Wednesday, February 09, 2011


New thread.

Two Eggs.


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Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

New thread! Yay! Thanks! Two eggs! Life is good!

floralgirl said...

Yeah! It's the two egg thread!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

How eggciting is this!

floralgirl said...

It's eggceptionally eggciting!

magpie said...

Well this is just great....

best wishes for a Good day everyone...
time to switch off this work station now
and think about heading home


Lori O. said...

It really is so eggciting. Thanks Lib and Belle for all the work!

Costume Lady said...

This is an eggseptional morning!
Two eggs, eggsactly as we hoped:)

Lori O. said...

We are silly! AND I love it!

WV sUSAn said...

Out of the shower but I couldn't wash off the eggcitement!!

WV sUSAn said...

I'm complety OK with this sillyness Lori.

Costume Lady said...

This is the one place that we can be as silly as we want and no one cares:)

hedgie said...

Anyone want EGGS for breakfast?????? Yippee!!! Haven't seen #2 yet, but sure happy to see reports from those who have!!!!!! Hurray for sure!
Way to go, Belle and Lib!

grannyblt said...

Yeah, another egg. Missed it, as usual.

floralgirl said...

I posted three pictures on my Whatever blog, if you want a peek at two eggs.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I posted it on Eaglet Momsters on Yahoo and FB!

WV sUSAn said...

We SAW the eggs at 6:49. Any ideas on when the egg was laid?

floralgirl said...

I believe it was around 7:45-8:00 pm last night.

Lori O. said...

Great job with the pics Megan - I copied one to send friends - hope you don't mind. I just wanna tell everyone who will listen! :)>

glo said...

Good morning everyone. I am caught up on the egg siteing news. Yeah Lib and Belle.

floralgirl said...

Please, share those pics all you want, I don't own them.

paula eagleholic said...

There's those 2 beautiful eggs!

Isn't NBG due for another? :)

Lori O. said...

Gee, I don't think I can see those two eggs enough!

Way to go Belle and Lib!

hedgie said...

Just saw both! But not in time to get a pic----:(

Lori O. said...

Thanks Megan. The pic actually copied very well with both eggs highly visable.

hedgie said...

Oh, good Megan and Sissy!! TY!

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta roll, don't think I'll be on much today. Later!

hedgie said...

Good pics, girls!

WV sUSAn said...

Thanks Megan. I can remember seeing the fidgeting but no way to see the eggs. She's been sneaky this year!

Judie said...

Good morning it is to everyone in eagle land. Congratulations for Belle and Lib. Thank you for the pictures Megan.

Last night I thought I was looking at head & tail feathers but may have actually seen two eggs. Anyway, this is good.

Off to take my drugs for the day. BBL

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Top o' the two-egg morning to ya!

floralgirl said...

It was really hard to tell what was happening last night because the wind made it look like she was moving when she wasn't. But before it got pitch black, she was really moving around, and I do believe I saw two eggs last night right after she laid the 2nd one. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it:)

Now I'm out of here for a while, no sleep last night has made me exhausted.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

This just seems to eggsacerbate my alright heightened happiness!

floralgirl said...

No, really, I must eggxit for now, this is eggertaining, but eggnough is eggnough.

grannyblt said...

Tuned back in just in time to see both eggs and a roll. Belle better stay close today Brrr cold outside.

Lori O. said...

Can someone please help me ID a bird (deceased) I've seen alongside 270 N the past two days? It's about a quarter to a half mile before Route 80/Urbana. I can't find a picture to match it.

It's a large bird (hard to tell at 70 mph)but I thought it was a red tailed hawk.

The body underneath the wings is a dark brown, and the underside of the wings looks solid white.

I will stop today on my way home if I see it and take a photo for authorities or take it and turn it in myself.

Any help?

magpie said...

