This morning at work from about 5:30 on I was waiting and waiting and waiting for a view of what was underneath Belle....then, when she started moving, we started getting busy at work! How inconvenient! It was such a thrill to see those two eggs...
Megan - - you DID see that your picture which you say you don't own... ha ha... is on the open up page for this thread...made a late arrival... Paula mentioned she sent it on to Steve ! You're famous! ☺
It is neat to read how all of us are sending this site and the nest news on to others. I have done the same and sending pictures to people also
Hope we don't get the slip-slidey stuff in the morning Judie saw a gal walking this morning using Two ski poles... don't guess that would work for you would it ?
yes, it is....or was earlier for me, not a problem for some reason... I can't remember if I have restarted my computer since the last time I dealt with it wonder why? More security/protection for US on HERE??
Ok I had to restart my computer. Guess I will see what kind of procedure is involved in posting this comment. I will also say Good Night and hopefully be good to go in the AM. We are going to have our hopefully last very bitterly cold night at -9 with wind chills well you don't want to know :-). But then things are looking up. Thats good because Dex is sure I have taken him to the Antarctic instead of home once we left GA.
Well, Margy, maybe I could use ski poles if we get slickery stuff for tomorrow. Great idea.
Hope the new sign on procedure is a security effort to block trolls and other undesirables.
Am going to say my goodnights early as I am tired and have an 8:30 with the surgeon. Will try to check back later but just in case: leaving the night light on for others coming in from critter training, headed back the hallway, up the stairs, to the tub, or just wandering around looking for trouble.
by the way If you click on Wanda's Wishes you can see the "working draft" of the Clothes Closet for their church...pretty neat ! You can click on it to make things larger....
Brrrrrr Glo! Hope you are turning the corner on the Antarctic Weather there... !
Maybe the Moon is bright enough to lighten up things even through the clouds tonight....
Well, we just finished dinner. Trying to stay warm. Think I will set up camp in front of the fireplace.
It really is frustrating that the cam is so much lighter tonight. Last night was so dark. We would have seen the second egg with this light. I guess Friday will be the day for the third and I am sure we will get it.
How strange w/the cam! You can see w/out tilking.We need that on new egg night!
Lolly, love your sun---in time for Valentines! Judie, just missed you, but hope you have a good appt tomorrow & DON'T go slip, slidin' away! Glo, get rid of the deep freeze!! Congrats, Wanda on the closet. Wish I lived closer---could donate a lot--(not new styles,tho). ☺
Still playimng catch-up. Missing Criminal Minds (taping) due to phone call from Christie. Training class was good. Mai did well. She is sacked out now. Hope that Emma, Andy and Ken are enjoying their first class!
Lowreeda, love the avatar!!! Sorry that SIL got sick. That really is the pits. Think he spread it around to everyone on the plane??
Judie, please be VERY careful tomorrow.
Hoping no snow here, too. Driveway is solid ice between house and garage----and SIL had put salt down. Had to park in front of steps----no way was I going to try traversing it on foot in the dark. Don't want a snow-covered truck! Don't like the idea of it melting off in the garage tomorrow.
I just added some pictures to Feathers, Fur and Miscellaneous... I should still have word verification... oh maybe someone can check them out and see you might see something you like there also
Forgot to thank you for all prayers for Derick's Mom----ER said not a stroke. Irreg. heartbeat. Never knew of that to cause drooping of the face.......hmmm.
My TV shows are over - no precip outside yet! Great to hear that you were pleased with Mai's performance in class. I hope Andy will say the say of Emma. Judie - positive thoughts for you in the am at the Surgeons. Alexis was a bit goofy tonight - at dinner she insisted upon picking out the choco-chips with her fork from her pancakes! She did eat the whole thing in the end.
WOW-----U of MD routed Longwood U tonight 106-52!!! I applied there....way back when it was Longwood College....and if I remember correctly it wasn't co-ed back then!!
We are home from puppy class, had dinner, Emma napped for a bit, then ate dinner, and is napping again. We are enjoying this class! Emma did very well. She is learning to look at us when we call her name, to "watch me," to "watch me" for 5-10 seconds, to "sit," and to "sit" until told "OK." She is catching on very quickly. We have 4 other pups in our class. Emma's favorite is "Two-Buck Chuck"--a mixed-breed Chihuahua + I can't remember what. He is blond, has a coat like a Cairn terrier, and is about the size of a toy poodle. The two of them wanted to play all through class. Chuck has a cute story to go with his name--I must remember to tell it to all of you. There's also a Lab/German Shepherd mix (can't remember her name), a shy little girl who looks like a Toy Manchester or a Min Pin, and an absolutely adorable 4-month-old Chihuahua in a pink turtle-neck sweater. This is a wonderful opportunity for Emma to socialize with other pooches--there were a bunch of them all over Petsmart, too! She was beside herself! Lynn, I'm so happy that Mai is doing so well! Sounds like you're really getting somewhere with her!
Jo, at least Alexis is lady-like enough to use her fork. My gd's tend to pick at their food with their fingers----despite my efforts to teach them better. Guess they get that stuff form their dad. :(
Oh, Andy, so glad you all had a good class session! Emma must have been the biggest in the class, right?? Isn't it amazing how fast they can learn??!!
G'night to all turning in. I'm heading for the tub....was going to check back for Andy, but since you;ve already been here, kiddo, I'm gonna go ahead and log off. BTW-----glad you are free for your break!! Enjoy your R&R time!!!!
Hi, Lolly, Oh, you would've LOVED that tiny Chihuahua--her dad kept putting her down on the floor to practice stuff, but she was kinda scared by the bigger dogs, and would lie down. Then he would pull her around by the leash and kind of "mop the floor" with her! "Two-buck Chuck" got his name because his dad originally was going to spend $1200.00 on a Labradoodle from Central California. Turned out the mom dog wasn't preggers after all, and he would have had to wait for her to come in season again, get pregnant, have the pups, and raise them for at least 8 weeks. So, he and his wife looked for rescue dogs, and found "Chuck," who only cost them $200. His name really is Charles, but they call him "Two-buck Chuck"!
Everybody was chuckling about Emma--"Little Miss Enthusiasm"--because for much of the class, she was at the end of the leash, with all four feet going like crazy. If the floor had been less slippery, she would've been going about 60 mph! Can't wait until she learns to "heel"!
Sleep tight, Lynn! No, Emma is the second largest one in the class. The Lab/German Shepherd mix is almost twice as big as Emma! That one's going to be a big girl when she grows up!
