Sunday, September 26, 2010


Fresh thread


Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lynne2 said...

hmmm, are we supposed to be HERE today?

Lynne2 said...

OK, here I am!!

movin said...

See you all later. Have a good day.

They're only predicting 94° today .... we'll see.

Got to get some works done before it gets too bad.

[:~D] Jim

Lynne2 said...

Stay cool Jim!

Lolly said...

Followed you over. We just crossed the mighty Mississippi. On to Nashville and then ky. Talked with Laurel. She is better.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

Jim's right--it's too doggone hot to sleep well. Still 80 in my kitchen, but about 72 outside, so have the patio door open with a fan pulling a bit of the cooler air inside. The front door is open, too, but no breeze outside, so nothing's moving. When we get a high pressure sitting on us, it gets rid of our usual onshore breeze, and the air that usually blows through the house goes kaput.
Am going to go water the patio plants now, and feed the birds. Need to make some hummer food, too--Wal-Mart has stopped selling it! This time of year they move all kinds of stuff around (bird seed to the outside garden area, etc.), and they don't carry hummer nectar any more. Our Anna's hummers don't migrate, so don't quite understand their reasoning. Be back in a bit.
BTW, it's cloudy here this morning, and feels kinda sticky out--humidity?! YUCK!

Lynne2 said...

Glad Laurel is better! How are the boys?

Ms Bookworm said...

OH--almost forgot--Sharon, prayers for Karen Brown in the loss of her mom, and prayers for her family, too.

Lynne2 said...

Hey Andy! That's odd that in a place where hummers don't migrate they'd stop selling the food. DUH. Oh well, so much cheaper and really easy to make your own!

hedgie said...

This is all just too confusing..........argh! Well, here I am.....hard to tell how many will get lost on the old thread, since it is at top and thi sone is down the list.

Dana, thanks for getting info from security guy. Had just gotten out my hunting scchedule when you posted. I don't think that there will be any daytime hunting on the grounds except on weekends.

hedgie said...

Lolly and Jack are ♫ On the Road Again ♫!!!!


Costume Lady said...

The air is nice and fresh here, after all that rain. Garden is too muddy to enter. Can't believe that!
Tomatoes are just hanging red, waiting to be picked...need to find some old boots and get them before MR. GROUNDHOG does!


I will be working in the shop off and on every day now until November:)

Lynne2 said...

and are you going to enlighten us Miss Wanda, about your travels??

Costume Lady said...

Oh, yes Lynne. I guess it's not as important to anyone but me and Father Gene, but I am so excited.
We went to Gassaway, WV to a seminar to have access to WV FOOD BANK. We have been accepted into the program to furnish many foods for our Soup Kitchen. Meats, veggies, fruits, etc. What it means to us, is that we won't have to be asking the congregation for donations so often now. We will still need funds for incidentals, but not nearly as much.
It was a beautiful trip through the mountains of WV and we came back rested and refreshed!

hedgie said...

Lynne, forgot to tell you----no sign of Myrtle. Not to say she hasn't been out there, I just haven't seen her!! The leftover tomato that ITT left behind (Sat. or Sun.?---can't recall!) is maybe she ate it!

Wanda, don't let the mud suck in your boots!! But DO retrieve those maters!

Getting myself ready to head out. Have to take SIL to endocrinologist today and find out all of his test results. So will talk to all y'all later! Have good afternoons!

Lynne2 said...

wow Wanda, that' great news! and a refreshing scenic trip besides!

Lynne2 said...

Prayers for GOOD results Lynnellen!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am pretty sure I did a eaglet momsters prayer request for Karen's mom after bypass surgery a few months ago. Apparently she fell yesterday evening and hit her head, dying at 12:45 a.m. So sad!

Judie said...

Well, I feel as if I've traveled nearly as far as Lolly and Jack to get to today's thread.

Hi everyone!

About ready to leave the school house and head home. So much going on I know I will forget but not on purpose.

Andy, thanks for turning the night light on last night. I fell asleep on the job. Sorry.

Jo, so glad your test was good.

Sorry about the terrific heat Andy and Jim. We haven't been that bad but it has been bad enough, thank you very much.

Lynne, like the new avatar and also like Paula's new Fall avatar.

Lolly and Jack are really making progress. Sure hope they can find Jack's grandmother's grave site. Also glad they are able to give us progress reports. So sorry about all the illnesses. I agree with Jo, Lolly, family will all appreciate and love you two even more when you return home.

Anxiously awaiting Wanda's tale of adventure.

Sympathy for Karen Brown's loss.