Ok MEGGan - ha ha, get it?
Thanks for all the news
hope you get caught up on your rest

has Steve been told? I guess he would see it on facebook

Contratulations again NCTC, Belle & Liberty

Lori O. said...

mEGGan - I think you have a new name spelling! Too funny Margy.

hedgie said...

Got a pic of egg roll at 0827....put it in album.

magpie said...

Like your new avatar also Megan... Right up to the Minute

Good Morning Eggstatic Eagle Pals

hedgie said...

Lori, hard to tell....could be a RTH, or even a Coopers or Shinn-something hawk......Need a pic!!!

stronghunter said...

Yay! Happy to know there are 2 eggs!!


Lolly said...

Good morning! Such silliness over an egg! It is very educational to observe these eagles and I am glad to see their continued success..but silliness? Really?

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wahooooooo! LOL I saw them on the last egg roll. Beautiful!

Lolly said...

Nice to see the sun on the nest once again. It is 19 here, headed to record low tonight. Colder they say tonight than last week. We got the light rain, we got the freezing rain and sleet, but so far no snow. The roads are a disaster, of course, and I see on the news that all schools are closed. Chill factor is at 0.

Geula said...

Brrrrrrrr! Cold where you are! Warmer here......come on over-catch the next plane out!

Lori O. said...

Thanks Hedgie. Anyone who can help ID a bird (large bird) read my post at 8:50 this morning.

I'll take a pic today if it's still there. Would like to see it have a proper burial.

Lolly said...

Thanks Guela for the invite! I'd be right there, but can not get to the airport! (It is probably closed) Thanks anyway!☺

Bird Girl said...

Morning all...

Two eggs, yay!!!!!

I have chiropractor this morning and another doctor appointment afterward, getting some lumps checked out.

Hubby has an interview this afternoon for a better job at the same company he's been at for 11 years.

Hope everyone has a great day!

hedgie said...

Got a good pic of our pair beaking during a switch, as well as the eggs. Added to album.

hedgie said...

Lolly, it is also 19 here at the moment! We're twins.

hedgie said...

parents both gone.....pretty little eggs in a deep cup!

Geula said...

I see the eggs! YAY!

hedgie said...

Did you know.....????? On this date: in 1861, Jeff Davis was elected Pres. of the Confederacy; in 1971, the Apollo 14 crew reurned to earth after man's 3rd moon landing.

Geula said...

Hi again! I rebooted because I keep getting the "This Webpage has Expired" thing And "This webpage can not be viewed"

Lolly said...

Well, we have dropped to 17. Still twins?

I guess we start watching NBG now and see if they have the 3rd egg today.

Lynn, how is Mai this morning?

magpie said...

Steve has now added a picture to the Open Up Page....believe it must be one of MEGGan's photos...
same one as is on her Avatar...

Neat !

It wasn't there when the new thread came on for Wednesday ☺

Lolly said...

I am now watching NBG. Did peek in on Vian and HAD to leave. Can not watch an eagle in a snow covered nest.

magpie said...

Good Morning, and Good Night
Bed time here

Enjoy! xo ♥

hedgie said...

Geula, same thing happening to me!!
Gonna go out and come BACK IN---WILL copy this time before I click!

hedgie said...

Mai is doing well. Slept through the night until I HAD to get up just beofre 6:30. We both went back to bed. The only jump up so far was a little while ago when I was taking off my coat wen we came in. She is laying at my feet chewing on aa toy. TIme now for some training practice and some playtime. Wish me luck!!

Lolly said...

Wishing you luck! Great that she slept through the night.

Annie asked out at 7:30. I have to let her out to convince her that the weather is too rough for her. I let her out. She sat on the rug outside the door for about 30 seconds, then turned and asked back in. I told her! She would not listen!

Lolly said...

Going to start my exercising program this morning. Have been negligent with it for a while. Back to walking with my DVD.

WV sUSAn said...

Jo. Sure sounds like you and Mai are on the right track. An expensive track, but one that will certainly pay off in the years ahead. Glad to hear.

Mema Jo said...

