Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Fresh thread.


Judie said...

Hello again. Thank you, Steve.

Lolly, glad you found a nice pattern and some yarn. Happy creative knitting.

Lynn, I am in my office from 11:15-1:15. We used to take Rt 66 but rush hour starts early because people try to beat the HOV restriction so the interstate is literally packed with cars with only a driver. We now take either Rt 50 or Columbia Pike. Actually faster even with the traffic lights.

Going to imitate Jo and put my feet up for a little while. BBL

hedgie said...

Thanks for call-over, Judie.
I guess old habits die hard. Despite all the new roads, if I'm heading into the city I still always use 50! Familiarity, sure...but most of the time it IS faster! Christie had to go to Georgetown U.H. yesterday with the job....as many times as we have made that trip together (she drove and always took the toll road to McLean and then in Chain Bridge), she was coming from Fauqueir, so used GPS---it took her around robinhoods red barn!! Leaving, tho', it took her straight to 270 so she missed 495 mess at 5pm! She prefers 270 to 340 over 7&9 over the mountain anyway.

hedgie said...

503 is alive and well....argh!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks for telling us about the new thread Judie.

Ineresting Jo about the "new girl in town".

I spoke with Rhonda Lynn and Animal Control had gotten ahold of her yesterday.
She or her daughter's one grandmother is going to take in 2 horses.

With people sending in donations that should help some with different foods for the horses.

When you have horses you always worry when something like this happens. About taking in a horse because you don't want yours to get sick if the horse has anything.
They will probably have to put the one's away from the ones they now have for awhile to make sure health wise.

hedgie said...

Oh, Dana, that is wonderful news!!! Thank you....and big thanks to Rhonda!!!!!! I'm sure that Dr. Bridges has checked them very carefully, and any with health concerns besides malnutrition are probably being kept seperately.

PA Nana said...

Good evening everyone. Waiting for the royal visit and Jeopardy is coming on soon.

paula eagleholic said...

I think I'm going to get skunked tonight!

PA Nana said...

Still learning this computer. Still haven't figured out to put my favorites on here. Would someone please send me the link to the Finland sites? TIA

Also want to change my avatar but haven't found one yet.

Jeopardy is on .... bbl

hedgie said...

Both in at once!! Got a fuzzy pic.

PA Nana said...


PA Nana said...

I hear an eagle...

hedgie said...

Too dark and webby now. Shutting it down!! Still here noise but can't see a thing.

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, just heard a cry and an eagle flew into the tree, not the nest.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010 7:46:00 PM

Ooops was over on the other thread trying to catch up

So, I got to at least hear an eagle call!

hedgie said...




Of course, it's dark there now!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh no, did I miss it?

paula eagleholic said...

Darnit! Should have read the blog before I deleted my video files :(

PA Nana said...

Guess they aren't going to show themselves tonight, so I'll go get my shower and get ready for Covert Affair's 2 hour finale.

Have a good evening and prayers around.

PA Nana said...

Thanks Lynn. Off to the shower.
God bless!

Mema Jo said...

Good evening - Was at the Dr today and got some good meds to get rid of this
cold/allergies or what ever it is. I am feeling better already.....

Going to head in to watch some shows
that hubby taped. Can't wait until next week when all the shows we watched on Tues night will return.


hedgie said...

Glad you are on the road to recovery, Jo!! Take it easy!! You've just been too busy lately.
Yep---Tues. night a week away will be great!

Paula, enlarge the pic I put in the album and you can barely make out both our birds.

hedgie said...

If you need/use canned pumpkin for your fall and holiday baking, start grabbing as much as you need NOW----Christie heard that drought has destroyed the crop for this year. After last years' problems, it will be scarce pickings; hope that it's not already too late!

wvgal_dana said...

Going to go get my feet up and watch some tv.

Jo glad you went to dr. and are already starting to feel better.
Prayers that you will get over this fast (:

I check in later...

Judie said...

Hi everyone.

Late dinner over and ready to fall asleep.

Jo, so happy you feel better and you will feel even better by tomorrow.

Great news about the two horses. Lynn, please send email about where to send $. Is a check or cash preferred?

As for driving around here, I'll go an hour out of my way to avoid the interstates. Too many cars going waaaaaay too fast with drivers who are waaaaay too distracted. Sometimes seems like a suicide mission.

Guess I'll try to get a can or two of pumpkin fixins real soon.

Was in the kitchen so missed our lady and her gentleman friend tonight. Now it's just our creative friend Boris.

Going to catch up on the newspaper. BBL

stronghunter said...

Good evening. Just time for a quick hello. Things are busy around here at the moment.

Costume Lady said...

Supper was good here, tonight. Finally got to the tomatoes and squash before the groundhog...Tilapia, fried tomatoes and squash. Ummmm!
Gene put a trap out to catch the BIG one last week and caught a skunk. This was not a box trap (skunk cant raise his tail to spray), so Gene couldn't find a way to let him out. He was in there a week and we were sorrowful every day not knowing what to do. Finally, after looking up "how to release a skunk from a trap" on the puter, Gene and Brandon put a large cover over the trap, so skunky couldn't see, and opened the door for his escape. He was in the trap for nearly 2 hours and didn't realize he could free himself, so Gene squirted him (gently) with the hose, which made him go to the end with the escape route and ran like - - - -. Up through the woods he went, stopped momentarily and looked back at Gene as if to thank him and then took off faster than I thought a skunk could move!
So now, we wait on Mr. G'Hog to get trapped. He won't be as lucky as Skunky:)

Dana, so glad you have found someone to take some of the horses!
Way to go, girl♥

hedgie said...

