Friday, September 24, 2010


A hot TGIF thread.


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Mema Jo said...


stronghunter said...

Yes, Judie, I am glad you have survived the festival. Take some time to recover today.

stronghunter said...

Split time. Whee, that was a fun ride.

Mema Jo said...

I'll be back online after returning from picnic........

Make it a good afternoon


stronghunter said...

Bye for now, Jo.

stronghunter said...

Will is apartment hunting, Lynn. That is okay. He is a grown man. He has a friend who wants to share an apartment with him.

I have an unfinished basement that we may decide to expand into. It could make a nice rec room and even an extra bedroom.

We have to take this one step at a time.

stronghunter said...

George seems to be okay. He does get a bit frazzled from time to time. Then he expresses his feelings by hissing and whatever dog is nearest to him. They give him space.

hedgie said...

The sun is shining........woof! as Margy says!

Lolly said...

Good morning! I have read the paper and still enjoying my coffee. So, I have a few minutes on here before I need to get busy. I am being naughty and not going to church.

Thanks Lynn and Jo for the numbers!

Shirley, sounds like you are on top of things. Just remember to take care of yourself. Retreat to your chair often!!☺

It is 69 here this morning. Fantastic!

hedgie said...

Oh, in my dreams only. I was quoting my old HS boyfriend---that was the email he sent me after I sent him Loretta's family Open story and picture!!!
If I was a young gal starting out now, I might try to be a race car driver, or a fighter pilot----love speed!!!
Jo, sun may be coming your way, too!

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta shower and find something warm to wear too!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, I was stuck on the other side, LOL

Lolly said...

Lynn, remember last year when Jack and I attended the Blood Donor banquet at Texas Motor Speedway? Jack and I both went around the track in a yellow corvette at speed over 100. I loved it because I thought they would not be giving us rides if it was not safe. Well, guess this years banquet (we did not go) a driver lost control and a blood donor passenger was killed. Do not think they will be doing the banquet there again!

hedgie said...

Duh...OPEL story...

Lolly said...

Paula, lol, that has happened to the best of us!

hedgie said...

Lolly, your church folks won't see you for so long......but can understand the last minute things make for busy times and hectic moments.

Shirley, Will is being very helpful, isn't he?!

wvgal_dana said...

Andy I still say when you finish with this schooling---you will be a doctor and not a transcriber.

Shirley I thought Will was getting married? Where did I get that idea?

zoom zoom zoom Hedgie ( :

Lolly said...

Okay, now time to get busy. Coffee is finished. Do not want to be pressured this afternoon.

Have a great day! BBL

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo if you haven't left yet a jacket with a hood or take a scraf.

hedgie said...

Had a bit of a tense moment last night....let the dog out and she immediately came across a toad. She was very curious----and I'm shouting at her no-get away-don't touch----one chomp would have done the poor little thing in. She walked away, but kept coming back....toad was puffed up and hugging the ground with its' eyes closed....Cinnamon finally came in, so I didn't have to go out with my web-stick in front of me to protect the toadie.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Hedgie so happy about toadie ( :

Do you need a stream to have a Myrtle the turtle?

hedgie said...

Here is the translated Chinese report of the SD pandas arrival in China:SD Pandas

hedgie said...

No streams around here, Dana. Think box turtles don't spend time in water.

stronghunter said...

Dana, Rus is getting married. I have two sons and two daughters. I get confused sometimes myself.

wvgal_dana said...

Well where were Myrtle hide during winter?

stronghunter said...


hedgie said...

The translation is comical.

magpie said...

okay Redskins vs Rams at 4
and Ravens vs the Browns at 1

and other favorites playing too for sure

Hope everyone's team wins! Impossible order, but fun to pretend

Best wishes for a good day for everyone...scrounge up some comfort and joy if you can...

xoxo ♥ ♥

wvgal_dana said...

About American's Idol Crystal Bowersox


magpie said...

Bear of Little Brain here cannot remember for sure your Blast Off date Lolly...but, Bon Voyage and Happy advance

magpie said...

difficult for your ex-husb Lynn
finding the lady who had died, but a special, blessed mission to be there in time of need

hedgie said...

Oh, Lolly, that is too bad. But accidents do happen in dangerous and non-dangerous sports alike.