I have been kicked out 5 times -
I am now over on IE. Maybe I will get in - I need to talk with my
eggcited friends!

Whoo Hoo to Liberty and Belle

glo said...

Hedgie, Sounds like good progress is starting to happen for you and Main. Great to read indeed.

NatureNut said...

Wow!!! Had to check!!!


Mema Jo said...

Suzan - you mean Lynn - I am a cat woman

Well I did get in here!
I have gotten the Service error on my very important comment!


Mema Jo said...

Well so far it's GOOD!
2 little bobble heads with big black eyes and maybe more to come!

WV sUSAn said...

Lolly. Your Annie sounds like my cat, Gabby Fat Sack. She'll go to the door, I open it and she just turns and runs. But if I don't open the door, she paces and cries lIke she just has to be outside. So funny.

Costume Lady said...

I will not be going to the Stink Bug Convention or dinner this evening:( Have a filling replaced at the dentist, meeting a gentleman from Mountaineer Food Bank at the church (finally) and then on to a late visit with GG. Too much going on to make NCTC presentation part of my day. Also, Technician from Comcast coming to see if he can get the TV and my 'puter hooked up. Gene tried and my S-I-L tried and neither one could git-er-dun!
Really would like to have heard what was said about the SB.

NatureNut said...

BTW, I didn't have to sign in to comment today. Said I could "sign in after posting!" But didn't. Also No mystery word after a picture comment!!!Are we getting civlized??
Back to work~~~~

Costume Lady said...

I think Jo has appt. with dentist today, also. We don't mind, do we Jo?

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Loretta, I had the same message and it worked very nicely. I was afraid I was going to lose my comment...didn't:)

LOVE your Avatar:)

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, that was Megan's pic. Sent it to Steve....have to have a two egg thread!


Lolly said...

LOL Had my first giggle for the day! Gabby Fat Sack!!! Too funny, Susan! Thanks for the laugh.

Annie is now running around the house, like a Mad Cat that she is. Sooo, glad she is feeling good. I got a video of her yesterday doing her thing trying to get me to pet her while my hand is on the mouse. She also turned and meowed right at the camera. Only thing, I apparently did not turn off the camera. Also, filmed my laptop, my chest, my face (really close up!), the floor, etc. Camera man I am NOT!

WV sUSAn said...

Sorry bout that chief. So many names and dogs and cats to remember. I'm trying. Hahaha.

Today all I can think about are Belle, Lib and two eggberts.

WV sUSAn said...

Ok Lolly, now you've given me a giggle and a visual. Funny. Gabby is 16 and very healthy (kind way of saying round in the middle) and she has always had a hangy sack on her belly. Never had kittens, just her body style. So with that said, her named evolved to Gabby Fat Sack. Her brother has the same.

WV sUSAn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
paula eagleholic said...

I had to LOL at Gabby Fat Sack too!

WV sUSAn said...

Two lovely eggs to be seen

Judie said...

Nest looks very happy this morning. Eggs unattended but our parents know best.

Lolly, cats HATE closed doors. Sure wish I could have that problem again. Happy walking.

I love the Gabby Fat Sack. All my felines, female and male, had those.

Lynn, sure hope this is the first day of the good days to come. Mai seems to be off to a good new beginning.

Hope Margy is sleeping quietly with eagle dreams.

Wanda, have a good, if busy, day.

Hi to Jo and Lowreeda and Geula, Jo, Paula, and all others I may have missed. Good almost afternoon to all.

Off to work on school stuff. BBL

hedgie said...

Mai is worn out and so am I! She did well. Only tried to get me twice and was easily distracted and repelled! A few too many jumps onto the sofa, tho'.....but hopefully that will fix itself with time and patience. She was off leash the whole time!! Taking her nap now.
Noticed lonely eggs once....but not for long!

hedgie said...

Suzan, when we first start out, we use a cheat sheet to match up names! Very helpful!