Bears are busy these days. Almost don't want them to hibernate but they will be safer.

Will check in later today.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Why is the blog out of order?

Ms Bookworm said...

Oops--pardon my manners!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RED!! Hope it's a great day for you! Wishing you the best!

Well, all the outside plants are watered, the birds have seed, and the patio is swept--no seed hulls now. The gate is unlocked for the gardeners. I sure don't envy them today! It's about 83 out, but the humidity is probably double what it was yesterday. Must be about 60% or so. Makes it feel hotter than it is. No ocean breeze! Doesn't bode well. Could use a shower, but won't do much good. Better wait until closer to the time to leave for school.

Ms Bookworm said...

It does seem crazy that Wal-Mart doesn't sell hummer food in the winter, but what's even crazier is that the Target store near us is closing down their garden shop--permanently! Go figure.

Ms Bookworm said...

I suspected that the sandman ambushed you last night. No problem turning on the night light--you're welcome!

Mema Jo said...

Took a while but I have found you.
I know that Steve is in Grand Rapids but I'm not sure why you all left the Monday thread with only 146 comments and didn't hold out for the new Tues to come up. The Tues Wed that was posted most of us felt the threads were there in error so we did go to the Sunday ....... Whatever - just don't know what Steve meant for us to do........ But if we have all made it here - that just shows how well we have bonded........... ((hugs))

Mema Jo said...

I have been busy all morning with our daughter being here. Most of the fall decorations are out and the pumpkin and mums are on the front porch.

Feet are going up! BBILW

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

I talked with Sharon and the Karen she is referring to is her Train Buddy from TN - not our Momster Karen.

Mema Jo said...

Did everyone leave? I think I'm on the right thread...... Hello out there

I never did put my feet up
I will do that right now with an hour
before dinner...........


Judie said...

Happy Birthday, Red. Hope it was spectacular!

Okay, I'm confused. Somehow my comments are not where I posted them earlier. Well, guess I'm not smarter than a 5th grader.

Wanda, congratulations on the food bank acceptance. That should be a huge help with the soup kitchen.


Lynne2 said...

OK, got blog email from Paula but she posted on the old thread...

"Just hopping on here real quick to say Hi and bye...heading for the BEACH!!!

Have a great Eve, and see ya tomorrow night!"

well, Judie, I see a post from you from 12:58. Is that the one you can't find?

OK, SBBC is up to 300 now since last Thurdsday. The weekend was nice, saw very few. But sun and heat today bringing them on again. YUK

Lynne2 said...

Big doin's in Nashville tonight...Grand Ole Oprey open for the first time since the Nashville floods. WOO HOO!

hedgie said...

I'm home, settled in, dinner eaten and I'm caught up.
Wanda, so glad your trip was such a success!!!
So sorry I forgot to mention this morning---condolences to Karen Browns' family. Right, she isn't our Karen (Kinsaul).
Judie, the whole thing is very confusing, isn't it?? Woof, as Margy says.
Have a conference call in the morning with the bank, me and Frank & Irene to get things squared away for our "pre-qualified" letter for mortgage. Realtors don't seem to want to show houses without one....lazy!! Never required such a thing when I was a real estate agent.

hedgie said...

It'll soon be time for our Tues. night TV line-up, Jo!!!!

All in our area need to make sure that you are ready for the big deluge. 3-6" rain predicted for tomorrow night through Th. night. Make sure gutters are clear, sump pumps work if you have one, etc. Feast or famine......drought or f lood.......never a happy median!

Lynne2 said...

oh Lynnellen, now I feel just horrible that we didn't get your gutters done......

hedgie said...

My SBBC is WAY down, thank goodness, Lynne!!!!! From 40 on TH., down to 20 Fri., 13 Sat., 1 Sun., 2 yesterday and today! Whew----makes me much happier.

Paula---enjoy the beach!!!!

hedgie said...

Lynne----main gutter is fine. The one on the sunroom isn't that big a deal---if it cascades over, maybe it will wash the windows!!!! Not to worry!!

Mema Jo said...

I am walking around my house cleaning out all these Stink Bugs. I swish them into my cup of water with dish washing liquid. It zonks them out immediately.
I can't begin to count how many are in
the cup. The back of my house is swarming with them but the front and sides are ok. I just wish that the squirrels would eat stink bugs instead of all my peanuts!

Mema Jo said...

Hoping that our Royal Couple will soon arrive - at least before my TV shows start. Spidey has already started.
Our hope our Thur rains drown all the stink bugs around my house. I might
pour dish washing liquid in my gutters and catch them one way or another.