Dana, turtles dig deep holes in the ground or find hollowed out tree trunks to winter in.

hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Blog cop double posted.......go delete!

magpie said...

okay, hello, good afternoon
and good bye Service Error 503 !!

har-de-har...NOT !
but I have long been in the habit of saving my posts so it is just a minor hassle

ok see ya later bye folks xoxox

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley do the lock mailbox thing. Better protection.


magpie said...

forgot to mention

I have about 100 cowbirds male and female flying around the neighborhood and playing in the grass and trees....think they are on a migratory mission

headed out...


movin said...




rAININ at the FedEX finals in Atlanta. Havin a heat wave around here now... supposed to get close to 100° today.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Judie said...

Okay, I have finished three small loads of laundry, put a brisket on to make chili, made BLTs for lunch, cleaned up kitchen, and now am headed for my upstairs t.v. and relaxing chair (my version of recliner).

Sorry, WV team.

Shirley, I cannot begin to imagine your ability to cope with all the activity. I think we should begin to address you as Saint Shirley. Locked mailbox sounds good.

No fast driving for me. Victim of four car accidents involving speed, tailgating, and inattention -- I hate all three.

Are the soon to be deceased refrigerators headed to MN? If so, I know a good hiding place for them.

Jo, I hope you have a nice reunion. I expect it will warm up later in the afternoon.

Yuck, Lynn. Just think of Cinnamon with a mouth full of warts. lol

Hi Margy. Hi Dana.

Hey Jim. 100º - welcome to the world of the East coast. Enjoy!

Sun just peeking out. Soft rain drops this a.m. Looks like some rain at the nest, also.

Tried Hornby cam. Got a colored test-pattern. I thought the cams were back up?

Off to watch some feetball. BBL

Judie said...

Okay, I have finished three small loads of laundry, put a brisket on to make chili, made BLTs for lunch, cleaned up kitchen, and now am headed for my upstairs t.v. and relaxing chair (my version of recliner).

Sorry, WV team.

Shirley, I cannot begin to imagine your ability to cope with all the activity. I think we should begin to address you as Saint Shirley. Locked mailbox sounds good.

No fast driving for me. Victim of four car accidents involving speed, tailgating, and inattention -- I hate all three.

Are the soon to be deceased refrigerators headed to MN? If so, I know a good hiding place for them.

Jo, I hope you have a nice reunion. I expect it will warm up later in the afternoon.

Yuck, Lynn. Just think of Cinnamon with a mouth full of warts. lol

Hi Margy. Hi Dana.

Hey Jim. 100º - welcome to the world of the East coast. Enjoy!

Sun just peeking out. Soft rain drops this a.m. Looks like some rain at the nest, also.

Tried Hornby cam. Got a colored test-pattern. I thought the cams were back up?

Off to watch some feetball. BBL

hedgie said...

Judie, area-wide power outage at Hornby since yesterday.
You mean furnaces not fridges heading for the happy burial ground?
Margy, not a very nice birthday eve for ex.....he was close to the old gal----took her to family functions (not always good cause Christie didn't care for her at all) and often out to dinner when he and her son went out.

hedgie said...

I have made a horrible mess......taking my Frito Lay jalapeno-cheddar dip out of microwave....dropped the corning dish . Orangy-yellow cream mess splashed all over cupboards and me....and on kitchen carpet. Cleaned off cabs and me easily and Cinnamon did a job on the carpet....but discoloration evident. Tried scrubbing w/ soapy water, but gonna have to get out the little green machine.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

Just got caught up a bit on the blog.

Lynn, glad the toad survived. We used to have millions of them around here because we're so close to the Santa Ana River, but it's been literally a decade or more since I've spotted one. Doesn't bode well for our ecosystem. When we first moved here, there would be tiny baby toads COVERING the sidewalks and lawns in the spring--not any more, sad to say. Can still hear bullfrogs up at the riverbed, though.

Judie, glad you survived yesterday's festival. People can be so rude, can't they?! Hope you are able to lay low for a while today and get rested up.

Shirley, sounds like never a dull moment around your house! I agree, a locking mailbox sounds like a VERY good idea. Can't be too careful nowadays. Know what you mean about a basset hound growling--Sam and Copper get into mock battles all the time, and it sounds like they're attempting to murder each other. All in good fun, though.

