Wednesday, September 07, 2011


Rain thread.


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JudyEddy said...



Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Il Divo!!

paula eagleholic said...

What! 203 comments...chatty group!

hedgie said...

Oh, my.....two workers struck by lightening at Reagan National Airport---non-life threatening.

THink we better send up new prayers for Tori. Don't know what's up but she's been admitted to Children's Hospital again.

Hoda said...

The Kelowna fire 39 hectare is contained and dampened. Impressive work by the firefighters.

Hoda said...

Keep us poste LYNN on TORI...Prayers go up for TORI and her family.

Lolly said...

Oh, great! New fire in Fort Bend County. That is where my sister lives. She lives in town, surrounded by houses, streets, etc. Surely they will call if it is threatening.

Jack and I went outside after dinner. It is just so nice! However, I saw 100 predicted for a day next week. Groan.....!

Yes, it is so hard to believe that so many in the east are getting so much rain and we get none and are literally burning up!

hedgie said...

Hurray----WV guy made it through to final 4!!

Lolly said...

Oh, just read about Tori. Oh, my! Certainly prayers for her and her momma.

Kay said...

LORETTA,lots of Bastrop resident interviews now. I think of Sherry and Jimmy with every one of them. The firefighters are looking so weary. Sad, sad, sad.

LYNNE, lovely avatar---they look sweet ! Your landlord is a jerk, that's for sure. Glad the crisis seems to be over for now !

DIANN, hope your crisis will soon be over, too !

SHIRLEY, LOL, I've heard many such Hunterisms out of Seth in the last four years. He's given up on me and saves math for parental help on those days I have him after school. Happy to hear your heart is in good condition---what kind of exercise are you thinking about doing ?

JO, I love Owls and that site ! Thanks for sharing ! Hope your regular doc was pleased with you today !

hedgie said...

LOL---JudyE--no moon pies! Not a fan of them at all! I think POP was also used in Iowa! Maybe a mid-western thing, too.

Cool deals you've gotten, JudyE!

Lynne, glad to hear that Dr. Baker is responding to the treatment.

Kay said...

LYNN, dogs are just like kids, they open our world up to folks we'd otherwise not have a chance to talk to ! Hmmm, ribs. You gals always manage to whet my appetite and trust me, it doesn't need whetting !

Oh, no. Prayers going up for Tori and ROBYN !

LORI, hope you're getting some good zzzz's this evening ! Just 2 more shifts and you're a free woman !

hedgie said...

Good night to all turning in.

Liesl is letting me know that she's ready, so a few minutes cuddle time due.

Kay said...

Pop is what we called soft drinks in AZ as well as here in OH. I notice the MI kids say Soda now. Have heard a few OK relatives say Soda Pop. I can't have the stuff anymore, but once loved Dr. Pepper, Pepsi and 7up.

magpie said...

I always liked Hires Root Beer, not even sure it's made anymore.
Berkeley Springs used to have a bottling plant...
long gone out of business

Hello Eagle Pals on the other side of the SPLIT.

magpie said...

Very sorry to hear of yet another person to lose her home, Lynn's daughter's Christie's friend....
this is too impossible to believe, all of it in Texas

Kay said...

What are moon pies anyway ? I've never seen one as far as I know.

I'm feeling comfortably tired and ready for bed n' book.

All prayer requests noted !

Have a good night all !

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Lynne2 said...

mmmmm....childhood drink at my grandparents house, Hires Root Beer mixed half and half with Pepsi!

magpie said...

Thanks JO!
for the Potted Plant Owl cam again...and I see Chrissy posted a comment on the page !

magpie said...

Oh, Moon Pies....
Kay, you will surely get some explanations on them !

Good Night Kay, sorry I missed you, I owe you an email...

Lynne2 said...

crisis mode again. POURING rain, patio flooded again. Boiler room soaked. Radar showing much more to come. No sleep any time soon here....

sure wish Linda and Diann would check in....

magpie said...