A cousins granddaughter recently got a new puppy. Well, actually they do not get it until Sunday. Named it Emma Joy. I laughed as Joy was my cousins Mother's name. And, her birthday was Feb 14. Interesting that she is an Emma too, a yellow lab, I think.
Well, Gang, I think I am going to head for the TV and veg. It's been a very busy evening!
Hope Judie has a good day tomorrow--can't wait to hear her report from the doctor! Ski poles wouldn't be a bad idea, you know? Promise to be really careful!
Hope Dana's having fun with Little Man. I know I really enjoy watching TV with Emma in my lap. There may come a time when she's too big to fit there, so gotta enjoy while I can! Hubby and I have talked it over, and when we need to replace our recliners, we will definitely get new ones wide enough so Emma can fit next to us! Oh--before I forget--Loretta and Lolly, I LOVE your avatars! Really cute! Well, I have said prayers for everyone, and their pets. Thanks, Judie, for turning on the night light. The porch light is on. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. Sleep well, everyone, and I will talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]
P.S.~~ (Sorry, I am pulling a "Margy" here. I read back a bit before posting, and someone asked what kind of dog Emma is. (I think it might have been Lori.) She is an English Springer Spaniel, born Sept. 15, 2010. Good night, everyone!
The nest seems dark again, or darker than earlier.
Nice to hear that Andy and Lynn had such success at puppy classes. Congrats!
I can't wait to hear Andy's story about Two-Buck-Chuck puppy. Great name!
Lolly - how wonderful that your newly spiced up avatar is right at the top of the page where I can see it while typing. Love those hearts.
Can't believe that Blackwater's first egg is due 2/17 ... WOW!
I call this time of year Eagle Spring because the eagles make everyone so happy like springtime and new flowers. Only with the Eagles it's with all the eggs and eaglets. It's just wonderful!
Supposed to be having light snow in DC now, just a little snow, but they don't treat the roads well down there.
Getting ready for work now - have a great day. Smiles and hugs!
Good Morning, Margy and Lori! Just got Hubby off to work about 30 minutes ago, and have been attacking the huge pile of laundry that threatens to take over if I don't keep at it. It looks only slightly breezy at the nest this morning--wish that were the case in my neighborhood! Santa Ana winds were so strong that Emma was completely spooked by them! Had quite a time getting her to go potty! They were gusting at about 60 mph, I would guess. Wow! I just checked the nest, and got to see an egg roll and a "wiggle, wiggle!" Belle has settled back down facing about 4:00. There are still 2 eggs. What a great way to start out the day!
Oh, Lori, You were asking about the "Two-Buck Chuck" puppy name--here's the story, from one of my posts last night:
"Two-buck Chuck" got his name because his dad originally was going to spend $1200.00 on a Labradoodle from Central California. Turned out the mom dog wasn't preggers after all, and he would have had to wait for her to come in season again, get pregnant, have the pups, and raise them for at least 8 weeks. So, he and his wife looked for rescue dogs, and found "Chuck," who only cost them $200. His name really is Charles, but they call him "Two-Buck Chuck"!
I'm sure that Emma would have been more than happy if we had kidnapped Chuck and brought him home with us last night! Those two really hit it off!
I just had to retype my password, it eventually took it. I will always have to sign back in the next day, cause I delete all my cookies from computer every night.
Oh--Hi, Megan! I've been thinking of you a lot lately while watching all the news reports of horrible snowstorms. How is your greenhouse, and how are you holding up?
Love the Two Buck Chuck story. Gosh, puppies are sooo cute. Three cheers for his owner who went the rescue route!
Margy - Google used to always say I had the wrong password and it took forever to log in, but it hasn't done it to me the past two days, while everyone else seems to be having problems. Hmmmm.
OH! COOL! I stayed signed in from yesterday. I guess when I signed in I checked the stay signed in box...good for me! I had a real problem for the past few days to to get my messages sent...
Yeah, Lori-- I've decided to stay signed in all the time, after being MIA and worrying everyone so badly! I'll tell Emma that the scratches and the biscuit are from you--thanks! Well, I could really use some breakfast and coffee. Heading to the kitchen to remedy the situation. Will be back in a little while. Have a good morning, and stay safe and warm, everyone!
HI Andy, Lori, Geula. My greenhouse is fine, Andy, thanks for asking. Really only had one snow that was a big issue this season, so far, really it's time for me to open the greenhouse and start sowing seeds. Any day now...
Megan do you have any special equipment that helps you sow the seeds or is it all by hand, one at a time? I'm gonna have to come see your set up sometime.
Well, that new sign-in didn't keep me signed guess you can't shut down any more now with a "keep me signed in" than we could before without it. :(
Eagle was up at NBG, cup is too deep to see eggs though. Hard to tell with the beautiful sunshine this morning, but she is bigger than Lib and fills the cup out more. I'm fairly sure it's her. It makes sense, since it's been almost 2 hours since Lib showed up. Looks like it's naptime, head is tucked back under wing.
Hey there Megan...I sign out several times a day sometimes, clean out all the cookies and history often do a restart... works for me...even if I do have to sign in several times a day
okay nighty night everyone got to get the sleep in NOW
Good Day, Everyone, Morning, Afternoon, and Evening xoxo ♥
Good morning! I opened NBG first and saw all the snow. Was afraid of what I might see here, but look at that great sunshine on Belle's head. They are still waiting for confirmation of the third egg.
16 here this morning, but the sun is shining and we should cross over the freeze line. Whoopee!
Someone commented about seeing my hearts everytime they posted. The other day I found it amusing to be enjoying Wanda's avatar everytime we posted. LOL
Uh oh! Looks like we have a washer problem. Twice now we have found about 3 inches of water in the tub. Hmmmmmm? Anyone ever have that problem? Jack will get on it and try to figure it out and if he can't then we will call a repairman. Bet he figures it out and does the repair. He is good at that! Ahhhh, engineers are great to have around!
I flushed another one first thing this morning....argh! And I see one caught in a web in a corner of sunroom....can't really reach it.....will have to use yardstick to toss it out where I can.
Yeah, I've never seen so many people in that auditorium. Unfortunately the news is they have nothing to offer us to use to defeat them in the 2011 season.
Read the article, Lynn, but it seems to be just more horror stories. Like the one comment at the end of the article. So, what is to be done? Did you go Megan?