Mema Jo said...

My TV is tonight from 8 - 11
The Good Wife

Lynne, thanks for bringing Paula's comment over. I just hope Lolly can
find us tonight - or for that fact
that anyone looking for us find us here. We'll need to check out the other threads before we sign off tonight.

Mema Jo said...

I guess getting pre-approved is good so that there are no questions asked.
I sure hope you find one that you love.
Then we will probably lose you to the beach most of the summer like Mits.

Lynne2 said...

LOL Jo, that's what I do with our stinkbugs!
Lolly found us here this morning!

Mema Jo said...

Oh My Goodness: Criminal Minds: The team says good-bye to one of their own on tomorrow night's Criminal Minds.

It's JJ...........

hedgie said...

Cool CBS report about the Panda Ambassador contest and some great film footage of the bears! 61,000 entries to spend a month working with the bears in Chiangdu (sp?)...only 6 spots awarded!! ne American winner---a young woman from Alabama! Check and look for it on the CBS Evening News!

PA Nana said...

Good Tuesday evening everyone. It took a while to find the right thread. This is the best night of tv so I won't be long.

We expect our new furnace tomorrow and hope they get it in and the old one out before the deluge. Rain could cause local flooding and our cellar will collect all that lies above our house. Always a mess.


Mema Jo said...

How about the eagle in our nest

Mema Jo said...

Does anyone have any sound on the live feed? I don't think that I do

PA Nana said...

Hi Jo. No sound here.

hedgie said...

Got a pic of an EAGLE in our nest!!!!

Lynne2 said...

I have sound. I had turned it down earlier because the wind was making so much noise, but I just turned it up and there IS sound.

Mema Jo said...

I can see the feet and the head..
Web in in my way..

hedgie said...

I have sound......wind!

PA Nana said...

Oops! Had my volumn lowered and forgot. Sure is windy there.

BTW your tv list is not complete. Did you forget Jeopardy or is that a "given." ☺

hedgie said...

And gone......I'm shutting it down---web is getting awful! Will post pics!

Mema Jo said...

Poof from what I can tell through that web.

Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune they are the regulars! Love them.......

Mema Jo said...

So I got to go watch them......

I have a few pics
I'll put in album in a while

PA Nana said...

Duh. Read back to your list Jo and saw your list started at 8 pm.

Hi Lynn and Lynne.

PA Nana said...

Okay, off to watch tv. Have a good evening and prayers for all needs/wants. I'll say goodnight now.
God bless!

Lolly said...

Oh, curse words! Typed a book and did not save it! More curse words!

As I said....We are in your time zone! Wahoo!!!

We are in Renfro Valley, KY. We will be here two nights. Tomorrow we search for Jack's grandmother. She died when Jack's mother was very young. She married "Pop", Jack's grandfather in the Christian Church in Brodhead by a minister by the name of Hendrickson. (side interest...we go to the Christian Church and my maiden name is Hendrick)Anyway, it is going to be an adventure tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Duhh... I had no sound but my speakers were turned up full blast - Guess that doesn't hack it if you have the cam sound turned off! Yep! I hear the wind!


Lolly said...

Hi Jo! We are getting closer to you! LOL We will be arriving in NH Saturday.

Mema Jo said...

WOW! You sure have a good driver!
Beware - You're almost in Stink Bug territory!

Had you heard from Laurel today?

Mema Jo said...

Good luck in your search tomorrow!
Hopefully you can find records in the church.

Mema Jo said...

Going in to the TV


Lolly said...

Just talked with Laurel. She was at Jacob's t ball game. She is better. Hurrah! Joseph stayed home from school and went to his soccer practice tonight. Yea! So, tomorrow they are both back at school. Laurel should not be at the t-ball game, but she is like her Momma and keeps on truckin!

When I talked with her Jacob hit a grounder to the outfield. That's my boy!

Lolly said...

My knitting is coming along. Laurel's neck scarf for winter is going to be great. Jack and I also work crossword puzzles as we travel. He is amazing. I read the clues and he tell me what it is. Do not know how he does it!

Lolly said...

Just watching the flooding in Wisconsin. My sister and husband were going to go to Wis and MN this month. Their trip was cancelled. They are so glad they did not go.

Lolly said...

Jack thinks he is hungry. Going to warm up smoked brisket and flour tortillas.


Lynne2 said...

Glad the gang is feeling better Lolly! And that you are having a good trip. Hope your search for Granny's grave works out!

magpie said...

Hi Lolly
sounds like you are on a Honeymoon ☺ ♥

Good evening Eagle Pals

OK it is official: I was granted my leave request for
Sat Oct 23, 8-4 shift...this means I am OFF !!