Cracker Barrel, of course, sells the Old-Timey Candy and Confections section of any store, but you can still get them at regular stores

magpie said...

Damn, Lynne!!

If you have electrical danger in the boiler room, could/would the fire department help out?
Different departments have different policies I know...

magpie said...

You weren't cussing about it so I guess I did it for you...sorry about my language, pals...

Hoda said...

The Human Condition What Truly Connects Us AllHave you ever had this experience?

Lynne2 said...

Poor Steve is outside trying to use the big broom to push the water back. Told him to push it right on over to the front Klye's *&^%@#@$%^@ garage. After all, it's flooded before.

magpie said...

sounds like a good mixed drink, Lynne, that Root Beer and Pepsi...
might have to try that sometime

I think JudyE is going to bring lots of views of her grandparents to us here...just as she did of her Father during Father's Day Week
Nice, Judy, and enjoy your outings Thursday and Friday with Jordyn

Great Bargain Hunting and Finding you got going on there

Lynne2 said...

Lightning, so Steve is back inside. he said "we are f****d, the water is coming into the porch already"

Lynne2 said...

and now the power is flickering. Yippee.

paula eagleholic said...

Loretta, very weird about the garages still standing.

Lolly, hope you stay out of the 100's.

Lynne, glad the water has receded...I think my rain gauge has probably overflowed by now...

Lynne2 said...

no Paula, read back....

paula eagleholic said...

Oh shoot, Lynne, posted that before I just read you new post...

Hoda said...

Oh LYNNE 2 I am sorry to hear about more flooding.

LOLLY I hope your sister is safe, I am sure they will contact you if something like an evacuation is necessary.

Prayers for you both and your families, LYNNE and LOLLY.

MARGY sometimes it is necessary to let it be what it is...OK about the expression you used to comfort LYNNE 2

Lynne2 said...

oh, and with the porch flooding....guess who will have to stay in the house tonight, horror of horrors....BROTHER CAT!!!!

HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, I had a root beer float over the weekend! We used to call them brown cows!

Lynne2 said...

oh shoot Lolly, didn't see you post about your sister's place. Good Lord help us all! I pray they stay out of harm's way.

Mema Jo said...

Well the movie is over - Lynn I'll be
anxious to hear about The Help movie.
Margy have you finished the book yet.
How thick is it?

We've had steady rain - and I think it
is suppose to continue 2 more days.
Bragg Bunch said it was a beautiful day in NC. Oh yes, Izzy talked with me today
She told me 'I go to school! I have a
teacher' She is preschool and loves it.

Lolly said...

Hard to believe, Jo. Wasn't Izzy born yesterday? lol

Lolly said...

Laurel and I want to go watch The Help together, but do not know when that is going to happen. Maybe I can twist Jack's arm.

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - put the food out for Brother and perhaps he'll eat and forget about prowling. Sorry to say that I have one
cat out under the deck - nice and dry -
but he is taking his time coming to the
back door. Marvin is already in and
ready to go to sleep........

magpie said...

Still reading The Help , it is not very terribly thick, is very readable...and I will be very happy to see the movie too. Read recently where the author submitted her manuscript to 60 publishers before someone finally picked it up:
"Berkeley Books, New York."
I am not quite half through...

magpie said...

Profound entry on Mason's site always.
Brian can really, write, and express, and uplift !!
Truly amazing things going on there with that family, and their extensive support group.
Thanks Jo, for the alert, it is going to one of my "old" frontier email addresses that I can still, for some reason, access

magpie said...

Root Beer Float...well, I have the vanilla ice cream, guess I know what I will buy to go with it, tomorrow !
Thanks Paula for the great idea!

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - 3 years ago on yesterday..
And your grandson will be 7. Enjoy
tomorrow as you celebrate it!

Good News - Scar just came in so now
all are accounted and I can go to bed.