Wanda,glad that the skunk release went well. Sure could have been a nasty endeavor!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Please everyone I did not get anyone to take the two horses. Rhonda was called yesterday by Animal Control. She had not made up her mind I don't think. Today when I was up there talking to her. She just wasn't sure. Then her daughter came in and said, "Grandma is taking 2 of the rescue horses". So I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO MAKE IT HAPPEN. I am thankful that Animal Control had contacted Rhonda and her mother or mother-in-law made the decision herself. I believe with Animal Control. Can't take credit where credit is not due.

Lolly said...

Oh, Wanda! I worried about you catching a skunk. Been there done that! Here in this Texas heat an animal would not last a week.

I am in on the computer. Jack called Mike and he is taking my laptop to him Thursday. He said we were the third this week to get the thing. Will find out more later but he did say that if Vista Antimalware ever shows up again...do not touch anything. Do not click "NO", "DELETE", nothing! Which, of course, we did
! Will let you know what we learn, but beware of Vista Antimalware!!!!!

I will be back later. Guess I will go watch TV and knit. ☺ Will let Jack have the computer. Just wanted to let you know I will not be on much the next couple of days. Grrrrrrr!

Lynne2 said...



Pictures from Steve's fishing trip up at the resevoir this past weekend. I think they are eagles. They said they were very large with some white spots on them. Anyone else want to comment?

Lynne2 said...

Pardon my manners. Good evening everyone!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, those links don't work!

Wanda, funny story about the skunk...glad you were able to set him free.

Lynne2 said...

oh shoot...I'll figure out how to post them on my blog. Tomorrow.

Have a good night all!

wvgal_dana said...

Night friends prayers for those that need them. Praises for anyone helping somehow with the rescued horses. Your help is a BLESSING.

Judie said...

I just barely escaped the sandperson long enough to get to the blog to say goodnight. I think I hear sandperson lurking outside the door waiting to pounce.

Wonder what Shirley's up to? I am soooo nosy.

Dana, no matter how. The important part is that two horses will be cared for.

Wanda, so glad you and Gene weren't perfumed by the skunk. Might have been difficult to sit near you two at open house. Oh, and thanks for being humane.

There was a very nice suggestion in Heloise Hints in today's Post from a lady in Bluefield, WV.

Time to turn my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in, headed back the hallway, down to the tub, up the stairs to sleep, or just wandering in later. Yikes! The sandperson just captured me! Pleasant dreams, everyone.

hedgie said...

We'll be anxious to see the pics when you get them posted, Lynne!!

Well, Dana, maybe your input gave them the needed push to proceed with the fostering or adoption!

Mema Jo said...

Good Late Evening -
Thanks Lynn - just put a supply of canned pumpkin on the list - I love the pumpkin cake I make and need one for this Sat Family Reunion and later another Family Reunion! I didn't take a chance, I ordered enough to last be used at Christmas........

Our TV tapes of the Waking Dead we great. I do love English mystery!

Orioles vs Blue Jays - Now in real life we know those nasty Jays would take over - However when it comes to ball games, it's the Orioles 11-3 bottom of the 9th with the Orioles up to bat. Whoo Hoo!

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone. Couldn't get on here earlier as are in the middle of anti-virus renewals. Fubby got tired of seeing a pop-up about Time running out, so talked to a guy in India!!(no joke) & renewed it. Is now in the wrong computer!!!!Old 'puter was running out & had that company! I am in process of downloading new version in old computer. Now both will be the same and the guy in India will be really confused!!! LOL

Mema Jo said...

Stink Bug Army is beating at my doors and windows..... Argh..........

Mema Jo said...

Recently this a favorite of mine....

Lion Cubs Sleeping in a pile

I know some of you cannot get this..
At this site you also have the Lion Cam (outside) the Cub Cam and the
Tiger Cam (outside) All the links are there under the cam pic.

hedgie said...

Just want to thank all momsters who have donated to the feed bills for the poor horses!!!! Hoping and praying that they are all soon adopted into furever families.

hedgie said...

LOL, Judie....surrender to the sandman!!!!

Costume Lady said...

I found another gazillion stink bugs on the deck furniture again today. You spray them and think you are finished with them, but more come to take their place! Just like groundhogs...Gene has disposed of 6 or 7 this year, but they keep on coming from who knows where? I have sheer curtains on my beans in hopes that they will discourage any nibblers. I do hope enough sun is getting in to make the beans grow big enough to eat.

Judie, you couldn't keep me away from OPEN HOUSE...I would bathe in tomato juice, they say that works. Don't want to have to try it:)
Skunks do no harm to our yard or garden, so there was no reason to do away with him.

hedgie said...

Loretta, don't you all love just love dealing with those foreigners??

Jo, hope you get your full order of pumpkin!

Go O's!!!!! Ceil and Jim are at the game!

NatureNut said...

