Thursday, July 15, 2010


New thread.  How many turtle shells can you count in the nest?


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Mema Jo said...

Sometimes I just happen to be at the right place at the right time.
Whoo Hoo!

Costume Lady said...

Turtle shells...what a way to start a new thread for Miss Mema Jo!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread.
We bloggers usually do a count and a location for the shells in the nest every evening when the shadows have gone.

There are quite a few and they do get moved around & they all have MY NAME on them but..well you know, I don't think I'll ever get one of them.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning Wanda! Glad you heard me holler. I am going over to the older thread to read all your comments & see who is here.

Mema Jo said...

It is so sad concerning the Hornby eaglet, Phoenix. They have let the cam on and comments are still being made.

Costume Lady said...

I will repeat on this new thread, the comment Doug Carrick made about the passing of Hornby's Phoenix:
ol-di-rol: (06:41) dougcarrick: (06:16) This is sad news which nobody was ecpecting. We will keep you all informed at every step. The plan is to get Phoenix down from the tree to find out exactly why this happened. At the moment our own tree climbers will not climb the tree, having no experience with handling eagles, so we sill have to get a tree climber from Vancouver Island associated with Maj of Mountainaire Avian rescue. The timing of this is unclear as yet but again we will keep you informed. I feel the cameras should be left on for a reasonable time for viewing but I have yet to contact others in the Hornby Eagle Group (HEG) for all decisions - we don't act on our own but in consultation with each other and with the viewers as best we can. Once again we will keep you informed. Please stop chatting for five minutes so this message will stay visable for others to read. Perhaps someone can repeat this update from time to time.

Mits said...

Good Morning everyone, such sad news about Phoenix, which IMHO, is the best eagle cam out there for viewing and the knowledge you learn about eagles from their chat room....:(

Mits said...

Lynn, I'm getting both cams out there just fine...beautiful morning, with a slight breeze

hedgie said...

Steve, last count I heard was 4 shells.........

Mits, two cams???
Wanda said to click on notes, and none of the links I have show a NOTES icon......I'm giving up!

Mits said...

Lynn you have mail

hedgie said...

Awful situation nearby here.....trailer fire with multiple children trapped.......remote area.....oh, dear God, please save them.

Ragdoll said...

Good Morning Eagle Friends!!!!

OMG, My heart is so sad about Phoenix. So sudden.

Lolly. I respect your decision on Annie's meds. I also had to make a decision like yours. It's not easy, but quality of life is a big factor. I think you are doing the right thing. I saw the pictures of Annie. WHAT A BEAUTIFUL GIRL.

Love the burp cloths. So Cute!!

Lolly, Mema Jo and Wanda. I also have been blessed by God. My hubby vacuums, cooks, and he evens washes the toilets. Thank you God.

Mema Jo, it wasn't me in the closet. I was out shopping. Hummmmmm !! Who else is cleaning closets and not saying???

My GS sleeps over tonight! His room has been designed with Winnie Pooh and friends. Kohls has a big sale going on and I have a 30% coupon right now. I found a six piece comforter set of sports. I also got the valance. Great deal!! Now I have to find stuff in sports for the decor. He is going to be so surprised. He is going to be 7 yrs. in October so the switch from Pooh to sports will be right up his alley. Can't wait to see his face. :)

Well, now that I have written a book. I have to go. Just popped in to say hi/bye. I still have to start packing for the camping trip. eeeeeee!!!

Everyone have a nice day. I will try to check in later. TA TA!!

Mits said...

yes, Lynn, prayers for their rescue

hedgie said...

Trailers go so damn crews on scene now....I am PRAYING SO HARD.

Mits said...

me too:(

hedgie said...

Fire is out....they released some fire units...keeping ambulance on scene....nothing else being said.....

Mema Jo said...

Excuse my absence - phone call from Catonsville daughter. Mostly about my 16 yr old gs volunteering time with the activity director in an assisted living community. He told his mother that "Those ladies are really serious about their bingo game" Quite a few amusing stories about comments from the ladies. Of course they love him- handsome lad that he is with a heart of gold!

hedgie said...