With saying that a very very loud
thunder boomer sounded!

magpie said...

tried to open that link, and it froze up my computer, but I did hear some of the laughter first !
It's just my dinosaur, not the link

magpie said...

Lynne....and Steve...
daggone it! This is NOT OK, the extra rain and flooding...
Be Careful !!!
Glad you both have each other to get through this.....
(( Hugs ♥ ))

Mema Jo said...

I know the news isn't on yet BUT
I am ready to close down the 'puter.

I so pray this rain would go to Texas

Good night everyone
God bless and keep you
Prayers for all
Hugs for all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lolly said...

News coming on.


magpie said...

Lynne, I wish I could come over and push that water over to that landlord's garage....

So much to pray for, each and every day...
so to bed, with them, the prayers...
and The Help...
also reading some 9/11 things through the week too....

Good Night, Precious Pals...
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Oh yes...the Izzy report
☺ Wonderful, Jo !!

'Night now

Lynne2 said...

Raindrops keep fallin' on my head
And just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed
Nothin' seems to fit
Those raindrops are fallin' on my head, they keep fallin'....

So I just did me some talkin' to the sun
And I said I didn't like the way he got things done'
Sleepin' on the job!
Those raindrops are fallin' on my head, they keep fallin',,,,


Raindrops keep fallin' on my head
But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turnin' red
Cryin's not for me
'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin'
Because I'm free
Nothin's worryin' me!

hedgie said...

LOL---Paula...we called root beer floats black cows!!! That was always a treat at Gram's house! Margy, I think Hires is still available. Check Food Lion!

I'm with Margy, Lynne---DAMN! So sorry you are getting swamped. STUPID JERK LANDLORD. There's gotta be a law!

Hoda said...

Sorry about freezing up the computer was just a light hearted post.

Lynne2 said...

Our road, along with dozens of others, is closed again.

hedgie said...

Cute "vimeo" you found there, Hoda!

hedgie said...

Horrible flooding and storms and tornadoes around the city. Loretta----everything okay your way?? Shirley may be awake by now---more bad stuff heading her way. Yikes! Stay safe all.

hedgie said...

Wow, Margy---interesting info that about The Help....if Berkeley gets royalties off the movie...and it gets Oscars as predicted....the pubs that turned it down will be kicking themselves for sure!

Jo, so hard to believe that Izzy is going to school!!! Cutie pie!
No Alexis tonight??? What movie did you watch?

hedgie said...

What a great song that was, Lynne!!! Always brings back lots of memories!!!

hedgie said...

I sure would like a black cow--or even a brown cow---right about now. But no ice cream and no root beer. CharlesTown/Ranson (where Christie lives) has an A&W Root Beer place---opened 6 yrs. ago. A bit too far to make a trip just for a float!! I wonder if DQ makes them?

hedgie said...

News is over, so I'm heading for the tub and my book.
Pleasant dreams for all. Many prayers for many needs....and for protection of all in harms way.
Goodnight, my fine, fowl friends.

Lynne2 said...

oh dear, my road is closed.....just occurred to me that I have to work tomorrow! Hope the dang rain stops in time!

Lynne2 said...

well, I am going to try to get some sleep. I'm worried about all of us who are in the path of wrath...Judie, Loretta, Shirley, Diann, Linda....

we are in a lull and the water is receding again. But more heavy stuff on the way.

Love you guys, good night and prayers for all!

hedgie said...

P.S. Bear update--so far so good, HOPEFULLY.

Da Bears

Lolly said...

I am heading to bed. My eyes are watering and can not read the computer.

Lynne, thinking of you tonight. Hope you get some sleep and are able to make it to work in the morning.

Going to be a busy day tomorrow.

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Stay dry Steve and Lynne!!!!!!!!

PA Nana said...

A quick check-in. It's still raining and raining. Sometimes so heavy that it looks like fog.

