Friday, September 24, 2010


A hot TGIF thread.


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paula eagleholic said...

TGIF indeed!

Hope everyone is enjoying the last bit of summer!!

Lolly said...

Getting ready to head to Dallas. Will not be back until tomorrow afternoon.

hedgie said...

Have fun at the game, Lolly. Hope Michael doesn't beat you up!!

hedgie said...

SBBC is up to 16......doing better than yesterday, but not as good as it was looking this AM. I HATE STINKBUGS. Just cannot figure out how/where they are getting in. Have not been using doors----except for basement and thankfully they have NOT found that one yet.

Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon - Another Red Shirt Friday Don't know if a storm is brewing or not - they call for rain Sunday - That is another Family Reunion

Have fun Lolly at the game. Strut your Purple!

movin said...





C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

Eagle at BWO.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

Check Diego lolling about.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Hi Jim.

Lynn, like you, cannot get the Horby cam to open. Hope that changes. Really pretty setting.

Lolly, enjoy the game and enjoy wearing purple. Pay no mind to Michael -- he'll be jealous.

Lynn, glad the SBBC numbers are down -- just wish down to zero.

Yes, Paula. I am really enjoying the last of summer. In fact, can't wait for it to end.

Managed to get laundry done and used up some tomatoes to make pasta sauce, cooked ribs, made cole slaw, peeled and deveined shrimp. Need to get ahead as we are volunteering at a local fair tomorrow and will not want to do serious cooking.

Going to pretend to be Mema Jo and put my feet up.


wvgal_dana said...

Hope you will be under a pavilion Mema Jo Sunday for the reunion.

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn is the cucumber thing working????

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Dropping in to say a quick "Howdy."

Have been busy online scheduling bill payments--what fun!(?)

Mema Jo, saw your e-mailed picture of your sweet new GGS--you've got mail!

Am about to go hit the shower. Have been busy this morning cleaning the house. When Hubby gets home from work, we're going to Wal-Mart to do the weekly shopping, and a couple other places too. We're meeting my Sis-in-law for breakfast tomorrow morning, so don't want to have to mess with doing the shopping too.

Prayers for Granny Riffe, for Karen,
for Dana and Lolly's back pain, for Lynn--sorry you've lost another retiree! Prayers for their family, too. Prayers continue for our bears. When is hunting season over?

Well, better get going. Will check back later tonight. Have a good evening! :o]

Mema Jo said...

Another TV night 8 - 11:00!
I don't know what I did all summer without them but I did survive

BBILW dinner time

Mema Jo said...

Oops! I did get your email Andrea!

hedgie said...

Another Bear update. Chock full of good info, good news, as well as a bit of sadness. RIP, Cal.

hedgie said...

Don't think the cukes are working....count is 25----which is stll much less than yesterday!

hedgie said...

Big forest fire in Jefferson Co. on the where close to NCTC...TG!

wvgal_dana said...

Well folks I'm sending out prayers for all that need them. God knows who they are.

I'm heading for the couch and putting some pain ointment on my shoulder, neck and arm.

Good night
Take care
Sleep and rest well

paula eagleholic said...

Oh my we have an eagle

paula eagleholic said...

Make that 2 eagles!!

paula eagleholic said...

Hard to see thru the web, I think one just left.

hedgie said...

Eagle(s?). Got a pic.

paula eagleholic said...

2nd one just flew out...quiet visit, just poking around.

paula eagleholic said...

Listening for the clunk, but haven't heard one...maybe roosting in their other spot tonight.

paula eagleholic said...

Ah Lynn, so you braved the web tonight. It does pay off!

paula eagleholic said...

They flew in at 7:23, got video that I will work on in a little while

paula eagleholic said...

Didn't get any sound, had a setting wrong, but there was much sound, just the crispy walking sound in the nest, and the wind.

paula eagleholic said...

Really glad I turned on the air this morning, feels great in here after mowing tonight.

paula eagleholic said...

Ah, Judie, I see you are ready for fall :)

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta feed the dogs and find something to eat, I'm starving!

paula eagleholic said...

Decided to order a pizza!

paula eagleholic said...

Did anyone watch Grey's last night? I was out and missed it.

stronghunter said...


Luna and Flash and I are waiting for Kathryn and Hunter to get home. George is somewhere around here. He's still adjusting to the changes.

stronghunter said...

Glad to learn that Granny Riffe is doing better.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn and Hunter are home. Dogs running around celebrating. George under the table.

stronghunter said...

Crisis over lost football sock.

paula eagleholic said...

Video is posted :)

paula eagleholic said...

The pizza was yummy...can't believe I scarfed down half of a medium pizza!

Sure hope Wanda and the Capt are enjoying their trip!

stronghunter said...

I have been listening to dog play-fights off and on all evening. Football sock is still missing. I am still sitting in the recliner. Kathryn and Hunter are searching. Man, has my life changed.

The recliner is my refuge.

stronghunter said...

Sounds like you were really starved, Paula. I had meatloaf, broccoli, and potatoes tonight. I was starved, too.

hedgie said...