So sorry that I forgot to post last night that Dana still doesn't have her laptop back, and her PC is very slow. She is not feeling pain meds did not work. She is using a walker. Prayers for her.

Costume Lady said...

Praying with you, Lynn!
Everyone, especially mobile home owners, need a Fire Escape plan and go through it periodically with the childen!

Costume Lady said...

Most Bingo players are very serious about their games. I volunteered a year or so with the gentlemen at the VA center (and some women too) and they all had a very serious look on their faces all evening.
Also volunteered at the BPOElks during Bingo night...serious there too and some VERY grouchy ladies:)
They all loved Gene...can't imagine why?

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - I pray they are all safe from the fire..... Margy is working 911..
Some calls are hard to deal with - hope she is okay.

Adding Dana to my prayer list.
Lynn - hope her eyes are okay but why is the pain med being taken?

Mema Jo said...

Bingo - GS say they talk very loud being hard of hearing so he hears their comments. Once a lady growl that
"He always calls that number"

Costume Lady said...

HOORAY for Jo's 16 year old GS...not many that age volunteer for anything!

hedgie said...

Jo, Dana is taking it for her neck and back.
Congrats on having a GOOD grandson!!
He'll have loads of stories to tell.
Logging off now to finish getting ready and to watch Finney as I can.
No more scanner traffic about the fire.......MTBR.

Mits said...

well FINNEY chicks are eating right now....hope they wait till they are finished.....

paula eagleholic said...

So when is the Finney banding?

Mits said...

sorry don't have time to do tiny url

Mits said...

nope my BAD....between now and 1

Mits said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Watching Finney
They are still eating......
Have not seen any ground movement..

Mema Jo said...

I suppose when Mom flies off the nest it will mean that the banding crew is there.

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - it is part of a high school requirement in Baltimore county I think. GS goes to catholic private school there..... BUT it was his choice as to what he would do.. so that speaks very well of him! Love that guy - much taller than me - I have to look up to him....

Mema Jo said...

Mom at Finney still with the chicks.

Mema Jo said...

Both mom and dad at the Finney nest

Mits said...

just read this on Finney's forum.....

Hi! The tagging operation will start after this dinner on the nest, so I heard

Mema Jo said...

Where can you see a forum that is in

Mits said...

I have Goggle translate on my toolbar, Jo, I just go to their forum and click the translate button

Mema Jo said...

No time to look for it
Mits - you keep us informed.....Thanx

Mema Jo said...

Mom left

Marvin is home from the Vets

Mema Jo said...

I forgot to eat lunch........

Marvin is doing very well so said the vet.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, Service learning is part of Frederick County requirement as well...might be a MD state thingy

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

There he is - the gold earring
osprey ringer.... He best be gentle

Mits said...

good news for Marvin:)

paula eagleholic said...

Dude with 2 earrings all of a sudden appeared at Finney nest...snagged one chick into the back and went back down, one chick still in the nest. Looks like the chick put up a fight!

Mits said...

Jo ,he has 2 gold earrings....each ear;)

paula eagleholic said...

Into the bag, not the back

paula eagleholic said...

Moved the cam back..did they put a filter on it? Suddenly pic is much darker.

Mema Jo said...

Well, ring a ding ding! lol

Mema Jo said...

We won't be able to see adults return
as it is getting dark fast.....

Mits said...

don't know why it got dark all of a sudden....sunset not for another 4 hours

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

Chicks are really large

Mema Jo said...

The one looks llike an
"attack osprey"

Mema Jo said...

Measuring and weighing the 2nd one as he is on the ladder

Mits said...

showing the tag to the cam

Mema Jo said...

Hello there!

Mema Jo said...

I think the little osprey is sending a warning.

Mema Jo said...

This is MY nest and you must leave now!

Mits said...

lol...taking pics

Mema Jo said...

That will be a great picture.

Mema Jo said...

I wish the 1st chick would get up and pose........

You think they only banded the 1st one?

Mits said...

looks like they took one out of the nest and banded it and did the other banding in the nest

Mits said...

different person now taking pics....get a load of that shirt

Mema Jo said...

