDA, I know the Soup Kitchen was great as always. I hope your face plant didn't hurt too much! :)

PAULA, thought of you seeing the Osprey so much yesterday; two different ones for sure.

SHIRLEY and JUDY hope you're feeling better. At least you know you didn't catch anything from each other! Cyber germs! Nah.

HODA! And, you're on the Library Committee, too. You're amazing and admired. ((big hug))

JUDIE, you must be very happy you don't have to do a meet the parents night! :)

Didn't see KAY yesterday, or did I miss a post?

LOLLY, when is your rain coming? Glad you're feeling better!

Just waiting for sunrise so I can take my camera outside on the deck and hope the Osprey is waiting for me again!!!

DanaMo said...

oh LOri, so sorry that you are facing the signs of aging in your FB. Such a tough thing!

Boomerang will rest when he sleeps! LOL! He is also in the kennel once my son leaves for work so that's another couple of hours of rest time. Right now he and Javalin are wrestling over on the carpet! What is a mother to do with misbehavior "children".

JudyEddy said...

ÉÄGLÉ BÜDs Ö ö ☺ ⌂ ☻

Did you all see the bus and train wreck in Argentina horrific

JudyEddy said...

Here is a video of the bus and train
BUS and Train accident after driver ignored stop

Lori O. said...

Good Morning DANAMO & JUDYE!!!!!!

I didn't see the bus/train accident and I've had the news on all morning - since 3. Well, I can always count on JUDY to bring us the latest video news!

How do you do those moving avatars? They're so cool!

How was Parent's Night DANAM?

JudyEddy said...

LORI they have a couple of vultures this is the lint that I used
Avatars that move Good luck on the side is the list of choice I went under animals and then birds

JudyEddy said...

that should have been LINK not lint

JudyEddy said...

Here is a vulture flying to you LORI

JudyEddy said...

I hope you get to see a eagle today

JudyEddy said...

I hope we hear from BOBBIE about the eagle that was found dead

Lori O. said...

Thanks for the info JUDY! I appreciate it. An extra something fun to play with today.

You have a great day at work! Hey, today is your Friday, Judy!

Well, I have enough light now to get some pictures should there be some real Early Birds. The Osprey that was in the tree when I got up yesterday morning isn't there yet. Hope he will be soon...and an eagle would be nice! Better get out on the deck. BBAWCrocodile!

JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals....
Nice cool morning here...

I did not see Kay or Linda pop on yesterday, so maybe this
Tickseed Sunflower will draw them in

magpie said...

Sounds like you are having some glorious Beach Time
Morning GLori

How about the Full Moon at the Beach...nice view ??

Hope you continue to see and photograph some great things...will be fun to see "where your camera has been" as Glo says

magpie said...

the pre-work morning time has evaporated quickly....
It's time to get ready :(

I am glad you were able to watch the CBS Special....it is a show that I would like to have been with someone while watching....
an excellent documentary, and no commercials....
wasn't it great when Tony returned to the Fire House at the end of that long day ♥

Best wishes for a Good, Safe, Healthy and Joyful Day, Everyone
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

I've had to sneak in through links off the E-M page to get to the blog and still cam...
not sure what that's all about...

magpie said...

I put some pictures up on Wildlfowers, and Feathers links

T-Bird said...

Good morning eagle momsters and dadsters.

T-Bird said...

I agree Magpie about the special!

DanaMo said...

I don't want to go to school today. Can I play hooky?

Judie said...

Good morning everyone.

Fell asleep last night and slept straight through.

Wishing the best of good fortune for Lynn's friend Sandi.

Yes, I am so happy that, by law, I cannot talk with parents about their wannabe adults.

Jo, check out the Pot Owl. Looks as if an egg has been pushed to the top left corner of the pot. If so, maybe not viable?

Judie said...

Another busy day. Going to get my "do" did. Then school prep. Then going to school for a basketball event.

Be back this afternoon.

Wishing a lovely day for all.

T-Bird said...

Good morning and goodbye Judy. You have a lovely day too.

magpie said...