Hubby and I are going to hang out at the movies again this afternoon. (Supposed to get up to 100 here today. VERY thankful that it cooled off well last night, and that it's dry heat.) We're going to see "The Town" with Ben Affleck. Looks like it's gonna be a good one. Movie review will follow.

Well, better go water the patio plants and feed the birds. Will be back later. Hope you are all having a great Sunday! :o]

Judie said...


Yes, I meant soon to be deceased furnaces (furni?) -- I plead tiredness.

Okay, thanks about the Hornsby power outage. Guess I thought power was back. My bad.

Oh Lynn, so sorry about the mess. Have done that a couple of times myself but lucky not to have kitchen carpet. What a mess to deal with.

Andy, have a nice time at the movie.

Wonder if Shirley is snoozing in her recliner?

Back to feetball. Trying to stay awake.

Lolly said...

Jim and Andy, our west coast buds, so sorry about the temp! Would you believe, 2 o'clock here and 68!!! Wahooo!!!

Lolly said...

Oh, Lynn!So sorry about your mess. That is a bummer! Just be glad you are not Laurel, cleaning up vomit off your carpet in the wee hours. Laurel said it was so bad that both she and Joey started gagging. Then, she said, they started laughing. What else can you do. (Jacob was in the shower)

Lolly said...

Just mopped the floors and taking a break.

wvgal_dana said...

not a link and I haven't read comments yet
We are on Fridays thread....there is a new thread up for Tuesday "Fresh thread"NO DATE 0 comments posted by Steve 8:50AM , A new thread up for Wednesday NO DATE says "Mid week thread" posted 9:51AM and a new thead up for Sunday NO Date "New thread" posted Steve 1:16PM. I do believe our Steve Chase is going somewhere. He might have said in blog but I'm not there yet. I hope people don't start posting on the new threads until time.

Now I'll go and read the comments. Explaining all of this lol

wvgal_dana said...

So we should use this thread through Monday Sept. 27th. Start new thread which is up Tuesday 28th. Can everyone follow that???????? It really is easy....JUST STAY OFF TUESDAYS THREAD UNTIL TUESDAY 28TH!!!

wvgal_dana said...

OK where is the rain???? It was suppose to start at 4pm today. I got my red lava rock down around plants. Finished installing the new "can't touch" light bulb in the light outside. So now that I have hurried and finished. What no rain????

hedgie said...

Yea, SKINS! Finally scoring!

Dana, no touch light bulb????

None of that makes any sense......Steve would certainly have explained.....I think the blogger cop is messing up......they aren't even in the right order for ---older day first??? I think we just need to go to the new Sunday thread and ignore the others.

hedgie said...

No rain here yet, but sky is getting heavier. Need to take trash out at halftime.....hope it holds off that long!
I think we should make the jump to the new thread.....what do you think??

NatureNut said...

You got me! I think the "Sunday" on the Thread Home Page must be for NEXT Sunday, Oct.3.
Guess we should stay here 'til Tuesday.

Anyway, not looking good for Skins--Fubby said the other team is using a rookie Qback! Lynn, sorry your game snack got dumped!
Lolly, sorry your GS is ill. Hope better soon!
Put 2 sets of pics on Blog--Surprise Birds and Park stuff. Took Forever---after all done w/set page said CANNOT connect w/Blog! AARRGGHH. They are finally there--poor as they are.Oh well, you'll get the general idea!
Need a snack or tto start dinner & check on Skins--poor as they are! But we still root for them. ☺

NatureNut said...

Rain?? We actually had some overnight--things wet outside.Sun out now, but lovely 70°.

hedgie said...

Did I miss something new? Does Lolly have another sick gs or is she talking about the one last week?? Sure hoped he would be better by now!

Okay....we'll stay here, Loretta!
Not to worry-----Skins are movin' on up! Only 1 pt. difference and just recovered ball!

Mema Jo said...

Steve put up a Sunday thread...
I also saw some others but it is confusing



hedgie said...

Skins on top---16-14. 16 unanswered points!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Following the Red Skin fan over to new thread

NatureNut said...

Guess we'll move on over!!~~~

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1/7/25 PM matin🦅🦅fish 🐟

12:02:54 PM Scout. To the original nest with food and his talons.  It's a little fish. 12:03:17 He exits the nest with his fish.And to...