That is a different person.... can tell by his shirt..... Hopefully just for pics.

Mema Jo said...

ROFLMBO She is coming at him!

Mema Jo said...

I hope to see both osprey chicks standing and get a look at both bands.
You can see the one clearly...
Are they both females?

paula eagleholic said...

Sure did take lots of pics....the cam brightened back up,now darkish again...must be the sun doing that

Mits said...

if one more person comes up that ladder...grrrr...stop stressing them...that guys shirt really stress me out....Suzi says she is banging on her monitor...telling them to

paula eagleholic said...

First one was banded on the left leg.

paula eagleholic said...

Those were 70's shirts, LOL

Costume Lady said...

I use to sell a lot of those shirts at Halloween time, but now, they are in the stores:)
That one chick was ready to fight...looked like it was protecting it's sibling:)
I enjoyed watching that...just happened to be multi-tasking and caught it!

Mema Jo said...

Welcome back Mom! You should've seen these guys - gold earrings and wacky shirts! lol

So thankful that everything went well.
I was really holding my breath!

Mema Jo said...

Okay Lynn is getting her bone scan!
I am getting ready to have a routine
sit down check up with pulmonary doc.
Hope he say he can't hear the wheeze!

Mema Jo said...

Another nest adventure.

Hornby Eagles A local climber is now ascending the tree to retrieve Phoenix.

NatureNut said...

Happy Day to Everyone in Eagleland!
Counting turtles, huh?
Been working on pics, but mostly going out on deck and watching the new, exciting house wren saga! Since the chicks in the front red barn house fledged, a male wren has been back in the magnolia tree singing away at the other cottage house.Now we hear an answering song from the red house. Sometimes we hear a third wren up the street! So, there is a big territory claim going on. After all this time, yesterday morning, we saw a prospective tenant visiting the house to the joy of Mr. Wren. He even escorted her inside. Today I saw her bring some new furniture and redecorating! Mr. W is singing away, fluttering & doing hummy chirps, flying in circles and following her around!
Gonna put some Butterfly Count pics on. BRB

Mema Jo said...

Hi Naturenut! We just finished watching the banding of the 2 chicks at Finney. All went well.

Now unfortunately we are viewing the Hornby cam and watching Phoenix being
removed from the nest as he passed on yesterday.

Mits said...

I see the climber

Mema Jo said...

I think the climber has arrived
Phoenix is so large and all spread out

Mema Jo said...

He has been taken - the climber waved as 'all is well'. More tears!

Mits said...

guy got Phoenix, gave a wave and is gone:(

Mits said...

could hear one of the eagles off in the distance

paula eagleholic said...

I am glad they were able to retrieve Phoenix so quickly.

Mits said...

still hear the eagle calling out in the background..

paula eagleholic said...

I certainly feel for the regular viewers of the Hornby cam...we all know how hard it is to have something happen to our favorite eagles.

Mema Jo said...

Headed out the door for doc's regular appointment


hedgie said...

I'm home and missed all the action. :(

Kids were all word of any injuries....apparently they are OK. :)

Lolly said...

Hi all! Got on in time to see the man retrieve Phoenix. Saw his wave and he was gone.

Whew! Yard work was HOT, but I am recovering.

I want you all to know...I was wrong! Jack did not notice the carpet! While I was showering he moved the coffee table back into the den and he put the rug back down on the carpet in front of the fireplace. The rug that I put down to cover the burn!!!! I came in and died laughing! Told him how disappointed I was in him. ☺ Told him how I had told all of you...he would notice. His comment " I am too tired to notice anything. I would have noticed eventually." lol How? with a rug covering it!

Lolly said...

Oh, Lynn, so glad all the kids were okay. Read your comments after I came in. How awful!

I missed the banding myself. Loved reading the comments.

NatureNut said...

OMG!!! I can't believe it! We've all been watching and writing about Phoenix. I'll have to read what happened.
Thx Jo, for Finney info. Maybe it's better there are only 2 chicks to care for.
Also gotta read what Lynn has reported.
Was away putting pics on...
Need coffee

Lolly said...