Yeah, I went. The truth is, we are about 2 -3 years behind on conquering these bugs. They are working hard on figuring out how to deal with them, and exploring many options, but we are a long way from having a solution that will be available for us to use in our gardens and on our homes. It was a nice presentation, but I didn't learn anything I didn't already know.
No Bird Girl,they have nothing yet. They offered no suggestions on products that could be used to control them, organic or otherwise. 2011 is gonna be another year of trial and error for all of us.
I understand that the bugs certainly pose a risk to crops and so forth, I just hate to see the effects the toxins used to control "pests" have on wildlife. If there were a natural way to control them, that would be better (of course)
Yes, and that's the problem, people are so desperate to be rid of these bugs, they are spraying toxins that may or may not have an effect on stinkbugs but will harm many beneficials. Personally, I grow using organic practices and will continue to try to fight them as best I can. Getting the eggs or the nymphs before they become adults is best, but almost an impossible task, there are just too many of these bugs. With a hard shell, the adult is very difficult to kill with sprays. Chickens, guinea hens and now songbirds and grackles have been seen consuming these bugs.But our native bugs that attack our native stinkbugs have had little effect on these foreign invaders.
Yep, but you can't let chickens run loose in the gardens or orchards all season cause they cause damage too. They think they have or are close to isolating the pheromone that will attract the bugs, then they could create some sort of trap like a japanese beetle trap for the bugs. But again, all this is years away, and some orchards and farms will not survive that long. Many orchards had a 50% to 100% loss last year on their peaches and apples. You just can't sustain that kind of loss yer after year and stay in business.
Good morning and thank goodness the sun is shinning on our nest and there isn't any snow. My heart goes out to NBG nest... I hope the sun gets there soon. I sure enjoy hearing all the Puppy School stories. Anxious to hear from Judie when she returns from seeing her surgeon.
Now for the main event!!! I am going to copy this message and try to sign in.
Wow! What's with that. I never signed in and comment was published without it. I did close down all programs last evening BUT I have never clicked on the 'sign out' below this box. Going over to see my emails... BBILW
GOOD MORNING... Had some problems last night getting COMCAST, etc. started up and downloaded. Couldn't wait for the techie to do the set up...had to go to the dentist and Gene had a meeting at the church. So after getting home last night, I tried to set thing up and could not get anywhere! To make a loooong story short...before techie left, Gene asked if that was comcast.COM and techie said yes. So, therein lies my problem...finally figured out that it is comcast.NET! So, now my new email is So far, I am VERY happy...faster than the speed of sound:)
Back from the surgeon to see an eagle in our windy nest and an eagle in the NBG nest which is full of snow. Bet they are going to enjoy the warmer weather as much as the rest of us.
Surgeon says the ankle fractures are healed and I should try to begin to do more walking without "assistance." I said I am not ready to give up my cane but will do more risk-taking steps around the house. I am to continue with therapy for a few more weeks. Switching from narcotic to anti-inflammatory such as Aleve. So, all-in-all a good report.
Will be heading to the school house in about 15 minutes then to therapy. Be back late this afternoon.
Hope everyone is having a good day. I'll catch up on the comments.
Good morning everyone. Glad to see good news on the puppy classes. Haven't even popped up the pop up yet BUT that is next on the to do list. It was -13 this morning and wind chills were below - 25. I am so ready for a little warmth.
I don't think I will head back out to the dam for eagle photos until Sat with my teen friend. It is supposed to be near 30 then. We might think we are hot.
Good morning eagle watching buddies. Woke up to maybe one inch of snow. NBG just rolled but you can't see in that bowl to save your life! It is extra deep this year.
Lynn, are you happy with the progress of the training sessions? You and Mai so deserve a happy liofe together.
Andy, glad you and Emma had fun.
Love the picture of the Woodpecker. They move too fast for me!
Jo, thank youy for the info on the momsters page.
Judie, so happy you are doing better but think it may be too early for skis!
Really, really irritated! I was able to burn one file of pictures to a disc last night. Went to do another and it failed to finish formatting the disc. I have ruined so many cd's. Anyway, I guess what we are going to do is back the picture files that are on this laptop, take to the computer, and burn them to cd's in there. groan!!!
Welcome to the club, Suzan! Hey, with our spelling and typing we can add to the blogictionary! We can become famous! I proudly invented flugg and vook and I am sure more! LOL
Yep, your cane will be your BFF for awhile, yet, Judie. It gives you confidence to take your steps safely and will steady you if you feel like you are going to fall.
Great Report! Knowing that the fracture is healed will help you be a bit more daring I'm sure. Has that incision healed? You will be running with the pack before you know it!!!
Answer received at Sutton When I opened their cam I could see the little bobble head but it looked like a 'dead' bird in the nest & no adult eagle. It was a dead bird - in fact it was lunch!! Oh I am so relieved - mom or dad is there now feeding..
Jo, see that you answered my question. I had not opened OK yet and when I did mom was feeding. There were some concerns as mom had been gone for a while. (read the blog)
Egg roll at NBG - cam really zoomed but nothing could be seen but the 1 egg and not 3 eggs! Going to need to wait until the snow melts or is knocked out of the nest by the eagles.
wow, looks like we are in for some very happy weather for the nest few days with temps in the lower 50s by the Sunday and no weather events in the near future!!
Gotta get some things done. Amazing what piles up when you aren't home except to sleep pretty much for 2 days!
I have Vista on this laptop, Paula. Found the movie maker! Was able to cut off what I did not want. However, I do not know where the green at the bottom came from. More work to do!
To see Annie and the Mouse go to my Family pic blog. Need to improve. LOL But you will get the idea of the trouble I have sometimes blogging. LOL
No, she just thought I should be petting her instead of having my hand on the mouse. She is so spoiled. Any idea why the video is compressed? I have been searching and can not find the answer.
Didn't get lost----Carolyn showed up so we could go over some questionable tax items. All done....hers are filed! Still need to print and hit send on mine! Eating lunch and catching up on mail. BBL.
Happy Sunny, Cold TH! Had a visit from friends in Paw Paw this morning.
Lynne, love your avatar. Was checking fave cams & Ozark,also. They show one of the SQ cams, too & very large messy food in w/Mom eagle. Went to Sutton & that SQ cam wouldn't open. Duh. Baby bears were humming, & Belle I guess is sitting in the cold sun. Margy, this time I did get a security word for pic comment!? Didn't have to sign in to blog, tho!!??