Well, Paula, at least you didn't eat the WHOLE THING!!!
Hi, Shirley! You're a strong gal....lots of adjusting to do, for sure. If anything like what you are going through happened to mine, they would have to sleep on the extra bedrooms or beds! If I end up part-owner of a beach house, I'll just have to head there!

stronghunter said...

Yesterday, I found my car keys underneath a birthday cake that was underneath a pile of clean laundry.

hedgie said...

They are still fighting the mountain fire.....almost 6 hrs. now, but sounds like they might have a good handle on it now. water availability, of course, is the biggest issue. Wish SIL was home so I could maybe learn more info. Don't know if his step-dad is up there or not.

hedgie said...

Needless to say, the heat has taken a toll on the ff's.

stronghunter said...

Yea! Sock has been found on top of the dryer. Tomorrow is team picture day. I managed to sit quietly through the whole searching process. I always have an urge to go help, but sometimes I need to sit back and let things happen.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, your dinner sounded good too. Lots of changes for you I'm is not so quiet anymore!

hedgie said...

Shirley, is that a funny about the keys or for real?????

hedgie said...

Thanks for the nice video, Paula.

Time for CSI:NY. And then BLUE BLOODS!!!

stronghunter said...

For real, Lynn. I was glad that I thought to look there.

stronghunter said...

Now, George is trying to get to the birthday cake.

stronghunter said...

Enjoyed the video, too, Paula.

stronghunter said...

Kind of like the Cat in the Hat has been through my house.

stronghunter said...

I may need to take a day or two off to grade papers and get things organized around here. I am getting swamped.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for the mountain firefighters. That would be a hard job at any time. Especially hard in this heat.

We were driving through West Virginia one time when there were forest fires. I had never seen anything like it. We stopped to eat at a restaurant and there was a fire right behind it. Ashes were falling on the cars in the parking lot.

Everybody was acting like things were normal. I could not stand it and insisted on leaving. Kathryn and Rus were very small at that time.

stronghunter said...

We were told that people were starting fires so they could get paid to put them out.

hedgie said...

Shirley, how long were the keys missing? Was the cake what was left of K's b-day cake??

stronghunter said...

Oh, the keys weren't missing. I had put them on the table the night before and found them in the morning to go to work. It did take me a few minutes to find them. The birthday cake is one Kathryn brought home from work. I think Will piled the laundry on top of the cake.

stronghunter said...

I raised four children and there were five in the house next door. It takes a lot to get me frazzled.

stronghunter said...

George loves to lick the icing off cakes. He would really like to get to the remaining birthday cake.

Judie said...

Whew! Just made it to the computer before the sandperson captured me.

I can rest easy now that the football sock has been found. Shirley, now you know why you bought that I do hope the weekend will be relatively calm.

Pizza sounds good. Happy you have some time to relax, Paula.

Prayers for the firefighters and hope the fires will be quickly extinguished.

Going to try to watch Blue Bloods. Likely fall asleep. Too much time on my feet today.

Lynn, try to keep your heart rate close to normal if you're going to watch Selleck.

Will be at the festival tomorrow so will visit in the afternoon.

Turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in, headed back the hallway, down to tub, up the stairs, or just wandering in. Restful sleep for all and prayers for Mrs. Riffe and Karen.

Yike, here comes the sandperson!

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone. Just when I thought I might have a couple hours to do some stuff, NO. Dear High School buds in the year below us want to use my banner I made & just change the year. Had to search---thank goodness it was near stored bulletin boards.Sent thyem a pic, too w/ all the specs so they can visit a sign shop! Whew! Couple lives close to Park, so I can drop it off tomorrow.
Tried to see Puala's video, but NO. I'm just getting a big square w/tiny icon--like from internet. I'll have to call India again, they may have changed defaults or something when cleaning machine. Noticed some toolbars are gone, etc. But it's Fast!! DUH
Wanted to dwnload some other pics--the little girl hummer visitor & a cool heron at Park. Tomorrow is another day, if I am awake after getting home! ☺

stronghunter said...

Goodnight, Judie. Hope you find what you need, Loretta.

I have to call it a night and go upstairs. Puppy dogs are settled and so are Kathryn and Hunter. Doggies are not allowed upstairs. Luna likes to chew toothbrushes. She destroyed one of my electric ones when she was here awhile back.

See you tomorrow.

paula eagleholic said...

Think I am next for the sandperson! May as well give in! Catch ya'll later tomorrow after work and lawn mowing!

Hugs to all ♥

grannyblt said...

Evening eagle buddies.

This group is famous for the good vibes/prayers so I'm asking for a good thought for my son who is hospitalized with a bad gall bladder or pancreas. He injured his pancreas(and other things) 5 years ago when he was in a serious auto accident. Right now the Drs. are at the "wait and see" stage.

Thanks so much.

hedgie said...

Good show----only new one I've watched that I really like!! Love that Tom Selleck!!