Yes, Paula, I really felt for the Hornby watchers as well. Watched as they removed Phoenix and was reading their comments. Tears came to my eyes. We would be devastated if we had seen that happen to Palmer.

Lolly said...

Need to go fix myself some lunch. I am hungry! Lost two pounds working in the yard this morning. lol Wish it was fat and not water!


paula eagleholic said...

I wonder if BEagle knows about Hornby. I know she watched Phoenix every day.

paula eagleholic said...

I got Finney banding video, will have to wait till I get home...

hedgie said...

Don't think that BEagle has been on here today......imagine she does know...:(

Mema Jo said...

I have returned from docs.. Only one more month of prednisone at 2.5 mg. daily! That makes me happy!!
Go back in 2 months - late Sept for breathing test and blood work for sed rate -today's was 4.
Hedgie before I could ask him he started talking about Symbicort.
Said to STOP Advair and use symbicort..
Together he said it could be toxic..
Did you stop Advair I still use ProAir & Sprivia.

Mema Jo said...

Very very thankful for the safety of the family in the trailer that burned.
I guess Margy may be able to share more

Lynn - did Dana have any needs that we could take care of for her? Maybe I'll call her this evening.

Mema Jo said...

News Alert
BP says oil from its broken well has stopped gushing into the Gulf of Mexico for the first time since April.

Need to read the rest of the article

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

Have been running around getting errands finished, so am here kinda late. It's HOT here today, and even worse, it's HUMID! Have switched to my Jamaica shorts and ICED coffee! My new avatar is a pic of one of my window stick-ons, which is in the process of melting and running down the window!!! It's made of that soft, gummy stuff, kind of like gummy bears. The other ones are fine, but apparently the heat has gotten to that one!

hedgie said...

Oh, Paula, you are an angel! Thank you!!

Mema Jo said...

The last comment from BEagle that I can track is on Tues evening.

hedgie said...

I figured you either hadn't gotten my email or couldn't do it!!

hedgie said...

From FB---new China panda:

A Mother's Love

Mema Jo said...

Andy - does it look like Slim?

Thanks Paula for filming the Finney
banding. Don't know where else we would find a video.

hedgie said...

LOL, Andy----was it once a rainbow??? Chill, gal. Hope you don't have to go out to class tonight!

hedgie said...

Jo, I wasn't on Advair.
Let me know how you think the Symbicort does. Personally, I suspect that it is what is causing my knees to ache so bad.....will discuss that w/ dr. next week.

hedgie said...

Jo, Dana didn't say anything specific. Tell her I said hi again when you call her.

hedgie said...

LOL, Jo....maybe there's a special incentive from the drug company for docs to prescribe the Symbicort this month!!

Mema Jo said...

Oh Andy I meant Slime

Mema Jo said...

Taking a break

Dinner time draws nigh........


hedgie said...

Brightly light at Finney now. Almost midnight there----Land of the Midnight Sun! Chicks are laying low---they are exhausted....not going to show off their anklets yet.

Ms Bookworm said...

LOL--yes, it's supposed to be a rainbow with a cloud at each end. Now there's a cloud at one end, and a big, drippy puddle at the other end!
I'm gonna run for a bit. Am taking my homework in to school to drop it off, and need to sign the attendance sheet. After I've done that, don't need to go to class tonight! YAAAAY! Will BBIALW...

stronghunter said...


Got home, took pills, eating a quick supper.

I have done a quick read of the blog. A lot going on today.

hedgie said...

Way cool----workers at the World Trade Center excavation site have found remains of an 18th century ship! Can't wait to learn more about that!

hedgie said...

Shirley, you better get to bed EARLY! That alarm will will going off before you know it. Have a great trip and stay safe!

Judie said...

Back for a visit.

Errands done.

Jo, glad the dr. appt. was a good one and hope you continue to improve. Also, you have every reason to be proud of gs -- especially is choice of service work.

Also, hope Dana will get some relief from her pain.

Andy, so happy no class time tonight. Relax!

Lynn, can you take half-doses? Maybe that would help with the knee aches.