OH, a few more M☼rning Momsters

Think I will try this Flying Doggy Cloud....

Dana - wish I could play hooky also!

Take Care, all
Prayers for Lynn's Friend, Sandi ♥

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Cough, cough, ugh. I will soon be going back to sleep. This is going to be the morning that I don't stand on the front porch to wave as the bus passes by.

I will see you later.

T-Bird said...

Good morning stronghunter.

stronghunter said...

Good morning, Thelma. How are you today?

Lori O. said...

Oh SHIRLEY. Sorry you're feeling so yucky today. I hope you can get lots of rest and feel better very, very soon!
(Big Hug)

hedgie said...

Good morning, Momsters and Dadsters.

Shirely, sorry you are feeling worse. Take your meds and SLEEP the day away.

Lori, hope your photo ops were good ones. Sorry about FB's decline. Yep---beach house stairs can be a real pain.

Andy, can understand your reluctance at introducing the dogs. :( Bet you have the cealnest (if slimiest) legs in town!! Didn't hear about the hail and such out your way. Glad it didn't affect the city.

JudyE--saw that train wreck on the news last night---what was that bus driver thinking??? We'll never know since he died.

hedgie said...

Margy and Thelma, agree about that 9-11 special.....amazing that no one was killed from that firehouse.
Feel bad for some who have not fared well since, tho'.

hedgie said...

Did you all hear about Spirit?

Spirit the Eagle

hedgie said...

Follow up this AM:

Doing well

hedgie said...

No, Kay WASN'T on yesterday.....hmmmmm.....time to send an alert?? Will e-mail her....

Lolly said...

Good morning! It is a GREAT day. Woke up at 7:30. I started down for the paper and soon as I stepped out I saw that the front lawn had horrible armadillo damage, the worst damage all summer! And, there he was! (It was a he!) I had to wake Jack. Felt really bad about that, poor thing with a bad back. Anyway, that armadillo is no more!!! Can not believe he was out at 7:30! In daylight!

Lolly said...

Judie, read your comment about sleeping through the night. Must be nice. I think some nights I wake hourly. But, usually it is just 3 times...groan....!

DanaMo, liked your comment last night about performing for the kids but not the parents. Boy, could I relate to that! Also, parent night should be on a Friday, so you can sleep in the next day. It is so tiring, makes for a really long day.

hedgie said...

Red pandas on their own cam at NZ---and sticking head now!!
Red Panda Cam

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - Hope that any of you
feeling yucky will soon be better.

Lynn - Spirit had a close call - so glad he made it back to his handler

Lori - happy to hear you are having a
great time. I bet at times you are thinking about your little vulture - I've forgotten his name. FB sounds like me in my 'old age' - don't do sand dunes anymore. Breaks my heart....

Judie you will look fantastic with a new do when you go to the game. I love the way you support your teams!

Lolly said...

Oh, poor Spirit!!! Glad he is okay, but felt so sorry for him.

hedgie said...

Lolly, hope Jacks back is feeling better. Sorry about the armadillo damage,....but that one won't do it again!!

wvgal_dana said...

Morning those already checking in. Good morning to those that are Lurking ( :

Hegie-Lynn/e May Sandi be Bless by God with HIS love for children.

I called my 10 and online voted another 10 for the WV guy that sounds like Frank Sinatra.

Lolly prayers for fires don't reach Laurel or you. Wish they would just stop for everyone!
Sorry about Jack's back add to prayer list.

WOW Loretta $3K a month!!!! Who is taking who??

Mema Jo you and Cracker Barrel..if you stop going there they will have to lay off people lol
I know you like their Meat Loaf too.

JudyE sending flying avatar's across country.
That bus sure did run the RR crossing arm.Sad!!

Lynne2 I have had one of those cooling things under my laptop ever since I brought the laptop.

Hoda you are such a great person volunteering like you do. God Bless you ( :

Lori I hear you about FBear prayers for the sweet doggie. They do age and sounds like your a great Mommie!!!! ( :

Margy I like your avatar. Very pretty!
I'll check out your blog always love it ( :

Morning Thelma and I hope you and Buddy are doing find. Always good to see you have check in. ( :

Shirley prayers that you will soon feel much better. Hope you won't have to do jury duty.