Goodnight, Judie and Shirley. See you tomorrow. Judie, have fun at the festival!

hedgie said...

Most definitely adding your son to my prayers, Lynne. Sometimes those things resolve themselves without surgery.....praying so now.

Mema Jo said...

I hope all of you get a very restful sleep tonight.
Grannyblt - prayers for your son's health - hopefully the drs will get him back on the road to health.
Loretta - all your pics on your blog are great! Love the butterflies.

I am headed back the hallway
Selleck plays a good roll - just not the main character.

Good Night Everyone
Prayers for Everyone
Hugs for Everyone
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Dropping in here to say goodnight before heading for TV Land. We were pleasantly surprised by a phone call from our daughter Jen.
They had just gotten home from a football game. Courtney, our youngest GD, was in the cheer squad. Jen is going to post some videos of her, and some of Sierra, our GGD, on YouTube. Will let you know how to find them. Sierra, who's 4-1/2, is really loving swimming lately. She has a swim lesson tomorrow. Hopefully, video will follow. Will let you know.

Got our weekly shopping out of the way tonight.

Shirley, hope you get some really good rest over the weekend. Glad you found your keys, and the football sock! Yes, now you know why you bought the recliner.
Your dinner sounds yummy!

Paula, we recorded "Grey's" and "Private Practice" last night, and watched them tonight. Both were great! Glad they're back.

Gosh, Dana, hope the ointment helps.
Prayers that the pain goes away!

Lynn, sorry to hear about the fire in the mountains. Glad they're getting a handle on it. Prayers for the firefighters--it's not an easy job!

Well, need to say goodnight. Have said prayers for everyone, especially Granny Riffe, Karen, Lolly and Dana. The night light is on, thanks to Judie. I'm leaving the porch light on. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Sleep well, everyone, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Grannyblt, prayers for your son, too. Hope things improve without surgery being necessary.

hedgie said... can watch Grey's online!

Been on phone with youngest since 11. She is freezing in MN! Has heat on in her hotel room!

Good night, one and all! Peaceful rest for each and every one. Prayers for all.

magpie said...

Well there you go early birds:

An eagle in the nest...

I just tuned in...

Good Morning Eagle Pals

magpie said...

Oh dear
fly out
I think it was Liberty

magpie said...

Prayers for your son, grannyblt Lynne....

prayers for your back neck and shoulder discomfort Dana

the football sock...I thought it was one of the pets' toys (i.e. George's! )that was lost! either way, glad it was found ☺

not sure who or what I dreamed about overnight but it sure wasn't Tom Selleck :(

time for work here for me

Best wishes for a really great day, and prayers for wellness and comfort and peace

xoxo ttfn

magpie said...

oh there is an eagle at BWO now

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Kathryn and Hunter are off to the football picture-taking practice event. I am sitting in the recliner and looking at the room I need to tackle--actually I need to take care of the whole downstairs.

Susan is coming later today and we're taking Kathryn out to dinner for a birthday celebration.

I am thinking more and more about a backyard fence. The dogs are going to freak out when I start vacuuming and they do not have many places to escape to unless I open up the dining room and living room to them.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for your son, grannyblt and for you, Dana.

stronghunter said...

Grannyblt, prayers for you, as well. Take good care of yourself.

stronghunter said...


wvgal_dana said...

Service error and didn't print.
Sticking out tongue to service error ha ha I saved my comment.

Good Saturday morning in Eagle Land.

Good morning and already left for work is our sweet Margy and she seen an Eagle in the nest this AM.

I see Shirley has been on this morning and going to tackle a clean-up job.

Have to read back a few comments.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Paula for the video. I am glad I got to see them. I did "over feed your fish" ( :

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning! When the sun comes peeking through the clouds it is down right HOT. Otherwise it is a beautiful day with the bluest sky and gentle breeze. My dogwood tree's leaves are turning color but for some reason my maple is dropping some leaves before turning color ?

Here is Mason's update

Glad you got to see the eagle this am Margy. Lynn I see your pic from yesterday in the E_M album.

hedgie said...

Morning all.
Quite breezy here.
It was 27° in Ely this AM---wonder if Lily and Hope "denned" for the night??
Haven't talked to Chris yet to find out how cold it got in Chaska.

Shirley, put the dogs in the laundry room while you vacuum!

Was blowing off the deck----and the screw holes in the sides of the blower were popping out stink bugs---argh! Saw some in the storage bin that I stow the blower in out on deck---guess they were thinking they found nice hidey-holes-----NOT!

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo I hope today turns out beautiful for your reunion.

hedgie said...

Funny hi-jinx out of Mason, for sure.

Just about ready for afternoon company; Frank and Irene are coming to make our list and schedule of properties to see for the realtor.

Mema Jo said...

Tomorrow - Sun Afternoon
Like you had said earlier, Dana - you hoped we had a pavilion with a roof because of the rain forecast.

wvgal_dana said...

Good article on the horses Lynn

movin said...


Good morning, fOLKS.


C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

By the way, there's some agitated excitement at the WE nest.