Go O'ss!!

Good grief, the old 'puter won't install the new version, as it can't delete the old one! Guess we'll have to call India!!

Been wanting to say that at Park we saw several Monarch chrysalises & finally saw one on a plant, not a structure. Was a J caterpillar ready to change & one on other office steps ready to emerge!
Saw hummers at Park & home, but no ospreys. Naturalist friend said hummers are usually here until the 19th.
The historical exhibit we worked on that compliments a Smithsonian traveling exhibit is called Between Fences.It will be at Montpelier location in Laurel for 8weeks & moving around for a whole year all over the State of MD. Saw a flier today and here's website for those interested--- www.mdhc.org Gotta check other machine & see a show.
If I don't get back, Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Costume Lady said...

Speaking with a foreigner on the phone is my greatest pet peeve!
I had a lady call me today and she was asking about the Soup Kitchen...she might have been Hispanic, anyway, I could not understand if she was wanting to come and eat or help. We have had more than a few people from other churches come and help out with serving. I hope she wasn't planing
on having a meal with us...just told her I would see her NEXT Tuesday. Thought that would cover all my bases.

Costume Lady said...

Loretta, I have had 2 more Monarchs to hatch, that makes 6 this year and 1 more to go. Not looking for any more this year. Don't have time to give them fresh food every day or so and clean out their bedroom...shop has taken over my priorities now until end of October.

Costume Lady said...

I think I will call it quits now.


hedgie said...

Bear update is up!


If June dens in that, hope someone throws in pillows!

hedgie said...

Well, dear friends, I will say my goodnights now, too! Early lunch with friend tomorrow, so will be setting the alarm! Prayers for all.

magpie said...

just sneaking in before midnight to say Hello, and Good Night....

skunk in the neighborhood musta sprayed somewhere near my bedroom window late last night, early this morning....woof!
had to close the window for a few hours....

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

Lolly said...

Getting on to say good night.

Saw the bear update and read about the cartoons in the papers. Made me very sad. Yes, wish June would find a den and stay in it!!

Semms like there was something else I wanted to comment on, but for the life of me can not think of what it was. Time for bed!

Sweet dreams!

Mema Jo said...

Feeling good - little tired - these meds keep me awake. BUT I am going back the hallway. I shall succeed and sleep................
The O's did it!

Good Night Everyone
Prayers for Everyone & for Peace
Hugs to everyone ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Have gotten home from school OK, and have been trying to catch up on the blog. Have been really busy today, and Hubby was home from work on a vacation day, so didn't have a chance to get here earlier.

Got all the homework for my Practice class done tonight. That's soooo nice, because now all I have to do on Thursday is drop off my work and sign the attendance sheet! YAY!

Judie, you have NO idea what the freeways are like out here! Most cars only have one driver, since our public transportation is not the best. Talk about crazy--cars seem to ricochet all over the road at random sometimes. Few people use their turn signals, since no one would dream of letting them merge! I try to be as courteous as possible just on general principles, but most drivers seem to go out of their way to be DIScourteous! Hubby and I wish we could move somewhere else, but we're stuck here because of his job and my school right now.

Still haven't done anything with the Lake Arrowhead pictures yet--maybe tomorrow morning. Hubby goes back to work tomorrow, so I will have a chance to do it. :o]

I'm so happy to hear of all the help for those poor, starved horses!
Lynn, where would I mail a check to help pay for some hay? Please send me an e-mail if you can find out.

Well, pretty tired tonight, so think I'll go veg in TV land for a while. Judie has left the night light on. The porch light is on, too. Prayers have been said for all. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Sleep well, with sweet dreams, everyone! I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

wvgal_dana said...

Good early morning to anyone watching.

I hear that cute little bird at our nest. One day maybe I will get to see it. Then I'll know the type it is. Love its chirps.

wvgal_dana said...

I got my hummingbird food out of the frig. sitting outside in the sun. So I can take old out and put fresh in. I would imaine they won't be around much longer. Will get some migrating ones when these leave.

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

You can click on the blue written above to read about Billie Richards.

hedgie said...

Morning all. Full day scheduled here. Will talk to you all late this afternoon.

Update on the horses:


Andy, you have mail!

hedgie said...

Just posted a pic on blog of some of the rescued horses taken by a friend this morning! Take a peek....some lovely pintos.

Lolly said...

Just a quick good morning! Have a doctor's appointment and Jack is waiting to get on. Bless him! ☺

Appointment is just a regular appointment following blood tests. Normal thing. Will go in and give Dr. Carol a hug. Yes, she will hug back and I call her by her first name. Love it! And, she will ask where we are headed this time.

Have a gret day!

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn is probably headed for the horses (maybe).

Lolly glad your appointment is routine. Always nice when nurse and your dr. and you are well acquainted. That is how it is at my family drs. office.

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers the people going to see the horses. That their hearts are touched and that they can help a horse. Prayers for funds to feed and care for the horses also.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - Hope you will enjoy today's weather.
Not much morning activity here but 2:00 is my haircut.
Going out to get some sun on the deck and see what the squirrels are doing.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I'm taking the day off from work to get a couple of appointments taken care of. I had to see the dermatologist and the dentist. The dentist found a small cavity at my last visit.