So thankful the children in the fire are all safe and, hopefully, no serious trauma from the experience.

Sad day for me. Still cannot believe Phoenix is gone. Heart is really hurting.


stronghunter said...

I will try to do that, Lynn.


magpie said...

good reports though sad when reading about Hornby and Phoenix,
amusing about Finney's
glad the doctor gave you a good report Jo
sorry to hear Dana is ailing...
Lynn, hope your bone scan went okay...

not much additional news about the trailer fire...Morgan County Dispatch said the children all got out okay, and the fire was out before the first emergency units arrived on scene

have to do a turnaround and work a midnight to 8, someone at work is sick for the next five I better hit the sack now

You all take care....
Shirley: Hope your week-end vacation is glorious
Prayers for wellness...
comfort and strength in times of sadness
xo God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

hedgie said...

Almost totally dark at Fin Ferry, but still light at Finney.

Mema Jo said...

Royal Pains tonight at 10:00

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - I just know you will have a fun & relaxing time - at least you will have a very free feeling almost as soon as you are 10 miles down the road!! I'll be thinking of you in your accommodations!

Deb from ME - enjoy your Appalachian hike and camp out! Praying for you good weather - not too hot nor wet!
Have fun!

Mema Jo said...

Is it Friday morning already at Finney?

Mema Jo said...

Don't know if you can copy and paste
Short video you can also see on FB at Hornby.

It works very well.....

hedgie said...

Margy, you are probably already in bed----sure hope you aren't the only one who has to fill that open slot!

hedgie said...

Judie, guess I could take one puff instead of two of the med.

Mema Jo said...

Finally a Hummer out by the flowers on the deck - sad thing is that the ones he likes are dying! :<(

Lolly said...

Just watched the video of Phoenix after he was brought down from the nest. Tears flowed even though I did not watch that nest a lot. Just loved the tender handling of the young eagle.

Mema Jo said...

Yes, Lolly that was very emotional.
Very wonderful video... so glad someone was there to receive him.

hedgie said...

Thanks, Jo.....very sad to watch, but he was handled lovingly.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all

FYI, I am getting to upload the Finney nest did not run real smooth for me, so it is what it is...more like a picture movie...and I didn't get the last set of photogs.

It will be on my youtube channel whenever it gets done...going out for a bit, so you can check the channel in a half hour and see if it's there.

Lolly said...

Off to prepare dinner..thinking I will cook Salmon croquettes. Purchased 6 Gulf shrimp at the grocery store. Jack is grilling them with bacon wrapped around them. Price of shrimp going up! Very thankful to see progress in the Gulf.

Mema Jo said...

Was over at Hornby trying to see if adults had come back but no mention that I could find that they have.

Lolly said...

Thanks Paula!

paula eagleholic said...

Read through part of the observations for the last week at the Hornby forum. Phoenix had not shown a whole lot of interest in eating the past week. He also sneezed quite a bit...more than our Palmer. They think he was a male.

paula eagleholic said...

Uploaded quicker than I's the copy and paste, it should be ready shortly

Mema Jo said...

Lynn Check your email, please.

Lolly said...

Certainly is quiet here tonight! Dinner is cooking, shrimp were delicious. Having friends over for dinner tomorrow night. Bacon Pasta is on the menu! Then have a wedding we are going to attend on Saturday evening. Looking forward to seeing old friends!

hedgie said...

Thanks, Paula. It was great! Can't believe the guy didn't wear gloves.....for his own protection AND to protect the birds.

Judie said...

Margy, when you are awake and have time to catch up, the two birds I saw looked exactly like male hairy woodpeckers except for the black bar of feathers across the chest. They were using their beaks to to stab between the patio stones.

Shirley, I know you will be going upstairs early so I will wish you the very nicest weekend. Please enjoy being away and being with family.

stronghunter said...


Trying to find the video of Phoenix tonight. Can someone help me?

Lynne2 said...

evening all....

so sad to read about Phoenix. I didn't follow that nest except for the reports on here. We are very very lucky at our nest.

Dana is ailing? Not good. Anyone talked to her?