I took a look at one of the videos made recently, and it definitely looks like the male, K-01, has been replaced...either he was beaten in a challenge, or something else serious has happened to him.

Check it out.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

stronghunter said...


Taking a break. I have done dishes, several loads of laundry and vacuumed and shampooed the family room carpet. Still lots to do, but a break is in order.

I put the dogs on the front porch with the steps blocked so they couldn't get away.

Dogs are back in. They are used to air conditioning, and it does not feel like fall out there today.

stronghunter said...

I have removed an amazing amount of animal hair from the carpet. Next, I need to tackle the kitchen floor.

stronghunter said...

I have enjoyed a BLT, but I dirtied some more dishes. Yuck.

Mema Jo said...

Sounds exciting, Lynn

Sounds exhausting, Shirley lol

Just put album up on FB of Baby Marcus

Meant to tell you all that my sil did catch on his 'bottom of the hill' cam a bear. He will sent it to me online on Monday. I'll be sure to pass it on!
No ribbons on this one! No Bob Cats yet.

Mema Jo said...

FYI: San Diego Zoo
Our beloved pandas Su Lin and Zhen Zhen left last night for China. We're sad to see them go, but we know they'll make us proud by continuing to contribute to giant panda conservation as part of the greater breeding population in China. :<(

Mema Jo said...

Off to bake a cake for Reunion......


hedgie said...

Oh, Jo, can't wait to see the bear. Learning what we have from Ely, it just might be "my" bear that I haven't seen in 3 yrs.!

Myrtle just made an appearance. I knew she was around because dog poo was disappearing, but she has been very stealthy! Just put out some tomato for her.

Jim, sure hope that K-07 is okay. :(

hedgie said...

Speaking of stealth----did they sneak the SD pandas out under cover of darkness w/o advance notice???

BEagle said...

Hello everyone.

I really like that video of the two on the nest.

Spidey must have left that big whole in it's web so we could have a little better view.

BEagle said...

I pulled up the BWO nest because people keep seeing eagles on it.

There's a lot of activity at that nest.
Wonder why......

All I saw was a raven jumping around and finally left.

BEagle said...

The shingles are almost all healed and gone now.

Happy to say I had no pain, just dull headaches and very sore eyes.

They itch like crazy.

BEagle said...

I checked on the Channel Island nests.
The intro to the WE nest has a picture of two grown chicks and I wonder if they are 09 and 07 (poor baby).

The nests look like they have been cleaned up a little but I haven't seen any adults for a while now.

BEagle said...

The Sidney nest is swaying in the wind.
They have an interesting view. A zoomed out view of the nest.

Nothing happening there either but at least there's stripes and film on the cam lens anymore.

stronghunter said...


Kitchen floor is now clean. It took awhile.

Wow, it is windy at our nest. The cam keeps going off.

stronghunter said...

Didn't know the SD pandas were supposed to leave, but I guess I wasn't the only one.

BEagle, glad the shingles problem is getting better.

BEagle said...

Gotta go.

Purchased a new furnace and have to clear the basement out so I can get it installed before it gets too cold.

Cold..that's a funny word. It's been so hot lately.

hedgie said...

Aha---fooled again! Wondered why Myrtle didn't come out from under the pallet when I called------it wasn't Myrtle. It was ITT, the turtle she was trying to chase off last month! And ITT is a female.

BEagle said...

Thank you StrongH.

I have a friend (she's almost 70) and her mother gets shingles about every other year. WOW. I certainly have learned a lot about the things.

I can't imagine being the mother of a 70 year old and having to deal with shingles. Gee whiz.

BEagle said...

Hedgie...would you go give Myrtle a big hug for me?

The wind is really blowing at the nest.

Did Paula say how the Three Dog Night concert go the other evening?

I haven't gone back to check any postings about it.

BEagle said...

I meant "went the other night.

BEagle said...


Checked on the Hornby nest. It's sad to even think about going there.

But they are upgrading or something so no cam view at all.

BEagle said...

I zipped through some earlier posts and I do hope everything is going well with StrongH's family.

Many posts about stink bugs. They are thick around here too.

I don't care for them either.

stronghunter said...

Speaking of cold, it is supposed to go down to 30 degrees in Ely, Minnesota, tonight. No wonder the bears are thinking about their dens.

stronghunter said...

Stink bugs were a part of our discussion at department meeting yesterday. Someone said a friend was vacuuming them up. I expect she will need a new vacuum.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, BEagle. We are a pretty tough bunch here. And we take care of one another.

BEagle said...

I am getting a wee bit anxious about getting my basement ready for furnace installation since it is September.

The hardest part will be getting the old one out. It still works but is very old and requires a lot of energy to run it.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Jim, Hedgie, Mena Jo, BEagle and Shirley.

I was in so much pain from yesterday using the computer too much. Lynn-Hedgie you know what I'm talking about. I finally after putting blue link on at 11:33AM. Went in to bedroom and layed down. Just woke up and feel a little more human.