I was able to get my friend Ellen to sub for me. She is well taken care of with tests for all of my students. I hope things will go well.

We have had a family crisis that has brought about a major change for us. Kathryn and Hunter have come to live with me for the present. They brought Luna and Flash.

That means that routines have changed drastically. There are dogs to walk, dishes to wash, meals to get together, etc., etc. Last night, Susan came down to visit and spend some time with us. It was good to see her. She did have to miss a Spanish class to be able to come.

It is good that we are all resilient at this point. We will get through this. I am just saying a prayer for Kathryn and another one for Tommy. He has been part of our family for a long time and I love him too.

wvgal_dana said...



stronghunter said...

Oh dear, Dana. I hope everyone stays safe.

stronghunter said...

Off to load the dishwasher and take care of some chores.

I play bridge with my group tonight, but I will check in when I can. I hope I will have a little time later on today.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - Praying for Kathryn, Tom & Hunter to be able to stay as a family
unit.. but God will look over all of them and help them through this unnerving time. You will be strong for them throughout this I'm Sure.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Jo.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley is that George?
He's flipped!

Judie said...

Good late morning.

Been a bit slow today. Woke up with a headache.

Shirley, so sorry about the circumstances. Wishing the best for Kathryn, Hunter, Tommy, and you. I'm sure the initial change in arrangements has been stressful for everyone. God bless.

Jo, happy haircut. Yes, looks like George has flipped or maybe freaked out with the dogs for company.

Lolly, have a good dr. follow-up.

Dana, nothing on the news here about the prisoner. Hope he's captured quickly.


Costume Lady said...

It was only a matter of time! Poor George;)

Mema Jo said...

Wanda Please don't eat those cookies over your keyboard and leave
all those CRUMBS.

stronghunter said...

Good grief!

George is just looking up at me.

I was worried you all might think it looks messy because of all of the cords strung across the floor. Probably computer cords, etc. I did not think George looks freaked out. He manages to take care of the dogs quite well. A hiss here and a hiss there.

stronghunter said...

Headed out to the Social Security office. Will, Flash, Luna, and George will hold down the fort.

Mema Jo said...

OK George - we will accept you as we
see you!

wvgal_dana said...

Will I have finished watering plants.

I saw a squirrel (which we don't see many of due to all the cats). He came across the road between my place and next door had a big old walnut in his mouth. I am hoping he makes his nest. In a tree on our side. I will enjoy feeding him peanuts (: Just have to wait and see.

wvgal_dana said...

Someone was asking how to set their fb. Something about so just everyone doesn't see it. Which setting do most of you use?

Costume Lady said...

Hey, Jo...no cookies, but had some cheese popcorn last night:)
Learn something new every day...hope Ed knows what that means;)

Costume Lady said...

Multi-tasking right now...drying my hair, puting on some makeup and chatting with you all. Getting ready to take GG for her monthly dr. appt. Then, she has to go to traffic court...need I say more?

Costume Lady said...


wvgal_dana said...

GG didn't get hurt did she?????????

Mema Jo said...

TAKE THE KEYS! I hope GG isn't nervous. Are You?

Hubby said that I would need to google
Crumbs and all I come up with are

Popcorn in from of TV only. They don't mind the crumbs!

Mema Jo said...

I pray GG got a ticket for going 20 mph in a 50 mile zone!

Mema Jo said...

Let us hear from you, Wanda when you return.

I am signing off for now to get ready
to go to Hair cut.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Hedgie-Lynn that picture this morning of eagle in our nest. Great catch !! Way to go gal ( :

Mema Jo said...

Lion Update from Zoo

Mema Jo said...


movin said...





C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Judie said...

Thank you Jo for the lion update. Had not checked that site today.

Wanda, please let us know what happens. Really hoping the court will suggest GG surrender her license. Assume you would have mentioned if it were more than a traffic violation.

Okay, so George is holding his own even if he is upside down. Hope all goes well with Soc. Sec.

Dana, our squirrels are about to bankrupt us. You and your peanuts are welcome to visit anytime. Have lots of squirrels for you to feed.

On to solving a crisis -- can't find some lecture notes I need for tomorrow morning. Grrrr!

Judie said...

Oh, Walter Reed case worker is supposed to fax information wanted by Fairfax team. Progress!

Mema Jo said...

I'm back from getting my ears lowered!
Feels great.
It is warm out in the sunshine.
I stopped on my way home at the Pumpkin Patch due to all sign being up but their first day is this Friday.
Said to come by during a weekday and they would load some pumpkins in my trunk - for a price of course. I have to also get some scarecrows for out front.

Mema Jo said...

Judie before long you will be all
diagnosed and on your way to feeling 100%.... Hope you find your notes for tomorrow... I bet you know them by heart!

I am headed to the showers and then picking up son and dil to eat out before heading up to the viewing.
I clock in when I return...

hedgie said...

STOOPID momster back onboard.......lucnh date was NOT today....it's tomorrow. Kick-kick. But did get 9 other errands run, so accomplished a lot. Just now I have to get up early again tomorrow and go through the whole darn beauty routine. ARGH!

Dana, eagle pic was last evening, not this morning.

Sounds like friend Derick IS going to (or DID) adopt a horse. He already has 2.