I'm watching Ted and Lucky's den cam New straw brought and at first they were angrily deciding to whom it belonged. Scary they for a while... Suz is watching with me.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 396 of 396Wheeeeeeeeeeeee!
Hey, inspired me. ☺
Oh neat, Lolly! Very Neat!
And I have been admiring Loretta's since Sunday? and now really admire it !
Good Evening Eagle Pals !
Margy, did you see my post with Candy's reply to you?
Also, why is the cam lighter tonight? Or, why was it soooo dark last night?
Off to prepare dinner!
I had the problem earlier signing on...big detour to get a comment, easy as a breeze...
wonder about all that
Glad to read of the reports of the food delivery....I have been wondering when that was going to start !!
I know you have said so long for the night, but...
I am glad headlight situation was an easy fix !!
thanks for giving me the facebook message from Candy ☺
When we get out of the clouds hereabouts we will have a nice waxing moon to give us some nightlight !
This morning at work from about 5:30 on I was waiting and waiting and waiting for a view of what was underneath Belle....then, when she started moving, we started getting busy at work! How inconvenient!
It was such a thrill to see those two eggs...
Megan - - you DID see that your picture which you say you don't own... ha ha... is on the open up page for this thread...made a late arrival... Paula mentioned she sent it on to Steve ! You're famous! ☺
I can see the cam much better tonight than last night
I see google has a new sign in...PIA
It is neat to read how all of us are sending this site and the nest news on to others. I have done the same and sending pictures to people also
Hope we don't get the slip-slidey stuff in the morning
saw a gal walking this morning using Two ski poles...
don't guess that would work for you would it ?
Oh, Lolly, like your sunshine with the hearts.
Jo, the male osprey usually deliver the fish with the head off. Lib, well Lib must have been hungry!
yes, it is....or was earlier for me, not a problem for some reason...
I can't remember if I have restarted my computer since the last time I dealt with it
wonder why? More security/protection for US on HERE??
will be good to get another Mai Ying update from Lynn later
got some things to do here
Best wishes for a good evening everyone!
Stopping by to say good night. I will see you tomorrow.
Long day.
I am home - I think I have an interesting TV show this evening with Criminal Minds and Blue Bloods.
OK, I see everyone else has gotten that new sign in too. Wonder if it will keep me signed in?
JO, have fun with Alexis.
Missed the post about the clothes closet. Good going, Wanda and Gene.
Oh yea, cute avatar Lowreeda!
Love your avatar Lolly. Happy happy!
Jo and Paula, I've read that ospreys eat the heads for nutrition. Extra energy for family fishing required by the male. Probably same for eagles
I live in a residential neighborhood and have deer in my yard about every day. They are everywhere.
Glad Mai is being a good baby.
Loretta. I'm diggin' your enhanced avatar.
Mmmmmm. Lasagna.
Warm fuzzies to everybody.
Are we silly today?!?
Loweeda - Had to go back a page and
2 eggs in the nest - it is so cool!
Ok I had to restart my computer. Guess I will see what kind of procedure is involved in posting this comment. I will also say Good Night and hopefully be good to go in the AM. We are going to have our hopefully last very bitterly cold night at -9 with wind chills well you don't want to know :-). But then things are looking up. Thats good because Dex is sure I have taken him to the Antarctic instead of home once we left GA.
I have no clue about the reason for better visiblity tonight. Our skies are filled with snow - can't see the baby moon or any stars.
Well, Mattie Jane just proclaimed
'It's snowing in Bluefield'
Well, Margy, maybe I could use ski poles if we get slickery stuff for tomorrow. Great idea.
Hope the new sign on procedure is a security effort to block trolls and other undesirables.
Am going to say my goodnights early as I am tired and have an 8:30 with the surgeon. Will try to check back later but just in case: leaving the night light on for others coming in from critter training, headed back the hallway, up the stairs, to the tub, or just wandering around looking for trouble.
Goodnight Belle and Lib and eaglets to be.
by the way
If you click on Wanda's Wishes
you can see the "working draft" of the Clothes Closet for their church...pretty neat ! You can click on it to make things larger....
Brrrrrr Glo! Hope you are turning the corner on the Antarctic Weather there... !
Maybe the Moon is bright enough to lighten up things even through the clouds tonight....
Or else it is just Eagle/Eggs Magic
'Night Judie
'Night Shirley
They think NBG has laid a 3rd egg but will not know until morning.
Wanda does have a pre-split post so you can get to that link from there....
Was snowing in Charleston when I got home from work around 6. Traffic slow. We have about inch and a half now. Need to check weather.
Judie - praying for you to have a good visit with your surgeon & maybe get some answers.
Good Night!
Well, we just finished dinner. Trying to stay warm. Think I will set up camp in front of the fireplace.
It really is frustrating that the cam is so much lighter tonight. Last night was so dark. We would have seen the second egg with this light. I guess Friday will be the day for the third and I am sure we will get it.
Car just went by, really lit up the tree!
How strange w/the cam! You can see w/out tilking.We need that on new egg night!
Lolly, love your sun---in time for Valentines!
Judie, just missed you, but hope you have a good appt tomorrow & DON'T go slip, slidin' away!
Glo, get rid of the deep freeze!!
Congrats, Wanda on the closet. Wish I lived closer---could donate a lot--(not new styles,tho). ☺
Going to head in to TV
Will check back at commercials
... inspired me! LOL
I am beginning to think our night light malfunctioned last night...of all nights!
Wow, I missed the Bear news yesterday that one of the cubs is a BOY!!Lily is wearing a coat of flugg on her fur!
Maybe the better light tonight is due to the cam adjustments today??
Hoping to see #3 at NBG in the AM.
STOOPID blog...lost everything I typed....argh.
You probably told us all about Mai tonight and then you lost it. Not nice!
I love the bear updates and, of course, the lovely family. Lynn is doing some incredible research.
The nest sure is quiet tonight.
right click and copy....on your message....
saves a lot of Arrrrgh-ing...
even I can see some light at the nest, can imagine how good it must be for (most) of the rest of you
Going to say Good Night while I might catch a few of you...
heading into another midnight shift not too long from now
Prayers offered where there are needs
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥
What happened to Lynn. We need a report.
maybe she can get on facebook easier than on here !! I was hoping to see a report also...
She has not made a report on fb.
Belle has not tucked her head. Get some good sleep, Belle!
Still playimng catch-up. Missing Criminal Minds (taping) due to phone call from Christie.