Marietta, Jim's & my hometown, has issued a state of emergency. The Susquehanna is <1 foot below flood stage and rising rapidly.

Jim's been using the shop vac most of the afternoon and evening trying to keep the water at bay in the laundry room. Sump pump is still pumping - thank God!

Still under a flash flood warning.
Lancaster (and York) County has really been hit hard.

Asking for prayers again for brother in law, Charlie. He's had another hip surgery today at Hershey Medical Center. Think this is 7 times now. Different doctor and hospital this time.

Also, pray that my sister and husband arrive safely from Memphis tomorrow and are able to get home to dad's.

Prayers for all needs and wants. God bless.

paula eagleholic said...

We have all this flooding, and Texas is drying up...

paula eagleholic said...

Diann, hope you can stay dry. Hope this is the last surgery for your bro!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,


Lynne2, prayers for your desperate rain/flooding situation with the patio, sunporch, boiler room, roof, & kitchen door! So glad to hear that Dr. Baker's doing better! Healing prayers continue...LOVE your song posting! That's the spirit!

WV Dana, prayers about the fire in Kelowna! So sorry to hear of the prescription costs! Frustrating! Prayers there, too!

Lolly, prayers for your friend's daughter & her family. Glad the temps there are lower!

Hoda, very happy that your Dr. was pleased with your test results!
Love the laughter video!

Jo, glad to hear of your good Dr. report, too!

Lynn, glad Liesl's class went so well.
Prayers for Christie's friend's relative who lost their house in TX.
Omigosh--prayers indeed for Tori, and for Robyn!

Mema Jo, all I can say about the "The Help" movie is, RUN, don't walk, to the nearest theater to see it!

Fantastic update on Mason!

Diann, prayers for you & Jim for laundry room flooding. Prayers for Charlie, and travel prayers for your sister and brother-in-law.

Hoda said...

To all who are experiencing problems with floods may you be safe tonight.
To all who are expereincing problems with fires may you be safe tonight.
Prayers to all of us and our families and loved ones...

Goodnight and God Bless.

Sweet dreams.

Ms Bookworm said...

Shirley, glad your test went well, and you had a good lunch...Laughing like crazy at Hunter's excuses! What a character he is!

Happy to report that Kubby's heel was feeling much better when he went to bed earlier tonight. The ibuprofen is working well. Will keep you posted. Thank you for your prayers for him!

Going to call it a night. Hoping & praying that the Weather Channel is right, and it will be cooler here tomorrow. Right now it is still 90 degrees in my kitchen! It was 94 outside earlier, but felt like 98 the humidity was so bad.

Have said prayers for everyone, and for all creatures. Making sure the porch light is on. Enabling the eye-scanner security system, and WV Dana's thumbprint-scanner security system. Sleep well, everyone! God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! :o]

Costume Lady said...

Crazy, busy day, here. Screwed up GG's doctor was scheduled for 9/1/11 and in my little mind, I saw 9/11/11. So, she ran out of pain pills and called me to get her some, today, she was in pain. I went to her doctor's office, got a script for pills and apologized for a missed appointment and made another for next Wed. at 2pm. WELL, got home and discovered she has a dental appt. for the same day, same time! Will need to cancel that the dentist and make appt. for a later date. I need to carry my appointment book in my purse...I used to keep all that stuff in my head, doesn't work for me anymore:(

Need some sleep.

Lori O. said...

Well, I see I just missed HODA, ANDY & WANDA!

Gee ladies, if I would get up a half hour earlier I could be in the night owls and the early birds groups!

WANDA, at a quick glance 9/1/11 and 9/11/11 would be an easy mistake to make. No beat yourself up. You are an outstanding daughter to cute little GG. A small appointment book in your purse does help.

ANDY, Very happy to hear Kubby's heal is feeling better. I thought it great that your doc emailed you while you wait for an appt. Hope they don't bill for email! :) An extra cookie for Emma, please from Auntie Lori. ♥

HODA, (BIG HUG), sounds like your day went well. How many times a week do you practice dragon boat paddling? You should write a book on how to retire with meaning and self worth!