Shirley, so sorry to hear of the turmoil in your family. Prayers for all.....please encourage counseling before any final decisions are made.

Judie, hope you find your notes!

Haven't heard any updates about the escapee....didn't know anything about it until a few minutes ago!

Lolly said...

Good afternoon! Appointment went well. All is good except my cholesterol went up. So back again in three months to see if it is back down where it should be.

Shirley, prayers for Kathryn and Tom and Hunter, too. (Also you!) Hope that this works out for the good.

Uh Oh, Wanda! Tell GG how much you love her and tell her you really want her to turn the keys and car over to you. Tell her you want her to make this decision and not make it so that you have to take them from her. She does not need to drive, putting herself and others in danger. She has you!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

Haven't long to talk, but wanted to say hello.

Shirley, so sorry to hear of the family situation. Heartfelt prayers for all being said, and I hope the problems can be resolved amicably. BTW--LOVE the picture of George!

Judie, hope the headache goes away, and hope you find your notes for class. Glad your doctors are making some progress! That's a good thing.

Lynn, thanks for the info about donations for the horses. Much appreciated!

Dana, praying that they catch the fugitive quickly, and that nobody gets hurt in the process!

Wanda, praying for the GG situation, too. Hope everything works out well.

Well, need to go finish some English homework. Will be back late tonight, after I'm back home from school. Have a good evening, everyone! :o]

Judie said...

Hi everyone.

Thank you so much Lynn for getting your lunch day confused. I feel so much better knowing I am in such good company.

Jo, bet you look lovely. Enjoy the dinner. Hope the viewing is well-attended.

Andy, finish the homework and then you are home free this week. Yippee!

Anxious to hear from Wanda.

Much thanks to Derick.

Okay, Lolly, no more bacon pasta or pecan pie for you (well, maybe just a nibble). Do you have to take medication?

Oh, found some notes but decided to redo them and added a bunch more material. Will start serial killers tomorrow. The little perverts love that stuff.

Time to feed the squirrels. Later

hedgie said...

Gee, thanks, Judie! But haven't heard you making a mistake like I did! Glad you found your notes.

Wanda, agree that it's time for that big decision. We are so glad that Mom made it on her own.....even tho' she had never had any problems; she just didn't want to get lost in a new location so never drove once after she left FL.
Bill's mother had ANOTHER parking lot wreck a few weeks ago...argh! And he took her to renew her license last month. DUMB!

hedgie said...

Oh my........bulldozer fire
on Bald Eagle Rd. on Patuxent Wildlife Preserve this morning.
Wonder if Loretta will have any info.

stronghunter said...

Back from dentist. My jaw is feeling almost normal again.

The hygienist turned out to be the wife of a young man who played soccer on a team with Will and Susan when they were little kids. They have a 4-month-old son.

stronghunter said...

I will be starting The Crucible with my students tomorrow. There is plenty of killing in that story, Judie, but it is done by the authorities in charge.

stronghunter said...

I'll be doing background tomorrow, so I will spend time showing movies about witchcraft accusations, etc.

stronghunter said...

Glad you found your notes, Judie.

Hope you will be able to work things out with GG, Wanda. It is hard to lose that freedom or to have to convince someone to give it up.

When my mother was in her elder years, she was using her driver's license for ID at the grocery store. The clerk told me confidentially that it had expired. I mentioned it to mother and she said, "I know. I have the new one." I'm sure she did.

Funny thing--I never saw my mother drive. She did not get a license until after my father died, then she always had us do the driving when we were around.

She had an old 8-cylinder Nova that she drove for, I suppose, 20 years or thereabouts. It had less than 10,000 miles on it, and that included a trip to Texas from North Carolina. (She did not do the driving that time.)It had cobwebs on the bumpers.

stronghunter said...

Lynn, I am sure I could easily go to a gathering on the wrong day, or forget it altogether.

stronghunter said...

Odd thing about the George pic. When I checked the original, it was not turned the way it is on here. I tried flipping the original, but it does not seem to make any difference.

George really is flipped out. Or, at least the picture is.

stronghunter said...

Almost time for Kathryn and Hunter to get here, but I have to rush out to my bridge game.

Will is mowing!! Yea!

stronghunter said...

Okay, it did switch the pic around, but not the way I wanted it to be.

stronghunter said...


hedgie said...

I know, Shirley, that I'm not the first to do it, but it still ticked me off at myself!
I bet your Mom was a hoot!!! And know you miss all that fun.

hedgie said...

As of 4 o'clock, escaped prisoner had not been captured. He was being transported from NC to NJ by a private extradtion company----bet someone is in BIG trouble now.

hedgie said...

Margy had to work overtime today due to sick call-ins. Poor girl!

hedgie said...

From my friend:

Wow... 6:30pm, just got home. I got down there about 8:30 this morning. It was awesome. No, we didn't adopt any horses....yet. Today's adopt-outs were the better ones, easier ones. We'll hang in there, something will happen. The crowd turn out was great, all that were up for adoption got homes. There are still probably 27 horses still left, pending weight-gain and vet check. I did meet Laurie (she's terrific!), and found their immediate "right now" needs were 3 metal trash cans for feed, 20 wormers, and hay. I went & got ALL of that, and carrots today. They were soooo appreciative. I'm going to get more hay & bags of feed tomorrow. I spoke with the vet myself, and she told me exactly & specifically what feed she needs. I told her she'll have it in the morning!! THANK YOU - I got the check today!! xoxo Derick

wvgal_dana said...