My Christie's two male cats both have the fat sack, too! I had heard that it is most common in spayed/neutered cats. Ashes and Tigger's both almost drag the floor.

hedgie said...

We have Petsmart class tonight. And I have a bunch of stuff to buy there, too......she had lots of recommendations, so....hope they have all of it.

Mema Jo said...

Headed for a make over (ha ha) at the beauty parlor......


WV sUSAn said...

Lynn A cheat sheet is a grand idea. I posted a two-egg pic just now and it's right next to yours. Interesting how the nest looks so different with the change of lighting from 10ish to 11:41.

movin said...

The CyberMonster just ate my comment, and tried to have me create a blog instead of posting!!





C(°?°)3 Jim

movin said...

A change in order of signing in and a lot of dry reading before I've had my coffee !!

Is somebody losing it???

C(°?°)3 Jim

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello again everybody. Just spoke with someone I shared the cam link with in Newberry, SC. Let the games begin for them. They are watching, their families are watching, the people their families work with watching. Spreading the eagle love for sure.

hedgie said...

Can't believe that Norfolk babes are entering the 4th week of life!!!

hedgie said...

Jim, lots of us having trouble this morning. I finally gave up and started over and so far, so good!

hedgie said...

Suzan, good pic. You are right about the lighting!

hedgie said...

Check this out!

APG Eagles

Too bad we can't take a field trip there!

floralgirl said...

Whoa the cam is zooming in...

movin said...

I thought Belle looked like she was getting ready for her second egg last evening, but it's very encouraging to actually see the addition to her clutch.

C(°?°)3 Jim

hedgie said...

Yes it is!!!!!!

hedgie said...

Needs to go a little left!!

Steve Chase said...

sorry, no pan or tilt on the cam, we zoomed in as far as we could to maintain a half decent shot. Will zoom back out in an hour or so.

floralgirl said...

Well thanks, Steve. I like the regular view, but this is cool, too!

WV sUSAn said...

Wow. Only have still cam but it's all cock-eyed. Interesting adjustment. Can't see left side

WV sUSAn said...

Thanks Steve.

hedgie said...

I put a pic of zoom view in the album!

hedgie said...

Things are going very well here. Mai is now down for her post-lunch nap after some lessons and play. We were outside and the titmice were flying around quite low and distracted her badly. She also didn't like the logging noises going on behind here....I could see her starting to get a bit hyper....she didn't want to stay off the into crate for a rest.

Lori O. said...

Good Afternoon Eagle buds, Helen, Susan, Steve!

Interesting view - glad Steve has control of it and it wasn't Lib crash landing into it.

movin said...

Well... something froze up my system while I was trying to center our picture on the eagle; apparently Adobe Flashplayer locked up.

I had a mini crash, but I am back .. still strange sign in procedure though.

C(°?°)3 Jim

Lori O. said...

I stopped and got a better look at the large bird on the side of 270 and upon a closer view could see it was a RT Hawk. Big...and already, uh, not in good shape. God, rest its soul. Yes, I believe animals have souls. :)

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning/Afternoon, Everyone! (Yawn...)

YIPPEEEEEEE!!!!! TWO EGGS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guess who slept in late today after Hubby left for work? ME!...and I've been playing 52-pick-up ever since!

The durn Santa Ana winds are back again today. (Of course! The gardeners got the yard all clean and beautiful yesterday. The winds ALWAYS start up on Wednesday, completely messing up the yard again!) I almost forget what it's SUPPOSED to look like!LOL :oD

YAY!!! TWO EGGS IN THE NEST, and I have NO HOMEWORK!! A downright PERFECT situation, if you ask me.

movin said...

Anybody looked at the Hummingbirds lately? The chicks are growing like crazy, look about ready to fledge.

C(°?°)3 Jim

hedgie said...

Wish Belle would get up so we can see eggs while in zoom mode!

Ms Bookworm said...