OH NO DIANN, not you too, flooding again. Prayers for LYNNE and DIANN that today, Thursday, the rain and their stress will lessen. Wish I could help you both. ((Big Hugs))

And, TORI! Poor girl. Thanks LYNN for passing along the message that she is back at Children's Hospital.

KAY, thank you for helping me count the days. I'm so excited to go on vacation. I can't remember being this anxious to go somewhere! Happy Dance!

Lori O. said...

DANAMO, hope your car was quiet last night and you got a lot of sleep. Maybe tomorrow you'll be able to send the kids out for recess.

DanaMo said...

Good morning Lori. Slept like a rock, thank you very much!

Pups seem to be extra needy this morning. Guess they are adjusting to us being in school. They will hardly let me type this morning.

DanaMo said...

Big job this weekend for me is making 200 buttons for the school. God Bless America with the American Flag for Monday's remembrance service we are having. The 8th graders are all researching each of the targets and writing "poems or prayers" in remembrance of the people who died in those attacks. They will be read, we will say a decade of the rosary (10 years/10 Hail Mary's), sing God Bless America all around the Flag out in the school yard. I think it's great that the kids are researching what happened on that day since the 8th graders were only 3 years old and many of the rest of the students were not even born yet.

Lori O. said...

That sounds like a nice school event, DANAMO. I hope you have a button making machine, er, does such a thing even exist?

Lori O. said...

We may be alone for a while...this is JudyE's day with Jordyn. I wonder where they will go if it's still raining there? Are you ready for grandkids, DANAMO?

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...

DanaMo! What a wonderful activity....will enjoy hearing more about it that day.
We had one of those button making machines...really neat! We used to make 9-1-1 buttons, but the machine was a loaner and we had to give it back

Thinking of our flood-danger folks this morning...a foot of rain in Harrisburg PA !

Donka Maria, a up not far from Binghamton, NY - flooding there too -

DanaMo said...

Sorry...I was working on the buttons. Yes, there is a button maker and I have one I purchased a number of years ago. I make buttons for everything. I use them for my kids name tags for the beginning of the year, I make them for Catholic Schools week with the yearly logo and now I'm making these. On the 100th day of school I wear a shirt with 100 buttons on it (I save them from year to year! LOL)

DanaMo said...

Well I hate to cut out early but I must go shower and get ready for the day!

DanaMo said...

Lebenon/Lancaster area sounds really bad according to a friend who lives there. Can't believe how mother nature is treating us this fall!

magpie said...

Today is the birthday of Jesus' Mother, Mary ♥
A Blessed Day ...

Lori O. said...

Cool to know that MARGY, Bday of Jesus' Mother Mary. ♥

magpie said...

Yes Lori...

Hey Lori! You are NOT a BOZO!
I saw you call yourself that last night...

magpie said...

Sounds like a busy as usual day for Wanda yesterday...
I agree, so easy to get dates and numbers mixed up....
sounds like the IMPORTANT things got done though, and new appointments set up
Love you, are GG's Angel....
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

This area, Berkeley on the Western fringe of most of the high water problems....I am going to try to make a run to see the creek at Swinging Bridge this afternoon after work...have a small window of time to sneak out and check it

would like to have a peek at the Potomac also...
hope the Eagles are finding Fish and Food okay!

magpie said...

Thinking of those BIG ELDERLY trees at Judie's - I have seen them, they ARE BIG...

Hope things are okay, Judie...and that you have a good day at the Big School House

time to pack breakfast and lunch
bbpretty soon

DanaMo said...

Cookies served at lunch today in honor of the Blessed Mother Mary's birthday. It's great to be able to celebrate religious holidays in school. At least I like it, guess that's why I'm in Catholic education and my kids are too! :)

Wearing blue in honor today of Mary.