I came to kitchen to check cell phone. Forgot to take to bed with me. Glad I checked it Mom had called.

Iris I love that you sent around the verse for the Star Spangled Banner. It is just so beautiful!!!!
Thank You in honor of my "Ed", lady you make him proud. He too was a Marine.
Semper Fi to all Marine's (Jim) I know is a former Marine. Also Thank you ANYONE that has served or is serving our country!!!

stronghunter said...

I am sure you will be happy to have a new furnace, BEagle.

stronghunter said...

Just tried to call Kathryn with no luck. I am about ready to wind down here. I do need to make beds. I stripped all of them. It will be nice to snuggle into a clean bed tonight.

stronghunter said...

Sorry to hear that you are in so much pain, Dana.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

Just got home. Met my Sis-in-law for a late breakfast. It's nice to get caught up with each other every couple of weeks.

It's gonna be a hot one here today!
Supposed to be up over 90. The only possible good thing about it is that it's supposed to be low humidity. Gonna be HOT until late next week. Yuck. Not looking forward to that. They're even predicting temps well into the 80s for the beaches--that's unusual.
Judie, I'm with you--I want some cooler weather!

Hubby and I plan on going to see "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps" today. Will report back. (At least it's air conditioned!)

Gotta go--need to really water the patio plants well. The birds need more seed, too. BBL :o]

stronghunter said...

Beds made. I should do some more things, but want to save some energy for tonight. I will tidy up a bit down here and the shower and wait for everyone to show up. Tomorrow, I will vacuum upstairs.

stronghunter said...

Hi, Andy.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Shirley,
WOW! You've really been busy! That's what I need to do--get the lead out. I ought to be cleaning closets and really getting rid of junk. I have some clothes I haven't worn in quite a while, too. You're quite an inspiration! Maybe this week, when it's going to be too hot to do anything outdoors. Our daughter, Jen, had a garage sale a week ago, and got rid of TONS of clothes that all of them hadn't worn in ages. She put a 50 cent price on each piece, and NOTHING was left! She has all kinds of closet space now!

BTW, Jen was telling us about their 2 Basset hounds, Samuel Adams and Copper Ale. Most of the time, Sam ACTS "more stupid than a box of rocks," but he really is quite smart, but stubborn. He's figured out that if he ACTS like he just doesn't "get it" he might not have to do it. He has a GREAT sense of what time of day it is, though, and they usually take the dogs for a walk at about 7 pm every day. About 6:30, that crazy dog is "in your face," and doesn't let up until they're out the door! He's quite a character. Both Sam and Copper are FANTASTIC with little Sierra, our GGD. The 3 of them are often laying in a "pile" on the floor, taking a nap together. Must look for a picture of them and share. Gotta get busy now--BBIALW. :o]

Mema Jo said...

I had a quiet afternoon
I am getting ready for Mass
Probably Pizza for dinner when we

Lolly said...

Hi all! We are home. We moved all my hanging baskets to the ground so the sprinkler system will get them, as well as moved all pots off the patio.

Had a great time. TCU won, but did not play well. I was so tired when we got back to their house that I went straight to bed and Jack and Michael sat up and talked.
Then we woke to thunder and rain this morning. Zach's soccer game was cancelled. So, we stayed until after lunch...ate out and came on home.

Lynn, you mentioned something about a bear to Jo. Has a bear been spotted in your area?

Mema Jo said...

Welcome back Lolly - saw your purple!

BEAR - My son-in-law put out a cam on their (Kris') property at the base of a hill hoping to catch a bob cat but it turned out to be a grey fox.
Kris called today and said John hit the jackpot. I thought of $$ - duhhhhhh
He captured a BEAR on the cam.. I'll have the pic or video on line Monday.
Can't wait to see it-- looking for

paula eagleholic said...

I just saw an eagle leave the nest

Lolly said...

Looking forward to the pictures, Jo. That is exciting!

paula eagleholic said...

Hope you son will recover quickly, Granny.

Lynn, I thought about trying to watch Grey's online...will try to do so before next Thursday.

Thanks for feeding the fish Dana...I never do!

I am finishing off the other half of the pizza.

paula eagleholic said...

Lions and tigers and bears...oh my!!

BEagle said...

Just finished some enchiladas. They were good. I had to use flour tortillas instead of corn but they were still yummy.

Bear pictures...yea.

Paula, how were the Three Dog Night?

BEagle said...

Wizard of Oz fan?

Mema Jo said...

The bear is exciting as long as it stays down at the bottom of the hill!!

BEagle said...


hedgie said...

Hi again! Sorry I departed abruptly. Got a phone call, then company came, and then we went out for dinner after we got our list for house hunting finalized!
Now I've gotta catch up!

paula eagleholic said...

I didn't know the panda were leaving either...not up to date on SD site

paula eagleholic said...

3 dog night was great...still havent posted my pics...

Beagle was just refering to Jo's bear pic...and that phrase popped into my head

Mema Jo said...

Lynn I hope you and your friends land one - house not fish - on your trip.
It would be great to walk in and decide it is exactly like you wanted!
I'm excited for you in your venture.