This makes me habby !

magpie said...

I did start over on the other thread and saw Hedgie's toss to this one...


magpie said...

the trip to Gassaway sounds wonderful Wanda and Gene....
always fun truckin' around WV....

and for a great cause for you two!

hedgie said..., Diann. Yep, Jeopardy is a given now that its' new season has started!!!!

hedgie said...

Hooray, Margy!!!
Not me PSYCHE!!!! Don't remember who brought us over...I just followed! :)

Lynne2 said...

Glad you found us Margy and glad for you being off on the 23rd!

Jim and I made the executive decision to come over this morning....we figured that was why the Tues thread was up ahead of time.

magpie said...

oh it seems like it was a good decision Lynne... funny, now, when will we decide tomorrow to switch to the Wednesday Thread that is already reserved ?? ☺

someone will need to make another executive decision ! ☺

Glad that some of the Morning People and some of the Evening People saw some Eagle !

okay, kitchen is a mess, that happens when I cook
wasn't even that fancy, fresh organic carrots and
scrambled eggs with cheese


magpie said...

Prayers for comfort and peace for Sharon's friend Karen Brown in the loss of her mother


Judie said...

Lolly, good to know the grandsons are well enough to be active. Wish Laurel a speedy recovery, also. Oh, almost forgot -- stink bugs are getting closer and closer -- they will be happy to see you.

Hi Margy. Glad you are officially able to join the fun for Open House. I remember last year at dinner I thought you must be the official cheerleader for the momsters. I think I was correct.

Hi Diann and goodnight Diann. Good luck with the furnace tomorrow and surely hope there will be no flooding.

Wishing Lynne2 and Paula both a lovely time at the beach. Enjoy, please.

Jo, think twice about squirrels eating the stink bugs -- Squirrel de

Okay, off to try to watch some t.v. BBL

Lynne2 said...

LOL! OK someone else needs to advise on the changin' of the thread for tomorrow! Just let me know!

Lynne2 said...

WOW, am I going to the beach??? WOO HOO!!! No Judie, I'm not going to the beach. Haven't been in years. It was on our list for camping this year, we had hoped to go to Assateague in October some time, but maybe next year.

Heading for the showew....

Lolly said...

Yea, Margy!!! So glad you are off for open house. You just have to be there!

Oh, yes, not quite a honeymoon (lol) but we are having a grand time. We both LOVE being on the road and in our home away from home.

Going to put my nose in my kindle now. Dinner was good and now time to relax with a good book. I'll probably BBL. I have to come back for the bear update!

Mema Jo said...

Tomorrow is Wed and it begins at midnight....
GO TO THE WED thread - the one that has 2 comments
Read the comment and proceed

magpie said...

Sounds like a good plan Jo

ha ha, still cam, looks like a heart shaped coconut in the middle of the nest

bbl watching Criminal Minds...

NatureNut said...

Am I in the right place???? If it's TU, I guess so!!
Haven't read much, yet. Busy doing stuff.
SURPRISE, surprise!!!The great egrets were still at the swamp AND it was a little cloudy this PM, so the stupid pale plants looked a little darker than the white birds today.(they looked great in the AM, BUT we have time clock!!) I found a better viewing spot (almost in the yard next door--but we know them). So got some better pics, I think & removed the last set & put 2 new sets w/one of the original pics. Now I'm so sorry I emailed out a couple yucky ones!
Will try to be back soon ☺ Have a great evening

NatureNut said...

I see that Mema Jo has spoken!!
At midnight we go to the WED Thread!!!
Thank for the needed guidance ☺

Lynne2 said...

Love all of your recent pic Loretta!

See you all on the Wed thread in the morning!

NatureNut said...

BTW, the man that lives next to the marsh had an Opel car!!!He taught shop and mechanics at a high school!

Mema Jo said...

First 2 TV shows were great
and NOW for the Good Wife


magpie said...

Great pictures, Loretta...
I just got an eyeful...

yup, our Matriarch has spoken!

midnight it is !

Lolly said...

Jo, we love you! You have spoken and at midnight to Wed. we go!LOL Actually, thank you for making up our minds!!

magpie said...

was checking out the most recent pics on the E-M album.....some really nice ones on there!

oh dear though, the last one that Lynn put up...well, for me it is a litte square with a Red X in it...

Time to hit the sack and do a little reading....

Special thoughts of Special People

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

Judie said...

Uh, sorry Lynne. Well, just pretend you are at the beach -- relax.