Training class was good. Mai did well. She is sacked out now. Hope that Emma, Andy and Ken are enjoying their first class!
Lowreeda, love the avatar!!!
Sorry that SIL got sick. That really is the pits. Think he spread it around to everyone on the plane??
Judie, please be VERY careful tomorrow.
Hoping no snow here, too. Driveway is solid ice between house and garage----and SIL had put salt down. Had to park in front of steps----no way was I going to try traversing it on foot in the dark. Don't want a snow-covered truck! Don't like the idea of it melting off in the garage tomorrow.
Judie, that sign-in is tha same as what you use on blog page---it is your google account.
Glad Mai did well and also glad you are taking precautions walking on the ice.
They have made changes to the blog. When you comment on a picture it does not ask for the security word. Also, it looks like this blog. Interesting!
Think I am going to go shower and get comfy.
Wanda, cool about the clothes closet! I can round up more to give!
okay feel better now, see your report Lynn
it sounds like a pretty good session
Best hopes for continued success ☺
Good Night again Everyone
Belle is awake
I guess that is Belle
Your perky sun has lots of heart, Lolly!!!
Lolly, what blog are you talking about that doesn't ask the security question when commenting on a picture?
Paula, I made a comment under someone's picture on their personal Blogspot this AM & it went right thru---no goofy word to copy first.
Lynn, glad doggy class went well & you both got in safely from the ice!
Margy, have a safe quiet night at work ☺
I'm about ready to konk out, so to all~~~
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)
Nature...hmmm, maybe they changed their settings? I just checked mine and it still says word verification is on.
Mmmmm...loved me some Tom Selleck!
No lighting change noted on cam. Makes NO sense, does it??
I just added some pictures to Feathers, Fur and Miscellaneous...
I should still have word verification...
oh maybe someone can check them out and see
you might see something you like there also
I would much rather stay home tonight
Yup, Margy, it's still on!
Egg roll, got a glimpse of two beautiful eggs.
I made a comment on Wanda's blog. Did not have to do security word.
Me, too, Lolly!
Margy, I had to do the word verification.
thanks Paula
and thanks for making a visit
oh well, guess it's time to go
Upcoming weather for the next week looks pretty good here...
lots of ☼
xo Sleep Sweetly, Friends
Forgot to thank you for all prayers for Derick's Mom----ER said not a stroke. Irreg. heartbeat. Never knew of that to cause drooping of the face.......hmmm.
thanks Lynn...
and any other "visitors"
Thanks in advance
It took me a good ten minutes to get a shot of that Woodpecker!
My TV shows are over - no precip outside yet! Great to hear that you were pleased with Mai's performance in class. I hope Andy will say the say of Emma.
Judie - positive thoughts for you in the am at the Surgeons.
Alexis was a bit goofy tonight - at dinner she insisted upon picking out the choco-chips with her fork from her pancakes! She did eat the whole thing in the end.
That 50° for Sun. sounds delightful, huh, Margy?
You all have a good shift! Carolyn got LOTS of sleep today!
Made a comment on Margy's blog. Wanda's is completly different.
Wanda has so many different blogs - I think 'maybe' on some you do need the
word verification... I'll check it out.
Take care everyone & good night.
Prayers for everyone's wants & needs
Hugs for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
OK, just glad they didn't change things without telling us!
Hitting the hay, see ya in the morning. Hope there are 3 at NBG...
Our third could be anytime know how she like to wait 4 days for that 3rd egg!
Hugs to all ♥
WOW-----U of MD routed Longwood U tonight 106-52!!! I applied there....way back when it was Longwood College....and if I remember correctly it wasn't co-ed back then!!
Hi, Everyone!
We are home from puppy class, had dinner, Emma napped for a bit, then ate dinner, and is napping again. We are enjoying this class! Emma did very well. She is learning to look at us when we call her name, to "watch me," to "watch me" for 5-10 seconds, to "sit," and to "sit" until told "OK." She is catching on very quickly. We have 4 other pups in our class. Emma's favorite is "Two-Buck Chuck"--a mixed-breed Chihuahua + I can't remember what. He is blond, has a coat like a Cairn terrier, and is about the size of a toy poodle. The two of them wanted to play all through class. Chuck has a cute story to go with his name--I must remember to tell it to all of you. There's also a Lab/German Shepherd mix (can't remember her name), a shy little girl who looks like a Toy Manchester or a Min Pin, and an absolutely adorable 4-month-old Chihuahua in a pink turtle-neck sweater. This is a wonderful opportunity for Emma to socialize with other pooches--there were a bunch of them all over Petsmart, too!
She was beside herself!
Lynn, I'm so happy that Mai is doing so well! Sounds like you're really getting somewhere with her!
Nite Paula! If not Friday afternoon, let's hope for Saturday morning. No more of these night time deliveries, please, Belle.☺
Jo, at least Alexis is lady-like enough to use her fork. My gd's tend to pick at their food with their fingers----despite my efforts to teach them better. Guess they get that stuff form their dad. :(
Sounds like it went great, Andy! Would have loved to have seen all these pups!
I just checked the nest and saw what I think was an egg roll. Got to see both eggs, and now Belle (I think that's her) has settled back down.
Oh, Andy, so glad you all had a good class session! Emma must have been the biggest in the class, right?? Isn't it amazing how fast they can learn??!!
G'night to all turning in. I'm heading for the tub....was going to check back for Andy, but since you;ve already been here, kiddo, I'm gonna go ahead and log off.
BTW-----glad you are free for your break!! Enjoy your R&R time!!!!
Prayers for all. Peace.
Hi, Lolly,
Oh, you would've LOVED that tiny Chihuahua--her dad kept putting her down on the floor to practice stuff, but she was kinda scared by the bigger dogs, and would lie down. Then he would pull her around by the leash and kind of "mop the floor" with her!
"Two-buck Chuck" got his name because his dad originally was going to spend $1200.00 on a Labradoodle from Central California. Turned out the mom dog wasn't preggers after all, and he would have had to wait for her to come in season again, get pregnant, have the pups, and raise them for at least 8 weeks. So, he and his wife looked for rescue dogs, and found "Chuck," who only cost them $200. His name really is Charles, but they call him "Two-buck Chuck"!
Everybody was chuckling about Emma--"Little Miss Enthusiasm"--because for much of the class, she was at the end of the leash, with all four feet going like crazy. If the floor had been less slippery, she would've been going about 60 mph! Can't wait until she learns to "heel"!