Lynn, I'm SOOO glad to hear of Mai's improved behavior! We take Emma for her first puppy class tonight, and I can't wait! Should be lots of fun and very educational. I need to call the vet's office now and figure out when to get Emma spayed. She said to do it the end of February. We need to schedule it so it doesn't interfere with puppy classes, if possible. Will BBIALW....

hedgie said...

Jim, those hummers are huge! Good thing there weren't three!

Andy, sorry....maybe you should change gardeners to Th.!

Did you see Belle just yawn?? Too fast for pic.

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh--remember how I said I didn't think I'd sign off the blog, so I wouldn't have trouble getting back here? Well, since others are having some problems today, it REALLY sounds like a good idea to just stay signed-on! BBIALW.....

paula eagleholic said...

Oh wow, nice zoom!

Ms Bookworm said...

Oops--pulling a "Margy" here--
Lynn, I saw your suggestion to change the gardeners over to Thursdays. Trouble is, that's the day they USED to do our yard. They have needed to make schedule changes for one reason or other. Besides, it's supposed to still be windy TOMORROW, too!LOL :oD
Well, gotta really go now--dryer's calling my name! BBL...

paula eagleholic said...

Have we seen an egg roll with the zoom in yet?

floralgirl said...

No, she hasn't gotten up since the cam zoomed.

floralgirl said...

OOps, here we go, both in nest, eggs showing.

paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...

Oops, where did eagle #2 go, took off as well

hedgie said...

GOT PIC!!!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Lib back, no roll, just a nudge or two.

hedgie said...

In album. Couldn't catch the roll fast enough!

hedgie said...

In album. Couldn't catch the roll fast enough!

hedgie said...

Right you are, Paula......not a real roll.

hedgie said...

Lori, Helen is Mits and she doesn't blog anymore. :(

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone! Told ya last night there's another egg! Yipee!

BTW the cam is cattywampus. What happened?

Back to catching up....

hedgie said...

Oh, Lori, most definitely animals have souls!!!!

hedgie said...

Guess nature will take care of its own....all part of the evolution process.....:( RIP, poor hawk.

hedgie said...

Dianne, not cattywampus.....zoomed in....but not centered! See Steve's remark earlier.

PA Nana said...

The cam is back to normal.

WV sUSAn said...

Yeahhhh. Normal can view again.

floralgirl said...

That zoom feature could be pretty cool when we have a chick hatch!

hedgie said...

So ends the zoom for today....

hedgie said...

Yeah, Megan....a mid-way zoom would probably be good.

hedgie said...

Andy, sure hope there are other pups in your class! Enjoy! You'll be surprised how much Emma will learn in a very short time!

Lori O. said...

Lynn - not Lynne2 -- ya know something didn't feel right - guess I just thought they each began with "H" and I connected them. What happened to Mits?

Lolly said...

Hi all! Turned my laptop over to Jack for a while. For some reason we are not able to burn my picture files onto a disc. We have tried several ways, a couple different programs. Was doing fine the other day and then ZAP, no can do! Very frustrating.

Got on in time to see the zoom. Wow! I just wonder if they zoom in at night if we could not see better. Just wondering!

I had figured it was a fixed zoom. They just guessed wrong where they thought the egg cup would be. However, when we have eaglets all over the nest it is going to be very cool! Thanks, Steve and NCTC!

Having a heat wave here, up to 26. The sun has actually come out. The weathermen goofed this one. Thank goodness. Kids will be back in school tomorrow, I bet.

Lynn, continued good news about Mai. Fantastic!

Lori O. said...

I will definitely have to go to a nest visit again and see the faces again. But, dang, ticks freak me out!

Lori O. said...

Lolly, glad to hear you're a wee bit warmer. We may see 50 here this weekend.

Andy - what breed is Emma?

Mema Jo said...

I have returned from the hair dresser - thank goodness it wasn't the dentist this time.

I am really eggcited about 2 eggs..

Lolly said...

Well, that was interesting. Had to sign in to post that last comment. Wonder what will happen this time.