I see the great and wonderful Mema Jo (aka the Great and Wonderful Eagle Momster Oz(Ozette?) has spoken. The Wed. thread it will be.

Until then, I am turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in, headed back the hallway, to the tub, up the stairs, enjoying some Kentucky bluegrass, or just meandering in from work or play. Sleep well everyone. Prayers for Kailey and Karen K.

Lolly said...

No bear up date yet. Guess I will shower and then check back.

hedgie said...

Hmmmmm, Jo......what do you think? What is going on between Calinda and the new guy? And what is Grandma up to?? TOO many new people in the office!

NatureNut said...

Can say Good Evening on this page!!
For all those hitting the hay, Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Mema Jo said...

Well why a mentor? Kalinda (sp?)might just have a new investigative partner.
And what about trying to weasel out information from the young daughter.
Oh well we waiting all summer for this so I guess we can wait another week!

I did enjoy NCIS and NCIS:LA
But sorry to see Nat leaving...

hedgie said...

Margy, I love scrambled eggs with cheese!!! Yummmm.

hedgie said...

Loretta, what kind of condition was the guys Opel in? Did Frank try to buy it???

hedgie said...

Lolly, it's here...

Mema Jo said...



Mema Jo said...

Great update on Lily and Hope. The pics are really reassuring about their relationship. Can't believe we almost
lost that when they separated.

Lolly said...

I am back! Thanks Lynn! And thanks, Jo, for calling me. :)

It is very interesting about Lily and Hope. Sounds like Lily is so ready to hibernate and Hope is still raring to go.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly, is your body still running on TX Time?

hedgie said...

It will truly be interesting to see how their winter turns out.....and to know if Lily is preggers! Right, Lolly......remeber how upset we were when they were apart. I was so afraid that little Hope would not survive. HOPEfully, all's well that ends well!

And on that note, I am headed for the tub. Sure hope that stying in KY for a couple of days keeps you out of all the rain that is heading here, Lolly!!
Sweet dreams for all. Prayers and peace.

Lolly said...

Nope, not on Texas time. I am tired! One hour does not affect us much. However, I did notice this morning that it sure was light a lot earlier. Hmmmm....we will see what I think in the morning. Bet, I sleep late. lol
We should have good weather tomorrow, but we may run into rain Thursday and Friday. Been raining in NH, rainy and cold!

Heading to bed!

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Mema Jo said...

Go night Lynn and Lolly
Sleep well and pleasant dreams.....

Good Night Everyone
Prayers for All - Karen K and
chubby cheeked Kailey (love her)
Prayers for Karen B. to find peace in her heart since she has tragically lost her mother..

Hugs to all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Mema Jo said...

If it is after midnight
It is Wednesday..........

Go to the Wednesday thread and read
comment #2.............

Good Night

Costume Lady said...

Well, my goodness, Lolly sure is making good time zipping through all those states. I hope the trees are in their glory when she and Jack get up into the New England states. Don't think our trees are going to be very colorful this year. As we traveled through the mountains, I noticed that many of the leaves were brown from lack of rain. A few Dogwood had a bit of red coloring and Sugar Maples were showing some color.

TV was worth waiting for tonight. Loved The Good Wife...a lot of possibilities there. glad you will be able to join us at Open House. How about dinner on Friday night?

Thanks Lynn for the weather report. I had no idea we were in for so much rain tomorrow night.
Gene is going to wash the EE so that the rain can give it a good rinsing! It got so dirty on our WV trip and we didn't run into any rain??

Gene worked in the shop with me today...vacuumed the shelves for me and sucked up a gazillion stink bugs...seriously! He set off a "bomb" before we left on our trip and that really worked, but they still keep on a bad B movie!! He set off another after I left this evening, so we'll see how many more bit the dust or the carpet:)


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Just got home from school about 15 minutes ago, and have been trying to catch up.

Does anyone remember the expression, "If it's Tuesday, it must be Belgium"? Still have a few minutes before we need to head on over to Wednesday.

It's noticeably cooler here tonight. Hope it gets cool enough to make our kitchen liveable. It hasn't gotten lower than 80 yet.
Felt SOOOO good to be in air conditioning for about 3 hours! If it's bad tomorrow, may hang out in the school library.

Found out today that Real Quiet, the 1998 Kentucky Derby and Preakness winner, died at age 15 yesterday. He fell in his paddock, and broke his neck on impact. What a bummer! Prayers for those who knew him.

Costume Lady said...



Lolly said...

In ky. 4 more hours of travel. My tush hurts!:) headed to rv park on I75.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...