Jo, glad your Dr appt went well today! Marvin's too! And I think we must find out who to speak with in order to insure you get at least one of those turtle shells when they go up to do cam maintainence! Also, maybe when you come to see daughter in Catonsville, you could make a trip to Irvine...not too far from there!

SO glad the children were not harmed in the trailer fire. God Bless our Sissy...for her and Tom were not so lucky. Tears started reading that, knowing what they've been through. ((((HUGS))) Sissy!

I've been SO busy and I'm really tired so heading up early tonight. I am heading to Irvine in the AM. AND...I have a job interview on Saturday at a local vet hospital! The owner called me out of the clear blue (have sent resume twice in last few months) and actually did a phone interview. Guess she liked what she heard!

Prayers for all of you dear friends and have a good evening!

Oh, I think MY husband is the BEST too!

stronghunter said...

Thanks to all of you who have wished me an enjoyable weekend. I am looking forward to it.

I went to a meeting about the dual enrollment program today and ended up getting into a lengthy conversation with the coordinator of the program. It was a helpful conversation about promoting the program, but took awhile and put me in a bit of a rush this evening.

I got my hair cut and all prettified, then bought a couple of things. On the way home, I stopped at the library and got a couple of books to take along.

Lynne2 said...

OH GEEZ, forgot to say to Shirley and Deb....have great weekends you guys! Look forward to hearing all about it and seeing pictures, too!

Lynne2 said...

Lily update
Lily and Hope

BEagle said...

Shirley, Jo posted the video after the tree climber pulled Phoenix off the nest.

Copy and paste this web address in your browser bar.

hedgie said...

Shirley, copy and paste the link that Paula posted at 7:23.

Lynne, that is wonderful news------GOOD LUCK!!!!! Tell her we said that you are a perfect choice!

Lynne2 said...

thanks Lynn! Looks like a very cool person to work for, very involved with helping senior citizens and their pets, and working with shelters and rescues as well. Not too far away either!

Lynne2 said...

It's funny, I rode past there day before yesterday and thought, why didn't she ever call me? And SHE DID!

hedgie said...

We were mentioning the lighting at Finney----if you are interedsted, check out the Wikipedia info about the Midnight Sun:
Midnight Sun

BEagle said...

Doug asked the chatters on the chat line to hold until he could get an update which I copied below for you to read.

Hello dear Doug and Sheila. Phoenix
was removed from the nest with no alarms from the parents. When they were at the tree the female sat in the babysitting tree, making calls they could not hear, while dad, some other adults and an immature circled and circled above. Booni and wren received his body; he will be arriving at MARS at around 7 P.M. Maj (wonderful Maj) is arranging a helicopter now that will take Phoenix to the BC animal health lab in the morning, where he will be necropsied by a veterinary pathologist. The Ministry of the Environment has been completely supportive and helpful.

BEagle said...

Thank you Jo for posting the video when Phoenix was removed from the backpack.

The video of the tree climber removing Phoenix is on the cam site under hot spots.

I think there were three videos of the tree climber.

hedgie said...

Too bad the Bear Center has missed out on the other contests....:(
Good that Jewell is doing well.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, BEagle. I overlooked Jo's link. Did a quick read of the blog when I got home.

BEagle said...

I am very sad about Phoenix.

It helps to see the videos of the tree climber (brave) and the ladies that removed Phoenix from the backpack (gentle and kind).

It will also help to know what could have possibly happened to this sweet eaglet they called Phoenix.

Lynne2 said...

I agree BEagle, it will help to know what the necropsy reveals. I just can't watch the video tonight but I will tomorrow. I'm glad to hear the they were very gentle and considerate of Phoenix, too.

Lolly said...

OMG Every time I think of that video I cloud up!!!

Shireley, yes, I know your name is typed wrong. I do that every time! Just left it this time. Anyway, have a great weekend!

Lolly said...

Jewel does look young, but then she is!! I like the comment that she is a good looking bear. Looking forward to Hope being her age.

NatureNut said...

Hi Everyone. Been watching the First 48. Great real detective show.
Judie, it was you who mentioned woodpecker type birds w/black bar on chest. Sounds like Flickers---yellow-shafted to be specific. The males also have black cheek "sideburns" and red on back of head.