BEagle said...

The thing about Dorothy saying that phrase is that I don't remember any bears in the film.

That may be a good question for my film connoisseur.

hedgie said...

BEagle, PA Nana having to get a new furnace, too, I believe. No fun paying that bill....but hopefully will pay off in the long run. Consider Myrtle hugged!!

Shirley, did Kat have to work today?
BTW---it was 27 in Ely this morning!

Dana, glad your nap helped.

Andy, the low humidity makes SO much difference. Fortuantely, with our many hot days, very few have been humid lately, so it hasn't been nearly as bad as typical DC area heat!

Nope---haven't seen a bear here in a few years. :( Wish I would so I could get pics!!

paula eagleholic said...

Going to Pippinfest in Fairfield PA tomorrow with my GF and her hubby...never been.

And I am heading to the BEACH on Tuesday evening, back on Wednesday evening. Going to Southern MD with and old frien, where my Mom used to have the beach cabin.

hedgie said...

Check out America's Most Wanted tonight on FOX at 9pm eastern time......the prisoner that escaped down close to Dana's will be featured!!

BEagle said...

Awww. Sweet little Myrtle.

Sounds like fun up and coming for you Paula.

The furnace isn't too bad and the installer gave me a very good price.
It is sure to save $$.

I just don't know what to do with all the accumulated junk!!

hedgie said...

Power outage in the area is what caused Hornby to go down----saw it posted on FB.

hedgie said...

OMG----just heard on the scanner a DOA on my old road.....checked is ex's best friends' mother who built a house up behind ours. Just talked to Christie.....says her dad probably found the lady. She has been ill for several weeks, with no definitive diagnosis made yet. She will call him later.

hedgie said...

Law enforcement and Medical Examiner being notified...

hedgie said...

Paula, you're gonna beat me to the beach!!! We don't go until the 9th! Gotta set up a hook-up with Candy!!!

hedgie said...

Hey....only 13 stinkers today!!!! Improving----hope it lasts!

BEagle said...

Is there a stink bug contest going on?

hedgie said...

Sissy just posted:
Granny Riffe is so so much better. Ate a good supper for Drema. And Dr. came in and talking about moving her to a private room. Swelling gone down and she looks so much better. Blood pressure still hay wire but other than that better. Thank God!! And thank you for all your prayers, phone calls, well wishes. We know God answered them.

hedgie said...

Not a contest, BEagle......but I'm down from 40 on Thursday! Lynne2 calls it the SBBC (StinkBug Body Count)!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

We're back home. The movie ("Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps") was good, though not really light entertainment. It tells about the global money mess and what caused it. Has a happy ending. Michael Douglas and Frank Langella are both good in it. The plot is kind of chopped up in places, which makes it a little hard to follow. Eli Wallach, who's in his mid-90s, is good in it, too. All in all, a pretty good sequel, even though it's taken over 20 years to show up.

It's about 98 degrees here now, but must say it doesn't feel that hot. The humidity is low, so only (did I say only?!) feels like about 90. Hope the low humidity sticks around.

Lynn, sorry to hear about the neighbor behind you. (Your ex's best friend's mother?) Shame they didn't figure out what was wrong with her sooner.

Will check out "America's Most Wanted" tonight--guess this means the guy is still on the loose! Hope all of you are being really careful! Prayers that he is caught VERY soon!

Well, better go--need some kind of a snack. We took off for the movies without eating lunch--DUH!
Will check back in later tonight. Need to catch up more on the blog, too. :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Wow--just noticed the post about Granny Riffe! Thank GOD she's doing so much better! Hope and pray they get her blood pressure straightened out, but very glad to hear she's eating, and has less swelling in the broken leg. God bless her, AND her whole family!

BEagle said...

Slug vs. stink bugs. May they both lose.

Hey, do you remember those bug zappers?
I haven't seen those around for a while.

Maybe those things were really working after all.

Mema Jo said...

Catching some TV...... BBL

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, only going for a day to the beach, sure wish it was a week!

hedgie said...

Thanks, Jo....we have a lot of possibilities. A couple of real favs....hoping they are as nice as the pictures depict! Prices are quite decent.

Looks like our area report is going to be last on AMW.........

hedgie said...

No, guy hasn't been caught----seriously doubt he is still in area.

Andy, not behind my now house.....HIS house (my pre-divorce house!). Daughter can't get him to answer house or cell phones.

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone. Boy, when will summer end? The guys went fishing this am and when they came home decided it was cool enuf to turn off the a/c - NOT!!

Max & mommy arrived this afternoon and she is gathering my "stuff" for her yard sale next weekend. I could supply several sales with the junk in this house.

BEagle, we're getting our new furnace this week. Don't know how they will get the old one out and the new one in. Like yours, ours is still working, just very old.

Well, it's quiet upstairs so i guess Max is finally asleep. Now I must get ready for my chair.

Have a great evening and prayers for health where needed. Catch u tomorrow.
God bless!

hedgie said...