DanaMo said...

How's the river look WV folks?

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle momsters and dadsters.

magpie said...

Neat idea, DanaMo -
cookies, and wearing blue!
Just have to change my outfit now for that...thanks for the idea.
I will try to have a peek at the Potomac after work also....

Good Morning are things in Beautiful Bluefield with all the Beautiful (and Handsome)
Southern Delegation Members ??

Lori O. said...

Hello T-Bird!

Have a fun day Margy. Hope you do get to run over to the river. Be safe.

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

More Hunterspeak:

Orange juice is too sweet to drink with Pop Tarts, but a big glass of chocolate milk is fine.

Lori O. said...

Hello SHIRLEY. I understand what Hunter is saying. I think OJ with bread is nasty tasting. It leaves a horrible taste in your mouth.

magpie said...

Oh wow
someone in Maryland won the $107 million powerball...
well, I'll keep trying !

Lynne and Steve....hope you got through the night okay, and that the roads are okay for travel...
(( HUGS ♥ ))

and Praying for all affected by these heavy rains and flooding, and those who have lost their homes in Texas to Fire...

Best Wishes for a Good Day, Everyone...Hope it is Safe, Healthy, and its own way
xoxo ♥

DanaMo said...

Where do you work Margy? I know someone works at Walmart but I forget who?? Brain dead!

JudyEddy said...

G☺☺D M☼RNING ÉÄGLÉ BÃœDs Ö ö ☺ ⌂ ☻

magpie said...

Will be watching for updates on Robyn's Tori....hoping that all is okay...thanks for posting that news Lynn

Happy 7th Birthday to Lolly and Jack's Grandson Jacob....Hope it is a GREAT Day - xoxo ♥

magpie said...

I'm at 9-1-1 Berkeley County WV -
JudyE is at Walmart but this is her "Saturday" and she just checked in !!

ttfn xoxo

Lori O. said...

DANAMO, it's JUDYE who works at Walmart. MARGY is a 911 dispatcher.

Lori O. said...

Oh sorry, DANAMO, I see now that Margy already explained. A little redundancy never hurt anyone. lol

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday to Jacob!

JudyEddy said...

Love the idea of the buttons DANAMO

Walked out side and it feel like a fall day NICE I hope it last but I doubt it I check radar lookin good for a nice sunny day but that could change there is rain out there in the gulf but a ways out The rain chances are 60% today so we still could get rain The heat of the day pop up showers

Ok headin out the door

Lori O. said...

SHIRLEY gets a nice relaxing day with no Dr appointments today, I hope!

Hey JUDYE! Where are you and Jordyn going today? Glad you get a break in the rain. Ours won't come until maybe tomorrow. Don't know if I'll be able to mow the yard before I leave on vacation.

hedgie said...

Good morning, gang!
Hope everyone's day is off to good start.

Lori---don't worry about the grass! It will still be there when you get home! :)

Happy Birthday to Lolly's Jacob, and to Mother Mary. That is very interesting---don't think I ever knew that!! I wonder how they know?
Nice way to celebrate it and the 9-11 anniversary at school, DanaMo.
Yes, many advantages to parochial school.

I can go along with Hunter's OJ vs. choco milk assessment, too! But I would say that the OJ is too SOUR to go with sweets!!!

hedgie said...

Hope those in flood plains are doing better this morning. Our big creek was NOT up enough to mention as of last evening. All flood watches/warnings cancelled up this way, including the Potomac.

Glad that Loretta is off of the roads leading to Pax River is closed.

hedgie said...

There was a lovely tribute to the people of Gander,Newfoundland on the news this morning, honoring their hsopitality and kindness to the plane passengers stranded there for a few days on 9/11/01.

Lori O. said...


T-Bird said...

Catch all you friends later.

Lynne2 said...

Good morning all!