DanaMo you can play hookie but I know you are already at school lol

Judie nice to enjoy a basketball event with a new do. ( :

Mema Jo said...

Red Pandas' facial markings are so
beautiful. I am glad they are having a
cam for them - it's really up close!

wvgal_dana said...

Mzrgy if you did play hookie then maybe we could go see The Help together ( :

wvgal_dana said...

where did that z come from it is suppose to be an a Margy -- oh I know this person (it only puts in what you type) hit the wrong key lol

Mema Jo said...

Lolly, that armadillo wasn't as lucky as others in the group. I bet you
dropped your cup of coffee when you saw all that damage! I am very glad Jack is such a good shot.

Lolly said...

No No No, Dana! Computers have a mind of their own! Don't you know? lol That is why we have a Momster dictionary....computers type ridiculous things. ☺

I am now off to start my day. Getting out of the house! I need a new skillet...going shopping.

Have a great day!

wvgal_dana said...

lol Lolly I had not type that in there at first. I too feel computer have their own mind. Then I thought wonder if someone will comment. So I went back and typed it in. I love your comment ( :

Lolly said...

Jo, I am glad Jack is a good shot too! He was a very big armadillo. Had several days with no damage and then the worst we have had all summer. I would have cried, except when I was making the repairs, he was belly up. Did you know that armadillos have furry bellys? I didn't!


wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...


movin said...


A very GOOd MorNING

tO u aLL.


C(°?°)3 Jim

wvgal_dana said...

Showing both red pandas outside

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Jim go the the red panda link on the blog they are both outside. You can see them now!!!!
Thanks Hedgie-Lynn/e

Mema Jo said...

Love watching the Red Pandas - both are sleeping and are in view.

Lolly I am glad you were able to see the armadillo 'belly up' lol

Call from grandson and I'm going to spend some time with him. Maybe lunch at Paneras. Than a book store for a gift. Tonight is Alexis night up here -Roast Beef dinner.... She's
ok with that!

hedgie said...

Good afternoon, now here, but still good morning to Jim! You are surprising us with YOUR early visits!! Hope you are sleeping good through the night!

wvgal_dana said...


Do you have a cooling thingy under your laptop?

JudyEddy said...

Hëllö Éäglê BÜds ⌂ for lunch

JudyEddy said...

darn blogger cop

JudyEddy said...

I was saying before the darn blogger cop made me sign in That I looked at the revolver globe and saw no one was on at lunch and then all of a sudden there is BOBBIE Hello BOBBIE are you lurking again any word on the eagle??

JudyEddy said...

I am home for lunch I love being so close but some times I am late getting back I get to involved with facebook and the blog reading

Costume Lady said...

I'm getting ready to take GG to another appt. today, but am checking in to prevent a Silver Alert:)

For those of you who may have been prevented from seeing my latest video of Jayden, It is now on PUBLIC viewing. Sorry for the error. Have a super day♥

JudyEddy said...

I was going to try to down load last nite sunset on the blog during lunch but I don't think I have time so it will have to wait till I get home Carol a friend of mine on facebook which saw the PINK sunset thougth I doctored up the video NO IT THE REAL THING

JudyEddy said...

Hi WANDA that must be you in the Charles town WVA I thought it was BOBBIE that is where she is from

JudyEddy said...

So how is your day going today WANDA so glad we don't have to put up the alert LOL

JudyEddy said...

I will go check out your video I didn't know that there was a setting to make it private HMMM

JudyEddy said...

Yesterday I was having such an issue with facebook Linda Benson couldn't comment on any of my video

JudyEddy said...

BOBBIE that wasn't you that was someone else Wanda city comes up with he same as your you all could be neighbors and not even know it

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1/6/25 PM Fish

 🐟  2:47 PM both eagles come to the nest.  Bella is screaming with the delight of a meal that he has brought in to the nest for her! He man...