NatureNut said...

I'm not watching any videos---tearful just knowing.I can still cry when I think of poor little Echo at Hornby last year. Cams make us much more attached to the animals than if they were in the wild on their own.I've seen Greg at Park on cam remove dead osprey chicks from nest & it was sad, but we didn't know them long enough to get so emotional & as they say, "that's nature." And I wish I could be matter of fact about it.

NatureNut said...

Thanks for the shoulders ☺

Happy vacation and safe travels for all those lucky enough to get out of town!
Got an early appt. before work in AM, so gotta try to hit the hay early. If I don't get back,
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

NatureNut said...

Jo,something in my second set of Butterfly Count pics should be of interest to you Tee Hee!!

BEagle said...

Nature in all it's glory and at times, its sting.

Mema Jo said...

Just finished watching Inspector Morris and the Mystery Theater. Need
to Read comments..... Thanks BEagle from bringing the one over from Hornby

BEagle said...

Hitting the hay bales.

Good night. Prayers are going up.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for labeling that 'JO' for me Loretta!

Mema Jo said...

Good Night BEagle

Judie said...

Thanks Loweeda about the bird possibility. I'll look up flickers. We've been here almost 25 years and I've never seen this type of bird in our yard.

Good luck, Lynne. Hoping this will be successful as it sounds like what you would enjoy.

Nice report on Jewel and so happy Hope is still with Lily.

Turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in. Pleasant dreams.

magpie said...

I think I just missed you Judie ...sounds like Jo yesterday and Loretta today are thinking Flickers..
either way sounds like you have a couple of nice yard visitors

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - that is the greatest news about the interview! I'll have to check out directions to Irvin - their web site on FB is great.
Maybe this will be the year that some turtle shells can be brought down from the nest.

magpie said...

when I was reading earler posts about Jewell/Jewel..thought you were all talking about our Momster Jewell at first...☺

Mema Jo said...

Margy you are working midnight - 8:00.
That's all - right. Not your assigned shift also or did I misunderstand.

magpie said...

sounds like a terrific opportunity at the Vet hospital, Lynne
hope this dream comes true for you!

hedgie said...

Boston Med was good, as usual.

magpie said...

Yes, Jo, flippity-flop on the schedule...was to work dayshift Friday but this midnight needed to be covered :(

week-end could be interesting...
two midnights and 3 4-12's need to be covered, and maybe more :(

Judie said...

P.S. Googled. I saw two Northern Flickers. Sure am wishing they will return.

magpie said...

so I will wear my RED
for Red Friday tonight

Lynne2 said...

oh look, I'm still here! UGH.

My DREAM JOB would be at Irvine!

saw the beautiful amber hazy crescent moon when I took the dogs out!

And now the time is here for me to REALLY go to bed!

magpie said... are pulling a....

Hope you are feeling tip-top by tomorrow ☺

stronghunter said...

Good night, all. See you later. I will be taking my computer with me and should be able to get online when I get there.

It is so much easier to pack for just myself than it was to pack for a family of six.

magpie said...

speaking of RED
got one tomato off my Patio Tomato Plant....which I got from a different vendor at is the size of a billiard ball, well, it was, but I already ate it !

magpie said...

Okay Shirley! We'll be looking forward to hearing from you....

remember if you haven't already to pack the insect repellent

Have Fun !

hedgie said...

Just what we need in this country----another highly controversial issue being revisited: a bill has been introduced to reinstate the DRAFT!
Personally, I don't object in theory. I just think that every young person should be required to serve after HS and before college...JMHO.

stronghunter said...

Yes, it is late, but I would not sleep anyway, although I did have a busy day.

magpie said...

It should be light but things are really dark at the cam at Finney....
wonder what that's all about

better get ready for work now

Glad that BEagle checked in....
special thoughts for you BEagle, you have been a great reporter on the Hornby nest..

Hope the night is restful for all, restorative...

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

stronghunter said...