MY OWN UPDATE ON ESCAPED PRISONER: As I was coming home 5:3something. Two SUV's flashing lights and sirens flew past. A few seconds later the whole road behind me in the mirror was flashing lights and sirens. It was 3 more SUV's all dark windows. Then came some more total of maybe 8. I prayed because I thought maybe they were a swat team and the prisoner may be holding someone. As I made my turn off I-81onto my main road Rt. 901 there was nothing but "blue and red flashing lights everywhere. As I pulled over. They then went to a State Police car and a unmarked police car behind the Burger King. Then they split up some went down a road called St. Andrew's Drive. Lnn-Hedgie you know that road heading north on it. Some headed on down towards my development.

I made the decisions to get the h out of the way and go into Roc's Store. The attendants in there and I was talking. I told them it doesn't make sense for that car or van to have pulled in at 3:30AM this morning in Burger King because IT ISN'T OPEN!!!!! They told me some police was in and think it was an inside job.

So don't know if he (prisoner) in an orange jumpsuit or whether they had clothes for him to change into.
Don't think this guy would have a probably using a gun either.

Anyways I am safe at home and got things all locked up. Called my neighbor and told her to stay in and locked...she is the one that works in school system. So she knows that this guy escaped.

I have not heard at all today planes or helicopters flying over. I did early this morning and sirens everywhere. You would think unless they know where he is now. That they would have a plane flying to see if he is in the orchards or laying somewhere in the weeds/trees.

That is the end of my UPDATE.

We will see if maybe Hedgie-Lynn hears anything on her scanner.

hedgie said...

Derick also posted this message:
The photos I just posted are of what y'all bought today. 3 metal cans for feed ($60), 20 wormers are inside the cans ($160), and 25 bales of hay ($60-good deal). I'm buying more hay & feed tomorrow. The horses say THANK YOU!!!

I had gone ahead and given him my money and Jo's directly for immediate use. Can't believe the good deal he got on hay! It's been running $4/bale!!!!

hedgie said...

Oh my....Edwin Newman has passed. One of the best journalists ever! RIP.

Costume Lady said...

Oh my, Lynn...I thought the same thing...SOMEONE IS IN BIG TROUBLE.
STOOPID, STOOPID! Do we know how the escape happened?

Speaking of STOOPID... the DMV sent a letter to GG asking her to have her physician fill out a form and give his opinion about her ability to drive...NEW DR. QUE has no idea about her ability to drive?? So, you know what I have to do!
OK, here we go: GG decided she was well enough to drive...went to grocery store and bought a cart load and got back home without incident. 2-3 days later, decided to try it again. I got a dreaded call from a Police Officer telling me that she had an accident. He had to drive her home...car had to be towed. He stayed with her until Gene and I went into her house.
He said he would send a letter to DMV recommending that she have her driving privileges taken away. Well, the DMV is leaving it up to her doctor...she will hold this against him and not want to go to him anymore:(
Can't say anymore at this time...Judie probably knows why.

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, it was my hope to give feed money to an individual instead of the Sheriff's Dept. Don't know where it goes from THERE!?

hedgie said...

Oh, Wanda......so what happened at traffic court???? GG will just have to be mad at the Dr. then....unless you can call the insurance company and ask them to cancel her coverage!! That's a possible way around it........or if you just do nothing, with no info coming back to DMV, they'll just yank her license!
How much damage was done to the vehicles???

hedgie said...

Wanda, the AC officers say that if you mark it for the horse fund, it WILL go directly to AC for the horses. I did mine and Jo the way I did BEFORE I had gotten that message.

hedgie said...

It's about time for an eagle visit.....

hedgie said...

No details yet as to how the escape happened, Wanda.

hedgie said...

Sounds like helicopter is still searching.......

hedgie said...

Sounds like they have Federal Marshalls out, too.

hedgie said...

Cam clunks!

PA Nana said...


Hi everyone - am catching up - bbl

hedgie said...

Ooohhh....Boris' handiwork stinks! Shutting cam down.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn-Hedgie where do you go to see the pictures Derrick posted?

hedgie said...

Email coming, Dana.

Lolly said...

Good evening! I was preparing dinner and running into the study to check the cam. Never saw an eagle. Guess no one did!

I do love the night sounds coming from the cam.

Sounds like a lot of action over that way.

I am going to go put my feet up and veg watching TV. Ohhhh, I miss my laptop!


NatureNut said...

Hooray, I finally got on Blog. Tried to put my password in about 6:45 & just the hourglass stayed on! DUH I already had Live cam open, nest was MT, but heard a few "clunks".

Judie said...

Have returned but with heavy eyelids.

Wanda, glad GG was not hurt and only the car had damages. GG does not necessarily have to be told who recommended she have driving privileges suspended. So, even if she is angry with the dr. her safety, and others, is more important. I do empathize. Maybe you can convince her that the car is still being repaired -- indefinitely.

Lynn, so generous of you. I know everyone, especially the horses, are ever so grateful. You are one special lady.