Sleep tight, Lynn!
No, Emma is the second largest one in the class. The Lab/German Shepherd mix is almost twice as big as Emma! That one's going to be a big girl when she grows up!
Love how animals get their names. Fun!
A cousins granddaughter recently got a new puppy. Well, actually they do not get it until Sunday. Named it Emma Joy. I laughed as Joy was my cousins Mother's name. And, her birthday was Feb 14. Interesting that she is an Emma too, a yellow lab, I think.
Well, Gang, I think I am going to head for the TV and veg. It's been a very busy evening!
Hope Judie has a good day tomorrow--can't wait to hear her report from the doctor! Ski poles wouldn't be a bad idea, you know? Promise to be really careful!
Hope Dana's having fun with Little Man. I know I really enjoy watching TV with Emma in my lap. There may come a time when she's too big to fit there, so gotta enjoy while I can! Hubby and I have talked it over, and when we need to replace our recliners, we will definitely get new ones wide enough so Emma can fit next to us!
Oh--before I forget--Loretta and Lolly, I LOVE your avatars! Really cute!
Well, I have said prayers for everyone, and their pets. Thanks, Judie, for turning on the night light. The porch light is on. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. Sleep well, everyone, and I will talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]
P.S.~~ (Sorry, I am pulling a "Margy" here. I read back a bit before posting, and someone asked what kind of dog Emma is. (I think it might have been Lori.) She is an English Springer Spaniel, born Sept. 15, 2010.
Good night, everyone!
Well, I think I'm caught up with today's posts and eyelids are drooping so I best go to my recliner and get some sleep.
May you all have a pleasant rest and prayers for all needs/wants.
Will check in tomorrow to see our royals and their princes to be.
God Bless everyone.
Nite all!
Sweet dreams!
Belle is still very visable and tucked.☺
Good morning all!
The nest seems dark again, or darker than earlier.
Nice to hear that Andy and Lynn had such success at puppy classes. Congrats!
I can't wait to hear Andy's story about Two-Buck-Chuck puppy. Great name!
Lolly - how wonderful that your newly spiced up avatar is right at the top of the page where I can see it while typing. Love those hearts.
Can't believe that Blackwater's first egg is due 2/17 ... WOW!
I call this time of year Eagle Spring because the eagles make everyone so happy like springtime and new flowers. Only with the Eagles it's with all the eggs and eaglets. It's just wonderful!
Supposed to be having light snow in DC now, just a little snow, but they don't treat the roads well down there.
Getting ready for work now - have a great day. Smiles and hugs!
Nest looks very dark at this hour -even on a different computer. Can see Belle's white head, that's about it.
Good Morning Margy - if you're still up. :)
Good morning,
Two-hour delay for Culpeper Schools today. Hunter gets the day off.
Not much snow here, really, though.
Hi, Lori!
Very dark at the nest for me. I can't see anything but blackness.
I need to complete some school work.
Hi Strong! You got the best kind of snow - not very much!
Drive safely.
Less than an hour to official sunrise at 7:09 this morning and it's already getting a little lighter in the nest.
Oh I am awake allright Lori, I better be: I am at work !!!
I better say Hi for now and then disappear...things get busy this time of morning
Hey!! I can see avatars here now!
That makes this screen very very jolly ☺
Best wishes for a good day...
Happy Eagle Watching !
It's pretty much light here now. Belle seems to be wide awake. Maybe Lib will show up soon for a switch.
Yep, and while Google was making me jump thru hoops to post, Lib showed up, and Belle flew out. Switch.
Not fair MEGGan...
bet you will see them again soon
Good Morning, Margy and Lori!
Just got Hubby off to work about 30 minutes ago, and have been attacking the huge pile of laundry that threatens to take over if I don't keep at it. It looks only slightly breezy at the nest this morning--wish that were the case in my neighborhood! Santa Ana winds were so strong that Emma was completely spooked by them! Had quite a time getting her to go potty! They were gusting at about 60 mph, I would guess.
Wow! I just checked the nest, and got to see an egg roll and a "wiggle, wiggle!" Belle has settled back down facing about 4:00. There are still 2 eggs. What a great way to start out the day!
OH, I saw them Margy, I just couldn't post. Google kept saying my password was wrong.
Oh, Lori,
You were asking about the "Two-Buck Chuck" puppy name--here's the story, from one of my posts last night:
"Two-buck Chuck" got his name because his dad originally was going to spend $1200.00 on a Labradoodle from Central California. Turned out the mom dog wasn't preggers after all, and he would have had to wait for her to come in season again, get pregnant, have the pups, and raise them for at least 8 weeks. So, he and his wife looked for rescue dogs, and found "Chuck," who only cost them $200. His name really is Charles, but they call him "Two-Buck Chuck"!
I'm sure that Emma would have been more than happy if we had kidnapped Chuck and brought him home with us last night! Those two really hit it off!
"copy that" Megan
well if you stay signed in it will only be a hassle the one time I think...
what yesterday was like for many
okay bye bye birdie/watchers
I just had to retype my password, it eventually took it. I will always have to sign back in the next day, cause I delete all my cookies from computer every night.
Hi all! I's nice to start the day with a wiggle wiggle! 2:06 pm herebut I did see the eagle wiggle wiggle!
Oh--Hi, Megan!
I've been thinking of you a lot lately while watching all the news reports of horrible snowstorms. How is your greenhouse, and how are you holding up?
Good morning Andy, Margy, mEGGan!
Love the Two Buck Chuck story. Gosh, puppies are sooo cute. Three cheers for his owner who went the rescue route!
Margy - Google used to always say I had the wrong password and it took forever to log in, but it hasn't done it to me the past two days, while everyone else seems to be having problems. Hmmmm.
Scratches and a biscuit for Emma!
OH! COOL! I stayed signed in from yesterday. I guess when I signed in I checked the stay signed in box...good for me! I had a real problem for the past few days to to get my messages sent...
Good Morning, Geula!
That "wiggle, wiggle" sure is good to see, isn't it?!
How are things in your corner of the world?
Yeah, Lori--
I've decided to stay signed in all the time, after being MIA and worrying everyone so badly! I'll tell Emma that the scratches and the biscuit are from you--thanks!
Well, I could really use some breakfast and coffee. Heading to the kitchen to remedy the situation. Will be back in a little while. Have a good morning, and stay safe and warm, everyone!