Lolly, forgot to say....glad you enjoyed your game! Is tomorrow the big departure day or Monday?

hedgie said...

Andy, Eli Wallach is such a good actor. So glad he's still going strong.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, hope you can meet up with Candy.

hedgie said...

Well, so much for misinformation. Not a thing about the fugitive.....Sorry!! Wonder what happened with that....

grannyblt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Christie says there was a blurb during an ad....of course, I was taking a potty break.

NatureNut said...

Hooray!! I was able to sign in w/out ERROR 503!!!!

Very busy at Park w/people, not creatures. Did see a hummingbird.
Saw something on way home that only saw once before about four years ago when we had the last summer drought. Got some not great pics, but will EVENTUALLY get them on here to explain the story.Will do comment when they are on.

NatureNut said...

BTW, older cat, Binky, caught a stinkbug in the house tonight!She probably would have played hockey w/it, but Fubby took it out with a paper towel.

Lolly said...

Lynn, we are leaving Monday morning but basically we are ready. Tomorrow we will clean house and pack last minute things. Have a baby present to deliver and Annie goes to camp. Neighbors are looking out for the house and Jany, who has lived next door since we moved here 37 years ago, is going to come over about once every week and water my house plants. Her hubby is going to keep an eye on the pond and feed the fish. So many things to consider while we are gone this long!

I will be getting on the computer each evening IF we have WiFi.

Mema Jo said...

So Binky caught a Stinky !! Must have been one that didn't have that horrible odor.

Mema Jo said...

I love your 'HUGS' avatar!

hedgie said...

I can imagine, Lolly. What are you doing about mail?? For that long, you almost have to have someone check it for time-sensitive stuff!
I don't have to worry about it for just a week....but do have to put a vacation hold on newspapers.

Mema Jo said...

Time for me to go back the hallway
Hope that WVU get more touchdowns....

Good Night Everyone
Prayers for Everyone
Hugs for Everyone
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

hedgie said...

Loretta----Frank is TOO kind....putting the stinker out to have another chance to come in...
BTW---old BF loved the Opel trailer!!! Tell this to Frank:
".I had three Opel GTs while I was in college, including the yellow one I was driving the last time I saw you.

The Opel 1900 sedan was THE car to beat in Sports Car Club of America's Showroom Stock Sedan class (at Summit Point, among other tracks). I bought several Opel Rallyes , and an Opel Sport Wagon for my ex-wife Melinda when we were married, and I sold Opels for a number of years, including a number of which ended up being SCCA race cars." Apparently he forgot that he drove them in high school, too!

hedgie said...

I'm saying my goodnights, too. Heading for the tub as soon as the news is over. See all y'all tomorrow. Prayers for all.

Mema Jo said...

lol WVU just got a touchdown.
Only behind 3 points now - going to be a tight game here on out. Still in the 3rd qtr.. I bet Norma is shaking those pom poms..........
Not sure I will be going to bed right now..........

Lolly said...

Going to have our mail delivered twice while we are gone to General Delivery. Jack has paid the $ and told them where to deliver it.

We got over an inch of rain today. Going to be in the 60's in the morning and a high in the 70's. Then down into the 50's this week, but we will be gone. Yea, for fall!

Lolly said...

Forgot to say GO TEXAS RANGERS!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Made the decision to go on to bed......
I'll check the scores tomorrow.........

Night Lolly and All Others With Open Eyes...........

Lolly said...

Bear Update

Lolly said...

My eyes are barely open. I am ready for the pillow and heading that way shortly.

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

paula eagleholic said...

Got to watch Grey's online 2 loads of laundry done, only one more tomorrow to finish.

Gonna catch some SN?L and hit the hay...catch you in the a.m.

Hugs to all ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Dropping by to say goodnight. Lynn, Eli Wallach is so old I almost didn't recognize him at first--he really is older than dirt--94, I think. But he's a force to be reckoned with! Did a great job.
At that age, I wonder if I would be able to even remember my lines for more than 30 seconds!

I didn't see anything about the fugitive in your area, either. Must have missed that part, too.

Well, gonna call it a day. Leaving the night light and porch light on.
Prayers have been said for everyone--including Karen and Granny Riffe.
The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Sweet dreams, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love all of you! :o]

Judie said...

Good morning.

Two lovely eagles in the nest this a.m. Both have poofed. Were trying to arrange a stick or two.

So much going on. Everything from stink bugs, new furnaces, beach houses, Eli Wallach, a DOA, half a pizza, clean houses, bears in the yard, and more. Seems everyone is getting along nicely.

Good news about Mrs. Riffe. I wish her continued improvement.

Dana, I hope you are feeling better. Take it easy, lady.

Festival was busy yesterday. Don't think I want to play festival again. Too frustrating trying to sell tickets for rides to parents who cannot/will not speak English, break into line, and are generally a pain in the butt.
Was really tired last night so went to sleep soon after getting home.

Have a nice morning, everyone.

Off to get some coffee and newspaper. Maybe some more sleep. BBL

wvgal_dana said...