The escapee will be found, I'm sure. Usually, they are not bright enough to avoid capture. Yes, someone is now on the unemployment line with maybe more to come if it was an inside plot.

Shirley, hope you win big tonight -- or at least enough to pay for the cavity repair. Ah yes, legal killing by authorities. Talk about that regarding the early foundation of our legal system -- equality under the law.

Well, George is looking a bit out-of-whack but we still think he's adorable.

Off for some t.v.

PA Nana said...

Caught up with today and no eagles to see tonight again.

Going to download some more programs that came with this pc and watch some tv with guys.

Probably won't get back anymore tonight so prayers for all wants/needs.
God bless

NatureNut said...

Good Grief, Prayers and xxed fingers and toes that escapee is caught and all family crises are resolved!! Blessings to Shirley and Wanda for successful outcomes.

I have to check TV & see if final Am., Talent is on yet. Also, 'puter has been very slow---even Indian techie told that to Fubby yesterday.He was so good, he didn't even remove the other anti-virus co. New & old are still in there!!! I'm going to run the "delete browsing hist." which may take hours!!!
Hope to be back~~~~

hedgie said...

CH. 25 report on the horses:

hedgie said...

Helicoptor still flying. Hear it here now.

hedgie said...

Feeling very lonely here.........where did everyone go?

wvgal_dana said...

I am here Lynn-Hedgie. Know how you feel had been hearing the helicopter all over here.

Judie said...

Hi Lynn, I'm back.

Only to say goodnight. Working day tomorrow. Good that the horses are getting publicity and hope others will step up to help as best they can.

Lowreeda, wishing a miracle recovery for the computer. Mine at work is dying a slow and painful death.

No new bear update yet. No news is good news.

Okay, I hear the sandperson calling my name so am about to turn my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in, headed back the hallway, down to the tub, up the stairs to bed. Restful sleep to all.

BB tomorrow.

wvgal_dana said...

I don't know what the noise is I hear when I let the dog out. It almost sounds like a generator. Maybe they set up tratic post near Burger King???

wvgal_dana said...

I wish I would hear they caught him sure would sleep better tonight.

Mema Jo said...

I have been home for awhile - had my cup of coffee and looked up directions to church tomorrow for funeral.
The viewing this evening was well attended and all family was there. Nana's 2 daughters and 2 sons were all there with their spouses. Many grandchildren and great grandchildren were there. Lots of love all around!
She looked beautiful and so peaceful.
She is in God's care now........

Mema Jo said...

It has been a long day - might not make it much longer - hallway is a calling!
I am very happy to be helping out with the food for the horses that don't get adopted. It was mentioned that the Sheriff's work release guys were helping by walking the horses and feeding them and other things that needed to be done.
Hedgie keep us up-to-date whenever you can.

hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NatureNut said...

Howdy! Now I know all the 'puter problems are NOT ours. Tried to Refresh Comments & got the Blogger Error 503!!!!!(or whatever it is)!
Seems a little faster getting online. Gotta check defragmenter next.

Jo, prayers for family having services.

Saw winner of Talent Show & it wasn't the 10 yr. old opera star.She was 2nd. Guy that won is a singer,also, and is very good. He was dedicating being on show to his grandparents in MS who lost everything in Katrina.The little girl, Jackie, is already well known, has a great future & think she was signed to sing at the Met.

Well, gotta shampoo hair 'cuz tomorrow is day off & have dentist & Dr. appts., of course!!!
If I don't get back, Pleasant Feather Dreams to all ;>)

NatureNut said...

Awww, Lynn. The horsie report came up, not de bears. I have them somewhere in My Faves.Hope they are all safe and sound.

hedgie said...

Oops. Trying again!


stronghunter said...

Back from bridge. I did not win, but had some good games. I suppose I finished just out of the money. Judie, you have to be kidding about winnings paying for dental costs. Top prize at bridge is $4.00. Dental work was a bit more than that, but insurance should reimburse me for some of the cost.

Glanced over messages. Hope things get worked out with GG.

Hope your medical visits tomorrow are okay, Lynn.

Hope they catch that escapee soon.

stronghunter said...

Good night. See you later!

hedgie said...

That's right now!!! Thanks, Loretta. Hope your apptmts. tomorrow are easy ones.
Jo, good that Nana's visitation was well-attended. Get some rest!!

Dana, no indication yet that the criminal has been caught.

Judie, don't lose sleep over work computer!! It's enough to worry about the one at home!!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the BEAR link - guess they will be finding dens soon.
Back the hallway I go... Early start tomorrow for 11:00 service.

Good Night Everyone
Prayers for Everyone
Hugs for Everyone ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

hedgie said...

Shirley, it's Lowreeda that has apptmts. tomorrow. I just have the lunch with a friend that I THOUGHT was today!!!
Good night to all. Rest well. Dana, don't worry. He's not going to pick your place!! You're in too deep.....they were concentrating around a barn somewhere last I heard.
Prayers and peace.

Costume Lady said...

I was happy with the AGT winner. The 10 yr. old already has a career started and she has her whole life ahead of her. Michael needed this break:)
I was also happy with the Big Brother winner.


Lolly said...

A quick...Nite all!