HI Andy, Lori, Geula.
My greenhouse is fine, Andy, thanks for asking. Really only had one snow that was a big issue this season, so far, really it's time for me to open the greenhouse and start sowing seeds. Any day now...
Hi Geula -
I'm Lori :)
Where are you that it's already afternoon?
Megan do you have any special equipment that helps you sow the seeds or is it all by hand, one at a time?
I'm gonna have to come see your set up sometime.
No special equipment, I sow the seeds myself. Not too bad really.
Gee, did everybody disappear????
Morning all!
Had to chuckle..,,,read Margy's "copy that to Megan just as I heard her say it on the scanner----echo!!!
Lori, Geula is in Israel!!
Andy, love all the glad that Chuck's people went the rescue route!!! Hurray!
Well, that new sign-in didn't keep me signed guess you can't shut down any more now with a "keep me signed in" than we could before without it. :(
Good morning Lynn!
Next week I think Andy should post a picture of Emma & Two Buck Chuck together.
Slow morning around here, so good time to ask my question:
Do we have to see an "HP" event for every egg they have? Or can they HP a few times and lay 3 or 4 eggs?
Lib just flew out, eggs are showing.
Belle is back.
Not yet for split - I keep checking because it's so quiet this morning.
2 cute little eggs in the cup right now.
Gosh mEGGan - don't know how you tell Belle & Lib apart so quickly!
Eagle was up at NBG, cup is too deep to see eggs though.
Hard to tell with the beautiful sunshine this morning, but she is bigger than Lib and fills the cup out more. I'm fairly sure it's her. It makes sense, since it's been almost 2 hours since Lib showed up. Looks like it's naptime, head is tucked back under wing.
Hey there Megan...I sign out several times a day sometimes, clean out all the cookies and history often do a restart...
works for me...even if I do have to sign in several times a day
okay nighty night everyone
got to get the sleep in NOW
Good Day, Everyone, Morning, Afternoon, and Evening
xoxo ♥
Yep, me too Margy, all these site bog down my computer with junk. Always cleaning out cookies and history.
Sweet dreams:)
Good morning! I opened NBG first and saw all the snow. Was afraid of what I might see here, but look at that great sunshine on Belle's head. They are still waiting for confirmation of the third egg.
16 here this morning, but the sun is shining and we should cross over the freeze line. Whoopee!
Someone commented about seeing my hearts everytime they posted. The other day I found it amusing to be enjoying Wanda's avatar everytime we posted. LOL
Here's the article from last night's presentation at NCTC about the SB's:
Lori, not sure about your HP question.....but seems like they do it relatively often---and, of course, we probably don't see most of it!
Uh oh! Looks like we have a washer problem. Twice now we have found about 3 inches of water in the tub. Hmmmmmm? Anyone ever have that problem? Jack will get on it and try to figure it out and if he can't then we will call a repairman. Bet he figures it out and does the repair. He is good at that! Ahhhh, engineers are great to have around!
Almost 400 people attended the seminar!
I flushed another one first thing this morning....argh! And I see one caught in a web in a corner of sunroom....can't really reach it.....will have to use yardstick to toss it out where I can.
Yeah, I've never seen so many people in that auditorium. Unfortunately the news is they have nothing to offer us to use to defeat them in the 2011 season.
Read the article, Lynn, but it seems to be just more horror stories. Like the one comment at the end of the article. So, what is to be done? Did you go Megan?
Hmmmmm? Wonder if armadillos would eat stink bugs? I could ship you a few!
Time to read the paper.
Yeah, I went. The truth is, we are about 2 -3 years behind on conquering these bugs. They are working hard on figuring out how to deal with them, and exploring many options, but we are a long way from having a solution that will be available for us to use in our gardens and on our homes. It was a nice presentation, but I didn't learn anything I didn't already know.
Hi Floral..
Do they suggest any kind of chemicals to kill or deter these stinkbugs? Or do they have more natural (and safe) suggestions?
No Bird Girl,they have nothing yet. They offered no suggestions on products that could be used to control them, organic or otherwise. 2011 is gonna be another year of trial and error for all of us.
I understand that the bugs certainly pose a risk to crops and so forth, I just hate to see the effects the toxins used to control "pests" have on wildlife. If there were a natural way to control them, that would be better (of course)
Yes, and that's the problem, people are so desperate to be rid of these bugs, they are spraying toxins that may or may not have an effect on stinkbugs but will harm many beneficials. Personally, I grow using organic practices and will continue to try to fight them as best I can. Getting the eggs or the nymphs before they become adults is best, but almost an impossible task, there are just too many of these bugs. With a hard shell, the adult is very difficult to kill with sprays. Chickens, guinea hens and now songbirds and grackles have been seen consuming these bugs.But our native bugs that attack our native stinkbugs have had little effect on these foreign invaders.
Maybe they should have state-owned flocks of fowl that forage the forest for the offenders!
Sorry, got carried away with my alliteration there, but you get the idea :)
Yep, but you can't let chickens run loose in the gardens or orchards all season cause they cause damage too.
They think they have or are close to isolating the pheromone that will attract the bugs, then they could create some sort of trap like a japanese beetle trap for the bugs. But again, all this is years away, and some orchards and farms will not survive that long. Many orchards had a 50% to 100% loss last year on their peaches and apples. You just can't sustain that kind of loss yer after year and stay in business.
No, that's nigh on ridiculous.
Nature always finds ways to show us just how little we really are able to control her, doesn't she? LOL
Good morning and thank goodness the sun is shinning on our nest and there isn't any snow. My heart goes out to
NBG nest... I hope the sun gets there soon.
I sure enjoy hearing all the Puppy School stories.
Anxious to hear from Judie when she returns from seeing her surgeon.
Now for the main event!!!
I am going to copy this message and try to sign in.
Oh yeah, we are always at the mercy of mother nature. She is in charge.
Wow! What's with that. I never signed in and comment was published without it. I did close down all programs last evening BUT I have never clicked on
the 'sign out' below this box.
Going over to see my emails...
Well, you made it Jo?! Good morning!
It was weird for me today, too Mema. It said I would be prompted to sign in -after- I clicked "publish", which it did.
Same here, asked me to sign in after I hit post comment. Sunshine feels good, off to try to clean up in the gh.
Well I should go do...something...useful...