I see it's a big day for birthdays~

Happy Birthday to the Blessed Mary, mother of my Lord and Savior!

Happy Birthday to Lolly's Jacob!

I'd like to add a BIG #3 for Miss Daisy Mae Soper!

It's also my coworker Joy's birthday today and she is a JOY to work with and know! And no doubt there will CAKE at work today....

Lynne2 said...

No major problems overnight with water here!!! The boiler room is quite full and heading to the laundry room. Mr Landlord is going to need to march his rear over here with a wet vac to clean it up. None of our stuff is in's quite a long way from the washer and dryer at this point.

OUR water from the spigots and in the toilet is BROWN. But we have plenty of drinking water for the critters and ourselves.

Glad to see Diann checked in! Very worried about Linda though....

The Dr's didn't fair so well. They live in York Co. and have 4ft of water. I talked to Dr B's mom, bbf Gail this morning. Not a good situation at all. As if they need another problem right now. Geesh...

Lolly said...

Good morning! Glad you made it through the night, Lynne, but brown water from the tap....yuck!!!

Thanks for the birthday wishes for my Jacob. Made me smile! We are heading up there about 1:30. Spending the night up there and heading home after breakfast with the boys at their school. Sooo, do not send out a silver alert! I'll be baaaaaaaaaaack!

They say the fire is now 30% contained. What does that mean? Still a big fire roaring along. Scary!!!

I am ready to shut up the house. Annie is loving going outside, HOWEVER, it is cry...I want out and a minute later....cry...I want in. AND her cry is NOT a soft meow. We are going crazy!!!!!

Lynne, how did Brother Cat do last night? lol

Okay, need to get out and water pots. Have a great day! God bless!♥

Lynne2 said...

yes Lolly that's exactly what Brother does....never shuts up! He's in, he wants out on the sun porch, he's out he wants in....we joke that if an owl ever got him, the pellet would still have his mouth intact and it would be MEOWing!

But he actually did fine and didn't wake us up. He was out there for a little while before we went to be and he seems rather terrified by the noise of the rain.

Lynne2 said...

have a safe trip and lots of fun!

hedgie said...

Starting to drizzle...only rained once during the night, I think. Sky has gotten very heavy. Only 67°. I think today will be a good day for vacuuming. :(

hedgie said...

Lynne, glad your night did not get worse.....and so sorry about that 4 ft. in their house??? Awful.

hedgie said...

Tori is in hospital starting a new tretment regimen. As I understand it, it is a form of chemotherapy....and basically a last-ditch treatment effort before lung transplant becomes the only option. PRAYERS for Tori and Robyn and Bobbi! It sure can't be easy for any of them.

Lynne2 said...

not sure Lynn, I didn't think to ask because I just assumed it was the basement. I'll find out when I get to work.

And I am going now! Have a good day everyone!

Lori O. said...

I hope you have a blessed and calm day today, LYNNE. You've had enough stress for a while!

LYNN, thank you for the Tori update. Prayers for Tori & Robyn. Does anyone have Robyn's phone # or FB page? Sure wish there was something we could do to help them.

Lori O. said...

Still at work. There's a big "all hands" meeting at noon. Long day.

I'm worried about: (not a link - just an attention getter if Linda is lurking)

LINDA! We are worried about you wish you could check in somehow. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

hedgie said...

Chuckle for the day

Very appropos, considering recent topic of discussion!!

Lori O. said...

Very cute, LYNN. Thanks! Geez it's so quiet here this morning.

Hoda said...

Good morning/Good afternoon everyone.
Glad to hear the flood concnerns are manageable this morning and thinking and praying for LINDA and DENNIS.

LOLLY 30% contained is better than not contained...I hope they continue to make progress on it.Texas Forest Service Fire Activity Map does not show any new fires today...It seems to my eyes fewer yellow markers too...They are doing their best I am sure.

Happy Birthday to JACOB.Enjoy your visit LOLLY.