Don't think I have any insect repellent, but you reminded me to pack the sunscreen and my hat, Margy. Kathryn will probably bring insect repellent, or we might have to buy some if we need it. I hear there is a Super Walmart nearby.

Mema Jo said...

Margy - wish they could hire on more because ir sounds like the 911 is running short and overworking peeps when there is someone willing and waiting to hire on! Praying for Carolyn

Lynne Time to pass the word to Irvin about the job interview this Sat!
May get something permanent there moving for you!

Mema Jo said...

I can say all this stuff and give all this advice because I am "Retired".

I am also going to retire for the nite.

Good Night All and Prayers for Many
Phoenix is up there with Koo and Deb is watching over them I'm sure!
((hugs for all)) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

hedgie said...

Judie, glad you found out what your birds are!!
Shirley, good that you are taking puter----just hope you can connect! Have fun!!!
Talk to you in the morning, Margy. NO fires and NO accidents tonight, I pray!

hedgie said...

Have had a not-so-fun little chore that took me a couple of days to figure out and take care of. TurboTax sent notice that there was an error on Carolyn&Charlie's federal tax was basically a hazy area on their part..because they weren't clear, I inadvertently entered his Medicare premium deduction twice. So had to Amend their taxes......and it didn't make one single bit of difference as to their refund! But it still has to be sent in.

hedgie said...

Heading for tub....will check back in a little while.
For any who go before I get back: sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Getting here later than I had hoped--Sis-in-law came over, and we got to talking. You know how that goes!

Really upset about Phoenix! Feel so bad about him! Hope they soon figure out what happened. Judie, prayers for your hurting heart!

It's really weird weather here tonight. Lots of rolling thunder, and before it got dark, the sky was casting a really pink glow on everything. Hope we get some rain overnight to get rid of some of this humidity!

Am going to call it a day. Prayers for everyone have been said. Shirley, pray you have a wonderful trip this weekend! Can't wait to see some pictures, and hear your story!

The night light and porch light are on. The eye scanner security is enabled.

Sleep well, everyone. Will talk to you in the morning. Good night, and God bless! Love you guys! :o]

kickngbird said...

Oh my. Can't believe how upset one can get over the death of a bird on an island in British Columbia. I've been affected all day - found out before I went to work, and while it didn't intrude in my thoughts a lot, it did every once in awhile. Now since I'm home, have watched videos and read blog entries - sighing a lot, welling up more than I care to admit. Phoenix was looking out over the "prow" of the nest when taking a last look, then going to sleep for the very last time.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the Hornby video, they treated Phoenix very lovingly. Poor baby.

Lynne, good luck with your job interview!

Deb and Shirley - enjoy your weekends!

paula eagleholic said...

KB - it's amazing how attached we become to our wild pals. We are only human.

Costume Lady said...

SHIRLEY...don't forget your camera and binoculars, sunglasses and ALL of you pills!
Sounds like a great family time is ahead of you...enjoy!
Deb, I think I read that you are going camping...don't remember where, but doesn't really matter, camping is fun most anywhere!


hedgie said...

Wanda....Deb is going camping on the Appalachian Trail---told her to just head south and she'd be here in time for Open House!
Kickngbird, we are often faulted for letting our emotions be too sensitive with the creatures.....but I believe that God wants us to mourn any of His creations who suffer and depart. As much as He welcomes them home, He also knows that He has left a void here within us.

hedgie said...

Judie, I know how you are feeling....(((HUGS))) to ALL.

And on a happier note:


Enjoy your special day!!

Lolly said...

Fell asleep in my chair and Jack did the same. We are a fine pair!

Forgot to say earlier....Good luck Lynne, on your interview. Yes, not a bad idea to let your dream job know that you have this interview.

Headed to bed. Have cleaning, baking and cooking on the agenda for tomorrow. Baking Jack a delicious apple dessert, very similar to apple pie but made on a cookie sheet. He likes it better than apple pie!

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

LOVED Loweeda's pics! ☺

hedgie said...

Goodnight, Lolly, and everyone. I'm going, too! Prayers--big time--for many. Peace.

movin said...


GooD NigHT/
GooD MorniNG,

EaglE LoveRS.




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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...