Sweet dreams!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!
I got home from school about 20 minutes ago, and have been trying to catch up on today's blog.

I'm glad to hear that GG is OK. Hope the situation with the license gets worked out for the best. That's a tricky situation, for sure.

Dana, glad to hear that you're home OK and locked inside. Boy, I hope they catch that guy SOON! Be careful, for sure! Yikes!

Lynn, thanks for the link about the horses. That's great that they have so many people who want to adopt them!

Judie, glad you are worried about your WORK computer, not your HOME computer! Boy, tomorrow's lecture should be interesting--serial killers!

Well, going to go veg in front of the TV until I'm sleepy enough to call it a day. Judie, thanks for leaving the night light on. I'm leaving the porch light on. Prayers have been said for everyone. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. Sleep well, everyone, with only sweet dreams. I'll talk to you tomorrow.
God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you. :o]

wvgal_dana said...

I hear ya Hedgie-Lynn but something inside just can't stay asleep.

Have an appointment tomorrow Winchester for left knee (that is the one they did total knee replacement. I had fallen on it so many times down at Ed's grave. Here in the backyard when I was trying to mow. So well see what he say.

Well doggie needs out. Don't want to open door at this hour. You gotta do what you gotta do,

Prayers for those with needs. May God bring forth an answer.

Praying that catch the guy SOON for everyone's safety.

Nest is empty except for you know who.

wvgal_dana said...

I'll try to get on in AM maybe Hedgie-Lynn will have a comment on there that they caught the guy. I hope I hope !!!

magpie said...

Good Morning,
Hope this is a good day for everyone...

haven't seen any eagles at our nest
this morning but computer is acting up and I could have missed it....but I have seen one and sometimes two at BWO -

headed to work


Costume Lady said...

Just missed you, Margy! Seems you are always leaving as I'm coming on:( You'll have to stop in at GG's soon, so we can visit:)

It is 59° here in Nestville and cloudy, going up to 84° with a 40% chance of rain from 1pm on...

Tuned in to the Royal Palace at 6:25am, but nobody was home but, you know who...he NEVER goes anywhere:(

Off to the shop again this morning. 59° temps is good for steaming...steaming, bad for a hair-do:( Can't steam on days that I have to go somewhere.

Have a great day...I may pop in and out on my breaks♥

wvgal_dana said...

Good Thursday Morning Margy and Wanda so far.

I have Finland on the water up. Nest empty. There is a small white boat on the water.

I have an appt. this AM so will be leaving later.

Schools are on time.

Helicopter all night long in this area. Plus Hedgie-Lynn heard one up her way. Still no capture that I know of.

Mema Jo said...

Good Thursday Morning Everyone who is Up and at 'Em. Headed out to funeral in an hour or so. Takes me that long to get all meds in me plus a cup of coffee.

Great Frederick Fair starts tomorrow - Grand stand seats for entertainment are
price out of this world! (over $150)

wvgal_dana said...

Some kind of hunting season started today. I hope that prisoner is long gone. I would think he had someone pick him up that night.

Nice eagle at BWO.

Morning Mema Jo....take care...lovely family.

I'm heading out for appt. Winchester soon.

wvgal_dana said...

later take care

hedgie said...

Morning all. Cloudy and cool here. Rain in forecast for later this afternoon! Hope an dpray!

Dana, actually deer Bow season started Monday. Run, Bambi's, Run!

hedgie said...

Getting ready to head out....again! Sure I have the right day this time!! Later, gators.

movin said...


GooD MorniNG,

EveryboDy !!


Mornings are getting a little chilly in this part of So Cal, but we're still due for 80°+

I think that was Dad Osprey in Lisa's pic yesterday, and if you look at the right side of the nest this morning, it appears that he might have brought in some more root balls and sticks (the dark stuff)... Can't be too neat with winter coming on, I guess.

Have a great day
in the U.S. of A.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lolly said...

Good morning! Had a good chuckle. Thanks! Wanda mentioned no eagles at the nest....but "he" was there. Reminded me of Harry Potter and "he" who can never be called by name. LOL

Annie's reservation at camp is made. Boy, is that going to be expensive. Oh, well, it is what it is. Now to go get ready to go get flu shots. We are checking things off the list.

Have a good start on knitting the scarf. Think it is going to go quickly, so think I will buy more yarn to start a second if I need to. Can always return unused yard and this yarn is expensive...a really soft off white wool.

So very jealous of your weather but we will be experiencing cool weather soon and not only on our trip. It looks like the weekend we leave a massive front is heading our way. About time!

Okay, I am off...gotta get beautiful to head out. Yeah, right!

Have a great day!

Costume Lady said...

Back here for brunch...left over crab cake sandwiches.

Lolly, don't know if there is such a thing as SPARLEY yarn, but sparkle is all the rage, right now:)
While at GG's doctor's office, yesterday, told the nurse (kiddingly) that I wanted a flu shot too. Well, lo and behold, she brought in two needles and gave me one two. NEVER HAD THAT TO HAPPEN BEFORE! Don't have an appointment with MY doc until Dec. So, I feel ahead of the flu season:)

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

Ha, ha...she didn't give me TWO shots...she gave me one, TOO:)

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Steve has provided us with a new thread. Y'all come no over.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...