Had some problems last night getting COMCAST, etc. started up and downloaded. Couldn't wait for the techie to do the set up...had to go to the dentist and Gene had a meeting at the church. So after getting home last night, I tried to set thing up and could not get anywhere! To make a loooong story short...before techie left, Gene asked if that was comcast.COM and techie said yes. So, therein lies
my problem...finally figured out that it is comcast.NET!
So, now my new email is
So far, I am VERY happy...faster than the speed of sound:)
Good morning!
Back from the surgeon to see an eagle in our windy nest and an eagle in the NBG nest which is full of snow. Bet they are going to enjoy the warmer weather as much as the rest of us.
Surgeon says the ankle fractures are healed and I should try to begin to do more walking without "assistance." I said I am not ready to give up my cane but will do more risk-taking steps around the house. I am to continue with therapy for a few more weeks. Switching from narcotic to anti-inflammatory such as Aleve.
So, all-in-all a good report.
Will be heading to the school house in about 15 minutes then to therapy. Be back late this afternoon.
Hope everyone is having a good day. I'll catch up on the comments.
Good morning everyone. Glad to see good news on the puppy classes. Haven't even popped up the pop up yet BUT that is next on the to do list. It was -13 this morning and wind chills were below - 25. I am so ready for a little warmth.
I don't think I will head back out to the dam for eagle photos until Sat with my teen friend. It is supposed to be near 30 then. We might think we are hot.
Good morning eagle watching buddies. Woke up to maybe one inch of snow. NBG just rolled but you can't see in that bowl to save your life! It is extra deep this year.
Lynn, are you happy with the progress of the training sessions? You and Mai so deserve a happy liofe together.
Andy, glad you and Emma had fun.
Love the picture of the Woodpecker. They move too fast for me!
Jo, thank youy for the info on the momsters page.
Judie, so happy you are doing better but think it may be too early for skis!
Sounds good, Wanda. Hope your problems are solved! Don't cha just wish a geek came with the computer!!!!
Just watching NBG. She just rolled the eggs and would not let anyone peek in. So, still no confirmation on a 3rd egg.
Judie, sounds like a great report. No mention on an infection. So, guess that is gone??
Yep, better not hit the ski slopes just yet....give it a week or two. ☺ And, yes, keep that cane close!
I really do know how to spell but obviously cannot type.
Really, really irritated! I was able to burn one file of pictures to a disc last night. Went to do another and it failed to finish formatting the disc. I have ruined so many cd's. Anyway, I guess what we are going to do is back the picture files that are on this laptop, take to the computer, and burn them to cd's in there. groan!!!
Judie, great news but understand your anticipation. Take it at your own speed and you will feel better. What about the infection? Has it healed?
Welcome to the club, Suzan! Hey, with our spelling and typing we can add to the blogictionary! We can become famous! I proudly invented flugg and vook and I am sure more! LOL
Sutton - what the heck is this - I need to read something somewhere
It is good to see sun shining on the snowy eagle at NBG. Guess I should peek in on Vian.
Yep, your cane will be your BFF for awhile, yet, Judie. It gives you confidence to take your steps safely and will steady you if you feel like you are going to fall.
Sun and feeding babies at Vian!
What's your question about Sutton, Jo? They have added a new cam. It is in the east part of the state.
Great Report! Knowing that the fracture is healed will help you be a bit more daring I'm sure. Has that incision healed? You will be running with the pack before you know it!!!
Answer received at Sutton
When I opened their cam I could see the little bobble head but it looked like a 'dead' bird in the nest & no adult eagle. It was a dead bird - in fact it was lunch!! Oh I am so relieved - mom or dad is there now feeding..
Good Sunny Morning everyone! In the spirit of the creativity here, I have made my own avatar Valentine for all of you!
Judie, I'm so glad that you got a good report from the Dr!!!!
Very cute, Lynne!
Jo, see that you answered my question. I had not opened OK yet and when I did mom was feeding. There were some concerns as mom had been gone for a while. (read the blog)
Ok, time for me to eat some breakfast and start moving around.
Does anyone have a good program for editing videos? I thought I had a program but do not.
Eggs alone!
Eagle back. Do not know if it was a switch or not.
Love your avatar, Lynne!
GooD MorniNG,
Hot, dry winds again in So Cal. Last night it would range from fairly calm to blowing like crazy.
It should be back to normal by tonight though.
[:~D] Jim
Good Morning Jim!
Egg roll at NBG - cam really zoomed but nothing could be seen but the 1 egg and not 3 eggs! Going to need to wait until the snow melts or is knocked out of the nest by the eagles.
Lolly, if you have XP you should have windows movie maker
Hummingbirds look like they're ready. Today or tomorrow.
[:~D] Jim
First time sighting: Mother hummer lands to feed young ones, and they both refuse to take it...too busy testing out their wings, etc.
[:~D] Jim
Kinda like driving a car, huh, Jim?
Much better than eating:)
wow, looks like we are in for some very happy weather for the nest few days with temps in the lower 50s by the Sunday and no weather events in the near future!!
Gotta get some things done. Amazing what piles up when you aren't home except to sleep pretty much for 2 days!
I have Vista on this laptop, Paula. Found the movie maker! Was able to cut off what I did not want. However, I do not know where the green at the bottom came from. More work to do!
To see Annie and the Mouse go to my Family pic blog. Need to improve. LOL But you will get the idea of the trouble I have sometimes blogging. LOL
So cute, Lolly...Annie thought MOUSE ment food!
No, she just thought I should be petting her instead of having my hand on the mouse. She is so spoiled. Any idea why the video is compressed? I have been searching and can not find the answer.
Lolly I can see Annie and your hand on the Mouse. She gets her point across!
Didn't get lost----Carolyn showed up so we could go over some questionable tax items. All done....hers are filed! Still need to print and hit send on mine!
Eating lunch and catching up on mail. BBL.
I forgot to eat lunch ------- Away I go
Happy Sunny, Cold TH!
Had a visit from friends in Paw Paw this morning.
Lynne, love your avatar.
Was checking fave cams & Ozark,also. They show one of the SQ cams, too & very large messy food in w/Mom eagle. Went to Sutton & that SQ cam wouldn't open. Duh.
Baby bears were humming, & Belle I guess is sitting in the cold sun.
Margy, this time I did get a security word for pic comment!?
Didn't have to sign in to blog, tho!!??
COME ON OVER!!!!!!!!!
It's an hour old but:
I'm watching Ted and Lucky's den cam
New straw brought and at first they were angrily deciding to whom it belonged. Scary they for a while...
Suz is watching with me.
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