Susan....Annit will be 16 in June. She has always been in great health until this last summer. Now we know it will be a matter of time, but she is doing just fantastic. I am thrilled when she runs and wants to play.

I see two eggs! Egg roll time!

Lolly said...

typo...meant Annie!

Lori O. said...

This sign in flub is great for me - the first time ever I don't have to click that box saying what I do or don't want to see and it just refreshes.

Lolly said...

Eagle off the eggs!

Lolly said...

Two eggs all alone!

Lolly said...

An eagle back! And sitting on the edge of the nest.

Lolly said...

Egg roll and wiggle wiggle back on the eggs.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, glad you have had a good day with Mai, and some success.

REarranging eggs and digging

Mema Jo said...

Feet up

hedgie said...

Have watched an interesting show that I taped Monday. It's called A Man Among Bears....about a guy in NH.....but Lynn Rogers offers his opinions. It was on Nat Geo WILD.....don't see where it's going to show again. Maybe available online.

Lori O. said...

Was that what you'd call an egg roll and wiggle wiggle?

paula eagleholic said...

Lori, I'm sure you saw THE WIGGLE. There's only one kind!

Mema Jo said...

Feet down! How is everyone this afternoon? Don't like to hear about an inch of snow tonight late!
I just hope that is all there will be. Our egg well is very deep for protection!

floralgirl said...

Mostly cloudy. A chance of flurries in the evening. Lows around 16. West winds 5 to 10 mph.

hedgie said...

HEading out. Later, gators.

Mema Jo said...

Egg roll NBG - Their egg well is just as deep as ours. I really like the 'moderated discussion' beside the cam. Lots of questions and some times the same as before are answered.

Lori O. said...

See ya toorrow Lynn if yo u haven't already left.

Thanks for the WIGGLE confirmation Paula! It sure is cute to see it.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi my dear eagle friends.

I got to see the two beautiful eggs.

See the pulling on the fluff and the eggs being turned.

So wonderful what one on 2/5 and one on 2/8 ??? Do I have that right??

Lori O. said...

Boy, that's some bad typing. Perhaps I should go to bed soon. A no nap day for me. But I can't pull myself away from these babies to be today.

wvgal_dana said...

Have a good lesson Mai I know you can do it ... you such a good girl ( : Traveling prayers for Hedgie-Lynn.

wvgal_dana said...

Food delivery

Lolly said...

fish delivery

wvgal_dana said...

Humm wonder what it is?

Lolly said...

Lib delivered a half eaten fish. He has departed and Belle is digging in. Yum!

wvgal_dana said...

I knew it wasn't a whole Liberty already had his part lol

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda see you got ok'ed for clothes closet ( : I am so happy for you. I know that mean't a lot .

If is has been awhile since Belle ate. Liberty better be hunting up some more.

Lolly said...

Yeah, she gets the leftovers. Hmmm?
Does not sound right, does it?

Lolly said...

And, she devoured it. Not a crumb left!

wvgal_dana said...

Cooking my supper in oven.

That is why I get to be here ( :

Done food now to be Mommie and take care of the soon to be children. ( :

Mema Jo said...

Reminder that the male will deliver the fish after eating off the head - no one knows why!

Mema Jo said...

Well at least I don't know why!

Mema Jo said...

Heading out - Alexis evening


NatureNut said...

Happy 2 egg Afternoon!!!
Want to watch cam for an egg roll to see both!

Only nature report from Chelsea farm today was 1/2 dozen deer grazing. Group included Ms. Hoppy & her twins & all have really gotten darker fur to be camo-deer! Lot more grey-brown that almost matches tree trunks.Of course tons of geese in the fields.

NatureNut said...

Jo, happy meatball dinner!! ☺

NatureNut said...

Really bright night light must have come on---and it's so dark later!???

Weather here is maybe flurries overnight & high on TH 32°! BOO
Those eagle tummies must be very warm--hope they keep sitting.

NCSuzan said...