EAGLES IN THE NEST dang blogger cop

wvgal_dana said...

gone maybe they will come back

got 2 pics

blogger cop wouldn't let password take grrrrr

wvgal_dana said...

Service error
comment did not work trying again

I went to set up my pills. Came back and Liberty is in the nest. I got two more pics.

wvgal_dana said...

Libety just flew out

wvgal_dana said...

Pics in album

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, just missed our pair...was up at 8:30, but had to let dogs out, start laundry, and most importantly, make some coffee!!

paula eagleholic said...

Wray and K51 have been at the WE nest this morning...Wray departed a few minutes ago. No one seems to know if K01 is on vacation or something has happened to him....or K51 beat him up to take over as the male at the WE nest.

wvgal_dana said...

Back---me not the eagles.

Good Morning Paula.

Prayers for Karen, June and Karen's mother. More prayers that Mrs. Riffe's blood pressure comes down. Prayers for Grannyblt-Lynne's son maybe can be relieve without surgery. Prayers that Hedgie-Lynn find beach house. Prayers for those that knew the lady that past (DOA) near Hedgie's ex-husband lives. Prayers for traveling for Wanda and Gene. Also for Lolly and Jack pulling out tomorrow. Prayers for Kathyrn and Hunter. Prayers for the 7 horses at Days End over in Woodbine Maryland. Prayers for those that need them.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn-Hedgie was there anything or not on about our escapee?

Glad BEagle and PA Nana (Diann) are getting their new furnaces.

Mema Jo can't wait till you put something up about your son-in-laws cam!!! Hope it is just not put on fb.

wvgal_dana said...

Wow Paula hope they find/see K01. Jim was talking about that I think yesterday.

Suppose to start raining here around 4pm. I hope we get rain. I just can't lug the water anymore. My body just hurts too much in too many places. So now I pray for rain.

Hedgie do you know the ladies name that was a DOA?

hedgie said...

Good morning, Momsters and Dadsters.

Cloudy and rain yet, but supposed to be coming. Pray that it does.

Dana, only know her first name is Margaret....her first married name was Storer, but don't know 2nd married name. Girls think she was in her 80's. Ex did find her----her son and called and said he hadn't been able to reach her all day and would he go check. She apparently had died in her recliner the night before.
The fugitive thing was just a little Wanted blurb inserted during an ad near end of show. Big deal!
Judie, rest up today!! Glad that you survived the festival!!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Kathryn, Susan, Hunter, and I had a very nice trip to the Melting Pot restaurant last night. Delicious.

It is raining here today. We need it, but were hoping to have a pretty day for the upcoming cruise.

I did a quick reading of the messages. Much activity out there.

Missed seeing our eagles.

I am with you on the importance of coffee, Paula. I need to buy some more today.

Bears in someone's yard? I have to check that out.

Excited for you and your trip, Lolly. It brings back happy memories of all of our RV journeys in past years.

Good for you, Dana. You are on top of the picture-taking and posting to the album. Thanks for the prayers. Kathryn and Hunter appreciate them.

Jo, who was WVU playing?

Continued prayers for Ms. Riffe.

Andy, I expect you will be remembering all kinds of things for many years to come. Think of the things you have learned recently.

Kathryn brought Lucky Kitty to live here. She was going to send him away with Suzi, but Lucky was purring so happily to be with his Mama Kathryn that she decided to try to keep him here. George has already growled at him, but we are keeping them apart. We will see.

Prayers for Karen and those close to her.

We need to go in search of a locking mailbox. Kids are still getting into ours. Will caught one the other day. He wanted to get a security camera, but I think a locking box is a better idea. A camera would just show us a view of someone getting into the mailbox. We need to keep them out.

Have a good day, everyone.

stronghunter said...

We now have four humans, two dogs, and two cats living here. It is a very busy and active abode.

Flash particularly enjoys playing with empty drink bottles. It makes him growl fiercely and run around the house. Basset growling is something else.

stronghunter said...

My dining room is Lego Land. The living room is Packing Box City.

stronghunter said...

Lynn, I enjoy picturing you behind the wheel of a race car. Zoom!

We had a business teacher who retired from our school several years ago who was really into race cars. She loved keyboarding and racing. She told me that if she had had a daughter, she would have named her Talageda.

hedgie said...

You are a brave, strong woman, Shirley! Cannot imagine how I would is Will handling the changes?? Pay special attention to George--never want him to feel that his position has been usurped by the other animals.
A locked mailbox is probably a VERY good idea....for more reasons than neighborhood vandals.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - Chilly and nasty and really not picnic weather-however it is what it is. Covered pavilion and jackets! And good food!
Sorry to all you WVU fans about game last evening - close but not close enough. Grandson going to the Ravens opener today - he is very excited.

Daniel's Multiple Panda Cam Feeds Photos and story of Su Lin's and Zhen's Zhen's arrival in China. All is well.

Mema Jo said...

Error 503 is alive and well...
Thank goodness I copied my comment..

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