DANAMO written like a true teacher all the extra time and extra expense you undertake to make projects happen at your school.

LORI one more sleep and you are out of there!!!

LYNN thank you for the cute puppy discovering ice, I had a big smile.

MARGY A Celebration of the Blessed VIRGIN MARY'S birthday.

hedgie said...

Lori, you have email.

Howdy, Hoda!

Hoda said...

OK how close is LINDA to this. I read the name of this river on th blog a few days ago!!! Evacuations in Pennsylvania

Hoda said...

Drunk Moose up a tree in Sweden Fermented Apples Sent Moose Up a Tree!!!

Lolly said...

In from watering.

Lynn, loved the video of that precious puppy. I want him!!! I sat here giggling! More than just a chuckle.

Time to go pack and to start getting ready.

Do hope Linda is okay!! Lynne take care and I will see you all sometime tomorrow!

stronghunter said...

Cute video, Lynn.

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Rain, rain, and more rain.

Happy Birthday, Jacob.

Happy Birthday, Daisy Mae.

So much going on. Lynne2, so sorry about all the water and the flood and the Drs' place. Do hope your landlord gets his act together. Could be reported for unsafe living conditions.

Diann, prayers for your brother Charlie an safe travels for your sister and husband.

Hoda, so glad you doctor is pleased with you. Keep on paddling, girl.

Wanda, not to worry. Getting appointments confused is the challenge. Nice that the appointments can be changed and GG got her pain meds.

Andy, glad kubby's heal is better.

DanaMo, what a nice remembrance project for the youngsters.

Oh, is Bozo a new momster? Lori?

I vote for chocolate milk!

Judie said...

Special prayers for Tori and for Robyn. I do hope this treatment will be successful. Very sad for them.

stronghunter said...

Poor moose, Hoda. Wonder what the neighbor thought when he or she returned to find the tree cut?

Judie said...

Darth just called. Narrowly averted a flooded basement.

Will be headed home soon. Wishing all as good a day as possible dealing with rain and fire.

Mema Jo said...

I can't read fast enough to stay ahead of you all - Good Afternoon!
Prayers to Robyn and Tori and for this
medication to work for Tori.
Loved the puppy and ice video - Sure was
an adorable little playful pup.

I am assuming that Linda has power
problems again and some flooding. PA
was hit really hard with 'Lee'.

No need for me to go out today and I am very thankful for that - I just so pray for 'rain in TX'

stronghunter said...

Glad that you have averted a flooded basement, Judie. I have been thinking that I really should check ours. There has been a great abundance of rain here.

I would prefer coffee with Pop Tarts, to tell the truth, but I don't plan on giving coffee to Hunter.

Prayers for Tori and Robyn.

Hoda said...

How old is TORI?

Hoda said...

Come On OVER

stronghunter said...

Hunter went to school rather damp this morning. It seems that he left his zippered jacket in Anthony's front yard. I mentioned that this could be a problem, but he said that he'd put it under Anthony's mom's car to keep it dry.

Long story, but thank goodness someone at Anthony's took Hunter's jacket inside and gave it to him eventually.

Hunter had refused my offer of a different jacket. I tried.

stronghunter said...

Headed to the





hedgie said...

Linda is in New Milford in Susguehanna Co. A bit south of Bunghamton...don't know if she is close to the river or not......thinking also that their power may still be fragile after last week's outage.....praying that all is well.

hedgie said...

I sent her a text message....

hedgie said...

EXCUSE typos---SusQuehanna and BInghamton!!!

hedgie said...

Linda just responded to my text---all is well. She'll check in on blog later. She's had a crazy week!

JudyEddy said...






DanaMo said...

My son was featured in an article by the Catholic review. Let's see if I can do this:

aric featured

JudyEddy said...
















JudyEddy said...

IZMIR Izmir there is someone lurking from there shows on the globe with me and Kensington, Maryland I wonder who that is Russia

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...