Look like twins for the happy couple.

Dana, what did you make for dinner?

Lynn, sounds like a better day for you and Mai. Wiggle, wiggle. I love that!

NatureNut said...

Hurray! Got to see a standup to arrange flugg? & finally saw both eggs & got a pic. I'm sure there are tons already!

wvgal_dana said...

Stouffers (: they made it I just put it in the over....chicken taters and I eat some fruit.

I am so grateful to that lady that told me at our mailboxes yesterday. That my drivers side headlight was dimmer than the passenger side. I went in and they had to replace a bulb.

BEagle said...


Two eggs!!

Hi Eagle Fans!

Now for the third. :)

This has been a very nice silly blog today.


Lolly said...

NBG thinks they have a third egg, but will not be sure until morning. Congratulations NBG!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Neat thanks Lolly.

Hi BEagle

Well Little Man is calling me to the couch. So bye till tomorrow....

BEagle said...

The SQ nest has two eagles on it and are dining. Too much snow on the nest.

BEagle said...

Belle is tucked now.

BEagle said...

The NBG nest is a little too dark to see anything.

Lolly said...

MARGY, I delivered your message to Candy. Got a reply this evening and here it is.......

I have checked in and saw one egg and was wondering if we might have two by now. I see BW has 3 this year. Hope all is well with you and yours. I would like to get off these Facebook games and back onto the blog and cams. Time will tell. Hi back at Margie

BEagle said...

What a cute avatar NatureNut!

BEagle said...

The KIDS nest had a delivery of golden fluff.

BEagle said...

Hi Dana!

NatureNut said...

surprise--we have snow! Small flakes, but blowing around, starting to cover cars & deck.

Glad I have no work or appts. tomorrow!

NatureNut said...

Glad you like my avatar. I wanted to do something cheerful to celebrate the 1st egg. Maybe I'll add another!

BEagle said...

We had snow coming down about 4:30. By 5:30 the roads were covered and icy.
Interstate backed up.

I slid UP my hill.

Lolly said...

Well, sure Loweeda...definitely add another egg!!!! ☺

NatureNut said...

OK!!! Taa Dah!!

BEagle said...

Now THAT is a very nice avatar!!!

Lolly said...

Oh, you are sooo smart! Get ready to add a third in a couple days...say Friday

NatureNut said...

If you're not too bored w/my family adventures, yet I have a current ironic tidbit.I mentioned over the weekend that while our daughter was w/us, her hubby, Jimmy, flew up to Baltimore Friday. He came to help a good friend move. The friend had had the flu bad enough from his kids, that he went to ER a couple days before. Jimmy is now home in TX w/you guessed it---the flu! And he had the shots! That's why he went.Those viruses mutate after the shots are made. Big DUH!

NatureNut said...

I might need a bigger nest!

Gonna eat my "all night" (almost) pot roast and veggies. Took some for lunch, too. I love leftovers!!☺

Judie said...

Congratulations, Wanda. Very good news about the clothes closet.

Hi Dana. Enjoy dinner. How's Little Man?

NBG speculation about a 3rd egg. Couldn't see so have to wait for someone to confirm.

Jo, have a fun time with Alexis.

Lowreeda, haven't seen deer in our yard so far this winter. Wonder where they are? New hot lanes have seriously disrupted their habitat.

Belle, I think, is snuggled down for a while. Night light is on.

Not happy about potential snow by tomorrow morning. Have to go out early and have a long day. Maybe the roads won't be slick. Makes getting around very dangerous for a cripple.


Judie said...

Tried to post my most recent comments about an hour ago and got the Google sign in demand. Remember some comment(s) earlier about that. What is reason? Do I now have some Google account I don't want? That "the unwanted" can access?

Anyway, Dana enjoy the couch time with Little Man.

Lowreeda, hope Jimmy feels better pronto. Absolutely adore the avatar!

magpie said...


Lolly said...

I am ready!!1 Split!

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...